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Pressing issues in the world today would be in my opinion corruption and greed, in

today's world most of the world's money and power is spent protecting the rich and powerful.
Exceptions have appeared but they come in fewer and fewer numbers, showing that power and
money corrupt the weak of heart and mind. To put it in perspective most third world countries
have corruption which shows up in either low numbers or high numbers, from trivial things to
wasting millions to billions of dollars landing that country in a level of debt.

I've lived through this and it is a horrid sight to behold, as my country, friends and family
all suffer through lack of development and squandered money. This money was spent on the
leaders' material items such as houses, cars, fancy clothes and expensive trips. To live in a
country where everything is 5 years behind and degraded to the point of population decline is a
saddening and draining thing. To lose friends from lack of a health system and to see
unemployment from a lack of job availability due to no improvements to job variety. This all tied
to the fact that my country’s passports are now blacklisted due to illegal passport sales for an
increase in said leaders' wealth destroys any chance for my country to pick itself back up.

Not all corruptions is as severe but to have it exist will affect one or more lives which still
matters, human lives are incalculable in terms of money every person brings something to the
table and to see that most people don't get a chance not because they don't deserve but due to
there being no money to spend at all isn't morally right. We judge people based on their actions
but really we can never truly judge people in power because they will always twist and
manipulate the story and the minds of the people. The proof is well everywhere in terms of our
day to day lives as whether we like to believe it people are getting tricked over and over into
believing they are in a fair system when the money that they might need or might be owed is
spent on something as trivial as a new car or fancy dress by their own leaders in power.

To close corruption has always been a member of our society lurking in the shadow of a
bullet proof smile that our leaders put on as a facade to put us in a false sense of security,
which is so believable that we get lost and played. In the end if we can see through the facade
itll be the first step in taking down the greed filled leaders and taking back what we are owed.

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