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Name:Melda Aisyah Rani Harahap


1. Judul:Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Understanding English Text (A Study at

English Program IAIN Padangsidimpuan)
2. Penulis:Eka Sustri Harida
3. Jenis artikel: research
4. dimuat:IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia ,
5. Data were collected through observation, interview, reading test, and questionnaires.
Observation was used to describe the students’ learning process during the reading
process. Interviews were carried out to find out their problems in understanding
English texts. Then, reading test was administered to describe students’ reading
comprehension. Questionnaires were used to take the data about their reading
strategy. Finally, data were analyzed through some steps: verifying, scoring,
grouping, and interpreting.
6. Conclusion
From the findings, it is known that the students’ reading comprehension are still low,
it is seen from the score (mean 52/82). It is still found that many students are still
unble to apply various reading strategies and also many of them have problems in
reaing. They didnot know the purpose of reading. They didnot have motivation,
concentration, and interest in reading, and others. Thus, it is important for the
lecturers to train them with other rellevant strategies.

7. Article support
Carrell, P. L, et. Al. (1988). Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Clark, H. H & Eve V Clark.(1977). Psychology and Language: An Introduction to
Psycholinguistics. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich International Edition.
Nurhanifah, D. (2010). The Problems of Second Grade Students of SMP N 4 Malang
in Learning English and the Efforts Made to Overcome Them (Laporan Penelitian).
Huraida, E.S. (2011). Reading Strategies Used by English Departement Stduents at
Muhammadiyah University. Tazkir Vol. 06 No. 1 Juni 2011 (134 – 152).
8. opinion good idea because able to understand, analyze, and understand the contents
of the text
9. Yes, I am very interested in doing this research, Because by doing research we know
more about the many experiences we can and are able to overcome problems and are
ready to become writers


2. Writer: Sustri Harida
3. Kinds of articlel: non research
4. dimuat: IAIN Padangsidimpuan
5. Contents of the discussion : Understanding paragraphs using 3 phases to make it
easier to get ideas in the paragraph.
6. Conclusion : Reading comprehension is understanding meaning from the text that
have been read. There are three phases in reading; pre-reading, while reading, and
post-reading. The three stages must be done by the readers. Further, understanding
paragraph is one way to understand text completely. Paragraph consists of topic
sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence. By understanding paragraph
will make the readers understand text well, because paragraph is part of text.
Pendukung artikel:
7. Alice and Oshima. Academic Writing (New York: Longman, 1988).
A. S. Hornby. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English.
Great Britain: Oxford University Press.

Barbara Taylor et. Al. Reading Difficulties. (New York: Oxford. 1988.

Carrell, Patricia L, et. Al. 1988. Interactive Approaches to Second Language

Reading. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Celce-Murcia, Marianne. 2001. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign

Language. 3 rd edition. New York: Heinle & Heinle.
Clark, Herbert H and Eve V Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language: An
Introduction to Psycholinguistics. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Internationa edition

8. My Opinion : understand the abstracted ideas. In addition, the paragraph serves to:
sort out the description section to make it easier for the reader to stop longer on long
essay sections.

9. Yes, I am very interested in doing this research Because by doing research we know
more about the many experiences we can and are able to overcome problems and are
ready to become writers

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