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Individual Programme Plan (IPP) (Outstanding)

Name:……………………………………………………………………………..…….. class: ……………

Focus Plan Period Evaluation

 Able to understand  Give the student bigger roles in the lesson as a group leader.


Needs more practice

words and phrases.
 Encourage the student to be a young teacher.

 Can understand simple

Shows interest

Motivate the student to participate in the school activities
e.g school broadcast.
 Succeeds in all tasks

 Able to read words and  Ask the student to read words, numbers and phrases.
 Encourage the student to read short texts.


 Can read phrases and

 Provide the student with reading comprehension tasks.
Needs more practice
simple sentences.  Shows interest
  Encourage the student to read short stories.
Can answer simple  Succeeds in all tasks
comprehension tasks.
 Able to read longer texts.
 Able to write letters and  Provide the student with writing tasks about numbers and
numbers. letters.
  

Clear handwriting. Ask the student to reorder words to form correct sentences. Needs more practice

 Able to write words and  Give the student completion tasks.  Shows interest
 Encourage the student to write sentences and short texts.  Succeeds in all tasks
 Can write sentences and
short texts.

Recommendations :

Done by SET/ Hajer Al Rishaidi

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