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Actividad 04

Semana 12

Mariños Castillo Maryori

I. Logro de la sesión

● Al finalizar la sesión, el estudiante utiliza los verbos modales tanto en forma

afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa para expresar posibilidad, habilidad y

II. Indicaciones generales

El estudiante desarrolla las 04 preguntas, evitando consultar cuadernos,

separatas, libros o cualquier material de la asignatura durante el desarrollo de
la evaluación

III. Indicaciones específicas

● Esta PE04 consistirá en 4 preguntas para hacer Match.

● Conectarse al campus virtual para ver la actividad en la semana
● Responder las preguntas y enviarlas dentro de la actividad del campus virtual
● Evaluación individual

IV. Prueba

Read the following conversation and match the heading at the end:

Dear Maria
I'm 17 years old and my life is causing me a lot of stress, I have to do homework,
exam revision, extra science classes and football practice and then I have to help
my parents around the house Being o teenager can't always be this tough, can it?
Adults say that you must enjoy your schooldays because they're the happiest days
of your life, but these can't be the happiest days of my life! This isn't happiness - I'm
really suffering! What should I do to cut down on the stress?

Dear mark
Being a teenager is stressful Although adults romanticize their childhood, they must
have given up things they wanted to do too. Here are four great stress cures.
Follow them, and you'll be able to sort out your stress issues and live a busy but
happy life.

You must excercise at least three Take your mind off the stress by
times a week. You can do sports ar discovering new interests, like judo
work out or even walk the dog. Sudoku or even fishing!
Excercise relaxes your body and your
brain, and relaxation helps to revent

Networking sites, emails, Twitter
and texts might be useful, but you Remember. "you are what you eat".
mustn't give up face to face Burgers, chips and sugary food may
communication with people. be enjoyable, but this diet makes
Laughing with your mates will make your body scream: "No! Stop! You
a big difference and is probably the Should listen to your body, go
most effective form of stress without junk food, and feel the stress
prevention. melt away.

Match the headings (1-4) to the suggestions (A-D) in the text.

(B..) Take up something new.

(C..) Don't put off seeing friends.

(A.) Be active.

(D..) Sort out your eating habits.

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