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4 . 1 Basisof When you look around, you will obseive different animals With differei
ClassylCO.ti on '"
structures and .forms .. As over a _million species of animals have"~
described till now, the need for classificatio n becomes all the mo1

4 .2 Classlftcati on of . _inlportant. The classificatio n also helps in assigning a systematic positi~


· to newly described species.



spite of differences in structure and form o~!_ffere~t animals._2:1~re ~

undamenta l features common to various individuals in relation


arrangeme nt of cell~. b ~ y s ~ e~~~i- e_ ofcoel?m. p-att_e___.

digestive.' circulato~ ~e_productiv~ sy;stems. These feat~res are us
as the basis of a.niinal classificatio n and some -of them are discussed he

4.1.1 Levels of Organisa tion

Though all members of Animalia ·a re multicellula r, all of them don
exhibit.the same pattern of organisatlo no fcells.For example. in s on
the cells are arranged as lQos~ ell agg_r_egates, i.e .. they exhibit cell
level of organisatio n. SQm_e division oilabour (activities) occur amo
the cells. In coelenterate s, the arrangemen t of cells is more complex. He
th~ells performing the s:;une function are arranged into tissues, hence
called tissue level of organisation . A still higher level of organisatio n, Le.
organ level is exhibited by m embers of Platyhelmin th~s and other high
phyla where tissues are grouped togetliertof orm organs, each specialiS
for a particular function: In animals /~e_µ~ ~· ~o.po.9s . Molluscs

~~~ -
"' 47

~chinoderms and Chordates, organs have

associated to form functional systems , each
system concerned willi a specific physiological
function. This pattern-is called organ system
level of organisation. Organ systems in different
gr~ s of animals exliibit various patterns of ·
comple~itl~S. For ~ple, th_e di~estiye S)3,tem
_in~ helraj!}thes has only a single openin$
to the outside of the body that serves as both
mouth and anus, an~ is hence called
incomg~te. A complete digestive ·s ystem has
two ogening~_, mo~tJ\ cyid anus. Simila rly.the .
• ~irculatory system may be of two types: Figure 4.1 (a) Radial symmetry
(i) open type in which the blood is pumped
out of the heart and the cells and tissues are ~
directly bathe~ in it an?~~~""~,.~-c.e~~, : .
7>4 .
(u) closed type m which
~1)') 1~
tlie olooci \L'-\()1' ~ . I
is circulated
' ...
through a series of vessels of varying\diameters
(arterfes, vems anti cMl~ ) . • .. .,.
~"; ~ •1"6.lcbf>6Q t1'MU.US~I
4.1.2 Symmetry
- ~Sc.rn~ C"fo/ -'c::i< ~
~ can be cate rised on the lfasis of their3/~10D,m"'r:;;fi-....__-:;-:::::::;~ 4 ~ ~ ~:::--=---
symmetry, Spgng are mostly asymmetrical,
i.e., any plane that passes'ffirotign 1ltecehtre
does not divide them into equal halves. When
' any plijpe passing through the central axis of ·
the body-,divides the organism into two identical
halves, it is called .___.....,. r·a dial,.-symmetry
.· ~-- .,
Figure 4.1 lb) Bilateral symmetry
Co~lenterates, ctenophores and echinoder~s
have this kind of body plan (Figure~·4. fa).
Animals like annelids. arthropods, etc., wbere . •! . .
the body can..b_e_d..,iVl
~-,...a.~-e d~ in'"to
:"- :-,
id;-e~tical left and
rigi.~ h~ ves ip o!)-l_y_Qne pl~n~ exhibit biiate.. i=;.
symmei...._ ry (Figure 4. lb) .
4.1.3 . Dlploblastic and Trlploblastic
Animals in which the cells are· arranged in two
ei:g.bryoni~__l~ ers, an,s;qemalect~derpi an a
an !!ite~ al...e~ o~ . are called c_y~b~!~!!':. (a)
animals, e.g., coelente@tes. An U?diff,;rentia~
layer. mesoglea, tf present in between the Figure 4.2 Showing germinal layers :
ectoclerm ari~ the endoderm (Figure 4.2a). (a) Diploblastlc (b) Triploblastlc
~ . - - - - ~::-
~~ ~ • t,(- :- ~ " (

- ~

t' 1 '~ ~ ~ tJ ~
~·t 7

11tose an tm als tn wh ich th e
de ve lop ing em bc yo ha s a th
_. ird g e ~
111e10 d ea ua , in be tw ee n th e ec to de rm
an d en do de rm ar
trlploblaatlc an im als !£la9:7h • C
elm in ~ ~ ~or da te s, Fi
gure 4,lb).

4. 1. 4 Coelom
Pr es en ce or ab se nc e of a ca
vity between tht
wa ll an d th e gu t wa ll is
. cla ss ifl cit to ;, Th e bo dy
ca vit y, wh ich ts
by m es od er m is ca lle d
co el ol il.

po sse ssi ng coelom ar e ca lle
d coelomat9'
~~ <! .sz ~ o~u~ cs , ar th ro

(a) po ds , ec hin od
(b) he~ ch or da tes an d ch or da
tes (Figure 4.
so me an im als , th e bo dy ca
vi ty is no t lined '
mesoderm, instead, th e me so

sc att ered pouche s.i n be tw ee

de nn is preS:elt
n th e ec tod'~
en do de rm . Su ch a bo dy
·- ca vi ty is ca l

pseudocoelom an d th e an im
als po sse ssi ng
ar e ca lle d_ ps eu do co
~ --
aschelminthes (Figure 4.3b)
el om at eai, e,1.,

Plgure -4.S Diagrammatic sec . Th e an im als tn

tional view of : ~-wh
(a) Coelomate (b) Pseudocoeloma ich
th e bo ~ S~vit y is abse_nt ~e cal

.. ~ c tl rr ~ ¼~s-~ +h
(c) Acoelomate
te acoelomates, e.g., platyhehnin
the s --
igu re 4. ~ ,

1' ('C so & .Q ._ ~~

~~~.DJ ~~ ­
+ru ..l~
4. 1. 5 Se gm en ta tio n (~d~ - ~ )
CC N). .-1~
.c;,."b1l'<O'ac) ~
~'P~ t ~
In some animals, th e body
is externally an d 1?ternally
l\ t1U .b~ J segments with ~ a !.r~p_et diVided into
~ 1'~<-d. m ition of at le~ so..T.e_or g~ s.
earthworm, th e body shows Fo~ ~ p ie , in
t \ ~i ~ s _
thi s pattern called metameri
•~ an d th e phenomenon is know c se gm en tation
\I' ~
, c;. --\o.>.nl ~ - -~ ~ ,. o~ n as me ta me rls m .
~~ ~p a: t~, -~
~ ~ lS ~
~ Cb wl aU _a g~
~ . ~" ""- CJll
i 4.1.6 Notoch: : .::, r"' •l'"' ruu, ·
rCl .~ ~ No
tochord ls a tn - -
" ~ "' ~ - c m ~ ... ~ derived rod -like str uc tur
I ~ d~ o. ) ""- d
\~ ~ orsal\stde-during embryonic e fonnect
development in some animals ~ fu
notochord are called chordate . Anfina1~ .e
s and those animals whic h do
structure are called non-c n ot ti s Willi
- -- -- - - - - - - - - -- ".
hordates, e.g.. portfera to ech
inocterrns nn thi s

The broad classiftca'tion of An
imalta based on common fun
features as mentioned in t,he d
~ preceding sections tsgivenin
~ nt al
-~~ ~
4'1 . . ·• ~~ llll O l*W,J•·
ot;J"'' 1bl ' ± ~~ a1~ ~ J
• 1

(! ' ) ~ ~ l Wts"'~
:n,.;-,--r~ ~ 1N-~ ~ LU,Q.uJ"( ~
"ncr, L:~ J j
--,, ~A ' '17rt>~~~.,. . .,- ~ !n~
' ~ ~--l e' ~fl- lJ~~nt1ru
t\"trtd- ~ ,
~ --z]\04
.11 -~ ~ I £t.Q4- j ) v. • -- - -: -

• t'-J"'r< Ji"'m. '>iu crrtl.MIA ..S-"'""'1J °t' ' t, ~ "' clo,hj / -j''"'":J • T;,,111:>o/~ _,__
Lev s of
,/ V ~ ~
&ngdom Phylum.. ~
OrganisaUon Symmetry Body Cavity
or Coelom . ,,~ ~
Cellular level mostly asymmetrtcal acoelomat.a J..
- --...;.;.:!..~~ :.:::::~:..=:~~ ~-_ :_- Porifera n4~~ ~ .
Co~lentcrata • ~ ~~ ~,.\ ,
• (Cnidarfa) .c.aful s ~~
· Anlmalia Radial acoelomata
(multtcellular) ---..::;;;:.:::::::.::,::::.__ _~[ Ctenophora Lt~> 1/C• >
Its ~
Tlssue/Organ/ Without body cavit y- Platyhe
.organ system (acoelomates)
~ ~Qlo-
~ ~- ·
With false .coelom - AscheJmJnthes
~ ~ "' Bilat eral-- (pseudocoelomatcs) . ~ '"~2"'1151~ k ,
o. ~i Tv-\'Y'I\ l~ec
f'IUt.~ ~()~·. Ae.~ oil
~An nelid
'"~ Ol("I , , ..,. · With true coelom Mollusc
t l1'#6Y"'oD ~ e..i3 ~ (coelomates) •Echln
,rdl~ :. (f"",QdJ~ J--rs Hemichor .
':,,' Clll"'I l\'\~ •ri,,'lJ.t'O::fe
:,t\ / ~ ~ 1r
·. ~ \su>irrcn~ ~ ~-e.-Q ~ Ca,..,,,~+o.a.b), 1-4.tRDJ Chordata
,U ~ d\SPtrs ~ ;- spio·t., - I .
~ odermata: expibits radia}_~ il~ ~ ~ d; pending,!n ~ stage.
Figure 4.4 Broad classification of Kingdom Animalia based on coniiiioit fundam
The import ant charac teristic feature s of t h ~
. · ~
· ,t-,q
~ ~
~ ~
ental feature s
ba~ ~ { ct.u~t ~'ttj ruy

1'SF. ri~
.J i ' }~ '"°'~
different phyla are describ ed. dJ..UI

4.2. 1 Phylu m-Po rifera f~ ©d.o. Hf©~ 'Wi ) ~f\ dlli

M2 ?~s p~Y~iri) p~y~~~~- ~~' - ,l)Qm 1
1~ ' . \ dtR

!8-spouges. They are en ; ....~ and m~~.!!¼

as~et rical anim s 4.5). These are
P=rimitive multlc~ll- ;i
levefof org.µii sat·
sand have cellular
onges have a water
transgo';;l: or c • Water ~~\Sr ~ µii-9.~g~·
minu~ res (os _,___ .~.ll<t4Y.JV...Wl_into a c~~
cavity, spongo rom where it .~~. .s. ~_Jlt
_ OU J:tg~~ufti~ , This pathwa y of water
transport is helgful ~ erl_!lg, res~iraJ pry
e~ ange and ri!m~ of wast_~. Choanocyte (a)
or collar cells line the spongocoel an~ th~ c_;mars. .f-t! •
.qqon ~ lntracellylilr.
~ 2f
is su.pp_orted ~ '°"
!11~ <!Y.
_by a skeleton mad~ s
~•- Sexes ar~ ~p~ a- ap~~~\! l,
i.e. , eggs and sperms are pr y the same
individual~ qn.ges reprod uce asexua lly by S
~ 11.t atJgn_""a nd s exual!x by· f6rmat ioh-9f
~etes . Fertilisation is interna l and devdes ,me!
: (a) Sycon
fiiiliFl~ ~;'r liaving a l~rv~L_:,tage which is Figure 4.5 Examples of Portfera
(b) Euspong ia (cl a
.,. !'PhologJ®Ix distinct from the ad~!- ~ Spongill

~ ..\,- bU-dcli ' .'
~ ~ ~-le.J>' ~ ' -,r-0.{~ . ' {!f\1 4~ ~ ),
(!) "'-<q :...-, ~~ ~ ~ = -..-) ....... . .-

~ ' ,. . CL· ~ NBllt lBI. ..

. .s m, I
C)bt JJ-O ~
Ct) th. ~
~1\. loJ ,
f~d t..-r r (~:deffN.!)
i ~ib -~ W h .
e. __,
..\-- ~~ trm
~ ~ .. ~ ~~i~
Sot .i'4 .Q; ~r~ ' f
. U.
~~ ). •
~c.t A. ~
, ~
' 5
' .r...~~~StC'l,S~~
uio- ~ ~
I @ _i'.~ -C Mf ld a..u..~
se ~ c.tJ.>..J O - -- ·
.- - - -B.10
(D ~ ® cr,·dD
~1t' f\
rm,\ ~ ~ ~ ~~
m ~ 7'~
Examples:..Sycoi1J~c ~a), S.£;:.,_ngilla (Fre~h w~te r sponge)
~d E~~
~ ~ ~~ ~ (BaU1 spo~ge).
•'d -~,(j _.- ..- '-.

-f~= '"
~~~~~ trr,t.D I;"""'~

, ~ ~.~ .~
su~u rpi<' q nto~
fiN"""' \~ p~ ~ ~~ )elentetat~ ~

d,o~1'~ib. f ~at s O--' ~N' lrn: u-j

They are a3u~tiJ, mostly ma C, s:ssi le or free; sW4n
symmetrica l anim als (Figu r~ 4.6). mt"
\S 6 -{I) ___., ~~
- -H !4/l4- ~~
1ne nam
l1F ;~
mi!38, radia lly
e cnida ri~ is deriv ed fr-om the
t '--Xu ~~
.1~ ,
~ 4- ~ .u ,~
~ ~ r, d..lrect""·
t.v ~ · · .

l.odo'("('\f.~b l\ 'o/ mt111J '>C>fY'O~ ;, ia'-~'dl ~ Y\..Cc l~ f ~ · t'-bS

.c,- ..~ ~ a.~ ~ ~ «~ l.11\•'Se,w,al -.,.
~,~ ta.~ mu~'"'"' " ~
8 a -Slid.
~IA ~

~ If'~ • ,bl
~ m
~ ~u~2-.>

~~ _, ~~
~ gj s<'.. IA>z
't)q l)
~ 1'\+to.reQAu..Dir,
~. !W"(l 'nJ f.)
~'N.Od. ~' ·,~ . ~~ ~ :.;,---,,-----. ~ .
~ ~~l\l1l\~
~ldA EJ
. bJ. ~ ~~ ~
~,otl ~~
~•+f l . ~~
. -·
~ ~ ~
- ~- +----+-=~ · _ __:Oa

. ~ <'0 11 ~ ~ 't-,. lf\ 0 ~ -\N --.
04;~ 'c_ rft$.lS\ft.
~ ~
~ ot° ~'f,. }).._-,.
I _ _ ' . : : , -~
Cfh'do~ lS dN1'd ,d 10H) (.q'Tl\J
') ~~
~ s- -{ .,. ·
l~ ~~'W ."t- ,, kJ:le - ~ ~ -
ls-~ ~ + c;e.t9, IILUW "~ Q)t .+ -

I - .. • ft-
\ ~) 'l(ch1~ f't ~ s ~ ·
~..,. ,_... · ~ . . ·
\.. c )
i'S'Oll er • ~~

. (a) . .
• ~~ <4\,,'ol · ~
..,_ A ~
(b) Ne.~ ~ 'h.r\11T'ol. .k

C.:::s ,, Figur e 4.6 Exam ples of Coele ntera ta indic ating outlin e of
~a.,t,(' uo ~ •
their body form :
N"<rf'i'ru ~ (a) Aurel ia (Med usa)

(b) Adam sia (Polyp) .

. ll ) ~ - \"0-W 04\ ,~~ ~
. ·
. t~Q c.~ ~t~ " C'T"- fr s,~
cnigo blfist s or .s_u ~es- (whic h conta in the sting
ing .caQ§l.lles or
~~ ~ t i ) ' ;.!: .,.~ · ~

nema t?cl1lts) prese nt C?n the ~ ~es_~d the boq~ Cnid

_ ~ ~. -·· . oblas ts are used
for an..stioi:,~e. defense and for ilie capfu re of prey (Figure
► IX.- ~"'4ol-- OU'IM-al~ 4 . 7) . Cnidartan s
.:-~ QJi
. r - -
~ . exhibit tissue levei of organ isatio n
- cul~.. _ .,. ~ andare
diploblastic ..They h ave a centr al .
gastr o-vas .. .ng, mou th on
with a singl e operu -· e.
-rml~ hypo stom
~z ~ Digestion is ~ ~ ar an g intr! ~ul'?r-.s o~ ~ ~nid~a n's7 e7:'" '
co ra_!s' have a ~,!_on compo§t.d of ~ tpi~ arbon ate. C,!!!d
II \' ) ,1...
~ 1<i~o.rd 1 ~~ ,~
~r- ~ob~~b2.9y.!£..J'!IlS c~ed o . and ~~a (Figu
artan s exhib it ··
re 4.6). The former ·
1s a se~sile and cy~in~_n :,.a l fo likil i~dra,_ Adam sia._ etc. wher eas, the
~a~ Figur e 4 ~ · latte r 1~ u mbre ~a-_spa,ee<! .._1ree- s ~m g like_ 3ur:1 ia or jelly fish.
\o&d --.~ Diagr amma tic view of Thos
e cnid arian s wh ich e sU1! ...12_oth form s exhib it alter
""" ,se~ ,Cnldo blast

_ .,:; ";:: ;::, ~~ -~
~,: .- , .
gene ratio n (M~~ag~_pesis). ·.e., p<>ly ps prod uce ll)ed usa
mecfu sae form the polyp a 021\W!Uy~1;ieUa). ~
Examples; Pltus alia I P ~ s e man-of-wa r), A~
asex ually ~ .,.
~ - ·
· ~ ' · ..1:':'.'; lul~
a (~ anem one}.
: -: en) :....Gorg£!:ia (Sea-.!:!n] and Meandrina raJn coral
obth·o ~ S'Ui ju-il . Q-rn ~ ((\~'7on-~ N~ ,vr n
t! ~S
- ~ ~ ~ ~(Vi
_ st l . __. . .
~c ~--, di~,
·~ -
hores. commonly known as sea walnuts or comb JeWe1
· elrlcal , dl,p_loblastlc
- --,s...-.,,-.-ioiitliliiiiiiii__,tl
._ on. The h6dy bears
\.i~~~~~:'::"T's~ffl'=~~~~;;.;.:; ea, which ~ ln
extracelliilar and •
int.race a r. o um nescence e property of a living
organism to emi{ ll h ·

ol,s, ~ bcdH ' uair:rA.l ~-
~04..S Q

- ~ .
To orso-ven e are called
flatworms trfgcne 4.~J. 1 ese are mosuy en oparasi$S found -~b._._~'" '~ ,. tr ~ '
~ ,s ~tl.4J
in animals includin human - ~ :::::::::..;..,._ s are bilaterally u c,. ;::;~ ,
symmetrical, ~ ~ :::;::~1~it~~ witho ~:;.&.n.L.:.a.=.i...:: ~ ~ ~ ·-~ - .
level of organi J'f-!;~1"'1~si .Ili::.tir="'"~ ~ • xamp e of ( ~ ~ " ' \
· form ,;;,-,~!liffl~ ;;:;;~~~TiriPii~~mlrFi .r·~ Hic-~ Ctenophora . ~d)
alled~ GI~ ~ (fl!Wi~ c~ ~ s.~~ I
~ -t:ttus ~~
ough ~t:,t:,.O ~
~ \n'fhi~
,4 J
r-_r .

a Ta e worm (b) Liver fluke

( ~i~
!'f£P;. a~Z 'Qt-<i- - : ? ~ :;'ni chil'vU ~ sa\ -ritt\· u, T "c. ~ ~ ~ 1

tl"t'rt~f!l'~~ s ~ ,N(l<N. · ~ wa.U-, ,.._ err

- 12
. ACtolf1scn~ ( ~ ) o~ : Qtwc.w.oc .s ~ U " ~ :...., -'»ct~

~ ~ ~l U ~ nil'CMf ~i•~~~ ~ i'+f"' •~ ., .-ti):,~ . ~e

~kliii: liil.
~~ • ~ --_
._.__t,n. MN\
~c)'I ~ bCO.r1 J.. dO ™c.10
1nN r rr&'l'A!'" ~ S(~~ ~1'Uo-l · ~,~
~ l~~',s-~@ -~ ~ f " - - I I " \ ~ .la, IJr/ ~ 6'Y'
s,•&t._. \+•, ciUJrno-.u.f1wt'
~ - JCt.!slt I~ - ~ .;;:_~,'o:1 °o.1:"~ 2 5 Phylum -AachelmJnthe1
d,::t\ ( . l ~, ~ l ~~a-· of~. A
I) s, !1. o",tii - -~;:;:u;;;;, ~~-, -tt.t "'- Tuel body of the aschelm1nthes 1s circular ht
(~ Q.. .c ) ~ '---¥JU~.... C •~ · cross-section , hence, the name Toundwonna'
. ~ ~ n~ " · ~ ~ (Figure 4.10). They may b_:_freeUving, aq~attc,

~;~ ~
r- _,.,_
' ""'l'-1• ·~
..~.....__ ~ citvd -
,,...- ,__--.

m.hM - t ~. and terrestri.!! o~ i t i c in pl~ts and anmials..
Roundworms have organ-system level of body
organisation. They are bilaterally-symmetrical,
• • ..,_.,-- utt ,' dl r --...--,...,-
• ~ ~di~ 1"81 h>-. ~ triploblastic and pseudocoelo mate animals.
'~vc. --, .P"'f~,
.' f1*Qof\l~ \S 'llbUJ~
r(\qw ffUI.Wq Alimentary
- ·- canai is .complete - ~ with a well-
., , " ~ ~ . . developed muscular pharynx. An excretory ·
:T ~c":
..~ ~
~ .·tD
~ ~••:fi!i!ifuolW}_the
Ltio. ~tuoe re§_ov~ ~ dy wastes f!o~ the bo~ycavity-

exsretO!)'.Q!?re. ~ • are sep~
S' 1'c:l.. ~~ • at~ tcler---1 .,. (dioecious}, i.e., males and females 2!_e dis~ct.:.,_, i'o..s Often females are longer than males. Fertilisation

'"1f!i:: -1
~~~~~ Female
n a1e <;\,,'
~~~e!!!... - IA
is intemal~ d development
- - ...
be direct (the
young ones resemble the adult) or indirect.
• e 4 . 10 .Example~ f ~ • . --
~~ id '"~ .oJl'll'\llN.-.itAschehninthes tll""f Examples : Ascans (Round Worm}, Wuchere

•No ~fQ '" ~ dworm ~M-"<-.:.-.~ (Filaria worm). Ancylostoma (Hookworm).

n ~ ~ ~'u•s.J' ,,,. ~
• <fu lcO~
Q"l1'+«'cus, s-~ , .____. -~ uol"l'l'7\ ' ), .
~ ,1 _ f'lt_o. g_a,o c.r.iu . • •6 P hun - Anne!

.~ ~ ~- They~ay f!aqua~~ ie and fresh ~~el} o

~ ~ l ~-:..~...--~:: . ~
. ~ ~ l 4 terrestrial; free-living, and sometimes parasitic.
~ ~- ~ -..-:.-:,~ Ce~ They exnibtt~a n-system levtl_ of oody

~ ~~"-4' ( ~ organisatio,n aha ~ilateral s~ ~- They are

~~ "-•~ , C1&JGJ.rl>-

~ - - giploblastic, metamericall y segmented and ,

•• "'"' I>' lf'dl'rtet I i::-- - -...:;- ' - - - ..
It QC$"0 .tc; ,.___..J :!t'- ~ ~ =:..:=r;oelomat~ anim£1s. Their . boa¥_. surfac~ is
~~- istinctly mar ked out into segments or

~ iv~t~ ~~~ €§_~!~~ ~ct:°hence, the ph y l u m ~

~ J.uct< Q -- • - ~ ,::_~ ~ ~ . Annelida (Latin, annulus: little ling} (Figure 4.11).
·~.~~~~!::~t ~ ail~They possess ~ gifudinal and circajar_Il!,USt!e..._
~~~~iiMi~rf~ °" !~ • which help in locomotion. Aquatic annelids like
~ r~ ~ ossess~ 'fafappenciag es. parai>o1ta. .
which help in swimming. A closed circulatory
. ~-~o.~ ~rs.tefI! is present. i!ePhrl~ (sing. n ephridium)
-~ , f'b?.C/edt•a.~.....----___~.,,.--- help in osmoregulati on and excretion. Neural
:.,_~ ~. ~,~ ---~A,- systemconsistsof paked ganglla(siiig .garutlion)
•v<..d TI"' (.J'.a _ ......._.,,- - ~

~ .
~ ----- -
connected by lat-e r_al_ n-e nr
- esl o a aouoleventra l
.!!!..~e.52org. N_ereis, ~ aqiilttl"t§!mJI_~ '
~ u~~ai:tln':o_rms and leech~ si;....
{ or- '
~m~ , . . Rep: oduction i~ s...:~al. . 4-,..,___. -..:.
-1(\'t --,. ~ . \l"\Ot-11\p. ) • • \ l '<C fl •= ' ,....y
ts ~ Figure 11.11 Examples of Annelida : (a) Nereis Examples : Nerets', Pheretima (Earthworm( and

\~inaria (Blood sucking leech) .
. ~
l>'hUU cs..
r~ilE~ ? t:11"1 .
u) . ;I
~ •1'\f at \ &ew.~-, -O>&JttJ
C~roJS: .. t , ( . ' O ~
es /'f('6 __.
-.....~ ~nnX¥I,
a ~ ·"
)' -,0,.,41)P (,II ..a::;~~~i,1,1"\jM I 1,1 ~~ "'
..a:l, -,_~W,M '"-!.--·~96~~• "~~ ~
' \')\ .
. . . . . . . . .l!!'W'llfll•
-t ~
~M-n.-~ I ' ~
• ~ ' hou~
L'- - I \N
_, ,rq;;,tc,f
%Q'f'I • , •~
~ -:--'~,
~ ' l q \ ~ - , \,A'l\~U"r
e.OU'\ ~
~ 2 7 Phylum -~ hropodi ~~~ ~ ~o o•·~ .',l
• • I qo,,coc> s Itch~) , .~w~· ~ ~ \~ . ~ ' - -
:111s is 'the largest p ylum of Animalla which ~~ ' .lob lfl' + 1. ~nM -+ .D n-ax.~ ➔
ncludes tnsects. Over two-thtn!s of all named ~ "',<·
,~ e l ! ' ~ are arthrooodslflgure 4.12).
['hey have organ-system level of organisatlon.,f""lll!D-lltlS' -~ ~I.Ilea ,. , e!i ,~-
Ibey are bilate~ y symrnetrlcal, trtploblastlc, to ~~,ua,o,: ~
se~enied and coelomate animals. The body .~ 1
of arthropods is covered by chitinous f's ·" ---~- ~~
exoskeleton. The body consists of head, thorax ~~t,>ii!i;z.Ar1DioT;;~~~:=~~~~ ¼c
;abdomen. They have jointed appendaj[eS:
(arfurOs-joint, poda-appendage~.J.k§piratory r
or&ans are gills, book gills, book lung! o
ti-acheal system. Circulatory system is of open ~
~ - Sensory organs like ante_nnae, ~~ . u~~ttJrot. i!Ntllia
(compound and simple), statocysts oF---~~,.1..__.
fia1ancmg organs are present. Excretion takes
p!ace througfi:!nalplghian tubules. They ar
mostly dioecious. Fertilisation is ·usu ~'""'d---1 ·
interna 1. Th ey• are mos · ~ ___;=:~-L:il c-.:.1 T'(Yll.ll"\1c ,,_~;--:-:f!dt--'.l:::::.::~ a.&r:i,
.~~.:_-_ _
-Development. may be ----;---;;;::;;::::::=:~.:..::.::. 0 ~
dir · ~t\~ \~t\o- ~ ~
Examples: Economic cts - Figure 4 . 12 Examples of Arthropoda : fuicit s-
Apis (Honey bee) Bo ), Laccifer ~ ~ t .S (al .Locust (bl Butterfly o~ ~~
.c insectl _ __;;;__
- cocfoia.Hh -tr(
t ~ lrl-
(cl Scorpion (dl Prawn ~ ~ f \ a ~
Vectors - Jlnopne£e51, LI 3 h nd ~~ 4 0 ~ ~ ef'cych~\~- c"--___j------ -
(Mosquitoes) t1S ~ ~ c i
pest - iocusta (Lgcust sen-.,~-•QD>I
1Uving fossil - Umulus (King crab): ~ a
4.2.8 Phylum
- Mollusca ""'~ ~~

. ~~=~~-=--= .,·•.:;:;:...i:::.:.=.L,
, uatic
This is the second largest
(Figure 4.13). Molluscs
l um .

' \-ht
{~e or fresh water) . •,:;\':;;~=;7"1 ·~N.U.
level of organisation. They a ....._=___,_,... .. R ·
smetrical, ~ lobla . ~e ~ ma__~~ ~~ i
animals. Boey is covered areous shell~ t CT\~'
and is unsegment~d with a distlnFt h@4>-- ~12 ~~
muacwar fooi and visceral h1119p. A soft_~~ •
spongy layer of skin forms a mantl:_o!.:r the ~~:11~~~~
visceral hum£· The space '6etween the ~u~ p , Vi~ w'7re,~
and the mantle is called the mantle ca~ty m • O
whi · --;;t Th have Chf..,,.._"°'..,_'- -- rt ~ 1
res r1...l~
~ ~U W1!~~ - The ·Ne~~
'1- pai,'UI ')IL'
s~ ~ ,s 1
. ·
anie ;....._....____ . The U a· lblc ~ ijt'
- mouth ~~~E~~i!!!.~~~~-- Figure 4.13 Examples of M o c ~ : _u • s '"~~
r,-- ;· ..j,lloi,III...... . _ ~ , , (al Pila (b) Octop . · _
,' pifeC(f'S 3/ ~ -Na.U::kQJ l.~ ~ ~ u Q ~ . . H 'w o ~ , ..o.. M

C-t t,4 '"" ~ ·~ 1

? ~~ L"'-l\11- ""''\U.11. s ..
· o c~ c.UJo -tc:, tr'\ ~
.. ' '
. ~i~~ j't "'t'~~ ~~ sym ~4. They
,... ~ ~ ~~
f'l\.U ~ 9~
are usua lly dloec lous and ovipa rous with lndt
~ _ y kL ,, ---

-~ ~ ~~
• Qt~~ Qf'I \t\e
$ '~~' ~ ~developmen t.. A •I.A)Olt ltr
~ 1
Moro~ -~ - -
s.~ ~•f, Exam ples : Pila (l ppl~
~ lj)." Ptncl ada ( earl o ter), Se
p.noD (Cutllefis h). Lo11£Zk' (Sq-u~d)~ optis (Devil fish). A s[Q ~
• ~ ""-
' ~
a.~ ~ -
.... l.Jr·'\111
'w;..... ~ ,.., hnre), 12£!1tallvm m,sk s hell) and Chaetopleura (Chit ~ -
ac·ulil.o ~~ . , _ ~ Cll - n.
JI ..... • - ---- ~ n).

~~m ~
~ rzt' 4.2.9 .
~ ~~'"' © 4.!ra IC) 4'.tbe Phylum - Echinodermata

' ~,<t:,:t~;~ '

~~ [T~-,.c.,•, , -tf\q
~.JIW U P~
o~i ~i'de Q
m .s..~.Thes e anim als have an endo s kelet on of calca reous osstcl
irnd,r ; : ~~ ~ ~wieEthchinodennata (Spiny bo~ e ~
4.14, . ·uuuu ,e organ-~ stem level oforgan1satto
,.. ~Q. rit\~ 91 ......,.._ ~rr'\o tooo The adult echlr ioden ns are radially symmetrtcaJ but larvn.
1~h1 ~ ~ ~ 'crl.Q,g
~ ' " . .., - rail · - ~
~lfl are bilate y symmetrtcai. They- are tljQlo .a
blast k"·,
~ IIIJ""III~ -., ~
..,, 0isinei 1' -"11- · -
~"7::.' ·,, Icoelomate anirn ijls. Dis
- - - - -

- - - - and
estive-~Y.Stem i~ QJUpJete With~ th ~
• C ' V ' I [ : ~~
A,, ~on the lowGr (ventral) side and anus on the uppe r (ctm?'
\..o~ ,m l ~
-"'T ,
~- te<'Ja .-,. &•tr~_,. (b) :s J
~ J:i,\iU.u.n,.Q.Q. '" ~ ........ s. c;e.r-+ side. The most
- •c: uorsa1
distin ctive featu s ls-n..
,, re of
'~ · : - echin oderm
( ) ~ ,., '10Ch,11tan'q., _.... -~~ tt1-.i prese nce of wate r vasc ular- - • u1e
~b'I~.,._ ~~ ~b
0 •°IN -
syst e~ whic h helps in
. - - - - ~ ~agure' 4 . 14 Exam ples of
o ~ locom ~--- -~
otion, captu re and - -port
trans - - of~food
-- and respir
- - - - - - - - - - - r . .chinoderrnata . • ~ex - .. .. ... .... ·---
cret ory syste m is --- .
., ~ suHm rn,~ o,«',fa (a) Aste~as · abse nt. Sexe s ~re separate

Repro ducti on 1sse xual~--Ye1iihsalion is usual ly exte .

~ ,.,.,~ 'ii .b'Y ~ (b) OphLUra
• l.-tt •<"" "~~ ~ uW..Q .d te9'r~
= _E>evelopment is indirect willi lfee-swunmfrig larva. - -- ...
Examples:A stena s·•lStarflsn), Ec(ilii us(Se~urchin) A

~~~ ~ ~\j . .:J.~ _Wy), Cucwnaria(Sea CYcum ber) ~ d Ophiura(Bii~

...... ~ --~ ~ n.uo s
~ -
~9 css us _,, a''-" ~
~ ~&~s- ~ ~ -- - . tj,~m ~ .2 .10 Phyl um - Hem icho rdat a

( ~S y:"f/ Hemichordata was earlier considered as a sub-pfiyluut.under

~ -t~-'o .· ~ .

\ 1 JffiylumCfio rdata,.j3l,.lt,o.owitisplaced.a&asepafflte-phylmn
- - / unde'i-- r{o~-chordata. Hemichordata have a rudimentar y
st.r!:1ct'~r e~ ~

!ID'.WPI) called st2.,moch9r2• a structure

simil ar to notochord .
........This phylu m consi sts of a small group_ of
marine anima ls with organ-system leve} of organisation. They
wo~:!il'e '
arell1 1atei°iily symm~ .- -triploblastic and coelo1:1ate
Coliar anim als. The body is cy_!!!l_g_riS.fil° and is composed 6ran
·6!£Ji, , · Aic.o la. ro a ~runk
' t~Jt:J 1'1', ~Pa. :oee S
anterior prob oscis .- collar and a long {Figure 4.15).
c l;7ulatory sy~ m i: of op~n.5rPe,R espiration takes pl~ e
~ '+ '1-f ~,c / W. H ~,~U trt'l throughJ i~ ,Excr~ ~ry.organ is probo~5.r._gl~d
. ~ex~ are
. No~ ~ '" lt\~'t () ~ separate. Fertil:isation_is external. Development
is mdirect.
· ."'
~ nk ~ Examples: B a lae_og Lossus and Sacco glossu s.
\ t\OSl:t- . ~~ ~ ~ . .
• -\.2, 11 Phyluirl--'- Chordai a
•~ ~~ cf'ou), r
lul'r'1" ,~ ~ Figur e 4.15 Balanoglossus
~ 1 <>
Animals belonging to phylum Chor data are fundamentally
h. ~
;~\K·' l&m1o.ttoc.
W'c a'..,.._~
'n_'-r~·~ )
chara cteris ed by the presence of a notoc hord . a dorsal
~ _ _
~O c:l 'l~ ~-, NO ¾~ em,~ ~~ b\.t ~ ~~ a- 1,1.1t Q ~
.,,. lf'c:i c~~ ~ ""-Rr-b N. --, , !A c;;lb,'f L- ~ ~
,&.r.rU~-~ ~~ 1"~.:::,J t " ~ ~ v- - ,'m ...........~ ~:~
· ~~~~~
~r ,vr. .,-"""'I






u: S :z ! 55

d pharyngeal
1iollo• nerve cord an d paire I I I I

e 6il ate ral lv

~ .ttu (Figu re 4.1 6). Th
es e ar
. - y
~ co elo ma te Wi lli
~ etrlcal, triplo bla stlc,
ni sa tio n. Th ey
:r~ -sys tem lev el of orga
sed circu latory
~ a post ana1 tai l an d a clo I
Post-anal pa rt
s ~· ari so n of sa lie nt A tr_;;~
Table 4. 1. pr es en ts a co mp
n- ch or da tes .
features of ch or da tes an d no Figure 4.1 8 Ch ord ata ch
ara cte ris tic s
4 Chordates~and Non-chordate
TABLE •1 Com~arlson of
- -~- ---:-- -- -
Chordates No n-c hordates

Notochord pre sen t. Notochord ab sen t.
ntn tl, solid
Ce ntr al nervous system is
dorsal, Ce ntr al ne ivo us sys tem ts ve

w hollow an d single. ' an d do uble.

, ~~

ed by. gil
Ph ary nx ,_ l slits. Gill slits are absent.
t-:. ....; <, .

He art is ve ntr al. He art is dorsal (if present). ~, :::::.;;.;.:...,;:....= ,'.j

V I • /•

Post-anal tai l is absent.

l ~ -l f ~esent.
\9 ~:._-_~: ~~-_j/
~ci 4oe ~~
ci_ ~t ~~ ~-;----L_-.-:_Crl
~ ~~-: ~·-:_'=-~: -~
=-:..:u::.:+~- ,~ -~-(":~
di vi de d in to th re
Phylu m Ch or da ta is
or Tu ni ca ta
su bp hy la: Ur oc ho rd at a . ~ ( ~.' -~ - -~
brat .
Cephalochordata and Verte an d byQ ~
Su bp hy la Ur oc rd at a )
or da ta · a oft en red to as
re fer,_...,
ph alo
Ce------= ch ~ ___ .,-4 ,1 .

4 . 17 ) an d ar e
pr~ oc ho rd at e (F ig ur e
ro ata, I ! ~o~~-
.e xc l~ m ar in e. In Urocfiol tai l, wh ile in
is pr es en t on ly in lar va
froni :tlead to tai l
Cephalochord ata , it ex ten ds
t ~ fil e .
regloiI and is persi ste nt thr oughou
As cid ia, Sa lpa ,
Example s: ro e or a a -
sto~ ~
• l Doliolum; pe .p ~Q~h ort).da ta - JJ!.a !!_chio
(Amphiox us or Lancele
Ve rte bra ta
The me mb ers o--i:-str t,phylum
f!le e_p br y9_nic
p~ ses·s no toc h o_E~ d1!£!n g-
re pla ce d bY. a
p.elio.d..--:i'41-e---not oc ho rd is
al co lum n in the
~ o u s or bo ny vertebr
~ Q I . ~t
~u lt Thus all ve rte ~ tes _a re Besides the Figure 4.1 7 Ascid ia
s~ ve rte bra tes .
all ch ord ate
rtebr ate s have a
basic ch ord ate ch ar ac ter s, ve
two.Thre e or four
ventral mu sc ula r he art wi th
ex cr etl on an d
Cffirffib er s, ki dney s fo r

pe nd ag es which
osmoregu lat ion an d pa rred ap
ay - - --
6e fms or limbs .
.. ~
~, r
~ ~~:~:
~ F·.,
!"I- t_,..
"9-oh ,. r.-'r

Qe\le "c-, , 4Q
~AJ 'tl'tf l''1" 1
" " -~
,~~ .....
l,~ ,
c~ ~

or,;:• r.:;1)j
, (D ~11 :a.a .b

~-?~- _
cO&AOJ ,

- --=----- ...-- =--- - - -Th

~ e subph ylurrl Verte brata ts furthe r divide d as follows:
• risc.ES"~ ~ ~
..., . bUt- ey.~ ort - N- . so
f l \ c { \ o ~~ . ~ w l~ szt,.~ ~ R· 'N~ ~
~~~---~ ~ . ~ / ~ 50
~ \I..~
p~ .JI'. ~ -- rtebrata
_. oo,IPd ~
aQ"f'f 'IO"° ~l..' ~ ·---· c~) I co
~ . -~.

~f~"fi,~ -~~
. ..-~ ~
~ ran,,p Division
' 1 I
\ · tll

+-- Gn=r;.:ta at'

,fl'\ ~
'f'(' l'l>t \q~~
~ ~-
o.d--q ;,
.lf J:t-

i - -- - -- t ~ 9
= ~-
-- +<
(bear fins)
Supe) Class
Te~p oda
(bear limbs)

- - - - - - -'d-- ~ ~~ -
c .loq;
1. Cyclos tomata~

i. Chond richthy es
2 . Ostelc hth_yes
1. Amph ibia

-+-,1......,.D.Ll~~ 2. Reptil ia
· e,h1- rl~c - ~ ~ ~--- -~ 11 d.,m ~ h.~. 3 . Aves
~ •(
L.J..,..._~ ~ l>('I ~ I~ ~,..-' ~ ~ ir, co>1a "'l,
-~~:- -+--~
. I ~ ___. CN •
. I
•o~ ,
I ,
~k c..l•' il'Qtl'U! , ~
4. Mamm als
. JC

~ _,,,... .

'-f:- n

. ' sco~' dorl ~ \J

it-. -~
._, .
Q co-< T"'I~ ~de r, \-liofl'Cdo~
~•.,. .j~d
.. N\i'U
sew-u ,
U ~ _,tac.e
"'" 1
tc,. _ r~ • -~
tUe. r \"1 -~ ·4.2.1 1 .1 Class - . Cyclo stoma ta ~
c;: tJ~ -, ~ , ,c:4 _ All ~
"'rclo stnJPa

~ ta .

~l J:~N~~-
----1 ~ --~ ~ 1-0 ectqpa raslte s on ~
~ ~~ _Go\- ~ ~
-f4C' ~ ~
~- ·

el~ gated-~ody_2 earin&,,6 -15 p~

[e,r re§Pir a.t i9~ . Cyclos to~es fiav: a s'!c~ alid .
s ~ eyi have an
of Sll sllta
t.::.....i.-=' crrcular mouth witho ut Jaws (Fig. 4 .18).

. bo~ .,, 'I, body fs d ev oia o1 scale s aftd p ~ e d fins.

' ~~ a.9-e
~ ~ 0
8'\l ~ '--1.bV .
~~o. Crani um a n d ~ verte oral col umn
cartila ginou s . Circu lation is of closed

.~ - ___, Figure
JI 4.18 A jawles s verteb rate - Petrom yzon -cyeidsfuiileS" are
~~~ o.r- r S"yl' ~ marf ne tiut ~l
!}'>or- - ~ , ~ w
spawn ing to fresh water. Afters

CWdlO ~ e h ~• ' ro . few aays, - ffiey""dle. Their larva e. a

~ -1'~1 ~ +- f,~ , ~ 1' I ~ metamorphosis. retuni1o ~ e>eean.
~ ➔ t/ .. , ~ ples: Petrom yzon (Lamp rey}and Myq

.. e . ~ ~ •

' ....:.,_--rt---■■~- (Hagfl sh~.

4.2.ll .2 Class - Chon drich thyes
They are marin e anima ls with stream lined
(a) and have cart ilagin ous endo skele tOI
. _____..,.....,,_ J\ ~ • (Figu re 4 .19). Mou th is loca
,• 1 ~ nr . (
Notoc hord is persi stent thf_o_ _._._,- ,.i.l
,i I · ~ f '«f' CN. &lits are separ ate out
~· fft,· c.t)-
cover) . The s con
I~ '-

placo id scale s 1..-- . - e mo
:ltl ~l~""°,_ ~ lv>l6 ~ ,, , · -=:•a;:hlv~~ ., ~ --=--
se~ ~!'!!'"
fB4\'y•CAJYT'f~ figur e 4.19 Example of Cartilaginous fishes : preda ceous .
.½r-t (a) Scoliod.on (b) Pristis ~ffieyn ave to
e absen ce of
l1"&, qhtitt.. ki..'t . ~ t .ft\A'oA4t-s. 'tt~ ~d\ ~ ~ _, Cl"at.ff't_
stant ly to av
- -
~ C.Olr) ' 't -h ~ • ~
1 ~ ~
~- -----

~ ,
_ , (Sl' W\~ "

~ n lUlf\

ir- ~

~ I
~ s
i I


. ~~ ~~ ~ ~
oa ~ ,

-1"~ J ~ t v a
57 ~ : , ; . , . . J ~ - -..~
' ~''ff./ ~'al'/~ ~
·- .~
Q ~~ ✓ -:r': i~ F ~


;' ~

~! ~
~~ .
,,; ~ ~?~ ~
~ ~
' ~c~ ~~ ::r- -t
c'"'• \ft~ ""' ~" 11
'~~ ~ --. ,
.• ~\DC'Q i!I.
ham bere d (one '!urt cle and one ventricle . ~..S 0
. a.c ~~ ~
tte:: n}ie m have electrf[ or.jan81'e:J ~T 5ffld
0 ~ ~~
SOille p055ess poiaon stin g (e.g. , T9mon). They
~M " ~
sold-bloo<!ed olillothermous) anim als, i.e., they
-.,............ ~ l.hs 1~ -~
tbe ca
cl to re a e e
te. In~ es pelvie
od tern eratu re. Sexe s
fins be claspers . They
lc" - ~ '"


=~t:mil}fertJUsatlon and
vlV f~~ 'lt ~ lS ~W~-
t\.rl'~sh), ..Pristis (Saw~fish) · • ~ ~o S
t~ ~
ExaJilples: Scoltodon (Do
~ rea w e _s ark), Trygon (Sting ray).
@ 5:!"fl~
; 2 11.3 Clas s - ~" £h yes
~ ~ - c.-- .t-

·~ tieet> 'J a ~ ~"6 0Q. lill'ol'" ~ .
It.includes both m.artne and fresh wate r fishes with :-HiA. ~
endoskeleton. The ir••.body. is strea mlin ed. Mou
mostly temu nal (Fig ure 4.20). They have( ~""ifr"s
th is
of +-hiJ>r~~1:i
~ which are 'c over ed by an operculum on each side
. -r---~ . .,..
s_kin iS covered wi,-tfi cycloid/ ctenoid scal~=-•s . Air blad der Pis US' Or-d
fvt1f\ it ~• •' ~~ 5'
~f'I~ I
rt is two- ~ Jil: ~i r +tu. ~ ~~ -t'?lt- (_
is 'lm:~nt whic h regu lates buoy ancy . Hea cri·i l i ~ i.-\ •7
are ; a ~ • aa?l.1. ~ - J
chamb_g,e d (one auri cle and one vent rtcle
'ro\d-blooded anim als. Seores are seP.a r_ :te~
). They
~on Figure to
Examples of Bony fishes :

~ - ~ey¥o::~0~ry ~ ~ u
~ crvl!J!:'i(al
~ ~,'"""' -taA~-4 •
~~ 7"
at-4' cm--."fij\lklt
Exa mpl es: Mar ine - Exo coet
f h)
ying is ,

Hippocampus (Sea horse); l'Jes nwaJef. : ~~o(Ro ~--:"

~~ ~~~

- ~':.~;1 to · °f CN . ~~ ~ ~~
~ t c

~~ ,
Catla~~t la). Clar ias (Mag~~ ~qu ~_? m / a~ .
. BQLM-P,(d) 1S'-J ~
(Fi~ ~). Pter oph1t,Uun~} ~gel ~sh) " ~.
,~ roes+ ,rao."' ,.,,. urtd.o.1
I~ ~ .,
~ ~~
4.2. ll.4 Clas s - Amp hibi a 40..'9 .L~Wt- ~
e) •~ Q.OQ.. NlS'
:J<J. ~
:~!!! e~t~ , .P~~§.Ji f
As the nam indi cate s (Gr.
amp hibia ns can live in ~ at;!_c~~s~well_~ t~
e <!ufil
s~~ slti ~ , •~ a)~',} ~!
~ s..S>f ~ · No +.Q..t ~ '"' ~~ *"+- 1 ~
habi tats (Figure 4.21) . Mos t of them hav~ ~ Ir, ~~
½ ,
liiWbs. Bociy' is divisible into ~ead and trun k, T~~
-~ 0

s ~ ~~ ~ s. It
Tep2 ent iii"""s ome . Tb'.~' amp liiSi an'~ n \.oeo\ ,
!williout sca]e§) Tow .,esah ave,.~ ~s . A., £~
anw n ~ tA~
~ vit \bu\~ r~~ ,
..r,epre~ ts the £ ~ - Alim enta ry ~ al, u~ ed____.....;._ l ---..:J
·J ~ClQ n~ )
r a ,~
~ tra<..,t§. o~n ffiio a com mon cliaiiiber rts/p :
. . ...,::..tii:mc:ch
If\ ""'~
open s to Ole exterior. Res ~at lon is by -·-~
s c-lc•h 0~ ~~ .
, ~ s anct thro ugh skin . The hear t1 s tnr~
ventricle). T~~s e are ~ t i:t,
\- f~ ~~
cham bere d (two auricles ~
!:3-t e. Fertili~'!!lon /\ (b) ✓ · 'Q
c"ofd- _ <led aniri ial& Sexe s ~
i exte rn -The y are"" ovlpa rous ~ nd deve lopm ent ~
01'\U 1~ \M~ I ~ ~l= '
•-cn.v, o'\ I
.._ - - - ..) ·
S lfi ~ . Figure 4.21 Exam ples of Amp hibia .

fr Og) A:J_ t
), Hyla !Jre e • (a) Salamandra
Examples: Bufo {Toa d), Ran a (Frog t> lb~
bles s (b) Rana
S_glamana ra {Sai ainander), Ic~yqph is (Lim
... it ~ .-tvo .\f"t -t ~~
. • ~~
~rN b"1•q~ .£!! l~ ~

~ 6 ( \ · · ~.rtl. .,,Q

~".'" •~ t.•
rQ~eo. r
[7 ~~'% ' ~ .-iill , M~ oco~
cz t I u•, ~!!-
'c. -" f¼.Q1 .
tr tN . 7Wllf ~ ,hjA,d'JiJ~\
flf'ft\ ~~ro..l.A~ --) s-r~ (
~\~ ~\•
-£ ~
-.-~ --•~
- :: J'@
~ ·-
~~~=~I- ~
-&ct ~
...,. -
-'- _;;-J ~ ' &~ • \}
o 'I, hJ ~'ci;...
/\U,.·ae.B-· ~~~ ~t ~
.~r,- .~a~ ~ ~
• Q'IQUt • ~ - # j6rot.'tlll~ > C > C> A-U-j~ > ~~
~t:~~~~ \j -

~r~ u
~ o , ~ ~-
"•V'd.J •~
mt:dt~ 't.d. "'
~ f.!L' . . ___._.._ . ..;-i..
I;:~ · ~ i x•~ •,,.

tu~,sfu.a ~
u f
-l-"""""' - " " j
~♦ ~~~/al (b) (c) (d)
~~ ~~ ~~ ~

.. ~ ,._ •'If:, dan~ 'mwt- . ~-+1}, rct- -tN, 4W\Jl
- ~~ fio-u, Figure 4.22 "Reptiles: (a) Chameleon (b) Crocod.Uuk (cJ Chelone (d) Naja
91,µ~ m1U 1T"\ C\ff'\I~ l.)..)~-::, Q_~'Dl.t.J/~ <' . .
1_~~ ---'l tl\OJCY~
• ~f'<fS' • .
~ ! ~ .S--ielt''C' ~ Class - Reptilia R .
~ ~ ~ ~ 'U»lt ' 11 '- •
Theda~ name refers to their c~eeping or crawling mode of loc~motion
-~ ~ "' - at"'Q2 / ~ 0 \ (Latin. repere or r'!R,_tum. to cree,e or crawl). They are mostly terrestrial

C ~ ~'r~ "o/J.:!"' ~
"""'J animals and th!e_!r body is covered by dry and comifled skin, .!iJ>ide~ al
~ t n - ~ (+1tc~ scales or scutes (Fig. 4.22). Th~ do not have eXtetnal ear g&,:
~ Tympanum represents ear. Limbs, whenpresen t, e two p

- 8~ ) . eart is
~ott,t"il -\~ . . V --.. .• •

-~, s
. l~ $)\J~U - ~ - usually three-chamb ered;l>ut four-chambe red in croco es. ~ s are
• ~ ~I.le _ "' ~ po~ otherms. ~nakes and lizards shed their ~~es as skin c~ t . S ~
,... ~ ~ ai:e separate. Fertilisation is internal. They are oviparou~ and development

> 'ro
~ Cb"J_s s~
, -
is direct. · .
. .
_ _
__,_....., - -· '
· Wv1...~US' .
~ -·

• ~~ _ '-' ee.,.~~ E~ples : Chew._ne [I'urtle), Testudo !!._o:!?i~e), -9 M',neleon (Tr~e~~ d).
,. ~(do - ~ ~~~ ~ a1otes (Garden lizard), C!:,~odil~ (Crocodile), Alligator (Allig¾or).

to "'~ \ ~ (Walflizaro), Poisonous snakes - Nqja (Cobra). Bangarus

rro-m.~- • (~ t} , .Vipera '(V[per), ,_L__ ----
D•~ ~ " j____, u . ~ 4 .2.ll.6 Class -Aves
)(\ ~ · ~ ~"-1 'P '>
~ th
~, •
The characteristi c features of Ayes (bir.ds) are the presence of feathers
·-· --~ -
. ¢.tstfttc.
--+ v-er~·ff\ \z.O • and most of them can fix_except fljghtless 12!!ds !e.g., -~~ti:!<:hI_. Triey possess--
~ -- ~ ---' " " ' ~ beak (Fi~ure ~-2_i3). The forelimb~ are mo~ed into~s..:..'f ~ d limbs_
·~ (XMijj, g;.1!erall_y5=av;_,s ~.;'si and ~~m~ed forw~
·•! ._s~ g or clasping
~ - Tl'fl\~ ,__, · Of"-.~ the tree branches. Skin is~
. ~ ~ L_/ ~~1)h<J
~~v-:ri.~ T -~e<~
kij without glands except the oil gland atlh~
baseoftbe tat[ E n~ eleton is fullyossified (bo-ny) and ffie loh[.bones"
ar"eirofiow ~ th~ cavities (pne~atic). The dig estlv.:_,~ t of birds has
, ~ ~~ ~ additional chan,1,b ers, the ~,e·'!!ld -gtrnrd. Heart is co:11pletely ~ ur-
. f ~ • ~ ,c,•~ ~ c§.'amb~red. They are !:.,a_;in-blo~ded (homo~ thermous) animals, i.e..

~ 6bw-..111~. hdt,,J ,'.,,. they are able to maintain a cons~t body temperature . Respiration is by
I . ~ ) · I +o ~ --T~ ,fl lco\h ~ ~~~ -
• s. _ ~ . ~ .. ~ • Q..uiP ff>~i!S' - , -S'~ ~ ~ CN'tJfu/ ~l,~~
~ ~ 1 ~~, -rjl,t~ )- (bacl.j
~ ~ ' < : l t ' I Qc,Jl
cJ,0JD1'~ l)f P, f"f'<l_1 (l ti

(a) (b) (c) -'LA;~ V1'Qt01'l i~ ~ , ~

-N- (d)
~ -. .~ aos~ In rrom~
ir, ~ S,

Figm'e 4.23 Some birds : (a) Neophron (b) Struthlo (c) Psittacula (d) Pavo "' ~-+Nmn ~'»'-
~ ~ It' _~ 1Jt":S I

1ungs. Air sacs connected to lungs supplement respiration. Sexes are~~t("'(l t ~ · ~ +ft-.
~ t e . e sa on s ~ . ey are oviparous and developmen,tis ~-- - ~~; .c,·da.•hh.t
.-- F rtili ti i int al Th ~ it) :S -Tl"lt-

direCt - · I t- r ..
-- -- . .... ,:--- ~ • MO~ ~~ ~
Examples : Corous (Ci:ow), Coii.unba (~ge°...n). f.sitt........ ~..._..,Parrot).\s§ithji]~ ,:O \J~
. (<2!tJi,,£h) , Pavo1 Peacock)[1e~~oclyt€Dt'SD-& eop on ulture). ~
Cb:r-~-,tl t~'
~<-- u Class - Mammalia -~ _ ~ li\lr,
Tuey are found in a variety of h8:_~~t:ts- £2lar,ic~ ca..fs, ~rts. mounta~, af\ • ,~
forests, grasslands and aar~ ~~ So~~~f the~ h~v~~ d~_e~ to_fl¥__?r
live in water. The m~sl,unique mammali~ characteristic is the e,r~~ e
of~ _p~oducing glands (mammary glands) by which the ~~~ _o n!_~
are nourishe~. They have two pairs of liglbs, adapted forw~g. ~ ·
cl§!ifng:=l:>~wing, ~ ng or fl~g. (Figure 4.24). The skiri of


~e .~", Some mammals : (a) Omithorhynchus (b) Macropu s (c) Pteropus (d) Balaenoptera
Ct+l:?!iPl,rW 60
1'- ~
5 -- ~/ ~: ~~~--; :.i
lt.d \11-Q~ , ~
~__ . l~'-
_ t.1'¥-l '° ~b '" " . \r : 1•_ , '
t 'b<~-w. ~e ~d 1' :-n 81~ ~
ITt) .l e:tt --- t
+M -1n ma mm als is un iqu e in pos ses
~~s.,! ~fY \t'C \00 · "'o / M p ~ nt. Dif fere n t typ es of tee
sin g ha ir. Ex ter nal ear s or pin
nae ar
. J~co. ~ ~ c,A.l. R~~ th are pre sen t in the j aw . He
art I~~
e ',C ce.r f"1'Q. m~ .
ch~ red . Th ey ai:e hom o!o the nno us.
are sep ara te an d fer tlll s5. uon Re spi rat ion is by 1~
is tm erhal. Th ey are vivipa r~ wit
exc ept ion s an d dev e1opm en1 Is h f~
dtrect. -
Ex ample s:· Ov ipa rou s-O ~U
hor h yn ch us (Pl a.!X pus ) ; Vi vip
_Ma cro p~ @f fig ::¥ §0) . P!_e rop aro us .
us (Fl ying fox). Cameius (Ca me
(~q,_n key ). f!-a ttu s (Ra t), Ca n_f5 l). MacacQ
(D...og). Felis (Ca t), Elepha s (Eleph
Eq uu s (Ho rse ), pefp[ mu s (Co mm aitt),
on dol phi n) , Ba lae nbp ter a (Blue
P~thera tigris (Tiger) , Pa nth wliale),
era leo (Lio!!).
Th e sal lenl clls tin gui shi ng fea tur ~
es of all phy la under.ani ma l kin
is com prehen siv ely giv en in the gdo m
Ta ble 4.2 .
• •TABLB 4 .2 Sal ien t Featur
es of Dif fer ent Ph yla ln the An
imal Kingdom
Ph ylu m

Lev el of Sym me - Co elo
m Segmen- Dig esti ve CIJ
Org an! - try ~,q ~~ DiatincUve
taU on Sys tem ._..J, l!to ry --~
aat lon t6r y Fea tur e•
... _,.·sy ste m/ Sys tem

Porifera Cel lula r Var iou s Absent IA ..

R ;
Absent Absent Absent ·
- I I V.

(Cnidaria) Tis sue Rad ial Absent Cnidoblasts

pre sent.
Cte nop hor a Tis sue Rad ial Absent Absent Incomplete Absent Absent Co mb \.Hates for

Org an & locomotion.

Pla tyh elm - Org an-
Bil ate ral Absent Absent
Incomplete Absent Fla t body, suckers.
int hes system Absent

Aschelm1n- Org an- Bil ate ral coelo- Often wo rm-
sys tem Ab sen t Complete Absent sha ped ,
the s Absent

ma te
elo nga tea :--
~ sys tem
Org an- Coelo-
Bil ate ral ma te Pre sen t Complete
Body segment-
; : : ~~ Absent atlo n like rings.

~ - j~g an - Bil ate ral · Coelo- Pre sen t Exoskeleton of C:,

~ ste m ma te
Complete Pre sen t Pr~ cl Ucle, join ted ap-
Organ- Bil ate ral Coelo- Ab sen t
Mo llus ca
Complete Pre sen t Pre sen t Ext ern al skele
sySt em ma te of she ll usu
pre sen t.
Ech ino - Organ- Rad ial Coelo- Ab sen t Wa ter vas cul4
system Com ple te Pre sen t Pre sen t
der ma ta ma te sys tem , rad l
Org an-
cho rda ta sys tem
Bil ate ral Coelo-
ma te
Ab sen t Com ple te Pre sen t Pre sen t Wo rm -lik e
pro bos cis , co
and trunk.

Ch ord ata Organ- Bil ate ral Coelo- Pre sen t Com ple te No·t
ma te Pre sen t Pre sen t hol·och
low ord , ~o
sys tem gill slit s wt
lim bs or fins.
~!(JNoO OM 61


'fhe basic fundamen tal features such as level of organisation, ·symmetry, cell
0 rganisation, coelom, segmenta tion,, notochord
, etc., have enabled us to broadly
classify the animal kingdom. Besides the fundamen tal features, there are ·many
other distinctive character s which are spectftc for each phyla or class.
Porifera includes multicell ular animals which exhibit cellular level of
organisation and have character istic flagellated ·choahocytes. The coelenter ates
have tentacles and bear cnidoblasts. They are mostly aquatic, sessile or free-floating.
Toe ctenopho res are marine animals with comb plates. The'platyhelm inths have
flat body and exhibit bilateral symmetry. The parasitic forms show distinct suckers
and hooks. Aschelminthes are pseudocoelomates and. include parasitic al\ well as
non-paras itic roundwor ms.
·' Annelids are metamert cally segmente d animals with a true coelom. The
arthropods are the most abundant group of animals characterised by the presence
of jointed appendag es. The molluscs have a soft body surround ed by an external
calcareou s shell. The body is covered with external skeleton made of chitin. The
echinoder ms possess a spiny skin. Their most distinctive feature is the presence
ofwater vascular system. The hemichordates are a small group ofworm-like marine
animals. They have a cylindrical body with proboscis, collar and trunk. .
Phylum Chordata includes animals which possess a notochor d either
througho ut or during early embryonic life. Other common features observed in
the chordates are the dorsal, hollow neIVe cord and paired pharynge al gill slits.
Some of the vertebrates do not possess jaws {Agnatha) whereas most of them possess
jaws (Gnathos tomata). Agnatha is represent ed by the class, Cyclostom ata. They
are the most primitive chordates and are ectoparasites on fishes. Gnathost omata
has two super classes, Pisces and Tetrapoda. Classes Chondric hthyes and
Osteichth yes bear fins for locomotion and are grouped under Pisces. The
Chondrichthyes are fl.shes with cartilaginous endoskeleton and are marine. Classes,
Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia have two pairs of limbs and are thus
grouped under Tetrapoda. The amphibia ns ~ave adapted to live ~oth on land and
water. Reptiles are character ised by the presence of dry and cornifled skin. Limbs
are absent in snakes. Fishes, amphibia ns and reptiles are poikiloth ermous (eold-
blooded). Aves are warm-blooded animals with feathers on their bodies and
forelimbs modified into wings for flying .. Hind limbs are adapted for walking,
swimming, perching or clasping. The unique features of mammals are the presence
of mammary glands and hairs on the skin. They commonly exhibit viviparity.


1. What are the difficulties that you would face tn classification of antmaJ if
S , CQn,.,_
fundamental features are not taken tnto, account? -·... 11on
2. If you are gtven a specimen, what are the steps that you would follow t
it? . o class1ry

3. How useful ts the study of the nature· of body cavity and coelom fn t
classiflcation of animals? · he
4. Dfstlngufsh between intracellular and extracellular digestion?
5. What is the difference between direct and indirect development?
6. What are the peculiar features tha_t you find in parasttic platyhelminthes?


7. What are the reasons ~at you can think of for the arthropods to ·c onstitute the
largest group of the animal kingdom?
8. Water vascular system is the characteristic of which group of the following:
, (a) Porifera (b) Ctenophora (c) Echinodermata··(d} Chordata

9. "All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates". Justify the
sta:tement. · · · · · ·

IO. How important is the presence of air bladder in Pisces?

.1 I. What are the modifications that are observed in birds that help them fly? - ..ft ,
12. Could the number of eggs or young ones produced by an oviparous and viviparous

mother be equal? Why?


· 13. Segmentation in the body·is first observed in which of the following:

(a) Platyhelminthes (b} Asch~iminthes (c} Annelida (d) Arthropoda

14. Match the following:

(a) Operculum · (1) Ctenophora

(b) Parapodia ' (11) Mollusca

(c) Scales (111] Porlfera

(d) Comb plates (ivJ .Reptilia
(e) Radula (vJ Anneli~a
(f) Hairs . (vtJ Cyclostomata ~d Chondrichthyes
(g) Choanocytes (vilJ Mammalia
(h) Gill slits (v111J Osteichthyes
15. Prepare a list of some animals that are found parasitic on human beings.

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