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Summary is a comprehensive and usually an opinionated abstract, recapitulation, or

compendium of previously stated facts or statements.

2. A restatement of a text or passage giving the meaning in another form is a summary.

3. The main idea is the most important or central thought of a paragraph or larger section of
text, which tells the reader what the text is about.

4. Summary should always include main ideas, key points, and supporting details.

5. When we summarize a text, we are restating the main ideas of the text in as few
words as possible.

6. A good summary should be supported by your own background knowledge of

the argument or topic of the text.

7. You can also summarize a reading text by getting the main events and
arranging the events in chronological order.

8. Key points may be developed or elaborated with supporting details.

9. Summaries should not include opinions.

10. Supporting details are not included in a summary.

Directions: True or False.Write T if the statement is true and write F if the statement is false. Write your answer on the
space before each number.

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