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(1980-1985) sixth five year plan

(1985-1990) seventh five year plan

(1992-1997) eighth five year plan

(1997-2002) nineth five year plan

(2002-2007) tenth five year plan

(2007-2012) eleventh five year plan

(2012-2017) twelfth five year plan

 Definition: A shelter is a designated location or structure that
provides protection, refuge, and temporary accommodation to
individuals, animals, or objects during adverse conditions,
emergencies, or times of need.
 Purpose: Shelters are established to ensure the safety, well-being,
and survival of people, animals, or possessions when they face
threats, such as natural disasters, extreme weather, violence,
homelessness, or displacement.
 Types: Shelters can come in various forms, including but not
limited to:
 Emergency Shelters: Set up during disasters like hurricanes,
floods, or wildfires.
 Homeless Shelters: Providing accommodation for
individuals experiencing homelessness.
 Animal Shelters: Facilities that care for and house stray,
abandoned, or rescued animals.
 Refugee Shelters: Temporary housing for refugees fleeing
conflict or persecution.
 Domestic Violence Shelters: Safe havens for individuals
escaping abusive relationships.
 Survival Shelters: Small, portable structures designed for
wilderness survival.

 Definition: A house is a residential building or structure that
serves as a place of dwelling, providing shelter, comfort, and living
space for individuals, families, or households.
 Function: Houses serve as homes where people live, sleep, eat,
and engage in various daily activities, offering a sense of security,
privacy, and belonging.
 Types: Houses come in various types and styles, including:
 Single-Family Homes: Houses occupied by a single family
or household.
 Apartments: Multi-unit buildings with separate living spaces
for different families or individuals.
 Townhouses: Attached homes in a row, often sharing walls
with neighbors.
 Condominiums: Privately owned units within a larger
complex, with shared common areas.
 Mobile Homes: Transportable houses designed for
 Mansions: Large, luxurious residences often associated with
 Definition: A home is a place where individuals or families reside,
creating a sense of belonging, comfort, and emotional attachment.
It's more than just a physical structure; it embodies a personal and
emotional connection.
 Emotional Connection: A home is where people feel safe, secure,
and emotionally connected. It often represents a sanctuary where
individuals can be themselves.
 Personalization: Homes are often personalized with decorations,
furnishings, and arrangements that reflect the preferences, culture,
and lifestyle of the occupants.
 Family and Relationships: Homes are spaces where families and
relationships are nurtured and developed. It's a place where shared
memories are created and cherished.
 Physical Space: A home typically consists of various rooms for
different functions, including living spaces, bedrooms, kitchen,
bathrooms, and possibly outdoor areas like gardens or yards.
 Privacy: Homes provide a level of privacy, allowing individuals to
have personal space and control over their environment.
 Ownership and Tenancy: A home can be owned, rented, or
leased, and the sense of home can be established regardless of
ownership status. Homeownership often carries financial and
emotional significance.
 Stability and Routine: Homes offer stability and a sense of
routine, providing a structured environment for daily activities and

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