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Learning about language planning, isoglosses and dialect boundaries,

regional dialects, sociolinguistics, and speech style and style-shifting has

given me a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between
language and society. Language planning, for instance, has made me
realize the ways in which language can be used as a means of social and
political control, and the significance of taking into account the rights and
needs of minority language communities in language policy decisions.
Isoglosses and dialect boundaries have highlighted the diversity and
complexity of regional dialects, and how they can be used to comprehend
language change and variation. Sociolinguistics, on the other hand, has
helped me to comprehend the relationship between language and social
factors such as class, race, and gender, and how these factors can influence
language use.
One example of how my new understanding has changed my behavior is in
my interactions with people from different regions and backgrounds.
Before understanding the concept of isoglosses and dialect boundaries, I
may have unconsciously judged someone's intelligence or education based
on their regional dialect. Now, I make a conscious effort to listen carefully
and understand what they are saying, instead of focusing on how they are
saying it.
Similarly, my understanding of sociolinguistics has helped me to be more
aware of the ways in which language can be used to reinforce or challenge
social hierarchies, and to be more inclusive in my language use. For
example, I now pay more attention to the ways in which gender, race, and
class can influence speech style and style-shifting, and to be more
respectful and inclusive in my interactions with people who use different
speech styles.
In conclusion, learning about language planning, isoglosses and dialect
boundaries, regional dialects, sociolinguistics, and speech style and style-
shifting has allowed me to acknowledge and appreciate the diversity of
language and society, and to be more mindful of the ways in which
language can be used as a tool for inclusion or exclusion. It has also
assisted me to be more conscious of my own language use and to be more
respectful and inclusive in my interactions with others.
The Study of Culture course has been very productive and beneficial. The
course presents students with a wide variety of topics related to culture and
its impact on society, ranging from literature to media to global politics.
Assignments also aid in understanding and analyzing complex topics in
various ways. In short, this course provides an engaging and informative
experience suitable for any student interested in the study of culture.

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