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Coding Round

There are N number of students standing outside and interview room in a line. It
is given that a person who goes in first has higher chances of getting selected.
Each student has a number associated with them known as the problem solving
capability (PSC). The higher the capability, the higher the chances of selection.
Now, each student wants to know the number of students ahead of him/her who
have more problem solving capability than him/her.
Find this number for each student.
Input Specification :
Input 1 : An integer N, which denotes the number of students present.
Input 2 : An array of size N, denoting the problem solving capability of the
Output Specification :
An array of size N denoting the requested answer for each student.
Example 1 :
Input 1 : 6
Input 2 : {4,9,5,3,2,10}
Output : {0,0,1,3,4,0}
Explanation :
The first student has no one ahead of him/her. So, the answer is 0.
The second student has PSC greater than the first. So, the answer is 0.
Third student : 9 is greater than 5. So, the answer is 1.
Fourth student : 9, 4 and 5 are greater than 3. So, the answer is 3.
Fifth student : 3,5,9 and 4 are greater than 2. So, the answer is 4.
Sixth student : No one ahed has a greater PSC. So, the answer is 0.

Example 2 :
Input1 : 5
Input2 : {3,4,1,5,2}
Output : {0,0,2,0,3}

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