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Hello everyone, my name is mohsnain and my partners name is Talal.

I hope you all are doing well


Today me and talal will be talking about || The quantum innovation in cyber security. And in this topic
we will be || going into detail about:

- what are quantum computers?

- How are they different from normal computers?
- How Quantum computers are used for better encryption, decryption or other asks related to
cyber security.

|| What are quantum computers?

Okay imagine you have a coin. Now the coin will obviously have two sides, a head and a tail. So normally
there are only two definite options. But in the case of a quantum computer, there is a third option. It
can be head, it can be tail and it also can be both at the same time. And as you can imagine, this allows
the quantum computers to do things normal computers cannot.

quantum computers typically operate at extremely low temperatures. Many quantum computing
technologies, such as superconducting qubits and trapped ions, require temperatures close to absolute
zero (-273.15 degrees Celsius or -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit) to reduce thermal noise and maintain the
delicate quantum states.

|| How are the quantum computers different from normal computers?

As I told you before giving you an example using a coin, ill tell you I technical terms not how it is
different from a normal computer. A normal computer uses bits to solve and do everything it does. Bits
being either 1 or a 0. In the case of a quantum computer, it uses a qubit or also known as a quantum
bit. These bits are special because they can be 1 and 0 like a normal computer but they can also be both
at the same time. These qubits are connected to one another on a molecular level so their reaction to
changes in one another is also faster than a normal computer. This behavior is called entanglement.

Now you will be wondering, how are these computers useful in cyber security?

That’s what we will be telling you going forward.

|| Uses in encryption and decryption:

If a normal computer used to encrypt or decrypt something, it will use large complex math equations
that will take huge amounts of resources and time. But if a quantum computer is used, due to its unique
nature, it will only use a fraction of the time a resource a normal computer would use and encrypt or
decrypt the given task with ease.

|| Advanced Threat Detection:

With the help of the fast and efficient computing power of quantum computers, Quantum computing
principles could be applied to enhance threat detection capabilities. For example, quantum-inspired
machine learning algorithms could be used to analyze large datasets for patterns indicative of cyber
|| Secure Multi-Party Computation:

Quantum computing could be applied to secure multi-party computation, allowing multiple parties to
jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private. This could have
applications in secure data sharing and collaborative cybersecurity efforts.

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