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Hong Kong Shipping Statistics

2023 年 第 2 季
Second Quarter 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處
Census and Statistics Department
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Hong Kong Shipping Statistics
2023 年 第 2 季
Second Quarter 2023

政府統計處 電子貿易服務及貨運統計組
地址:香港灣仔港灣道 12 號灣仔政府大樓 22 樓
電話:(852)2582 2126 圖文傳真: (852)2802 1192

Enquiries about this publication can be directed to:

Electronic Trading Services and Cargo Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department
Address: 22/F Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Tel.: (852) 2582 2126 Fax: (852) 2802 1192

政府統計處網站 Website of the Census and Statistics Department

2023 年 9 月 出 版
Published in September 2023
目 錄 Contents 頁數 Page

概況 General Observations v

註釋 Explanatory Notes ix

用語及分類 Terms and Classifications xv

圖表 Graphs
1. 抵港船次 1. Vessel arrivals 3
2. 抵港船隻的總容量 2. Total capacity of incoming vessels 3
3. 港口貨物吞吐量 3. Port cargo throughput 4
4. 載貨貨櫃吞吐量 4. Laden container throughput 4
5. 卸下港口貨物 5. Port cargo discharged 5
6. 裝上港口貨物 6. Port cargo loaded 5
7. 卸下載貨貨櫃 7. Laden containers discharged 6
8. 裝上載貨貨櫃 8. Laden containers loaded 6
9. 按運輸方式劃分的卸下港口貨物 9. Port cargo discharged by mode of transport 7
10. 按運輸方式劃分的裝上港口貨物 10. Port cargo loaded by mode of transport 7
11. 按運輸方式劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃 11. Laden containers discharged by mode of transport 8
12. 按運輸方式劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃 12. Laden containers loaded by mode of transport 8
13. 港口貨物中主要裝卸國家/地區以重量計所佔的比重 13. Share of port cargo in terms of tonnage by major 9
country/territory of loading/discharge
14. 載貨貨櫃中主要裝卸國家/地區以標準貨櫃單位計所佔的比重 14. Share of laden container in terms of TEU by major 9
country/territory of loading/discharge
15. 按主要裝貨國家/地區劃分的卸下港口貨物以重量計所佔的比重 15. Share of port cargo discharged in terms of tonnage by major 10
country/territory of loading
16. 按主要卸貨國家/地區劃分的裝上港口貨物以重量計所佔的比重 16. Share of port cargo loaded in terms of tonnage by major 11
country/territory of discharge

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 i Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
目錄 Contents
頁數 Page

17. 按主要裝貨國家/地區劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃以標準貨櫃單位計所 17. Share of laden containers discharged in terms of TEU by major 12
佔的比重 country/territory of loading
18. 按主要卸貨國家/地區劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃以標準貨櫃單位計所 18. Share of laden containers loaded in terms of TEU by major 13
佔的比重 country/territory of discharge
19. 按主要裝載貨品劃分的港口貨物吞吐量以重量計所佔的比重 19. Share of port cargo throughput in terms of tonnage by principal 14

統計表 Statistical Tables

1 時間數列 1 Time series

1.1 抵港船次 1.1 Vessel arrivals 17
1.2 港口貨物吞吐量 1.2 Port cargo throughput 18
1.3 海運貨物吞吐量 1.3 Seaborne cargo throughput 19
1.4 河運貨物吞吐量 1.4 River cargo throughput 20
1.5 貨櫃吞吐量 1.5 Container throughput 21
1.6 載貨貨櫃吞吐量 1.6 Laden container throughput 22
1.7 海運載貨貨櫃吞吐量 1.7 Seaborne laden container throughput 23
1.8 河運載貨貨櫃吞吐量 1.8 River laden container throughput 24
1.9 港口貨物吞吐量的變動情況 1.9 Movement of port cargo throughput 25
1.10 載貨貨櫃吞吐量的變動情況 1.10 Movement of laden container throughput 26
1.11 按選定裝貨國家/地區劃分的水運進口貨物 1.11 Waterborne imports of cargo by selected countries/territories of 27
1.12 按選定裝貨國家/地區劃分的水運抵港轉運貨物 1.12 Waterborne inward transhipment of cargo by selected 28
countries/territories of loading
1.13 按選定卸貨國家/地區劃分的水運出口貨物 1.13 Waterborne exports of cargo by selected countries/territories of 29

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 ii Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
目錄 Contents
頁數 Page

1.14 按選定卸貨國家/地區劃分的水運離港轉運貨物 1.14 Waterborne outward transhipment of cargo by selected 30

countries/territories of discharge
1.15 按選定裝貨國家/地區劃分的水運卸下載貨貨櫃 1.15 Waterborne laden containers discharged by selected 31
countries/territories of loading
1.16 按選定卸貨國家/地區劃分的水運裝上載貨貨櫃 1.16 Waterborne laden containers loaded by selected 32
countries/territories of discharge
2 船隻統計 2 Vessel statistics
2.1 按船舶類型劃分的抵港船次 2.1 Vessel arrivals by ship type 35
2.2 按船旗劃分的抵港船次 2.2 Vessel arrivals by flag 36

3 貨運統計 3 Cargo statistics

3.1 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下港口貨物 3.1 Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of 39
3.2 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上港口貨物 3.2 Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 47
3.3 按主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的卸下港口貨物 3.3 Port cargo discharged by principal commodity and mode of 55
3.4 按主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的裝上港口貨物 3.4 Port cargo loaded by principal commodity and mode of transport 57
3.5 按貨物種類、主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的卸下港口貨物 3.5 Port cargo discharged by cargo type, principal commodity and 59
mode of transport
3.6 按貨物種類、主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的裝上港口貨物 3.6 Port cargo loaded by cargo type, principal commodity and mode 61
of transport
3.7 按貨物裝卸地點及運輸方式劃分的港口貨物吞吐量 3.7 Port cargo throughput by cargo handling location and mode of 63
3.8 按主要裝貨/卸貨國家/地區劃分而與中國內地有關的水運轉運 3.8 Waterborne cargo for transhipment related to the mainland of 64
貨物 China by major country/territory of loading/discharge

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 iii Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
目錄 Contents
頁數 Page

4 貨櫃統計 4 Container statistics

4.1 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃 4.1 Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port 68
of loading
4.2 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃 4.2 Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of 76
4.3 按主要裝載貨品及運輸方式劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃 4.3 Laden containers discharged by principal commodity carried and 84
mode of transport
4.4 按主要裝載貨品及運輸方式劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃 4.4 Laden containers loaded by principal commodity carried and 86
mode of transport
4.5 按貨物裝卸地點及運輸方式劃分的載貨貨櫃吞吐量 4.5 Laden container throughput by cargo handling location and mode 88
of transport
4.6 按主要裝貨/卸貨國家/地區劃分而與中國內地有關的水運轉運 4.6 Waterborne laden containers for transhipment related to the 89
載貨貨櫃 mainland of China by major country/territory of loading/discharge
5 補充統計表 5 Supplementary tables
5.1 按運輸方式劃分的貨物吞吐量 5.1 Cargo throughput by mode of transport 93
5.2 世界貨櫃港口的排列 5.2 Ranking of container ports of the world 94
5.3 香港及選定港口的貨櫃吞吐量比較 5.3 Comparison of container throughput for Hong Kong and selected 95

附錄 Annex
獲取政府統計處刊物的方法 Means of Obtaining Publications of the Census and Statistics

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 iv Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
概 況 General Observations
2023 年第 2 季的港口貨物吞吐量較 2022 年第 2 季下跌 In the second quarter of 2023, total port cargo throughput decreased by 14.9%
14.9%,為 4 450 萬公噸。當中,抵港港口貨物及離港港口貨物較 compared with the second quarter of 2022 to 44.5 million tonnes. Within this total,
2022 年第 2 季分別下跌 13.1%及 17.8%,為 2 830 萬公噸及 inward port cargo and outward port cargo decreased by 13.1% and 17.8% compared
1 620 萬公噸。 with the second quarter of 2022 to 28.3 million tonnes and 16.2 million tonnes

2023 年上半年的港口貨物吞吐量較 2022 年上半年下跌 For the first half of 2023, total port cargo throughput decreased by 9.5%
9.5%,為 8 570 萬公噸。當中,抵港港口貨物及離港港口貨物較 compared with the first half of 2022 to 85.7 million tonnes. Within this total, inward
2022 年上半年分別下跌 9.5%及 9.3%,為 5 450 萬公噸及 3 120 萬 port cargo and outward port cargo decreased by 9.5% and 9.3% compared with the first
公噸。 half of 2022 to 54.5 million tonnes and 31.2 million tonnes respectively.

2023 年第 2 季經季節性調整的港口貨物吞吐量按季比較下 On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter comparison, total port cargo

跌 4.0%。當中,抵港港口貨物及離港港口貨物較上季分別下跌 throughput decreased by 4.0% in the second quarter of 2023. Within this total,
4.6%及 2.9%。經季節性調整的數列可以進行更有意義的短期比 inward port cargo and outward port cargo decreased by 4.6% and 2.9% respectively
較,有助辨析其趨勢上可能出現的變動。 compared with the preceding quarter. The seasonally adjusted series enables more
meaningful shorter-term comparison to be made for discerning possible variations in

港口貨物 Port cargo

在港口貨物中,2023 年第 2 季的海運及河運貨物較 2022 年 Within port cargo, seaborne and river cargo decreased by 13.0% and 18.5% in
第 2 季分別下跌 13.0%及 18.5%,為 3 020 萬公噸及 1 440 萬公 the second quarter of 2023 compared with the second quarter of 2022 to 30.2 million
噸。 tonnes and 14.4 million tonnes respectively.

在抵港港口貨物中,2023 年第 2 季的進口及抵港轉運貨物 Within inward port cargo, imports and inward transhipment decreased by 6.6%
較 2022 年第 2 季分別下跌 6.6%及 19.3%,為 1 490 萬公噸及 and 19.3% in the second quarter of 2023 compared with the second quarter of 2022 to
1 350 萬公噸。至於離港港口貨物中,出口(包括港產品出口和轉 14.9 million tonnes and 13.5 million tonnes respectively. For outward port cargo,
口)及離港轉運貨物在 2023 年第 2 季較 2022 年第 2 季分別下跌 exports (including domestic exports and re-exports) and outward transhipment
18.8%及 17.5%,為 350 萬公噸及 1 260 萬公噸。 decreased by 18.8% and 17.5% in the second quarter of 2023 compared with the
second quarter of 2022 to 3.5 million tonnes and 12.6 million tonnes respectively.

在港口貨物中,2023 年上半年的海運及河運貨物較 2022 年 Within port cargo, seaborne and river cargo decreased by 12.7% and 2.1% in
上半年分別下跌 12.7%及 2.1%,為 5 750 萬公噸及 2 830 萬公噸。 the first half of 2023 compared with the first half of 2022 to 57.5 million tonnes and
28.3 million tonnes respectively.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 v Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
在抵港港口貨物中,2023 年上半年的進口及抵港轉運貨物 Within inward port cargo, imports and inward transhipment decreased by 6.5%
較 2022 年上半年分別下跌 6.5%及 12.6%,為 2 850 萬公噸及 and 12.6% in the first half of 2023 compared with the first half of 2022 to 28.5 million
2 600 萬公噸。至於離港港口貨物中,出口及離港轉運貨物在 2023 tonnes and 26.0 million tonnes respectively. For outward port cargo, exports and
年上半年較 2022 年上半年分別下跌 7.1%及 10.0%,為 700 萬公噸 outward transhipment decreased by 7.1% and 10.0% in the first half of 2023 compared
及 2 420 萬公噸。 with the first half of 2022 to 7.0 million tonnes and 24.2 million tonnes respectively.

以上港口貨物統計摘要列於表 1.2 至表 1.4。 The detailed port cargo statistics are summarised in Table 1.2 - Table 1.4.

表 3.1 及表 3.2 分別載列抵港港口貨物的主要裝貨國家/地 The main countries/territories of loading of inward port cargo and
區及離港港口貨物的主要卸貨國家/地區。 countries/territories of discharge of outward port cargo are shown in Table 3.1 and
Table 3.2 respectively.

2023 年第 2 季與 2022 年第 2 季比較,抵港港口貨物中,重 Comparing the second quarter of 2023 with the second quarter of 2022, double-
量錄得雙位數字升幅的主要裝貨國家/地區為馬來西亞 digit increase was recorded in the tonnage of inward port cargo loaded in Malaysia
( 升 16.4% ) 。 另 一 方 面 , 越 南 ( 跌 35.8% ) 、 日 本 (+16.4%). On the other hand, double-digit decreases were recorded in the tonnage of
(跌 22.8%)、台灣(跌 21.7%)、中國內地(跌 14.9%)及韓國 inward port cargo loaded in Vietnam (-35.8%), Japan (-22.8%), Taiwan (-21.7%), the
(跌 13.0%)則錄得雙位數字的跌幅。在離港港口貨物中,重量錄 mainland of China (-14.9%) and Korea (-13.0%). For outward port cargo, double-
得雙位數字跌幅的主要卸貨國家/地區為美國(跌 40.1%)、台灣 digit decreases were recorded in the tonnage of outward port cargo discharged in the
(跌 31.0%)、澳大利亞(跌 27.2%)、越南(跌 25.0%)、日本 United States of America (-40.1%), Taiwan (-31.0%), Australia (-27.2%), Vietnam
(跌 22.0%)、中國內地(跌 17.3%)、馬來西亞(跌 15.6%)及 (-25.0%), Japan (-22.0%), the mainland of China (-17.3%), Malaysia (-15.6%) and
韓國(跌 14.5%)。 Korea (-14.5%).

2023 年上半年與 2022 年上半年比較,抵港港口貨物中,重 Comparing the first half of 2023 with the first half of 2022, double-digit
量錄得雙位數字跌幅的主要裝貨國家/地區為越南(跌 33.3%)、 decreases were recorded in the tonnage of inward port cargo loaded in Vietnam
台灣(跌 32.4%)、日本(跌 23.1%)、韓國(跌 18.9%)及泰國 (-33.3%), Taiwan (-32.4%), Japan (-23.1%), Korea (-18.9%) and Thailand (-10.5%).
(跌 10.5%)。在離港港口貨物中,重量錄得雙位數字跌幅的主要 For outward port cargo, double-digit decreases were recorded in the tonnage of
卸貨國家/地區為美國(跌 36.4%)、台灣(跌 32.2%)、澳大利 outward port cargo discharged in the United States of America (-36.4%), Taiwan
亞(跌 22.6%)、日本(跌 21.2%)、越南(跌 17.9%)、韓國 (-32.2%), Australia (-22.6%), Japan (-21.2%), Vietnam (-17.9%), Korea (-15.9%) and
(跌 15.9%)及馬來西亞(跌 12.2%)。 Malaysia (-12.2%).

表 3.3 及表 3.4 分別載列抵港港口貨物的主要貨品及離港港 The principal commodities of inward port cargo and outward port cargo are
口貨物的主要貨品。 shown in Table 3.3 and Table 3.4 respectively.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 vi Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
概況 General Observations
2023 年第 2 季與 2022 年第 2 季比較,抵港港口貨物中,重 Comparing the second quarter of 2023 with the second quarter of 2022, double-
量錄得雙位數字變幅的主要貨品為「石油、石油產品及副產品」 digit changes were recorded in the tonnage of inward port cargo of “petroleum,
(升 44.5%)、「人造樹脂及塑料」(跌 19.4%)和「機械」 petroleum products and related materials” (+44.5%), “artificial resins and plastic
(跌 25.5%)。在離港港口貨物中,重量錄得雙位數字跌幅的主要 materials” (-19.4%) and “machinery” (-25.5%). As for outward port cargo,
貨品為「人造樹脂及塑料」(跌 29.8%)、「石料、沙及礫石」 double-digit decreases were recorded in the tonnage of “artificial resins and plastic
( 跌 22.2% ) 、 「 機 械 」 ( 跌 19.6% ) 、 「 紙 漿 及 廢 紙 」
materials ” (-29.8%), “ stone, sand and gravel ” (-22.2%), “ machinery ”
(跌 19.5%)和「主要作食用的動物及其製品」(跌 13.2%)。
(-19.6%), “pulp and waste paper” (-19.5%) and “live animals chiefly for food
and edible animal products” (-13.2%).

2023 年上半年與 2022 年上半年比較,抵港港口貨物中, Comparing the first half of 2023 with the first half of 2022, double-digit
重量錄得雙位數字變幅的主要貨品為「石油、石油產品及副產 changes were recorded in the tonnage of inward port cargo of “petroleum, petroleum
品」(升 29.4%)、「石料、沙及礫石」(跌 10.6%)、「人造樹 products and related materials” (+29.4%), “stone, sand and gravel” (-10.6%),
脂及塑料」(跌 11.7%)和「機械」(跌 16.3%)。在離港港口貨 “artificial resins and plastic materials” (-11.7%) and “machinery” (-16.3%).
物中,重量錄得雙位數字變幅的主要貨品為「石料、沙及礫石」 As for outward port cargo, double-digit changes were recorded in the tonnage of
(升 40.5%)、「金屬礦砂及金屬廢料」(升 10.2%)、「人造樹 “ stone, sand and gravel ” (+40.5%), “ metalliferous ores and metal scrap ”
脂及塑料」(跌 10.8%)和「機械」(跌 18.9%)。
(+10.2%), “artificial resins and plastic materials” (-10.8%) and “machinery”

貨櫃 Containers
在 2023 年第 2 季,香港的港口處理了 369 萬標準貨櫃單位 In the second quarter of 2023, the port of Hong Kong handled 3.69 million
的貨櫃,較 2022 年第 2 季下跌 21.9%。當中,載貨貨櫃及空貨櫃 TEUs of containers, representing a decrease of 21.9% compared with the second
分別下跌 22.9%及 17.8%,為 290 萬標準貨櫃單位及 78 萬標準貨 quarter of 2022. Within this total, laden and empty containers decreased by 22.9%
櫃單位。載貨貨櫃中,抵港及離港貨櫃分別下跌 24.9%及 20.5%, and 17.8% to 2.90 million TEUs and 0.78 million TEUs respectively. Among laden
為 156 萬標準貨櫃單位及 134 萬標準貨櫃單位。 containers, inward and outward containers decreased by 24.9% and 20.5% to 1.56
million TEUs and 1.34 million TEUs respectively.

2023 年上半年,香港的港口處理了 712 萬標準貨櫃單位的貨 For the first half of 2023, the port of Hong Kong handled 7.12 million TEUs of
櫃,較 2022 年上半年下跌 15.5%。當中,載貨貨櫃及空貨櫃分別 containers, representing a decrease of 15.5% compared with the first half of 2022.
下跌 16.9%及 9.8%,為 563 萬標準貨櫃單位及 149 萬標準貨櫃單 Within this total, laden and empty containers decreased by 16.9% and 9.8% to 5.63
位。載貨貨櫃中,抵港及離港貨櫃分別下跌 18.5%及 15.0%,為 million TEUs and 1.49 million TEUs respectively. Among laden containers, inward
302 萬標準貨櫃單位及 261 萬標準貨櫃單位。 and outward containers decreased by 18.5% and 15.0% to 3.02 million TEUs and 2.61
million TEUs respectively.

2023 年第 2 季經季節性調整的載貨貨櫃吞吐量按季比較下 On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter comparison, laden container

跌 4.4%。當中,抵港及離港載貨貨櫃分別下跌 5.9%及 2.5%。 throughput decreased by 4.4% in the second quarter of 2023. Within this total,
inward and outward laden containers decreased by 5.9% and 2.5% respectively.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 vii Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2023 年第 2 季的海運及河運載貨貨櫃較 2022 年第 2 季分別 In the second quarter of 2023, seaborne and river laden containers decreased by
下跌 18.3%及 32.8%,為 209 萬標準貨櫃單位及 81 萬標準貨櫃單 18.3% and 32.8% compared with the second quarter of 2022 to 2.09 million TEUs and
位。 0.81 million TEUs respectively.

在 2023 年第 2 季的抵港載貨貨櫃中,進口及抵港轉運較 Within inward laden containers, imports and inward transhipment decreased by
2022 年第 2 季分別下跌 33.9%及 20.9%,為 43 萬標準貨櫃單位及 33.9% and 20.9% in the second quarter of 2023 compared with the second quarter of
114 萬標準貨櫃單位。至於離港載貨貨櫃中,出口及離港轉運在 2022 to 0.43 million TEUs and 1.14 million TEUs respectively. For outward laden
2023 年第 2 季較 2022 年第 2 季分別下跌 22.6%及 19.9%,為 containers, exports and outward transhipment decreased by 22.6% and 19.9% in the
27 萬標準貨櫃單位及 107 萬標準貨櫃單位。 second quarter of 2023 compared with the second quarter of 2022 to 0.27 million TEUs
and 1.07 million TEUs respectively.

2023 年上半年的海運及河運載貨貨櫃較 2022 年上半年分別 In the first half of 2023, seaborne and river laden containers decreased by
下跌 17.6%及 15.0%,為 402 萬標準貨櫃單位及 161 萬標準貨櫃單 17.6% and 15.0% compared with the first half of 2022 to 4.02 million TEUs and
位。 1.61 million TEUs respectively.

在 2023 年上半年的抵港載貨貨櫃中,進口及抵港轉運較 Within inward laden containers, imports and inward transhipment decreased by
2022 年上半年分別下跌 27.5%及 14.4%,為 83 萬標準貨櫃單位及 27.5% and 14.4% in the first half of 2023 compared with the first half of 2022 to
220 萬標準貨櫃單位。至於離港載貨貨櫃中,出口及離港轉運在 0.83 million TEUs and 2.20 million TEUs respectively. For outward laden
2023 年上半年較 2022 年上半年分別下跌 20.6%及 13.4%,為 containers, exports and outward transhipment decreased by 20.6% and 13.4% in the
54 萬標準貨櫃單位及 207 萬標準貨櫃單位。 first half of 2023 compared with the first half of 2022 to 0.54 million TEUs and 2.07
million TEUs respectively.

表 1.5 至表 1.8 載列貨櫃統計摘要。 The detailed container statistics are summarised in Table 1.5 - Table 1.8.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 viii Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
註 釋 Explanatory Notes

1. 簡介 1. Introduction
香港船務統計系統於1983年設立,以編製進出本港的 The Hong Kong Shipping Statistics System was set up in 1983 to compile
遠洋輪船的船隻及貨運統計數字。此系統是根據聯合國亞洲 shipping and cargo statistics of ocean vessels entering and leaving Hong Kong.
及太平洋經濟與社會委員會所推薦的「收集船務經濟統計統 The system was developed based on the “Uniform System for Collecting Economic
一系統」而加以發展。 Statistics of Shipping” recommended by the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
香港船務統計系統在1997年擴展至包括由遠洋輪船所 In 1997, the system was expanded to cover laden container statistics of ocean
運載的載貨貨櫃(集裝箱)統計,並在1998年進一步擴展至 vessels. The system was further expanded to cover cargo and laden container
包括原本分別由當時的香港港口及航運局及海事處編製的內 statistics of river vessels in 1998, which were previously compiled by the then Hong
河船隻所運載的貨物及載貨貨櫃統計。 Kong Port and Maritime Board and Marine Department respectively.
經過兩次的擴展後,香港船務統計系統現已發展成一 After the two expansions, the system has now evolved into an integrated
個編製香港港口整體船隻、貨物及貨櫃統計數字的綜合系 system for compiling shipping, cargo and container statistics of the port of Hong
統。 Kong in total.
遠洋輪船是指越過內河航限行駛的船隻,而內河船隻 Ocean vessels refer to vessels operating beyond the river trade limits while
則指僅在內河航限內行駛的船隻。內河航限的定義在香港法 river vessels refer to vessels plying exclusively within the river trade limits. The
例第313章《船舶及港口管制條例》訂明。港口(即水運) interpretation of river trade limits is defined under the Shipping and Port Control
貨物/貨櫃包括海運及河運貨物/貨櫃。海運是指由遠洋輪 Ordinance, Cap. 313, Laws of Hong Kong. Port (or waterborne) cargo/containers
船載運的貨物/貨櫃,而河運則指由內河船隻載運的貨物/ comprise seaborne and river cargo/containers. Seaborne cargo/containers refer to
貨櫃。 those carried by ocean vessels while river cargo/containers refer to those carried by
river vessels.

2. 資料來源 2. Data source

船隻統計是由海事處根據船長及受委託船隻代理人於 Vessel statistics are compiled by the Marine Department based on declaration
船隻抵港或離港時所遞交的申報表編製而成。貨運及貨櫃統 forms submitted by ship masters and authorised shipping agents for declaring entry
計則是根據船務公司或船務代理遞交給政府統計處的貨物艙 and exit. Cargo and container statistics are compiled from cargo manifests supplied
單,並參考由有關經營者提供的貨櫃碼頭總吞吐量而編製 by shipping companies or agents to the Census and Statistics Department.
的。 Reference has also been made to the total container throughput of the container
terminals supplied by the terminal operators.

船隻統計點算所有進出本港的船隻。另一方面,貨運 Vessel statistics cover all vessels entering and leaving Hong Kong on a full
及貨櫃統計則是由貨物艙單中所列的托運貨物抽取樣本編製 enumeration basis. On the other hand, cargo and container statistics are compiled
而成。 based on a sample of consignments listed in the cargo manifests.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 ix Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
註釋 Explanatory Notes

3. 計算單位 3. Units of measurement

船隻的統計以船次及淨噸作計算單位。貨運統計記錄 Vessel statistics are expressed in terms of number of vessel arrivals/departures
了貨物的重量總公噸,而貨櫃統計則以標準貨櫃單位計算。 and ship capacity. Ship capacity is measured in units of net ton (NT). Cargo
有關定義列於xv至xvii頁的「用語及分類」內。 statistics are recorded in gross weight tonnes while container statistics are shown in
TEU terms. Definitions are given under “Terms and Classifications” in pages xv -

4. 抽樣方法 4. Sampling method

編製貨運及貨櫃統計,是採用分層等距抽樣法,從貨 Stratified systematic sampling is adopted for selecting consignments from
物艙單中開列的托運貨物中抽取樣本。由2016年第2季開 cargo manifests for compiling cargo and container statistics. Starting from the
始,托運貨物首先按運輸方式、裝運種類及裝卸地點(貨櫃 second quarter of 2016, consignments are first classified by mode of transport,
碼頭和其他裝卸地點)劃分成不同分層,然後從每個分層 type of shipment and cargo handling location (container terminals and other cargo
中,選出按總重量計較大的全部托運貨物,以及在餘下托運 handling locations) into different strata. Within each stratum, the larger
貨物中以等距抽樣法選出樣本。在2023年第2季,總體抽樣 consignments by gross weight are fully enumerated while the remaining ones are
率約為10.6%,樣本規模約為10.5萬項托運貨物。 selected by systematic sampling. In the second quarter of 2023, the overall
sampling fraction is about 10.6% with a sample size of around 105 000

5. 時間性 5. Timing
除了極少數因延誤遞交申報表而未能及時計算的船隻 Vessel statistics for a given quarter cover all arrivals and departures in the
外,所有在某一季抵港和離港的船隻均會涵蓋於該季的船隻 quarter, except for a very few which are not included in time because of late
統計。 submission of declaration forms.
法例容許船務公司或船務代理在船隻抵港/離港的14 Shipping companies or agents are, by law, allowed to submit cargo manifests
天內遞交貨物艙單,由於有一些艙單延期遞交,所以某一季 within 14 days after arrival within or departure from Hong Kong of the vessels but
的貨物及貨櫃統計數字實際上涵蓋了該季以及前季度所載運 there are always some late submissions. Therefore, cargo and container statistics
而在截至該季後約7星期內遞交的艙單中所列的托運貨物。 recorded for a given quarter actually cover consignments listed in the manifests
submitted up to about seven weeks from the end of the quarter, relating to shipments
of the given quarter and the preceding quarters.
編製程序的目的是盡量將在某一季載運的貨物包括在 The objective of the compilation procedure is to include all shipments, as far
該季的數字內。但由於部分艙單遲交,有大約以重量計1.2% as practicable, in the quarter during which the shipments are made. However, there
的貨物被納入在2023年第2季的統計數字中。 is a carry-over of about 1.2% of cargo in terms of tonnage in the second quarter of
2023 because of late submission of manifests.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 x Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
註釋 Explanatory Notes

6. 經季節性調整數列 6. Seasonally adjusted series

本處現已編製了有關貨物及載貨貨櫃總吞吐量的經季 Seasonally adjusted series are compiled for the total cargo and laden container
節性調整數列。經季節性調整的數列,由於季節性效應就統 throughput. In the seasonally adjusted series, seasonal effects have been removed
計方法而言已予剔除,所以相連兩個季度的數字可以進行更 statistically, thus enabling meaningful quarter-to-quarter comparison. When the
有意義的比較。將原來數列的按年變動數字與經季節性調整 year-on-year changes of the quarterly figures in the original series and the quarter-
數列的相連季度變動數字一起進行分析,能更清楚看到數列 to-quarter changes in the seasonally adjusted series are analysed together, the trend
的趨勢,尤其是當該數列出現轉折點的時候。 of the series can be more clearly discerned, particularly in regard to turning points
on the series.
經季節性調整的數列可在取得更多數據後作出修訂。 Seasonally adjusted series may be revised as more data become available.
在港口貨物和載貨貨櫃數字方面,當每年第一季度的統計數 For port cargo and laden container throughput figures, the seasonally adjusted series
字發表時,會一併修訂對上3年的經季節性調整數列。 for the preceding three years are revised each year when the statistics for the first
quarter become available.
經季節性調整的港口貨物吞吐量和載貨貨櫃吞吐量數 The seasonally adjusted port cargo throughput and laden container throughput
列是採用「X-12 自迴歸-求和-移動平均 (X-12 ARIMA)」 are compiled by the X-12 ARIMA method. The X-12 ARIMA method and its
方法編製。X-12 ARIMA及其相關版本是編製經季節性調整 related versions are the standard method commonly employed in compiling
數列的常用標準方法。該方法可用作檢測原有數列是否有離 seasonally adjusted data series. The method can be used to detect whether
群值,以估算季節性因素。 outlier(s) is present in the original series for estimation of seasonal factors.

7. 閱讀統計表需注意事項 7. Notes in reading the tables

過往季度的統計數字可能不時需要調整。由於這些調 Adjustments to previous quarters’ statistics may at times be necessary. Since
整只納入累積總數內,因此過往季刊內的季度統計數字總和 these adjustments are incorporated in the cumulative totals only, the sum of the
未必等於本報告內有關累積總和。 quarterly statistics in previous quarterly reports may differ from the corresponding
cumulative total published in this report.
因進出本港的船隻數目相若,所以本報告只刊載抵港 Since the number of vessels entering and leaving Hong Kong is generally
船次的數字。 about the same, only figures on vessel arrivals are given in the report.
港口貨物統計不包括運入香港用於竹篙灣填海工程的 The port cargo statistics do not include stone, sand and gravel shipped into
石料、沙及礫石。 Hong Kong for reclamation at Penny’s Bay.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 xi Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
註釋 Explanatory Notes

載列於本報告內的貨運/貨櫃統計數字含有抽樣及非 Cargo/container statistics presented in this report are subject to sampling error
抽樣誤差。抽樣誤差是量度在點算一個樣本,而不是整個群 and non-sampling error. Sampling error is a measure of the variability which
體時所偶然出現的差異。量度這類差異的其中一個量數是標 occurs by chance because a sample, rather than the entire population, is enumerated.
準誤差,其大小視乎抽樣的方法與樣本數目。根據太少量的 A measure of variability is given by the standard error, the magnitude of which
樣本資料而估算出來的數字的標準誤差會傾向相對較大。另 depends on the sampling method and the sample size. It tends to be relatively large
一個量數是相對標準誤差,即標準誤差相對於估計數的百分 for estimates based on too few sample observations. Another measure is the
率。在本報告內,凡估計數字的相對標準誤差超過了50%或 relative standard error (RSE), which is the standard error expressed as a percentage
樣本數目少於10,均不予公布,並加以「‡」號。另外,凡 of the estimate to which it refers. Estimates with RSE over 50% or sample size less
估計數字的相對標準誤差超過了25%或樣本數目少於30,都 than 10 are not released in this report and marked with “‡”. Besides these,
會加以「†」號。此等情況在分析時必須留意。 estimates with RSE over 25% or sample size less than 30 are presented with “†”.
Such cases should be interpreted with care.
在本報告內,由於數字經四捨五入,分項總和未必與 In this report, figures may not add up to the total due to rounding. Figures
總數相等。所有變動百分率是以未經進位數字計算。 on the percentage changes are derived from unrounded figures.
在本報告內各代號的含意如下: The following symbols are used throughout this report:
† 由於抽樣誤差較大,數字須謹慎闡釋。 † Figure should be interpreted with caution due to relatively large sampling
‡ 由於抽樣誤差相對較大,數字不予公布。 ‡ Figure is not released due to relatively large sampling error.
§ 由於數值較不顯著,數字不予公布。 § Figure is not released due to relatively insignificant magnitude.
0 增減少於0.5%。 0 Increase or decrease of less than 0.5%.
@@ 增減大於或等於999.5%。 @@ Increase or decrease of greater than or equal to 999.5%.
n.a. 不適用/沒有數字。 n.a. Not applicable / Not available.

於1997年7月1日,香港成為中華人民共和國的特別行 On 1 July 1997, Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of the
政區;而澳門則於1999年12月20日成為中華人民共和國的特 People’s Republic of China. Moreover, Macao became a Special Administrative
別行政區。在本系列報告書中,就上述兩個日期或以後的統 Region of the People’s Republic of China on 20 December 1999. In respect of
計資料而言,「香港」是指香港特別行政區,「澳門」是指 statistics in this series of report, “Hong Kong” stands for the Hong Kong Special
澳門特別行政區。 Administrative Region with effect from July 1997, whereas “Macao” stands for the
Macao Special Administrative Region with effect from 20 December 1999.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 xii Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
註釋 Explanatory Notes

8. 可額外提供的統計數字 8. Additional statistics available

本報告內發表的數據主要涵蓋香港船務統計系統內一 Of all the statistics produced by the Hong Kong Shipping Statistics System,
些較常用的船隻、貨物及貨櫃統計。查詢較詳細的貨物及 only the more frequently used ones have been selected for inclusion in this report.
貨櫃統計數字,可直接聯絡列於本報告內封面的地址。有 Enquiries on detailed cargo and container statistics can be directed to the address
關船隻統計數字的查詢,讀者可聯絡海事處策劃、發展協 listed on the inner cover of this report. For enquiries about vessel statistics, readers
調 及 港 口 保 安 部 統 計 組 ( 電 話 : 2852 3662 或 電 郵 : may contact the Statistics Section under the Planning, Development and Port。 Security Branch of the Marine Department (Tel.: 2852 3662 or E-mail:
除了按季的統計數字外,按月港口貨物及載貨貨櫃總 Besides quarterly statistics, monthly statistics on port cargo and laden
計數據亦可在統計月後約2.1個月提供。 containers at aggregate level are also available by 2.1 months after the statistical

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 xiii Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 xiv Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
用 語 及 分 類 Terms and Classifications

1. 容量 1. Capacity

在本報告中,船舶的容量是以淨噸位來表示。計算單位為 In this report, the capacity of a vessel is expressed in terms of net tonnage. The unit of
淨噸。淨噸位是由一艘船的船殼內的容量(以立方呎計), measurement is net ton (NT). Net tonnage is, broadly, the capacity of a ship in cubic
加上在甲板上用以裝載貨物、貯藏品及乘客的空間,再減 feet of the space within the hull, and of the enclosed space above the deck available
去船長、高級船員、船員所住的地方、燃料、導航及推進 for cargo, stores and passengers but excluding space used for the accommodation of
器所佔用的地方。每一淨噸相等於100立方呎的容量。 the master, officers, crew, fuel, navigation and propelling machinery. One NT is
equivalent to 100 cubic feet of capacity.

2. 貨物裝卸地點 2. Cargo handling location

這是指貨物裝卸的地點。在本報告中,貨物裝卸地點的分 This refers to the location at which the cargo is loaded/discharged. The types of
類是「碇泊處和浮泡」、「泊位和倉庫碼頭(包括公眾貨 cargo handling location shown in this report are “anchorages and buoys”, “berths and
物裝卸區)」、及「貨櫃碼頭」。 wharves (including public cargo working areas)” and “container terminals”.

3. 貨物吞吐量 3. Cargo throughput

這是指所處理貨物的總重量。所處理貨物可分為卸下貨物 This refers to the gross weight of cargo handled. Cargo handled can be
及裝上貨物。卸下貨物包括進口及抵港轉運的貨物;而裝 distinguished into cargo discharged and cargo loaded. Cargo discharged comprises
上貨物包括出口及離港轉運的貨物。 imports and inward transhipment; while cargo loaded comprises exports and outward

4. 貨物種類 4. Cargo, type of

這是指貨物運載時的包裝形式,分為4類:包裝散貨、貨 This refers to the form of packing of the cargo during the voyage. Four types of
櫃貨物、無包裝液態散貨及無包裝固態散貨。 cargo are distinguished : break bulk cargo, containerised cargo, unpacked liquid bulk
cargo and unpacked solid bulk cargo.

5. 貨品 5. Commodity

艙單所報的貨物在香港船務統計系統中被分為10類及51組 Cargo reported in the manifests is classified into 10 commodity sections and 51
貨品。該10類貨品與標準國際貿易分類(第4次修訂)的 commodity groups in the Hong Kong Shipping Statistics System. The 10
類別(即是一位數分層)相近,而51組貨品則與標準國際 commodity sections are closely related to the Standard International Trade
貿易分類組別(即是二位數分層)相近。 Classification Revision 4 (SITC R4) Sections (i.e. at the 1-digit level), while the 51
commodity groups are closely related to the SITC R4 Divisions (i.e. at the 2-digit

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 xv Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
用語及分類 Terms and Classifications

6. 貨櫃吞吐量 6. Container throughput

這是指以標準貨櫃單位計算作為搬運貨物之用的貨櫃數 This refers to the number of containers for moving the cargo in TEU terms. A
目。一個標準貨櫃單位等同一個20呎貨櫃的容量。 TEU stands for a twenty-foot equivalent unit.

7. 船旗 7. Flag

船旗指船舶註冊的地方。1997年7月1日起,香港特別行 Flag refers to the location of where a vessel is registered. As from 1 July 1997,
政區經中央人民政府授權繼續進行船舶註冊,並根據香 the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is authorised by the Central
港特別行政區的法律以「中國香港」的名義頒發有關證 People’s Government to continue to maintain a shipping register and issue related
件。 certificates under its legislation, using the name “Hong Kong, China”.

8. 總重量 8. Gross weight

這是指貨物連包裝在內的重量(以公噸計),但不包括 This refers to the weight of cargo in tonnes inclusive of packing, but exclusive of
用作搬運貨物的國際標準貨櫃及其他貨櫃。 ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) containers or other containers
for moving the goods.

9. 裝貨/卸貨港口 9. Port of loading/discharge

裝貨港口是指裝上輸入本港貨物的外地港口。出口貨物 This refers to a foreign port at which cargo is loaded and carried to Hong Kong
方面,則指卸下從本港輸出貨物的外地港口。 and in the case of outward cargo, to the foreign port at which cargo carried from
Hong Kong is to be discharged.

10. 內河航限 10. River trade limits

內河航限是指香港鄰近水域,一般指香港與珠江、大鵬 River trade limits mean the waters in the vicinity of Hong Kong, which broadly
灣及澳門,及其他在廣東和廣西與香港鄰近水域相連的 include the Pearl River, Mirs Bay and Macao, and other inland waters in
內陸水域。香港鄰近水域實際指以下範圍內的水域︰ Guangdong and Guangxi which are accessible from waters in the vicinity of Hong
Kong. In fact, waters in the vicinity of Hong Kong precisely refer to waters
within the following boundaries :
- 東至東經 114˚30’; - to the East, meridian 114˚30’ East;
- 南至北緯 22˚09’;及 - to the South, parallel 22˚09’ North; and
- 西至東經 113˚31’。 - to the West, meridian 113˚31’ East.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 xvi Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
用語及分類 Terms and Classifications

11. 船舶類型 11. Ship type

船舶類型指船舶的特定用途,包括︰運車船、化學品運 Ship type refers the known specific function of the ship, including: car carrier,
載船、普通貨船、其他貨船、郵船/渡輪、散裝乾貨船 chemical carrier/tanker, conventional cargo vessel, other cargo vessel,
及礦沙/散貨/油類混用船、漁船/魚類加工船、全槽 cruise/ferry, dry bulk carrier and ore/bulk/oil carrier, fishing/fish processing
格式貨櫃船、液化氣體運載船、駁船/躉船/貨艇、油 vessel, fully cellular container vessel, gas carrier/tanker, lighter/barge/cargo junk,
輪、其他液體運載船、遊樂船、滾裝卸式船、半貨櫃 oil tanker, other fluid carrier, pleasure vessel, roll on/roll off, semi-container
船、拖船及其他。 vessel, tug and others.

12. 裝運種類 12. Shipment, type of

裝運種類表明貨物流量的方向及類別。4種分類為︰進 This indicates the direction and the type of flow of goods. Four types of
口、出口(包括港產品出口及外地產品轉口)、抵港轉 shipment are classified : imports, exports (comprising domestic exports and
運及離港轉運。進口本港或從本港出口/轉口的貨物列 re-exports), inward transhipment and outward transhipment. Goods imported
為直接裝運,而以聯運提單在本港轉運的貨物(有別於 into Hong Kong or exported/re-exported from Hong Kong are classified as direct
進口本港後再轉口)則列為轉運。而途經本港的過境貨 shipment, whereas goods transhipped in Hong Kong under a through bill of lading
物並不包括在統計內。 (as distinguished from those imported into Hong Kong for subsequent
re-exportation) are classified as transhipment. Goods in transit through Hong
Kong are not included in the statistics.

13. 轉運 13. Transhipment

這是指以聯運提單由一處外地托運至另一處外地的貨 This refers to cargo that is consigned under a through bill of lading from a place
物,在途經本港水域時,會被搬離其裝運的運輸工具 outside Hong Kong to another place outside Hong Kong but is or is to be removed
(船隻、車輛、火車或飛機),然後再搬回同一運輸工 from one vessel (ship, vehicle, train or aircraft) and either returned to the same
具或轉移到另一運輸工具。例如在編製水運轉運的統計 vessel or transferred to another vessel within Hong Kong waters. For instance in
數字時,所有由船隻運入香港而記錄在抵港的貨物艙單 compiling waterborne transhipment statistics, transhipment goods carried into
上的轉運貨物,不論後來以何種運輸方式運出香港,都 Hong Kong by vessels as shown on inward cargo manifests, and those carried out
包括在抵港的轉運統計中;而所有由船隻運出香港而記 of Hong Kong by vessels as shown on outward cargo manifests are covered
錄在離港的貨物艙單上的轉運貨物,不論先前以何種運 respectively as inward transhipment and outward transhipment; irrespective of the
輸方式運入香港,都包括在離港轉運統計中。 means of transportation by which they are subsequently carried out of or
previously carried into Hong Kong.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 xvii Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 xviii Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 -1- Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 -2- Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 1 抵港船次 圖 2 抵港船隻的總容量
Graph 1 Vessel arrivals Graph 2 Total capacity of incoming vessels

船次(千次) 容量(百萬淨噸)
Number (Thousands) Capacity (Million NT)
70 160


All vessels


80 Ocean vessels

30 內河船隻 所有船隻
River vessels All vessels

40 內河船隻
River vessels

10 遠洋輪船
Ocean vessels 20

0 0
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

註釋:數字不包括非載客的跨境渡輪抵港船次。 Note : Non-passenger carrying trips of cross boundary ferry arrivals are excluded.
資料來源:海事處 Source : Marine Department

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 -3- Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 3 港口貨物吞吐量 圖 4 載貨貨櫃吞吐量
Graph 3 Port cargo throughput Graph 4 Laden container throughput

百萬公噸 百萬標準貨櫃單位
Million tonnes Million TEUs
80 4.5




45 2.5


35 2.0




0 0.0
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

原來數列-抵港總計 Original series - inward total 原來數列-抵港總計 Original series - inward total
原來數列-離港總計 Original series - outward total 原來數列-離港總計 Original series - outward total
原來數列-總計 Original series - total 原來數列-總計 Original series - total
經季節性調整數列-抵港總計 Seasonally adjusted series - inward total 經季節性調整數列-抵港總計 Seasonally adjusted series - inward total
經季節性調整數列-離港總計 Seasonally adjusted series - outward total 經季節性調整數列-離港總計 Seasonally adjusted series - outward total
經季節性調整數列-總計 Seasonally adjusted series - total 經季節性調整數列-總計 Seasonally adjusted series - total

註釋:經季節性調整的數列由於資料更新而作出修訂。 Note : The seasonally adjusted series are revised due to availability of more data.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 -4- Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 5 卸下港口貨物 圖 6 裝上港口貨物
Graph 5 Port cargo discharged Graph 6 Port cargo loaded

百萬公噸 百萬公噸
Million tonnes Million tonnes
50 50

45 45

40 40

35 35

30 30

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

原來數列-進口 Original series - imports 原來數列-出口 Original series - exports

原來數列-抵港轉運 Original series - inward transhipment 原來數列-離港轉運 Original series - outward transhipment
原來數列-抵港總計 Original series - inward total 原來數列-離港總計 Original series - outward total
經季節性調整數列-進口 Seasonally adjusted series - imports 經季節性調整數列-出口 Seasonally adjusted series - exports
經季節性調整數列-抵港轉運 Seasonally adjusted series - inward transhipment 經季節性調整數列-離港轉運 Seasonally adjusted series - outward transhipment
經季節性調整數列-抵港總計 Seasonally adjusted series - inward total 經季節性調整數列-離港總計 Seasonally adjusted series - outward total

註釋:經季節性調整的數列由於資料更新而作出修訂。 Note : The seasonally adjusted series are revised due to availability of more data.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 -5- Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 7 卸下載貨貨櫃 圖 8 裝上載貨貨櫃
Graph 7 Laden containers discharged Graph 8 Laden containers loaded

百萬標準貨櫃單位 百萬標準貨櫃單位
Million TEUs Million TEUs
3.0 3.0

2.8 2.8

2.6 2.6

2.4 2.4

2.2 2.2

2.0 2.0

1.8 1.8

1.6 1.6

1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

原來數列-進口 Original series - imports 原來數列-出口 Original series - exports

原來數列-抵港轉運 Original series - inward transhipment 原來數列-離港轉運 Original series - outward transhipment
原來數列-抵港總計 Original series - inward total 原來數列-離港總計 Original series - outward total
經季節性調整數列-進口 Seasonally adjusted series - imports 經季節性調整數列-出口 Seasonally adjusted series - exports
經季節性調整數列-抵港轉運 Seasonally adjusted series - inward transhipment 經季節性調整數列-離港轉運 Seasonally adjusted series - outward transhipment
經季節性調整數列-抵港總計 Seasonally adjusted series - inward total 經季節性調整數列-離港總計 Seasonally adjusted series - outward total

註釋:經季節性調整的數列由於資料更新而作出修訂。 Note : The seasonally adjusted series are revised due to availability of more data.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 -6- Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 9 按運輸方式劃分的卸下港口貨物 圖 10 按運輸方式劃分的裝上港口貨物
Graph 9 Port cargo discharged by mode of transport Graph 10 Port cargo loaded by mode of transport

百萬公噸 百萬公噸
Million tonnes Million tonnes
50 50

45 45

40 40

35 Waterborne total 35

30 30

25 25
Waterborne total
20 20

15 15 海運
10 10

5 5 River

0 0
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 -7- Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 11 按運輸方式劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃 圖 12 按運輸方式劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
Graph 11 Laden containers discharged by mode of transport Graph 12 Laden containers loaded by mode of transport

百萬標準貨櫃單位 百萬標準貨櫃單位
Million TEUs Million TEUs
3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5

Waterborne total
Waterborne total
2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0 Seaborne

河運 河運
River River

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 -8- Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 13 港口貨物中主要裝卸國家/地區以重量計所佔的比重 圖 14 載貨貨櫃中主要裝卸國家/地區以標準貨櫃單位計所佔的比重
Graph 13 Share of port cargo in terms of tonnage by Graph 14 Share of laden container in terms of TEU by
major country/territory of loading/discharge major country/territory of loading/discharge
Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region
100% 100%

90% 90%

80% 80%

70% 70%

60% 60%

50% 50%

40% 40%

30% 30%

20% 20%

10% 10%

0% 0%
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

其他 Others 其他 Others

亞洲國家/地區(中國內地除外) Asian countries/territories (excluding the mainland of China) 亞洲國家/地區(中國內地除外) Asian countries/territories (excluding the mainland of China)

中國內地(珠三角除外) The mainland of China (excluding Pearl River Delta) 中國內地(珠三角除外) The mainland of China (excluding Pearl River Delta)

珠江三角洲 Pearl River Delta 珠江三角洲 Pearl River Delta

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 -9- Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 15 按主要裝貨國家/地區劃分的卸下港口貨物以重量計所佔的比重, 2023年第2季
Graph 15 Share of port cargo discharged in terms of tonnage by major country/territory of loading, Q2 2023

珠江三角洲 (67%)
Pearl River Delta

馬來西亞 7%
印度尼西亞 6% Malaysia
Indonesia 珠海 (27%)
上海 (5%)
新加坡 5% Shanghai
欽州 (3%)
越南 4% Qinzhou

日本 4% 南沙/番禺 (9%)
Japan Nansha/ Panyu
中國內地 45%
台灣 3%
The mainland
of China 其他地方 (24%)
泰國 3% 佛山 (5%)
Other places
Thailand Foshan
美國 3%
USA 江門/新會 (4%)
韓國 2% Jiangmen/ Xinhui
Korea 蛇口/媽灣/赤灣 (3%)
Shekou/ Mawan/ Chiwan
其他 16% 黃埔 (3%)
Others Huangpu
其他珠江三角洲地方 (11%) 南海 (2%)
Other Pearl River Delta places 中山 (2%)

註釋 : 括號內數字指按地方劃分的香港和中國內地之間的港口貨運量的百分比分布。
Note : Figures in brackets refer to the percentage distribution of port cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China by place.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 10 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 16 按主要卸貨國家/地區劃分的裝上港口貨物以重量計所佔的比重, 2023年第2季
Graph 16 Share of port cargo loaded in terms of tonnage by major country/territory of discharge, Q2 2023

珠江三角洲 (69%)
Pearl River Delta

菲律賓 6% 黃埔 (12%)
台灣 5% Philippines Huangpu 江門/新會 (9%)
Taiwan 上海 (4%) Jiangmen/ Xinhui
越南 5% Shanghai
天津新港 (3%)
Tianjin Xingang 南沙/番禺 (8%)
泰國 4% Nansha/ Panyu
馬來西亞 3%
鹽田 (6%)
日本 3% 中國內地 52% Yantian
Japan The mainland
韓國 3% of China 蛇口/媽灣/
其他地方 (24%)
Korea 赤灣 (6%)
Other places
美國 3% Shekou/ Mawan/
USA Chiwan
澳大利亞 2% 南海 (5%)
Australia Nanhai
佛山 (3%)
其他 15%
其他珠江三角洲地方 (16%) 順德 (3%)
Other Pearl River Delta places Shunde

註釋 : 括號內數字指按地方劃分的香港和中國內地之間的港口貨運量的百分比分布。
Note : Figures in brackets refer to the percentage distribution of port cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China by place.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 11 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 17 按主要裝貨國家/地區劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃以標準貨櫃單位計所佔的比重, 2023年第2季
Graph 17 Share of laden containers discharged in terms of TEU by major country/territory of loading, Q2 2023

珠江三角洲 (67%)
Pearl River Delta

越南 6%
馬來西亞 6% 南沙/番禺 (17%)
Malaysia Vietnam
美國 5% Nansha/ Panyu
USA 上海 (4%)
中山 (7%)
泰國 5% 廈門 (4%)
Thailand Xiamen
順德 (6%)
台灣 4% Shunde

日本 4% 江門/
Japan 中國內地 42% 新會 (5%)
The mainland Jiangmen/
新加坡 3% Xinhui
Singapore of China
其他地方 (24%)
智利 2% Other places 南海 (5%)
Chile Nanhai
韓國 2%
Korea 蛇口/媽灣/赤灣 (5%)
Shekou/ Mawan/ Chiwan

珠海 (4%)
其他 20%
Others Zhuhai
其他珠江三角洲地方 (12%) 黃埔 (4%)
Other Pearl River Delta places Huangpu

註釋 : 括號內數字指按地方劃分的香港和中國內地之間的載貨貨櫃量的百分比分布。
Note : Figures in brackets refer to the percentage distribution of laden container movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China by place.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 12 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 18 按主要卸貨國家/地區劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃以標準貨櫃單位計所佔的比重, 2023年第2季
Graph 18 Share of laden containers loaded in terms of TEU by major country/territory of discharge, Q2 2023

珠江三角洲 (70%)
Pearl River Delta

黃埔 (12%)
日本 5% 台灣 7% Huangpu
Japan Taiwan 南沙/番禺 (11%)
菲律賓 5%
上海 (5%) Nansha/ Panyu
美國 5%
USA 天津新港 (3%)
鹽田 (8%)
Tianjin Xingang
越南 5%
泰國 4% 中國內地 42% 赤灣 (7%)
Thailand The mainland Shekou/ Mawan/
韓國 3% of China Chiwan
Korea 其他地方 (22%)
Other places
馬來西亞 3% 南海 (5%)
Malaysia Nanhai
澳大利亞 2%
Australia 佛山 (4%)

其他 18% 順德 (3%)
Others Shunde
其他珠江三角洲地方 (16%) 珠海 (3%)
Other Pearl River Delta places Zhuhai

註釋 : 括號內數字指按地方劃分的香港和中國內地之間的載貨貨櫃量的百分比分布。
Note : Figures in brackets refer to the percentage distribution of laden container movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China by place.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 13 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
圖 19 按主要裝載貨品劃分的港口貨物吞吐量以重量計所佔的比重, 2023年第2季
Graph 19 Share of port cargo throughput in terms of tonnage by principal commodity, Q2 2023

Commodities not
未能分類的貨物 § §
100% classified elsewhere

製成品 27% Manufactured goods


機械及交通工具 5%

70% Machinery and transport

化學製品及 9%
11% equipment


17% Chemicals and related products

副產品類;動植物 18%
50% 油、脂肪及蠟脂類
2% Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials;
animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes


26% Crude materials, inedible, except

30% 非食用原料類
(燃料除外) 27% fuels


10% 19% Food; beverages and tobacco


卸下 Share
Discharged Loaded

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 14 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Statistical Tables

1 Time series

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 15 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
[此 頁 特 意 留 為 空 白 ]
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香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 16 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.1 抵港船次
Vessel arrivals
遠洋輪船 River vessels 抵港總船次
Ocean vessels 客船 貨船 合計 Total vessel arrivals
年 季 Passenger vessels Cargo vessels Overall
Year Quarter 船次 容量 船次 容量 船次 容量 船次 容量 船次 容量
Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity
(%) 千淨噸 (%) (%) 千淨噸 (%) (%) 千淨噸 (%) (%) 千淨噸 (%) (%) 千淨噸 (%)
’000 NT ’000 NT ’000 NT ’000 NT ’000 NT

2016 27 642 (-5) 409 453 (-1) 84 559 (0) 14 885 (0) 72 810 (-1) 97 301 (+10) 157 369 (-1) 112 186 (+8) 185 011 (-1) 521 638 (+1)

2017 # 26 793 (-3) 420 402 (+3) 82 117 (-3) 21 345 (+20) 76 510 (+5) 98 322 (+4) 158 627 (+1) 119 668 (+7) 185 420 (0) 540 070 (+4)

2018 25 410 (-5) 398 747 (-5) 81 553 (-1) 21 008 (-2) 67 647 (-12) 89 662 (-9) 149 200 (-6) 110 670 (-8) 174 610 (-6) 509 417 (-6)

2019 25 388 (0) 398 410 (0) 71 195 (-13) 19 371 (-8) 64 669 (-4) 96 146 (+7) 135 864 (-9) 115 517 (+4) 161 252 (-8) 513 927 (+1)

2020 22 001 (-13) 347 507 (-13) 6 834 (-90) 1 708 (-91) 58 996 (-9) 84 488 (-12) 65 830 (-52) 86 195 (-25) 87 831 (-46) 433 702 (-16)

2021 16 256 (-26) 245 125 (-29) 1 163 (-83) 158 (-91) 45 058 (-24) 56 977 (-33) 46 221 (-30) 57 135 (-34) 62 477 (-29) 302 260 (-30)

2022 16 735 (+3) 243 205 (-1) 1 339 (+15) 173 (+9) 48 716 (+8) 65 677 (+15) 50 055 (+8) 65 849 (+15) 66 790 (+7) 309 055 (+2)

2022 2 4 285 (0) 60 183 (0) 240 (+32) 30 (+28) 13 943 (+17) 18 004 (+32) 14 183 (+17) 18 034 (+32) 18 468 (+13) 78 217 (+6)

3 4 361 (+5) 62 107 (-1) 508 (+4) 67 (-3) 13 141 (+13) 17 298 (+10) 13 649 (+13) 17 365 (+10) 18 010 (+11) 79 472 (+1)

4 4 613 (+15) 67 168 (+6) 356 (+14) 44 (+8) 12 640 (+11) 18 067 (+15) 12 996 (+11) 18 111 (+15) 17 609 (+12) 85 279 (+8)

2023 1 4 526 (+30) 70 853 (+32) 4 474 (@@) 816 (@@) 10 230 (+14) 16 525 (+34) 14 704 (+59) 17 341 (+41) 19 230 (+51) 88 194 (+33)

2 4 785 (+12) 77 061 (+28) 7 564 (@@) 1 442 (@@) 10 892 (-22) 16 911 (-6) 18 456 (+30) 18 353 (+2) 23 241 (+26) 95 414 (+22)

註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Notes : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.
# 由2017年開始,內河客船包括在內河航限行駛的郵船。 # As from 2017, river passenger vessels include cruises plying within the river trade limits.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 17 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.2 港口貨物吞吐量
Port cargo throughput 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
卸下貨物 裝上貨物
Cargo discharged Cargo loaded
年 季 月 進口 抵港轉運 合計 出口 離港轉運 合計 Total cargo
Year Quarter Month Imports Inward transhipment Overall Exports Outward transhipment Overall throughput
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2016 82 989 (-3) 67 785 (+1) 150 774 (-1) 42 273 (+11) 63 683 (-3) 105 956 (+2) 256 730 (0)
2017 100 253 (+21) 74 326 (+10) 174 578 (+16) 38 106 (-10) 68 861 (+8) 106 967 (+1) 281 545 (+10)
2018 91 379 (-9) 68 130 (-8) 159 509 (-9) 33 771 (-11) 65 261 (-5) 99 032 (-7) 258 541 (-8)
2019 106 398 (+16) 64 535 (-5) 170 933 (+7) 30 615 (-9) 61 767 (-5) 92 382 (-7) 263 315 (+2)
2020 105 213 (-1) 64 717 (0) 169 931 (-1) 18 976 (-38) 60 379 (-2) 79 355 (-14) 249 286 (-5)
2021 70 886 (-33) 64 018 (-1) 134 904 (-21) 19 231 (+1) 59 596 (-1) 78 827 (-1) 213 731 (-14)
2022 61 412 (-13) 59 651 (-7) 121 063 (-10) 16 362 (-15) 54 678 (-8) 71 041 (-10) 192 104 (-10)
2022 2 15 935 (-9) 16 683 (-1) 32 618 (-5) 4 362 (-16) 15 295 (-2) 19 656 (-5) 52 274 (-5)
3 15 460 (-14) 15 249 (-9) 30 709 (-11) 4 647 (-9) 13 993 (-11) 18 641 (-11) 49 350 (-11)
4 15 428 (-12) 14 637 (-12) 30 065 (-12) 4 187 (-12) 13 822 (-9) 18 009 (-10) 48 074 (-11)
2023 1 13 656 (-6) 12 545 (-4) 26 201 (-5) 3 457 (+9) 11 562 (0) 15 019 (+2) 41 219 (-3)
2 14 882 (-7) 13 464 (-19) 28 345 (-13) 3 540 (-19) 12 618 (-18) 16 158 (-18) 44 504 (-15)

2022 4 5 705 (-7) 5 678 (+1) 11 382 (-3) 1 354 (-18) 5 150 (0) 6 504 (-4) 17 886 (-4)
5 5 078 (-16) 5 576 (-4) 10 654 (-10) 1 178 (-36) 4 925 (-7) 6 103 (-15) 16 757 (-12)
6 5 153 (-2) 5 429 (+1) 10 582 (-1) 1 830 (+9) 5 219 (+2) 7 050 (+4) 17 631 (+1)
7 5 544 (-10) 5 326 (-4) 10 870 (-7) 1 453 (-20) 4 875 (-9) 6 328 (-12) 17 198 (-9)
8 4 779 (-18) 4 915 (-14) 9 694 (-16) 1 530 (-4) 4 435 (-14) 5 965 (-12) 15 659 (-15)
9 5 138 (-13) 5 007 (-8) 10 145 (-11) 1 664 (-2) 4 684 (-10) 6 348 (-8) 16 493 (-10)
10 4 757 (-9) 4 669 (-11) 9 426 (-10) 1 430 (+1) 4 481 (-3) 5 911 (-2) 15 337 (-7)
11 4 944 (-22) 4 999 (-14) 9 943 (-18) 1 366 (-22) 4 671 (-16) 6 037 (-17) 15 979 (-18)
12 5 727 (-3) 4 969 (-9) 10 696 (-6) 1 392 (-13) 4 670 (-8) 6 062 (-9) 16 757 (-7)
2023 1 3 755 (-25) 3 337 (-14) 7 092 (-20) 913 (-21) 3 269 (-12) 4 182 (-14) 11 274 (-18)
2 4 539 (+19) 4 079 (+8) 8 619 (+14) 1 139 (+35) 3 736 (+11) 4 876 (+16) 13 494 (+14)
3 5 362 (-7) 5 128 (-6) 10 490 (-6) 1 404 (+21) 4 557 (+1) 5 961 (+5) 16 451 (-2)
4 4 810 (-16) 4 723 (-17) 9 533 (-16) 1 199 (-11) 4 312 (-16) 5 511 (-15) 15 044 (-16)
5 4 836 (-5) 4 387 (-21) 9 224 (-13) 1 019 (-13) 4 236 (-14) 5 255 (-14) 14 479 (-14)
6 5 235 (+2) 4 353 (-20) 9 588 (-9) 1 322 (-28) 4 070 (-22) 5 392 (-24) 14 980 (-15)
註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 18 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.3 海運貨物吞吐量
Seaborne cargo throughput 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
卸下貨物 裝上貨物
Cargo discharged Cargo loaded
年 季 月 進口 抵港轉運 合計 出口 離港轉運 合計 Total cargo
Year Quarter Month Imports Inward transhipment Overall Exports Outward transhipment Overall throughput
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2016 59 263 (-4) 51 028 (+1) 110 291 (-2) 11 432 (-3) 42 361 (-5) 53 794 (-5) 164 084 (-3)
2017 61 103 (+3) 57 770 (+13) 118 873 (+8) 11 916 (+4) 46 100 (+9) 58 017 (+8) 176 889 (+8)
2018 56 808 (-7) 53 070 (-8) 109 878 (-8) 11 794 (-1) 42 878 (-7) 54 672 (-6) 164 550 (-7)
2019 60 705 (+7) 50 447 (-5) 111 152 (+1) 10 538 (-11) 39 634 (-8) 50 172 (-8) 161 324 (-2)
2020 53 553 (-12) 50 024 (-1) 103 577 (-7) 8 169 (-22) 37 428 (-6) 45 597 (-9) 149 174 (-8)
2021 45 649 (-15) 51 809 (+4) 97 459 (-6) 8 614 (+5) 43 183 (+15) 51 797 (+14) 149 256 (0)
2022 36 434 (-20) 48 230 (-7) 84 664 (-13) 6 036 (-30) 39 288 (-9) 45 324 (-12) 129 989 (-13)
2022 2 9 123 (-20) 13 243 (-2) 22 366 (-10) 1 457 (-30) 10 845 (-4) 12 302 (-8) 34 669 (-9)
3 9 315 (-23) 12 343 (-8) 21 658 (-15) 1 507 (-37) 10 158 (-9) 11 665 (-14) 33 323 (-14)
4 8 599 (-24) 11 423 (-14) 20 022 (-19) 1 455 (-32) 9 381 (-14) 10 836 (-17) 30 858 (-18)
2023 1 8 006 (-15) 10 143 (-10) 18 148 (-12) 1 251 (-23) 7 915 (-11) 9 167 (-13) 27 315 (-12)
2 9 023 (-1) 10 744 (-19) 19 767 (-12) 1 398 (-4) 8 986 (-17) 10 384 (-16) 30 151 (-13)

2022 4 3 206 (-19) 4 504 (0) 7 709 (-9) 488 (-23) 3 552 (-1) 4 040 (-4) 11 749 (-7)
5 3 103 (-24) 4 507 (-6) 7 610 (-14) 482 (-33) 3 690 (-6) 4 172 (-10) 11 782 (-13)
6 2 815 (-15) 4 232 (0) 7 047 (-7) 487 (-32) 3 603 (-5) 4 090 (-10) 11 137 (-8)
7 3 481 (-16) 4 302 (-2) 7 783 (-9) 563 (-34) 3 713 (-5) 4 276 (-10) 12 059 (-9)
8 2 849 (-28) 3 989 (-12) 6 838 (-19) 474 (-39) 3 202 (-11) 3 676 (-16) 10 514 (-18)
9 2 986 (-25) 4 052 (-9) 7 037 (-17) 470 (-39) 3 243 (-11) 3 713 (-16) 10 750 (-16)
10 2 722 (-22) 3 772 (-12) 6 494 (-17) 483 (-23) 3 084 (-8) 3 567 (-10) 10 061 (-15)
11 2 938 (-28) 3 861 (-17) 6 799 (-22) 495 (-37) 3 229 (-19) 3 724 (-22) 10 523 (-22)
12 2 938 (-22) 3 790 (-13) 6 729 (-17) 478 (-35) 3 067 (-15) 3 545 (-18) 10 274 (-18)
2023 1 2 244 (-31) 2 710 (-18) 4 955 (-25) 391 (-45) 2 474 (-19) 2 865 (-24) 7 820 (-25)
2 2 724 (+8) 3 275 (-3) 5 999 (+2) 374 (-20) 2 320 (-12) 2 694 (-13) 8 692 (-3)
3 3 037 (-16) 4 158 (-8) 7 195 (-12) 487 (+12) 3 121 (-2) 3 608 (-1) 10 803 (-8)
4 2 943 (-8) 3 743 (-17) 6 685 (-13) 441 (-10) 3 057 (-14) 3 498 (-13) 10 184 (-13)
5 2 828 (-9) 3 574 (-21) 6 402 (-16) 459 (-5) 2 977 (-19) 3 435 (-18) 9 837 (-17)
6 3 253 (+16) 3 427 (-19) 6 680 (-5) 499 (+2) 2 952 (-18) 3 450 (-16) 10 130 (-9)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 19 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.4 河運貨物吞吐量
River cargo throughput 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
卸下貨物 裝上貨物
Cargo discharged Cargo loaded
年 季 月 進口 抵港轉運 合計 出口 離港轉運 合計 Total cargo
Year Quarter Month Imports Inward transhipment Overall Exports Outward transhipment Overall throughput
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2016 23 726 (+1) 16 758 (-2) 40 483 (0) 30 841 (+17) 21 322 (+2) 52 163 (+10) 92 646 (+5)
2017 39 149 (+65) 16 556 (-1) 55 705 (+38) 26 190 (-15) 22 761 (+7) 48 951 (-6) 104 656 (+13)
2018 34 571 (-12) 15 060 (-9) 49 631 (-11) 21 977 (-16) 22 383 (-2) 44 360 (-9) 93 991 (-10)
2019 45 693 (+32) 14 088 (-6) 59 781 (+20) 20 077 (-9) 22 133 (-1) 42 210 (-5) 101 992 (+9)
2020 51 660 (+13) 14 694 (+4) 66 353 (+11) 10 806 (-46) 22 951 (+4) 33 758 (-20) 100 111 (-2)
2021 25 236 (-51) 12 209 (-17) 37 445 (-44) 10 617 (-2) 16 413 (-28) 27 029 (-20) 64 475 (-36)
2022 24 978 (-1) 11 421 (-6) 36 399 (-3) 10 326 (-3) 15 390 (-6) 25 716 (-5) 62 115 (-4)
2022 2 6 812 (+11) 3 439 (+6) 10 251 (+9) 2 905 (-6) 4 449 (+5) 7 354 (0) 17 606 (+5)
3 6 145 (+6) 2 906 (-15) 9 051 (-2) 3 141 (+15) 3 835 (-17) 6 976 (-5) 16 027 (-3)
4 6 829 (+11) 3 213 (0) 10 043 (+8) 2 732 (+4) 4 441 (+4) 7 173 (+4) 17 216 (+6)
2023 1 5 650 (+9) 2 402 (+29) 8 052 (+14) 2 205 (+42) 3 647 (+37) 5 852 (+39) 13 905 (+23)
2 5 858 (-14) 2 720 (-21) 8 578 (-16) 2 142 (-26) 3 632 (-18) 5 774 (-21) 14 353 (-18)

2022 4 2 499 (+14) 1 174 (+7) 3 673 (+12) 866 (-15) 1 598 (+3) 2 464 (-4) 6 137 (+5)
5 1 975 (0) 1 068 (+7) 3 043 (+2) 696 (-39) 1 235 (-12) 1 931 (-24) 4 974 (-10)
6 2 338 (+19) 1 197 (+4) 3 535 (+13) 1 343 (+41) 1 616 (+24) 2 960 (+31) 6 495 (+21)
7 2 063 (+4) 1 024 (-13) 3 087 (-3) 890 (-9) 1 162 (-21) 2 052 (-16) 5 139 (-9)
8 1 930 (+2) 926 (-23) 2 856 (-8) 1 056 (+30) 1 232 (-21) 2 288 (-4) 5 145 (-6)
9 2 152 (+14) 956 (-7) 3 108 (+7) 1 194 (+28) 1 441 (-8) 2 635 (+5) 5 743 (+6)
10 2 035 (+17) 897 (-6) 2 932 (+9) 947 (+20) 1 397 (+12) 2 344 (+15) 5 276 (+11)
11 2 006 (-10) 1 138 (0) 3 144 (-7) 871 (-9) 1 442 (-8) 2 313 (-8) 5 456 (-7)
12 2 789 (+28) 1 178 (+7) 3 967 (+21) 914 (+5) 1 602 (+11) 2 516 (+9) 6 483 (+16)
2023 1 1 511 (-14) 627 (+13) 2 138 (-8) 522 (+17) 795 (+25) 1 317 (+22) 3 455 (+2)
2 1 815 (+41) 805 (+101) 2 620 (+55) 766 (+104) 1 416 (+93) 2 182 (+97) 4 802 (+72)
3 2 324 (+9) 971 (+7) 3 295 (+8) 918 (+26) 1 435 (+11) 2 353 (+16) 5 648 (+11)
4 1 868 (-25) 980 (-16) 2 848 (-22) 758 (-12) 1 255 (-21) 2 013 (-18) 4 861 (-21)
5 2 009 (+2) 813 (-24) 2 822 (-7) 561 (-19) 1 259 (+2) 1 820 (-6) 4 642 (-7)
6 1 982 (-15) 927 (-23) 2 908 (-18) 823 (-39) 1 118 (-31) 1 941 (-34) 4 850 (-25)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 20 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.5 貨櫃吞吐量
Container throughput 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
卸下貨櫃 裝上貨櫃 貨櫃總吞吐量
Containers discharged Containers loaded Total container throughput
年 季 月 載貨 空貨 合計 載貨 空貨 合計 載貨 空貨 合計
Year Quarter Month Laden Empty Overall Laden Empty Overall Laden Empty Overall
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2016 8 814 (+2) 1 492 (-7) 10 306 (0) 8 166 (-3) 1 341 (-1) 9 507 (-3) 16 979 (-1) 2 834 (-4) 19 813 (-1)
2017 9 207 (+4) 1 560 (+5) 10 768 (+4) 8 545 (+5) 1 458 (+9) 10 003 (+5) 17 752 (+5) 3 018 (+7) 20 770 (+5)
2018 8 628 (-6) 1 515 (-3) 10 144 (-6) 8 071 (-6) 1 382 (-5) 9 452 (-6) 16 699 (-6) 2 897 (-4) 19 596 (-6)
2019 8 159 (-5) 1 369 (-10) 9 528 (-6) 7 495 (-7) 1 280 (-7) 8 775 (-7) 15 654 (-6) 2 648 (-9) 18 303 (-7)
2020 7 973 (-2) 1 418 (+4) 9 391 (-1) 7 076 (-6) 1 503 (+17) 8 578 (-2) 15 049 (-4) 2 920 (+10) 17 969 (-2)
2021 7 763 (-3) 1 492 (+5) 9 254 (-1) 7 122 (+1) 1 422 (-5) 8 544 (0) 14 885 (-1) 2 914 (0) 17 798 (-1)
2022 7 247 (-7) 1 458 (-2) 8 705 (-6) 6 073 (-15) 1 907 (+34) 7 980 (-7) 13 320 (-11) 3 366 (+15) 16 685 (-6)
2022 2 2 082 (+3) 380 (0) 2 461 (+2) 1 687 (-7) 575 (+52) 2 261 (+3) 3 768 (-2) 954 (+26) 4 723 (+3)
3 1 819 (-10) 376 (-1) 2 195 (-8) 1 540 (-20) 473 (+50) 2 013 (-10) 3 359 (-15) 849 (+22) 4 208 (-9)
4 1 723 (-12) 364 (0) 2 087 (-10) 1 465 (-18) 497 (+43) 1 961 (-8) 3 188 (-15) 861 (+21) 4 049 (-9)
2023 1 1 458 (-10) 318 (-6) 1 776 (-9) 1 266 (-8) 391 (+8) 1 657 (-5) 2 724 (-9) 709 (+1) 3 433 (-7)
2 1 562 (-25) 368 (-3) 1 930 (-22) 1 341 (-20) 417 (-27) 1 758 (-22) 2 904 (-23) 785 (-18) 3 688 (-22)

2022 4 730 (+8) 113 (-10) 843 (+5) 575 (-2) 198 (+56) 773 (+8) 1 305 (+3) 310 (+23) 1 616 (+7)
5 665 (-5) 132 (-4) 797 (-5) 534 (-13) 187 (+37) 722 (-4) 1 200 (-9) 319 (+17) 1 519 (-5)
6 686 (+6) 135 (+14) 821 (+8) 577 (-5) 190 (+66) 767 (+6) 1 263 (+1) 325 (+39) 1 588 (+7)
7 628 (-7) 132 (+4) 760 (-5) 525 (-23) 173 (+76) 698 (-10) 1 153 (-15) 305 (+36) 1 458 (-8)
8 596 (-12) 121 (+4) 717 (-10) 494 (-20) 148 (+36) 642 (-12) 1 090 (-16) 269 (+20) 1 359 (-11)
9 595 (-9) 123 (-11) 718 (-9) 522 (-18) 152 (+39) 674 (-9) 1 117 (-13) 275 (+12) 1 392 (-9)
10 549 (-12) 106 (-11) 656 (-12) 481 (-14) 144 (+21) 625 (-8) 1 030 (-13) 250 (+5) 1 280 (-10)
11 579 (-13) 131 (-3) 710 (-12) 491 (-22) 158 (+42) 649 (-13) 1 070 (-18) 289 (+18) 1 359 (-12)
12 595 (-10) 127 (+14) 722 (-6) 493 (-18) 194 (+66) 688 (-4) 1 088 (-13) 321 (+41) 1 410 (-5)
2023 1 424 (-18) 114 (-2) 538 (-15) 387 (-19) 142 (+27) 529 (-10) 811 (-18) 256 (+12) 1 067 (-13)
2 446 (0) 100 (-5) 546 (-1) 390 (-3) 123 (+22) 512 (+2) 836 (-1) 223 (+8) 1 058 (+1)
3 588 (-11) 104 (-11) 692 (-11) 489 (-3) 126 (-16) 616 (-6) 1 077 (-8) 230 (-14) 1 307 (-9)
4 543 (-26) 114 (+1) 657 (-22) 447 (-22) 142 (-28) 589 (-24) 990 (-24) 256 (-18) 1 246 (-23)
5 518 (-22) 120 (-9) 638 (-20) 457 (-14) 140 (-25) 598 (-17) 975 (-19) 261 (-18) 1 236 (-19)
6 502 (-27) 134 (-1) 635 (-23) 437 (-24) 135 (-29) 572 (-25) 939 (-26) 268 (-17) 1 207 (-24)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 21 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.6 載貨貨櫃吞吐量
Laden container throughput 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
卸下貨櫃 裝上貨櫃
Containers discharged Containers loaded
年 季 月 進口 抵港轉運 合計 出口 離港轉運 合計 Total container
Year Quarter Month Imports Inward transhipment Overall Exports Outward transhipment Overall throughput
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2016 2 804 (+2) 6 010 (+2) 8 814 (+2) 2 477 (-3) 5 688 (-3) 8 166 (-3) 16 979 (-1)
2017 2 717 (-3) 6 491 (+8) 9 207 (+4) 2 397 (-3) 6 148 (+8) 8 545 (+5) 17 752 (+5)
2018 2 567 (-6) 6 062 (-7) 8 628 (-6) 2 255 (-6) 5 816 (-5) 8 071 (-6) 16 699 (-6)
2019 2 475 (-4) 5 684 (-6) 8 159 (-5) 2 043 (-9) 5 452 (-6) 7 495 (-7) 15 654 (-6)
2020 2 233 (-10) 5 740 (+1) 7 973 (-2) 1 706 (-17) 5 370 (-2) 7 076 (-6) 15 049 (-4)
2021 2 158 (-3) 5 605 (-2) 7 763 (-3) 1 729 (+1) 5 393 (0) 7 122 (+1) 14 885 (-1)
2022 2 180 (+1) 5 067 (-10) 7 247 (-7) 1 318 (-24) 4 755 (-12) 6 073 (-15) 13 320 (-11)
2022 2 646 (+20) 1 436 (-3) 2 082 (+3) 350 (-13) 1 337 (-5) 1 687 (-7) 3 768 (-2)
3 542 (-4) 1 277 (-12) 1 819 (-10) 335 (-34) 1 205 (-15) 1 540 (-20) 3 359 (-15)
4 499 (-8) 1 224 (-13) 1 723 (-12) 302 (-30) 1 162 (-14) 1 465 (-18) 3 188 (-15)
2023 1 398 (-19) 1 060 (-6) 1 458 (-10) 269 (-18) 996 (-5) 1 266 (-8) 2 724 (-9)
2 427 (-34) 1 135 (-21) 1 562 (-25) 271 (-23) 1 071 (-20) 1 341 (-20) 2 904 (-23)

2022 4 229 (+22) 501 (+3) 730 (+8) 121 (-8) 455 (-1) 575 (-2) 1 305 (+3)
5 199 (0) 467 (-8) 665 (-5) 102 (-25) 432 (-10) 534 (-13) 1 200 (-9)
6 218 (+43) 468 (-5) 686 (+6) 127 (-5) 450 (-5) 577 (-5) 1 263 (+1)
7 182 (-3) 445 (-9) 628 (-7) 99 (-44) 425 (-15) 525 (-23) 1 153 (-15)
8 183 (-7) 414 (-15) 596 (-12) 112 (-32) 382 (-16) 494 (-20) 1 090 (-16)
9 177 (-2) 418 (-12) 595 (-9) 124 (-25) 398 (-15) 522 (-18) 1 117 (-13)
10 160 (-4) 389 (-15) 549 (-12) 104 (-23) 377 (-11) 481 (-14) 1 030 (-13)
11 165 (-9) 414 (-15) 579 (-13) 96 (-36) 395 (-18) 491 (-22) 1 070 (-18)
12 173 (-10) 422 (-9) 595 (-10) 102 (-30) 391 (-13) 493 (-18) 1 088 (-13)
2023 1 128 (-24) 296 (-15) 424 (-18) 88 (-35) 299 (-12) 387 (-19) 811 (-18)
2 111 (-10) 335 (+4) 446 (0) 83 (-5) 307 (-2) 390 (-3) 836 (-1)
3 159 (-21) 429 (-7) 588 (-11) 99 (-9) 391 (-2) 489 (-3) 1 077 (-8)
4 146 (-36) 397 (-21) 543 (-26) 85 (-30) 362 (-20) 447 (-22) 990 (-24)
5 146 (-27) 372 (-20) 518 (-22) 94 (-8) 364 (-16) 457 (-14) 975 (-19)
6 135 (-38) 367 (-22) 502 (-27) 92 (-28) 345 (-23) 437 (-24) 939 (-26)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 22 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.7 海運載貨貨櫃吞吐量
Seaborne laden container throughput 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
卸下貨櫃 裝上貨櫃
Containers discharged Containers loaded
年 季 月 進口 抵港轉運 合計 出口 離港轉運 合計 Total container
Year Quarter Month Imports Inward transhipment Overall Exports Outward transhipment Overall throughput
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2016 2 170 (+4) 4 294 (+2) 6 464 (+3) 1 570 (-6) 4 085 (-6) 5 655 (-6) 12 118 (-1)
2017 2 091 (-4) 4 752 (+11) 6 843 (+6) 1 618 (+3) 4 404 (+8) 6 022 (+6) 12 864 (+6)
2018 1 793 (-14) 4 406 (-7) 6 200 (-9) 1 558 (-4) 4 118 (-6) 5 677 (-6) 11 876 (-8)
2019 1 708 (-5) 4 110 (-7) 5 818 (-6) 1 390 (-11) 3 776 (-8) 5 166 (-9) 10 984 (-8)
2020 1 547 (-9) 4 092 (0) 5 639 (-3) 1 095 (-21) 3 631 (-4) 4 725 (-9) 10 364 (-6)
2021 1 495 (-3) 4 278 (+5) 5 772 (+2) 1 179 (+8) 4 216 (+16) 5 395 (+14) 11 167 (+8)
2022 1 194 (-20) 3 855 (-10) 5 049 (-13) 678 (-42) 3 644 (-14) 4 322 (-20) 9 371 (-16)
2022 2 318 (-16) 1 064 (-5) 1 382 (-8) 157 (-43) 1 020 (-8) 1 177 (-15) 2 559 (-11)
3 277 (-26) 969 (-11) 1 246 (-15) 158 (-54) 925 (-15) 1 083 (-24) 2 329 (-20)
4 270 (-24) 896 (-17) 1 166 (-19) 155 (-46) 840 (-20) 995 (-26) 2 161 (-22)
2023 1 259 (-21) 803 (-13) 1 063 (-15) 136 (-35) 730 (-15) 867 (-19) 1 929 (-17)
2 279 (-12) 849 (-20) 1 128 (-18) 155 (-1) 808 (-21) 963 (-18) 2 091 (-18)

2022 4 104 (-22) 364 (-1) 468 (-7) 51 (-39) 339 (-2) 391 (-9) 859 (-8)
5 110 (-24) 359 (-8) 470 (-12) 53 (-42) 343 (-10) 396 (-16) 866 (-14)
6 104 (+1) 340 (-5) 444 (-3) 53 (-47) 338 (-11) 391 (-18) 835 (-11)
7 96 (-22) 339 (-7) 435 (-10) 56 (-55) 342 (-13) 398 (-23) 833 (-17)
8 95 (-29) 316 (-13) 410 (-17) 50 (-56) 290 (-15) 340 (-25) 750 (-21)
9 86 (-28) 315 (-13) 401 (-17) 52 (-52) 293 (-17) 345 (-25) 746 (-21)
10 86 (-19) 296 (-16) 382 (-16) 54 (-39) 277 (-17) 331 (-21) 713 (-19)
11 91 (-23) 301 (-20) 392 (-21) 52 (-47) 289 (-23) 341 (-28) 733 (-24)
12 93 (-29) 299 (-15) 392 (-19) 48 (-50) 274 (-21) 322 (-27) 714 (-23)
2023 1 76 (-40) 227 (-20) 303 (-26) 44 (-56) 237 (-19) 280 (-29) 583 (-27)
2 80 (-15) 253 (-9) 333 (-11) 40 (-30) 206 (-21) 247 (-22) 579 (-16)
3 103 (-4) 324 (-11) 427 (-9) 52 (+4) 287 (-6) 340 (-4) 767 (-7)
4 94 (-9) 294 (-19) 388 (-17) 48 (-6) 272 (-20) 320 (-18) 709 (-17)
5 97 (-12) 285 (-21) 382 (-19) 52 (-2) 271 (-21) 323 (-18) 706 (-18)
6 88 (-15) 270 (-21) 358 (-20) 54 (+3) 264 (-22) 319 (-18) 676 (-19)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 23 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.8 河運載貨貨櫃吞吐量
River laden container throughput 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
卸下貨櫃 裝上貨櫃
Containers discharged Containers loaded
年 季 月 進口 抵港轉運 合計 出口 離港轉運 合計 Total container
Year Quarter Month Imports Inward transhipment Overall Exports Outward transhipment Overall throughput
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2016 634 (-4) 1 716 (+1) 2 350 (-1) 907 (+2) 1 604 (+3) 2 511 (+3) 4 861 (+1)
2017 626 (-1) 1 739 (+1) 2 365 (+1) 779 (-14) 1 744 (+9) 2 523 (0) 4 888 (+1)
2018 773 (+24) 1 656 (-5) 2 429 (+3) 696 (-11) 1 697 (-3) 2 394 (-5) 4 823 (-1)
2019 767 (-1) 1 574 (-5) 2 341 (-4) 653 (-6) 1 676 (-1) 2 329 (-3) 4 670 (-3)
2020 686 (-11) 1 648 (+5) 2 334 (0) 611 (-6) 1 739 (+4) 2 350 (+1) 4 685 (0)
2021 663 (-3) 1 327 (-19) 1 990 (-15) 550 (-10) 1 177 (-32) 1 727 (-27) 3 717 (-21)
2022 986 (+49) 1 212 (-9) 2 198 (+10) 639 (+16) 1 111 (-6) 1 751 (+1) 3 949 (+6)
2022 2 328 (+108) 372 (+1) 700 (+33) 193 (+54) 317 (+4) 509 (+18) 1 209 (+27)
3 265 (+40) 308 (-14) 573 (+4) 177 (+9) 280 (-17) 457 (-8) 1 031 (-2)
4 229 (+23) 328 (-1) 557 (+8) 147 (+1) 323 (+6) 470 (+4) 1 027 (+6)
2023 1 139 (-15) 257 (+25) 395 (+7) 133 (+9) 266 (+39) 399 (+27) 795 (+16)
2 148 (-55) 286 (-23) 434 (-38) 116 (-40) 263 (-17) 379 (-26) 813 (-33)

2022 4 125 (+129) 137 (+15) 262 (+51) 70 (+47) 115 (+4) 185 (+17) 447 (+35)
5 88 (+66) 107 (-6) 196 (+17) 49 (+10) 90 (-10) 138 (-4) 334 (+8)
6 114 (+131) 128 (-6) 242 (+31) 74 (+121) 112 (+18) 186 (+45) 428 (+37)
7 87 (+33) 106 (-16) 193 (+1) 44 (-19) 83 (-22) 127 (-21) 320 (-9)
8 88 (+40) 98 (-21) 186 (0) 62 (+19) 92 (-20) 154 (-7) 340 (-4)
9 91 (+49) 103 (-6) 194 (+14) 71 (+25) 105 (-8) 177 (+3) 371 (+8)
10 75 (+22) 93 (-13) 167 (0) 50 (+11) 100 (+11) 149 (+11) 316 (+5)
11 74 (+18) 113 (0) 187 (+7) 43 (-14) 106 (-2) 150 (-6) 336 (0)
12 81 (+30) 122 (+8) 203 (+16) 54 (+9) 117 (+10) 171 (+10) 374 (+13)
2023 1 52 (+26) 70 (+6) 121 (+14) 45 (+27) 62 (+34) 107 (+31) 228 (+21)
2 31 (+7) 82 (+94) 113 (+59) 42 (+46) 101 (+90) 143 (+74) 256 (+67)
3 56 (-40) 105 (+8) 161 (-16) 46 (-20) 103 (+12) 150 (-1) 310 (-9)
4 52 (-58) 102 (-25) 155 (-41) 36 (-48) 90 (-22) 126 (-32) 281 (-37)
5 49 (-45) 87 (-19) 136 (-31) 41 (-15) 92 (+3) 134 (-3) 269 (-19)
6 47 (-59) 97 (-24) 144 (-40) 38 (-49) 81 (-28) 119 (-36) 263 (-39)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 24 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.9 港口貨物吞吐量的變動情況
Movement of port cargo throughput
原來數列的按年變動百分率 經季節性調整數列與上季度比較的變動百分率
Year-on-year percentage change of original series Quarter-to-quarter percentage change of seasonally adjusted series
進口 抵港轉運 抵港總計 出口 離港轉運 離港總計 合計 進口 抵港轉運 抵港總計 出口 離港轉運 離港總計 合計
年 季 Inward Inward Outward Outward Inward Inward Outward Outward
Year Quarter Imports transhipment total Exports transhipment total Overall Imports transhipment total Exports transhipment total Overall
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2018 2 -2 -9 -5 +2 -9 -5 -5 -9 -5 -8 -14 -7 -9 -8
3 -19 -11 -15 -11 -8 -9 -13 -10 -4 -7 -1 -1 -1 -5
4 -18 -9 -14 -23 -3 -11 -13 +7 0 +4 -10 +2 -2 +1
2019 1 -9 -9 -9 -19 -8 -12 -10 +5 0 +2 +6 -1 +1 +2
2 +17 -6 +7 +9 -2 +1 +5 +17 -2 +9 +13 -2 +3 +7
3 +33 -3 +17 -2 -5 -4 +9 +2 -2 +1 -11 -4 -6 -2
4 +28 -3 +15 -24 -6 -12 +4 +2 +1 +2 -28 +1 -9 -2
2020 1 +12 -4 +5 -40 -7 -18 -3 -6 0 -4 -14 -2 -6 -5
2 +13 -3 +7 -47 -5 -20 -3 +16 -2 +9 -6 +1 -1 +6
3 -5 +4 -2 -40 +2 -13 -6 -15 +5 -9 0 +3 +3 -5
4 -21 +3 -12 -20 +2 -5 -9 -14 +1 -8 0 +1 0 -5
2021 1 -26 -4 -18 -2 -6 -5 -14 -12 -7 -10 +6 -10 -6 -9
2 -45 +4 -28 +9 +4 +5 -18 -13 +5 -5 +2 +11 +9 0
3 -32 0 -19 +5 +1 +2 -12 +3 0 +2 -4 +1 0 +1
4 -24 -4 -16 -6 -4 -5 -12 -3 -3 -3 -9 -5 -6 -4
2022 1 -19 -6 -13 -24 -11 -14 -14 -7 -8 -7 -15 -17 -17 -11
2 -9 -1 -5 -16 -2 -5 -5 -2 +10 +4 +13 +23 +21 +10
3 -14 -9 -11 -9 -11 -11 -11 -3 -8 -6 +3 -9 -6 -6
4 -12 -12 -12 -12 -9 -10 -11 -1 -5 -3 -10 -2 -4 -3
2023 1 -6 -4 -5 +9 0 +2 -3 -1 0 0 +5 -9 -6 -2
2 -7 -19 -13 -19 -18 -18 -15 -2 -8 -5 -16 +2 -3 -4

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 25 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.10 載貨貨櫃吞吐量的變動情況
Movement of laden container throughput
原來數列的按年變動百分率 經季節性調整數列與上季度比較的變動百分率
Year-on-year percentage change of original series Quarter-to-quarter percentage change of seasonally adjusted series
進口 抵港轉運 抵港總計 出口 離港轉運 離港總計 合計 進口 抵港轉運 抵港總計 出口 離港轉運 離港總計 合計
年 季 Inward Inward Outward Outward Inward Inward Outward Outward
Year Quarter Imports transhipment total Exports transhipment total Overall Imports transhipment total Exports transhipment total Overall
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2018 2 -8 -7 -7 -9 -8 -9 -8 -9 -5 -6 -9 -6 -7 -6
3 -4 -9 -8 -11 -7 -8 -8 0 -3 -2 -5 -1 -2 -2
4 -7 -8 -8 0 -5 -4 -6 0 0 0 +5 0 +1 0
2019 1 -7 -9 -8 -15 -8 -10 -9 +2 0 0 -6 -1 -2 -1
2 -1 -6 -5 -7 -4 -5 -5 -2 -2 -2 +1 -2 -2 -2
3 -1 -6 -4 -2 -6 -5 -5 -2 -4 -3 -2 -4 -4 -3
4 -5 -4 -5 -14 -7 -9 -7 -4 +1 0 -8 0 -2 -1
2020 1 -11 -6 -8 -15 -9 -10 -9 -5 0 -2 -7 -2 -4 -3
2 -11 -3 -6 -21 -5 -10 -8 -1 -1 -1 -6 0 -2 -1
3 -10 +7 +2 -18 +3 -3 0 -1 +7 +5 +3 +5 +5 +5
4 -7 +5 +2 -11 +5 +1 +1 +1 0 0 -1 +2 +2 +1
2021 1 -2 -1 -1 -4 -2 -2 -2 -2 -6 -5 +1 -9 -6 -6
2 -7 +4 +1 -2 +7 +5 +3 -6 +4 +1 -3 +8 +5 +3
3 0 -4 -3 +10 +2 +4 0 +6 -2 0 +15 +1 +4 +2
4 -4 -8 -7 -1 -5 -4 -6 -2 -4 -3 -12 -5 -6 -5
2022 1 -4 -10 -9 -15 -13 -13 -11 -3 -8 -7 -14 -16 -15 -11
2 +20 -3 +3 -13 -5 -7 -2 +19 +11 +13 0 +17 +12 +13
3 -4 -12 -10 -34 -15 -20 -15 -16 -10 -12 -13 -10 -11 -11
4 -8 -13 -12 -30 -14 -18 -15 -5 -5 -5 -6 -3 -4 -4
2023 1 -19 -6 -10 -18 -5 -8 -9 -16 -1 -5 0 -7 -5 -5
2 -34 -21 -25 -23 -20 -20 -23 -3 -7 -6 -5 -2 -3 -4

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 26 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.11 按選定裝貨國家/地區劃分的水運進口貨物
Waterborne imports of cargo by selected countries/territories of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes

The mainland of China

年 季 合計 海運 河運 珠江三角洲 日本 新加坡 台灣 美國
Year Quarter Overall Seaborne River Pearl River Delta Japan Singapore Taiwan USA

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

2016 37 484 (-13) 13 924 (-30) 23 561 (+1) 25 672 (-16) 6 471 (-19) 8 061 (+9) 2 484 (-19) 2 984 (+21)

2017 50 496 (+35) 14 231 (+2) 36 265 (+54) 39 114 (+52) 6 510 (+1) 9 342 (+16) 2 563 (+3) 2 567 (-14)

2018 48 377 (-4) 14 236 (0) 34 142 (-6) 36 404 (-7) 5 045 (-23) 7 346 (-21) 2 704 (+6) 1 949 (-24)

2019 59 016 (+22) 15 515 (+9) 43 502 (+27) 46 536 (+28) 4 107 (-19) 6 553 (-11) 6 401 (+137) 1 660 (-15)

2020 63 258 (+7) 12 436 (-20) 50 822 (+17) 54 139 (+16) 4 347 (+6) 4 516 (-31) 10 460 (+63) 996 (-40)

2021 36 531 (-42) 11 588 (-7) 24 942 (-51) 29 560 (-45) 4 491 (+3) 4 259 (-6) 2 067 (-80) 1 011 (+1)

2022 32 737 (-10) 7 873 (-32) 24 864 (0) 26 930 (-9) 4 040 (-10) 3 302 (-22) 1 641 (-21) 654 (-35)

2022 2 8 851 (-3) 2 076 (-33) 6 775 (+13) 7 382 (+3) 1 044 (-19) 781 (+14) 334 (-30) 200 (-37)

3 7 992 (-6) 1 874 (-32) 6 118 (+6) 6 598 (-5) 1 085 (-14) 829 (-31) 414 (-19) 152 (-41)

4 8 659 (0) 1 853 (-28) 6 807 (+12) 6 865 (-6) 994 (-9) 958 (-33) 297 (-56) 127 (-44)

2023 1 7 869 (+9) 2 273 (+10) 5 596 (+8) 5 735 (-6) 699 (-24) 770 (+5) 293 (-51) 157 (-10)

2 7 972 (-10) 2 158 (+4) 5 814 (-14) 5 792 (-22) 883 (-15) 839 (+7) 415 (+24) 182 (-9)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 27 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.12 按選定裝貨國家/地區劃分的水運抵港轉運貨物
Waterborne inward transhipment of cargo by selected countries/territories of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes

The mainland of China

年 季 合計 海運 河運 珠江三角洲 日本 新加坡 台灣 美國
Year Quarter Overall Seaborne River Pearl River Delta Japan Singapore Taiwan USA

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

2016 25 257 (-4) 8 525 (-6) 16 732 (-2) 16 889 (-2) 2 446 (+3) 2 242 (+9) 3 714 (+10) 5 507 (-12)

2017 24 753 (-2) 8 220 (-4) 16 533 (-1) 16 757 (-1) 2 664 (+9) 2 273 (+1) 4 155 (+12) 6 129 (+11)

2018 22 642 (-9) 7 598 (-8) 15 045 (-9) 15 583 (-7) 2 387 (-10) 2 052 (-10) 4 178 (+1) 5 416 (-12)

2019 21 378 (-6) 7 305 (-4) 14 074 (-6) 14 611 (-6) 2 061 (-14) 1 944 (-5) 3 829 (-8) 4 307 (-20)

2020 21 950 (+3) 7 266 (-1) 14 684 (+4) 15 195 (+4) 2 168 (+5) 2 410 (+24) 3 725 (-3) 3 456 (-20)

2021 21 648 (-1) 9 449 (+30) 12 200 (-17) 13 108 (-14) 1 800 (-17) 2 421 (0) 4 162 (+12) 3 167 (-8)

2022 20 535 (-5) 9 122 (-3) 11 413 (-6) 11 932 (-9) 1 744 (-3) 2 352 (-3) 3 636 (-13) 2 715 (-14)

2022 2 6 074 (+9) 2 636 (+12) 3 437 (+6) 3 592 (+3) 497 (-3) 619 (-9) 934 (-7) 739 (-24)

3 5 203 (-15) 2 299 (-16) 2 904 (-15) 3 022 (-20) 462 (+8) 559 (-9) 878 (-13) 751 (-8)

4 5 429 (-5) 2 216 (-12) 3 213 (0) 3 269 (-2) 406 (-4) 494 (-12) 892 (-34) 613 (-7)

2023 1 4 364 (+14) 1 964 (0) 2 400 (+29) 2 492 (+22) 293 (-22) 546 (-20) 606 (-35) 750 (+22)

2 4 731 (-22) 2 013 (-24) 2 718 (-21) 2 762 (-23) 307 (-38) 466 (-25) 577 (-38) 685 (-7)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 28 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.13 按選定卸貨國家/地區劃分的水運出口貨物
Waterborne exports of cargo by selected countries/territories of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes

The mainland of China

年 季 合計 海運 河運 珠江三角洲 日本 新加坡 台灣 美國
Year Quarter Overall Seaborne River Pearl River Delta Japan Singapore Taiwan USA

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

2016 27 454 (+6) 1 566 (+10) 25 888 (+5) 25 516 (+5) 548 (-9) 378 (+8) 1 156 (+58) 1 394 (-3)

2017 25 235 (-8) 1 672 (+7) 23 563 (-9) 23 163 (-9) 612 (+12) 409 (+8) 1 550 (+34) 1 265 (-9)

2018 22 408 (-11) 1 698 (+2) 20 710 (-12) 20 186 (-13) 558 (-9) 432 (+6) 1 180 (-24) 1 291 (+2)

2019 19 035 (-15) 1 814 (+7) 17 221 (-17) 16 791 (-17) 563 (+1) 361 (-17) 875 (-26) 1 036 (-20)

2020 9 336 (-51) 1 420 (-22) 7 916 (-54) 7 550 (-55) 465 (-17) 288 (-20) 620 (-29) 774 (-25)

2021 9 106 (-2) 1 424 (0) 7 683 (-3) 7 444 (-1) 490 (+5) 247 (-14) 573 (-8) 886 (+15)

2022 10 689 (+17) 1 241 (-13) 9 448 (+23) 9 223 (+24) 238 (-51) 145 (-41) 521 (-9) 379 (-57)

2022 2 2 929 (+23) 285 (-16) 2 644 (+30) 2 466 (+31) 59 (-50) 35 (-46) 139 (+12) 89 (-52)

3 3 305 (+38) 319 (-9) 2 987 (+46) 2 987 (+52) 54 (-57) 39 (-35) 122 (-19) 76 (-75)

4 2 891 (+11) 355 (0) 2 536 (+13) 2 503 (+12) 45 (-63) 39 (-32) 111 (-33) 63 (-71)

2023 1 2 265 (+45) 215 (-24) 2 050 (+60) 1 999 (+58) 37 (-54) 31 (-2) 115 (-23) 62 (-59)

2 2 271 (-22) 266 (-7) 2 005 (-24) 1 943 (-21) 46 (-23) 55 (+59) 125 (-10) 78 (-13)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 29 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.14 按選定卸貨國家/地區劃分的水運離港轉運貨物
Waterborne outward transhipment of cargo by selected countries/territories of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes

The mainland of China

年 季 合計 海運 河運 珠江三角洲 日本 新加坡 台灣 美國
Year Quarter Overall Seaborne River Pearl River Delta Japan Singapore Taiwan USA

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

2016 26 643 (-1) 5 459 (-10) 21 185 (+2) 21 416 (+1) 3 788 (-2) 1 307 (-14) 2 114 (0) 3 471 (-4)

2017 30 998 (+16) 8 358 (+53) 22 640 (+7) 22 917 (+7) 3 871 (+2) 1 194 (-9) 2 518 (+19) 3 817 (+10)

2018 30 888 (0) 8 596 (+3) 22 292 (-2) 22 931 (0) 3 638 (-6) 801 (-33) 2 351 (-7) 3 726 (-2)

2019 30 797 (0) 8 781 (+2) 22 015 (-1) 22 686 (-1) 3 201 (-12) 617 (-23) 2 344 (0) 3 145 (-16)

2020 32 402 (+5) 9 606 (+9) 22 796 (+4) 23 740 (+5) 2 762 (-14) 661 (+7) 2 937 (+25) 2 774 (-12)

2021 27 530 (-15) 11 228 (+17) 16 302 (-28) 18 347 (-23) 2 464 (-11) 779 (+18) 3 792 (+29) 2 890 (+4)

2022 26 096 (-5) 10 820 (-4) 15 276 (-6) 16 773 (-9) 2 141 (-13) 722 (-7) 3 534 (-7) 2 196 (-24)

2022 2 7 201 (+4) 2 781 (+2) 4 420 (+4) 4 825 (+2) 549 (-15) 194 (-17) 1 053 (+14) 661 (-19)

3 6 567 (-14) 2 759 (-10) 3 808 (-17) 4 091 (-21) 586 (-4) 202 (+34) 887 (-11) 476 (-37)

4 7 330 (+1) 2 913 (-5) 4 417 (+4) 4 717 (0) 502 (-16) 174 (-16) 742 (-30) 468 (-22)

2023 1 5 744 (+15) 2 159 (-9) 3 585 (+36) 3 839 (+22) 429 (-15) 151 (0) 550 (-36) 437 (-26)

2 6 108 (-15) 2 520 (-9) 3 588 (-19) 3 836 (-20) 429 (-22) 138 (-29) 698 (-34) 372 (-44)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 30 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.15 按選定裝貨國家/地區劃分的水運卸下載貨貨櫃
Waterborne laden containers discharged by selected countries/territories of loading 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs

The mainland of China

年 季 合計 海運 河運 珠江三角洲 日本 新加坡 台灣 美國
Year Quarter Overall Seaborne River Pearl River Delta Japan Singapore Taiwan USA

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

2016 3 484 (0) 1 145 (+1) 2 339 (-1) 2 402 (0) 473 (+1) 281 (+6) 451 (-1) 810 (0)

2017 3 489 (0) 1 137 (-1) 2 352 (+1) 2 425 (+1) 472 (0) 267 (-5) 465 (+3) 814 (+1)

2018 3 473 (0) 1 056 (-7) 2 417 (+3) 2 562 (+6) 420 (-11) 237 (-11) 464 (0) 689 (-15)

2019 3 326 (-4) 996 (-6) 2 330 (-4) 2 450 (-4) 377 (-10) 219 (-8) 426 (-8) 557 (-19)

2020 3 245 (-2) 917 (-8) 2 328 (0) 2 439 (0) 365 (-3) 257 (+17) 426 (0) 418 (-25)

2021 3 098 (-5) 1 115 (+22) 1 983 (-15) 2 133 (-13) 339 (-7) 244 (-5) 467 (+10) 375 (-10)

2022 3 200 (+3) 1 010 (-9) 2 190 (+10) 2 267 (+6) 297 (-12) 238 (-2) 380 (-19) 310 (-17)

2022 2 988 (+24) 291 (+7) 697 (+33) 722 (+28) 81 (-10) 60 (-7) 95 (-17) 85 (-25)

3 819 (-5) 248 (-22) 571 (+4) 588 (-2) 71 (-17) 60 (0) 91 (-22) 83 (-13)

4 800 (+1) 245 (-12) 555 (+8) 565 (+4) 72 (-13) 49 (-16) 88 (-38) 69 (-16)

2023 1 616 (+4) 222 (-2) 393 (+7) 405 (+3) 56 (-23) 54 (-20) 66 (-37) 83 (+14)

2 662 (-33) 230 (-21) 432 (-38) 447 (-38) 61 (-24) 50 (-17) 65 (-32) 79 (-7)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 31 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1.16 按選定卸貨國家/地區劃分的水運裝上載貨貨櫃
Waterborne laden containers loaded by selected countries/territories of discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs

The mainland of China

年 季 合計 海運 河運 珠江三角洲 日本 新加坡 台灣 美國
Year Quarter Overall Seaborne River Pearl River Delta Japan Singapore Taiwan USA

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

2016 3 019 (+3) 560 (0) 2 459 (+4) 2 501 (+3) 588 (-8) 166 (-8) 310 (+13) 810 (-5)

2017 3 275 (+8) 809 (+45) 2 466 (0) 2 514 (+1) 598 (+2) 167 (0) 382 (+23) 839 (+4)

2018 3 139 (-4) 797 (-1) 2 342 (-5) 2 425 (-4) 575 (-4) 130 (-22) 341 (-11) 810 (-4)

2019 3 035 (-3) 776 (-3) 2 259 (-4) 2 333 (-4) 520 (-10) 106 (-19) 319 (-6) 669 (-17)

2020 3 079 (+1) 811 (+4) 2 268 (0) 2 366 (+1) 465 (-11) 104 (-1) 380 (+19) 604 (-10)

2021 2 616 (-15) 951 (+17) 1 665 (-27) 1 865 (-21) 438 (-6) 106 (+2) 461 (+21) 645 (+7)

2022 2 550 (-3) 862 (-9) 1 688 (+1) 1 831 (-2) 329 (-25) 81 (-24) 414 (-10) 399 (-38)

2022 2 716 (+11) 222 (-4) 494 (+19) 527 (+15) 83 (-28) 20 (-32) 117 (+5) 116 (-30)

3 660 (-11) 217 (-15) 443 (-8) 476 (-12) 84 (-24) 23 (-4) 100 (-16) 86 (-55)

4 684 (-1) 228 (-10) 456 (+4) 486 (0) 75 (-28) 19 (-30) 95 (-26) 76 (-46)

2023 1 550 (+12) 167 (-14) 383 (+30) 409 (+20) 69 (-21) 18 (-1) 73 (-28) 74 (-39)

2 561 (-22) 192 (-14) 369 (-25) 394 (-25) 71 (-15) 19 (-6) 90 (-23) 69 (-41)

註釋: ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 32 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Statistical Tables

2 Vessel statistics

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 34 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2.1 按船舶類型劃分的抵港船次
Vessel arrivals by ship type
2 0 2 3
船次 容量
船舶類型 Ship type Number Capacity
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) 千淨噸 (%) 千淨噸 (%)
’000 NT ’000 NT

化學品運載船 Chemical carrier/tanker 127 (+23) 285 (+74) 811 (+36) 1 738 (+63)

普通貨船 Conventional cargo vessel 949 (0) 1 824 (+16) 1 717 (-3) 3 342 (+24)

郵船/渡輪 Cruise/Ferry 7 610 (@@) 12 108 (@@) 3 482 (@@) 5 112 (+11)

散裝乾貨船及礦沙/散 Dry bulk carrier and 2 099 (+27) 4 097 (+33) 21 266 (+92) 39 254 (+122)
貨/油類混用船 ^ Ore/Bulk/Oil (OBO) carrier

全槽格式貨櫃船 Fully cellular container vessel 9 200 (-18) 17 786 (-4) 60 846 (+8) 119 565 (+15)

液化氣體運載船 Gas carrier/tanker 112 (+87) 206 (+115) 989 (+270) 1 582 (+292)

駁船/躉船/貨艇 Lighter/Barge/Cargo junk 67 (+3) 115 (-22) 83 (+13) 147 (-15)

油輪 Oil tanker 204 (+45) 388 (+55) 2 065 (+52) 4 507 (+61)

半貨櫃船 Semi-container vessel 2 476 (-30) 4 919 (-17) 3 367 (-30) 6 712 (-18)

拖船 Tug 155 (+35) 277 (+3) 10 (-8) 19 (-33)

^ ◆
其他 Others 242 (-41) 466 (-19) 779 (-53) 1 630 (-45)

◆ ◆

合計 Overall 23 241 (+26) 42 471 (+36) 95 414 (+22) 183 608 (+27)

註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Notes : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

不包括僅在內河航限以內航行的遊樂船及漁船/魚類加工船。 ◆ Pleasure vessels and fishing/fish processing vessels plying
exclusively within the river trade limits are excluded.
^ Starting from 2023, (i) dry bulk carrier and (ii) ore/bulk/oil (OBO) carrier have been
^ 由2023年開始,(i)散裝乾貨船及(ii)礦沙/散貨/油類混用船合併歸類為「散裝乾貨
船及礦沙/散貨/油類混用船」。 而在2023年以前,它們分別被歸類為「散裝乾貨 merged into a single category of “Dry bulk carrier and Ore/Bulk/Oil (OBO) carrier”.
船」及「其他」。為方便比較,與上年同期比較的變動百分率已改用新分類方法編製。 Before 2023, they were categorised under “Dry bulk carrier” and “Others”
respectively. To facilitate comparison, percentage changes over the same period of
preceding year have been complied using the new classification method.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 35 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2.2 按船旗劃分的抵港船次
Vessel arrivals by flag
2 0 2 3
船次 容量
船旗 Flag Number Capacity
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) 千淨噸 (%) 千淨噸 (%)
’000 NT ’000 NT
安提瓜和巴布達 Antigua and Barbuda 26 (-24) 58 (-5) 182 (-22) 461 (+11)
巴哈馬 Bahamas 105 (+176) 179 (+79) 2 796 (+569) 3 948 (-25)
伯利茲 Belize 56 (+4) 106 (+43) 173 (+20) 336 (+70)
中國內地 The mainland of China 14 674 (+2) 27 351 (+15) 16 978 (-6) 33 543 (+9)
塞浦路斯 Cyprus 47 (-22) 112 (+2) 690 (0) 1 495 (+21)
丹麥 Denmark 46 (+12) 95 (+44) 1 825 (+23) 3 471 (+42)
中國香港 Hong Kong, China 4 878 (+405) 7 916 (+332) 16 600 (+36) 31 603 (+40)
印度尼西亞 Indonesia 21 (+5) 41 (+5) 146 (+43) 302 (+65)
日本 Japan 21 (+17) 46 (+53) 980 (+5) 2 248 (+32)
韓國 Korea (the Republic of) 130 (+2) 274 (+16) 1 446 (+6) 3 208 (+21)
利比里亞 Liberia 554 (+23) 1 037 (+21) 13 787 (+40) 24 567 (+36)
馬來西亞 Malaysia 30 (-21) 58 (-8) 88 (-53) 188 (-42)
馬耳他 Malta 162 (+41) 326 (+65) 5 605 (+60) 11 121 (+94)
馬紹爾群島 Marshall Islands 410 (+35) 795 (+49) 6 286 (+32) 12 101 (+36)
巴拿馬 Panama 929 (+10) 1 888 (+34) 10 935 (0) 22 601 (+23)
葡萄牙 Portugal 51 (-2) 89 (-10) 1 275 (+8) 2 154 (-4)
塞拉利昂 Sierra Leone 63 (+31) 126 (+54) 158 (+83) 319 (+123)
新加坡 Singapore 495 (+3) 999 (+8) 8 592 (+8) 17 845 (+21)
中國台灣 Taiwan, China 187 (+120) 353 (+131) 1 170 (+9) 2 217 (+19)
泰國 Thailand 30 (+30) 65 (+44) 189 (+40) 354 (+20)
英國 United Kingdom 55 (+25) 98 (+5) 1 993 (+26) 3 706 (+20)
越南 Vietnam 107 (+27) 184 (+8) 621 (+71) 1 037 (+50)
其他 Others 164 (+55) 275 (+48) 2 899 (+165) 4 783 (+122)
合計 Overall 23 241 (+26) 42 471 (+36) 95 414 (+22) 183 608 (+27)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Notes : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 36 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Statistical Tables

3 Cargo statistics

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 38 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.1 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下港口貨物
Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total cargo discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
亞洲 Asia 13 372 (-9) 25 827 (-7) 10 153 (-21) 19 805 (-13) 23 525 (-14) 45 632 (-10)
孟加拉 Bangladesh ‡ (‡) 2† (-22) ‡ (‡) 8† (+20) 4† (-34) 10 (+9)
- 吉大港 - Chittagong ‡ (‡) 2† (-7) ‡ (‡) 6† (-3) 4† (-30) 8 (-4)
文萊 Brunei Darussalam § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 穆阿拉 - Muara § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
柬埔寨 Cambodia ‡ (‡) 3† (-73) 14 (-65) 32 (-62) 15 (-67) 35 (-63)
- 西哈努克 - Sihanoukville ‡ (‡) 2† (-74) 14 (+43) 28 (+79) 14 (+8) 30 (+36)
中國內地 The mainland of China 7 972 (-10) 15 840 (-2) 4 731 (-22) 9 094 (-8) 12 702 (-15) 24 935 (-4)
- 珠江三角洲 - Pearl River Delta 5 792 (-22) 11 527 (-14) 2 762 (-23) 5 254 (-7) 8 554 (-22) 16 781 (-12)
- 東莞 - Dongguan 172 (-19) 384 (+20) 17 (-70) 41 (-45) 189 (-30) 424 (+7)
- 端州/鼎湖/高要/四會 - Duanzhou/ Dinghu/ 126 (+18) 225 (+23) 148 (-10) 238 (+2) 273 (+1) 463 (+11)
Gaoyao/ Sihui
- 佛山 - Foshan 250 (+70) 449 (+109) 423 (+2) 690 (+8) 672 (+20) 1 139 (+34)
- 黃埔 - Huangpu 162 (-40) 323 (-8) 217 (-40) 413 (-24) 379 (-40) 736 (-18)
- 惠城/博羅 - Huichen/ Boluo § (-100) 62 (-66) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) 62 (-66)
- 惠東 - Huidong 26 (-95) 56 (-96) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 26 (-95) 56 (-96)
- 江門/新會 - Jiangmen/ Xinhui 280 (+23) 553 (+65) 180 (-43) 363 (-26) 460 (-15) 916 (+10)
- 南海 - Nanhai 75 (-43) 146 (-29) 243 (-29) 457 (-22) 317 (-33) 603 (-24)
- 南沙/番禺 - Nansha/ Panyu 879 (-17) 1 690 (-11) 326 (-26) 690 (0) 1 205 (-20) 2 380 (-8)
- 蛇口/媽灣/赤灣 - Shekou/ Mawan/ Chiwan 210 (-40) 401 (-26) 205 (-42) 461 (-19) 415 (-41) 863 (-22)
- 順德 - Shunde 44 (-62) 126 (-19) 216 (+21) 396 (+43) 261 (-12) 522 (+21)
- 鹽田 - Yantian 46 (-70) 100 (-55) 159 (-41) 309 (-29) 205 (-52) 409 (-38)
- 中山 - Zhongshan 67 (-60) 149 (-37) 244 (-11) 438 (-11) 310 (-29) 586 (-19)
- 珠海 - Zhuhai 3 196 (-3) 6 246 (-5) 197 (-16) 358 (-2) 3 393 (-4) 6 604 (-5)
- 北海 - Beihai ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 13 (-9) 28 (+22) 15 (-19) 30 (+10)
- 大連 - Dalian 313 (+11) 673 (+22) 117 (+75) 194 (+25) 430 (+23) 868 (+23)
- 防城港 - Fangchenggang 17 (n.a.) 22 (n.a.) 9 (-77) 17 (-79) 26 (-33) 39 (-51)
- 福州 - Fuzhou 16† (+15) 28 (-4) 47 (+14) 74 (+6) 62 (+14) 102 (+3)
- 貴港 - Guigang ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 7† (-18)
- 海口 - Haikou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 40 (+44) 87 (+129) 40 (+44) 87 (+129)
- 江陰 - Jiangyin § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 揭陽 - Jieyang 159 (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 39 (+12) 75 (+15) 198 (+471) 236 (+254)
- 錦州 - Jinzhou § (-100) § (-100) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100)
- 連雲港 - Lianyungang 6† (+98) 9† (+87) ‡ (‡) 6† (-67) 6† (-13) 15 (-35)
- 茂名 - Maoming ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6 (+50) 10 (+36) 18 (+314) 43 (+467)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 39 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total cargo discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 南京 - Nanjing ‡ (‡) 273† (+230) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 273† (+224)
- 寧波-舟山 - Ningbo-Zhoushan 142 (+42) 347 (+62) 98 (-54) 240 (-29) 240 (-24) 586 (+7)
- 青島 - Qingdao 124 (+4) 196 (+11) 226 (-34) 466 (-28) 350 (-24) 662 (-20)
- 清遠 - Qingyuan 34 (+77) 81 (+205) 20 (+5) 27 (+2) 54 (+41) 108 (+103)
- 欽州 - Qinzhou 33† (-46) 115 (0) 406 (-34) 783 (-16) 438 (-35) 897 (-14)
- 泉州 - Quanzhou 159 (+733) 381† (+185) § (-100) ‡ (‡) 159 (+685) 384† (+184)
- 日照 - Rizhao § (n.a.) 36† (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) 37† (@@)
- 上海 - Shanghai 444 (+73) 957 (+86) 169 (-29) 388 (-19) 613 (+24) 1 344 (+35)
- 汕頭 - Shantou 38 (-15) 61 (+8) 86 (+74) 140 (+74) 125 (+31) 201 (+47)
- 太倉 - Taicang ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 天津新港 - Tianjin Xingang 43 (-55) 87 (-47) 229 (+21) 409 (+20) 272 (-5) 496 (-1)
- 梧州 - Wuzhou 8† (-44) 13 (-24) 60 (-4) 98 (+10) 68 (-12) 111 (+4)
- 廈門 - Xiamen 35 (-38) 72 (-24) 173 (-43) 326 (-40) 207 (-42) 398 (-37)
- 洋浦港 - Yangpu 11† (-81) 15† (-76) 73 (+60) 165 (+79) 83 (-17) 179 (+17)
- 煙台 - Yantai § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 營口 - Yingkou 10 (-37) 31 (+33) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 10 (-37) 31 (+33)
- 雲浮 - Yunfu 104 (@@) 166 (+769) 29 (+53) 48 (+131) 133 (+403) 214 (+438)
- 張家港 - Zhangjiagang 97 (+85) 124 (+80) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 99 (+87) 126 (+81)
- 湛江 - Zhanjiang 66 (-14) 141 (+27) 104 (+37) 211 (+56) 170 (+11) 352 (+43)
印度 India 18 (-74) 47 (-78) 230 (-26) 445 (-19) 247 (-35) 492 (-35)
- 清奈 - Chennai ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 9† (-56) 16 (-33) 11† (-77) 19 (-63)
- 尼赫魯 - Jawaharlal Nehru 14 (+27) 37 (+64) 72 (-43) 155 (-28) 86 (-38) 192 (-19)
- 蒙德拉 - Mundra ‡ (‡) 5† (-51) 94 (-2) 170 (-14) 95 (-6) 175 (-16)
- 皮帕瓦沃 - Pipavav ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 15† (+5) 33 (+24) 16† (+4) 34 (+24)
印度尼西亞 Indonesia 1 318 (-14) 2 225 (-6) 431 (+26) 802 (+20) 1 749 (-7) 3 027 (0)
- 耶加達 - Jakarta 17 (-23) 48 (-9) 274 (+27) 491 (+18) 291 (+22) 538 (+15)
- 三寶瓏 - Semarang ‡ (‡) 5† (-5) 9† (+5) 22 (+2) 11 (+2) 27 (+1)
- 泗水 - Surabaya 6† (-14) 16 (-22) 106 (+34) 205 (+20) 112 (+29) 221 (+15)
- 塔巴尼奧 - Taboneo 488 (-38) 878 (-25) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 488 (-38) 878 (-25)
- 丹戎巴拉 - Tanjung Bara 391 (+26) 547 (+1) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 391 (+26) 547 (+1)
伊朗 Iran § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
日本 Japan 883 (-15) 1 582 (-19) 307 (-38) 600 (-31) 1 190 (-23) 2 182 (-23)
- 千葉 - Chiba ‡ (‡) 78† (+34) ‡ (‡) 9† (+8) 6† (-70) 88 (+31)
- 博多 - Hakata 15 (+40) 21 (0) 16 (+35) 32 (+24) 31 (+37) 53 (+13)
- 神田 - Kanda ‡ (‡) 46 (-72) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 46 (-72)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 40 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total cargo discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 川崎 - Kawasaki § (-100) § (-100) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100)
- 神戶 - Kobe 25 (-34) 52 (-28) 77 (-23) 136 (-24) 101 (-26) 188 (-25)
- 水島 - Mizushima ‡ (‡) 40† (+101) 7† (-49) 20 (-26) 31† (+24) 60 (+27)
- 門司 - Moji 3† (-30) 5 (-45) 22 (-13) 43 (-7) 24 (-15) 48 (-13)
- 名古屋 - Nagoya 31 (-8) 55 (-25) 35 (-54) 73 (-49) 66 (-40) 128 (-41)
- 大阪 - Osaka 22 (-24) 40 (-28) 34 (-40) 68 (-39) 56 (-35) 108 (-35)
- 清水 - Shimizu 4† (-7) 8† (-22) 13 (-20) 22 (-18) 16 (-18) 29 (-19)
- 須崎 - Susaki 341 (+2) 484 (+2) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 341 (+2) 484 (+2)
- 德山 - Tokuyama ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6† (-59) 11† (-47) 36† (-39) 88 (-10)
- 東京 - Tokyo 34 (-1) 63 (-26) 29 (-51) 60 (-37) 63 (-32) 124 (-32)
- 富田 - Tonda 75 (+88) 95 (-34) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 75 (+88) 95 (-34)
- 宇部 - Ube § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡)
- 橫濱 - Yokohama 91 (+61) 131 (+16) 48 (-37) 92 (-29) 139 (+4) 223 (-8)
韓國 Korea (the Republic of) 436 (-7) 952 (-21) 238 (-22) 499 (-15) 674 (-13) 1 451 (-19)
- 釜山 - Busan 94 (-12) 164 (-29) 121 (-31) 247 (-32) 215 (-24) 411 (-31)
- 仁川 - Incheon 133 (+25) 214 (+22) 43 (-2) 90 (+10) 176 (+17) 304 (+19)
- 蔚山 - Ulsan 110 (+82) 207 (-27) 30 (+11) 59 (+46) 139 (+60) 266 (-18)
- 麗水 - Yeosu Gwangyang 78 (-9) 303 (+53) 31 (-35) 80 (-7) 109 (-18) 384 (+35)
澳門 Macao 45 (+20) 99 (+53) 2† (-2) 4† (-22) 47 (+19) 103 (+48)
馬來西亞 Malaysia 823 (+38) 1 598 (0) 1 182 (+5) 2 299 (+6) 2 005 (+16) 3 897 (+4)
- 民都魯 - Bintulu § (-100) ‡ (‡) 36 (-21) 66 (-25) 36 (-22) 66 (-25)
- 哥打京那峇魯 - Kota Kinabalu ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 20 (-39) 36 (-26) 22 (-35) 38 (-23)
- 古晉 - Kuching § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 12 (+65) 18 (+17) 12 (+65) 19 (+19)
- 巴西古當 - Pasir Gudang 21 (+13) 52 (+28) 57 (+2) 129 (+6) 78 (+4) 181 (+11)
- 檳城 - Penang Island 6† (-26) 13 (-65) 251 (+80) 435 (+51) 257 (+74) 448 (+38)
- 巴生港 - Port Klang 84 (-3) 214 (+14) 577 (+20) 1 106 (+14) 662 (+16) 1 320 (+14)
- 詩巫 - Sibu § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 丹戎帕拉帕斯 - Tanjung Pelepas 438 (+20) 758 (-35) 195 (-41) 449 (-21) 633 (-9) 1 206 (-31)
緬甸 Myanmar 2† (+249) 2† (+35) 11† (-39) 58 (+13) 13 (-29) 60 (+13)
- 仰光 - Rangoon 2† (+249) 2† (+35) 11† (-39) 58 (+15) 13 (-29) 60 (+16)
巴基斯坦 Pakistan 6† (+28) 11 (+1) 155 (-53) 290 (-49) 161 (-52) 301 (-48)
- 喀拉蚩 - Karachi 6† (+28) 11 (+1) 155 (-53) 290 (-49) 161 (-52) 301 (-48)
菲律賓 Philippines 24 (-30) 44 (-34) 167 (-1) 333 (+1) 191 (-6) 377 (-5)
- 宿霧 - Cebu ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 48 (+71) 88 (+71) 49 (+71) 90 (+67)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 41 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total cargo discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 達沃市 - Davao 9 (-16) 18 (-16) 27 (+187) 42 (+44) 36 (+77) 61 (+19)
- 馬尼拉 - Manila 11 (-43) 18 (-49) 56 (-37) 113 (-36) 67 (-38) 132 (-38)
- 蘇比克 - Subic § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6† (+406) ‡ (‡) 7† (+320)
新加坡 Singapore 839 (+7) 1 609 (+6) 466 (-25) 1 012 (-22) 1 304 (-7) 2 621 (-7)
斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka 3† (-33) 6 (-19) 19 (-41) 38 (-39) 22 (-40) 44 (-37)
- 科倫坡 - Colombo 3† (-33) 6 (-19) 19 (-41) 38 (-39) 22 (-40) 44 (-37)
台灣 Taiwan 415 (+24) 708 (-24) 577 (-38) 1 183 (-37) 992 (-22) 1 891 (-32)
- 高雄 - Kaohsiung 147 (+26) 267 (-28) 311 (-39) 641 (-39) 458 (-27) 909 (-36)
- 基隆 - Keelung 36 (-73) 118 (-53) 65 (-47) 116 (-46) 101 (-60) 234 (-50)
- 台中 - Taichung 48 (-14) 88 (-33) 162 (-39) 352 (-35) 210 (-35) 440 (-34)
- 台北 - Taipei 10 (-5) 19 (-20) 39 (+21) 74 (+20) 49 (+14) 93 (+9)
泰國 Thailand 308 (-18) 498 (-27) 649 (+5) 1 301 (-2) 958 (-4) 1 799 (-10)
- 曼谷 - Bangkok 95 (+26) 176 (+21) 127 (+59) 242 (+43) 222 (+43) 419 (+33)
- 林查班 - Laem Chabang 163 (-37) 252 (-44) 522 (+2) 1 054 (-3) 685 (-11) 1 306 (-15)
越南 Vietnam 278 (-51) 579 (-48) 969 (-30) 1 806 (-27) 1 247 (-36) 2 385 (-33)
- 蓋梅港 - Cai Mep 5† (-75) 9 (-75) 40 (-65) 70 (-61) 45 (-66) 79 (-63)
- 峴港 - Da-nang 3† (-33) 5† (-68) 78 (-24) 180 (-10) 81 (-24) 185 (-14)
- 海防 - Haiphong 68 (-16) 104 (-16) 232 (-55) 530 (-42) 300 (-50) 634 (-39)
- 胡志明市 - Ho Chi Minh City 108 (+35) 204 (+17) 565 (+4) 928 (-6) 673 (+8) 1 132 (-3)
北美洲 North America 473 (+86) 662 (+42) 925 (-2) 1 842 (+7) 1 399 (+17) 2 504 (+15)
加拿大 Canada 291 (+439) 322 (+253) 240 (+17) 407 (+12) 531 (+105) 729 (+61)
- 哈利法克斯 - Halifax 3† (+307) 3† (+38) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 5† (+569) 5† (+27)
- 魯佩特王子港 - Prince Rupert 3† (+20) 4† (-9) 71 (+5) 118 (-7) 73 (+6) 122 (-7)
- 溫哥華 - Vancouver 283 (+721) 309 (+392) 167 (+21) 286 (+22) 450 (+161) 596 (+101)
美國 USA 182 (-9) 339 (-10) 685 (-7) 1 435 (+6) 868 (-8) 1 775 (+3)
- 巴爾的摩 - Baltimore 2† (-29) 6† (+32) 44 (+104) 84 (+49) 46 (+90) 90 (+48)
- 查理斯頓 - Charleston 9 (+57) 14 (-46) 70 (+132) 158 (+87) 79 (+120) 172 (+56)
- 候斯頓 - Houston 7† (-37) 11 (-45) 77 (+154) 155 (+119) 84 (+104) 167 (+82)
- 長堤 - Long Beach 73 (+10) 144 (+13) 71 (-49) 202 (-23) 144 (-30) 347 (-11)
- 洛杉磯 - Los Angeles 16 (-43) 30 (-31) 52 (-39) 94 (-33) 68 (-40) 124 (-32)
- 邁阿美 - Miami 3† (+57) 6† (+63) § (-100) ‡ (‡) 3† (-81) 6† (-68)
- 紐約 - New York 12 (-27) 20 (-46) 79 (-19) 189 (+1) 90 (-20) 210 (-7)
- 奧克蘭 - Oakland 9 (-41) 20 (-19) 26 (-60) 67 (-38) 35 (-56) 88 (-34)
- 薩瓦納 - Savannah 6† (-68) 11 (-59) 121 (-25) 218 (-8) 127 (-30) 229 (-14)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 42 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total cargo discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 西雅圖 - Seattle 13 (+175) 24 (+84) 23 (+12) 41 (-11) 36 (+43) 65 (+10)
- 塔科馬 - Tacoma 7† (+365) 12 (+547) 23 (n.a.) 35 (n.a.) 30 (@@) 46 (@@)
- 維珍尼亞 - Virginia 13 (+60) 20 (+32) 48 (+30) 97 (+24) 61 (+35) 117 (+25)
中美洲及南美洲 Cen/South America 305 (+32) 630 (-8) 1 365 (-18) 2 480 (-18) 1 670 (-12) 3 110 (-16)
阿根廷 Argentina 11 (-7) 21 (+14) 55 (+3) 99 (-9) 66 (+1) 120 (-6)
- 布宜諾斯艾利斯 - Buenos Aires 11 (-7) 19 (0) 55 (+4) 99 (-9) 66 (+2) 117 (-7)
巴西 Brazil 189 (+105) 262 (+48) 313 (-13) 603 (-20) 502 (+11) 865 (-7)
- 納韋甘蒂斯 - Navegantes 23 (+3) 43 (+4) 38 (-34) 89 (-23) 61 (-24) 133 (-16)
- 巴拉那瓜 - Paranagua 30 (+41) 51 (+44) 65 (+31) 111 (-2) 95 (+34) 162 (+9)
- 聖多斯 - Santos 33 (-13) 61 (-23) 155 (-13) 296 (-22) 188 (-13) 357 (-22)
智利 Chile 71 (-18) 270 (-30) 413 (-20) 678 (-28) 483 (-20) 948 (-29)
- 科羅內爾 - Coronel 4† (+265) 5† (+151) 120 (-2) 180 (-18) 124 (+1) 185 (-17)
- 伊基克 - Iquique ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 44 (-29) 80 (-24) 44 (-29) 81 (-24)
- 聖安東尼奧 - San Antonio 14 (+30) 34 (-69) 99 (-16) 175 (-29) 113 (-13) 209 (-41)
- 瓦爾帕萊索 - Valparaiso 52 (-30) 230 (-15) 61 (-50) 105 (-43) 113 (-43) 335 (-26)
哥倫比亞 Colombia ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 55 (+65) 99 (+54) 57 (+67) 102 (+53)
- 布埃納文圖拉 - Buenaventura ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 10† (+100) 6† (+129) 11† (+101)
- 卡塔赫納 - Cartagena ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 50 (+61) 89 (+49) 51 (+61) 90 (+48)
多明尼加共和國 Dominican R § (-100) ‡ (‡) 48 (-22) 98 (-11) 48 (-22) 99 (-10)
厄瓜多爾 Ecuador 1† (-58) 3† (-53) 56 (-9) 128 (+37) 57 (-11) 131 (+31)
- 瓜亞基爾 - Guayaquil ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 36 (-42) 79 (-15) 36 (-44) 80 (-19)
危地馬拉 Guatemala 1 (-66) 1 (-84) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1 (-81) 5† (-68)
牙買加 Jamaica § (-100) ‡ (‡) 28 (-34) 43 (-34) 28 (-37) 44 (-36)
- 京斯頓 - Kingston § (-100) ‡ (‡) 28 (-34) 43 (-34) 28 (-37) 44 (-36)
墨西哥 Mexico 7 (-41) 17 (-11) 74 (-39) 151 (-26) 81 (-40) 168 (-25)
- 曼薩尼略 - Manzanillo 5† (-45) 14 (-17) 50 (-52) 110 (-35) 55 (-52) 123 (-33)
巴拿馬 Panama ‡ (‡) 3† (+6) 20 (-28) 37 (-21) 23 (-22) 40 (-19)
- 巴波亞 - Balboa ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 7† (-39) 16 (0) 8† (-36) 17 (-3)
- 科隆 - Colon ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 9† (n.a.) 15† (+397) 9† (@@) 15 (+405)
秘魯 Peru 13 (+38) 36 (-31) 250 (-22) 443 (-13) 264 (-20) 479 (-15)
- 卡亞俄 - Callao 13 (+38) 36 (-24) 248 (-22) 440 (-12) 262 (-20) 476 (-13)
烏拉圭 Uruguay 4† (-20) 8† (-7) 47 (-25) 84 (-13) 50 (-24) 92 (-13)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 43 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total cargo discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
西歐 Western Europe 210 (-18) 427 (-13) 293 (-18) 571 (-5) 502 (-18) 999 (-9)
比利時 Belgium 24 (-8) 51 (+5) 52 (-6) 99 (+10) 76 (-7) 150 (+8)
- 安特衛普 - Antwerp 20 (-9) 43 (+3) 44 (-8) 80 (0) 65 (-9) 123 (+1)
- 澤布呂赫 - Zeebrugge 4† (-3) 8 (+13) 8† (+15) 19 (+88) 12 (+8) 27 (+58)
丹麥 Denmark 2† (-46) 4† (-23) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 7† (-5) 12 (+11)
- 阿爾路斯 - Aarhus 2† (-41) 4† (+2) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (-58) 6† (-31)
芬蘭 Finland ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 17† (+880) ‡ (‡) 18† (+451)
- 赫爾辛基 - Helsinki ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
法國 France 23 (+38) 45 (+18) 16† (-12) 36 (+14) 40 (+12) 81 (+16)
- 福斯 - Fos 15 (+132) 27 (+46) 12† (+7) 23 (-1) 27 (+53) 50 (+20)
- 勒阿弗爾 - Le Havre 5† (-47) 13 (-30) ‡ (‡) 13† (+66) 10† (-42) 26 (0)
德國 Germany 29 (-50) 64 (-36) 31 (-64) 59 (-62) 61 (-59) 122 (-52)
- 不萊梅港 - Bremerhaven 2† (-85) 3† (-86) 2† (-97) 4† (-96) 4† (-95) 7† (-95)
- 漢堡 - Hamburg 25 (-37) 58 (-19) 28 (+2) 52 (+18) 53 (-22) 110 (-5)
希臘 Greece 7† (+43) 11 (+20) 25 (+299) 42 (+96) 32 (+186) 53 (+73)
- 比雷埃夫斯 - Piraeus 7† (+43) 11 (+24) 23 (+316) 39 (+99) 30 (+187) 50 (+76)
意大利 Italy 36 (+22) 70 (-17) 71 (+62) 144 (+76) 107 (+46) 214 (+29)
- 熱內亞 - Genoa 17 (+40) 37 (-23) 19 (+10) 32 (-8) 36 (+23) 69 (-17)
- 拉斯佩齊亞 - La Spezia 14 (+18) 25 (-11) 40 (+108) 90 (+156) 54 (+73) 116 (+81)
荷蘭 Netherlands 30 (-32) 68 (-9) 23 (-73) 47 (-62) 53 (-60) 116 (-43)
- 鹿特丹 - Rotterdam 30 (-32) 68 (-9) 23 (-73) 47 (-62) 53 (-60) 116 (-43)
葡萄牙 Portugal 4† (+64) 8† (-4) 6† (-27) 8† (-43) 10† (-8) 15 (-28)
- 錫尼什 - Sines § (-100) ‡ (‡) 4 (+25) 5 (+15) 4 (+14) ‡ (‡)
西班牙 Spain 22 (+22) 37 (0) 28 (+56) 56 (+86) 49 (+39) 93 (+39)
- 阿爾赫西拉斯 - Algeciras ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 5† (+227) 6† (+242)
- 巴塞羅那 - Barcelona 10 (+51) 19 (+29) 15 (+85) 31 (+117) 26 (+70) 51 (+73)
- 瓦倫西亞 - Valencia 7† (-16) 12 (-36) 8† (+6) 21 (+52) 16 (-5) 32 (+2)
土耳其 Türkiye 3† (-20) 10 (-2) 10† (+147) 17† (+132) 14† (+65) 27 (+55)
- 伊斯坦堡 - Istanbul ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 伊茲密爾 - Izmir ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 梅爾辛 - Mersin ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 3 (+102) 7† (+293) ‡ (‡) 9† (+217)
英國 United Kingdom 22 (-45) 49 (-27) 7† (-61) 23 (-19) 29 (-50) 72 (-24)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 44 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total cargo discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 非力托 - Felixstowe 5† (-67) 14 (-43) 1 (-92) 4† (-75) 6 (-77) 19 (-56)
- 倫敦 - London 3† (+107) 5† (+63) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 4† (+163) 6† (+59)
- 南開普敦 - Southampton 11 (-42) 25 (-26) ‡ (‡) 16† (+67) 15 (-41) 41 (-5)
獨立國家聯合體及東歐 CIS and Eastern Europe 11 (-88) 19 (-90) 19 (+53) 26 (-25) 29 (-70) 44 (-80)
波蘭 Poland 8† (+19) 14 (+55) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 8† (-8) 17 (+38)
- 格但斯克 - Gdansk 7† (+16) 13 (+77) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 7† (-12) 16 (+51)
俄羅斯 Russia ‡ (‡) 4† (-98) 18 (+84) 22 (+22) 21 (-77) 27 (-86)
- 聖彼得堡 - Saint Petersburg ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 瓦尼諾 - Vanino § (n.a.) § (-100) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100)
- 海參崴 - Vladivostok ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 8† (+192) 12 (+259) 10 (+208) 14 (+277)
- 東方港 - Vostochny § (-100) ‡ (‡) 1 (-56) 1 (-85) 1 (-57) ‡ (‡)
非洲 Africa 30 (-44) 54 (-37) 94 (-48) 166 (-44) 124 (-47) 220 (-43)
埃及 Egypt 7† (-45) 22 (-25) 14† (-16) 25 (+33) 22 (-29) 47 (-2)
- 塞得港 - Port Said 7† (-42) 20 (-22) 12† (-22) 20 (+21) 19 (-31) 41 (-5)
摩洛哥 Morocco § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 14† (-92) ‡ (‡) 14† (-93)
- 卡薩布蘭卡 - Casablanca § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 丹吉爾地中海 - Tanger Med § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) 13† (-93) § (-100) 13† (-93)
南非 South Africa 21 (-19) 29 (-21) 64 (+10) 109 (+40) 86 (0) 137 (+21)
- 德班 - Durban 15 (-37) 16 (-47) 57 (+6) 97 (+35) 72 (-7) 114 (+10)
中東 Middle East 366 (+44) 668 (+25) 105 (-49) 213 (-39) 471 (+3) 880 (-1)
阿曼 Oman ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 15† (-90) 6† (-94) 17† (-92)
- 塞拉萊 - Salalah § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) 8 (-95) § (-100) 8† (-95)
卡塔爾 Qatar 169† (+45) 434 (+138) 6† (+643) 6† (+223) 175 (+49) 440 (+139)
沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 180 (+79) 187 (+65) 60 (-10) 123 (+7) 241 (+44) 310 (+36)
- 達曼 - Dammam 50† (@@) 53† (+743) 23 (-28) 55 (+12) 73 (+121) 108 (+95)
- 吉達 - Jeddah 2† (-30) 5† (-41) 15† (-17) 31 (-16) 17 (-19) 36 (-21)
- 阿卜杜拉國王 - King Abdullah § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
阿拉伯聯合酋長國 U A Emirates 15 (-15) 43 (-76) 32 (-36) 63 (-21) 46 (-30) 105 (-59)
- 杜拜 - Dubai 15 (-14) 43 (+28) 30 (-30) 60 (-16) 44 (-26) 103 (-2)
澳大利西亞及大洋洲 Australasia/Oceania 114 (+24) 252 (-5) 510 (-1) 906 (-1) 624 (+3) 1 158 (-2)
澳大利亞 Australia 83 (+49) 210 (+12) 209 (+9) 393 (+11) 292 (+18) 603 (+11)
- 布里斯班 - Brisbane 16 (+100) 20 (+58) 50 (-5) 83 (-1) 66 (+9) 103 (+7)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 45 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total cargo discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 弗利曼道 - Fremantle 2† (-19) 4† (-42) 18 (+38) 32 (+55) 20 (+28) 36 (+29)
- 格蘭斯頓 - Gladstone § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
- 墨爾砵 - Melbourne 39 (+12) 57 (+9) 73 (+30) 138 (+13) 112 (+23) 195 (+12)
- 悉尼 - Sydney 10 (+4) 16 (-6) 47 (+9) 92 (+7) 57 (+8) 109 (+5)
新西蘭 New Zealand 30 (+36) 41 (+19) 297 (+13) 497 (0) 327 (+15) 538 (+1)
- 奧克蘭 - Auckland 2† (+123) 4† (+218) 11 (-14) 16 (-24) 13 (-3) 20 (-11)
- 列提爾頓 - Lyttelton 3† (-26) 5† (-19) 51 (+99) 87 (+133) 54 (+82) 92 (+113)
- 陶朗加 - Tauranga 13 (+14) 19 (-7) 208 (+17) 340 (-5) 221 (+17) 359 (-5)
巴布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea § (-100) § (-100) 3† (-86) 9† (-67) 3† (-91) 9† (-87)
- 萊城 - Lae § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 3† (-86) 9† (-66) 3† (-86) 9† (-66)
- 莫勒斯比港 - Port Moresby § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100)
未能識別之港口 Ports not identified § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)

所有港口 All ports 14 882 (-7) 28 538 (-7) 13 464 (-19) 26 009 (-13) 28 345 (-13) 54 546 (-10)

註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 46 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.2 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上港口貨物
Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total cargo loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
亞洲 Asia 3 288 (-19) 6 513 (-5) 10 690 (-17) 20 459 (-9) 13 977 (-18) 26 972 (-8)
孟加拉 Bangladesh 40 (+286) 70 (+127) 68 (-15) 133 (-8) 107 (+20) 203 (+16)
- 吉大港 - Chittagong 40 (+286) 70 (+127) 68 (-13) 133 (-7) 107 (+22) 203 (+17)
文萊 Brunei Darussalam ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 31 (+86) 47 (+13) 32 (+86) 48 (+14)
- 穆阿拉 - Muara ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 31 (+86) 47 (+13) 32 (+86) 48 (+14)
柬埔寨 Cambodia 11 (-6) 19 (-57) 65 (-34) 121 (-41) 76 (-31) 140 (-44)
- 西哈努克 - Sihanoukville 11 (+31) 19 (-48) 61 (+6) 117 (-11) 72 (+9) 136 (-19)
中國內地 The mainland of China 2 271 (-22) 4 537 (+1) 6 108 (-15) 11 852 (-3) 8 379 (-17) 16 388 (-2)
- 珠江三角洲 - Pearl River Delta 1 943 (-21) 3 941 (+6) 3 836 (-20) 7 675 (-4) 5 779 (-21) 11 616 (-1)
- 東莞 - Dongguan 31 (-64) 54 (-62) 145 (-31) 295 (-21) 176 (-41) 349 (-32)
- 端州/鼎湖/高要/四會 - Duanzhou/ Dinghu/ 99 (0) 170 (+18) 75 (-29) 132 (-23) 174 (-15) 302 (-4)
Gaoyao/ Sihui
- 佛山 - Foshan 52 (-29) 109 (-25) 232 (+44) 430 (+43) 284 (+21) 539 (+21)
- 黃埔 - Huangpu 112 (-74) 343 (-44) 875 (-50) 2 018 (-24) 986 (-55) 2 361 (-28)
- 惠城/博羅 - Huichen/ Boluo § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
- 惠東 - Huidong § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 江門/新會 - Jiangmen/ Xinhui 628 (+44) 1 206 (+161) 159 (+10) 296 (+20) 787 (+35) 1 502 (+112)
- 南海 - Nanhai 118 (-45) 245 (-34) 332 (-1) 647 (+2) 449 (-18) 893 (-11)
- 南沙/番禺 - Nansha/ Panyu 308 (-21) 717 (+6) 404 (-29) 847 (-12) 712 (-26) 1 564 (-4)
- 蛇口/媽灣/赤灣 - Shekou/ Mawan/ Chiwan 156 (-1) 286 (-5) 314 (-22) 555 (-27) 469 (-16) 841 (-20)
- 順德 - Shunde 76 (-24) 148 (-2) 199 (+4) 363 (+9) 274 (-5) 510 (+6)
- 鹽田 - Yantian 88 (-12) 162 (-11) 406 (-3) 767 (+6) 494 (-5) 930 (+3)
- 中山 - Zhongshan 50 (-31) 86 (-21) 105 (-18) 201 (-23) 155 (-22) 287 (-22)
- 珠海 - Zhuhai 68 (-31) 116 (-13) 127 (-28) 244 (-3) 195 (-29) 360 (-6)
- 北海 - Beihai ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 23 (-40) 51 (-18) 24 (-43) 52 (-20)
- 大連 - Dalian 5 (-2) 7 (-12) 115 (-4) 216 (+4) 120 (-4) 222 (+4)
- 防城港 - Fangchenggang § (-100) ‡ (‡) 82 (-1) 161 (-9) 82 (-1) 161 (-10)
- 福州 - Fuzhou §† (-77) 1† (-78) 89 (+77) 148 (+66) 89 (+72) 149 (+60)
- 貴港 - Guigang § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 海口 - Haikou 6 (+375) 12 (+369) 48 (+13) 90 (+24) 54 (+24) 101 (+35)
- 江陰 - Jiangyin ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6† (-33) 16 (+23) 6† (-33) 16 (+19)
- 揭陽 - Jieyang § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 9† (+540) 21 (+307) 9† (+540) 21 (+307)
- 錦州 - Jinzhou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 連雲港 - Lianyungang § (n.a.) § (-100) 9† (-18) 22 (-29) 9† (-18) 22 (-30)
- 茂名 - Maoming § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 9 (+17) 17 (+69) 9 (+17) 17 (+70)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 47 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total cargo loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 南京 - Nanjing § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100)
- 寧波-舟山 - Ningbo-Zhoushan 19 (-47) 33 (-39) 124 (-20) 243 (-9) 142 (-25) 276 (-14)
- 青島 - Qingdao 12 (-7) 23 (-17) 205 (-4) 388 (-25) 217 (-4) 411 (-25)
- 清遠 - Qingyuan 12† (-13) 25 (-10) 35 (-25) 67 (-21) 47 (-22) 92 (-18)
- 欽州 - Qinzhou 2 (-92) 7 (-83) 176 (-27) 405 (-3) 178 (-32) 412 (-11)
- 泉州 - Quanzhou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
- 日照 - Rizhao ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 上海 - Shanghai 54 (+5) 95 (-17) 261 (-15) 455 (-11) 315 (-12) 551 (-12)
- 汕頭 - Shantou 22 (-7) 32 (-33) 120 (+99) 183 (+89) 141 (+70) 214 (+49)
- 太倉 - Taicang § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100)
- 天津新港 - Tianjin Xingang 23 (+66) 52 (+100) 251 (-23) 490 (-13) 274 (-19) 542 (-8)
- 梧州 - Wuzhou 16 (-38) 40 (+1) 84 (+42) 124 (+46) 100 (+17) 164 (+32)
- 廈門 - Xiamen 6 (+11) 10 (-18) 228 (+14) 426 (+1) 235 (+14) 436 (+1)
- 洋浦港 - Yangpu ‡ (‡) 2† (-50) 30 (-14) 46 (-25) 31 (-21) 48 (-27)
- 煙台 - Yantai § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 營口 - Yingkou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 5† (+538) ‡ (‡) 5† (+538)
- 雲浮 - Yunfu 101 (-50) 165 (-34) 56 (-25) 96 (-4) 157 (-43) 261 (-25)
- 張家港 - Zhangjiagang § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 8† (+75) 8† (+20) 8† (+75) 8† (+20)
- 湛江 - Zhanjiang 20 (0) 42 (-6) 233 (+15) 391 (+27) 254 (+14) 432 (+23)
印度 India 29 (+67) 52 (+29) 103 (-23) 190 (0) 132 (-12) 242 (+5)
- 清奈 - Chennai 12 (+83) 22 (+43) 11† (+51) 25 (+122) 23 (+66) 47 (+76)
- 尼赫魯 - Jawaharlal Nehru 12 (+35) 19 (-3) 45 (+28) 74 (+34) 57 (+29) 94 (+24)
- 蒙德拉 - Mundra ‡ (‡) 2† (@@) 8 (-24) 11 (-3) 10 (-8) 13 (+14)
- 皮帕瓦沃 - Pipavav 4 (+218) 7 (+195) 4† (-33) 15 (+51) 8 (+5) 22 (+79)
印度尼西亞 Indonesia 75 (-31) 169 (-3) 142 (+5) 266 (-1) 216 (-11) 435 (-2)
- 耶加達 - Jakarta 58 (-39) 136 (-4) 54 (-15) 100 (-20) 111 (-29) 236 (-11)
- 三寶瓏 - Semarang 3† (+54) 7 (+7) 23 (+33) 48 (+15) 26 (+35) 54 (+14)
- 泗水 - Surabaya 14 (+19) 26 (+3) 53 (+34) 87 (+7) 67 (+30) 113 (+6)
- 塔巴尼奧 - Taboneo § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 丹戎巴拉 - Tanjung Bara § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
伊朗 Iran § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
日本 Japan 46 (-23) 82 (-41) 429 (-22) 858 (-19) 475 (-22) 940 (-21)
- 千葉 - Chiba § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 4† (-47) ‡ (‡) 4† (-47)
- 博多 - Hakata ‡ (‡) 2† (+14) 20 (-31) 35 (-31) 20 (-32) 37 (-30)
- 神田 - Kanda § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 48 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total cargo loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 川崎 - Kawasaki § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100) 3† (-8) § (-100) 3† (-11)
- 神戶 - Kobe 3 (+89) 5 (-16) 52 (-11) 103 (-9) 54 (-8) 108 (-10)
- 水島 - Mizushima § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 16 (+14) 34 (+8) 16 (+14) 34 (+8)
- 門司 - Moji ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 25 (+18) 38 (-6) 25 (+14) 39 (-10)
- 名古屋 - Nagoya 4 (-10) 7 (-45) 70 (-9) 127 (-11) 74 (-9) 134 (-14)
- 大阪 - Osaka 5 (-3) 10 (-49) 57 (-36) 124 (-28) 63 (-34) 134 (-30)
- 清水 - Shimizu ‡ (‡) 1† (-31) 22 (+161) 37 (+48) 22 (+147) 38 (+43)
- 須崎 - Susaki § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 德山 - Tokuyama § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 5 (n.a.) 12† (n.a.) 5 (n.a.) 12† (n.a.)
- 東京 - Tokyo 16 (+10) 30 (-41) 66 (-44) 138 (-35) 82 (-38) 168 (-36)
- 富田 - Tonda § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 宇部 - Ube § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 橫濱 - Yokohama 17 (-45) 27 (-39) 57 (-22) 115 (-23) 74 (-29) 141 (-26)
韓國 Korea (the Republic of) 71 (-12) 158 (-8) 398 (-15) 755 (-17) 469 (-14) 913 (-16)
- 釜山 - Busan 47 (-9) 104 (-10) 190 (-18) 371 (-14) 237 (-16) 475 (-13)
- 仁川 - Incheon 18 (+11) 38 (+7) 184 (-10) 329 (-22) 202 (-8) 368 (-20)
- 蔚山 - Ulsan 5 (-25) 11 (+72) 1 (-60) 2 (-66) 6 (-37) 13 (+4)
- 麗水 - Yeosu Gwangyang 1 (-64) 5 (-54) 19 (-24) 47 (-8) 20 (-30) 52 (-16)
澳門 Macao 137 (-47) 292 (-45) 44 (+53) 106 (+69) 181 (-37) 398 (-33)
馬來西亞 Malaysia 136 (+43) 242 (+15) 405 (-26) 750 (-18) 541 (-16) 992 (-12)
- 民都魯 - Bintulu ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 58 (-14) 95 (-16) 58 (-14) 95 (-16)
- 哥打京那峇魯 - Kota Kinabalu ‡ (‡) 2† (+186) 50 (+7) 84 (-6) 51 (+8) 87 (-4)
- 古晉 - Kuching § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 7† (-49) 15 (-36) 7† (-49) 16 (-35)
- 巴西古當 - Pasir Gudang 3† (-28) 5 (-52) 40 (+97) 60 (+33) 43 (+77) 65 (+17)
- 檳城 - Penang Island 6 (-26) 11 (-16) 21 (+8) 34 (+19) 27 (-2) 44 (+8)
- 巴生港 - Port Klang 113 (+84) 187 (+39) 200 (-40) 398 (-26) 314 (-21) 585 (-13)
- 詩巫 - Sibu § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 6† (-51) 12 (-40) 6† (-51) 12 (-40)
- 丹戎帕拉帕斯 - Tanjung Pelepas 13 (-37) 36 (-29) 14 (-41) 41 (-21) 27 (-39) 77 (-25)
緬甸 Myanmar ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 12† (-31) 17 (-34) 12 (-37) 17 (-39)
- 仰光 - Rangoon ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 12† (-31) 17 (-34) 12 (-37) 17 (-39)
巴基斯坦 Pakistan ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 喀拉蚩 - Karachi ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
菲律賓 Philippines 49 (-5) 98 (-9) 894 (-3) 1 604 (-5) 943 (-3) 1 702 (-5)
- 宿霧 - Cebu 5 (+55) 8 (+55) 180 (+20) 321 (+10) 185 (+21) 329 (+10)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 49 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total cargo loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 達沃市 - Davao ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 119 (+13) 192 (+8) 120 (+12) 193 (+7)
- 馬尼拉 - Manila 35 (-17) 71 (-15) 356 (-27) 648 (-31) 391 (-26) 719 (-30)
- 蘇比克 - Subic 4 (+173) 7 (+111) 49 (+131) 72 (+135) 53 (+134) 79 (+133)
新加坡 Singapore 55 (+59) 86 (+30) 138 (-29) 290 (-16) 193 (-16) 376 (-9)
斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka 4† (-7) 6 (-28) 7† (+29) 13 (-35) 11 (+14) 19 (-33)
- 科倫坡 - Colombo 4† (-7) 6 (-28) 7† (+29) 13 (-35) 11 (+14) 19 (-33)
台灣 Taiwan 125 (-10) 241 (-17) 698 (-34) 1 248 (-35) 823 (-31) 1 488 (-32)
- 高雄 - Kaohsiung 65 (-8) 123 (-10) 323 (-44) 593 (-45) 388 (-40) 715 (-41)
- 基隆 - Keelung 33 (-10) 57 (-32) 202 (-33) 347 (-34) 235 (-31) 404 (-33)
- 台中 - Taichung 16 (+33) 34 (+7) 127 (-9) 227 (-7) 143 (-5) 261 (-6)
- 台北 - Taipei 7 (-11) 21 (-7) 46 (+53) 81 (+23) 53 (+39) 101 (+16)
泰國 Thailand 45 (-23) 91 (-29) 522 (-6) 961 (+1) 567 (-8) 1 052 (-3)
- 曼谷 - Bangkok 14 (-12) 29 (-23) 96 (+12) 164 (-2) 110 (+9) 193 (-6)
- 林查班 - Laem Chabang 30 (-22) 61 (-28) 422 (-9) 787 (+2) 453 (-10) 848 (-1)
越南 Vietnam 192 (0) 368 (-11) 626 (-30) 1 247 (-20) 818 (-25) 1 615 (-18)
- 蓋梅港 - Cai Mep § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 13 (-17) 22 (0) 13 (-17) 22 (0)
- 峴港 - Da-nang 2† (-58) 13 (+42) 25 (+48) 44 (+41) 27 (+23) 57 (+41)
- 海防 - Haiphong 103 (+4) 193 (-11) 324 (-44) 706 (-30) 427 (-37) 899 (-26)
- 胡志明市 - Ho Chi Minh City 29 (-12) 57 (-25) 233 (-10) 432 (-4) 262 (-10) 488 (-7)
北美洲 North America 95 (-13) 172 (-40) 457 (-42) 997 (-33) 552 (-38) 1 170 (-34)
加拿大 Canada 17 (-15) 33 (-28) 85 (-30) 189 (-17) 102 (-28) 221 (-19)
- 哈利法克斯 - Halifax § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
- 魯佩特王子港 - Prince Rupert 5 (+57) 8 (0) 27 (+23) 54 (+12) 33 (+28) 62 (+10)
- 溫哥華 - Vancouver 12 (-30) 24 (-35) 57 (-41) 131 (-24) 69 (-39) 156 (-26)
美國 USA 78 (-13) 140 (-42) 372 (-44) 809 (-35) 450 (-40) 948 (-36)
- 巴爾的摩 - Baltimore 3† (+61) 5 (+2) 36 (+62) 65 (+36) 39 (+62) 70 (+33)
- 查理斯頓 - Charleston ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 21 (+75) 39 (+41) 21 (+68) 39 (+35)
- 候斯頓 - Houston 3† (-6) 5 (-18) 17 (-33) 29 (-44) 19 (-30) 34 (-41)
- 長堤 - Long Beach 28 (-29) 57 (-43) 61 (-64) 152 (-56) 88 (-57) 209 (-53)
- 洛杉磯 - Los Angeles 16 (+51) 25 (-37) 75 (-28) 149 (-15) 92 (-20) 174 (-19)
- 邁阿美 - Miami 1† (-44) 1† (-48) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (-66) 5 (-52)
- 紐約 - New York 16 (-6) 25 (-41) 43 (-54) 91 (-49) 59 (-47) 116 (-47)
- 奧克蘭 - Oakland 4 (-4) 7 (-50) 45 (-32) 118 (-4) 49 (-30) 126 (-9)
- 薩瓦納 - Savannah 3 (-48) 6 (-64) 34 (-66) 82 (-51) 38 (-65) 87 (-52)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 50 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total cargo loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 西雅圖 - Seattle ‡ (‡) 2† (-14) 15 (-9) 37 (-3) 16 (-8) 39 (-3)
- 塔科馬 - Tacoma 1† (-17) 1† (-57) ‡ (‡) 4† (-69) 3† (-78) 6 (-67)
- 維珍尼亞 - Virginia ‡ (‡) 2† (-71) 12† (+8) 19 (-14) 13 (-7) 21 (-27)
中美洲及南美洲 Cen/South America 54 (-15) 101 (-20) 802 (-10) 1 489 (-9) 856 (-11) 1 591 (-10)
阿根廷 Argentina 3† (+64) 5 (-20) 74 (-2) 129 (-3) 78 (0) 134 (-3)
- 布宜諾斯艾利斯 - Buenos Aires 3† (+52) 4 (-25) 67 (-5) 115 (-5) 70 (-4) 120 (-6)
巴西 Brazil 13 (+11) 25 (+1) 149 (-21) 305 (-10) 162 (-19) 330 (-9)
- 納韋甘蒂斯 - Navegantes 2† (-42) 4 (-17) 39 (-2) 77 (+38) 41 (-6) 82 (+33)
- 巴拉那瓜 - Paranagua ‡ (‡) 3† (+6) 9† (-38) 17 (-37) 10 (-34) 20 (-33)
- 聖多斯 - Santos 6 (+40) 11 (+13) 53 (-34) 117 (-18) 59 (-30) 128 (-16)
智利 Chile 4† (-11) 6 (-36) 42 (-9) 76 (-19) 46 (-9) 82 (-21)
- 科羅內爾 - Coronel ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 伊基克 - Iquique ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6† (-11) 10 (-19) 6† (-16) 10 (-23)
- 聖安東尼奧 - San Antonio 2† (-21) 4† (-45) 32 (+3) 58 (+8) 34 (+1) 61 (+2)
- 瓦爾帕萊索 - Valparaiso ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 3† (-39) 5† (-60) 4† (-29) 6† (-56)
哥倫比亞 Colombia 2† (-57) 5† (-45) 44 (-32) 87 (-28) 46 (-34) 92 (-29)
- 布埃納文圖拉 - Buenaventura ‡ (‡) 4† (-51) 37 (-37) 69 (-36) 39 (-39) 73 (-37)
- 卡塔赫納 - Cartagena ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 7† (+39) 17 (+46) 7† (+39) 18 (+49)
多明尼加共和國 Dominican R ‡ (‡) 4† (+33) 11 (-41) 21 (-29) 12 (-40) 24 (-23)
厄瓜多爾 Ecuador 2† (-51) 3† (-28) 24 (-34) 51 (-13) 26 (-35) 54 (-15)
- 瓜亞基爾 - Guayaquil 2† (-59) 3† (-34) 20 (-44) 42 (-27) 21 (-46) 45 (-27)
危地馬拉 Guatemala ‡ (‡) 3† (+5) 15 (+28) 27 (+21) 17 (+24) 30 (+19)
牙買加 Jamaica ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6† (-77) 16 (-63) 6† (-77) 17 (-61)
- 京斯頓 - Kingston ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6† (-77) 16 (-63) 6† (-77) 17 (-61)
墨西哥 Mexico 14 (-18) 28 (-28) 226 (-12) 425 (-10) 240 (-12) 453 (-11)
- 曼薩尼略 - Manzanillo 11 (-18) 21 (-31) 149 (-15) 283 (-11) 160 (-15) 305 (-13)
巴拿馬 Panama 5 (+14) 7 (-28) 91 (+57) 152 (+40) 96 (+54) 159 (+34)
- 巴波亞 - Balboa ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 37 (+373) 41 (+140) 38 (+356) 42 (+133)
- 科隆 - Colon 2† (+30) 3† (-9) 37 (+11) 82 (+36) 39 (+12) 85 (+34)
秘魯 Peru 3† (-37) 5 (-25) 71 (+35) 117 (0) 74 (+30) 121 (-1)
- 卡亞俄 - Callao 3† (-37) 5 (-25) 71 (+36) 116 (0) 74 (+31) 120 (-1)
烏拉圭 Uruguay 1† (-63) 4 (-22) 28 (+27) 51 (+19) 29 (+18) 55 (+15)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 51 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total cargo loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
西歐 Western Europe 53 (-11) 118 (-14) 104 (-28) 238 (-6) 157 (-23) 356 (-8)
比利時 Belgium 1† (-50) 11† (+79) ‡ (‡) 6† (-68) 2† (-84) 17 (-33)
- 安特衛普 - Antwerp 1† (-37) 10† (+263) ‡ (‡) 5† (-66) 1† (-86) 15 (-10)
- 澤布呂赫 - Zeebrugge ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
丹麥 Denmark 1† (+61) 1† (-34) § (-100) § (-100) 1† (+13) 1† (-41)
- 阿爾路斯 - Aarhus ‡ (‡) 1† (-15) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) 1† (-29)
芬蘭 Finland ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2 (-18) 4 (+6) ‡ (‡) 5† (+14)
- 赫爾辛基 - Helsinki ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
法國 France 1† (+74) 3† (-18) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (+21) 4† (-8)
- 福斯 - Fos 1† (+338) 1† (+35) § (-100) ‡ (‡) 1† (+103) 2† (-8)
- 勒阿弗爾 - Le Havre ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
德國 Germany 17 (-10) 36 (-19) 11 (-74) 33 (-62) 28 (-55) 70 (-47)
- 不萊梅港 - Bremerhaven 1† (-12) 1† (+32) § (-100) 1 (+142) 1† (-32) 2 (+57)
- 漢堡 - Hamburg 16 (-10) 35 (-20) 11 (-74) 33 (-63) 27 (-55) 68 (-48)
希臘 Greece 4† (-19) 9 (-31) 23 (+16) 48 (+42) 27 (+8) 57 (+21)
- 比雷埃夫斯 - Piraeus 4† (-27) 8 (-36) 23 (+21) 47 (+47) 27 (+10) 56 (+23)
意大利 Italy 6 (+124) 12 (+150) 17 (+780) 37 (@@) 23 (+398) 48 (+533)
- 熱內亞 - Genoa 4† (+293) 7 (+334) 7† (@@) 15 (@@) 11 (+762) 22 (@@)
- 拉斯佩齊亞 - La Spezia 1† (+11) 2† (+30) 4† (+559) 7† (@@) 5† (+239) 9 (+315)
荷蘭 Netherlands 10 (-33) 22 (-29) 18 (-64) 52 (-33) 28 (-57) 75 (-32)
- 鹿特丹 - Rotterdam 10 (-33) 22 (-29) 18 (-64) 52 (-33) 28 (-57) 75 (-32)
葡萄牙 Portugal ‡ (‡) 1† (-23) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (-35)
- 錫尼什 - Sines ‡ (‡) 1† (+38) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 1† (+38)
西班牙 Spain 3† (+31) 6 (-2) ‡ (‡) 7† (+139) 4 (-1) 13 (+48)
- 阿爾赫西拉斯 - Algeciras ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 巴塞羅那 - Barcelona 1† (+45) 3 (-12) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (+9) 5 (+29)
- 瓦倫西亞 - Valencia ‡ (‡) 2† (+66) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6† (+91)
土耳其 Türkiye 1† (-31) 3† (-19) 24 (+167) 37 (+212) 25 (+132) 40 (+154)
- 伊斯坦堡 - Istanbul 1† (-43) 3† (-21) 12 (+264) 18 (+453) 13 (+152) 20 (+207)
- 伊茲密爾 - Izmir ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6† (+826) 8† (+618) 6† (+874) 8† (+493)
- 梅爾辛 - Mersin § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
英國 United Kingdom 3† (-41) 6 (-47) 1 (-27) 5† (-19) 4† (-37) 10 (-37)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 52 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total cargo loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 非力托 - Felixstowe ‡ (‡) 2† (+9) 1 (+492) 1 (+194) ‡ (‡) 3† (+49)
- 倫敦 - London § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) ‡ (‡)
- 南開普敦 - Southampton 2† (-38) 3† (-45) § (-100) ‡ (‡) 2† (-50) 4† (-59)
獨立國家聯合體及東歐 CIS and Eastern Europe 5 (+15) 10 (+19) 50 (+44) 80 (+60) 54 (+40) 90 (+54)
波蘭 Poland 1† (+2) 3† (+56) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (-54) 4† (-15)
- 格但斯克 - Gdansk 1† (+12) 3† (+79) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (-48) 4† (-1)
俄羅斯 Russia 2† (+25) 4 (+5) 45 (+44) 75 (+65) 47 (+43) 79 (+61)
- 聖彼得堡 - Saint Petersburg § (n.a.) § (-100) § (n.a.) § (-100) § (n.a.) § (-100)
- 瓦尼諾 - Vanino § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 海參崴 - Vladivostok 1† (+4) 3† (+75) 27 (+11) 34 (+1) 28 (+10) 37 (+4)
- 東方港 - Vostochny ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 8† (+13) 15 (+44) 8† (+7) 15 (+39)
非洲 Africa 14 (-3) 23 (-1) 40 (+97) 69 (+85) 54 (+56) 92 (+51)
埃及 Egypt ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 8 (+446) 12 (+372) 8 (+350) 13 (+297)
- 塞得港 - Port Said § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
摩洛哥 Morocco ‡ (‡) 1† (+60) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 3† (-1)
- 卡薩布蘭卡 - Casablanca ‡ (‡) 1† (+19) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (+73)
- 丹吉爾地中海 - Tanger Med ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
南非 South Africa 5 (-6) 9 (-10) 17 (+47) 29 (+42) 22 (+29) 38 (+25)
- 德班 - Durban 5 (+8) 8 (0) 14 (+64) 24 (+57) 19 (+44) 32 (+37)
中東 Middle East 5 (+33) 7 (-45) 23 (+190) 35 (+133) 28 (+140) 41 (+54)
阿曼 Oman § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 塞拉萊 - Salalah § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) ‡ (‡)
卡塔爾 Qatar § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 5† (+87) ‡ (‡) 6† (+74)
- 達曼 - Dammam ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 5† (+87) ‡ (‡) 5† (+79)
- 吉達 - Jeddah § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
- 阿卜杜拉國王 - King Abdullah § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
阿拉伯聯合酋長國 U A Emirates ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 9† (+99) 10† (+13) 9† (+57) 11 (-16)
- 杜拜 - Dubai ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 6† (+33) 7† (-26) 6† (+12) 8† (-40)
澳大利西亞及大洋洲 Australasia/Oceania 28 (-48) 53 (-41) 452 (-11) 812 (-9) 480 (-14) 865 (-12)
澳大利亞 Australia 20 (-55) 39 (-47) 253 (-23) 485 (-20) 272 (-27) 523 (-23)
- 布里斯班 - Brisbane 3† (-87) 5 (-80) 65 (+2) 118 (-14) 67 (-21) 123 (-24)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 53 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨物總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total cargo loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 弗利曼道 - Fremantle 1† (+10) 2† (-27) 4† (-63) 8† (-46) 5† (-55) 10 (-43)
- 格蘭斯頓 - Gladstone § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 墨爾砵 - Melbourne 7 (-4) 15 (-13) 88 (-33) 169 (-29) 95 (-32) 184 (-28)
- 悉尼 - Sydney 8 (-36) 16 (-40) 71 (-21) 149 (-9) 79 (-23) 165 (-14)
新西蘭 New Zealand 4† (-19) 8 (-24) 89 (+7) 156 (+5) 93 (+5) 163 (+3)
- 奧克蘭 - Auckland 3† (-23) 6 (-22) 64 (+21) 113 (+16) 68 (+18) 118 (+13)
- 列提爾頓 - Lyttelton ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 11 (-33) 19 (-33) 12 (-33) 20 (-35)
- 陶朗加 - Tauranga ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 4† (-62) 9† (-36) 4† (-59) 10 (-32)
巴布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea 2† (+8) 4 (-7) 77 (+45) 111 (+38) 79 (+44) 114 (+36)
- 萊城 - Lae ‡ (‡) 1† (-27) 59 (+54) 85 (+40) 60 (+52) 86 (+38)
- 莫勒斯比港 - Port Moresby 1 (+34) 2† (+14) 18 (+22) 26 (+30) 19 (+22) 28 (+29)
未能識別之港口 Ports not identified § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
所有港口 All ports 3 540 (-19) 6 997 (-7) 12 618 (-18) 24 180 (-10) 16 158 (-18) 31 177 (-9)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 54 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.3 按主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的卸下港口貨物
Port cargo discharged by principal commodity and mode of transport 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨品類別/組別 Commodity section/group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
食物;飲料及煙草類 Food; beverages and tobacco 4 010 (-17) 7 559 (-14) 364 (-34) 693 (-13) 4 374 (-18) 8 252 (-14)
- 飲料 - Beverages 185 (-12) 356 (-9) 57 (-25) 114 (-3) 243 (-16) 470 (-7)
- 穀類及其製品 - Cereals and cereal preparations 767 (-29) 1 434 (-25) 89 (-52) 157 (-35) 856 (-32) 1 591 (-26)
- 主要作食用的動物及其製品 - Live animals chiefly for food and edible 1 088 (-10) 2 026 (-8) 29 (-29) 54 (-15) 1 117 (-11) 2 080 (-8)
animal products
- 蔬果類 - Vegetables and fruit 688 (-18) 1 314 (-24) 23 (-46) 47 (-35) 711 (-19) 1 361 (-25)
非食用原料類 (燃料除外) Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 3 214 (-21) 5 976 (-25) 4 357 (0) 8 583 (+3) 7 570 (-10) 14 559 (-10)
- 黏土及高嶺土 - Clay and kaolin 59 (-16) 105 (-3) 9 (-53) 24 (-40) 68 (-24) 129 (-13)
- 原木及木材;稍作加工的木材 - Logs and timber; wood, simply worked 547 (-22) 978 (-27) 100 (-56) 223 (-23) 647 (-30) 1 200 (-26)
- 金屬礦砂及金屬廢料 - Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 1 048 (+2) 1 968 (+6) 116 (-40) 260 (-20) 1 164 (-4) 2 228 (+2)
- 紙漿及廢紙 - Pulp and waste paper 551 (-13) 1 144 (-4) 44 (-44) 117 (-4) 595 (-17) 1 261 (-4)
- 石料、沙及礫石 - Stone, sand and gravel 419 (-56) 662 (-67) 3 864 (+7) 7 572 (+5) 4 283 (-6) 8 235 (-11)
- 紡織纖維及其廢料 - Textile fibres and their wastes 104 (-31) 203 (-47) 2† (-91) 6 (-73) 105 (-38) 208 (-48)
礦物燃料、潤滑油及副產品 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related 5 014 (+29) 9 395 (+21) 167 (+40) 319 (+56) 5 181 (+29) 9 715 (+22)
類;動植物油、脂肪及蠟脂類 materials; animal and vegetable oils,
fats and waxes
- 動植物油、脂肪及蠟脂 - Animal and vegetable oils, fats and 87 (0) 162 (-6) 7† (-41) 21 (+16) 94 (-5) 183 (-4)
- 煤、焦煤及煤球 - Coal, coke and briquettes 1 563 (+8) 2 513 (+7) 1 (-82) 9 (-34) 1 565 (+8) 2 521 (+7)
- 石油、石油產品及副產品 - Petroleum, petroleum products and 3 309 (+43) 6 628 (+27) 134 (+121) 236 (+130) 3 444 (+45) 6 864 (+29)
related materials
化學製品及相關產品類 Chemicals and related products 2 603 (-20) 5 337 (-15) 652 (-36) 1 405 (-5) 3 255 (-24) 6 742 (-13)
- 人造樹脂、塑料、纖維素酯及 - Artificial resins and plastic materials, 1 328 (-12) 2 688 (-15) 310 (-40) 738 (0) 1 637 (-19) 3 426 (-12)
纖維素醚 and cellulose esters and ethers
- 化學肥料 - Fertilizers, manufactured 139 (+7) 249 (+32) 30 (+62) 43 (+31) 169 (+14) 292 (+32)
- 無機化學品 - Inorganic chemicals 364 (-37) 733 (-24) 129 (-27) 234 (-6) 492 (-34) 967 (-20)
- 有機化學品 - Organic chemicals 329 (-22) 733 (-6) 32 (-32) 73 (+2) 361 (-23) 806 (-5)
機械及交通工具 Machinery and transport equipment 646 (-29) 1 323 (-24) 876 (-22) 1 598 (-10) 1 522 (-25) 2 922 (-17)
- 機械 - Machinery 498 (-29) 1 025 (-23) 779 (-23) 1 419 (-10) 1 277 (-25) 2 444 (-16)
- 電腦及其他辦公室機器 - Computers and other office machines 37 (-25) 79 (-9) 26 (-43) 51 (-24) 63 (-33) 131 (-15)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 55 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.3 (續) 按主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的卸下港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo discharged by principal commodity and mode of transport 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨品類別/組別 Commodity section/group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 電訊、影像及聲音器具 - Telecommunications, video and sound 23 (-47) 51 (-37) 36 (-33) 66 (-18) 59 (-39) 117 (-28)
- 其他機械 - Other machinery 437 (-28) 894 (-23) 718 (-22) 1 302 (-9) 1 155 (-24) 2 196 (-16)
- 交通工具 - Transport equipment 148 (-31) 299 (-27) 96 (-15) 179 (-9) 244 (-25) 478 (-21)
製成品 Manufactured goods 4 236 (-22) 8 280 (-20) 2 163 (-30) 4 031 (-15) 6 399 (-25) 12 311 (-19)
- 衣物及衣服配件 - Articles of apparel and clothing 52 (-44) 108 (-37) 24 (-65) 43 (-57) 75 (-53) 151 (-44)
- 磚、陶瓷瓦片及耐火建築材料 - Bricks, ceramic tile and refractory 129 (-27) 225 (-19) 537 (0) 832 (+1) 667 (-7) 1 056 (-4)
construction materials
- 水泥及水泥熟料 - Cement and cement clinker 365 (-51) 844 (-48) 320 (+82) 635 (+130) 685 (-25) 1 479 (-22)
- 水泥及混凝土預製件、建築用 - Cement and concrete structure, building 105 (-45) 195 (-44) 140 (-58) 328 (-37) 245 (-53) 523 (-40)
砌塊及礦物製成品 blocks and mineral manufactures
- 軟木及木製品 (傢具除外) - Cork and wood manufactures 182 (-40) 363 (-34) 40 (-47) 67 (-46) 222 (-41) 431 (-37)
(excluding furniture)
- 鞋類 - Footwear 30 (-10) 50 (-31) 14 (-16) 21 (-39) 44 (-12) 72 (-33)
- 傢具及有關附件 - Furniture and parts thereof 88 (-47) 175 (-48) 74 (-31) 123 (-27) 162 (-41) 298 (-41)
- 玻璃及玻璃器具 - Glass and glassware 104 (+10) 226 (+12) 29 (-54) 55 (-48) 133 (-16) 282 (-9)
- 鋼鐵 - Iron and steel 1 052 (-2) 1 960 (-1) 156 (-17) 270 (-8) 1 208 (-4) 2 230 (-2)
- 有色金屬 - Non-ferrous metals 439 (-24) 840 (-23) 98 (-31) 191 (-8) 537 (-25) 1 031 (-21)
- 紙張和紙製品 - Paper and paper products 602 (-18) 1 175 (-10) 110 (-35) 220 (-14) 712 (-21) 1 395 (-11)
- 塑膠製品 - Plastic manufactures 71 (-30) 137 (-27) 57 (-50) 101 (-43) 128 (-40) 238 (-35)
- 衛生、水管、熱力及照明設備 - Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting 31 (-17) 49 (-35) 42 (-74) 74 (-69) 73 (-63) 123 (-61)
- 紡織紗、紡織品及有關製成品 - Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles 200 (-17) 388 (-17) 41 (-62) 100 (-39) 241 (-31) 488 (-22)
and related products
- 工具、刃具、金屬家用器具及 - Tools, cutlery, metal household ware 157 (-29) 297 (-29) 140 (-52) 274 (-36) 296 (-42) 571 (-32)
製成品 and manufactures
- 玩具 - Toys 30 (-41) 64 (-27) 7 (-71) 14 (-55) 37 (-50) 78 (-35)
未能分類的貨物 Commodities not classified elsewhere 44† (+781) 45† (+344) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 44† (+681) 46† (+290)
所有貨品 All commodities 19 767 (-12) 37 915 (-12) 8 578 (-16) 16 631 (-4) 28 345 (-13) 54 546 (-10)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 56 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.4 按主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的裝上港口貨物
Port cargo loaded by principal commodity and mode of transport 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨品類別/組別 Commodity section/group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
食物;飲料及煙草類 Food; beverages and tobacco 2 155 (-8) 3 889 (-8) 967 (-37) 2 005 (-18) 3 122 (-20) 5 895 (-12)
- 飲料 - Beverages 90 (-28) 179 (-21) 43 (-32) 87 (-16) 133 (-29) 266 (-19)
- 穀類及其製品 - Cereals and cereal preparations 416 (0) 669 (-9) 246 (-56) 533 (-36) 663 (-32) 1 202 (-23)
- 主要作食用的動物及其製品 - Live animals chiefly for food and edible 669 (-14) 1 276 (-8) 141 (-8) 285 (+17) 810 (-13) 1 561 (-4)
animal products
- 蔬果類 - Vegetables and fruit 254 (-13) 453 (-12) 47 (-76) 105 (-74) 301 (-38) 558 (-40)
非食用原料類 (燃料除外) Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 2 051 (-16) 3 972 (-14) 2 195 (+2) 4 245 (+31) 4 247 (-7) 8 217 (+5)
- 黏土及高嶺土 - Clay and kaolin 56 (-8) 105 (0) 15 (-16) 26 (-9) 70 (-10) 131 (-2)
- 原木及木材;稍作加工的木材 - Logs and timber; wood, simply worked 255 (-31) 470 (-32) 350 (-26) 626 (-18) 605 (-28) 1 096 (-25)
- 金屬礦砂及金屬廢料 - Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 790 (-14) 1 584 (-9) 530 (+58) 1 036 (+62) 1 320 (+5) 2 619 (+10)
- 紙漿及廢紙 - Pulp and waste paper 407 (-25) 809 (-12) 333 (-12) 737 (+20) 740 (-19) 1 545 (+1)
- 石料、沙及礫石 - Stone, sand and gravel 97 (+56) 166 (+13) 500 (-29) 1 184 (+46) 598 (-22) 1 350 (+40)
- 紡織纖維及其廢料 - Textile fibres and their wastes 96 (-26) 178 (-45) 13 (-47) 25 (-48) 109 (-30) 203 (-45)
礦物燃料、潤滑油及副產品 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related 192 (+1) 337 (+6) 52 (-2) 117 (+18) 244 (0) 454 (+9)
類;動植物油、脂肪及蠟脂類 materials; animal and vegetable oils,
fats and waxes
- 動植物油、脂肪及蠟脂 - Animal and vegetable oils, fats and 46 (-14) 85 (-16) 19 (-7) 46 (+40) 65 (-12) 131 (-2)
- 煤、焦煤及煤球 - Coal, coke and briquettes 5 (-33) 7 (-42) 4 (-47) 9 (-19) 8 (-40) 16 (-31)
- 石油、石油產品及副產品 - Petroleum, petroleum products and 140 (+8) 244 (+19) 30 (+14) 61 (+13) 170 (+9) 305 (+17)
related materials
化學製品及相關產品類 Chemicals and related products 1 496 (-22) 2 961 (-12) 1 200 (-34) 2 663 (-8) 2 696 (-28) 5 624 (-10)
- 人造樹脂、塑料、纖維素酯及 - Artificial resins and plastic materials, 522 (-24) 1 088 (-14) 796 (-33) 1 811 (-9) 1 318 (-30) 2 899 (-11)
纖維素醚 and cellulose esters and ethers
- 化學肥料 - Fertilizers, manufactured 136 (+19) 221 (+21) 20 (+27) 35 (+47) 157 (+20) 256 (+24)
- 無機化學品 - Inorganic chemicals 335 (-30) 649 (-16) 108 (-29) 203 (-9) 443 (-29) 851 (-14)
- 有機化學品 - Organic chemicals 199 (-3) 401 (+4) 124 (-7) 284 (+36) 324 (-5) 685 (+15)
機械及交通工具 Machinery and transport equipment 1 189 (-20) 2 278 (-20) 275 (-4) 513 (+10) 1 464 (-18) 2 791 (-16)
- 機械 - Machinery 1 000 (-22) 1 905 (-23) 202 (-9) 381 (+7) 1 202 (-20) 2 286 (-19)
- 電腦及其他辦公室機器 - Computers and other office machines 68 (-3) 125 (-20) 14 (0) 28 (+5) 82 (-3) 153 (-16)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 57 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.4 (續) 按主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的裝上港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo loaded by principal commodity and mode of transport 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨品類別/組別 Commodity section/group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 電訊、影像及聲音器具 - Telecommunications, video and sound 49 (-30) 91 (-43) 9 (-40) 19 (-11) 58 (-32) 111 (-39)
- 其他機械 - Other machinery 883 (-22) 1 688 (-21) 179 (-7) 334 (+8) 1 062 (-20) 2 022 (-18)
- 交通工具 - Transport equipment 189 (-12) 374 (-4) 73 (+11) 132 (+19) 262 (-7) 505 (+1)
製成品 Manufactured goods 3 299 (-16) 6 107 (-18) 1 084 (-28) 2 082 (-15) 4 383 (-19) 8 189 (-17)
- 衣物及衣服配件 - Articles of apparel and clothing 51 (-43) 117 (-40) 4 (-58) 12 (-23) 55 (-45) 130 (-39)
- 磚、陶瓷瓦片及耐火建築材料 - Bricks, ceramic tile and refractory 503 (-9) 804 (-7) 108 (+94) 146 (+74) 611 (+1) 950 (0)
construction materials
- 水泥及水泥熟料 - Cement and cement clinker 5† (-68) 9† (-61) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 7† (-91) 13 (-92)
- 水泥及混凝土預製件、建築用 - Cement and concrete structure, building 130 (-30) 250 (-29) 36 (+103) 58 (+81) 167 (-19) 308 (-20)
砌塊及礦物製成品 blocks and mineral manufactures
- 軟木及木製品 (傢具除外) - Cork and wood manufactures 185 (-38) 354 (-35) 33 (+82) 61 (+103) 218 (-31) 415 (-28)
(excluding furniture)
- 鞋類 - Footwear 24 (-44) 47 (-54) 5 (+3) 12 (+61) 29 (-38) 59 (-47)
- 傢具及有關附件 - Furniture and parts thereof 148 (-34) 283 (-36) 7 (-55) 15 (-25) 155 (-35) 298 (-35)
- 玻璃及玻璃器具 - Glass and glassware 82 (-8) 163 (-6) 22 (-8) 39 (-7) 104 (-8) 202 (-6)
- 鋼鐵 - Iron and steel 305 (-19) 577 (-17) 128 (-49) 272 (-36) 433 (-31) 849 (-24)
- 有色金屬 - Non-ferrous metals 321 (+3) 565 (-9) 218 (-50) 441 (-37) 539 (-28) 1 006 (-24)
- 紙張和紙製品 - Paper and paper products 379 (-9) 710 (-3) 188 (-21) 375 (+1) 567 (-13) 1 085 (-1)
- 塑膠製品 - Plastic manufactures 88 (-33) 171 (-31) 11 (-44) 21 (-23) 99 (-35) 192 (-31)
- 衛生、水管、熱力及照明設備 - Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting 55 (-20) 89 (-28) 6 (-16) 12 (+18) 61 (-20) 102 (-24)
- 紡織紗、紡織品及有關製成品 - Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles 94 (-44) 196 (-43) 127 (+31) 220 (+38) 221 (-17) 416 (-17)
and related products
- 工具、刃具、金屬家用器具及 - Tools, cutlery, metal household ware 171 (-35) 336 (-33) 28 (-42) 64 (-14) 199 (-36) 400 (-31)
製成品 and manufactures
- 玩具 - Toys 34 (-34) 61 (-45) 6 (-5) 12 (0) 41 (-31) 73 (-41)
未能分類的貨物 Commodities not classified elsewhere 2† (-78) 5† (-70) 1† (-56) 1 (-44) 3 (-75) 6 (-67)
所有貨品 All commodities 10 384 (-16) 19 551 (-14) 5 774 (-21) 11 626 (+1) 16 158 (-18) 31 177 (-9)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 58 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.5 按貨物種類、主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的卸下港口貨物
Port cargo discharged by cargo type, principal commodity and mode of transport 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨物種類/貨品組別 Cargo type/commodity group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
包裝散貨 Break bulk cargo 946 (-19) 1 711 (-20) 356 (-44) 807 (-15) 1 302 (-28) 2 519 (-18)
- 水泥及水泥熟料 - Cement and cement clinker § (n.a.) § (-100) 33 (-14) 68 (+17) 33 (-14) 68 (-36)

- 水泥及混凝土預製件、建築用 - Cement and concrete structure, building § (-100) § (-100) 44 (-78) 167 (-47) 44 (-78) 167 (-47)
砌塊及礦物製成品 blocks and mineral manufactures
- 鋼鐵 - Iron and steel 736 (+4) 1 361 (+8) 52 (-19) 93 (-7) 788 (+2) 1 454 (+7)

- 機械 - Machinery 18† (+12) 23 (-39) 10 (-30) 24 (+9) 28 (-8) 47 (-21)

- 石油、石油產品及副產品 - Petroleum, petroleum products and related 114 (-44) 194 (-47) § (n.a.) § (-100) 114 (-44) 194 (-47)
- 衛生、水管、熱力及照明設備 - Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting § (n.a.) § (-100) 11 (-88) 18 (-85) 11 (-88) 18 (-85)
- 石料、沙及礫石 - Stone, sand and gravel 13 (-90) 44 (-84) 77 (+90) 168 (+157) 91 (-49) 212 (-39)

- 工具、刃具、金屬家用器具及 - Tools, cutlery, metal household ware and ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 31 (-58) 73 (-29) 31 (-59) 73 (-33)
製成品 manufactures
- 交通工具 - Transport equipment 20 (-28) 39 (-37) 11† (+105) 19 (+129) 31 (-7) 59 (-17)

貨櫃貨物 Containerised cargo 13 330 (-18) 25 868 (-15) 4 052 (-31) 7 683 (-15) 17 382 (-21) 33 551 (-15)
- 人造樹脂、塑料、纖維素酯及 - Artificial resins and plastic materials, and 1 328 (-12) 2 684 (-15) 309 (-40) 738 (0) 1 637 (-19) 3 422 (-12)
纖維素醚 cellulose esters and ethers
- 磚、陶瓷瓦片及耐火建築材料 - Bricks, ceramic tile and refractory 129 (-27) 225 (-19) 523 (-2) 812 (0) 652 (-8) 1 037 (-5)
construction materials
- 穀類及其製品 - Cereals and cereal preparations 767 (-29) 1 434 (-25) 89 (-52) 157 (-35) 856 (-32) 1 591 (-26)

- 無機化學品 - Inorganic chemicals 364 (-37) 733 (-22) 129 (-26) 234 (-5) 492 (-34) 967 (-19)

- 鋼鐵 - Iron and steel 316 (-14) 599 (-16) 104 (-16) 177 (-8) 420 (-14) 776 (-15)

- 主要作食用的動物及其製品 - Live animals chiefly for food and edible 1 088 (-10) 2 022 (-8) 29 (-29) 54 (-14) 1 117 (-11) 2 077 (-8)
animal products
- 原木及木材;稍作加工的木材 - Logs and timber; wood, simply worked 547 (-22) 978 (-27) 100 (-56) 223 (-23) 647 (-30) 1 200 (-26)

- 機械 - Machinery 480 (-30) 1 002 (-23) 769 (-23) 1 395 (-11) 1 250 (-26) 2 396 (-16)

- 金屬礦砂及金屬廢料 - Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 1 048 (+2) 1 962 (+6) 109 (-41) 242 (-22) 1 157 (-4) 2 204 (+2)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 59 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.5 (續) 按貨物種類、主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的卸下港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo discharged by cargo type, principal commodity and mode of transport 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨物種類/貨品組別 Cargo type/commodity group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 有色金屬 - Non-ferrous metals 437 (-24) 838 (-23) 98 (-31) 191 (-7) 535 (-26) 1 028 (-21)

- 有機化學品 - Organic chemicals 302 (-17) 662 (+1) 31 (-29) 71 (+5) 333 (-18) 733 (+2)

- 紙張和紙製品 - Paper and paper products 602 (-18) 1 175 (-10) 110 (-34) 220 (-13) 712 (-21) 1 395 (-11)

- 紙漿及廢紙 - Pulp and waste paper 551 (-13) 1 144 (-4) 44 (-44) 117 (-4) 595 (-17) 1 261 (-4)

- 工具、刃具、金屬家用器具及 - Tools, cutlery, metal household ware and 157 (-29) 297 (-27) 109 (-49) 200 (-38) 266 (-39) 497 (-32)
製成品 manufactures
- 蔬果類 - Vegetables and fruit 688 (-18) 1 314 (-24) 23 (-46) 46 (-36) 711 (-19) 1 360 (-25)

無包裝液態散貨 Unpacked liquid bulk cargo 3 220 (+49) 6 500 (+32) 155 (+52) 285 (+66) 3 375 (+50) 6 785 (+33)
- 天然氣及人造氣體 - Gas, natural and manufactured 54 (+96) 92 (+58) 25 (-37) 53 (-25) 78 (+18) 146 (+13)

- 有機化學品 - Organic chemicals 27 (-53) 71 (-45) ‡ (‡) 2 (+33) 28 (-52) 74 (-44)

- 石油、石油產品及副產品 - Petroleum, petroleum products and related 3 139 (+52) 6 330 (+34) 130 (+125) 224 (+135) 3 268 (+54) 6 554 (+36)
無包裝固態散貨 Unpacked solid bulk cargo 2 271 (-20) 3 836 (-30) 4 015 (+11) 7 856 (+9) 6 286 (-3) 11 692 (-8)
- 水泥及水泥熟料 - Cement and cement clinker 354 (-51) 825 (-47) 287 (+117) 567 (+167) 641 (-25) 1 392 (-21)

- 煤、焦煤及煤球 - Coal, coke and briquettes 1 554 (+15) 2 498 (+11) § (n.a.) 3 (n.a.) 1 554 (+15) 2 501 (+11)

- 石料、沙及礫石 - Stone, sand and gravel 307 (-57) 409 (-73) 3 629 (+6) 7 149 (+4) 3 936 (-5) 7 557 (-10)

合計 Overall 19 767 (-12) 37 915 (-12) 8 578 (-16) 16 631 (-4) 28 345 (-13) 54 546 (-10)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 60 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.6 按貨物種類、主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的裝上港口貨物
Port cargo loaded by cargo type, principal commodity and mode of transport 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨物種類/貨品組別 Cargo type/commodity group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

包裝散貨 Break bulk cargo 26† (+2) 38 (-29) 180 (-27) 360 (-16) 206 (-24) 398 (-18)
- 飲料 - Beverages § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 9 (+178) 14 (+234) 9 (+178) 14 (+234)
- 水泥及混凝土預製件、建築用 - Cement and concrete structure, building § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
砌塊及礦物製成品 blocks and mineral manufactures
- 鋼鐵 - Iron and steel § (n.a.) § (-100) 81 (-57) 173 (-47) 81 (-57) 173 (-47)
- 主要作食用的動物及其製品 - Live animals chiefly for food and edible ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (+120) 4† (+28) 3† (+63) 6 (+20)
animal products
- 機械 - Machinery 7† (+118) 10 (+87) 9 (+12) 14 (-18) 16 (+41) 24 (+6)
- 金屬礦砂及金屬廢料 - Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 7 (-62) 9 (-77) § (-100) § (-100) 7 (-62) 9 (-78)
- 石油、石油產品及副產品 - Petroleum, petroleum products and related ‡ (‡) 17 (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 6† (+40) 15† (+269) 22† (+453)
- 工具、刃具、金屬家用器具及 - Tools, cutlery, metal household ware and § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) 3† (-5) ‡ (‡) 3† (-14)
製成品 manufactures
- 交通工具 - Transport equipment ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 18 (+722) 27 (+582) 19 (+443) 28 (+219)
- 蔬果類 - Vegetables and fruit § (-100) § (-100) 3† (+49) 4 (-3) 3† (+46) 4 (-4)
貨櫃貨物 Containerised cargo 10 214 (-16) 19 224 (-15) 4 972 (-25) 10 094 (-4) 15 185 (-19) 29 317 (-11)
- 人造樹脂、塑料、纖維素酯及 - Artificial resins and plastic materials, and 522 (-24) 1 088 (-14) 796 (-33) 1 811 (-8) 1 318 (-30) 2 898 (-11)
纖維素醚 cellulose esters and ethers
- 磚、陶瓷瓦片及耐火建築材料 - Bricks, ceramic tile and refractory 503 (-9) 804 (-7) 107 (+95) 145 (+75) 610 (+1) 949 (0)
construction materials
- 穀類及其製品 - Cereals and cereal preparations 416 (0) 669 (-9) 246 (-56) 532 (-36) 662 (-32) 1 201 (-23)
- 軟木及木製品 (傢具除外) - Cork and wood manufactures (excluding 185 (-38) 354 (-35) 33 (+81) 61 (+106) 218 (-31) 414 (-28)
- 無機化學品 - Inorganic chemicals 335 (-30) 649 (-16) 107 (-30) 201 (-9) 442 (-30) 849 (-14)
- 鋼鐵 - Iron and steel 305 (-19) 577 (-17) 47 (-25) 98 (-1) 351 (-20) 675 (-15)
- 主要作食用的動物及其製品 - Live animals chiefly for food and edible 668 (-14) 1 275 (-8) 139 (-8) 281 (+17) 808 (-13) 1 555 (-4)
animal products
- 原木及木材;稍作加工的木材 - Logs and timber; wood, simply worked 255 (-30) 470 (-32) 349 (-26) 626 (-18) 604 (-28) 1 096 (-25)
- 機械 - Machinery 993 (-22) 1 895 (-23) 193 (-9) 367 (+8) 1 186 (-20) 2 261 (-19)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 61 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.6 (續) 按貨物種類、主要貨品及運輸方式劃分的裝上港口貨物
(Cont’d.) Port cargo loaded by cargo type, principal commodity and mode of transport ’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨物種類/貨品組別 Cargo type/commodity group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

- 金屬礦砂及金屬廢料 - Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 714 (-13) 1 416 (-8) 530 (+58) 1 036 (+62) 1 244 (+7) 2 451 (+13)
- 有色金屬 - Non-ferrous metals 321 (+3) 565 (-9) 218 (-50) 440 (-37) 539 (-28) 1 005 (-24)
- 有機化學品 - Organic chemicals 199 (-3) 401 (+4) 124 (-7) 284 (+36) 324 (-5) 685 (+15)
- 紙張和紙製品 - Paper and paper products 379 (-9) 710 (-3) 187 (-21) 374 (+2) 567 (-13) 1 085 (-1)
- 紙漿及廢紙 - Pulp and waste paper 407 (-25) 809 (-12) 333 (-12) 737 (+20) 740 (-19) 1 545 (+1)
- 石料、沙及礫石 - Stone, sand and gravel 97 (+56) 166 (+13) 160 (-48) 280 (-31) 257 (-31) 446 (-20)
- 紡織紗、紡織品及有關製成品 - Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and 94 (-44) 196 (-43) 127 (+32) 220 (+39) 221 (-17) 415 (-17)
related products
- 工具、刃具、金屬家用器具及 - Tools, cutlery, metal household ware and 171 (-35) 336 (-33) 27 (-43) 61 (-14) 197 (-36) 397 (-31)
製成品 manufactures
- 蔬果類 - Vegetables and fruit 254 (-13) 453 (-12) 45 (-77) 101 (-75) 299 (-38) 554 (-40)
無包裝液態散貨 Unpacked liquid bulk cargo 76 (+4) 123 (+27) 19 (+16) 40 (+20) 95 (+6) 162 (+25)
- 石油、石油產品及副產品 - Petroleum, petroleum products and related 76 (+4) 123 (+27) 12 (+59) 23 (-7) 88 (+9) 145 (+20)
無包裝固態散貨 Unpacked solid bulk cargo 68 (-13) 166 (+4) 604 (+29) 1 133 (+104) 672 (+23) 1 299 (+81)
- 水泥及水泥熟料 - Cement and cement clinker § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 金屬礦砂及金屬廢料 - Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 68 (-13) 159 (-1) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 68 (-13) 159 (-1)
- 石料、沙及礫石 - Stone, sand and gravel § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 310 (-22) 839 (+106) 310 (-22) 839 (+106)

合計 Overall 10 384 (-16) 19 551 (-14) 5 774 (-21) 11 626 (+1) 16 158 (-18) 31 177 (-9)

註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 62 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.7 按貨物裝卸地點及運輸方式劃分的港口貨物吞吐量
Port cargo throughput by cargo handling location and mode of transport 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨物裝卸地點 Cargo handling location Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

卸下 Discharged 19 767 (-12) 37 915 (-12) 8 578 (-16) 16 631 (-4) 28 345 (-13) 54 546 (-10)

碇泊處和浮泡 Anchorages and buoys 1 651 (-13) 3 131 (-17) 314 (-64) 687 (-55) 1 964 (-29) 3 819 (-28)

泊位和倉庫碼頭(包括 Berths and wharves (including 5 521 (+9) 10 316 (+3) 6 591 (-3) 12 844 (+8) 12 111 (+2) 23 160 (+6)
公眾貨物裝卸區) public cargo working areas)

貨櫃碼頭 Container terminals 12 596 (-18) 24 468 (-16) 1 674 (-35) 3 100 (-21) 14 270 (-21) 27 568 (-17)

裝上 Loaded 10 384 (-16) 19 551 (-14) 5 774 (-21) 11 626 (+1) 16 158 (-18) 31 177 (-9)

碇泊處和浮泡 Anchorages and buoys 746 (+20) 1 383 (+22) 833 (+5) 1 601 (+53) 1 579 (+12) 2 985 (+37)

泊位和倉庫碼頭(包括 Berths and wharves (including 400 (-20) 741 (-5) 2 650 (-19) 5 371 (+3) 3 050 (-19) 6 112 (+2)
公眾貨物裝卸區) public cargo working areas)

貨櫃碼頭 Container terminals 9 238 (-17) 17 426 (-17) 2 290 (-31) 4 654 (-12) 11 528 (-20) 22 080 (-16)

合計 Overall 30 151 (-13) 57 466 (-13) 14 353 (-18) 28 257 (-2) 44 504 (-15) 85 723 (-9)

碇泊處和浮泡 Anchorages and buoys 2 397 (-5) 4 515 (-8) 1 147 (-31) 2 288 (-11) 3 543 (-15) 6 803 (-9)

泊位和倉庫碼頭(包括 Berths and wharves (including 5 921 (+6) 11 057 (+2) 9 241 (-8) 18 215 (+7) 15 162 (-3) 29 272 (+5)
公眾貨物裝卸區) public cargo working areas)

貨櫃碼頭 Container terminals 21 834 (-18) 41 894 (-16) 3 964 (-32) 7 754 (-16) 25 798 (-21) 49 648 (-16)

註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Notes : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.
泊位和倉庫碼頭包括公眾貨物裝卸區及私人泊位和倉庫碼頭。 Berths and wharves include public cargo working areas and private berths and wharves.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 63 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.8 按主要裝貨/卸貨國家/地區劃分而與中國內地有關的水運轉運貨物
Waterborne cargo for transhipment related to the mainland of China
by major country/territory of loading/discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
抵港轉運往中國內地v 來自中國內地而離港轉運 W
國家/地區 Country/territory v W
Inward transhipment destined for the mainland of China Outward transhipment originated from the mainland of China
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%)
亞洲 Asia 4 361 (-21) 8 713 (-13) 2 847 (-18) 5 272 (-11)
孟加拉 Bangladesh ‡ (‡) 8† (+73) 16 (-61) 34 (-56)
文萊 Brunei Darussalam § (-100) § (-100) 27 (+89) 43 (+15)
柬埔寨 Cambodia 8† (-68) 16† (-69) 43 (-46) 86 (-47)
印度 India 95 (-53) 171 (-40) 33 (-3) 74 (+66)
印度尼西亞 Indonesia 352 (+50) 629 (+47) 80 (+11) 137 (+1)
伊朗 Iran § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
日本 Japan 178 (-40) 341 (-31) 207 (-26) 394 (-20)
韓國 Korea (the Republic of) 200 (-16) 401 (-5) 250 (+4) 447 (-5)
澳門 Macao ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2† (-6) 5† (+36)
馬來西亞 Malaysia 958 (+10) 1 826 (+13) 310 (-28) 553 (-23)
緬甸 Myanmar 10† (-41) 57 (+12) 11† (+31) 16 (+22)
巴基斯坦 Pakistan 147 (-49) 258 (-46) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
菲律賓 Philippines 58 (+7) 108 (+11) 242 (-25) 473 (-19)
新加坡 Singapore 395 (-13) 801 (-13) 56 (-46) 128 (-21)
斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka 11† (-36) 20 (-23) ‡ (‡) 5† (-67)
台灣 Taiwan 446 (-37) 909 (-35) 395 (-23) 713 (-18)
泰國 Thailand 371 (-7) 772 (-13) 312 (-7) 546 (-2)
越南 Vietnam 428 (-29) 817 (-23) 285 (-33) 547 (-18)
北美洲 North America 542 (+5) 1 030 (+17) 169 (-22) 304 (-23)
加拿大 Canada 168 (+23) 284 (+27) 41 (+23) 71 (+12)
美國 USA 374 (-2) 745 (+14) 129 (-30) 234 (-30)
中美洲及南美洲 Cen/South America 846 (-17) 1 564 (-12) 613 (-7) 1 127 (-4)
阿根廷 Argentina 23 (-32) 48 (-27) 64 (-3) 109 (-3)
巴西 Brazil 180 (+9) 378 (+10) 115 (-22) 237 (-10)
智利 Chile 202 (-30) 332 (-37) 29 (-20) 51 (-20)
哥倫比亞 Colombia 49 (+98) 84 (+97) 32 (-28) 63 (-22)
多明尼加共和國 Dominican R ‡ (‡) 16† (-57) 8† (-48) 14 (-41)
厄瓜多爾 Ecuador 48 (-12) 105 (+34) 18 (-33) 33 (-14)
危地馬拉 Guatemala § (-100) ‡ (‡) 15 (+90) 25 (+87)
牙買加 Jamaica ‡ (‡) 9† (-32) 4† (-62) 7† (-45)
墨西哥 Mexico 48 (-29) 97 (-16) 159 (-5) 296 (-4)
巴拿馬 Panama 15† (+603) 24 (+123) 78 (+68) 135 (+55)
秘魯 Peru 230 (-21) 400 (-11) 49 (+22) 85 (+4)
烏拉圭 Uruguay 35 (-31) 61 (-24) 27 (+47) 47 (+42)
西歐 Western Europe 222 (-6) 435 (+8) 84 (-13) 188 (+14)
比利時 Belgium 43 (+7) 83 (+29) ‡ (‡) 4† (-55)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 64 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3.8 (續) 按主要裝貨/卸貨國家/地區劃分而與中國內地有關的水運轉運貨物
(Cont’d.) Waterborne cargo for transhipment related to the mainland of China
by major country/territory of loading/discharge 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2 0 2 3
抵港轉運往中國內地v 來自中國內地而離港轉運 W
國家/地區 Country/territory v W
Inward transhipment destined for the mainland of China Outward transhipment originated from the mainland of China
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%)
丹麥 Denmark ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100)
芬蘭 Finland ‡ (‡) 17† (@@) § (-100) § (-100)
法國 France 13† (-8) 25 (+6) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
德國 Germany 23 (-63) 38 (-64) 8† (-70) 25 (-53)
希臘 Greece 23 (+265) 37 (+95) 22 (+22) 43 (+46)
意大利 Italy 60 (+91) 122 (+109) 16 (@@) 31 (@@)
荷蘭 Netherlands 9† (-76) 24 (-64) 9† (-71) 33 (-31)
葡萄牙 Portugal 6† (-19) 8† (-37) § (-100) ‡ (‡)
西班牙 Spain 17 (+64) 32 (+75) ‡ (‡) 4† (+40)
土耳其 Türkiye ‡ (‡) 16† (+346) 23 (+163) 35 (+221)
英國 United Kingdom 6† (-52) 21 (+10) § (-100) 3† (+19)
獨立國家聯合體及東歐 CIS and Eastern Europe 18 (+54) 24 (-29) 47 (+39) 74 (+52)
波蘭 Poland § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
俄羅斯 Russia 18 (+84) 22 (+24) 43 (+40) 70 (+57)
非洲 Africa 79 (-48) 147 (-39) 36 (+110) 62 (+113)
埃及 Egypt 14† (-5) 25 (+49) 8 (+733) 12 (+629)
摩洛哥 Morocco ‡ (‡) 13† (-91) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
南非 South Africa 55 (+8) 96 (+44) 14 (+58) 24 (+51)
中東 Middle East 84 (-48) 177 (-33) 16 (+154) 27 (+221)
阿曼 Oman ‡ (‡) 15† (-86) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
卡塔爾 Qatar 6† (n.a.) 6† (+420) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 55 (-17) 117 (+12) ‡ (‡) 5† (+148)
阿拉伯聯合酋長國 U A Emirates 17 (-43) 33 (-32) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
澳大利西亞及大洋洲 Australasia/Oceania 277 (-3) 483 (-2) 362 (+10) 649 (+6)
澳大利亞 Australia 105 (0) 176 (+13) 202 (-11) 395 (-6)
新西蘭 New Zealand 171 (+12) 299 (-1) 78 (+26) 132 (+14)
巴布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 60 (+146) 82 (+88)
未能識別之港口 Ports not identified § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
合計 Overall 6 431 (-19) 12 571 (-11) 4 174 (-14) 7 704 (-8)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Notes : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.
v 水運抵港轉運往中國內地的貨物包括所有經輪船運入香港和經輪船轉運往中國 v Waterborne inward transhipment destined for the mainland of China covers
cargo carried into and out of Hong Kong by vessels for transhipment to the
mainland of China.
W 來自中國內地而經水運離港轉運的貨物則包括所有由中國內地經輪船運往香港 W Waterborne outward transhipment originated from the mainland of China
covers cargo carried into and out of Hong Kong by vessels for transhipment
from the mainland of China.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 65 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Statistical Tables

4 Container statistics

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 66 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 67 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.1 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total containers discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
亞洲 Asia 349 (-37) 665 (-30) 885 (-23) 1 726 (-15) 1 233 (-27) 2 391 (-20)
孟加拉 Bangladesh ‡ (‡) §† (-15) ‡ (‡) §† (-25) §† (-40) 1 (-20)
- 吉大港 - Chittagong ‡ (‡) §† (0) ‡ (‡) §† (-43) §† (-33) 1 (-25)
文萊 Brunei Darussalam § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 穆阿拉 - Muara § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
柬埔寨 Cambodia ‡ (‡) 1† (-55) 2 (-66) 4 (-65) 2 (-64) 4 (-64)
- 西哈努克 - Sihanoukville ‡ (‡) §† (-32) 2 (+201) 3 (+242) 2 (+126) 4 (+133)
中國內地 The mainland of China 201 (-48) 388 (-35) 462 (-23) 890 (-9) 662 (-33) 1 278 (-19)
- 珠江三角洲 - Pearl River Delta 146 (-55) 282 (-42) 301 (-24) 570 (-9) 447 (-38) 852 (-24)
- 東莞 - Dongguan 1† (-94) 2 (-83) 1 (-85) 3 (-56) 2 (-91) 6 (-74)
- 端州/鼎湖/高要/四會 - Duanzhou/ Dinghu/ 2 (-46) 5 (-41) 7 (-20) 11 (-8) 9 (-28) 16 (-21)
Gaoyao/ Sihui
- 佛山 - Foshan 2 (-38) 3 (-31) 22 (-6) 38 (+7) 24 (-10) 41 (+3)
- 黃埔 - Huangpu 6 (-70) 13 (-51) 21 (-47) 39 (-32) 27 (-55) 52 (-38)
- 惠城/博羅 - Huichen/ Boluo § (-100) § (-100) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100)
- 惠東 - Huidong § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 江門/新會 - Jiangmen/ Xinhui 11 (-32) 23 (-15) 25 (-17) 48 (-3) 36 (-22) 71 (-7)
- 南海 - Nanhai 4 (-62) 9 (-45) 30 (-16) 52 (-13) 34 (-27) 62 (-20)
- 南沙/番禺 - Nansha/ Panyu 75 (-26) 132 (-22) 41 (-12) 83 (+9) 116 (-22) 215 (-12)
- 蛇口/媽灣/赤灣 - Shekou/ Mawan/ Chiwan 13 (-65) 25 (-55) 21 (-48) 46 (-31) 34 (-56) 72 (-42)
- 順德 - Shunde 5 (-11) 8 (+4) 36 (-2) 67 (+18) 41 (-3) 75 (+16)
- 鹽田 - Yantian 3 (-89) 7 (-79) 16 (-43) 31 (-32) 19 (-63) 37 (-52)
- 中山 - Zhongshan 10 (-64) 21 (-46) 40 (-18) 72 (-15) 50 (-34) 93 (-25)
- 珠海 - Zhuhai 6 (-75) 10 (-66) 24 (-22) 43 (-2) 30 (-44) 54 (-28)
- 北海 - Beihai ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1 (-1) 3 (+18) 2 (-15) 3 (+4)
- 大連 - Dalian 5 (+47) 8 (+30) 6 (+71) 12 (+32) 11 (+59) 19 (+31)
- 防城港 - Fangchenggang § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-75) 1 (-79) § (-75) 1 (-79)
- 福州 - Fuzhou 1† (+2) 2 (-21) 3 (+4) 5 (+1) 4 (+4) 7 (-6)
- 貴港 - Guigang ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-81)
- 海口 - Haikou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 3 (+63) 7 (+136) 3 (+63) 7 (+136)
- 江陰 - Jiangyin § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 揭陽 - Jieyang § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 6 (+9) 12 (+11) 6 (+9) 12 (+13)
- 錦州 - Jinzhou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 連雲港 - Lianyungang ‡ (‡) §† (+14) ‡ (‡) 1† (-66) §† (-62) 1 (-51)
- 茂名 - Maoming § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (+39) 1 (+24) § (+12) 1 (+13)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 68 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total containers discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 南京 - Nanjing ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 寧波-舟山 - Ningbo-Zhoushan 3 (-35) 7 (-19) 12 (-51) 26 (-27) 15 (-48) 33 (-26)
- 青島 - Qingdao 8 (+8) 15 (+16) 17 (-35) 37 (-31) 25 (-26) 51 (-22)
- 清遠 - Qingyuan 1† (-69) 3 (-34) 1 (-11) 1 (-15) 2 (-54) 4 (-29)
- 欽州 - Qinzhou §† (-35) 2 (+161) 23 (-34) 46 (-14) 24 (-34) 48 (-11)
- 泉州 - Quanzhou § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) ‡ (‡)
- 日照 - Rizhao § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) ‡ (‡)
- 上海 - Shanghai 17 (+6) 31 (-5) 13 (-38) 33 (-27) 30 (-19) 64 (-18)
- 汕頭 - Shantou 5 (-20) 9 (+6) 11 (+49) 18 (+58) 16 (+19) 27 (+37)
- 太倉 - Taicang ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 天津新港 - Tianjin Xingang 4 (-6) 8 (+20) 18 (+23) 32 (+24) 22 (+16) 39 (+23)
- 梧州 - Wuzhou §† (+65) 1† (+57) 3 (-16) 5 (-5) 3 (-10) 6 (0)
- 廈門 - Xiamen 4 (-26) 9 (-11) 21 (-35) 40 (-33) 25 (-34) 49 (-30)
- 洋浦港 - Yangpu 1† (-60) 2† (-40) 6 (+46) 14 (+72) 7 (+8) 17 (+40)
- 煙台 - Yantai § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 營口 - Yingkou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 雲浮 - Yunfu § (-100) ‡ (‡) 1 (+38) 2 (+111) 1 (+18) 2 (+80)
- 張家港 - Zhangjiagang § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 湛江 - Zhanjiang 4 (-25) 7 (-13) 10 (+46) 19 (+54) 14 (+16) 26 (+28)
印度 India 2 (+10) 4 (+18) 15 (-23) 30 (-20) 17 (-21) 34 (-16)
- 清奈 - Chennai ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-74) 1 (-53) §† (-68) 1 (-49)
- 尼赫魯 - Jawaharlal Nehru 1 (+42) 3 (+48) 5 (-24) 11 (-15) 7 (-17) 15 (-6)
- 蒙德拉 - Mundra ‡ (‡) §† (-49) 6 (-2) 10 (-14) 6 (-6) 10 (-16)
- 皮帕瓦沃 - Pipavav ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (+71) 2 (+115) 1† (+71) 3 (+115)
印度尼西亞 Indonesia 3 (-22) 9 (-17) 33 (+18) 61 (+9) 36 (+12) 70 (+5)
- 耶加達 - Jakarta 2 (-28) 6 (-18) 21 (+15) 39 (+5) 23 (+8) 45 (+1)
- 三寶瓏 - Semarang ‡ (‡) 1† (-15) 1† (+29) 2 (+13) 1 (+10) 3 (+6)
- 泗水 - Surabaya 1† (-22) 2 (-20) 8 (+29) 15 (+11) 9 (+22) 16 (+7)
- 塔巴尼奧 - Taboneo § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 丹戎巴拉 - Tanjung Bara § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
伊朗 Iran § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
日本 Japan 28 (-9) 53 (-17) 34 (-33) 65 (-28) 61 (-24) 118 (-23)
- 千葉 - Chiba ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (+98) ‡ (‡) 1† (+51)
- 博多 - Hakata 2 (+18) 3 (-11) 2 (+3) 3 (-9) 4 (+11) 6 (-10)
- 神田 - Kanda § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 69 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total containers discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 川崎 - Kawasaki § (-100) § (-100) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100)
- 神戶 - Kobe 3 (-39) 8 (-25) 7 (-23) 13 (-26) 11 (-29) 21 (-26)
- 水島 - Mizushima ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (-12) ‡ (‡) 1† (-6)
- 門司 - Moji §† (-44) 1 (-49) 2 (-8) 4 (+14) 2 (-16) 5 (-3)
- 名古屋 - Nagoya 5 (+2) 9 (-8) 7 (-30) 12 (-30) 11 (-20) 22 (-22)
- 大阪 - Osaka 3 (-19) 6 (-14) 3 (-42) 5 (-39) 6 (-31) 11 (-28)
- 清水 - Shimizu 1† (+16) 2† (+18) 2 (-2) 4 (-6) 3 (+2) 5 (0)
- 須崎 - Susaki § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 德山 - Tokuyama ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-68) 1† (-55) §† (-64) 1† (-52)
- 東京 - Tokyo 6 (+5) 11 (-20) 4 (-43) 9 (-31) 10 (-21) 20 (-25)
- 富田 - Tonda § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 宇部 - Ube § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 橫濱 - Yokohama 6 (+1) 11 (-18) 6 (-40) 11 (-33) 12 (-24) 22 (-27)
韓國 Korea (the Republic of) 19 (-6) 37 (-18) 19 (-23) 39 (-14) 38 (-16) 75 (-16)
- 釜山 - Busan 11 (-4) 20 (-23) 9 (-31) 19 (-28) 21 (-19) 39 (-26)
- 仁川 - Incheon 4 (-11) 9 (-5) 4 (-8) 7 (+2) 8 (-10) 16 (-2)
- 蔚山 - Ulsan 1 (0) 2 (-13) 2 (+16) 4 (+48) 4 (+9) 7 (+18)
- 麗水 - Yeosu Gwangyang 2 (-15) 5 (-26) 2 (-41) 6 (-13) 4 (-31) 11 (-20)
澳門 Macao 1† (-31) 3 (-9) §† (-8) 1† (-35) 2 (-28) 4 (-15)
馬來西亞 Malaysia 15 (-9) 28 (-19) 79 (+9) 150 (+6) 93 (+5) 178 (+1)
- 民都魯 - Bintulu § (-100) ‡ (‡) 2 (-25) 4 (-23) 2 (-26) 4 (-24)
- 哥打京那峇魯 - Kota Kinabalu ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1 (-45) 3 (-32) 2 (-32) 3 (-23)
- 古晉 - Kuching § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 1 (+44) 1 (+10) 1 (+44) 1 (+14)
- 巴西古當 - Pasir Gudang 2 (-2) 3 (-29) 4 (-9) 9 (-15) 6 (-7) 12 (-20)
- 檳城 - Penang Island 1† (-20) 2 (-29) 17 (+75) 31 (+51) 18 (+67) 32 (+43)
- 巴生港 - Port Klang 9 (-14) 17 (-23) 37 (+17) 72 (+11) 46 (+9) 89 (+2)
- 詩巫 - Sibu § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 丹戎帕拉帕斯 - Tanjung Pelepas 3 (+6) 5 (+7) 13 (-25) 27 (-16) 16 (-21) 32 (-12)
緬甸 Myanmar §† (+72) §† (-10) 1† (-52) 3 (-4) 1 (-33) 3 (-5)
- 仰光 - Rangoon §† (+72) §† (-10) 1† (-52) 3 (-2) 1 (-33) 3 (-3)
巴基斯坦 Pakistan §† (+25) 1 (+4) 10 (-51) 18 (-49) 10 (-49) 19 (-48)
- 喀拉蚩 - Karachi §† (+25) 1 (+4) 10 (-51) 18 (-49) 10 (-49) 19 (-48)
菲律賓 Philippines 3 (-22) 6 (-24) 21 (-14) 44 (-8) 25 (-15) 50 (-10)
- 宿霧 - Cebu ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 3 (+32) 5 (+32) 3 (+35) 6 (+25)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 70 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total containers discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 達沃市 - Davao 1 (-7) 2 (-10) 2 (+159) 3 (+36) 3 (+63) 5 (+15)
- 馬尼拉 - Manila 2 (-28) 4 (-31) 14 (-19) 29 (-16) 16 (-20) 33 (-18)
- 蘇比克 - Subic § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+228) ‡ (‡) 1† (+214)
新加坡 Singapore 16 (+4) 31 (-10) 34 (-24) 73 (-22) 50 (-17) 104 (-19)
斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka §† (-41) 1 (-23) 2 (-43) 4 (-37) 2 (-42) 5 (-35)
- 科倫坡 - Colombo §† (-41) 1 (-23) 2 (-43) 4 (-37) 2 (-42) 5 (-35)
台灣 Taiwan 22 (-6) 42 (-26) 43 (-40) 89 (-38) 65 (-32) 130 (-35)
- 高雄 - Kaohsiung 10 (+1) 20 (-28) 22 (-40) 45 (-41) 32 (-31) 66 (-38)
- 基隆 - Keelung 5 (-12) 10 (-19) 5 (-51) 10 (-50) 11 (-37) 20 (-38)
- 台中 - Taichung 5 (-14) 9 (-27) 12 (-44) 27 (-38) 17 (-37) 36 (-35)
- 台北 - Taipei 1 (-6) 3 (-23) 3 (+38) 7 (+44) 5 (+21) 9 (+14)
泰國 Thailand 24 (-25) 38 (-30) 49 (+5) 99 (-5) 73 (-7) 137 (-13)
- 曼谷 - Bangkok 7 (+19) 13 (+3) 8 (+45) 14 (+26) 14 (+31) 27 (+14)
- 林查班 - Laem Chabang 17 (-34) 25 (-39) 42 (+4) 84 (-4) 59 (-10) 109 (-15)
越南 Vietnam 13 (-24) 24 (-29) 82 (-37) 157 (-35) 95 (-36) 181 (-34)
- 蓋梅港 - Cai Mep 1† (-74) 1 (-69) 3 (-64) 5 (-64) 4 (-66) 6 (-65)
- 峴港 - Da-nang 1† (-21) 1† (-58) 7 (-25) 16 (-19) 7 (-25) 17 (-22)
- 海防 - Haiphong 3 (-44) 5 (-56) 27 (-52) 60 (-42) 31 (-51) 65 (-44)
- 胡志明市 - Ho Chi Minh City 9 (+1) 16 (+2) 36 (-12) 62 (-21) 45 (-10) 78 (-17)
北美洲 North America 22 (-12) 42 (-12) 79 (0) 159 (+9) 102 (-3) 201 (+3)
加拿大 Canada 4 (-23) 6 (-19) 19 (+21) 32 (+13) 22 (+11) 39 (+6)
- 哈利法克斯 - Halifax §† (+312) §† (+8) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+562) §† (+1)
- 魯佩特王子港 - Prince Rupert §† (+33) §† (-22) 6 (+17) 10 (-4) 6 (+18) 10 (-4)
- 溫哥華 - Vancouver 3 (-7) 5 (-5) 13 (+21) 23 (+22) 16 (+14) 28 (+16)
美國 USA 19 (-10) 36 (-11) 60 (-6) 126 (+8) 79 (-7) 162 (+3)
- 巴爾的摩 - Baltimore §† (-21) 1† (+46) 4 (+109) 7 (+53) 4 (+90) 8 (+52)
- 查理斯頓 - Charleston 1 (+109) 2 (-36) 6 (+132) 13 (+82) 7 (+128) 14 (+50)
- 候斯頓 - Houston 1† (-49) 1 (-48) 7 (+155) 14 (+127) 8 (+97) 15 (+82)
- 長堤 - Long Beach 8 (+5) 16 (+8) 7 (-47) 20 (-19) 15 (-28) 36 (-9)
- 洛杉磯 - Los Angeles 2 (-42) 3 (-32) 5 (-27) 9 (-20) 7 (-31) 12 (-24)
- 邁阿美 - Miami §† (+58) 1† (+74) § (-100) ‡ (‡) §† (-67) 1† (-51)
- 紐約 - New York 1 (-23) 3 (-34) 7 (-16) 16 (-2) 8 (-18) 19 (-9)
- 奧克蘭 - Oakland 1 (-38) 2 (-16) 2 (-62) 6 (-40) 3 (-57) 9 (-35)
- 薩瓦納 - Savannah 1† (-69) 1 (-59) 10 (-24) 18 (-9) 11 (-30) 19 (-16)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 71 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total containers discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 西雅圖 - Seattle 1 (+126) 2 (+57) 2 (+17) 4 (-5) 3 (+43) 6 (+12)
- 塔科馬 - Tacoma 1† (+528) 1 (+255) 2 (n.a.) 3 (n.a.) 3 (@@) 4 (@@)
- 維珍尼亞 - Virginia 1 (+44) 2 (+13) 4 (+25) 8 (+23) 5 (+29) 10 (+21)
中美洲及南美洲 Cen/South America 18 (-9) 46 (-24) 96 (-22) 172 (-22) 113 (-20) 219 (-22)
阿根廷 Argentina 1 (-7) 1 (-1) 4 (-2) 7 (-13) 5 (-3) 9 (-11)
- 布宜諾斯艾利斯 - Buenos Aires 1 (-7) 1 (-5) 4 (-1) 7 (-12) 5 (-2) 9 (-11)
巴西 Brazil 7 (+2) 12 (-6) 21 (-17) 41 (-24) 28 (-13) 53 (-21)
- 納韋甘蒂斯 - Navegantes 2 (+5) 3 (+3) 3 (-42) 6 (-29) 4 (-30) 9 (-21)
- 巴拉那瓜 - Paranagua 2 (+47) 4 (+46) 4 (+25) 7 (-8) 6 (+31) 11 (+5)
- 聖多斯 - Santos 2 (-15) 4 (-24) 10 (-18) 19 (-28) 13 (-17) 24 (-28)
智利 Chile 7 (-16) 26 (-30) 31 (-19) 50 (-29) 38 (-19) 76 (-29)
- 科羅內爾 - Coronel §† (+254) §† (+134) 10 (+1) 15 (-18) 10 (+3) 15 (-16)
- 伊基克 - Iquique ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 3 (-24) 6 (-20) 3 (-23) 6 (-20)
- 聖安東尼奧 - San Antonio 1 (+28) 3 (-69) 7 (-22) 12 (-35) 8 (-16) 15 (-48)
- 瓦爾帕萊索 - Valparaiso 5 (-27) 22 (-16) 5 (-48) 9 (-42) 10 (-39) 31 (-25)
哥倫比亞 Colombia ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2 (+28) 5 (+19) 3 (+36) 5 (+22)
- 布埃納文圖拉 - Buenaventura ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (+35) §† (+39) 1† (+52)
- 卡塔赫納 - Cartagena ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2 (+30) 4 (+16) 2 (+33) 4 (+16)
多明尼加共和國 Dominican R § (-100) ‡ (‡) 5 (-10) 10 (-4) 5 (-10) 10 (-4)
厄瓜多爾 Ecuador §† (-59) §† (-53) 4 (-16) 9 (+35) 4 (-19) 9 (+28)
- 瓜亞基爾 - Guayaquil ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2 (-46) 6 (-18) 2 (-49) 6 (-23)
危地馬拉 Guatemala § (-65) § (-85) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-81) §† (-69)
牙買加 Jamaica § (-100) ‡ (‡) 2 (-37) 3 (-34) 2 (-39) 3 (-35)
- 京斯頓 - Kingston § (-100) ‡ (‡) 2 (-37) 3 (-34) 2 (-39) 3 (-35)
墨西哥 Mexico 1 (-48) 2 (-21) 6 (-46) 11 (-37) 7 (-46) 13 (-35)
- 曼薩尼略 - Manzanillo 1† (-54) 1 (-28) 4 (-58) 8 (-48) 4 (-58) 9 (-46)
巴拿馬 Panama ‡ (‡) §† (+25) 2 (-25) 3 (-14) 2 (-15) 3 (-11)
- 巴波亞 - Balboa ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (-39) 1 (+7) 1† (-36) 1 (+2)
- 科隆 - Colon ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (n.a.) 1† (+455) 1† (@@) 1 (+459)
秘魯 Peru 1 (+44) 4 (-32) 15 (-27) 27 (-19) 17 (-24) 31 (-21)
- 卡亞俄 - Callao 1 (+44) 4 (-25) 15 (-27) 27 (-19) 17 (-24) 31 (-19)
烏拉圭 Uruguay §† (-38) 1† (-20) 3 (-27) 6 (-14) 4 (-28) 7 (-15)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 72 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total containers discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
西歐 Western Europe 23 (-13) 47 (-10) 25 (-19) 48 (-8) 48 (-16) 94 (-9)
比利時 Belgium 3 (-17) 6 (-6) 4 (-11) 7 (-8) 7 (-14) 12 (-7)
- 安特衛普 - Antwerp 2 (-18) 5 (-8) 3 (-7) 5 (-8) 6 (-12) 10 (-8)
- 澤布呂赫 - Zeebrugge 1† (-12) 1 (+6) 1† (-32) 1 (-7) 1 (-23) 2 (-1)
丹麥 Denmark §† (-28) §† (-29) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-3) 1 (-26)
- 阿爾路斯 - Aarhus §† (-24) §† (+26) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-42) §† (-4)
芬蘭 Finland ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (+770) ‡ (‡) 1† (+373)
- 赫爾辛基 - Helsinki ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
法國 France 2 (+35) 5 (+23) 2† (-3) 4 (+25) 4 (+15) 9 (+24)
- 福斯 - Fos 2 (+117) 3 (+53) 1† (+18) 2 (+1) 3 (+57) 5 (+25)
- 勒阿弗爾 - Le Havre 1† (-31) 2 (-16) ‡ (‡) 2† (+85) 1† (-29) 3 (+19)
德國 Germany 4 (-42) 8 (-30) 5 (-45) 7 (-48) 8 (-44) 16 (-40)
- 不萊梅港 - Bremerhaven §† (-76) §† (-79) §† (-97) §† (-96) §† (-94) 1† (-93)
- 漢堡 - Hamburg 3 (-36) 8 (-19) 4 (+21) 7 (+14) 7 (-12) 14 (-6)
希臘 Greece 1† (+32) 1 (+9) 2 (+413) 3 (+168) 2 (+178) 4 (+90)
- 比雷埃夫斯 - Piraeus 1† (+32) 1 (+10) 1 (+432) 3 (+175) 2 (+175) 4 (+92)
意大利 Italy 4 (+39) 8 (+2) 6 (+60) 10 (+56) 10 (+51) 18 (+27)
- 熱內亞 - Genoa 2 (+65) 5 (+19) 2 (+36) 3 (+7) 5 (+49) 8 (+14)
- 拉斯佩齊亞 - La Spezia 1 (+13) 2 (-27) 3 (+91) 6 (+119) 4 (+58) 8 (+43)
荷蘭 Netherlands 3 (-34) 7 (-12) 2 (-75) 5 (-59) 5 (-61) 11 (-40)
- 鹿特丹 - Rotterdam 3 (-34) 7 (-12) 2 (-75) 5 (-59) 5 (-61) 11 (-40)
葡萄牙 Portugal §† (+103) 1† (-2) §† (-35) §† (-51) 1† (+4) 1 (-28)
- 錫尼什 - Sines § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (+26) § (+16) § (+14) ‡ (‡)
西班牙 Spain 2 (+52) 3 (+1) 3 (+99) 6 (+110) 5 (+76) 9 (+50)
- 阿爾赫西拉斯 - Algeciras ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+440) §† (+457)
- 巴塞羅那 - Barcelona 1 (+92) 2 (+8) 2 (+181) 3 (+174) 3 (+140) 5 (+79)
- 瓦倫西亞 - Valencia 1† (+27) 1 (-12) 1† (+21) 2 (+54) 2 (+24) 3 (+21)
土耳其 Türkiye §† (-63) 1 (-65) 1† (+118) 1† (+92) 1† (-3) 2 (-34)
- 伊斯坦堡 - Istanbul ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 伊茲密爾 - Izmir ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 梅爾辛 - Mersin ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (+50) §† (+177) ‡ (‡) 1† (+189)
英國 United Kingdom 3 (-27) 7 (-5) 1† (-68) 2 (-16) 4 (-39) 9 (-8)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 73 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total containers discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 非力托 - Felixstowe 1† (-45) 2 (-22) § (-92) §† (-71) 1 (-65) 2 (-43)
- 倫敦 - London §† (+133) 1† (+55) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+166) 1† (+40)
- 南開普敦 - Southampton 2 (-30) 4 (-3) ‡ (‡) 2† (+49) 2 (-36) 6 (+8)
獨立國家聯合體及東歐 CIS and Eastern Europe 1 (+29) 2 (+68) 1 (+38) 2 (-19) 2 (+33) 3 (+12)
波蘭 Poland 1† (+11) 1 (+49) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (-3) 2 (+53)
- 格但斯克 - Gdansk 1† (+14) 1 (+71) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (-1) 2 (+72)
俄羅斯 Russia ‡ (‡) §† (+233) 1 (+60) 1 (+2) 1 (+70) 2 (+18)
- 聖彼得堡 - Saint Petersburg ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 瓦尼諾 - Vanino § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 海參崴 - Vladivostok ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (+189) 1 (+256) 1 (+203) 1 (+273)
- 東方港 - Vostochny § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-56) § (-85) § (-57) ‡ (‡)
非洲 Africa 3 (-40) 5 (-32) 6 (-48) 10 (-45) 8 (-45) 15 (-41)
埃及 Egypt 1† (-46) 2 (-29) 1† (-49) 1 (-31) 1 (-47) 3 (-30)
- 塞得港 - Port Said 1† (-45) 2 (-27) 1† (-54) 1 (-40) 1 (-50) 3 (-32)
摩洛哥 Morocco § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (-92) ‡ (‡) 1† (-93)
- 卡薩布蘭卡 - Casablanca § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 丹吉爾地中海 - Tanger Med § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) 1† (-93) § (-100) 1† (-93)
南非 South Africa 2 (-15) 3 (-10) 4 (+11) 7 (+36) 6 (+1) 9 (+20)
- 德班 - Durban 1 (-35) 1 (-43) 4 (+9) 6 (+32) 5 (-7) 8 (+7)
中東 Middle East 3 (-47) 6 (-38) 8 (-49) 15 (-38) 10 (-49) 21 (-38)
阿曼 Oman ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (-89) §† (-94) 1† (-90)
- 塞拉萊 - Salalah § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-96) § (-100) §† (-97)
卡塔爾 Qatar ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+489) 1† (+205) 1† (+398) 1† (+235)
沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 1 (-29) 2† (-5) 4 (-20) 9 (+2) 5 (-21) 11 (0)
- 達曼 - Dammam ‡ (‡) §† (-38) 2 (-30) 4 (+10) 2 (-31) 5 (+5)
- 吉達 - Jeddah §† (-49) ‡ (‡) 1† (-16) 3 (-16) 1 (-23) 4 (-6)
- 阿卜杜拉國王 - King Abdullah § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
阿拉伯聯合酋長國 U A Emirates 1 (-8) 2 (-26) 2 (-38) 4 (-29) 3 (-29) 7 (-28)
- 杜拜 - Dubai 1 (-8) 2 (-26) 2 (-32) 4 (-25) 3 (-24) 6 (-25)
澳大利西亞及大洋洲 Australasia/Oceania 9 (+21) 13 (+8) 36 (+8) 64 (+4) 45 (+10) 77 (+4)
澳大利亞 Australia 6 (+19) 9 (+5) 12 (+23) 24 (+19) 19 (+22) 33 (+15)
- 布里斯班 - Brisbane 1 (+70) 1 (+39) 2 (+1) 4 (+5) 3 (+16) 6 (+12)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 74 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.1 (續) 按主要裝貨國家/地區及港口劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port of loading 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
進口 抵港轉運 卸下貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Imports Inward transhipment Total containers discharged
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 弗利曼道 - Fremantle §† (-26) §† (-50) 1 (+50) 2 (+64) 1 (+33) 2 (+28)
- 格蘭斯頓 - Gladstone § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 墨爾砵 - Melbourne 4 (+12) 5 (+4) 5 (+47) 9 (+23) 9 (+30) 14 (+15)
- 悉尼 - Sydney 1 (+9) 2 (-3) 3 (+25) 6 (+13) 4 (+20) 8 (+9)
新西蘭 New Zealand 3 (+27) 4 (+15) 24 (+17) 40 (+3) 26 (+18) 43 (+4)
- 奧克蘭 - Auckland §† (+81) §† (+187) 1 (+17) 1 (+2) 1 (+23) 2 (+15)
- 列提爾頓 - Lyttelton §† (-35) §† (-30) 4 (+103) 6 (+142) 4 (+77) 7 (+111)
- 陶朗加 - Tauranga 1 (+5) 2 (-10) 17 (+22) 27 (-1) 18 (+21) 29 (-2)
巴布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) §† (-68) ‡ (‡) §† (-68)
- 萊城 - Lae § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) §† (-66) ‡ (‡) §† (-66)
- 莫勒斯比港 - Port Moresby § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100)
未能識別之港口 Ports not identified § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
所有港口 All ports 427 (-34) 825 (-28) 1 135 (-21) 2 195 (-14) 1 562 (-25) 3 020 (-18)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 75 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.2 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total containers loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
亞洲 Asia 233 (-24) 469 (-18) 832 (-19) 1 605 (-11) 1 064 (-20) 2 073 (-13)
孟加拉 Bangladesh 2 (+97) 4 (+9) 4 (-28) 9 (-19) 7 (-7) 13 (-12)
- 吉大港 - Chittagong 2 (+97) 4 (+9) 4 (-27) 9 (-19) 7 (-6) 13 (-11)
文萊 Brunei Darussalam ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 3 (+100) 5 (+18) 3 (+99) 5 (+18)
- 穆阿拉 - Muara ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 3 (+100) 5 (+18) 3 (+99) 5 (+18)
柬埔寨 Cambodia 2 (-2) 3 (-58) 5 (-45) 10 (-48) 7 (-39) 12 (-50)
- 西哈努克 - Sihanoukville 2 (+27) 3 (-52) 5 (-18) 10 (-26) 6 (-10) 12 (-34)
中國內地 The mainland of China 133 (-36) 273 (-20) 428 (-16) 838 (-3) 561 (-22) 1 111 (-8)
- 珠江三角洲 - Pearl River Delta 110 (-38) 232 (-19) 284 (-19) 571 (-2) 394 (-25) 803 (-8)
- 東莞 - Dongguan 2 (-81) 3 (-80) 9 (-31) 18 (-21) 11 (-51) 21 (-43)
- 端州/鼎湖/高要/四會 - Duanzhou/ Dinghu/ 6 (+7) 11 (+29) 4 (-28) 7 (-22) 10 (-10) 17 (+3)
Gaoyao/ Sihui
- 佛山 - Foshan 4 (-26) 8 (-30) 17 (+62) 31 (+53) 21 (+33) 39 (+23)
- 黃埔 - Huangpu 8 (-70) 24 (-42) 61 (-48) 136 (-24) 69 (-52) 160 (-27)
- 惠城/博羅 - Huichen/ Boluo § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 惠東 - Huidong § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 江門/新會 - Jiangmen/ Xinhui 2 (-28) 6 (+16) 11 (+6) 21 (+20) 14 (-2) 27 (+19)
- 南海 - Nanhai 9 (-43) 18 (-31) 22 (-14) 43 (-7) 31 (-25) 62 (-16)
- 南沙/番禺 - Nansha/ Panyu 27 (-23) 64 (+7) 32 (-28) 66 (-12) 59 (-26) 130 (-4)
- 蛇口/媽灣/赤灣 - Shekou/ Mawan/ Chiwan 13 (-4) 24 (-6) 26 (-13) 51 (-9) 39 (-11) 75 (-8)
- 順德 - Shunde 5 (-32) 11 (-11) 14 (-3) 27 (+8) 19 (-14) 37 (+2)
- 鹽田 - Yantian 12 (-7) 21 (-5) 34 (-2) 67 (+6) 46 (-3) 88 (+3)
- 中山 - Zhongshan 4 (-56) 9 (-44) 9 (-14) 17 (-20) 13 (-35) 26 (-30)
- 珠海 - Zhuhai 8 (-39) 14 (-18) 12 (-30) 23 (-6) 19 (-34) 37 (-11)
- 北海 - Beihai ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2 (-36) 4 (-12) 2 (-39) 4 (-16)
- 大連 - Dalian 1 (+5) 1 (-12) 8 (-13) 14 (-7) 8 (-12) 15 (-7)
- 防城港 - Fangchenggang § (-100) ‡ (‡) 3 (-9) 6 (-15) 3 (-9) 6 (-16)
- 福州 - Fuzhou §† (-69) §† (-75) 6 (+61) 10 (+50) 6 (+45) 10 (+34)
- 貴港 - Guigang § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 海口 - Haikou § (+542) 1 (+535) 3 (+22) 5 (+36) 3 (+35) 6 (+51)
- 江陰 - Jiangyin ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-28) 1 (+33) §† (-22) 1 (+28)
- 揭陽 - Jieyang § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 1† (+405) 2 (+344) 1† (+405) 2 (+344)
- 錦州 - Jinzhou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 連雲港 - Lianyungang § (n.a.) § (-100) 1† (+13) 1 (-13) 1† (+13) 1 (-16)
- 茂名 - Maoming § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 1 (+20) 1 (+61) 1 (+20) 1 (+66)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 76 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total containers loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 南京 - Nanjing § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100)
- 寧波-舟山 - Ningbo-Zhoushan 2 (-52) 3 (-46) 9 (-28) 17 (-24) 10 (-34) 20 (-28)
- 青島 - Qingdao 2 (+22) 3 (-8) 14 (-4) 27 (-23) 16 (-2) 30 (-22)
- 清遠 - Qingyuan 1† (-37) 1 (-26) 2 (-28) 5 (-21) 3 (-30) 6 (-22)
- 欽州 - Qinzhou § (-91) § (-81) 10 (-16) 22 (+5) 10 (-22) 22 (-2)
- 泉州 - Quanzhou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
- 日照 - Rizhao ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 上海 - Shanghai 7 (+9) 12 (-23) 20 (-17) 36 (-14) 27 (-12) 48 (-17)
- 汕頭 - Shantou 2 (+6) 2 (-14) 7 (+79) 10 (+82) 8 (+59) 12 (+50)
- 太倉 - Taicang § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100) § (-100)
- 天津新港 - Tianjin Xingang 2 (-5) 3 (+10) 18 (-29) 35 (-17) 19 (-28) 38 (-15)
- 梧州 - Wuzhou 1 (-48) 2 (-14) 5 (+34) 8 (+36) 6 (+10) 10 (+21)
- 廈門 - Xiamen 1 (+15) 1 (-9) 15 (+16) 28 (+8) 16 (+16) 29 (+7)
- 洋浦港 - Yangpu ‡ (‡) §† (-5) 2 (-12) 3 (-23) 2 (-14) 3 (-22)
- 煙台 - Yantai § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 營口 - Yingkou § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) §† (+527) ‡ (‡) §† (+527)
- 雲浮 - Yunfu 4 (-50) 7 (-35) 3 (-18) 4 (-2) 7 (-41) 11 (-25)
- 張家港 - Zhangjiagang § (n.a.) § (n.a.) §† (+36) §† (+2) §† (+36) §† (+2)
- 湛江 - Zhanjiang 1 (-3) 2 (-2) 12 (+1) 20 (+18) 13 (0) 23 (+16)
印度 India 3 (+41) 7 (+20) 8 (-32) 15 (-10) 11 (-20) 22 (-2)
- 清奈 - Chennai 2 (+55) 3 (+29) 1† (+79) 2 (+128) 3 (+63) 6 (+55)
- 尼赫魯 - Jawaharlal Nehru 1 (+10) 2 (-7) 3 (+20) 6 (+27) 5 (+17) 8 (+14)
- 蒙德拉 - Mundra ‡ (‡) §† (@@) § (-43) 1 (-30) 1 (-32) 1 (-17)
- 皮帕瓦沃 - Pipavav § (+215) 1 (+135) §† (-3) 1 (+95) 1 (+44) 2 (+106)
印度尼西亞 Indonesia 6 (-4) 12 (+1) 9 (-8) 18 (-4) 15 (-6) 30 (-2)
- 耶加達 - Jakarta 4 (-12) 9 (+2) 3 (-34) 7 (-25) 8 (-23) 16 (-12)
- 三寶瓏 - Semarang 1† (+121) 1 (+12) 2 (+35) 4 (+32) 2 (+54) 5 (+26)
- 泗水 - Surabaya 1 (-5) 1 (-13) 3 (+20) 6 (+4) 4 (+15) 7 (0)
- 塔巴尼奧 - Taboneo § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 丹戎巴拉 - Tanjung Bara § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
伊朗 Iran § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
日本 Japan 9 (+33) 17 (-29) 62 (-19) 122 (-16) 71 (-15) 140 (-18)
- 千葉 - Chiba § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 1† (-43) ‡ (‡) 1† (-43)
- 博多 - Hakata ‡ (‡) §† (+21) 2 (-21) 5 (-3) 2 (-22) 5 (-2)
- 神田 - Kanda § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 77 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total containers loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 川崎 - Kawasaki § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100) §† (-57) § (-100) §† (-58)
- 神戶 - Kobe 1 (+418) 1 (+9) 12 (+57) 21 (+38) 12 (+64) 22 (+37)
- 水島 - Mizushima § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 1 (+25) 2 (-7) 1 (+25) 3 (-4)
- 門司 - Moji ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 2 (+4) 3 (-13) 2 (+2) 4 (-18)
- 名古屋 - Nagoya 1 (+28) 2 (-22) 8 (-11) 15 (-17) 9 (-8) 17 (-18)
- 大阪 - Osaka 2 (+28) 3 (-35) 10 (-31) 19 (-26) 11 (-25) 22 (-27)
- 清水 - Shimizu ‡ (‡) §† (-18) 2 (+262) 4 (+63) 2 (+220) 4 (+49)
- 須崎 - Susaki § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 德山 - Tokuyama § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 1† (n.a.) § (n.a.) 1† (n.a.)
- 東京 - Tokyo 4 (+26) 8 (-39) 12 (-44) 24 (-35) 16 (-35) 32 (-36)
- 富田 - Tonda § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 宇部 - Ube § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 橫濱 - Yokohama 1 (+32) 2 (+18) 7 (-20) 16 (-12) 9 (-16) 19 (-9)
韓國 Korea (the Republic of) 8 (-8) 17 (-8) 39 (-16) 71 (-16) 46 (-15) 88 (-15)
- 釜山 - Busan 5 (-10) 11 (-6) 18 (-19) 35 (-14) 23 (-17) 46 (-12)
- 仁川 - Incheon 3 (+8) 6 (-5) 19 (-11) 32 (-19) 22 (-9) 38 (-17)
- 蔚山 - Ulsan § (+427) § (+157) § (-65) § (-67) § (-52) § (-54)
- 麗水 - Yeosu Gwangyang § (-64) § (-56) 2 (-32) 4 (-5) 2 (-36) 5 (-14)
澳門 Macao 8 (-36) 22 (-22) 1 (-52) 4 (-36) 9 (-39) 26 (-25)
馬來西亞 Malaysia 11 (+16) 21 (0) 32 (-27) 60 (-21) 43 (-19) 81 (-16)
- 民都魯 - Bintulu ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 4 (-19) 7 (-24) 4 (-19) 7 (-24)
- 哥打京那峇魯 - Kota Kinabalu ‡ (‡) §† (+264) 4 (-7) 8 (-12) 5 (-6) 8 (-9)
- 古晉 - Kuching § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) 1† (-45) 2 (-39) 1† (-45) 2 (-35)
- 巴西古當 - Pasir Gudang 1† (+5) 1 (-37) 3 (+78) 4 (+28) 3 (+61) 5 (+8)
- 檳城 - Penang Island 1 (-8) 2 (-8) 1 (-8) 2 (-9) 3 (-8) 4 (-9)
- 巴生港 - Port Klang 8 (+24) 14 (+5) 16 (-36) 32 (-23) 24 (-24) 46 (-17)
- 詩巫 - Sibu § (n.a.) § (n.a.) §† (-72) 1 (-57) §† (-72) 1 (-57)
- 丹戎帕拉帕斯 - Tanjung Pelepas 2 (+7) 4 (-4) 1 (-47) 3 (-32) 3 (-20) 6 (-18)
緬甸 Myanmar ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-52) 1 (-55) 1 (-62) 1 (-64)
- 仰光 - Rangoon ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-52) 1 (-55) 1 (-62) 1 (-64)
巴基斯坦 Pakistan ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 喀拉蚩 - Karachi ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
菲律賓 Philippines 6 (-6) 12 (-12) 64 (-13) 118 (-12) 70 (-12) 130 (-12)
- 宿霧 - Cebu § (+51) 1 (+37) 13 (+15) 23 (+6) 13 (+16) 24 (+6)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 78 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total containers loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 達沃市 - Davao ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 7 (-2) 12 (-11) 7 (-2) 12 (-11)
- 馬尼拉 - Manila 4 (-22) 9 (-19) 28 (-30) 54 (-29) 33 (-29) 63 (-28)
- 蘇比克 - Subic 1† (+443) 1 (+171) 2 (+31) 4 (+45) 3 (+54) 5 (+60)
新加坡 Singapore 7 (+38) 12 (+13) 12 (-21) 25 (-10) 19 (-6) 37 (-4)
斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka §† (-5) 1 (-24) §† (+21) 1 (-49) 1 (+7) 2 (-39)
- 科倫坡 - Colombo §† (-5) 1 (-24) §† (+21) 1 (-49) 1 (+7) 2 (-39)
台灣 Taiwan 13 (+1) 23 (-23) 77 (-26) 140 (-26) 90 (-23) 163 (-26)
- 高雄 - Kaohsiung 5 (-15) 9 (-28) 30 (-41) 55 (-41) 34 (-39) 64 (-39)
- 基隆 - Keelung 5 (+13) 10 (-26) 29 (-24) 52 (-21) 35 (-20) 62 (-22)
- 台中 - Taichung 1 (+49) 3 (+6) 14 (+8) 25 (+7) 16 (+10) 27 (+7)
- 台北 - Taipei 1 (-9) 3 (-9) 4 (+55) 7 (+32) 5 (+35) 10 (+18)
泰國 Thailand 7 (-12) 14 (-20) 42 (-8) 78 (-1) 49 (-9) 92 (-4)
- 曼谷 - Bangkok 3 (+16) 5 (-2) 7 (+4) 13 (-3) 10 (+7) 18 (-3)
- 林查班 - Laem Chabang 4 (-20) 9 (-25) 34 (-10) 65 (0) 39 (-11) 74 (-4)
越南 Vietnam 17 (+1) 31 (-20) 45 (-39) 90 (-28) 62 (-32) 121 (-26)
- 蓋梅港 - Cai Mep § (n.a.) § (n.a.) 1 (-22) 2 (-3) 1 (-22) 2 (-3)
- 峴港 - Da-nang §† (-30) 1 (-41) 2 (+29) 3 (+29) 2 (+10) 4 (+5)
- 海防 - Haiphong 13 (+7) 23 (-17) 25 (-50) 53 (-36) 38 (-38) 76 (-31)
- 胡志明市 - Ho Chi Minh City 4 (-13) 7 (-23) 15 (-24) 29 (-15) 19 (-22) 37 (-17)
北美洲 North America 14 (-16) 26 (-45) 69 (-42) 147 (-36) 83 (-39) 173 (-38)
加拿大 Canada 2 (-21) 4 (-35) 12 (-31) 26 (-25) 15 (-29) 30 (-26)
- 哈利法克斯 - Halifax § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
- 魯佩特王子港 - Prince Rupert 1 (+19) 1 (-6) 4 (-12) 8 (-25) 5 (-8) 9 (-23)
- 溫哥華 - Vancouver 2 (-32) 3 (-42) 8 (-37) 18 (-24) 9 (-37) 21 (-27)
美國 USA 12 (-15) 22 (-47) 57 (-44) 121 (-38) 69 (-41) 143 (-40)
- 巴爾的摩 - Baltimore §† (+53) § (-23) 3 (-9) 5 (-30) 3 (-6) 6 (-30)
- 查理斯頓 - Charleston ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 3 (+32) 6 (+31) 3 (+29) 6 (+26)
- 候斯頓 - Houston §† (+6) 1 (-29) 2 (-29) 4 (-41) 3 (-25) 5 (-40)
- 長堤 - Long Beach 4 (-23) 9 (-43) 10 (-63) 25 (-57) 14 (-56) 34 (-54)
- 洛杉磯 - Los Angeles 3 (+17) 4 (-49) 13 (-33) 24 (-25) 15 (-27) 29 (-30)
- 邁阿美 - Miami §† (-24) §† (-44) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-64) 1 (-53)
- 紐約 - New York 2 (-14) 3 (-47) 8 (-47) 15 (-43) 10 (-42) 19 (-44)
- 奧克蘭 - Oakland 1 (+19) 1 (-63) 6 (-31) 15 (-4) 7 (-28) 16 (-14)
- 薩瓦納 - Savannah 1 (-47) 1 (-60) 6 (-56) 13 (-43) 7 (-55) 14 (-45)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 79 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total containers loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 西雅圖 - Seattle ‡ (‡) §† (-38) 3 (-12) 6 (-16) 3 (-12) 6 (-18)
- 塔科馬 - Tacoma §† (-15) §† (-67) ‡ (‡) 1† (-70) 1† (-77) 1 (-69)
- 維珍尼亞 - Virginia ‡ (‡) §† (-71) 2† (+3) 3 (-20) 2 (-18) 3 (-31)
中美洲及南美洲 Cen/South America 8 (-7) 16 (-18) 100 (-10) 184 (-12) 108 (-9) 200 (-13)
阿根廷 Argentina §† (+4) 1 (-40) 12 (-4) 20 (-6) 12 (-3) 21 (-8)
- 布宜諾斯艾利斯 - Buenos Aires §† (0) 1 (-41) 10 (-10) 17 (-12) 10 (-9) 18 (-14)
巴西 Brazil 2 (+15) 3 (-5) 18 (-14) 36 (-9) 19 (-13) 39 (-8)
- 納韋甘蒂斯 - Navegantes §† (-29) 1 (+20) 4 (-11) 9 (+32) 4 (-12) 9 (+31)
- 巴拉那瓜 - Paranagua ‡ (‡) §† (+3) 1† (-33) 2 (-27) 1 (-31) 3 (-25)
- 聖多斯 - Santos 1 (+34) 1 (-6) 7 (-14) 14 (-4) 8 (-11) 16 (-4)
智利 Chile 1† (+6) 1 (-22) 5 (-9) 10 (-29) 6 (-8) 11 (-28)
- 科羅內爾 - Coronel ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 伊基克 - Iquique ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (-38) 1 (-29) 1† (-35) 1 (-28)
- 聖安東尼奧 - San Antonio §† (+1) 1† (-31) 4 (+8) 8 (-12) 5 (+7) 8 (-14)
- 瓦爾帕萊索 - Valparaiso ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-37) 1† (-71) 1† (-28) 1† (-64)
哥倫比亞 Colombia §† (-64) 1† (-45) 5 (-39) 10 (-31) 5 (-41) 10 (-32)
- 布埃納文圖拉 - Buenaventura ‡ (‡) 1† (-52) 4 (-42) 7 (-36) 4 (-44) 8 (-38)
- 卡塔赫納 - Cartagena ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (0) 2 (+4) 1† (+2) 2 (+7)
多明尼加共和國 Dominican R ‡ (‡) §† (+10) 1 (-53) 2 (-49) 1 (-52) 3 (-45)
厄瓜多爾 Ecuador §† (-31) §† (-6) 4 (+15) 8 (+36) 4 (+11) 8 (+33)
- 瓜亞基爾 - Guayaquil §† (-38) §† (-12) 3 (-8) 5 (+1) 3 (-11) 6 (0)
危地馬拉 Guatemala ‡ (‡) §† (+38) 1 (+7) 3 (+11) 2 (+14) 3 (+14)
牙買加 Jamaica ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (-53) 2 (-46) 1† (-56) 2 (-44)
- 京斯頓 - Kingston ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (-53) 2 (-46) 1† (-56) 2 (-44)
墨西哥 Mexico 3 (-13) 5 (-24) 30 (-10) 56 (-14) 32 (-11) 61 (-15)
- 曼薩尼略 - Manzanillo 2 (-13) 4 (-24) 19 (-16) 35 (-18) 20 (-16) 39 (-18)
巴拿馬 Panama 1 (+46) 1 (-15) 10 (+44) 16 (+19) 11 (+44) 17 (+16)
- 巴波亞 - Balboa ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 4 (+366) 4 (+155) 4 (+337) 5 (+139)
- 科隆 - Colon §† (+88) 1† (+27) 4 (+6) 7 (+13) 4 (+12) 8 (+14)
秘魯 Peru §† (-39) 1 (-32) 6 (-1) 11 (-19) 6 (-4) 11 (-19)
- 卡亞俄 - Callao §† (-39) 1 (-32) 6 (-1) 11 (-19) 6 (-4) 11 (-20)
烏拉圭 Uruguay §† (-44) 1 (-12) 5 (+43) 8 (+32) 5 (+35) 9 (+28)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 80 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total containers loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
西歐 Western Europe 8 (-5) 17 (-21) 11 (-31) 25 (-15) 20 (-21) 42 (-18)
比利時 Belgium §† (-61) §† (-51) ‡ (‡) §† (-73) §† (-77) 1 (-65)
- 安特衛普 - Antwerp §† (-49) §† (-20) ‡ (‡) §† (-73) §† (-79) 1 (-57)
- 澤布呂赫 - Zeebrugge ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
丹麥 Denmark §† (+55) §† (-44) § (-100) § (-100) §† (+33) §† (-46)
- 阿爾路斯 - Aarhus ‡ (‡) §† (-37) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) §† (-40)
芬蘭 Finland ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-53) § (-22) ‡ (‡) §† (0)
- 赫爾辛基 - Helsinki ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
法國 France §† (-16) §† (-40) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+21) 1† (-8)
- 福斯 - Fos §† (+325) §† (+106) § (-100) ‡ (‡) §† (+247) §† (+48)
- 勒阿弗爾 - Le Havre ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
德國 Germany 3 (+4) 7 (-11) 2 (-70) 5 (-60) 5 (-45) 11 (-41)
- 不萊梅港 - Bremerhaven §† (+179) §† (+308) § (-100) § (-22) §† (+50) § (+155)
- 漢堡 - Hamburg 3 (+1) 6 (-13) 2 (-69) 5 (-60) 5 (-46) 11 (-42)
希臘 Greece 1† (-26) 1 (-38) 3 (-4) 7 (+34) 4 (-8) 8 (+12)
- 比雷埃夫斯 - Piraeus 1† (-32) 1 (-42) 3 (-2) 6 (+37) 4 (-8) 8 (+13)
意大利 Italy 1 (+106) 2 (+101) 2 (+990) 4 (@@) 3 (+377) 6 (+404)
- 熱內亞 - Genoa 1† (+189) 1 (+263) 1† (@@) 1 (@@) 1 (+497) 2 (+813)
- 拉斯佩齊亞 - La Spezia §† (+75) §† (+1) 1† (+437) 1† (+908) 1† (+273) 1 (+242)
荷蘭 Netherlands 2 (-16) 3 (-35) 2 (-71) 4 (-55) 3 (-57) 7 (-48)
- 鹿特丹 - Rotterdam 2 (-16) 3 (-35) 2 (-71) 4 (-55) 3 (-57) 7 (-48)
葡萄牙 Portugal ‡ (‡) §† (+34) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-32)
- 錫尼什 - Sines ‡ (‡) §† (+155) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) §† (+155)
西班牙 Spain 1† (+89) 1 (+31) ‡ (‡) §† (+172) 1 (+45) 1 (+59)
- 阿爾赫西拉斯 - Algeciras ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 巴塞羅那 - Barcelona §† (+28) § (+42) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+19) 1 (+55)
- 瓦倫西亞 - Valencia ‡ (‡) §† (+107) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (+130)
土耳其 Türkiye §† (-31) §† (-10) 2 (+302) 2 (+378) 2 (+182) 3 (+205)
- 伊斯坦堡 - Istanbul §† (-28) §† (-11) 1 (+435) 1 (+712) 1 (+195) 2 (+227)
- 伊茲密爾 - Izmir ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (@@) 1† (@@) §† (@@) 1† (+710)
- 梅爾辛 - Mersin § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
英國 United Kingdom 1† (-48) 1 (-62) § (-73) §† (-36) 1† (-52) 1 (-56)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 81 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total containers loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 非力托 - Felixstowe ‡ (‡) §† (-30) § (+545) § (+23) ‡ (‡) §† (-23)
- 倫敦 - London § (n.a.) § (-100) § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) ‡ (‡)
- 南開普敦 - Southampton §† (-37) 1† (-55) § (-100) ‡ (‡) §† (-45) 1† (-50)
獨立國家聯合體及東歐 CIS and Eastern Europe 1 (-35) 1 (-29) 6 (+70) 10 (+66) 7 (+51) 11 (+47)
波蘭 Poland §† (-6) §† (+52) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-38) §† (-1)
- 格但斯克 - Gdansk §† (+10) §† (+91) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-25) §† (+41)
俄羅斯 Russia §† (-52) § (-60) 6 (+63) 9 (+66) 6 (+47) 10 (+46)
- 聖彼得堡 - Saint Petersburg § (n.a.) § (-100) § (n.a.) § (-100) § (n.a.) § (-100)
- 瓦尼諾 - Vanino § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 海參崴 - Vladivostok ‡ (‡) §† (-39) 4 (+31) 5 (+7) 4 (+22) 5 (+3)
- 東方港 - Vostochny ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (+43) 1 (+35) 1† (+15) 1 (+19)
非洲 Africa 2 (-6) 3 (+2) 3 (+29) 5 (+16) 4 (+13) 7 (+10)
埃及 Egypt ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (+666) 1 (+440) 1 (+194) 1 (+196)
- 塞得港 - Port Said § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
摩洛哥 Morocco ‡ (‡) §† (+103) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+77)
- 卡薩布蘭卡 - Casablanca ‡ (‡) §† (0) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+62)
- 丹吉爾地中海 - Tanger Med ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
南非 South Africa 1 (-1) 1 (-14) 1 (-25) 2 (-25) 2 (-17) 3 (-22)
- 德班 - Durban 1 (+19) 1 (+3) 1 (-17) 2 (-23) 2 (-4) 3 (-15)
中東 Middle East 1 (-15) 1 (-62) 1 (+215) 2 (+116) 2 (+76) 3 (-2)
阿曼 Oman § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
- 塞拉萊 - Salalah § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) § (-100) ‡ (‡)
卡塔爾 Qatar § (n.a.) § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+101) ‡ (‡) §† (+38)
- 達曼 - Dammam ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+101) ‡ (‡) §† (+51)
- 吉達 - Jeddah § (n.a.) ‡ (‡) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) ‡ (‡)
- 阿卜杜拉國王 - King Abdullah § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
阿拉伯聯合酋長國 U A Emirates ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (+130) 1† (+7) 1† (+10) 1 (-41)
- 杜拜 - Dubai ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1† (+118) 1† (-6) 1† (+6) 1† (-45)
澳大利西亞及大洋洲 Australasia/Oceania 4 (-17) 8 (-29) 48 (-14) 90 (-13) 52 (-14) 98 (-15)
澳大利亞 Australia 3 (-22) 6 (-34) 29 (-26) 57 (-24) 33 (-26) 64 (-25)
- 布里斯班 - Brisbane §† (+40) 1 (-13) 7 (-4) 14 (-18) 8 (-2) 14 (-18)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 82 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.2 (續) 按主要卸貨國家/地區及港口劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
出口 離港轉運 裝上貨櫃總量
國家/地區 Country/territory Exports Outward transhipment Total containers loaded
港口 Port 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
- 弗利曼道 - Fremantle §† (+16) §† (-27) §† (-61) 1† (-57) 1† (-54) 1 (-53)
- 格蘭斯頓 - Gladstone § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
- 墨爾砵 - Melbourne 1 (-3) 3 (-15) 11 (-34) 21 (-31) 13 (-32) 24 (-30)
- 悉尼 - Sydney 1 (-45) 2 (-50) 9 (-22) 19 (-15) 10 (-26) 22 (-21)
新西蘭 New Zealand 1† (-2) 1 (-22) 10 (+8) 19 (+6) 11 (+7) 20 (+4)
- 奧克蘭 - Auckland 1† (-6) 1 (-20) 8 (+28) 14 (+15) 8 (+25) 15 (+12)
- 列提爾頓 - Lyttelton ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 1 (-44) 2 (-32) 1 (-42) 2 (-34)
- 陶朗加 - Tauranga ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-78) 1† (-44) §† (-73) 1 (-39)
巴布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea §† (+22) § (+12) 5 (+40) 8 (+56) 5 (+39) 8 (+54)
- 萊城 - Lae ‡ (‡) §† (+12) 3 (+31) 5 (+53) 3 (+32) 5 (+52)
- 莫勒斯比港 - Port Moresby § (-18) §† (+12) 2 (+58) 2 (+61) 2 (+55) 2 (+57)
未能識別之港口 Ports not identified § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
所有港口 All ports 271 (-23) 540 (-21) 1 071 (-20) 2 067 (-13) 1 341 (-20) 2 607 (-15)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 83 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.3 按主要裝載貨品及運輸方式劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
Laden containers discharged by principal commodity carried and mode of transport 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨品類別/組別 Commodity section/group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

食物;飲料及煙草類 Food; beverages and tobacco 296 (-16) 559 (-14) 25 (-40) 49 (-18) 321 (-19) 607 (-15)
- 飲料 - Beverages 15 (-8) 29 (-7) 4 (-38) 7 (-13) 19 (-16) 36 (-8)
- 穀類及其製品 - Cereals and cereal preparations 37 (-31) 69 (-27) 6 (-52) 10 (-35) 43 (-35) 79 (-28)
- 主要作食用的動物及其製品 - Live animals chiefly for food and edible 86 (-11) 161 (-8) 2 (-36) 4 (-20) 88 (-12) 165 (-8)
animal products
- 蔬果類 - Vegetables and fruit 61 (-19) 117 (-25) 2 (-36) 4 (-36) 63 (-20) 120 (-25)
非食用原料類 (燃料除外) Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 194 (-12) 372 (-12) 29 (-37) 61 (-13) 224 (-16) 432 (-12)
- 原木及木材;稍作加工的木材 - Logs and timber; wood, simply worked 42 (-23) 74 (-28) 7 (-51) 16 (-15) 49 (-29) 90 (-26)
- 金屬礦砂及金屬廢料 - Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 64 (+3) 119 (+5) 5 (-39) 11 (-20) 69 (-2) 131 (+2)
- 紙漿及廢紙 - Pulp and waste paper 44 (-14) 93 (-5) 3 (-44) 9 (-4) 48 (-17) 102 (-5)
- 石料、沙及礫石 - Stone, sand and gravel 4 (-15) 8 (+2) 7 (-9) 11 (+1) 10 (-11) 19 (+1)
- 紡織纖維及其廢料 - Textile fibres and their wastes 9 (-32) 19 (-45) §† (-91) 1† (-72) 10 (-38) 19 (-46)
礦物燃料、潤滑油及副產品 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related 8 (-10) 15 (-15) 1 (-49) 2 (-26) 9 (-15) 17 (-17)
類;動植物油、脂肪及蠟脂類 materials; animal and vegetable oils,
fats and waxes
化學製品及相關產品類 Chemicals and related products 184 (-18) 370 (-15) 40 (-44) 90 (-14) 224 (-24) 460 (-15)
- 人造樹脂、塑料、纖維素酯及 - Artificial resins and plastic materials, 105 (-10) 209 (-14) 22 (-45) 54 (-5) 127 (-19) 263 (-12)
纖維素醚 and cellulose esters and ethers
- 無機化學品 - Inorganic chemicals 19 (-34) 37 (-22) 6 (-32) 12 (-8) 25 (-34) 49 (-19)
- 有機化學品 - Organic chemicals 16 (-21) 36 (-7) 2 (-34) 4 (-9) 18 (-23) 39 (-7)
機械及交通工具 Machinery and transport equipment 120 (-27) 243 (-22) 178 (-25) 321 (-13) 298 (-26) 565 (-17)
- 機械 - Machinery 90 (-28) 186 (-23) 168 (-24) 301 (-12) 258 (-26) 487 (-17)
- 電腦及其他辦公室機器 - Computers and other office machines 9 (-29) 19 (-11) 6 (-55) 12 (-39) 15 (-42) 32 (-25)
- 電訊、影像及聲音器具 - Telecommunications, video and sound 6 (-45) 13 (-41) 9 (-40) 16 (-25) 15 (-42) 29 (-33)
- 其他機械 - Other machinery 76 (-26) 154 (-23) 153 (-21) 273 (-10) 229 (-23) 427 (-15)
- 交通工具 - Transport equipment 29 (-23) 58 (-15) 10 (-30) 20 (-21) 40 (-25) 77 (-17)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 84 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.3 (續) 按主要裝載貨品及運輸方式劃分的卸下載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers discharged by principal commodity carried and mode of transport 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨品類別/組別 Commodity section/group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

製成品 Manufactured goods 326 (-21) 632 (-21) 161 (-46) 307 (-34) 487 (-32) 939 (-26)
- 衣物及衣服配件 - Articles of apparel and clothing 12 (-39) 24 (-35) 4 (-77) 7 (-71) 16 (-57) 31 (-49)
- 磚、陶瓷瓦片及耐火建築材料 - Bricks, ceramic tile and refractory 5 (-28) 10 (-18) 20 (-4) 32 (-4) 26 (-11) 42 (-8)
construction materials
- 水泥及混凝土預製件、建築用 - Cement and concrete structure, building 5 (-46) 10 (-45) 5 (-43) 7 (-38) 10 (-45) 17 (-42)
砌塊及礦物製成品 blocks and mineral manufactures
- 軟木及木製品 (傢具除外) - Cork and wood manufactures 15 (-40) 30 (-37) 3 (-61) 5 (-55) 18 (-45) 35 (-40)
(excluding furniture)
- 鞋類 - Footwear 9 (-9) 15 (-27) 3 (-34) 4 (-37) 12 (-16) 20 (-30)
- 傢具及有關附件 - Furniture and parts thereof 20 (-47) 40 (-49) 13 (-45) 23 (-36) 32 (-47) 63 (-45)
- 玻璃及玻璃器具 - Glass and glassware 9 (+15) 18 (0) 3 (-65) 5 (-53) 12 (-25) 24 (-21)
- 鋼鐵 - Iron and steel 17 (-13) 33 (-15) 5 (-24) 8 (-15) 22 (-16) 41 (-15)
- 有色金屬 - Non-ferrous metals 23 (-25) 42 (-27) 6 (-27) 11 (-9) 28 (-25) 53 (-24)
- 紙張和紙製品 - Paper and paper products 54 (-17) 104 (-12) 18 (-40) 36 (-18) 72 (-24) 140 (-14)
- 塑膠製品 - Plastic manufactures 11 (-25) 21 (-23) 9 (-60) 18 (-49) 20 (-46) 39 (-37)
- 衞生、水管、熱力及照明設備 - Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting 4 (-21) 7 (-39) 6 (-59) 10 (-53) 10 (-49) 17 (-49)
- 紡織紗、紡織品及有關製成品 - Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles 22 (-21) 42 (-23) 5 (-64) 12 (-44) 27 (-35) 54 (-29)
and related products
- 工具、刃具、金屬家用器具及 - Tools, cutlery, metal household ware 15 (-36) 28 (-36) 16 (-51) 30 (-38) 31 (-45) 58 (-37)
製成品 and manufactures
- 玩具 - Toys 9 (-38) 19 (-25) 2 (-72) 3 (-59) 11 (-47) 23 (-33)
- 旅行用品、手袋及同類產品 - Travel goods, handbags and similar 2 (-51) 6 (-40) 3 (-57) 4 (-55) 5 (-54) 10 (-47)
未能分類的貨物 Commodities not classified elsewhere ‡ (‡) §† (-83) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (-81)
所有貨品 All commodities 1 128 (-18) 2 191 (-17) 434 (-38) 829 (-22) 1 562 (-25) 3 020 (-18)

註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 85 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.4 按主要裝載貨品及運輸方式劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
Laden containers loaded by principal commodity carried and mode of transport 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨品類別/組別 Commodity section/group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

食物;飲料及煙草類 Food; beverages and tobacco 148 (-12) 272 (-10) 61 (-38) 129 (-20) 209 (-21) 401 (-14)
- 飲料 - Beverages 6 (-32) 12 (-24) 3 (-46) 6 (-24) 8 (-37) 17 (-24)
- 穀類及其製品 - Cereals and cereal preparations 21 (0) 35 (-5) 11 (-58) 23 (-42) 32 (-32) 58 (-24)
- 主要作食用的動物及其製品 - Live animals chiefly for food and edible 51 (-16) 98 (-10) 11 (-9) 23 (+15) 63 (-15) 121 (-6)
animal products
- 蔬果類 - Vegetables and fruit 19 (-20) 35 (-17) 4 (-80) 8 (-77) 23 (-45) 43 (-45)
非食用原料類 (燃料除外) Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 124 (-21) 240 (-18) 103 (-8) 201 (+10) 227 (-16) 441 (-8)
- 原木及木材;稍作加工的木材 - Logs and timber; wood, simply worked 21 (-31) 38 (-33) 24 (-23) 42 (-15) 44 (-27) 80 (-24)
- 金屬礦砂及金屬廢料 - Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 35 (-18) 69 (-13) 34 (+52) 65 (+55) 69 (+6) 134 (+11)
- 紙漿及廢紙 - Pulp and waste paper 33 (-27) 66 (-13) 26 (-12) 58 (+20) 59 (-21) 124 (0)
- 石料、沙及礫石 - Stone, sand and gravel 4 (+51) 6 (+12) 6 (-49) 11 (-33) 10 (-33) 18 (-21)
- 紡織纖維及其廢料 - Textile fibres and their wastes 9 (-25) 17 (-43) 1 (-44) 2 (-47) 10 (-28) 19 (-44)
礦物燃料、潤滑油及副產品 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related 6 (-14) 12 (-13) 2 (-25) 5 (+17) 8 (-17) 17 (-5)
類;動植物油、脂肪及蠟脂類 materials; animal and vegetable oils,
fats and waxes
化學製品及相關產品類 Chemicals and related products 95 (-25) 190 (-17) 85 (-35) 189 (-9) 180 (-30) 378 (-13)
- 人造樹脂、塑料、纖維素酯及 - Artificial resins and plastic materials, 41 (-23) 85 (-14) 60 (-33) 136 (-8) 100 (-29) 220 (-10)
纖維素醚 and cellulose esters and ethers
- 無機化學品 - Inorganic chemicals 16 (-32) 31 (-20) 6 (-32) 11 (-13) 22 (-32) 42 (-19)
- 有機化學品 - Organic chemicals 10 (-14) 21 (-8) 7 (-9) 16 (+31) 18 (-12) 37 (+6)
機械及交通工具 Machinery and transport equipment 242 (-17) 457 (-18) 44 (-20) 82 (-7) 286 (-17) 539 (-17)
- 機械 - Machinery 210 (-17) 390 (-20) 34 (-21) 64 (-7) 244 (-17) 454 (-19)
- 電腦及其他辦公室機器 - Computers and other office machines 18 (-1) 34 (-18) 3 (-10) 6 (-7) 21 (-2) 40 (-17)
- 電訊、影像及聲音器具 - Telecommunications, video and sound 14 (-25) 26 (-38) 2 (-52) 4 (-22) 15 (-30) 30 (-36)
- 其他機械 - Other machinery 178 (-17) 330 (-19) 29 (-19) 54 (-5) 207 (-18) 385 (-17)
- 交通工具 - Transport equipment 32 (-16) 67 (-3) 10 (-14) 18 (-5) 42 (-15) 85 (-4)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 86 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.4 (續) 按主要裝載貨品及運輸方式劃分的裝上載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Laden containers loaded by principal commodity carried and mode of transport 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨品類別/組別 Commodity section/group Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

製成品 Manufactured goods 346 (-19) 658 (-22) 85 (-25) 171 (-4) 431 (-20) 829 (-19)
- 衣物及衣服配件 - Articles of apparel and clothing 11 (-44) 25 (-41) 1 (-49) 2 (-22) 12 (-44) 27 (-40)
- 磚、陶瓷瓦片及耐火建築材料 - Bricks, ceramic tile and refractory 20 (-10) 32 (-8) 4 (+87) 6 (+70) 24 (-1) 37 (-2)
construction materials
- 水泥及混凝土預製件、建築用 - Cement and concrete structure, building 7 (-34) 13 (-32) 2 (+70) 3 (+54) 9 (-25) 16 (-25)
砌塊及礦物製成品 blocks and mineral manufactures
- 軟木及木製品 (傢具除外) - Cork and wood manufactures 15 (-40) 29 (-38) 2 (+58) 5 (+93) 17 (-34) 33 (-31)
(excluding furniture)
- 鞋類 - Footwear 7 (-37) 14 (-46) 1 (-9) 2 (+26) 8 (-35) 16 (-42)
- 傢具及有關附件 - Furniture and parts thereof 30 (-41) 59 (-42) 1 (-62) 3 (-28) 31 (-42) 62 (-42)
- 玻璃及玻璃器具 - Glass and glassware 6 (-15) 12 (-18) 2 (-40) 3 (-35) 8 (-22) 15 (-23)
- 鋼鐵 - Iron and steel 15 (-21) 29 (-19) 2 (-34) 5 (-8) 17 (-23) 34 (-17)
- 有色金屬 - Non-ferrous metals 18 (+3) 32 (-10) 11 (-53) 22 (-43) 29 (-29) 54 (-28)
- 紙張和紙製品 - Paper and paper products 37 (-7) 68 (-1) 15 (-21) 31 (+3) 52 (-11) 99 (0)
- 塑膠製品 - Plastic manufactures 14 (-33) 27 (-31) 2 (-54) 4 (-33) 16 (-37) 31 (-31)
- 衞生、水管、熱力及照明設備 - Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting 9 (-27) 15 (-32) 1 (-11) 2 (+42) 10 (-26) 17 (-28)
- 紡織紗、紡織品及有關製成品 - Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles 12 (-41) 23 (-46) 13 (+16) 23 (+29) 25 (-20) 47 (-24)
and related products
- 工具、刃具、金屬家用器具及 - Tools, cutlery, metal household ware 20 (-40) 42 (-33) 3 (-52) 10 (+9) 23 (-42) 52 (-27)
製成品 and manufactures
- 玩具 - Toys 11 (-29) 21 (-40) 2 (+13) 3 (+37) 13 (-26) 24 (-36)
- 旅行用品、手袋及同類產品 - Travel goods, handbags and similar 4 (-47) 8 (-49) 1† (-12) 1† (-7) 5 (-44) 9 (-46)
未能分類的貨物 Commodities not classified elsewhere §† (-73) 1† (-75) §† (-51) § (-34) 1 (-68) 1 (-67)
所有貨品 All commodities 963 (-18) 1 829 (-19) 379 (-26) 778 (-6) 1 341 (-20) 2 607 (-15)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 87 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.5 按貨物裝卸地點及運輸方式劃分的載貨貨櫃吞吐量
Laden container throughput by cargo handling location and mode of transport 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
海運 河運 水運總計
貨物裝卸地點 Cargo handling location Seaborne River Waterborne total
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

卸下 Discharged 1 128 (-18) 2 191 (-17) 434 (-38) 829 (-22) 1 562 (-25) 3 020 (-18)

碇泊處和浮泡 Anchorages and buoys 46 (+5) 86 (+25) 27 (-56) 54 (-33) 74 (-30) 140 (-6)

泊位和倉庫碼頭(包括 Berths and wharves (including 23 (-19) 46 (-11) 229 (-32) 442 (-16) 252 (-31) 487 (-16)
公眾貨物裝卸區) public cargo working areas)

貨櫃碼頭 Container terminals 1 058 (-19) 2 059 (-18) 178 (-41) 334 (-27) 1 237 (-23) 2 393 (-20)

裝上 Loaded 963 (-18) 1 829 (-19) 379 (-26) 778 (-6) 1 341 (-20) 2 607 (-15)

碇泊處和浮泡 Anchorages and buoys 40 (+18) 75 (+29) 15 (-49) 33 (-31) 55 (-13) 108 (+2)

泊位和倉庫碼頭(包括 Berths and wharves (including 25 (-27) 48 (-16) 197 (-19) 404 (+5) 221 (-20) 452 (+2)
公眾貨物裝卸區) public cargo working areas)

貨櫃碼頭 Container terminals 898 (-19) 1 707 (-20) 167 (-30) 341 (-12) 1 065 (-21) 2 047 (-19)

合計 Overall 2 091 (-18) 4 020 (-18) 813 (-33) 1 607 (-15) 2 904 (-23) 5 628 (-17)

碇泊處和浮泡 Anchorages and buoys 86 (+11) 161 (+27) 42 (-54) 87 (-32) 128 (-24) 248 (-3)

泊位和倉庫碼頭(包括 Berths and wharves (including 48 (-24) 94 (-14) 425 (-27) 845 (-7) 473 (-26) 939 (-8)
公眾貨物裝卸區) public cargo working areas)

貨櫃碼頭 Container terminals 1 957 (-19) 3 766 (-19) 345 (-36) 675 (-21) 2 302 (-22) 4 441 (-19)

註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Notes : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.
泊位和倉庫碼頭包括公眾貨物裝卸區及私人泊位和倉庫碼頭。 Berths and wharves include public cargo working areas and private berths and wharves.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 88 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4.6 按主要裝貨/卸貨國家/地區劃分而與中國內地有關的水運轉運載貨貨櫃
Waterborne laden containers for transhipment related to the mainland of China
by major country/territory of loading/discharge 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
抵港轉運往中國內地v 來自中國內地而離港轉運 W
國家/地區 Country/territory v W
Inward transhipment destined for the mainland of China Outward transhipment originated from the mainland of China
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%)
亞洲 Asia 300 (-21) 602 (-11) 265 (-19) 496 (-12)
孟加拉 Bangladesh ‡ (‡) §† (+59) 1 (-68) 2 (-58)
文萊 Brunei Darussalam § (-100) § (-100) 3 (+103) 5 (+16)
柬埔寨 Cambodia §† (-74) 1† (-74) 3 (-59) 7 (-56)
印度 India 6 (-43) 10 (-30) 3 (-9) 6 (+57)
印度尼西亞 Indonesia 24 (+57) 42 (+50) 4 (0) 9 (+4)
伊朗 Iran § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
日本 Japan 19 (-36) 37 (-27) 35 (-25) 66 (-21)
韓國 Korea (the Republic of) 15 (-14) 30 (0) 26 (-4) 46 (-7)
澳門 Macao ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) §† (+80) §† (+49)
馬來西亞 Malaysia 61 (+20) 114 (+18) 25 (-28) 45 (-25)
緬甸 Myanmar 1† (-54) 3 (-4) §† (+14) 1 (+3)
巴基斯坦 Pakistan 9 (-45) 15 (-47) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
菲律賓 Philippines 4 (-16) 7 (-12) 19 (-22) 36 (-20)
新加坡 Singapore 27 (-11) 55 (-10) 5 (-35) 11 (-11)
斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka 1† (-40) 2 (-26) ‡ (‡) §† (-74)
台灣 Taiwan 32 (-40) 65 (-38) 48 (-20) 88 (-16)
泰國 Thailand 24 (-6) 51 (-10) 26 (-5) 47 (-1)
越南 Vietnam 26 (-29) 49 (-22) 20 (-46) 38 (-32)
北美洲 North America 46 (+8) 87 (+18) 27 (-23) 48 (-26)
加拿大 Canada 13 (+24) 22 (+25) 6 (+24) 10 (+3)
美國 USA 33 (+3) 65 (+16) 21 (-30) 38 (-31)
中美洲及南美洲 Cen/South America 54 (-22) 101 (-18) 77 (-5) 140 (-7)
阿根廷 Argentina 2 (-32) 4 (-27) 11 (0) 18 (-1)
巴西 Brazil 11 (0) 24 (0) 14 (-13) 29 (-7)
智利 Chile 14 (-32) 23 (-38) 4 (-21) 7 (-29)
哥倫比亞 Colombia 2 (+49) 3 (+50) 3 (-27) 7 (-20)
多明尼加共和國 Dominican R ‡ (‡) 1† (-62) 1† (-64) 1 (-65)
厄瓜多爾 Ecuador 3 (-19) 8 (+32) 3 (+18) 4 (+44)
危地馬拉 Guatemala § (-100) ‡ (‡) 1 (+51) 3 (+45)
牙買加 Jamaica ‡ (‡) §† (-31) 1† (-30) 1† (-19)
墨西哥 Mexico 4 (-24) 6 (-21) 22 (-2) 40 (-8)
巴拿馬 Panama 1† (@@) 2 (+205) 8 (+51) 13 (+32)
秘魯 Peru 14 (-27) 25 (-17) 4 (-4) 8 (-13)
烏拉圭 Uruguay 2 (-33) 4 (-26) 5 (+55) 7 (+46)
西歐 Western Europe 19 (-6) 35 (+4) 10 (-3) 21 (+21)
比利時 Belgium 3 (+3) 5 (+11) ‡ (‡) §† (-54)

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

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4.6 (續) 按主要裝貨/卸貨國家/地區劃分而與中國內地有關的水運轉運載貨貨櫃
(Cont’d.) Waterborne laden containers for transhipment related to the mainland of China
by major country/territory of loading/discharge ’000 TEUs
2 0 2 3
抵港轉運往中國內地v 來自中國內地而離港轉運 W
國家/地區 Country/territory v W
Inward transhipment destined for the mainland of China Outward transhipment originated from the mainland of China
第2季 第1季至第2季 第2季 第1季至第2季
Q2 Q1-Q2 Q2 Q1-Q2
(%) (%) (%) (%)
丹麥 Denmark ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) § (-100) § (-100)
芬蘭 Finland ‡ (‡) 1† (@@) § (-100) § (-100)
法國 France 2† (+5) 3 (+20) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
德國 Germany 4 (-34) 5 (-46) 1† (-68) 3 (-55)
希臘 Greece 1 (+336) 2 (+167) 3 (+14) 6 (+60)
意大利 Italy 5 (+88) 8 (+83) 2 (@@) 4 (@@)
荷蘭 Netherlands 1† (-77) 3 (-57) 1† (-63) 3 (-35)
葡萄牙 Portugal §† (-28) §† (-46) § (-100) ‡ (‡)
西班牙 Spain 2 (+115) 3 (+123) ‡ (‡) §† (+45)
土耳其 Türkiye ‡ (‡) 1† (+226) 2 (+299) 2 (+412)
英國 United Kingdom 1† (-62) 2 (+12) § (-100) §† (+117)
獨立國家聯合體及東歐 CIS and Eastern Europe 1 (+43) 1 (-22) 6 (+66) 9 (+63)
波蘭 Poland § (-100) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
俄羅斯 Russia 1 (+60) 1 (+4) 6 (+59) 9 (+62)
非洲 Africa 5 (-48) 9 (-39) 2 (+60) 4 (+31)
埃及 Egypt 1† (-41) 1 (-24) § (@@) 1 (+915)
摩洛哥 Morocco ‡ (‡) 1† (-90) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
南非 South Africa 4 (+12) 6 (+42) 1 (-6) 2 (-24)
中東 Middle East 6 (-45) 13 (-29) 1 (+185) 2 (+232)
阿曼 Oman ‡ (‡) 1† (-84) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
卡塔爾 Qatar §† (n.a.) 1† (+478) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 4 (-19) 9 (+11) ‡ (‡) §† (+199)
阿拉伯聯合酋長國 U A Emirates 1 (-50) 2 (-41) ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡)
澳大利西亞及大洋洲 Australasia/Oceania 20 (+4) 34 (+1) 39 (-4) 73 (-6)
澳大利亞 Australia 6 (+3) 10 (+12) 24 (-19) 47 (-19)
新西蘭 New Zealand 14 (+16) 24 (+2) 9 (+17) 15 (+8)
巴布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea ‡ (‡) ‡ (‡) 4 (+92) 6 (+100)
未能識別之港口 Ports not identified § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.) § (n.a.)
合計 Overall 452 (-18) 883 (-10) 428 (-14) 794 (-10)
註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Notes : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.
v 水運抵港轉運往中國內地的貨物包括所有經輪船運入香港和經輪船轉運往中國 v Waterborne inward transhipment destined for the mainland of China covers
cargo carried into and out of Hong Kong by vessels for transhipment to the
mainland of China.
W 來自中國內地而經水運離港轉運的貨物則包括所有由中國內地經輪船運往香港 W Waterborne outward transhipment originated from the mainland of China
和經輪船轉運的貨物。 covers cargo carried into and out of Hong Kong by vessels for transhipment
from the mainland of China.

香港船務統計 2023年第2季 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics Q2 2023

香港特別行政區 政府統計處 - 90 - Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Statistical Tables

5 Supplementary tables

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5.1 按運輸方式劃分的貨物吞吐量
Cargo throughput by mode of transport 千公噸
’000 Tonnes
2022 2023
運輸方式 Mode of transport 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 第2季 第3季 第4季 第1季 第2季
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

卸下 Discharged

水運 Water 159 509 {91} 170 933 {92} 169 931 {92} 134 904 {90} 121 063 {94} 32 618 {95} 30 709 {94} 30 065 {93} 26 201 {92} 28 345 {91}

陸運 Land 14 140 {8} 13 125 {7} 12 425 {7} 13 567 {9} 6 589 {5} 1 289 {4} 1 571 {5} 1 813 {6} 2 069 {7} 2 548 {8}

空運 Air 1 781 {1} 1 607 {1} 1 448 {1} 1 636 {1} 1 391 {1} 369 {1} 343 {1} 333 {1} 304 {1} 305 {1}

裝上 Loaded

水運 Water 99 032 {90} 92 382 {90} 79 355 {89} 78 827 {89} 71 041 {93} 19 656 {94} 18 641 {94} 18 009 {93} 15 019 {92} 16 158 {91}

陸運 Land 7 476 {7} 7 279 {7} 6 674 {7} 6 246 {7} 2 550 {3} 553 {3} 594 {3} 598 {3} 750 {5} 891 {5}

空運 Air 3 237 {3} 3 097 {3} 2 972 {3} 3 351 {4} 2 778 {4} 727 {3} 677 {3} 713 {4} 639 {4} 737 {4}

卸下總計 Total discharged 175 430 {100} 185 665 {100} 183 803 {100} 150 106 {100} 129 044 {100} 34 276 {100} 32 623 {100} 32 211 {100} 28 574 {100} 31 198 {100}

裝上總計 Total loaded 109 745 {100} 102 758 {100} 89 001 {100} 88 423 {100} 76 369 {100} 20 936 {100} 19 911 {100} 19 320 {100} 16 407 {100} 17 786 {100}

註釋 : { } 在所有卸下或裝上的貨物中所佔的百分率。 Notes : { } Percentage share to total cargo discharged or loaded.

u 臨時數字。 u Provisional figures.

資料來源 : 水運 ─ 政府統計處 Sources : Water - Census and Statistics Department

陸運 ─ 香港海關 Land - Customs and Excise Department
空運 ─ 民航處 Air - Civil Aviation Department

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5.2 世界貨櫃港口的排列
Ranking of container ports of the world

貨櫃港口 Container port 2022 2021

千標準貨櫃單位 排列 千標準貨櫃單位 排列
’000 TEUs Rank ’000 TEUs Rank

上海 Shanghai 47 303 1 47 033 1

新加坡 Singapore 37 290 2 37 571 2

寧波 - 舟山 Ningbo - Zhoushan 33 351 3 31 079 3

深圳 Shenzhen 30 036 4 28 768 4

青島 Qingdao 25 672 5 23 714 6

廣州 Guangzhou 24 858 6 24 467 5

釜山 Busan 22 078 7 22 706 7

天津 Tianjin 21 021 8 20 269 8

香港 Hong Kong 16 685 9 17 798 9

鹿特丹 Rotterdam 14 456 10 15 300 10

杜拜 Dubai 13 970 11 13 742 12

安特衛普 - 布魯日 Antwerp - Bruges 13 484 12 14 224 11

資料來源 : 有關港口的網站。 Source : Website of the respective port authorities.

註釋 : * 修訂數字。 Note : * Revised figure.

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5.3 香港及選定港口的貨櫃吞吐量比較
Comparison of container throughput for Hong Kong and selected ports 千標準貨櫃單位
’000 TEUs
年 季 香港 上海 新加坡 寧波 -舟山 深圳 廣州 青島 釜山 天津 鹿特丹
Year Quarter Hong Kong Shanghai Singapore Ningbo-Zhoushan Shenzhen Guangzhou Qingdao Busan Tianjin Rotterdam

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

2018 19 596 (-6) 42 010 (+4) 36 599 (+9) 26 351 (+7) 25 736 (+2) 21 912 (+8) 19 315 (+5) 21 663 (+6) 16 007 (+6) 14 513 (+6)

2019 18 303 (-7) 43 303 (+3) 37 256 (+2) 27 535 (+4) 25 769 (0) 23 223 (+6) 21 012 (+9) 21 992 (+2) 17 301 (+8) 14 821 (+2)

2020 17 969 (-2) 43 503 (0) 36 942 (-1) 28 722 (+4) 26 548 (+3) 23 505 (+1) 22 008 (+5) 21 824 (-1) 18 353 (+6) 14 349 (-3)

2021 17 798 (-1) 47 033 (+8) 37 571 (+2) 31 079 (+8) 28 768 (+8) 24 467 (+4) 23 714 (+8) 22 706 (+4) 20 269 (+10) 15 300 (+7)

2022 16 685 (-6) 47 303 (+1) 37 290 (-1) 33 351 (+7) 30 036 (+4) 24 858 (+2) 25 672 (+8) 22 078 (-3) 21 021 (+4) 14 456 (-6)

2022 2 4 723 (+3) 10 281 (-11) 9 330 (-1) 9 562 (+14) 7 914 (+21) 6 325 (0) 6 573 (+8) 5 673 (-4) 5 889 (+1) 3 632 (-7)

3 4 208 (-9) 12 345 (+4) 9 612 (+2) 8 849 (+12) 7 537 (-1) 6 463 (+5) 6 701 (+9) 5 461 (-3) 6 031 (+10) 3 719 (-4)

4 4 049 (-9) 12 413 (+1) 9 270 (-2) 7 028 (-1) 8 097 (+10) 6 540 (+2) 6 498 (+10) 5 359 (-5) 4 471 (0) 3 458 (-9)

2023 1 3 433 (-7) 11 473 (-6) 9 009 (-1) 8 188 (+3) 6 173 (-5) 5 673 (+3) 6 619 (+12) 5 639 (+1) 5 049 (+9) 3 225 (-12)

2 3 688 (-22) 12 264 (+19) 10 020 (+7) 9 494 (-1) 7 354 (-7) 6 602 (+4) 7 319 (+11) 5 872 (+4) 6 313 (+7) 3 456 (-5)

註釋 : ( ) 與上年同期比較的變動百分率。 Note : ( ) Percentage change compared with the same period of preceding year.
資料來源 : 有關港口的網站。 Source : Website of the respective port authorities.

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