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Morphological study of Upper Tapi river using

remote sensing and GIS techniques

S. R. Resmi, P. L. Patel & P. V. Timbadiya

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Upper Tapi river using remote sensing and GIS techniques, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,
DOI: 10.1080/09715010.2017.1409089

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ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2018

Morphological study of Upper Tapi river using remote sensing and GIS techniques
S. R. Resmi, P. L. Patel and P. V. Timbadiya
Civil Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India


Present study is an effort to quantify the bank erosion and bankline migration in the Upper Tapi River, Received 25 March 2017
India. The migration of banklines have been quantified during period 1977–2010 using satellite imagery, Accepted 20 November 2017
SOI topo-sheets and GIS tools at every 20 km chainages of the river. The bank erosion/deposition areas
(km2) are also computed by dividing the river in 50 km stretches. The study indicated that, significant Bank erosion; bankline
bank migration has occurred between CH: 300 km and CH: 350 km. Field investigations suggest that migration; flood frequency
this phenomenon is due to the infilling of Hatnur Reservoir and its post-reservoir sedimentation. The relationship; hydraulic
right bank line has been observed to be more erosion prone than left bank line of the river due to geometry equations; width-
presence of relatively soft geological formation in the right bank. The developed hydraulic geometry depth ratio
equations clearly indicate that flow depth increases rapidly with increase in discharge without a
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significant increase in width at Dedtalai stream gauging station. The analysis of the geomorphic effect
of extreme flood events of the years 1994, 1998 and 2006 showed that the unit stream power, for same
order of discharge of year 1994, at Dedtalai stream gauging station is higher than Burhanpur stream
gauging station. Apart from the magnitude of unit stream power, the duration of flood event has been
found to be significant parameter in geomorphic effectiveness of the flood events. The critical erosion/
shifting prone locations are also supported with field visits undertaken in the study reach.

1. Introduction tropical and humid areas are dominantly affected by floods that
recur frequently, producing extremely high stream power in
The rivers are invariably posed to severe threats due to exces-
dissipating their enormous energy. Such events are capable of
sive erosion and deposition owing to the lateral migration
producing a variety of changes in the form of erosion of bed
of their either banks. The river tries to adjust its course to
and river banks, movement of coarse sediments like cobbles
account for the lateral and vertical instability along its course
and boulders (Baker and Kale 1998; Gupta 1995; Kale and Hire
(Rinaldi 2003). One of the major causes of such instability 2004; Wohl 1992). The hydrodynamic forces associated with
is the imbalance between sediment carrying capacity of the such flood events are geomorphically effective, if a river and
river and inflow of sediment, into the river (Garde and Raju its flood-plain experience prolonged effects (Kale 2007). The
2000). While the rivers try to attain their equilibrium states, geomorphic effectiveness of floods, on channel geometry at
the external forces such as river regulations and enhanced particular cross-section can be assessed using hydraulic geom-
land-use pressures degrade their flood plains (Hazarika et al. etry equations developed by Leopold and Maddock (1953).
2015). River bank erosion is an endemic and recurrent natural The term hydraulic geometry of channel relates the mean river
hazard, whose prolonged effects can cause serious damages to channel form with discharge, both at a cross-section and down-
flood-plain dwellers, agricultural lands along the flood-plain, stream along the river network in a hydrologically homoge-
riparian vegetation, natural habitats, engineering structures nous basin (Singh 2003). The extreme events (floods) having
like dams, bridges and embankments and grave consequences severe influence on the planform of the river, can be assessed
on the ground water table (Debnath et al. 2017). Identification by quantifying the planimetric changes in the form of bankline
of vulnerable locations/reaches along the river course in plan migration of the river (Brandt 2000; Hickin and Sichingabula
is extremely important to document the erosion hazard and to 1988; Lewin and Brewer 2001).
implement relevant management and stabilization measures. The unit discharge values in Tapi river ranges between 0.5
Leading studies undertaken in the past to identify the spa- and 3.14 cm/km2, which is an indication of dominant control
tio-temporal pattern of the river planform and their bankline of flood events on morphology of the river (Kale et al. 1994).
migration, with the aid of GIS and Remote Sensing tools, which The Upper Tapi river sub-basin, specifically, receives an annual
will be useful to the reader for future reference are Das et al. average rainfall of 833 mm, which are capable of producing
(2012), Sarkar et al. (2012), Thakur et al. (2012), Florsheim et catastrophic floods in the river. The historical records indicate
al. (2008), Heo et al. (2009) and Yang et al. (1981). that Tapi river has experienced heavy floods in the years, 1727,
The lateral migration of river is affected by a number of 1776, 1782, 1829, 1837, 1872, 1944, 1959, 1968, 1970, 1994,
factors like basin topography, pattern of land-use and land- 1998 and 2006 (Timbadiya et al. 2014). Keeping in view of the
cover, geology of the basin, recurring flood events and climatic availability of topographical, satellite and hydrological data,
variables like rainfall and temperature. The rivers that fall in it is planned to assess the influence of extreme flood events,

CONTACT P. V. Timbadiya

© 2018 Indian Society for Hydraulics

particularly, the events of years 1994, 1998 and 2006 on mor- The sub-basin is bounded by hill ranges on two sides, i.e.,
phological behavior of the Upper Tapi River. Keeping in view Satpura ranges and Mahadeo Hills, on north and south sides
the importance of morphological studies of rivers in their plan respectively, while, west side is bounded by Khandesh Plains
forms (shifting/migration of banklines) and geomorphic effec- (CWPC 1952). The basin experiences sub-tropical to temperate
tiveness of extreme events on the phenomenon, present study climatic conditions, and receives heaviest rainfall during June-
has been planned to fulfill following objectives: September. The Tapi river basin is predominantly occupied by
impermeable Deccan Basalt of Mezoic Era and permeable qua-
(1) Quantification of the shifting of banklines of the ternary alluvial deposits (Central Water Commission 2014).
Upper Tapi River including areas of erosion and dep- The spatial geological information of the Upper Tapi River
osition along the river reach. was assessed using geological maps collected from Geological
(2) Assessment of the effects of extreme events, in terms Survey of India (GSI), Nagpur, while extracting a buffer of
of their unit stream powers for possible variations in 10 km on both banks of the river, see Figure 2. The Upper
observed cross-sections at stream gauging stations. Tapi River stretches to a length of around 350 km from its
(3) Correlating the morphological changes in plan forms source to Hatnur Reservoir. During its passage, the river cov-
and cross-sections with geological and hydraulic ers a variety of topography, such as gullied ravenous terrains,
conditions including the effect of hydraulic struc- hilly areas and alluvial plains. Most of the areas of the Upper
tures on the Upper Tapi River. Tapi River, lie within Maharashtra (Amravati District), is full
of cuts and valleys, whereas in Madhya Pradesh (Betul and
Burhanpur Districts), the basin is covered with Deccan trap
2. Study area and data used lava flows. The buffer zone, constituting the Upper Tapi River,
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The study area covered in the present study includes the between Multai and Hatnur Dam, is mainly occupied by basal-
Upper Tapi sub-basin, with its outlet at Hatnur Reservoir, tic lava in the initial portions, followed by alluvial deposits,
Maharashtra, India. The sub-basin is located between 21° 00′ as the river enters comparatively flatter reaches after Dedtalai
00″ N to 22° 00′ 00″ N latitudes and 75° 45′ 00″ E to 78° 30′ 00″ stream gauging station. Also, rock formations like granite,
E longitudes as shown in Figure 1. The sub-basin has an area of quartz-mica and sandstone are present in very minor quanti-
catchment 10,193 km2 (excluding Purna sub-basin) with alti- ties, in the north-eastern part of the buffer zone, which forms
tude varying from 752 m near Multai (inception of Tapi river) part of the Satpura mountain ranges that separates Tapi Basin
to about 207 m near Hatnur reservoir (outlet of the catchment). from Narmada Basin. There are two stream gauging stations

Figure 1. Index map of the Upper Tapi Sub-basin. Source: The authors.
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Figure 2. Geological map of the Upper Tapi River along the buffer zone from Multai to Hatnur dam. Source: The authors.

along the Upper Tapi River for measurement of discharges in shifting of banklines during years 1977–2010. The shifting of
main river during the monsoon, see Figure 1. banklines were quantified along the river at every 20 km chain-
The topographical, satellite imagery, hydrological and ages. Also, the areas of erosion and deposition were quantified
hydraulic data and cross-sectional data were collected/pro- in the stretch of 50 km. The methodology adopted for aforesaid
cured from respective agencies for fulfilling the stated objec- analysis is illustrated through a flowchart, see Figure 3.
tives. The brief description of data including its relevant sources The SOI toposheets were scanned at resolution 600 dots
are included in Table 1. per inch (dpi) to allow for an enlarged view of the study reach.
At a scale of 1: 50,000, the positional accuracy of Open Series
Maps (OSM.s) generated by Survey of India is 21.9 m (Ghosh
3. Methodology
and Dubey 2008). In present study, the width of the river was
The banklines of the Upper Tapi River, existing on SOI found to be more than 21.9 m at all locations in the study reach.
toposheets, were digitized using ArcGIS 10.4©. The digitized Hence, the toposheets of scale 1:50,000 could be effectively
banklines on SOI toposheets were overlaid on the banklines used to identify and delineate the river bank lines.
existing on satellite imagery of year 2010 to compute the In present study, the river chainage has been taken with
respect to the flow direction with zero at the beginning point of
the river, i.e., at Tapi Talab in Betul District of Madhya Pradesh.
Table 1. Details of toposheets and satellite imagery used in the present study. For sign convention, any shift in the northward direction with
Data used Details of the respect to the base SOI toposheets bankline, is designated with
product Description Source positive signs and those in the southward are designated with
Topographical Data Scale: 1:50,000 Survey of India negative signs. Similarly, for left bank, the offsets in the south-
Toposheets Survey Year: 1977–1979 ward direction are assigned with positive signs and those in the
Satellite Imagery Year: 2010; Product: IRS NRSC#, Hyderabad
P6 LISS-III; Resolution: northward are assigned with negative signs. This implies that,
23.5 m for both right bank and left bank, positive sign indicates ero-
Date of passing: sion and negative sign indicates deposition, see Figure 4. The
16/03/2010 and
21/03/2010 hydraulic geometry equations were developed for the stream
Path/Row: 97/57, 97/58 gauging stations, Dedtalai and Burhanpur in the following
and 98/57, 98/58 form (Leopold and Maddock 1953).
Hydrological and hydraulic Dedtalai Discharge time CWC
data series: 1978–2004
Burhanpur Discharge
W = aQb (1)
time series: 1978–2011
Pre-monsoon and
cross-section of Ded-
D = cQf (2)
talai and Burhanpur
stream gauging station
#: NRSC: National Remote Sensing Centre. U = kQm (3)

Data Input

Satellite SOI Toposheets

Imagery (SI) for (Base year:
the year 2010 1977-1979)

Orthorectification and Georeferencing of

radiometric correction of toposheets in WGS-1984
the SI (WGS-1984 Datum) Datum

Projecting the toposheets

and SI on Lambert
Conformal Conic (LCC)
Projection system
Downloaded by [University of New England] at 21:37 14 January 2018

Digitizing the banklines of the Upper Tapi River in toposheets and SI

using ArcGIS 10.4

Overlaying the banklines of SI over the banklines of toposheets

Computation of the areas of erosion and deposition for every 50 km

reach, and the migration of banklines at every 20 km chainage during
base year-2010

Development of hydraulic geometry equations for peak flows at Dedtalai

and Burhanpur stream gauging stations

Evaluation of the geomorphic effect of floods of the years 1994, 1998

and 2006 on the channel migration pattern and the erosion areas of the
Upper Tapi River by integrating the hydraulic geometry equations with
the at-site flood frequency model developed for the Upper Tapi Basin

Figure 3. Methodology adopted in the present study. Source: The authors.

Here, W is the top flow width in m, D is the flow depth in (Return period: 2.33–6.93 years) and high floods (Return
m, U is the mean flow velocity in m/s and Q is the discharge period >6.93 years and equal to or less than the maximum
in m3/s. The parameters a, c and k are the hydraulic geom- observed flow at the station for the period of consideration),
etry coefficients and b, f and m are the hydraulic geometry to understand the geomorphic effectiveness of the aforesaid
exponents. For compatibility of Equations (1)–(3), ack = 1 flooding conditions during 1977–2010.
and b + f + m = 1. The hydraulic geometry equations devel- The stream power also play a very important role in geo-
oped were used to analyse the cross-sectional characteristics morphic effectiveness of flows (Baker and Costa 1987). The
at stream gauging stations. unit stream power corresponding to various categories of flow
The at-site flood frequency analysis carried out at Dedtalai have been calculated using Equation (4).
and Burhanpur stream gauging stations using Gumbel’s
Distribution (Generalized Extreme Value-I distribution) being 𝜔= (4)
suitable for Indian rivers (Garde and Kothyari 1990). The flows W
at the aforesaid stations are classified into four classes based on Here, ω is the unit stream power in W/m2; γ is the specific
their magnitudes and corresponding return periods. The flows weight of clear water (9800 N/m3); Q is the discharge in
were classified into low flows (Return period: 1.01–1.2 years), m3/s; S is the water surface slope and W is the top flow
medium flows (Return period: 1.2–2.33 years), floods width (m).

CH:150 km

CH: 200 km
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Figure 4. Critical erosion prone segments of Upper Tapi river in the year 2010. Source: The authors.

Table 2. Shifting of right bank and left bank at 20 km chainages during 1977– Table 3. Total erosion and deposition areas in the banks of the Upper Tapi River
2010. during 1977–2010.

Bankline shift (km) Erosion and deposition areas in km2 (Base

+ve: erosion, –ve: deposition Reaches
Reach No. (km) RB LB
Deposi- Deposi-
Chainages (km) RB LB Erosion tion Erosion tion
0 (Tapi Kund) –0.06 0.05 1 0–50 4.07 1.10 1.24 4.13
20 0.08 –0.09 2 50–100 3.06 1.48 1.99 2.84
40 0.10 0 3 100–150 2.89 0.81 0.45 3.41
60 –0.11 –0.12 4 150–200 4.59 0.1 0.04 5.26
80 –0.16 0.25 5 200–250 3.54 0.23 0.02 6.28
100 0 –0.03 6 250–300 2.88 0.53 0.07 5.53
120 –0.03 0.02 7 300–350 3.91 0.61 0.35 4.86
140 0.11 –0.14 Total 24.94 4.86 4.16 32.31
160 –0.02 –0.09
180 –0.02 –0.01
200 –0.01 –0.09
220 0.01 –0.16 4.1. River migration, erosion quantification and field
240 0.05 –0.13
260 0.02 –0.22 investigation
280 0.09 –0.10
300 0.05 –0.12 The shifting patterns of the right bank and left bank of the river
320 0.06 –0.20 at every 20 km chainages between the time period 1977–2010,
340 –0.06 0.05 have been computed and tabulated in Table 2.
350 (Hatnur Reservoir) 0.33 0
The Right Bank Line (RBL) of the Upper Tapi River,
predominantly shows positive migration towards northern
direction with reference to the base year. The positive shifting
4. Results and discussions
of the right bank is due to the presence of soft and alluvial
The results and discussion of the present study is divided in deposits on the right bank compared to left bank, see Figure
the two parts: viz., (i) river migration erosion quantification 2. The migration at CH: 350 km has been observed to be the
and field investigation; (ii) development of hydraulic geome- maximum near Hatnur Reservoir. Such apparent shifting is
try equations and computation of stream powers for flow of observed due to filling of reservoir in the valley and creation
different classes and the peak floods for the years 1994, 1998 of new bankline after construction of the dam in 1982. At
and 2006. other locations, RBL exhibits minor shifts only except at CH:

Najirighat Fort wall

Tapiriver Scouring below the Fort wall


Tapi river

(a) (b)

Considerable deposition on the left Considerable deposition on the left

bank (inner bend of the meander) bank (inner bend of the meander)
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Tapi river
Tapi river

(c) (d)

Minor cutting in the right bank

Tapi river
Tapi river

(e) (f)

Figure 5. (a) Location map of Rajghat (CH: 307.89) and Najirighat (CH: 311.00) in Burhanpur, (b) Damaged portion of Fort wall near Rajghat in Burhanpur, (c)
Considerable deposition on the left bank just upstream of Rajghat in Burhanpur, (d) Considerable deposition on the left bank just upstream of Najirighat in Burhanpur
(e) Stable banks observed near Dedtalai CWC stream gauging site (CH: 236.34 km), (f) Minor cutting observed in the right Dabalikhurd, Nepanagar (CH: 288.50 km).
Source: The authors.

Table 4. Exponents of at-a-station hydraulic geometry.

Table 5. Variation in hydraulic geometry parameters and unit stream power with
Stream Exponents of Equa- Coefficients of Equa- return period.
gaug- tions (1)–(3) tions (1)–(3)
station b f m a c k b/f m/f
Dedtalai 0.06 0.63 0.3 170.14 0.03 0.19 0.095 0.48
Burhan- 0.24 0.55 0.21 28.76 0.07 0.51 0.44 0.38 Flood Water
pur Return duration surface
Station Q (m3/s) period (T) (h) slope (S) ω (W/m2)
Dedtalai QL = 1101 1.20 – 4.44 × 10−4 18.33
QM = 4195 2.33 – 4.55 × 10−4 66.65
60 km and CH: 80 km at the inner meander bends formed QF = 7605 6.93 – 6.99 × 10−4 150.75
at Layavani Village in Madhya Pradesh. The Left Bank Line Year 277 60 5.29 × 10−4 299.31
1994 =
(LBL) of the Upper Tapi River, in most of the chainages, shows 17,628
negative shift, i.e., migration to the right side (northern direc- Year 1998 1.26 36 4.30 × 10−4 23.13
tion). The deposition pattern in the left bank is due to the = 1445
Burhanpur QL = 1699 1.20 – 3.33 × 10−4 32.06
bringing of eroded sediments by secondary currents from QM = 7606 2.33 – 3.00 × 10−4 91.04
right bank. QF = 6.93 – 4.99 × 10−4 240.18
The total eroded areas in right bank and left bank, during 14,115
Year 11.90 48 4.40 × 10−4 246.63
the period 1977–2010, are tabulated and presented in Table 3. 1994 =
The erosion prone segments between CH: 150 km and CH: 17,027
200 km are shown in Figure 4. The right bank of the Upper Year 58.00 24 4.06 × 10−4 306.87
1998 =
Tapi River is more prone to erosion vis-à-vis its left bank. The 25,261
situation is reversed for the deposition process, wherein left Year 2006 1.45 24 4.30 × 10−4 77.47
bank had undergone large deposition than its right bank. As = 3825

300 Dedtalai
Elevation (m) above MSL 295 Right bank getting

Elevation (m) above MSL

eroded post flood


280 280

275 275

270 Pre 1994 270 Pre 1998

Post 1994 Post 1998
265 265
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400

Distance (m) Distance (m)

(a) (b)

Burhanpur Burhanpur
Downloaded by [University of New England] at 21:37 14 January 2018

Elevation (m) above MSL

Elevation (m) above MSL

to be almostremaining
the same

Pre 1994
215 Pre 1998
210 Post 1994
Post 1998
205 210
0 100 200 300 400 500 100 0 200 300 400 500

Distance (m) Distance (m)

(c) (d)

Elevation (m) above MSL





Pre 2006
215 Post 2006

0 100 200 300 400

Distance (m)

Figure 6. Variation in cross-sectional geometry before and after flood at Dedtalai and Burhanpur stream gauging stations of Upper Tapi river. Source: The authors.

stated earlier, the significant erosion seen in the right bank in The validation of accessible critical erosion prone locations,
the chainage close to Hatnur Reservoir (CH: 350 km), is not identified using SOI toposheets, satellite imagery and other
the loss of land by the river action, but the migration of the locations interrogated with local people, were visited between
river bank owing to filling of Hatnur Reservoir and flooding CH: 0 km (Tapi Kund, Multai) to CH: 350 km (Hatnur Dam)
in the river after construction after the year 1982. The river in the field. The visited locations include, CH: 350 km (Hatnur
reach between CH: 150 km and CH: 200 km, characterized by Dam, Maharashtra), CH: 355.45 km (Changdev Village, con-
the presence of sinuous/meandering river courses (Figure 4), fluence of Purna River and Tapi river, Maharashtra), CH:
river constantly cuts its outer (here, right) bank and results in 311.00 km (Najirighat, Madhya Pradesh), CH: 307.89 km
significant erosion. (Rajghat, Madhya Pradesh), CH: 288.50 km (Dabalikhurd,

Nepanagar, Madhya Pradesh), CH: 253.33 km (Melchuka and 1998 are classified high flood and low flow respectively.
Village, Madhya Pradesh), CH: 236.34 km (Dedtalai Stream The flood peak of 2006 has not been considered for Dedtalai
gauging site, Madhya Pradesh), CH: 228.71 km (Ramakheda stream gauging station as the hydraulic geometry equations
Village, Madhya Pradesh), CH: 12.34 km (Chandora Dam, were developed for a period of 1978–2004. The floods for the
Madhya Pradesh) and CH: 0 km (Tapi Kund, Madhya Pradesh). years 1994, 1998 and 2006 are classified as high flood, high
In conversation with the authorities at Hatnur dam, it was flood and medium flow respectively for Burhanpur stream
highlighted that the bed level of Tapi river has undergone a gauging station. The unit stream power of both the stream
significant rise, post construction of the Hatnur dam in 1982, gauging stations were estimated using Equation (4), for low,
owing to huge reservoir sedimentation. Similar results have medium, floods, high floods and the observed extreme floods
also been reported by Maharashtra Engineering Research during the analysis period. From Table 5, it is apparent that the
Institute (MERI) during 2007–2008, where 56.76% of the unit stream power for same order of discharge of year 1994,
original capacity of the reservoir is occupied by silt (Annual for Dedtalai stream gauging station is higher than Burhanpur
Research Report 2007–08). As a result of that the bed level of stream gauging station.
Tapi rises and thereby causing the river to migrate to its sides The geomorphic effectiveness of an extreme event is
which eventually results in bank line migration. Apart from dependent on both stream power and duration of the event.
this, critical erosion was observed at CH: 307.89 km, which From Table 5, it is seen that large flood event of year 1994 with
falls in Rajghat near Burhanpur in Madhya Pradesh. The river large duration, i.e., 60 h had caused significant deformation of
forms a meander bend here at the outer bend, i.e., the right channel cross section at Dedtalai stream gauging station and
bank was observed to be eroded. It was further observed that little deformation at Burhanpur gauging station (see Figure
soil underneath the walls of the Fort has also eroded signifi- 6). It is worth noting that, though flood of year 1998 is signif-
Downloaded by [University of New England] at 21:37 14 January 2018

cantly, and, in longer run, likely to get damaged, if protection icantly higher in magnitude (large unit stream power), could
measures are not enforced. Further, it was also observed that, not cause any impact on channel cross section due to shorter
at the inner bend, there is significant deposition of sediments duration of 24 h.
and point bars have been formed.
Typical photographs of key locations, along with respec-
tive morphological issues are included in Figure 5. Apart from 5. Conclusions
cited observations as above, the Upper Tapi River seems to be The morphological behaviour of the Upper Tapi River during
a stable course river due to inherent geological conditions on 1977–2010 has been quantified in terms of plan form changes
both banks. and geometric effectiveness of the extreme events. The key
conclusions drawn from foregoing study can be summarized
4.2. Development of hydraulic geometry equations and as follows:
computation of stream power (1) The right bank line of the Upper Tapi River is more
Hydraulic geometry equations (see Equations (1)–(3)) were prone to erosion vis-à-vis left bank line of the river.
developed for the annual maximum peak flows at Dedtalai (2) The significant shifting of Right bank line near
and Burhanpur stream gauging stations along the Upper Tapi Hatnur reservoir is due to infilling of reservoir after
River for periods 1978–2004 and 1988–2014 respectively. The construction of dam, and, subsequent, creation of
values of hydraulic geometry coefficients (a, c and k) and new bank line.
hydraulic geometry exponents (b, f and m) are enumerated (3) The filed investigations to the study reach requires
in Table 4. immediate attention of dam authority in controlling
From Table 4, the low value b/f indicate that, with an increase silting into reservoir to avoid further inundation of
in discharge, the rate of change of width is less than change upper reaches of river valley. Also, the critical ero-
in mean depth and mean velocity at a station. It implies that sion near Burhanpur fort need to be strengthened by
increase in discharge is compensated by a significant increase concerned authority.
in mean depth of flow followed by mean velocity. The ratio (4) The magnitude of extreme flood events and their
between the rate of change of mean velocity and the rate of duration are significant parameters in causing geo-
change in depth (m/f) has direct effect on the sediment trans- morphic effectiveness in alluvial rivers.
port capacity of the river (Langbein and Leoplod 1964). The
sediment carrying capacity of Dedtalai stream gauging station
is higher compared to that of Burhanpur owing to the higher
m/f ratio. The lower value of b/f ratio for Dedtalai stream gaug- The authors are thankful to the Central Water Commission (CWC),
ing station indicates that width of the section remains mostly Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga
Rejuvenation, Govt. of India for providing necessary financial support
constant, and increase in discharge is compensated by cor- through project titled “Morphological Study of Tapi River using Remote
responding increase in velocity and depth. Thus, cross sec- Sensing Technique” and data required for the study. The authors also
tion at Dedtalai stream gauging station is more resembling to thankful to Centre of Excellence (CoE) on “Water Resources and Flood
box-shape vis-à-vis cross section at Burhanpur stream gauging Management”, SVNIT-Surat under TEQIP-II for the resourceful help
station. Such cross sections have significant increase in unit and support. The authors are grateful to Editor and two anonymous
reviewers for their suggestions in improving the quality of the present
stream power due to increase in discharge. study.
The magnitudes of low, medium and high flood for both the
stream gauging stations along with magnitudes of major flood
events of years 1994, 1998 and 2006 of respective stations are Disclosure statement
included in Table 5. It is seen that flood events of years 1994 No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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