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elterjedt: common
felelős: responsible
kereskedelmi: commercial
lakossági bank: retail bank
takarékszámla: savings account
széf: safe deposit boksz
jelzálog: mortgage
ügyintézés: processing
valutaváltás: foreign exchange
kiad: issue
pénzt kivesz: withdraw money
közüzemi számla: utility bill
műanyag: plastic
„feltöltős”, előre fizetett: pre-paid
korlát: limit
bankkártyahitel-lehetőség: overdraft facilities
elkerül: avoid
záróegyenleg: closing balance
beilleszt: insert
készpénzt vesz fel: withdraw cash
tranzakció: transaction
bizonylat: receipt
díjmentes: toll free
felfedez: discover
bizonyít: verify
hozzáfér: access
kényelmes, alkalmas: convinient
hátrány: disadvantage
felszámol (díjat): charge
pénzmozgás: money transfer
látható: visible
kényelem: comfort
érzékeny, kényes: sensitive
sor: queue
dolog: issue
segélyhívó vonal: helpline
banktisztviselő: teller
kockázat: risk
kifizethető: affordable
darab: chunk
nem sikerül: fail
folyamodni valamiért: apply for
érdemes: worthy
részvények: stock
kötvények: bonds
befektetési alapok: mutual funds
befektetés részvényekbe: stock investing
vásárló: buyer
eladó: seller
ajánlat: bid
kereslet: demand
minőség: quality
mérlegel: measure
előre jelez: predict
egészséges, ép: sound
oktató: educational
ál-, hamis, próba-: mock
valószínű: likely
tapasztalatlan: inexperienced
ok: cause
másodlagos jelzálog: subprime mortgage
ki van téve: be exposed
végül: eventually
összeomlik: collapse
rokkantsági: disability
következmény: consequence
autólopás: car-theft
hitelező: lender
ragaszkodik valamihez: insist on
a biztonság kedvéért: just in case
hatás: effect
széles körben: widely
tervez, elgondol: to have in mind
lehetséges: possible
kikérdezés: questioning
megfigyelés: observation
kérdőív: questionnaire
mély-: in depth
részlet: detail
kísérleti: experimental
értékelés: assessment
azonosít: identify
megoldás: solution
frissít: update
ízlés: preference
hozzáigazít: adjust
elem: element
reklámozás: promotion
elvár, számít valamire: expect
árképzés: pricing
szükségletek: needs
reagál: respond
meghatároz: define
cél: objective
dia: slide
biztosít: provide
eredmény: result
korlátozott: limited
nagyközönség: general public
piacra dob: launch
alapvető: ewssential
gyűjt: gather
visszajelzés: feedback
márka: brand
megkülönböztet: distinguish
hatóságok: authorities
ígéret: promise
korábban: previously
elégedett: satisfied
ismerős: familier
leír: describe
erőfeszítés: effort
tárgyalás: discussion
szándékozik: intend
ellenőriz: check
jövedelem: return
tud valamiről: aware of
kielégít igényt: meet sy’s needs
elérhető: accessible
megkülönböztethető: distinct
lét: existence
bevezető: introductory
érettség: maturity
hanyatlás: decline
érvényesség: validity
haszonkulcs: markup
nyereségküszöb: breakeven
próbálkozás: attempt
elérhető: avaible
eszközök: devices
útján: via
közösségi oldal: community sites
eszköz: tool
széles körnek szóló, helyi reklám: grassroots advertising
cél: purpose
érzelem: emotion
kapzsiság: greed
hajlamos: tend
kóstoló: sampling
kipróbálás: trial
verseny: contest
lehetővé tesz: enable

vonalgrafikon: line graph

oszlopgrafikon: bar chart
körgrafikon/kördiagramm: pie chart
vízszintes tengely: horizontal axis
függőleges tengely: vertical axis
átlag: average
eléri a minimumot: buttom out
összehasonlítva: compared to
kiegészítő: complementary
folytat: continue
csökken: decline
csökken: decrease
különbség: difference
feloszt: divide
dupla, dupláz: double
lefelé: downward
visszaesés: drop
egyenlően: equally
visszaesik: fall
ugrál, változik: fall back
növekszik: grow
növekedés: growth
megfelez: halve
magas: high
növekedés: increase
mutat: indicate
ugrás: leap
legkevesebb: least
kiegyenlítődik: level out
veszteség: loss
alacsony: low
jelöl: mark
közepes: medium
majdnem: nearly
egészében: ont he whole
ütem: pace
csúcs: peak
százalékos arány: percentage
arány: rate
elér: reach
viszonylag: relatively
marad: remain
képvisel: represent
emelkedik/emelkedés: rise (múlt ideje: rose)
szegmens, rész: segment
részesedés: share
jelentősen: significantly
csekély: slight
stagnál: stagnate
egyenletesen: steadily
megfordul: turn
fordulópont: turning point
kétszer annyi: twice as much
kétharmad: two thirds
felfelé: upward
változó: variable
amíg: whereas
az általános trend változó: the overall trend is variable
csökkenést/növekedést mutat: it showes a decrease/increase
a legmagasabb pontjára emelkedett: it peaked
elérte a minimumot: it bottomed out
kissé növekedett/csökkent: there was a slight increase/decrease
lassan, de egyenletesen nőtt/csökkent: grew/decreased slowly but steadily
az ütem lassult/gyorsult: the pace slowed down/quickened up
tovább emelkedett/csökkent egy százalékkal: it increased/decreased further by one percent
két napig ugyanúgy maradt: for two days it remained stable
magas/alacsony szinten állt meg: it stabilised at a high/low level
a növekvő/csökkenő tendencia folytatódott: the increasing/decreasing tendency continued
a következő évben semmi sem változott: nothing changed in the following year
aztán megfordult a trend: then the trend turned
ami drámai visszaesést jelentett: it meant a dramatic fall
a mindenkori legalacsonyabb értékre esett vissza: it dropped to its all-time low
egy nagy ugrással elérte a maximumot: it made a big leap to reach its peak

mindkét körgrafikon .. részre van osztva: both pies are divided into .. segments
a legnagyobb rés .. : the biggest segment is
együtt majdnem háromnegyedet adnak .. : together they have almost three quarters ..
nagy különbség van .. : there is a big difference in ..
habár mindkettőnél kis rész: although it is a small segment in both ..
csak töredéke: only a fraction
ez a rész háromszor akkora: this segment is three times as big
a különböző méretek szerint: according to the different size

Mindent egybevéve.. : All in all,

Változó irányú mozgás volt..: There were ups and downs ..
Összefoglalásképpen: To sum it up..
négyszer magasabb volt: it was four time higher ..
..sok változás volt ebben az időszakban: .. there were a lot of changes in this period
..a legnagyobb változások .. voltak: ..the biggest changes were..
Ahogy látjuk..: As we can see..
Összefoglalva..: As a conclusion..
.. a domináns szereplő..: the dominant player..
… a legerősebb/legfontosabb: .. is the strongest/ most important
ebben az időszakban: in this period..
a legnagyobb különbség..: the biggest difference is…
Ez nagy különbség..-hez képest: That is a big difference, compared to ..
a tendencia (nem) világos: the tendency is (not) clear
minél magasabb ..., annál nagyobb ..: the higher.., the bigger..
elvesztette/megszerezte a .. kétharmadát: lost/gained two thirds of..
a legnépszerűbbek a ..: the most popular ones are..
Habár a tendenciák nem voltak egyformák..: Although there were different tendencies…

kampányt futtatni: run a campaign

hírességgel reklámozni terméket: endorse a product
elhelyezni egy reklámot: place an advertisement
szponzorálni egy eseményt: sponsor an event
becélozni egy fogyasztót: target a consumer
kommunikálni egy üzenetet: communicate a message
ingyenes minták: free samples
szlogen: slogans
szájról szájra hirdetés: word of mouth
levélben reklámozás: mailshots
reklámfogás: publicity stunt
előzetes reklámozás: teaser advertisement
plakát kampány: poster campaign
tervezési jellemzők:design features
sajtóvisszhang: press coverage
élő reklámozás: live advertisement
szájról szájra reklámozás: Word-of-mouth advertising
„forgatókönyv”: storyboard
tőkerészesedés/törzsrészesedés: equity stake
recesszió/pangás: recession
részvények: shares
adósság: debt
tőzsde: stock market
előrejelzés: forecast
haszonkulcs: profit margin
beruházás/befektetés: investment
csőd: bankrutcy
osztalék: dividend
adózás előtti eredmény: pre-tax profit
éves árbevétel: annual turnover
kamat: interest rate
gazdasági pangás: economic recession

részvény - shares: equal parts into which the ownership of a company/firm is divided
pangás/recesszió – recession: a period of time when business activity declines because the
economy is doing badly
tőkerészesedés – equity stake: when a business owns a part of another company, and they risk
their own money
tőzsde – stock market: a place where shares are sold and bought
előrejelzés – forecast: a discription of what is likely to happen in the future
adósság/tartozás – debt: an amount of money which is owned by one person to another person
haszonkulcs – profit margin: the difference between the price of the product and the cost of
producing it
beruházás/befektekés – investment: an amount of money that someone put into a business to
make a profit
csőd – bankruptcy: when a company can no longer pay its debts
osztalék – dividend: a part of a company’s profit that paid tot he owners
adózás előtti eredmény – pre-tax profit: the money that the company makes before it pays the
taxes tot he government
éves árbevétel – annual turnover: the amount of money the company produces in one year by
selling its products/services

Marketing and advertising

What is the role of marketing in business life?
Marketing is one of the most important activity in a business. It ha direct effect on
profitability and sales. The goal of marketing is to make the product wiedely known.
Why is it important to do market research before starting a business?
When you have a business idea, you should know if there is a demand for the product. Also
you have to know about the possible competiton. Market research is a good way to find out
about that.
What methods are there to look into the markets?
There are two ways: questioning and observation. The observation based methods are
ethnographic studies and experimental techniques. Questioning include surveys and
questionnaires to get information from lots of people, or in-depht interviews for knowing the
details. Researchers often use a combination of methods.
What is SWOT analysis?
The letters stand for Strenght, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is an assassement
technique which helps you identify the positives and the negatives of your company inside
and outside. It can be useful when you are looking for solutions to a problem or you want to
know if the change is possible.
What is a marketing mix?
Marketing mix is the combination of the four elements that you will use to market your
product. The four elements are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. These are called the four
Ps of the marketing mix.
What is a market segment?
It is a group of customers who have the same needs. They probably will respond similarly to a
marketing action. For example an athletic footwear company might have market segments for
basketball players and long-distance runners, as their needs are different, and they will
respond to very different advertisement.
How can busnesses define their market segment?
They can perform a marketing research. Within their research they can include factors like
age, genderm income level and so on, so they can see who would buy their products.
How can you present your research findings?
You should make a presentation. The presentation should be clear, free of mistakes and it
should contain usable information. Start with the objective of the presentation, then continue
with methodology. Then mention the research questions one by one and answer them. Use
one slide for only one question. Provide the final finding at the end followed by your
recommendation. Before you perform you should check your presentation for mistakes. At the
end you should say how the results could help the business.
How can businesses test their new product?
They can test market them. That means they start offering the new product to a limited
number of customers and see how they react tto it. Then they should ask these costumers
about the new product. If it is successful, the company can start selling the new product to the
general public.
What should businesses do before launching a new product?
If the tests show that there is a demand for the new product, businesses shoud start an
advertising campaign. They can create a website for the new product, where customers can
read about it. Or they can organize an event to launch it. But before any of these, they have to
gather feedback from the customers.
What is a brand?
The brand is an identifying symbol or mark which distinguishes a product from its
competitors. Usually they are trademarked so they can’t be used freely by others. For many
product and companies, branding is an essential part of marketing.
Why is branding important?
Branding is important because it means a promise of quality and reputation. The customers
will remember the brands. If they previously used somthing and were satisfied, they may
choose the brand again.
What is a marketing plan?
The marketing plan is a written document. It describes your advertising efforts for the next
year. It includes a statement of the marketing situation, a discussion of target markets. And
also it have to include a discription of the marketing mix you intend to use to reach your
marketing goals.
What does a product’s life cycle mean?
Product’s lifecycle means that a product has four stages for the period of its existence. These
stages are introductory, growth, maturity and decline.
Introductory: when the product is first put ont he market
Growth: when the product takes off.
Maturity: when the product’s profitability peaks
Decline: when the profitability begin to decrease.
How can businesses promote their products?
Promotion is communicating with the public and tries to influence them to buy the product.
Advertising is just one specific action you can take to promote your product. But promotion
includes all the ways to make a product known.
What are the bew types of advertising?
They are all connection with the new mobile devices, Mobile phone marketing or text
message marketing is done via mobile phones. Community sites ont he internet like Facebook
are also great tools of advertising.
Why is grassroots advertising important for small businesses?
Grassroots advertising is important for small busnisess because it is very effective and not so
expensive. It can be interactive as well and in that case the customers will enjoy taking part.
For example client commercials, when the clients send in photos of themselves using the
What are some forms of direct marketing?
The main types of direct marketing are telemarketing, email direct marketing and direct mail
marketing. Telemarketing means calling people at home for sales purposes. Email direct
marketing targets consumers through their email accounts. Direct mail marketing means that
the materials are sent directly to home.
What is psychological pricing?
It is a pricing strategy. It is targets the consumers’ emotion. For example odd pricing, when
instead of 100, the price is 99.99. People tend to believe that this is cheaper than the even
number. There is an other method, called BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free). This strategy
often work, even if the price is higher.
What sales promotion technique do you know of?
The most common ones are free trial, sampling. All of them are present for a limited time. It
enable customers to get accustomed to a new product.

Banking and stock exchange

What types of bank are there?

There are several types. For example investment banks retail banks, commercial banks and
central banks. Retail banks work with the general public. The commercial banks work with
businesses. Investment banks help companies with their investments. Central banks are
responsible for the countrys’ money.
What services do bank offer to the public?
Retail banks offer lots of services to the public. For example they offer bank accounts, saving
accounts, credit cards and debit cards. They also offer loans and mortgages, if someone needs
money. Of course they provide many other service sas well.
What bank services can businesses use?
Small businesses can use a retail bank as well, because retail banks work as commercial banks
as well. Businesses have save accounts, bank accounts, credit cards. They need payment and
transaction processing like the general public.

What bank services do you use most?

I have a bank account. My sallary and scholarship go into my account. I have a debit card as
well, I use it often for the daily shopping. Also, I can use my debit card if I want to withdraw
some money from the ATM.
How are debit cards and credit cards are different?
When you use your debit card that means you use your own money. There are some overdraft
facilities, but mainly you can use that amount of money what you have in your account. When
you use credit card, ont he other hand, that means you use the banks’ money and pay high
interest rates.
How do you use an ATM maschine?
It is not so difficult to use na ATM maschine. First you insert your card and give your PIN
number. Then you can choose a service from the list. The chosen service can be for example
withdrawing or paying utility bills. When the transaction is done you will get your money and
a receipt of the transaction (if you asked to get one).
What can you do if you have lost your card?
If this is the case the firs thing you should do is to call your bank. Banks have a non-stop
helpline for such cases. If you use online banking, you can report it online. You need to give
your account number, the date when you lost the card and the amount of your last transaction.
What does PIN stand for?
It means Personal Identification Number. You use your PIN number to verify your identity. It
is a secret number which consist of four numbers. You use itt o access your bank accounts. It
is important to keep your PIN number in secret.
What are some advantages and disadvantages of using cards instead of cash?
You can pay with card almost everywhere. It is easy to use. If you use card instead of cash
you needn’t carry cash. The disadvantage is that it is harder to follow how much money you
have spent. If you use credit cards you may have to pay high interest rates.
Should everybody have a bank account?
It is an opportunity, so it is optional. Governments wants everybody to have a bank account,
because in that way money transfers would be visible. But lots of people choose not to have a
bank account, because they do not have much money or they don’t trust the bank.
What are the advantages and possible drawbacks of online banking?
Online banking is very convinient. You can banking at home when the time when the time is
right for you. It is not dangerous,but much faster than banking in the bank. For example you
can pay your bills at home in one minute. But a lot of people don’t want to use internet for
banking, because they are afraid of being fooled.

How do you feel about banking via Interent?

I like it, because it is fast and convinient. I don’t think it has any disadvantage. I can use it
anytime and anywhere. I don’t have to wait in queuesin front of the bank to pay checks. If I
don’t understand something, there is a helpline where I can ask some help. But it is easy to
What are some advantages and possible risks of bank loans?
People usually borrow money from the bank to buy a house or a car. If they borrow money
from the bank they can buy what they need. They don’t have to owe lots of money to buy a
house for example, they can pay the money back to the bank in small chunks. But there is a
downside: if they can’t pay the expected payments, they can get into trouble, especially if this
loan is a mortgage.
What is the stock market?
It is a market where the products are the stocks, mutual funds and bonds. It is works like a
regular marketplace: there are lots of buyer and lots of seller, and of course, the „product”
itself. In stock market the sellers and buyers are usually brokers.
How does stock market work?
Stock market works like a regular market. There are lots of seller, lots of buyer, and the
products are the stocks and bonds. Buyers have in mind a price that they maximum want to
spend to buy a „product”. And of course, sellers have in mind a price that they want to get for
the stocks. So the buyers will make a bid for the stock what they want to buy and the sellers
will list the amount of money they expect for their stocks. Sellers can accept and reject the
buyers’ offers; it is depends on how much demand there is for that stock. The seller will sell
the stock to the one who gives the biggest amount of money for it, like in a regular market.
What does a broker do?
A broker is a salesperson. Their job is to handle their customers’ orders to buy or sell shares at
the stock market. It is also their job to help their customers with some advice and to inform
their clients about the trends. They help them to choose where to invest their money. They
also have an interest in investing clients’ money well, because they get a commission for their
What are the characteristics of good brokers?
Good full-service brokers must share many of the same qualities as good financial advisors. A
broker should be well-informed about financial news. A good broker has to be able to
measure the risk properly in order to their clients do not lose a lot of money on investments. It
is also necessary to see the chnges of the trends in advance. They also have to have good math
skills, because after all they are dealing with money every day.

What types of insurances do you know of?

There are several types, but according to the advisors four types are important for everyone to
have. This four types are life insurance, car insurance, long-term disability insurance and
health insurance. Each protects us, but from other things. Life insurance protect our families,
car insurance protects us from the financial consequences of an accident. Long term insurance
and health insurance protect us.

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