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Rada, Noel Jhon F. Mr.

Bryan Fruelda
11 STEM II August 13, 2023

How Big Bang started until Today

Earth and Science

The Big Bang Theory which states that the universe began as just a
single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now. It
happened 13.7 billion years ago which the explosion caused the Matter,
Energy, Space, and Time created. It then divided into two eras; The Radiation
Era and Matter Era. The Radiation Era was divided into eight epochs; Planck,
Grand Unification, Inflationary, Electroweak, Quark, Hadron, Lepton, and
Nuclear Epoch. Matter Era was divided into three epochs; Atomic, Galactic,
and Stellar Epoch.
Planck Epoch is the first epoch occurred in radiation era. In this epoch,
no matter existed but only energy. The ancestor for four forces of nature;
Gravity, Strong Nuclear, Weak, and Electromagnetic. At the end of this epoch,
a key event occurred in which the gravity split away from the superforce.
Grand Unification Epoch is next to Planck Epoch. It is named to the
three remaining unified forces of nature; Strong Nuclear, Weak, and
Electromagnetic. This epoch ended when Strong or Strong Nuclear broke
Inflationary Epoch, during this epoch the universe rapidly expanded.
The universe in this stage is very hot and churned with electrons, quarks, and
Electroweak Epoch. In this epoch, the last two forces, the
electromagnetic and weak, finally split off. Next, Quark Epoch. All the
universe’s ingredients were present. The universe’s is still hot and dense to
form subatomic particles.
Hadron Epoch. The universe cools down enough and the quarks bind
together to form “protons” and “neutrons”. Last to the Radiation Era are
Lepton & Nuclear Epoch. In this epoch, the protons and neutrons underwent
a significant change. They fused together and created nuclei which created
After the Radiation Era, The Matter Era began. Atomic Epoch was the
first from the three epochs in this era. In this epoch, the temperature of the
universe cools down which the electrons attached to the nuclei. A process
called “Recombination” created the second element “Hydrogen”. Next is the
Galactic Epoch. The Hydrogen and Helium atoms dotted with the atomic
clouds. Atoms has been collected and became the seedlings of galaxies. The
last epoch is the Stellar Epoch or Current time. Stars began to form and
helped shaped the universe. Most of the element was form, life, and planets
were created.

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