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Dysfunctional Family

Functional Family

Submitted by: Catherine Nicole R. Mulat

Submitted to: Mrs. Patria Mira
Dysfunctional Family
A dysfunctional family is a family unit that
experiences persistent patterns of negative behavior,
communication, and relationships. In such a family,
members may have difficulty expressing their
emotions, resolving conflicts, and establishing
healthy boundaries. Dysfunctional families often
struggle with issues such as addiction, abuse,
neglect, and mental health problems. Members may
feel isolated, misunderstood, or unsupported, leading
to feelings of anxiety, depression, or low self-
esteem. These negative patterns can persist for
generations, as they are often learned and passed
down through family dynamics and interactions.

Functional Family
A functional family is a family unit that is able to
effectively meet the needs of its members and adapt
to changing circumstances. In such a family,
members are able to communicate openly and
honestly, and have a strong sense of mutual respect
and trust. They are able to work together as a team to
accomplish tasks, solve problems, and support one
another through challenges. Functional families also
have a clear and healthy balance between
independence and interdependence, allowing each
member to pursue their own interests and goals
while also contributing to the family as a whole.
They prioritize the well-being of each member, and
are able to provide emotional and practical support
as needed. Overall, a functional family is one that is
able to navigate the ups and downs of life with
resilience, adaptability, and a strong sense of unity.

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