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Pre-Discussion Activity/Assignment

Subject: USELF113
To be submitted to: Prof. Baby Alexis Carlos


1. How would you characterize your “self"?

Answer: I am an introverted person who loves nerdy things like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings,
and Board Games, I am passionate about Jesus for I am a Pastor, I love having deep
conversations about life, I am always curious, tender-hearted, and I am a loyal and reliable friend.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes your “self”?

Answer: I think what makes me stand out from the rest and made me who myself today are my
passions and hobbies in life, my curiosity for I love doing and exploring things that I haven’t tried,
and lastly my faith, for I will not be who I am today because of Jesus and His love for me.

3. How has your “self” transformed itself?

Answer: I think the biggest factor in my transformation is my faith in Jesus, I have been through
many circumstances in my life that broke and built me into who I am today, and because of my
faith in Him, I learned to be patient, grateful and appreciative in everything that comes to me no
matter how bad the situation may turn.

4. How is your “self” connected to your body?

Answer: Myself is connected to my body in how I take care of my mind and my emotions, as
Proverbs 23:7 says in the Bible “ For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”, for whatever I think and
speak, it will be the actions of my body, and if I let my self be stress about many problems, it will
definitely affect my health.

5. What will happen to your “self” after you die?

Answer: I will definitely be remembered by my family and friends, and I will be with the Lord
forevermore enjoying my salvation with Him.

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