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How do we react to the threat of an epidemic?

Before it was AIDS, bird flu, Ebola,... and now the coronavirus,

- Why do we fear such diseases so much?

- Should governments take more drastic measures to prevent them from spreading? Will it be possible to find a cure for all of
them in the future?

Epidemics: A Real Threat

Despite Coronavirus has received more attention from the media than any previous sickness, it
is only the last of a great series of epidemics that we should be aware of.

Diseases, especially those which can turn into an epidemic, are feared worldwide but not
always for good reasons. AIDS, Ebola, Coronavirus and similar illnesses entail a great risk for
our life and health, and that should be a powerful enough reason to adopt whatever measure
is needed to prevent them from spreading. Nevertheless, some people are not afraid for their
health but for their lifestyle. Coronavirus has shown that people are reluctant to change,
especially when the changes have been imposed, even if they have been for the better. When
their customs and habits are jeopardized, some people choose to deny the obvious health
threat that an epidemic implies.

Those opposed to the seriousness of epidemics are responsible for the spread of the diseases
due to they do not usually follow the actions set in order to avoid it. Given that, governments
should take more drastic measures, focused on punishing repeat offenders with movement
restrictions and significant fines. Objectors may argue that civil rights would be unjustified cut
down. Nonetheless, when life itself is at risk, the benefits of any measure adopted to preserve
it are always going to overtake the drawbacks.

While trying to prevent the spread, it is also possible to find a cure for the most dangerous
diseases, but it comes at a cost. Research funding has been reduced in recent years. Hence, it
has been really difficult to achieve some scientific innovation. If the budget assigned to
research organizations had been increased years ago, illnesses such as AIDS and Ebola would
have been eradicated. Consequently, were the funds allocated to research boosted, a cure for
Coronavirus and all up-to-now irremediable disorders would be discovered.

All things considered, epidemics involve a terrific threat that should be coped by governments
even against the public opinion. Only by taking severe measures and investing in research
institutions can the issue be addressed.

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