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Units 5 & 6:

 Writing : On a papersheet (WITH YOUR HANDWRITING).

Activity 2. Write about your favorite person’s routine.

 ____ at (time).
 Use afirmative and negative sentences.
 Use connectors: and / but / because / so.
 Use places in town
 Use can / can’t
 Use there isn’t / There aren’t any
 Use numbers
 Use adjectives (for example: awful, young, interesting,
noisy, shy etc...)
 Use food and drinks vocbaulary
 Use like / not like
 Mention sports

*Everything in English, clear and organized answers. Check the

excercises from your book.

 Speaking: Check Flipgid

IMPORTANT: There isn’t extention of time.

Please check our calendar: (COMUNITY STUDENTS)!Auntf2Y8VXKy1wKMljUSXiusNFCS?e=RYoqap

Thank you

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