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1. Which study skill/s do you use the most and why?

- The study skills that I use the most are planning, helpful memory techniques,
and note-taking. I use planning the most because I like to plan things ahead,
in this way, it helps me track what I needed to achieve for the day and know
what things I need to do. Additionally, helpful memory techniques are also
one of the study skills that I use because it helps me remember things
because it expands my working memory and helps me access my memory of
my lessons. Lastly, I also consider note-taking as one of the study skills that
is helpful to me because whenever I try to memorize lessons, I write my own
notes because it helps me remember more. I also organize my notes because
I can usually remember the topics on what page and which part of that page it
was written to help me fully remember the answer.
2. Is there anything new that you've learned from that topic? Which new technique
will you use in the future? Why will it be helpful for you?
- One of the new things that I’ve learned from this topic is that there are a lot of
useful study skills than those usual ones that I use. The new technique that I
will use in the future are the reading for memory and memory and
concentration. It will be helpful for me because it can help me further
remember things/lessons by helping me enhance my memorization skills. I
usually forget things and sometimes, when nervous, I get mind-blocked that’s
why I believe that with the help of these techniques, I will memorize things

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