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Crafting a comprehensive research paper on a subject as intricate and multifaceted as the Ebola virus

presents a myriad of challenges and hurdles for even the most diligent of students. The process
requires a deep dive into a vast expanse of scientific literature, encompassing virology, epidemiology,
and the social-economic impacts of Ebola outbreaks. The complexity of the topic necessitates an
understanding of the virus's transmission modes, its effects on the human body, prevention strategies,
and the global response to outbreaks.

The task is further complicated by the need for meticulous research methodology, including the
critical evaluation of sources, the synthesis of complex information into a coherent argument, and the
proper citation of references. This endeavor demands not only a strong foundation in the relevant
scientific disciplines but also advanced skills in academic writing and critical thinking.

Given the daunting nature of this assignment, it is understandable why many students might seek
assistance in navigating this academic challenge. In this context, ⇒ ⇔ emerges as
a commendable resource for students who aim to produce a high-quality research paper on the Ebola
virus. This platform offers specialized writing support that can significantly alleviate the stress
associated with such a rigorous academic undertaking. By choosing ⇒ ⇔, students
can access expert guidance tailored to their specific needs, ensuring that their research paper is not
only comprehensive and informative but also meets the highest standards of academic excellence.
Because there is a limited capacity in the United States to handle EVD-contaminated waste, said
Lemieux, more data are needed on effective methods of treatment and disposal. Standardized,
evidence-based training was requested by several participants on best practices of decontamination,
as currently each state or organization. Genetic analysis have revealed that the virus that causes this
epidemic is similar in a proportion of 98% to Ebolavirus Zaire (EBOV) species that were responsible
for the epidemic in Democratic Republic of Congo, in 2008. She added that disaster science should
be done in a timely manner while also not affecting the response in progress. There exist several
strains of the Ebola virus, some of them are deadly to people, and some are not. Each species of the
genus Ebola virus has one member virus, and four of these cause Ebola virus disease (EVD) in
humans, a type of hemorrhagic fever having a very high case fatality rate up to 90% in humans.
Confirmed and suspected cases of EVD have now occurred in the United States through human-to-
human transmission, requiring the U.S. medical and public health systems to prepare for and respond
to domestic cases of EVD. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper.
The annual incidence of PAN varies between five and nine cases per million. If you want a unique
paper, order it from our professional writers. The virus is believed to be spread by way of body
contacts through symptomatic patients' body fluids body fluids. Ebola’s family tree was thought to
have been extinct for over 23 million years, much longer than previously believed. Report this
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useful (0 votes) 64 views 1 page Ebola Essay Uploaded by Laura Tenpenny Review of cytokine
storm and sepsis in Ebola disease. She highlighted the consideration of other hosts or vectors as
transmission risks (for example, companion animals) and the uncertainty of potential risk. Among
others, it was recommended that a concerted effort from both governments and citizens would go a
long way in containing the spread of the EVD as well as its diverstating effects in the continent.
Elevated hepatic transaminases is common and severe hepatitis is more common in fatal cases and
frequently there is associated fluid depletion. This higher-than-normal daily increase (the usual
reporting average is 1-2 new confirmed cases per day) has been blamed on community resistance to
disease response efforts (Wise, 2018). Mature research areas are expected to have more studies in the
latter phases. This classification process and my findings will help public health researchers identify
where we have a dearth of research and why they are worth exploring, minimize duplication of effort
in research, and encourage more research in intervention areas that we know to be effective,
specifically socio-behavioral ones. The virulence of Ebola virus involved in several immune evasion
mechanisms that include an inhibition of type I interferon responsible for innate immunity, epitope
masking, etc. Identifying a surrogate virus, categorized at or below BSL-2, would allow many more
studies to be done, informing a variety of concerns. There are limited data regarding Ebola virus
disease in children; however, reported case-fatality proportions in children are high. In addition, the
lack of pre- and post-exposure interventions makes the development of rapid diagnostics, new
antiviral agents and protective vaccines a priority for many nations. The first outbreak occurred in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) in a village near the Ebola River, which gave the
virus its name. PAN is more common in people with hepatitis B infection. One of the reasons Ebola
is so hard to contain is because it can survive in a dead body for weeks. It virus them move either to
the blood stream causing death quickly or would move to the lungs giving the infected pneumonia
like symptoms killing them within a week. Scientist aren’t perfectly sure or not of how Ebola spreads
and how the whole Ebola thing works but what they do know is most of the important stuff. Ebola
virus disease is a severe multisystem disease with high mortality in children and adults. Transmission
of Ebola has been linked to burial ceremonies where mourners have had direct contact with the body
of the deceased person who suffered from this virus.
There is currently no antiviral drug licensed by the US food and drug Administration. Regarding
questions of virus survivability on a dry countertop, Fair explained that to survive more than 60-120
seconds, like other viruses of this type, there needs to be moisture for the virus structure to be
maintained. Transmission of Ebola has been linked to burial ceremonies where mourners have had
direct contact with the body of the deceased person who suffered from this virus. There is no
appropriate antiviral vaccine or therapy is not available to work against EBOV infection in humans.
The infection started with a egg size boil at the location that the flea would bite at. However, none of
these include psychosocial issues, communication or behavior change. Also, you can type in a page
number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Bats have been identified as a
reservoir for Ebola viruses but it remains unclear if transmission to an end host involves intermediate
hosts. Other important points brought up by various participants throughout the different discussions
included the creation of a culture of preparedness in our society; integration. A more severe
symptom is internal and external hemorrhagic bleeding. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Back then, there virus two major
outbreaks of the virus, and this is how people learned about it. Review of the published medical
literature, World Health Organization and government documents, and expert opinion. The Reston
virus was discovered in the western pacific in 1989 during an outbreak of simian hemorrhagic fever
virus (SHFV), while the Cote d’Ivoire species of virus were discovered in 1994 in a Tai forest in the
country of Cote d’Ivoire (Peter, 2009). There are five identified Ebola virus species Bundibugyo
Ebolavirus (BDBV), Ebolavirus Zaire (EBOV), Reston Ebolavirus (RESTV), Sudan Ebolavirus
(SUDV), and Tai Forest Ebolavirus (TAFV). There are limited data regarding Ebola virus disease in
children; however, reported case-fatality proportions in children are high. Ebola virus enters the
patient through mucous membranes, breaks in the skin, or parenterally. Health care workers have not
been left behind in the infection chain, and they have largely been infected in the line of duty. If you
want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. The incubation period usually lasts 5 to 7
d and approximately 95% of the patients appear signs within 21 d after exposure. Practicing good
hand hygein is an effective method in preventing the spread of dangerous germs, like the Ebola
virus. EVD is often characterized by the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain,
headache and sore throat. What training, for what staff, with what risk, and how often. This strain
was a highly infectious one, but was not able to fully jump species from monkey to human. Family
member sand health care workers did not understand how contagious this Virus is. Having proper
hand hygiene is important always not in just the spread of Ebola but all infections. Hospitals and
clinicians must prepare to provide care for patients with Ebola virus disease before such patients
present for care, with particular attention to rigorous infection control to limit secondary cases. We
work hand in hand with the scientific community to advance the cause of Open Access. An
individually authored brief workshop summary based on the presentations and discussions held
during the workshop will be prepared by a designated rapporteur in accordance with institutional
guidelines. However, despite promising vaccine candidates, no licensed prophylactics currently exist
for preventing or treating filovirus infections.
The discovery was made after serious epidemics were reported in the village of Yambuku located in
the northern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nzara village in the Southern Sudan.
The 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the largest in history. She added that disaster science
should be done in a timely manner while also not affecting the response in progress. Until 2014,
previous outbreaks have been confined to smaller geographic areas and often only affected a few
hundred people. The virus killed every monkey in the quarantine but did not spread due to the
drastic measures taken by the C. Proper hand hygiene means washing hands often with soap and
water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer etc. Yet, some of these effects are not necessarily negative.
Elevated hepatic transaminases is common and severe hepatitis is more common in fatal cases and
frequently there is associated fluid depletion. The annual incidence of PAN varies between five and
nine cases per million. The Ebola virus has been associated with epidemics in Africa and is capable of
causing severe disease in humans. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly
to that page in the book. EVD is often characterized by the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness,
muscle pain, headache and sore throat. Clinical presentation: symptoms of Ebola virus fever,
headach, joint and muscle aches, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, lack. Full description
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Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 1 Search inside document. AN EMERGING
VIRUS Bhaskar Reddy Download Free PDF View PDF Avicenna Journal of Medicine Ebola virus
disease: Essential clinical knowledge Omar Aboshady Download Free PDF View PDF Past, Present
and Future about Ebola Virus Diseases: An Updated Review Akash S Mali Ebola virus is responsible
for the Ebola virus diseases. Ebola is a very interesting disease to study due to the way it is
transmitted and how it affects people of different ages.Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 near
the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of congo by Boron Peter Karel Piot. Twins
with rare genetic disorder could hold clue to cure for Ebola Ebola was first discovered in Africa, on
the banks of the Ebola river, after which the question has been paper. The virus is usually transmitted
either through blood or through waste. Typical features include fever, profound weakness, diarrhoea,
abdominal pain, cramping, nausea and vomiting for 3-5 days and maybe persisting for up to a week.
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Economics is built in Stockholm and London. Once in the blood stream, it targets an organ
that produces chemicals that hold the bonds between cells in other organs that keep the organs shape
and structure. For example, USAID lists the five key targets for interventions in Ebola: food
security; health services and health systems; innovation technology and partnerships; governance and
economic crisis mitigation; and global health security agenda (USAID, 2017). Education was then
sent out to all the public leader’s in their towns. Once people were more educated and had some help
the number of infections went down. Transmission of Ebola has been linked to burial ceremonies
where mourners have had direct contact with the body of the deceased person who suffered from
this virus. Like HIV it can mutate at an amazing rate making it impossible to create a vaccine to fight
it. Some symptoms of the Ebola Virus are fever, severe headache, muscle pain, weakness, vomitting
etc. The need for a risk assessment was brought forward by a participant from the National Science
Foundation (NSF), especially related to viability in water and wastewater and corresponding needs
for disinfection and decontamination. Clinical pictures: Initial signs and symptoms are nonspecific
and may include fever, chills, myalgias, and malaise.

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