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B1 Vocabulary


4A Ticket to ride!

You need to go through security to get entry to the airport.

When you arrive at the station, you will have

into a taxi to travel to the hotel.
to get

When I arrive at the hotel, the first thing I want

for a swim in their fantastic pool!
to do is to go

We have seen everything interesting in this city;

on from here and go to our next destination!
it’s time to move

If you rent a car, it will be much easier to travel around the island.

I don’t like to spend my holiday in one place. I

to the next adventure!
stay somewhere for two days and then move on

I am saving up so I can take a trip this summer.

We have to go quickly – people are

on the bus!
already getting

Venice is so beautiful! I can’t wait to go sightseeing when we arrive!

I must say, flying is my least favourite form of transport.

I would much rather go on a city break than go hiking in the mountains!

A: Where did you buy those earrings?

stall when I was on holiday last summer!
B: I got them from a small market

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