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David Bosch AP Seminar Summer Assignment 8/13/23

First Article

The article discusses the overlooked role of AI raters, who are the reason for the enormous

growth of AI over the past year. An AI rater reviews and gives feedback to AI to provide more

accurate responses for future inquiries. Tech companies like Google and OpenAI overlook their

service to them and pay them a low wage. AI raters have poor working conditions and aren’t

recognized for the value of their job. They are the reason AI is so advanced today because AI

raters reinforce a lot of the knowledge. As tensions rose, the employees at Appen (a subcontract

of Google) formed a union and demanded fair treatment.

The author’s opinion is that they are against tech big tech companies not paying AI raters

enough. The main issue that the author mentions is how workers that are so important are treated

less than human when their job is essential. They argue against big tech companies and think

they should pay their workers more. They feel the workers are exploited and used by big tech

companies. Overall, the author has a critical stance on this topic and is giving it recognition by

writing about it.

Over the course of reading the article, I realized how much AI is involved in my life. Simple

things like a personalized Google search or my Spotify playlist being enhanced are all done by

AI. To think that there are people that make my life simpler by working hard and giving

feedback to AI software without the proper pay is saddening. I am against the big tech companies

that provide their workers with inadequate pay and poor working conditions.

How might the tech industry better balance portraying AI as autonomous with acknowledging

the significant role of human raters in its development?

Wong, M. (2023, August 11). Humans are haunting the chatbots. The Atlantic.


What ethical responsibilities do tech companies have towards the human raters who contribute to

refining their AI products?

Second Article

This article covers the recent occurrence of the writer’s strike and how Hollywood actors and

screenwriters are fed up with big entertainment companies not fulfilling promised contracts.

Over 160,000 workers went on strike, refusing to work, bringing the industry to a standstill. The

strike has damaged the production of many movies and shows due to the screenwriters and actors

refusing to work. Experts say that the strike could last the rest of the year.

The issue that the writers are having is trying to ensure their living wages and have a secure job

in which they can support themselves. Hollywood workers’ main goal is fair compensation and

protection of their creative contributions. I think the writers have all right to feel this way

because they work hard enough to fulfill their contracts. The author has a neutral standpoint on

the issue discussed because they instead inform than input their opinions.

I am affected by this issue in many ways. Upcoming movies, such as the animated Spiderman

movie, have been delayed in production due to the strike. Shows like Stranger Things have been

delayed due to screenwriters not showing up to work. Though I hate that movies/shows I watch

have been delayed, the people on strike have all the right to go on strike. Over the years,

Hollywood has been dehumanizing their workers and not giving them fair compensation.
How can the expanding use of artificial intelligence in the entertainment industry affect screenwr

iters' and actors' creative rights and compensation, and what viable solutions could address these


Why are both actors and screenwriters going on strike, and how might this impact the entertainment


Cullen, M. (2023, July 13). Hollywood is shutting down. The New York Times.

Third Article

Florida temperatures have been rising for the past decade, but none have matched this year’s record-

breaking heat. This article speaks about the rising ocean temperatures and how the ocean had a record-

breaking heat of 101 degrees practically making it a hot tub. The consequences are things such as coral

bleaching, ecosystem collapsing, and way more. The author speaks on how this needs urgent action, and

we can’t wait it out.

The author holds a negative standpoint on this topic due to them being alerted by the rising

temperatures and coral bleaching. The core issue at hand is climate change which is a worldwide

problem. This issue is extremely damaging to humanity and needs to be fixed. The main goal is to

reverse climate change before it gets to the point of no return.

As a Floridian, I get to experience the unbearable heat firsthand. I believe we should take climate change

more seriously as an issue so we could reverse the effects before its too late. The government has to take

initiative or soon enough Florida will be ruined.

How might the combination of rising ocean temperatures and the record-breaking heat wave in South

Florida affect not only marine ecosystems but also the local communities and economies that depend on

these ecosystems?
In the face of the dire consequences for coral reefs and marine life, what innovative strategies or

technologies could be employed to both mitigate the effects of rising ocean temperatures and help

ecosystems adapt to these changes?

Hernandez, J. (2023, July 26). With Florida ocean temperatures topping 100, experts warn of

damage to marine life. NPR.


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