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True or False

1.True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. True
1. Intrapersonal and Interpersonal processing, Listening, Observing, Speaking, Questioning,
Analyzing, Evaluating
2. Cite four (4) differences between hearing and listening.
Hear: ear Accidental Effortless Involuntary
Listen: Ear to brain Focused Intentional Vonluntary
3. Give the six (6) steps in listening process.
1. Hearing 2. Selecting 3. Understanding 4. Evaluating 5. Remembering 6. Responding
4. Mention at least three (3) listening models
1. Hurier Model: Components of Effective Listening 2. Brook Listening Model 3. Blaine Goss
Listening Model
III Identification
1.Whose listening model is shown below?
Brook Listening Model
2-4 What are the stages of Brooks Listening Model?
identifying and recognizing
5. Whose listening model is shown below?
The Ross 3 step Model
6-8 Give the Ross 4 Step Model Levels
Sensation Interpretation Comprehension

1. PAK 2. PAK 3. PAK 4. NOPE 5. PAK 6. PAK 7. PAK 8. NOPE 9. PAK 10. PAK 11. PAK 12. PAK 13.
NOPE 14. PAK 15. PAK 16. PAK 17. NOPE 18. PAK 19. PAK 20. PAK A.
Three (3) classification of various types of communication.
1. Mode
2. Context
3. Purpose and Style
B - Three (3) types of communication according to mode.
4. Verbal communication 5. Nonverbal communication 6. Visual communication
C. Two (2) language processes.
7. Language Acquisition
8. Language Learning
D. Six (6) aspects for a language to be called a language.
1. grammar
2. phonology
3. lexicon
4. Syntax
5. pragmatics
6. morphology
E. Four (4) approaches used in an organizational communication.
15. Downward Communication
16. Upward Communication
17. Horizontal Communication
18. Crosswise Communication
F. Two (2) types of organizational structures.
19. Functional Organizational Structure
20. Divisional Organizational structure

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