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Writing a thesis on a complex and ever-evolving topic like Ebola virus can be a daunting task.

requires extensive research, critical thinking, and strong analytical skills to produce a high-quality
paper. With the constant influx of new information and research findings, it can be challenging to
keep up and present a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the subject.

The first hurdle in writing a thesis on Ebola virus is finding reliable and credible sources. As a highly
debated and politicized topic, there is a lot of misinformation and biased information circulating on
the internet. Sorting through this sea of information to find reputable sources can be time-consuming
and overwhelming.

Once you have gathered enough information, the next step is to analyze and synthesize it to form a
cohesive argument. This requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to
critically evaluate different perspectives and theories. It can be challenging to present a unique and
thought-provoking argument when so much has already been written about Ebola virus.

Moreover, writing a thesis on Ebola virus also involves navigating sensitive and emotionally charged
topics. The impact of the virus on affected communities, the role of government and international
organizations, and the ethical considerations surrounding research on Ebola virus are just some of
the complex issues that need to be addressed. It takes a delicate balance of empathy and objectivity
to approach these topics in a respectful and meaningful way.

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many students struggle with this task. That is why we recommend seeking professional assistance
from ⇒ ⇔. Their team of experienced writers can provide you with a well-
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the ongoing discourse on Ebola virus.
Effective vaccines, ramped up drug discovery efforts for treatment options and identification of
native vectors for Ebola will hopefully contain future infections. This is through treating the Ebola
patients at a close contact, without following standard infection control precautions, and inadequate
nursing procedures has always been the case in most African countries. It is a very rare and deadly
disease affecting people and nonhumans. Virus isolation and identification method are a sensitive,
simple and fundamental method for the diagnosis of MHF and EHF. The ebola virus invades the
body and will remain unnoticed during the incubation period, which can be between 2 and 21 days.
Research findings have shown low counts of white blood cells and platelets and platelets, as well as
elevated liver enzymes (Ryabchikova, 2004). Hemorrhagic fever occurs in less than half of patients
and it takes place most commonly in the gastrointestinal tract. The four types of strains that are
known to be found in human by direct contact from human to human transmission or animal to
human transmission are: Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest (Cote d’lvoire), and Bundibugyo. As these could be
symptoms of other diseases, it’s difficult to diagnose Ebola in the initial stage. A lot of people
thought this virus couldn’t be real. The Ebola Virus Name: Institution: THE EBOLA VIRUS The
Ebola virus is classified in the filoviridae family of filovirus, and it is made up of five distinct species
namely: Zaire, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Cote d’Ivoire and Reston. A coverall without integrated hood,
respirators including either N95 or powered air purifying respirator single use. Such as monkeys,
chimpanzees and gorillas and many more animals. In 2014-2015 the deadliest outbreak of Ebola
happened West Africa. Without a clue to what the infection was, they resultantly had no clue for any
type of cure or treatment. There is currently no antiviral drug licensed by the US food and drug
Administration. Indeed, it has been ascertained that four strains of the ebola virus can lead to severe
illness not only in humans but also in animals. The present review describes briefly about virology,
epidemiology, pathophysiology, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of Ebola viral disease. AN
EMERGING VIRUS Bhaskar Reddy Download Free PDF View PDF Avicenna Journal of
Medicine Ebola virus disease: Essential clinical knowledge Omar Aboshady Download Free PDF
View PDF Past, Present and Future about Ebola Virus Diseases: An Updated Review Akash S Mali
Ebola virus is responsible for the Ebola virus diseases. Currently neither a licensed vaccine nor an
approved treatment is available for human use. Samaritans Purse was one of the first to volunteer. It
completely disrupts the immune system of the patients. To break this part in the chain of infection,
proper care of wounds in the skin and aseptic techniques to protect the entries should be assessed.
Apart from human beings the virus also can affect the nonhuman primates like gorillas, chimpanzees,
and monkeys. People can contract the virus through sexual contact as well. If you want a unique
paper, order it from our professional writers. Transmission of Ebola has been linked to burial
ceremonies where mourners have had direct contact with the body of the deceased person who
suffered from this virus. There exist several strains of the Ebola virus, some of them are deadly to
people, and some are not. Many deadly diseases can emerge from anywhere but spread like a
wildfire in the whole world. The epidemic of Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a deadly disease of animal
can also be transmitted to human and non-human primates.
This may cause vomiting blood, coughing up of blood, or blood in stool. Nevertheless, the virus
isolation method alone does not yield an etiological diagnosis. Clinical presentation: symptoms of
Ebola virus fever, headach, joint and muscle aches, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain,
lack. Germany at the time practiced a level of sanitation that is easily not as advanced as almost any
culture in the world today. After this chain comes the portal of exit which I s the path the Ebola
takes out of the reservoir. This is followed by fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes.
The future Ebola outlook is learning from the past large-scale outbreaks in order to prevent the future
outbreaks. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements
from scratch. The epidemic of Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a deadly disease of animal can also be
transmitted to human and non-human primates. It was not until March 13, 2014 when the Ministry
of Health in Guinea reported an alert of an unknown illness killing people rapidly, fever, severe
diarrhea, and vomiting, which was later identified through epidemiology investigation and blood
sample by the Pasteur Institute in France that the unknown illness killing people rapidly was the
Zaire Ebolavirus. Transmission of Ebola has been linked to burial ceremonies where mourners have
had direct contact with the body of the deceased person who suffered from this virus. The Ebola
virus is transmitted among humans through close and direct physical contact with infected bodily
fluids, the most infectious being blood, faeces and vomit. Download Free PDF View PDF The
Pervasiveness of Ebola Virus Disease in Africa: Implication for Economy, Ecology and Socio-
Religious Dynamics IOSR Journals Abstract: Within a space of six months from the recent outbreak
in March 2014, Ebola virus disease (EVD) has claimed over 2000 lives in Liberia, Guinea, Sierra-
Leone and Nigeria. There are limited data regarding Ebola virus disease in children; however,
reported case-fatality proportions in children are high. However, WHO should support risks countries
in developing Ebola preparedness plans and crisis communication according to CDC (2014).
Unfortunately, the outbreak of this killer disease is fast spreading and numerous Conakry and
districts have detected cases of it and deaths caused by Ebola Virus Disease. Healthcare workers
caring for patients with suspected or confirmed Ebola virus should apply extra infection control
measures to prevent contact with the patient’s blood and body fluids. There is currently no antiviral
drug licensed by the US food and drug Administration. Humans have seen huge technological and
scientific development. The viral pleomorphic fragments take multiple distinct shapes such as 6-
shaped, u-shape and circle-shaped contained in a lipid membrane. Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam
Download Free PDF View PDF Surveillance-Response Systems: keys to elimination of tropical
diseases. Virions bud off from the cell and acquire their envelopes from the cellular membrane at the
site of budding. Precautions during the convalescent period approach can be applied in protecting
secondary transmission of the patients recovering from the Ebola even if the Ebola virus may not be
detectable in their blood (Organization, 2014). The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River,
from which the disease takes its name. AN EMERGING VIRUS Bhaskar Reddy Download Free
PDF View PDF Avicenna Journal of Medicine Ebola virus disease: Essential clinical knowledge
Omar Aboshady Download Free PDF View PDF Past, Present and Future about Ebola Virus
Diseases: An Updated Review Akash S Mali Ebola virus is responsible for the Ebola virus diseases.
Symptoms of Ebola are common flu like symptoms i.e. severe body aches, fever, joint pain and
weakness,headache, diarrhea, Vomiting, loss of appetite. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The world was terrified especially when
the outbreak occurred in Guinea and traveled West to the United States and many other countries
without knowing what kind of disease that was killing people and infecting our healthcare workers.
You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. However, other subcategories
of the ebola virus have been indentified in places like, Zaire, Reston, and the Tai Forest (Nall, 2014).
Since then the virus has been infecting people from time to time and causing outbreaks in several
african countries. People from different organizations came to aid them as well. The genomes of the
five diverse ebolaviruses (EBOV, SUDV, RESTV, BDBV, and TAFV) contrast in sequence and the
number and location of gene overlaps. The symptoms are harmful and severe but we don’t know if
it’s curable.Ebola then spreads through human-to-human transmission viadirect contact (through
broken skin or mucus membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other body fluids. Show
answer There are various species like Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston, and Tai forest Ebola virus.
The virus was later known to be a Zaire Ebolavirus outbreak declared by the World Health
Organization (CDC). Ingestion of Ebola contaminated water will also aide in the transmissi on of the
disease. The. Similar to this tragic ailment, a mysterious disease erupted in West Africa. Currently
neither a licensed vaccine nor an approved treatment is available for human use. Healthcare workers
caring for patients with suspected or confirmed Ebola virus should apply extra infection control
measures to prevent contact with the patient’s blood and body fluids. Ebola Virus - What should you
know about the deadly virus. Bleeding into the whites of the eyes, seeping from the gums, and blood
in stool may also occur. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and
also for competitive exam aspirants. These types of diseases cause severe symptoms to happen in not
only humans but nonhuman primates in the form of hemorrhagic fever. To stop the reservoir
continuing the chain, human cannot travel to places o f the virus outbreaks, and were the proper PPE
as a healthcare professional around Ebola infected patients. Hence, the reason to why the Ebola virus
cases kept on reappearing. A more severe symptom is internal and external hemorrhagic bleeding.
These cases have been reported and documented in the Cote d’Ivoire and the Democratic republic of
Congo. It would not be wrong to say that nature is playing its revenge on humanity for the evil
deeds done to it. Current knowledge on behavior change was not made full use of, and psychosocial
issues were not prioritized. Quickly shaping up as the seventh largest Ebola outbreak in history, as of
2 October 2018, a total of 162 confirmed and probable EVD cases, including 106 deaths, have been
reported-resulting in a global case fatality ratio (CFR) of 65.4% (WHO, 2018). Infection control
strategies provide a detailed review of the Ebola virus infection control measures in handling
infected and suspected patients with the Ebola virus. Then he has blood in the stool, and later on,
blood from the nose and mouth starts. Virus isolation and identification method are a sensitive,
simple and fundamental method for the diagnosis of MHF and EHF. In a snowball effect, one
infected child began an epidemic resulting in close to 30,000 infections and 12,000 known fatalities.
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). (2014). Checklist for patients being evaluated for
Ebola virus disease (EVD) in the United States. They may take the form of a shepherd’s hook, a
“U”, or a “6”, and they may be coiled, toroid, or branched. Since the initial discovery of Zaire and
Sudan ebola virus in 1976, the Ebola viruses have been responsible for severe hemorrhagic fever
outbreaks in Africa with case fatality rates between 40-90% and Zaire strain showing maximum
fatality rate. In addition, internal and external bleeding can be seen among others. Clinical
Microbiology and Infection. 19, E118-E128.
Effective vaccines, ramped up drug discovery efforts for treatment options and identification of
native vectors for Ebola will hopefully contain future infections. This has indeed shaken Africa to its
foundation as several aspects of its life have suffered the adverse effects of the pervasiveness of the
EVD. They screen people at airport to check the infected patients are handled with care. Give me
your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. The Japanese in W. II paper it as a
biological weapon against the Chinese but proved to be an unsuccessful weaponpossibly due to the
Chinese question a more advanced hygiene system then they had research the plague ebola more
prevalent in the past. The treatment and diagnosis is very important because these kind of dangerous
viruses are possibly used for bio-weapons. Twins with rare genetic disorder could hold clue to cure
for Ebola Ebola was first discovered in Africa, on the banks of the Ebola river, after which the
question has been paper. Nevertheless, the virus isolation method alone does not yield an etiological
diagnosis. As a result, there was a downturn in the economy and the impact of those lives lost was
felt by those who survived the epidemic. How it spreads. How infection control plays a part in this
deadly Virus.Ebola is described as a rare and deadly virus. The 2014-2016 West Africa outbreaks
was the largest and the most widespread EVD outbreak to date, contributing to more than 21,000
cases and 8,000 deaths (WHO, 2014b). To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Recovery from Ebola depends on
good supportive clinical care and the patient’s immune response. Initial flu-like presentations are
easily masked with OTC medications, leaving families of the victim and frontline healthcare
providers unaware and unprotected. The symptoms are similar to a flu such as a fever, severe
headaches, fatigue, weakness, muscle and abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and unexplained
bleeding (CDC). The Ebola virus genome is a non-segment and single-stranded about 19kb long
(Filippone, 2013). It is a very rare and deadly disease affecting people and nonhumans. There is no
appropriate antiviral vaccine or therapy is not available to work against EBOV infection in humans.
Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. There are more than a
dozen Ebola drugs in development, but none has been approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration. The virus is believed to be spread by way of body contacts through symptomatic
patients' body fluids body fluids. The Ebola virus (filoviruses) were first identified in 1967 among
the Marburg Germany vaccine workers in Uganda who came into direct contact with animals during
preparation of primary cell cultures for polio vaccines designing the virus to be Marburg virus.
Addition supportive treatment measure for the Ebola infected patients includes respiratory support,
symptomatic management of Ebola Virus Disease symptoms such as the use of anti-diarrhea and
renal replacement therapy. In addition, breastfeeding and infant care strategy by monitoring infected
mothers not to spread the virus into their infants through breastfeeding. In total, there have been a
total of 11 patients treated with the Ebola virus in the United States, and 4 of the patients’
symptoms occurred after arriving in the United States from West Africa. Cases of Ebola Virus
Disease were first detected in forested regions of the southeastern parts of Guinea. Research findings
have shown low counts of white blood cells and platelets and platelets, as well as elevated liver
enzymes (Ryabchikova, 2004). The method applies the EBOV rNP-expressing HeLa cells as a highly
sensitive and concrete antigen that reacts with the human monoclonal Fab fragment antibodies
determining the presence of the EBOV virus. These types of diseases cause severe symptoms to
happen in not only humans but nonhuman primates in the form of hemorrhagic fever. Since the first
discovery, scientists have discovered five strains of the Ebola virus; however, only four of the strains
can transmit the disease to humans and one of the strains can only be found in animals.
Ebola Virus disease is complicated and fatal disease that can only be understood through collective
bargains. If exceptions are made the visitors need to be educated and know the risk, and a log book
of all who entered the room. As for the Hepatitis B virus, further analysis that involves specific
portions of the genome sequencing was done to classify the virus because it is form this that
characterization of the genome could be done. The statistical analysis is detailed in the paper “Early
transmission dynamics of Ebola virus disease, West Africa, March to August 2014,” published today
in Eurosurveillance. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Ebola Virus you
can find in Papersowl database. This could be attained by isolating those with Ebola and tracing
each case to its source,” Chowell said. This has indeed shaken Africa to its foundation as several
aspects of its life have suffered the adverse effects of the pervasiveness of the EVD. According to
Center of Disease Control (CDC), when humans are infected with the Ebola virus, symptoms may
appear within 2 to 21 days of coming into contact with the virus. In relation to the MHF and the
EHF Molecular diagnosis, molecular diagnostic methods have been proven to possess specific,
sensitive and efficacious properties in the diagnosis of Ebola virus infections. To question anxiety
about the spread of this virus, it is important to hand gesture research paper what humanity currently
deals with in viruses of this epidemic. People can contract the virus through sexual contact as well.
Since then the virus has been infecting people from time to time and causing outbreaks in several
african countries. The devastating has been the recent West African outbreak. Show answer There
are various species like Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston, and Tai forest Ebola virus. If you want a
unique paper, order it from our professional writers. The paper uncovers the epidemiological
statistics of Ebola virus diseases in relation to the clinical manifestation, preference and the
laboratory strategies used in the disease identification according to Roddy et al. (2012). Similarly, the
paper demonstrate realistically the preventive and treatment measures are exploiting the past, current
and the future outlook of the Ebola Virus Disease. However, based on the nature of similar viruses,
they believe the virus is animal-borne, with bats being the most likely source. Though the battle is
currently in West Africa, health organization, and other support groups can work with those affected
regions to create means and opportunities of controlling the disease outbreak in those regions
(Gatherer, 2014). However, other subcategories of the ebola virus have been indentified in places
like, Zaire, Reston, and the Tai Forest (Nall, 2014). This text is free, available online and used for
guidance and inspiration. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). (2014). Checklist for
patients being evaluated for Ebola virus disease (EVD) in the United States. See Full PDF Download
PDF See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. In Liberia, the Ebola virus took 8% of the doctors, nurses and midwives’ lives;
however, about 30,000 children became orphans after the 2014- 2016 Ebola epidemic and about 20%
of all the Ebola cases occurred in children ages 15 and under (CDC). This quote shows the history of
Ebola because it tells us how it started when it died and where. Scientists do not know where the
Ebola virus comes from. It is believed thatoutbreak happened from a single case that the person was
not properly isolated. Some of the early symptoms characterized by the Ebola virus include:
headache, sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain and sore throat. The symptoms are
harmful and severe but we don’t know if it’s curable.Ebola then spreads through human-to-human
transmission viadirect contact (through broken skin or mucus membranes) with the blood, secretions,
organs or other body fluids. The public is now aware of where and how the disease originated from
and should educate themselves when traveling to the source where an outbreak occurs. The
incubation period for the disease is put at a minimum of two days and maximum of 21 days
(Ryabchikova, 2004).

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