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Writing a thesis on any topic can be a daunting and challenging task, but when it comes to a complex

and constantly evolving topic like Ebola virus disease, the difficulty level increases significantly. This
deadly virus has caused numerous outbreaks and continues to be a major global health concern,
making it a popular topic for research and academic writing.

One of the main challenges of writing a thesis on Ebola virus disease is the vast amount of
information available on the subject. With new research and developments constantly emerging, it
can be overwhelming to keep up with the latest findings and incorporate them into your paper.
Moreover, the topic itself is complex and requires a deep understanding of virology, epidemiology,
and public health.

Another difficulty in writing a thesis on Ebola virus disease is the sensitive nature of the topic. This
disease has caused widespread panic and fear, and it is crucial to handle the information with
sensitivity and accuracy. It is essential to present the facts objectively and avoid any biased or
sensationalized language.

Furthermore, the research process for a thesis on Ebola virus disease can be challenging. Due to the
high-risk nature of the virus, access to research materials and data may be limited. It may also require
special permissions and protocols to handle and analyze samples, which can add to the complexity
and time-consuming nature of the research process.

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It is also believed to be a Ribonucleic acid virus. Juss Anti-inflammatory activity of pupalia lappacea
L. However, despite promising vaccine candidates, no licensed prophylactics currently exist for
preventing or treating filovirus infections. They can be tested for the presence of virus in order to
maintain their quarantine until they are no longer contagious. This mysterious disease spread
throughout Europe like a wildfire and between 1347-1375 it infected European cities numerous
times and virtually wiped out the European population (Fiero). Role of Regulatory authorities in
Quality education, practice, and rights of. Once people were more educated and had some help the
number of infections went down. This virus doesn’t leave quickly it lingers in breast milk,semen and
spinal fluid for up to 7 weeks after being deemed well. It affects wild animals such as primates, fruit
bats and humans. Additionally, information about how the virus is maintained in these bodily fluids
could be useful, as well as whether there are any surrogates for transmission that could be tracked in
bodily fluids. Symptoms of Ebola virus can appear from two to twenty one days after exposure,
though eight to ten days is common. The disease found in the Democratic Republic of Congo was
later known as the Zaire Ebolavirus and the disease found in South Sudan was later known as the
Sudan Ebolavirus and resulted in a high fatality rate (53%-90%). Ebola virus test are extremely
biohazard risk and are only conducted under maximum biological containment conditions. How it
spreads. How infection control plays a part in this deadly Virus.Ebola is described as a rare and
deadly virus. As a result, patients who have potentially been exposed to EVD and who show some
of the symptoms above should be isolated, even if test results are negative, and retested a few days
later. Health promotion survey in overweight and obese students of universities in n. Numerous
illnesses can have these same symptoms, including flu (influenza) or malaria. Pfeffer, John M Dye4,
Sean P Whelan, Thijn R Brummelkamp, and Kartik Chandran. Rats were often found aboard ships
problem solving multiple step problems practice 7-7 answers especially trade ships due to their
abundance of food. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Lastly,
the only type of strain not found in human, but can only found in animals from the host is Reston.
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European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Concept of srotas from ayurvedic perspective
with special reference to neurology Concept of srotas from ayurvedic perspective with special
reference to neurology Health promotion survey in overweight and obese students of universities in
n. Some symptoms of the Ebola Virus are fever, severe headache, muscle pain, weakness, vomitting
etc. Such as monkeys, chimpanzees and gorillas and many more animals. Melissa McDiarmid and
Bill Kojola 9 presented the highlighted questions emerging from their discussions (see Box 4 ).
Ebola virus disease is a severe multisystem disease with high mortality in children and adults. The
Ebolavirus structural glycoprotein, known as GP1,2, is responsible for the virus’s ability to bind to
and infect targeted cells. The virulence of Ebola virus involved in several immune evasion
mechanisms that include an inhibition of type I interferon responsible for innate immunity, epitope
masking, etc.
It is a very rare and deadly disease affecting people and nonhumans. Until 2014, previous outbreaks
have been confined to smaller geographic areas and often only affected a few hundred people. Its
concentration in the host cell determines when L switches from gene translation to genome
replication. Ebola: A Media Induced Frenzy It is believed that the population of Europe in was 83
million and by the population was down to 60 million. Comparision of in vitro antibacterial activity
of cefoperazone and levofloxac. Since the first discovery, scientists have discovered five strains of
the Ebola virus; however, only four of the strains can transmit the disease to humans and one of the
strains can only be found in animals. The Zaire strain is responsible for the current outbreak in West
Africa. Contagion through blood usually takes place if a person consumes infested meat, or even
touches it for example, butchering can also lead to contamination. All that is known is that it seems to
reside in the rainy forests of the African continent and the western pacific, and although non-human
primates have been the source of infections for human, they are believed to have been directly
infected by the natural reservoir or some transmission chain in the natural reservoir. The epidemic of
Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a deadly disease of animal can also be transmitted to human and non-
human primates. Full description Save Save Ebola Essay For Later 0% 0% found this document
useful, Mark this document as useful 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as
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document. This report discusses EVD in general, including symptoms, modes of transmission,
incubation period, and treatments; presents projections of the future course of the outbreak; and lists
additional CRS products, including products focused on the situation in West Africa. Laboratory
findings include low white blood cell and platelet counts, and elevated liver enzymes (EBV, 2016).
Bleeding into the skin may cause petechiae, hematomas, ecchymoses, or purpura (especially around
needle injection sites). The world was terrified especially when the outbreak occurred in Guinea and
traveled West to the United States and many other countries without knowing what kind of disease
that was killing people and infecting our healthcare workers. Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam
Download Free PDF View PDF Surveillance-Response Systems: keys to elimination of tropical
diseases. Other important points brought up by various participants throughout the different
discussions included the creation of a culture of preparedness in our society; integration. Some of the
early symptoms characterized by the Ebola virus include: headache, sudden onset of fever, intense
weakness, muscle pain and sore throat. Certainly, the outbreak was catastrophic, with a total of
28,000 cases and 11,000 deaths, which totaled more than all previous outbreaks (Camacho, 2014).
The 2014-2016 West Africa outbreaks was the largest and the most widespread EVD outbreak to
date, contributing to more than 21,000 cases and 8,000 deaths (WHO, 2014b). Prospects for a
revitalised trade is the most plausible explanation for the opening of national borders. If you want a
unique paper, order it from our professional writers. Click here to buy this book in print or download
it as a free PDF, if available. A descriptive study on newborn care among postnatal mothers in
selected mater. In retrospect, officials determined that the outbreak began in December 2013, and
spread to the adjacent countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Related Papers A review on Ebola virus disease IJIRT Journal Ebola virus is
transmitted to people as a result of direct contact with body fluids containing virus of an infected
patient. Diseases. Division of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology. This mysterious disease
spread throughout Europe like a wildfire and between 1347-1375 it infected European cities
numerous times and virtually wiped out the European population (Fiero). Of these, only four (Ebola,
Sudan, Tai Forest, and Bundibugyo viruses) are known to cause illness in humans. Give me your
paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert.
He also added that research studies about the survivability of the virus on fomites should be
revisited, as well as survivability during human burials; most of the current information has been
extrapolated from animal studies, and further study would be helpful. Discussions included the
degree of transmission and biopersistence of the Ebola virus under a range of conditions and on a
variety of materials, as well as issues of handling potentially infected materials, decontamination, and
the training and PPE usage of traditional and nontraditional workers involved in the full spectrum of
this response. Nursing students, here’s your roadmap to understanding the vital river that courses
through us, carrying both life and messages. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
The 2014-2016 West Africa outbreaks was the largest and the most widespread EVD outbreak to
date, contributing to more than 21,000 cases and 8,000 deaths (WHO, 2014b). According to the
DRC health ministry data as of May 19, the recent outbreak in the country has raised concerns with
46 people showing symptoms of the virus including 21 confirmed cases of Ebola. The natural
reservoir of the Ebola Virus is still unknown to humans, despite the extensive studies directed to its
course. Discussions included the degree of transmission and biopersistence of the virus under a
range of conditions and on a variety of materials, as well as issues of handling potentially infected
materials, decontamination, and the training and personal protective equipment usage of traditional
and nontraditional workers involved in the full spectrum of this response. The deadly virus was first
discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River which is now called the Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC). PAN often can culminate in necrosis or hemorrhage of the affected organ. Also, try to avoid
coming into contact with an infected person, by looking up the symptoms of the disease so you
know what to notice. Review of the published medical literature, World Health Organization and
government documents, and expert opinion. It is caused by an infection with five categories of
viruses within the genus Ebolavirus: Tai Forest virus (species Tai Forest ebolavirus, formerly Cote
d’Ivoire ebolavirus), Bundibugyo virus (species Bundibugyo ebolavirus), Ebola virus (species Zaire
ebolavirus), Sudan virus (species Sudan ebolavirus), Reston virus (species Reston ebolavirus), and
Bombali virus (species Bombali ebolavirus). PAN may affect multiple organs, including skin, kidneys,
and gastrointestinal tract, as well as the peripheral and central nervous systems. The inflammatory
process causes necrosis of cells and structural components of the artery with aneurysms or stenosis
formations. It was not until March 13, 2014 when the Ministry of Health in Guinea reported an alert
of an unknown illness killing people rapidly, fever, severe diarrhea, and vomiting, which was later
identified through epidemiology investigation and blood sample by the Pasteur Institute in France
that the unknown illness killing people rapidly was the Zaire Ebolavirus. What training, for what
staff, with what risk, and how often. Having proper hand hygiene is important always not in just the
spread of Ebola but all infections. As a result, EVD is not likely to be easily transmitted in
community settings in the United States. In August, researchers reported that ZMapp protected 18
monkeys from dying of Ebola virus — the first question of a highly successful therapy in animals
already showing symptoms of the ebola. An IgM or rising IgG titter (four-fold) contributes to strong
presumptive diagnosis. This is followed by fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes. The
transmission of the Reston species, however, is because of handling the cynomolgus monkey
(Bausch, 2011). However, none of these include psychosocial issues, communication or behavior
change. Different approaches to case counting can affect the measured CFR considerably. That’s
where nursing notes and study guides come in. Apron that is water proof and covers the torso to the
level of the mid-calf in case of vomiting and diarrhea.Visitors should be restricted. Also, including
how health care has changed to accommodate treating Ebola, and other viruses similar in severity.
Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Ebola virus disease (EVD)
first appeared in 1976 in 2. The public is now aware of where and how the disease originated from
and should educate themselves when traveling to the source where an outbreak occurs.
The Zaire Ebolavirus was poorly contained, allowing the virus to spread to nearby countries like
Liberia and Sierra Leone due to a weak surveillance system and poor infrastructure of the public
health where cases were slowly noticed and identified. It is also believed to be a Ribonucleic acid
virus. Discussions included the degree of transmission and biopersistence of the virus under a range
of conditions and on a variety of materials, as well as issues of handling potentially infected
materials, decontamination, and the training and personal protective equipment usage of traditional
and nontraditional workers involved in the full spectrum of this response. This is not done
everywhere only in certain areas and eating the tainted meat can cause the virus. Public health
planners planned, prepared, and strategized about combating emerging infectious diseases and
bioterrorism attacks, yet as the reality of the containment effort set in, the infection rate climbed out
of control as the disease migrated from the rural area of origin to major urban centers in West Africa.
Ebola’s family tree was thought to have been extinct for over 23 million years, much longer than
previously believed. Having proper hand hygiene is important always not in just the spread of Ebola
but all infections. Highlighting labor, infrastructure, and PPE as some of the top issues, he also
commented that there are ethical and logistical considerations when introducing research in this type
of emergency response. Given the current outbreak, pharmaceutical companies, FDA, and other
federal agencies have accelerated their work on some promising products. 9 Some products are or
may soon be available for investigational use (i.e., in clinical trials) both domestically and abroad.
Many of the hospitals and staff members were unaware of the symptoms and transmission of this
virulent virus until it was too late and it spread among patients and staff members. Once people were
more educated and had some help the number of infections went down. This classification process
and my findings will help public health researchers identify where we have a dearth of research and
why they are worth exploring, minimize duplication of effort in research, and encourage more
research in intervention areas that we know to be effective, specifically socio-behavioral ones. There
is currently no cure or vaccine that is Approved by the Food and DrugAdministration. Qi Li, Daniel
Ory, Kartik Chandran, and James Cunningham. It is a “poorly protected virus”—an enveloped
virus—but when other bodily fluids or media are paired with the virus, it could survive longer. Even
Doctors Without Borders in West Africa are moving the fatality rate from 50 percent down to 30
percent. Fruit bats are thought to be the most likely or most common animal reservoir for the virus.
The virus is usually transmitted either through blood or through waste. This has indeed shaken Africa
to its foundation as several aspects of its life have suffered the adverse effects of the pervasiveness
of the EVD. The treatment and diagnosis is very important because these kind of dangerous viruses
are possibly used for bio-weapons. Sharpe added that it will be important to also protect the health
and safety of workers who will be performing these processes. Mulherkar, Ana I. Kuehne, Philip J.
Kranzusch, April M. Griffin, Gordon Ruthel, Paola Dal Cin, John M. The symptoms are harmful and
severe but we don’t know if it’s curable.Ebola then spreads through human-to-human transmission
viadirect contact (through broken skin or mucus membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or
other body fluids. The symptoms may appear from anywhere from 2-21 days after being in contact
with the virus. Since then the virus has been infecting people from time to time and causing
outbreaks in several african countries. As a result, behaviors that contributed to the spread of the
disease continued for a long period. Bleeding into the whites of the eyes, seeping from the gums, and
blood in stool may also occur. Traditionally, a hierarchy of controls has been used as a means of
determining how to implement feasible and effective controls. The present review describes briefly
about virology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of Ebola viral
disease. However, healthcare workers, family members, and others who care for EVD patients have a
high risk of infection because they are in regular contact with infected body fluids.
Antiviral drug therapy of filovirus infections: S-adenosylhomocysteine. The symptoms are similar to
a flu such as a fever, severe headaches, fatigue, weakness, muscle and abdominal pain, vomiting,
diarrhea, and unexplained bleeding (CDC). A literature indicates low risk of transmission in the. The
bats carrying the virus can transmit it to other animals, like gorillas, monkeys, duikers, and humans.
The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name. Key
Words: Ebolavirus, Leptospirosis, Plague, Rickettsiosis Download Free PDF View PDF Outbreak of
Ebola virus click alarm for devastating epidemic Ravi Ambey, Priya Gogia Ebola viral disease
formerly known as ebola hemorrhagic fever is a severe, often fatal illness in human, outbreaks having
case fatality rate upto 90%.It was first noted in 1976, and is a WHO risk group 4 pathogen, many
outbreaks have occurred since then but 2014 outbreak is worst outbreak in terms of cases and
fatalities. Pharmacist Interventions and Medication Reviews at Care Homes - Improving Med. On
average, ebolavirions are 80 nanometers in width and up to 14,000 nanometers in length. Nursing
students, elevate your understanding and master the art of human motion with every page turn.
Guinea in Gueckedou prefecture near the border with. In retrospect, officials determined that the
outbreak began in December 2013, and spread to the adjacent countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone.
The Ebolavirus structural glycoprotein, known as GP1,2, is responsible for the virus’s ability to bind
to and infect targeted cells. In addition to these novel products, there are also. In addition, the CDC
decided to train 55 hospital in 17 states in the United States to get the healthcare workers ready to
treat and be on the lookout for any patients with signs or symptoms of the Ebola virus after the
healthcare workers who were treating the infected patients were tested positive of have the Ebola
virus incidents. One concept that many participants highlighted during this time was risk
communication, encompassing a broad spectrum that includes multi-level communication through
hospitals, public health, and other involved sectors. A slightly different Zaire strain is responsible for
a smaller unrelated outbreak now in the DRC. As a result, there was a downturn in the economy and
the impact of those lives lost was felt by those who survived the epidemic. Download Free PDF
View PDF The Pervasiveness of Ebola Virus Disease in Africa: Implication for Economy, Ecology
and Socio-Religious Dynamics IOSR Journals Abstract: Within a space of six months from the
recent outbreak in March 2014, Ebola virus disease (EVD) has claimed over 2000 lives in Liberia,
Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Nigeria. In late summer case counts in the three countries rose
precipitously. Having proper hand hygiene is important always not in just the spread of Ebola but all
infections. It is unknown if Bombali virus, which was recently identified in bats, causes illness in
either animals or humans. The two “front running” vaccines on the track are cAd3-ZEBOV, a
chimpanzee derived adenovirus vaccine developed by GlaxoSmithKline in conjunction with the US
National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, and rVSV-ZEBOV, developed by the Public
Health Agency of Canada and now licensed to a US company called NewLink. The vaccine that they
are working is supposed to stop the virus from multiplying. He explored what has been learned
about the virus from cases in Africa and the United. After killing itself out, it re-emerged in Sudan in
It is hard to point a research at what these outbreaks were originally caused by ebola who their
original carriers were. In September 2014, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) confirmed the first EVD case diagnosed in the United States, heightening concerns among
some who fear the disease could spread in American communities. Pfeffer, John M Dye4, Sean P
Whelan, Thijn R Brummelkamp, and Kartik Chandran. Percutaneous, needle stick or mucosal
exposure to virus-contaminated blood, bodily fluids. Waterproof leg covers, single use fluid resistant
gown. In Africa, fruit bats, particularly species of the genera.
Further insight into the ecology, immunology and pathogenesis of Ebola virus will promote the
delivery of these urgently required tools. She stated this as an important concern for hospitals trying
to transport the waste once it has been autoclaved or chemically disinfected. Due to the fact that as
humans we vivienne westwood essay a need to take care of our deceased, infection can occur in
people that are trying to burry the bodies of the infected or people living in the same place or area as
an infected person. The annual incidence of PAN varies between five and nine cases per million.
Treatment: There are no approved treatments or vaccines available for Ebola virus disease (EVD)
until today; however, there are a bunch of therapeutic approaches on the track which could have the
real impact on control and prevention of this global threat. The reason for the reemergence was
reported on December 2013, when an 18-month-old boy from a small village in Guinea was believed
to be infected by a fruit bat and five more cases occurred with symptoms of fatal diarrhea (CDC).
However, caregivers, including family members and healthcare workers, face considerable risk of
transmission. They may take the form of a shepherd’s hook, a “U”, or a “6”, and they may be coiled,
toroid, or branched. Individuals are not contagious, meaning they cannot transmit EVD to others,
until symptoms are present. Krishnan, Esther Ndungo, Rohini G Sandesara, Jan E Carette, Ana I
Kuehne, Gordon Ruthel, Suzanne R. There really is no cure for the EVD but there are ways you can
treat it like getting therapy to maintain oxygen levels, providing fluids and electrolytes, using
medicine to support the blood preasure and treat anyother infections. The virulence of Ebola virus
involved in several immune evasion mechanisms that include an inhibition of type I interferon
responsible for innate immunity, epitope masking, etc. We have collected a large number of free
essay examples about Ebola Virus you can find in Papersowl database. Close face-to-face contact
without appropriate personal protective equipment (including eye. Where it came from. What the
symptoms are.Whether or not there is a cure or there will become one. People from different
organizations came to aid them as well. This usually begins 5 to 7 days after the onset of symptoms.
All infected individuals show some decreased blood clotting. This paper will go into deep detail of
the number one virus and its effects on the human being's body. Discussion leaders Andy Pavia, Eric
Toner, and Thomas Ksiazek 6 presented research questions that should be addressed now (see Box 2
). All that is known is that it seems to reside in the rainy forests of the African continent and the
western pacific, and although non-human primates have been the source of infections for human,
they are believed to have been directly infected by the natural reservoir or some transmission chain in
the natural reservoir. Mulherkar, Ana I. Kuehne, Philip J. Kranzusch, April M. Griffin, Gordon
Ruthel, Paola Dal Cin, John M. Hepatitis B virus is a double stranded DNA virus which exhibits four
serotypes (adr, adw, ayr, ayw) and is subdivided into 8 genotypes, A-H. There is currently no cure or
vaccine that is Approved by the Food and DrugAdministration. Give me your paper requirements
and I connect you to an academic expert. The Zaire Ebolavirus was poorly contained, allowing the
virus to spread to nearby countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone due to a weak surveillance system
and poor infrastructure of the public health where cases were slowly noticed and identified. Ebola:
A Media Induced Frenzy It is believed that the population of Europe in was 83 million and by the
population was down to 60 million. Essays could explore the history of Ebola outbreaks, efforts to
combat the disease, the biological characteristics of the virus, or the social and economic impact of
outbreaks. An IgM or rising IgG titter (four-fold) contributes to strong presumptive diagnosis. These
are then translated into structural and non-structural proteins. EVD is not likely to be easily
transmitted in community settings in the United States.
Ebola virus test are extremely biohazard risk and are only conducted under maximum biological
containment conditions. France). Sequencing of part of the outbreak virus L-. The same studies
described similar results regarding. The incubation period usually lasts 5 to 7 d and approximately
95% of the patients appear signs within 21 d after exposure. Using a critical phenomenological
method of analysis, it was found that the recent outbreak of EVD in Africa has had a wide range
effects that cuts across economic, ecological, socio-religious and cultural aspects of life in the
affected countries. This usually begins 5 to 7 days after the onset of symptoms. All infected
individuals show some decreased blood clotting. Guinea in Gueckedou prefecture near the border
with. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to
explore a new topic for yourself. The model found that without further interventions to slow the
outbreak (a worst case scenario), the case count in the two countries could reach 1.4 million by
January 20, 2015. Patient compliance: Challenges in management of cardiac diseases in Kuala Lum.
The Japanese in W. II paper it as a biological weapon against the Chinese but proved to be an
unsuccessful weaponpossibly due to the Chinese question a more advanced hygiene system then they
had research the plague ebola more prevalent in the past. Unfortunately the infecting Ebola virus
detected this outbreak is Zaire strain, the most pathogenic strain of Ebola. As better training was
done to conduct a quicker response to the Ebola outbreak will allow future healthcare worker,
identify and treat the virus in a timely manner where the disease do not spread to nearby countries
within a short amount of time. Retrospectively in deceased patients - Immunohistochemistry testing.
A few days after symptoms begin -Antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
testing. Further, because technology is sparse, special attention should also be given when
transferring paper materials from inside infected areas. The symptoms may appear from anywhere
from 2-21 days after being in contact with the virus. Identifying a surrogate virus, categorized at or
below BSL-2, would allow many more studies to be done, informing a variety of concerns. In
Liberia, the Ebola virus took 8% of the doctors, nurses and midwives’ lives; however, about 30,000
children became orphans after the 2014- 2016 Ebola epidemic and about 20% of all the Ebola cases
occurred in children ages 15 and under (CDC). The incidence of bleeding into the gastrointestinal
tract has decreased since previous epidemics and is now estimated to be around 10%, with improved
prevention of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Thomas Ksiazek, D.V.M., Ph.D., is professor at
the University of Texas Medical Branch’s Seely Center for Vaccine Development and director of
High Containment the Galveston National Laboratory. A few participants also noted that virus
detection is based on the presence of viral nucleic acid material and that transmission epidemiology
could be improved by the ability to perform actual virus titration. This would send body fluids
containing the virus flying in all directions paper it to move from person to person by infecting a
large area around the convulsing victim. Before this outbreak, deaths from EVD had not been
recorded in these regions (Gostin et al., 2014). Discussions included the degree of transmission and
biopersistence of the virus under a range of conditions and on a variety of materials, as well as issues
of handling potentially infected materials, decontamination, and the training and personal protective
equipment usage of traditional and nontraditional workers involved in the full spectrum of this
response. Further, he noted that for this research to be maximally effective, methodologies are
required to facilitate data sharing, access, and standardization. Once the more virulent forms enter
the human population, transmission occurs primarily through direct contact with infected body fluids
and may result in significant outbreaks. Hodgson also added that we want to create an organizational
culture of safety that encourages workers in relevant sectors to come to work, or the problem may
only worsen. The symptoms progress over the time and patients suffer from dehydration, stupor,
confusion, hypotension, multi-organ failure, leading to fulminant shock and eventually death.

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