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In previous grade levels the different
measures of central tendency (mean, median, and
mode) and measures of variability (range,
variance, and standard deviation) have been
discussed. The measures of relative position have
also been tackled in the previous lessons. This
lesson will introduce another measure used in
statistics—the measures of shape, which include
skewness and kurtosis.

Skewness is a measure of the

asymmetry of a data distribution.
A distribution is said to be
asymmetrical or skewed when the
spread of the measurements is not
normal. This means that one side
of the distribution has a longer tail.
When majority of the data values fall to the
right of the mean, the distribution is said to be
left-skewed or negatively skewed. That is, the
mean is to the left of the median, and the mean
and the median are to the left of the mode.

On the other hand, a distribution is said to be

right-skewed or positively skewed when the
majority of the data set fall to the left of the
mean. That is, the mean falls to the right of the
median, and both the mean and the median fall
to the right of the mode.
Histogram is a graphical
method used to display statistical
information. It uses rectangles to
show the frequency of data values
in a successive numerical interval.
Histograms are used to graphically
summarize and display data values
in the distribution.
1. The data distribution is
negatively skewed because
majority of the data values
are on the right side.

2. The data distribution is

normal because it appears
approximately equal in both
left and right sides of the
center line.

3. The data distribution is

positively skewed because
most of the data values are
located on the left side of the
Pearson coefficient (or Pearson’s Index)
of skewness will be used to measure the
symmetry or skewness of a data
The formula for the coefficient of skewness (SK)
of a certain distribution is:
Now, since the value of the mean, median,
and standard deviation have already been
computed, and the Pearson’s index of
Notice that the value of the skewness is
negative. This implies that the data
distribution is skewed to the left. This means
that majority of the values are greater than
the mean and median.
is a measure of shape which
describes the peakedness or
flatness of a data distribution. the
data distribution is said to be normal
when the value of kurtosis is equal to
0.265. This is considered to be
mesokurtic. On the other hand, the
distribution is described as
leptokurtic if its kurtosis is less
than 0.265, and platykurtic if the
value of the kurtosis is greater

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