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June 1997

1. An egg- producing reproductive structure in mosses

a. Frond. c. Archegonium

b. Sports d. Another odium

2. The prevention of crossing among population brought about by differences in flowering times

is called.

a. Geographical isolation c. Phenological isolation

b. Ecological isolation d. Genetic isolation

3. This includes all undomesticated flora and fauna either live, preserved or processed


a. Species c. Herbarium

b. Specimen d. Wildlife

4. The portion of the rainfall that forms as overland is called

a. Throughfall c. Interflow

b. Stemflow d. Surface run-off

5. The year in which a given tree species bears seed more abundantly that usual is


a. Seed year c. Critical seed year

b. Seed-off year d. Optimum seed year

6. The green coloring matter present in the leaves

a. Chlorophyll c. Chloroplast

b. Mesophyll d. Xantophyll

7. This are strips of Vegetation which serves as protection against the destructive

effects of strong winds

a. Windbelt c. Greenbelt

b. windbreak d. Shelterwood

8. Storm of intermediate cutting which involves the removal of trees to enhance the

growth of the final crop.

a. Pruning c. Thinning

b. Weeding d. Sanitation cutting

9. A hard carbohydrates material found inthe exoskeletons of arthropods

a. Cheliped c. Chitin

b. Chromatin d. Chelicerae

10. The Philippine tarsier is found only in

a. Cagayan c. Bohol

b. Mindoro d. Palawan

11. A plant which by its presence in a particular site indicates the characteristics of the area

a. Soil indicator c. Plant indicator

b. Site index d. Plant sample

12. A natural, Aboriginal forest in which no cutting has ever taken place is referred to as

a. Mossy forest. c. High forest

b. Artificial d. Virgin

13. The cutting of narra was banned by the DENR due to its dwindling supply, which

among the following species is a good substitute for narra?

a. Koompasiaexcelsa c. Shores squamata

b. Macarangasylvatica d. Hopeaacuminata

14. It is a plant which grows where it is not wanted

a. Wolf tree. c. Cull tree

b. Weed d. Browse

15. The first name in a scientific name

a. Local name c. Specific epithet

b. Common name d. Genus

16. In the tropics, the bulk of the nutrients are found in the

a. Atmosphere c. Biomass

b. Ecosystem. d. Soil

17. A chemical released by an animal that affects the behavior of other animal of the

same species.

a. Phycocyanin c. Pheromone

b. Pepcin d. Cyanine

18. A part of the plant cell composed primarily of calcium spectate

a. Cell wall c. Cytoplasm

b. Nucleus d. Middle lamella

19. A valuable source of humus;

a. Forest litter c. Soil

b. Trace elements d. macronutrients

20. This process converts nitrates of ammonia compounds and is accomplished by

bacteria and fungus of decay

a. Ammonification c. Aminization

b. Nitration d. Nitrification

21. A pronounced localized swelling on the roots, stems or branches

a. Dwarfing c. Canker

b. Dieback d. Gall

22. A single-celled microorganism that lack chlorophyll

a. Virus c. Algae

b. Bacteria c. Fungi

23. The crossing between close relatives, specially when continued for several


a. Introgression c. Outcrossing

b. Inversion d. in-breeding

24. It refers to the study of the effect of climate on the health of living things

a. Bioclimatology c. Endoclimatology

b. Exoclimatology d. Livoclimatology

25. A planting strategy starting first near the existing forest Vegetation in order to

develop micro-climate is known as

a. Compartment planting c. Selection cutting

b. Massive reforestation d. Progressive planting

26. It is a type of reproduction where egg is produced, fertilized and ovipositors by

the female

a. Popularity c. Ovoviparity

b. Oviparity d. Ovoviparity

27. It is a kind of humus found under deciduous stands growing on mesic site where the

soil is not too acidic

a. Mor c. Mull

b. Mulch d. Peat

28. The top part of the regolith which has been exposed to intense cultivation.

a. Land c. Rhizosphere

b. Sere d. Soil

29. The structural unit in the nucleus that preserve their individuality from one cell

generation to the another.

a. Cytochrome. c. Lysosome

b. Pheromone d. Chromosome

30. It refers to the running body of water.

a. Lotic c. Lentic

b. Flood d. Surface run- off

31. It is the birth rate or the population of few individuals in relation to time.

a. Abnormality c. Dispersal

b. Mortality d. Natality

32. The prevention of crossing among population due to chromosomal differences

preventing normal seed set.

a. Phenological isolation c. Geographical isolation

b. Ecological isolation. d. Genetic isolation

33. The reproduction of plants by purely Vegetative means is termed as.

a. Cross pollination c. Asexual reproduction

b. Cloning. d. Seedling production

34. A bud in a leaf axil.

a. Florette c. Flower bud

b. Terminal budd. d. Axillary bud

35. An insect control method which involves collecting, trapping and destroying insects

and infested material.

a. Chemical method c. Cultural method

b. Biotic method d. Mechanical method

36. The degradation of watershed denotes.

a. Loss of wildlife value c. Loss of food value

b. Loss of watershed value d. Loss of wood value

37. A phenotypically superior tree is called.

a. Clone d. Pole

b. Spur tree c. Plus tree

38. It is a localized necrotic lesion primarily of the bark and cambium

a. Chlorosis c. Blight

b. Rotting d. Canker

39. It refers to the rapid and widespread occurrence of disease or insect attack on trees.

a. Endemic c. Prolific

b. Epidemic d. Contagious

40. The specific group of fungi involved in the decay or deterioration of the wood

a. Ascomycetes c. Basidiomycetes

b. Phycomycetes d. Fungi imperfecti

41. The length of stream or valley

a. Gully. c. Drainage area

b. Channel d. Reach

42. It is the assemblage of plants growing together in a particular location.

a. Habitat c. Flora

b. Forest d. Vegetation

43. Absorption occurs in the roots while in what part of the plant is considered in the site of

photosynthetic process.

a. Leaves c. Fruit

b. Branch d. Stem

44. It is a fruit - feeding animal.

a. Herbivore c. Omnivore

b. Carnivore d. Frugivore

45. It pertains to the amount of the rainfall falling in an area

a. Run-off c. Stemflow

b. Field capacity d. Precipitation

46. A taxonomic group that is sufficiently distinct to be worthy of being distinguished by name

and to be ranked in a definite category.

a. Tribe c. Variety

b. Taxon d. Subspecies

47. It is the most important physical factor influencing the plant succession process.

a. Shifting cultivation c. Erosion

b. Scarification d. Fire

48. It is the measure employed to control pest infestation using natural enemies

a. Insecticide c. Predator control

b. Fungicide d. Biological control

49. It refers to the size of the soil particles

a. Soil morphology c. Soil structure

b. Soil texture d. Soil classification

50. It is a basic process in growth involving the conversation of food into new

Protoplasm, cell walls and other substances by existing protoplasm.

a. Reproduction c. Translocation

b. Assimilation d. Respiration

51. The range of phenotypes which may develop from a given genotype under varying

environment conditions.

a. Genetic drift c. Selection

b. Mutation d. Genetic limits

52. It is a hypertrophic symptom

a. Rot c. Gall

b. Wilting d. Decay

53. Jumping lice specifically attact what type of plantation?

a. Sweitenia c. Leucaena

b. Dipterocarpus d. Pterocarpus

54. The yellowing of normally green tissues due to partial failure of chlorophyll to


a. Dieback c. Necrosis

b. Canker d. Chlorosis

55. The loss of turgor pressure in plant cell is known as

a. Osmosis c. Glycolysis

b. Diffusion d. Plasmolysis

56. The physical change states in which a gas or vapor is transformed into a liquid as

in the formation of water droplets when water vapor cools.

a. Evaporation c. Condensation

b .volatization. d. Precipitation

57. A plant community which in a given area, perpetuates itself indefinitely on the best

drained land formed and the most differentiated soil is called.

a. Secondary community c. Stand

b. Forest cover d. Climax

58. The process of removing a ring of bark from a tree

a. Grafting c. Layering

b. Girdling d. Tanning

59. The transfer of pollen grains to the female reproductive structures involving ants as


a. Ornithophilly c. Myrmecophilly

b. Hydrophilly d. Anemophilly

60. The control of import and export of plants to prevent spread of disease and pests

refers to.

a. Biological control c. Chemotherapy

b. Plant quarantine d. Tree surgery

61. One of the management practices that can be done to reduce the incidence of pest

and disease outbreaks in plantation is.

a. To increase diversity through multiple tree species planting

b. To establish fire lines

c . To establish monoculture

d. To select species with high susceptibility to pests and disease

62. Refers to the study of the form and structure of organisms.

a. Physiognomy c. Physiology

b. Taxonomy d. Morphology

63. It refers to the complex protein molecule produced by living cells which acts as the

organic catalysts making it possible for the biochemical reactions necessary for

physiological processes to take place.

a. Enzymes c. Cytokinins

b. Phytohormones d. RNA

64. The transformation of new species.

a. Speciation c. Adaption

b. Natural selection d. Extinction

65. The relative humidity in a forest is much higher than in the open area because of.

a. Overcrowding

b. There is less air circulation

c. Transpiration from the leaves

d. Less sunshine that can penetrate the canopy

66. It is modified leaf or other organ enveloping and protecting a resting bud.

a. Peripherals c. Colleter

b. Diaspore d. Bud scale

67. It is generally referred to as the science of water.

a. Meteorology c. Climatology

b. Limnology d. Hydrology

68. It refers to the vertical section of the soil through all its horizons and extending into

the parent material.

a. Soil Genesis c. Soil horizon

b. Soil profile d. Soil structure

69. Any microorganism or virus that can cause disease is referred to as;

a. Vector c. Pathogen

b. Host d. Weed

70. Death of plant cells usually resulting in the darkening of the tissue.

a. Necropsy c. Discoloration

b. Necrosis d. Dieback

71. The bulk density of the soil is 1.3g/cc and the given Dept is 30 cm. What is the

Weight (kg) of the soil on a per hectare basis?

a. 4,900 kg/ha c. 5, 900 kg/ha

b. 3, 900, 000 kg/ha d. 3, 900 kg/ha

72. It is the term used to indicate the productive capacity of a site for a given species or

group of species.

a. Site index c. Site Indicator

b. Site quality d. Site factor

73. It pertains to any group of actually and potentially interbreeding population which are

generically isolated from other such groups.

a. Saprotrophs c. Heterotrops

b. Chemotrophs d. Species

74. The first stage of seed germination.

a. Emergence of hypocotyls c. Breaking of testa

b. Enlargement of endosperm d. Water absorption

75. A chemical which is toxic to plants

a. Indoleacetic acid c. Hormone

b. Phytohormone d. Phytoxic

76. It is a plants species growing in coastal region or near the sea

a. Littoral species c. Beach species

b. Montane species d. Marginal species

77. A measure of species diversity

a. All of these c. Species reachness index

b. High index d. Shannon Weaver index

78. A forest which is designated for the sustain production of timber or other forest

products or any combination of them.

a. Productive forest c. Protective forest

b. Primeval forest d. Multiple -use forest

79. The appearance of an organism without regard to its hereditary Constitution.

a. Mesotype c. Syntype

b. Phenotype d. Genotype

80. The scientific method use in the upland farming whereby planting is done along

contour lines with the use of A-frame pertains to.

a. Gabions c. Multiple-use cropping

b. Bench terracing d. SALT

81. Powerhouse of the cell since this component actively participates in the process of


a. Nucleolus c. Tonoplast

b. Lysosomes d. Mitochondrion

82. A tree of many species possessing superior characteristics marked as mother tree.

a. Residual tree c. Elite tree

b. Super tree d. Plus tree

83. Excessive flow of resin from infected areas.

a. Necrosis c. Resinosis

b. Chlorosis d. Gummosis

84. The air temperature in a forest is lower than inthe open but lowest is observed at.

a. About four feet above the ground

b. Just above the crown canopy

c. Just the mid-air of the forest stand

d. On the surface of the ground

85. Stimulates early root formation and growth and gives rapid growth and vigor to plants.

a. Potassium c. Nitrogen

b. Boron d. Phosphorus

86. It is referred to as one crop production

a. One- storey group c. Monoculture

b. Even-aged stand d. Multiple crop

87. The prevention of participitation to infiltrate the soil by the crown and subsequently


a. Interception c. Stemflow

b. Percolation d. Throughfull

88. Dipping the roots of seedlings in a mixture of soil and water about the consistency of

a cream to retard drying before planting is term as

a. Pollarding c. Wattling

b. Shearing d. Puddling

89. It refers to the inherited characteristics of a tree

a. Cellulytic characteristics c. Genotypic characteristics

b. Mucolytic characteristic d. Phenotypic characteristic

90. It is the replacement of one community by another community.

a. Adaptation c. Regeneration

b. Succession d. Reproduction

91. A forest which reproduce vegetatively by sprouts or suckers

a. Mangroves c. High forest

b. Coppice forest d. Low forest

92. All of the plants found in a given area

a. Species c. Fauna

b. Flora d. Wildlife

93. Known as movement of water within the soil.

a. Stemflow c. Throughfall

b. Infiltration d. Percolation

94. A zone of Vegetation consisting of mixture of all trees, shrubs and vines for the

protection of tree crops from wind velocity.

a. Greenbelt c. Shelterbelt

b. Fireline d. Windbreak

95. The largest poisonous snake in the country

a. King cobra c. Phyton

b. Anaconda d. Viper

96. The formation of new species in an area not geographically separated from other

members of the population.

a. Speciation c. Adaptation

b. Natural selection d. Extinction

97. Class insects is characterized by.

a. 2 pairs of legs c. 3 pairs of legs

b. 7pairs of legs d. 2 legs

98. Insect feeding on other insects are called.

a. Zoophagous c. Entomophagous

b. Phytophagous d. Detritophagous

99. The general appearance of a plant refers to.

a. Canopy c. Crown cover

b. Stand d. Habit

100. The penetration which place when nutrients and water enter the plant root.

a. Translocation c. Absorption

b. Adsorption d. Oxidation

Forest Ecosystem 1997 answer key

1c 51 a
2c 52 c
3d 53 c
4d 54 d
5a 55 d
6a 56 c
7b 57 d
8c 58 b
9c 59 c
10 c 60 b
11 c 61 a
12 d 62 d
13 a 63 a
14 b 64 a
15 d 65 c
16 d 66 d
17 c 67 d
18 d 68 b
19 a 69 c
20 a 70 b
21 d 71 b
22 b 72 b
23 d 73 d
24 a 74 d

25 d 75 d
26 b 76 a
27 a 77 a
28 c 78 a
29 d 79 b
30 a 80 d
31 d 81 d
32 d 82 d
33 c 83 c
34 d 84 a
35 d 85 c
36 b 86 c
37 d 87 a
38 d 88 d
39 b 89 c
40 c 90 b
41 d 91 b
42 c 92 b
43 a 93 d
44 d 94 d
45 d 95 a
46 b 96 a
47 d 97 c
48 d 98 c
49 b 99 a
50 b 100 c


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