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Title: Mastering the Challenge: Crafting a Thesis on Ebola Virus Research

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis on Ebola Virus Research is not for the faint-hearted. It’s
a formidable task that demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and eloquent articulation. From
delving into the intricacies of virology to examining the socio-economic impacts of Ebola outbreaks,
the scope of this research paper is vast and multifaceted.

The complexity of the topic requires a deep understanding of virology, epidemiology, public health
policies, and global health dynamics. Gathering relevant data, deciphering scientific literature, and
synthesizing findings into a coherent narrative pose significant challenges. Moreover, navigating
through the ethical considerations surrounding research on deadly pathogens adds another layer of

Crafting a thesis on Ebola Virus Research demands not only academic rigor but also a keen
awareness of the real-world implications of the disease. It involves exploring the historical context of
Ebola outbreaks, analyzing the factors contributing to their spread, and proposing effective strategies
for prevention and control.

Amidst the daunting task of writing such a thesis, seeking assistance becomes essential. However,
not all sources of help are created equal. In the vast landscape of academic support services, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable ally for students grappling with the complexities of thesis

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Virus Research papers. With a team of experienced researchers, writers, and editors well-versed in
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comprehensive and well-researched but also compelling and insightful.

By entrusting your Ebola Virus Research thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can navigate through
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Don’t let the daunting task of writing a thesis on Ebola Virus Research overwhelm you. With the
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that contributes to our understanding of this critical global health issue.
This outbreak was being controlled through meticulous application of intervention to reduce further
transmission. Ebola is classified as a virus as it needs a host to survive. In my analysis, the
researchers were able to provide answers to their questions. Bats have been identified as a reservoir
for Ebola viruses but it remains unclear if transmission to an end host involves intermediate hosts.
The recent epidemic however had been reported to be high as compared to the past ones in terms of
mortality and morbidity. There was a total of 4507 of confirmed Ebola cases together with 2296
death caused by the virus. The Reston virus was discovered in the western pacific in 1989 during an
outbreak of simian hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV), while the Cote d’Ivoire species of virus were
discovered in 1994 in a Tai forest in the country of Cote d’Ivoire (Peter, 2009). What is to blame A.
The, predicts that upwards of 20,000 people will be infected with Ebola before it will be stopped.
The first epidemic happened in 2014 and ended in 2016 and the second Ebola outbreak happened in
2017. This shows some instances of biasness in the estimations given. The latter occurred in a village
near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name. The annual incidence of PAN varies
between five and nine cases per million. In reality there is no real way to prevent Ebola because
scientists have yet to discover a vaccine or a treatment for it. Measures put to reduce the instances of
such biases are the increase of the study period to cover all the cases to give a correct estimation.
Pores in the cell wall allow molecules to pass through. The cell. The CDC responded to the outbreak
after seeing how poorly the surveillance was handled by allowing the disease to spread quickly to
nearby countries and worldwide before identifying the virus. A suspected illness case in any
individual dead or alive with a particular high fever onset and have been in contact with someone
who is suspected or confirmed to have Ebola case or with a sick or dead animal. The researchers,
subjects, methods and the results and conclusion of the research are all discussed in this paper. The
goal of the study is to better understand the long-term health consequences of Ebola virus disease.
Out of the three strains of ebola, Reston is the only one that is not lethal to humans. However, this
particular morning, she felt so ill that she decided to be examined by the town doctor. Many of the
cases had not been reported meaning the data given and the estimations made are incomplete. Most
people are infected by giving care to infected people either directly or by cleaning the infected
person’s body fluids. Moreover, it can spread via breast milk and through contact with an infected
deceased individual. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. The
virus has been contaminating people since than leading it to spread to several African countries. The
disease was formerly known as the ebola hemorrhagic fever. The flea would suck blood from the rat
and ingest the bacterium that would paper grow in their question system. This may be due to
difficulty in temporally collection of unbiased data on disclosure to contact tracing. However, despite
promising vaccine candidates, no licensed prophylactics currently exist for preventing or treating
filovirus infections.
For example, USAID lists the five key targets for interventions in Ebola: food security; health
services and health systems; innovation technology and partnerships; governance and economic crisis
mitigation; and global health security agenda (USAID, 2017). Many cases however had not been
detected by the research. Ebola was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now
Democratic Republic of Congo. The reason for the reemergence was reported on December 2013,
when an 18-month-old boy from a small village in Guinea was believed to be infected by a fruit bat
and five more cases occurred with symptoms of fatal diarrhea (CDC). This quote shows the history
of Ebola because it tells us how it started when it died and where. They are also conducting
ecological investigations of and its possible reservoir. In my conclusions, the WHO has provided
good information on the transmission of Ebola and given recommendations to minimize the
transmission. Elevated hepatic transaminases is common and severe hepatitis is more common in fatal
cases and frequently there is associated fluid depletion. There are limited data regarding Ebola virus
disease in children; however, reported case-fatality proportions in children are high. Moreover, it can
spread via breast milk and through contact with an infected deceased individual. Outbreaks Ebola
virus is responsible for several outbreaks of hemorrhagic fevers among humans which have been of
severe nature accounting for high mortality rates. The Zaire Ebolavirus was poorly contained,
allowing the virus to spread to nearby countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone due to a weak
surveillance system and poor infrastructure of the public health where cases were slowly noticed and
identified. The protection required for working with the ebola virus consists of wearing three layers
of gloves, and giant space suits. Wurie Download Free PDF View PDF RELATED TOPICS Ebola
Virus See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring.
Country-specific analysis of transmission rates in Liberia and Sierra Leone showed on average
between one and two new cases for every existing case. The virus is believed to be spread by way of
body contacts through symptomatic patients’ body fluids body fluids. In addition, the CDC decided
to train 55 hospital in 17 states in the United States to get the healthcare workers ready to treat and
be on the lookout for any patients with signs or symptoms of the Ebola virus after the healthcare
workers who were treating the infected patients were tested positive of have the Ebola virus
incidents. The virus was later known to be a Zaire Ebolavirus outbreak declared by the World Health
Organization (CDC). Current knowledge on behavior change was not made full use of, and
psychosocial issues were not prioritized. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how
to manage cookies. This made some details concerning the study to continue unconfirmed. A 15.3
days estimate for serial periods is to some extent longer as compared to the previous estimates. In
this paper, the author will list the top three killers of all times, specifically the number one deadly
virus known to us as HIV. No FDA-approved vaccine or medicine is available for Ebola. As a result,
behaviors that contributed to the spread of the disease continued for a long period. Say you were in
an outbreak area with infected people and the bodies of people who were infected Avoid contact
with animals as they may have the infection and make sure to wash your hands and body in general
often. Football coach essay term is used to describe the virus of the Ebola infection when the
infected goes into convolutions and their body temperature increases paper. If there is an outbreak try
to wash your hands frequently and avoid buying and eating wild animals or unknown meat. The
report in September included a total of 318 cases with 151 deaths reported among the health
workers. See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're
Hiring. All that is known is that it seems to reside in the rainy forests of the African continent and the
western pacific, and although non-human primates have been the source of infections for human,
they are believed to have been directly infected by the natural reservoir or some transmission chain in
the natural reservoir.
The virus has been contaminating people since than leading it to spread to several African countries.
The first epidemic happened in 2014 and ended in 2016 and the second Ebola outbreak happened in
2017. Direct contact with dead infected people is the main factor to why outbreaks become so
numerous. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Other
treatments being used to help people survive Ebola virus disease include, where available, kidney
dialysis, blood transfusions, plasma replacement therapy. The world was terrified especially when the
outbreak occurred in Guinea and traveled West to the United States and many other countries
without knowing what kind of disease that was killing people and infecting our healthcare workers.
Many cases however had not been detected by the research. Laboratory complications including
elevated aminotransferase levels, marked lymphocytopenia, and thrombocytopenia may have
occurred. Please explain the reasons for any differences observed. The early symptoms of Ebola are
similar to other, more common, diseases. Apart from human beings the virus also can affect the
nonhuman primates like gorillas, chimpanzees, and monkeys. This resulted in a higher percentage of
events of transmission taking place late in the line of the illness. If there is an outbreak try to wash
your hands frequently and avoid buying and eating wild animals or unknown meat. The symptoms
progress over the time and patients suffer from dehydration, stupor, confusion, hypotension, multi-
organ failure, leading to fulminant shock and eventually death. As the number begins to rise within
month in the United States, the Center of Disease Control (CDC) responded to the outbreak by
screening everyone at the airport who has traveled from West Africa to help identify those who are
at risk. New drug therapies are evaluated but no FDA approved drug is available, only some
supportive care like providing fluids, replacing blood, treating some infections developed is provided
to patients suffering from Ebola. Diagnosis: Diagnosis within a few days after symptoms begin
involves antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing, IgM ELISA,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Virus isolation. This case forms one of the many hypotheses
developed to explain the origin of the Ebola virus (Peter, 2009). After killing itself out, it re-emerged
in Sudan in It is hard to point a research at what these outbreaks were originally caused by ebola who
their original carriers were. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Men are
generally more affected than women in a 2:1 ratio, most frequently between the ages of 40 and 60
years. A particle explosion occurs when the ebola cell invades a human cell.That then causes an
inflammatory reaction which is why there are flu like symptoms once you’ve contracted ebola.
Several persons have been suspected buried from the disease before the diagnosis was carried out.
Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Microbiology Lab.. may
pass the slide over an orange bunsen burner flame ONCE. 8. When the suspension has dried you
must fix the suspension onto the slide 9. It has become more popular among large number of heath
care practitioners. Thus, one of the ways to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus is by avoiding
going to infected areas of known outbreaks. Analysis was performed by the use of logistic-regression
models, with patients’ data for which distinct outcome was available. Zaire has also been the cause
of the highest number of cases and deaths between 1979 and 2012. These symptoms mostly lead to
death if ebola is not treated when first in the body this virus has killed thousands in West Africa
mostly when hemorrhaging, shock, or renal failure which occurs within 8 to 17 days.
Say you were in an outbreak area with infected people and the bodies of people who were infected
Avoid contact with animals as they may have the infection and make sure to wash your hands and
body in general often. Ring Vaccination hasn’t been approved but it is still very successful. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. Please explain the reasons for any differences observed. Ebola spreads
throughout the body then attacks almost every organ and tissue. Since the initial discovery of Zaire
and Sudan ebola virus in 1976, the Ebola viruses have been responsible for severe hemorrhagic fever
outbreaks in Africa with case fatality rates between 40-90% and Zaire strain showing maximum
fatality rate. The prevalence of Ebola especially in the West Africa countries can be deduced from the
study. The goal of the study is to better understand the long-term health consequences of Ebola
virus disease. These cases have been reported and documented in the Cote d’Ivoire and the
Democratic republic of Congo. This was delivered by way of care system at the local health level
with support provided by the international partners (Gire et al. 2014). The disease is a major health
problem in much of the tropics and subtropics. We do not understand their natural maintenance
strategy and thus cannot predict their emergence nor the factors that might reasonably be expected to
increase the risk of their presenting problems to the world. The majority of people suffering from
EVD were between the age of 15 and 44 years (Team, 2014). Contact in general is also not
recommended, especially with a recently deceased patient. Transmission of Ebola has been linked to
burial ceremonies where mourners have had direct contact with the body of the deceased person who
suffered from this virus. The four types of strains that are known to be found in human by direct
contact from human to human transmission or animal to human transmission are: Zaire, Sudan, Tai
Forest (Cote d’lvoire), and Bundibugyo. Certainly, the outbreak was catastrophic, with a total of
28,000 cases and 11,000 deaths, which totaled more than all previous outbreaks (Camacho, 2014). In
contrast to the ideal shown in Figure 1, none of the trials started before an epidemic peak, and all but
one started long after they had peaked. The research however having faced various challenges have
come up with recommendations to such challenges. This higher-than-normal daily increase (the usual
reporting average is 1-2 new confirmed cases per day) has been blamed on community resistance to
disease response efforts (Wise, 2018). PAN may affect multiple organs, including skin, kidneys, and
gastrointestinal tract, as well as the peripheral and central nervous systems. The inflammatory process
causes necrosis of cells and structural components of the artery with aneurysms or stenosis
formations. The study was carried due to the prevalence of the Ebola disease in the countries the
West Africa. An IgM or rising IgG titter (four-fold) contributes to strong presumptive diagnosis. The
case fatality rate in the patients that are hospitalized was about 64.3% (Team, 2014). Diagnosis of
the Ebola can be done under specialized laboratories where. The researchers, subjects, methods and
the results and conclusion of the research are all discussed in this paper. This is true as the countries
under the study are interconnected by the roads within the rural areas with nation capitals that are
densely populated. The genome of ebola virus is RNA, negative stranded and non-segmented. The
research has also achieved through its analysis to give the recommendations of the control measures
in the prevention of Ebola transmission.

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