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Should opinions persuade someone’s stand?

Each of us has different own perspectives

and opinions with almost everything. Which tends us to express it and persuade other people to agree
on our side. In this instances, we can use the Aristotelian Style of Argument. With this style, your goal as
a writer is to convince your audience of something and for them to adopt your side of issue. However, it
will not work in every circumstances. At times when you think that your audience would not entirely
agree to you, It can be better to find a common ground. That's where Rogerian Argument takes place.
This style of argument tends to reach mutual feelings between the two sides, where it can minimize the
effect of extreme disagreement.

A Rogerian argument is a negotiating approach in which similar aims are defined and
opposing contrasting points of view are described as objectively as possible in order to find common
ground and reach an agreement. Practicing the Rogerian argument will enhance the ability to
understand the complex relations of opposing viewpoints and provide tools for addressing such
discrepancies sympathetically. It is more effective in dealing with contentious matters because, rather
than believing that an author or speaker should employ shrewd reasoning to overcome an unfriendly
audience, the Rogerian approach would have the author or speaker try to find some common ground
with the audience.

The rogerian method is more efficient than the aristotelian structure as it agrees or has
the same opinion with one who's reading the text. And it makes it easier for the writer and the readers
to concur on the same idea. One advantage of using Rogerian argumentation is that the writer or
speaker gains the attention of the audience and prevents them from immediately arguing in
opposition. The effect is that you'll be more likely to persuade your listeners or readers. Rogerian is also
better because they are on the same side and understand each other quickly, but in Aristotelian it seems
like you are just encouraging the reader to get your point or your own point of view.

This style of presenting argument is an effective method of argumentation because it

encourages both sides of an issue to actively listen to each other's perspectives and work together to
find a mutually beneficial solution. This type of argument emphasizes the importance of understanding
both sides of an argument before attempting to reach a compromise. This can help prevent escalating
tensions and create a more constructive dialogue. Additionally, the Rogerian argument encourages both
sides to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, allowing them to come to an agreement that is
beneficial to everyone involved.

In conclusion, using the Rogerian argument style will be more efficient in persuading the
audience since it allows the writer to share a common ground with them. Because of this, the interest
of the audience to listen and know more about your stand will increase, as well as the effectiveness of it
in persuading them. Also, the Rogerian argument’s goal is to arrive at some mutually-satisfying solution
for both parties. Using this type of argumentative writing style will further enhance your ability to
understand opposing viewpoints. Rogerian Style widens our knowledge by establishing a middle ground
for both parties with contrasting perspectives that will allow the readers to develop their decision
making in choosing which topic to take sides of.
What is your thesis statement?

1. Practicing the Rogerian argument will enhance the ability to understand the complex relations of
opposing viewpoints and provide tools for addressing such discrepancies sympathetically. It is more
effective in dealing with contentious matters because, rather than believing that an author or speaker
should employ shrewd reasoning to overcome an unfriendly audience

2. The rogerian method is more efficient than the aristotelian structure as it agrees or has the same
opinion with one who's reading the text. And it makes it easier for the writer and the readers to concur
on the same idea.

What is your stand?

We believe that, the Rogerian argument style will be more efficient in persuading the
audience because this style of argument wants to reach mutual feelings between the two sides, where it
can minimize the effect of extreme disagreement. Because we know that building a common ground is
better because they are on the same side and understand each other quickly, rather than in Aristotelian
it seems like you are just encouraging the reader to get your point or your own point of view.

Are you saying that rogerian is better?

Technically yes, because again we believe that reaching a mutual connection between the two parties
will increase the interest of the audience to listen and know more about your stand, as well as the
effectiveness of it in persuading them as to compare to a kind of argument style “ this is my assertion
and here’s why I am right”

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