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Quantum Computing and its advantages

By Coding Ninjas- Eshaan Pandey

Hello Readers…

“Quantum Computers can change the way the world works”. At some
instance, in your life, you would have come across this quote. But have
you ever questioned “Why do we need quantum computers?” or ‘How
will quantum computers change the way the world works ?. We never
really put our efforts to understand why it has become so vital in the
current scenario of computing. Let’s take a deep dive into Quantum
computers and understand the answers to the above questions.

Now first, let’s take a look at what are Quantum Computers.

A Quantum Computer works on the principles of quantum physics.
Basically a Quantum Computer is the super-efficient version of the
regular computers we all use in our day-to-day lives. But when a regular
computer is assigned a problem to find a solution, it has to filter
through all the possible answers one at a time, whereas a Quantum
computer can filter through one billion possible answers and find the
correct solution in just a fraction of a second.

But how does a Quantum Computer do it? Well, a regular computer

performs its operations using bits i.e “0’s” and “1’s”.But in the case of
Quantum Computers, instead of using classical bits, it uses quantum
bits i.e qubits. A quantum bit can be “0” or “1” or a combination of “0
and 1” i.e superposition of both results. Let us take an example of a
coin which has its head as “0” and tail as “1”. A quantum bit can be a
head or tail or a spinning coin i.e combination of heads and tails or a
combination “0’s” and “1’s”. This dual nature in Quantum Computers is
called as superposition which allows us to solve any complex problem
faster than compared to regular computers.

One of the reason’s why quantum computing became popular was

because of the “Shor’s algorithm”, which was discovered in 1994
by Peter Shor. This algorithm allows quantum computers to factor large
integers quickly and break complex encryption methods that are
currently used on the internet.

As Quantum Computers have an unquantifiable dual potential. The

theory is that a quantum computer can run all the possibilities through
the multiverse and get a result much faster in parallel quantum bits
than a classical computer can get a result in serial bits.
Now, let us learn about potential applications of quantum computing
that could change our lives. The quantum duality or the uncertainty can
be used to generate private keys for encrypting messages being sent
from one location to another, the hackers could not copy the key
perfectly because of quantum uncertainty.

Today we use more than 18 billion connected devices globally. The

impact quantum encryption can bring to the future is huge. Secondly,
quantum technologies could also transform healthcare and medicine.
Now in the future, the large-scale quantum simulations for drug
development can lead to treatment for diseases like Alzheimer’s, etc

Also, teleportation of information from one location to another without

transmitting the information physically is possible because the fluid
identities of the quantum particles get caught across space and time
which creates a channel for teleportation. The opportunities are

Quantum Computers can completely decipher any DNA code and

actually give us the human blueprint.

With the human body blueprint, we would be able to learn how

everything in our body works and how. Not only that we would be able
to make changes to the DNA and know exactly what it will do to the
human body.

Things like COVID-19 would've already been cured.

Really because a Quantum computer would have already deciphered
and decoded human DNA, and then by doing the same to the DNA
carried by the new variants of Coronavirus, it could develop multiple
forms of treatments. From vaccines to actual genetic editing that would
make any human completely immune to that virus.

And it wouldn't be just that virus, we could potentially cure all diseases.

We would be able to improve genetic 3D printing. Allowing us to create

cloned “parts” to be used in our body. Which would save hundreds of
millions of lives per year, and improve the lives of billions of people.

Imagine that you needed a new heart. A Quantum computer could

learn by itself how to take genetic 3D printing to the level we could
simply clone the part of the body we need. In this case, it can make you
a new heart in record time which obviously would eliminate things like
donor's waitlist.

As of today, limited success is made in the direction of quantum

computing and a very small number of quantum bits has been designed
so far. But its applications will revolutionize the field of computing.
Many companies such as Microsoft and IBM are investing billions in the
development of large-scale quantum computers as quantum computers
today are not powerful enough to run the quantum algorithms which
have already been developed in past.

That’s all for it today.

Thank You for reading

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