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JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Sept. 1982, p. 1123-1128 Vol. 151, No.

Copyright 0 1982, American Society for Microbiology

New Genes Involved in Carbon Catabolite Repression and

Derepression in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Physiologisch-chemisches Institut der Universitat Tubingen, Hoppe-Seyler-Strasse', D-7400 Tubingen 070711
294181,1 and Abteilung Genetik der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt, Schnittspahnstrasse 10, D-6100
Darmstadt,2 Federal Republic of Germany
Received 21 January 1982/Accepted 11 May 1982

A mutation causing resistance to carbon catabolite repression in gene HEX2,

mutant allele hex2-3, causes an extreme sensitivity to maltose when in combina-
tion with the genes necessary for maltose metabolism. This provided a convenient
system for the selective isolation of mutations in genes specifically required for
maltose metabolism and other genes involved in general carbon catabolite
repression. In addition to reversion of the hex2-3 allele, mutations in three other
genes were detected. These genes were called CATI, CAT3, and MURI and in a
mutated form abolished maltose inhibition caused by mutant allele hex2-3. Mutant
alleles cat) and cat3 also restored normal repression in the presence of the hex2-3
allele. Segregants having only mutant alleles cat) or cat3 were obtained by tetrad
analysis. These segregants could not grow on nonfermentable carbon sources.
Mutant alleles of gene CAT) were allelic to a mutant allele catl-) previously
isolated (Zimmermann et al., Mol. Gen. Genet. l15:95-103). Such mutants
prevented derepression not only of the maltose catabolizing system, the selected
property, but also of glyoxylate shunt and gluconeogenic enzymes. However,
respiratory activities and invertase formation were not affected under derepress-
ing conditions. cat3 mutants had the same phenotypic properties as cat) mutants.
This showed that carbon metabolism in yeast cells is under a very complex and
ramified control of repressing and derepressing genes, which are interdependent.

Carbon catabolite repression adapts the car- invertase. Schamhart et al. (29) reported also on
bon metabolic machinery of the yeast Saccharo- a mutant with nonrepressible synthesis of cer-
myces cerevisiae to the utilization of the most tain enzymes. The molecular basis of the defects
convenient carbon source. This is to say that in in these mutants is so far unknown.
the presence of glucose, fructose, or mannose, A very effective selection system for the isola-
enzymes of the glyoxylate shunt and gluconeo- tion of mutants with nonrepressible synthesis of
genesis are fully repressed and enzymes of the yeast invertase was described by Zimmermann
tricarboxylic acid cycle and the respiratory sys- and Scheel (38). Three mutant classes, hex),
tem are very low (17, 27, 28, 34). Other enzymat- hex2 and cat8O mutants, wild-type designations
ic systems like those involved in the catabolism HEX), HEX2, and CAT80, were identified (14,
of a-glucosides (33) and P-fructofuranosides (18) 38). hex) mutants were no longer repressible by
are also subject to a repression by those three glucose for invertase, maltase, malate dehydrog-
hexoses. Analogous to a similar situation in enase, and respiratory enzymes. Hexokinase
Escherichia coli, the term catabolite repression activity was decreased to about two-thirds of
coined by Magasanik (22) is also used in yeasts. wild-type activity (15). Purification of hexoki-
In E. coli, carbon catabolite repression is nase isoenzymes PI and Pll in hex) and wild-
apparently under the control of a single gene type mutants clearly indicated that hexokinase
coding for a protein which in combination with PII was absent in this hex) mutants (13). More-
cAMP activates transcription at promoters of over, mutants with structural gene defects for
operons coding for enzymes involved in sugar hexokinase PI or PII originally obtained by
catabolism (7, 9, 21, 26, 30, 32, 39). Genetic Lobo and Maitra (20) were used in allelism tests
analysis in yeasts, however, has provided sever- by Entian (10) who could show that hex) was
al mutants which alleviated carbon catabolite allelic to hxk2, the structural gene locus for
repression. The first report was by Montene- hexokinase PII. Therefore, hexokinase PII was
court et al. (24) who selected for nonrepressible proposed to be the recognition site of carbon
catabolite repression (13). The second class of an additional requirement for functional genes
mutants was assigned to gene HEX2, a cen- CAT) and CAT3 which are also involved in the
tromer-linked locus close to the TRPI gene on derepression process.
chromosome IV (Zimmermann, unpublished re-
sults) hex2 mutants showed elevated hexokinase MATERIALS AND METHODS
activities when grown on fermentable sugars and The strains were SMC-1B/3 (a his4 MAL248 MAL3
were extremely sensitive to maltose (11). In- SUC3 CATI_2d hex2), BS.3-12A (a leul MAL248
creased hexokinase activity could be attributed MAL3 SUC3 CAT1_2d hex2), Z9.3A-1D (a leul MAL2-
to increased hexokinase PII synthesis in the 8' MAL3 SUC3 catl-l), cat2.3-2A/18 (a his4 MAL2-8
presence of glucose in the medium (12). A third MAL3 SUC3 hexl), and SMC-19A (a leul MAL2-8
locus was called CAT80, the mutant derivatives MAL3 SUC3). a and a refer to mating type, and his4
of which showed normal hexokinase activity and leul cause nutritional requirement for histidine-
respective leucin. MAL2-8c causes largely constitu-
(14). tive, but still glucose-repressible, synthesis of maltase
Recently, Michels and Romanowski (23) re- (36). MAL3 allows for an induced synthesis of maltase,
ported on nonrepressible yeast mutants with whereas SUC3 is the structural gene for invertase (19).
properties similar to those originally isolated by CATI-2d is a dominant mutant allele which causes a
Zimmermann and Scheel (38). Although they faster derepression of various enzymes after growth
initially felt that their mutants were different, on glucose (37). hex) causes a pleiotropic defect in
allelism tests with hexokinase mutants also indi- carbon catabolite repression (14, 38) and is the struc-
cated allelism to hxk2 (C. A. Michels, K. M. tural gene for hexokinase PII (10, 13). hex2 causes
Hanenberger, and Y. Sylvestre, Abstr. Meeting similar defects in catabolite repression (14, 38) and
Mol. Biol. Yeast, Cold Spring Harbor, 1981, causes increased hexokinase PII synthesis (12).
Media. YEP medium consisting of 1% yeast extract
p. 172). An entirely different type of mutation (Difco Laboratories) and 2% peptone (Difco) was used
was isolated by Ciriacy (5) who found a domi- as the basic medium, supplemented with 4% hexoses
nant mutation in a gene CCR80 which alleviated or 3% ethanol. Minimal media contained 0.67% yeast
catabolite repression of mainly respiratory and nitrogen base (Difco) and 2% glucose. Tetrad analysis
gluconeogenic enzymes. was performed as described previously (37).
A different type of mutants, cat)-1, was de- Repression of enzymes was estimated in cells grown
scribed previously (37). This recessive mutation on YEP 4% glucose media for more than 16 h. Only
prevented derepression of enzymes of the glyox- logarithmically growing cell suspensions were harvest-
ylate shunt, gluconeogenesis, the maltose up- ed. For derepression, glucose-grown cells were
washed twice with potassium phosphate buffer (pH
take system, and retarded derepression of malt- 6.5) and were suspended in YEP 3% ethanol medium.
ase synthesis. It had only slight effects on Crude extracts were prepared by shaking cells with
derepression of the respiratory system and did glass beads (3). We added 2 ml of potassium phosphate
not at all affect invertase formation. This locus buffer (pH 6.5) to the suspension before centrifuging it
CAT) was also identified by a dominant mutant at 5,000 x g for 15 min. Supermatant was used as crude
allele CATI-2d which caused a rapid derepres- extract.
sion of all enzymes after consumption of glucose Enzyme assays. Total a-glucosidases were tested
in growth media. The same properties were with p-nitrophenyl-a-D-glucopyranoside as substrate
observed in a suppressor mutation for the catl-) (37), hexokinase as in reference 1, isocitrate lyase as in
reference 8, and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase as in
defective mutant allele. This suppressor was reference 16. Protein was estimated with bovine serum
recessive in contrast to dominant CAT)-2d and albumine as a standard, using the microbiuret method
called cat2-1, the wild-type allele being CAT2. (35). Adsorption was measured at 290 nm. Specific
Zimmermann et al. concluded that there are two activities of enzymes are expressed as nanomoles of
sets of genes involved in catabolite repression: substrate converted per minute per milligram of pro-
one set mediates repression proper, whereas an tein. Respiratory activity was measured with a Beck-
additional set of genes is involved in the dere- man oxygen electrode as described by Sims and Bar-
pression process. A similar set of genes was nett (31).
described by Ciriacy (4). They were called
CCR), CCR2, and CCR3. Mutants of the first RESULTS
gene turned out to be allelic to cat)-) mutants. Isolation of hex2 revertants. Revertants to
Mutants of the other two genes were of different maltose insensitivity were selected on media
phenotype and did not show any effects on consisting of YEP 2% maltose or YEP 2%
maltase derepression. maltose plus 2% glucose. Two kinds of rever-
In this study, the extreme sensitivity of hex2 tants were expected: (i) reversions at the hex2
mutants to maltose allowed to select for further locus and (ii) mutations in genes that are epistat-
genes involved in carbon catabolite repression. ic over the hex2 allele, yielding phenotypical
It turned out the alleviation of repression caused wild-type cells. The latter mutants were to di-
by the hex2-3 mutation was not sufficient for a vide into two classes (i) epistatic mutant alleles
nonrepressible synthesis of maltase. There was which were recessive in combination with their

TABLE 1. Specific activities of fructose-1,6- tant allele hex2-3 in combination with an epistat-
bisphosphatase, isocitrate lyase, maltase, and ic mutant allele abolishing maltose inhibition.
invertase after 15 h of derepression in wild-type cat), Most tetrads were of the tetra type consisting of
cat3, and murl mutants three segregants that were not inhibited by malt-
Sp acta ose and one sensitive segregant.
Mutant Maltase Invertase
Fructose- ,6- Isocitrate Mta
Isolation of alleles cat), cat3, and murl de-
bisphosphatase lyase Inrs pended on selection conditions. murl mutants
were obtained on both kinds of selection media,
Wild type 35 108 180 524 whereas cat) and cat3 mutants were only ob-
cat] 0.3 3.2 1.3 427 tained on YEP 2% glucose plus 2% maltose
cat3 0.2 2.8 6.2 693 medium. Obviously, cat) and cat3 mutants were
murl 29 98 138 447 not able to use maltose as the sole carbon
a Specific activity is expressed as nanomoles of source. Allelism tests showed that cat) mutants
substrate converted per minute per milligram of pro- were allelic to the cat)-) mutant previously
tein. isolated (37), whereas cat3 mutants were not
allelic to this mutant allele. cat) and cat3 mu-
tants had the same phenotype. They could not
respective wild-type alleles and (ii) epistatic derepress isocitrate lyase, fructose-i,6-bisphos-
mutant alleles which were dominant. By using a phatase, and maltase and were unable to grow
replica-plating technique, all revertants obtained with glycerol as the sole carbon source, although
were automatically tested for dominance. To they were not respiratory deficient. murl mu-
achieve this, all plates with revertant colonies tants derepressed like wild-type mutants (Table
were replica plated onto a lawn of a strain with 1).
hex2 mutant allele of opposite mating type on Effects of alleles catl, cat3, and murl on catabo-
plates with a glucose medium. After overnight lite repression. Mutants having the allelic combi-
incubation, these plates were replica plated onto nations hex2-3 cat) or hex2-3 cat3 were not able
plates with a minimal medium where only dip- to grow on YEP glycerol and on YEP maltose,
loids could grow. After another overnight incu- but were no longer inhibited by maltose. More-
bation, the minimal medium plates were replica over, the defect in catabolite repression was
plated onto a maltose medium where only dip- suppressed, and hexokinase activity was similar
loids with a dominant maltose resistance could to that of the wild-type mutant (Table 2). This
grow. Thus, the recessive mutant alleles were clearly indicated that cat) and cat3 did not
easily detected. solely prevent maltase synthesis which provides
Recessive epistatic mutant alleles. We isolated the basis for maltose inhibition, but also abol-
78 clones with recessive epistatic mutant alleles. ished all defects in catabolite repression caused
Allelism tests showed that the clones belonged by mutant allele hex2-3. In contrast to this, the
to three mutant classes. Genes were called murl mutant allele had no effects on the action
CAT), CAT3, and MUR) (maltose utilization of the hex2-3 allele other than suppressing malt-
regulatory gene), and mutant alleles were called ose inhibition without affecting maltase synthe-
cat), cat3 and murl. One representative of each sis (Table 3).
class was crossed with the hex2-3 mutant and When cat) and cat3 mutant alleles were com-
sporulation was followed. Growth in the pres- bined through crosses with mutant allele hex),
ence of maltose was used as indicator for either the structural gene mutant allele for hexokinase
wild-type segregants or segregants having mu- Pll, which relieves catabolite repression fruc-

TABLE 2. Carbon catabolite repression, hexokinase activity, and growth behavior of wild-type, hex2, cat),
and cat3 mutants and hex2 cat) and hex2 cat3 recombinants
Sp act after growth on YEP 4% glucose' Growth on
Mutant or Glucose
recombinant Fructose-i 6- Isocitrate Maltase Invertas Malate Hexokinase Glycerol Maltose and
bisphosphatase lyase Mtaenersedehydrogenase maltose
Wild type 0.7 2.8 1.9 12.4 169 622 + + +
hex2 0.6 3.2 124 2,118 1,304 1,878 + _
cat) 0.5 1.9 1.0 8.2 131 691 _ _ +
cat3 0.2 2.8 2.4 9.0 155 701 _ _ +
hex2 cat) 0.8 3.2 6.9 7.1 147 637 _ _ +
hex2 cat3 0.4 1.8 7.3 4.9 163 599 - ++
Specific activity is expressed as nanomoles of substrate converted per minute per milligram of protein.
TABLE 3. Carbon catabolite repression, hexokinase activity, and growth behavior of wild-type, hex2, cat8O,
and murl mutants and hex2, murl and hex2 cat8O recombinants
Sp act after growth on YEP 4% glucose' Growth on
Mutant or Glucose
recombinant Fructose-1,6- Isocitrate Maltase Inverta Malate Hexokinase Glycerol Maltose and
bisphosphatase lyase Mtae nersedehydrogenase maltose
Wild type 0.9 4.1 2.8 7.2 172 722 + + +
hex2 0.6 3.2 124 2,118 1,304 1,878 + _
cat8O 1.2 2.6 112 1,229 979 630 + + +
murl 0.3 1.2 2.2 6.3 129 582 + + +
hex2 murl 0.7 0.9 131 1,812 1,101 1,712 + + +
hex-2 cat8O 1.0 2.1 147 1,629 1,106 765 + -
Specific activity is expressed as nanomoles of substrate converted per minute per milligram of protein.

tose-1,6-bisphosphatase (gluconeogenesis) and which prevent repression of enzymes whose

isocitrate lyase (glyoxylate shunt), could not be synthesis is subject to carbon catabolite repres-
derepressed. However, carbon catabolite re- sion. Such genes are exemplified by HEX),
pression of maltase, invertase, and malate dehy- HEX2, and CAT80. Recessive alleles of those
drogenase was defective like in a hex) single three genes alleviate repression of invertase, a-
mutant (Table 4). Hence, cat) and cat3 were not glucosidase, and malate dehydrogenase. Sec-
epistatic over hex)-18. Although maltase synthe- ond, an additional set of genes can mutate to
sis was not repressed in hex] cat) and hex] cat3 allelic conditions which do not allow derepres-
recombinants no growth with maltose as the sole sion of several enzymes the synthesis of which is
carbon source was observed. Clearly, the inabil- subject to carbon catabolite repression. These
ity of cat) and cat3 mutants to grow with are genes CAT) and CAT3 of this communica-
maltose depended on the effects of these alleles tion and the two genes of Ciriacy (4), CCR2 and
on the maltose uptake system. CCR3. An additional gene involved in the dere-
In the course of these experiments, the combi- pression process is CAT2, which can mutate to
nation of the previously isolated mutant alleles recessive allelic condition which accelerates de-
hex2-3 and cat80-24 was investigated after ap- repression (37).
propriate crosses had been performed. The only All mutants so far obtained showed pleiotro-
difference between a hex2-3 single mutant and a pic regulatory defects. Analysis of interactions
hex2-3 cat80-24 double mutant was that the of these genes is complicated by the fact that
elevated hexokinase activity on glucose media different repressible enzymes are under the reg-
had been eliminated in the double mutant. ulatory control of overlapping, but not identical,
Hence, the CAT80 gene product is necessary for sets of genes. Invertase and malate dehydroge-
elevated hexokinase activity in hex2-3 mutants. nase appear to be under the control of only
genes HEX), HEX2, and CAT80. Extensive
DISCUSSION searches for additional mutants affecting glucose
Carbon catabolite repression in yeast appears repression of invertase have not yielded any
to be quite a complex system. First, there are further genes (M. K. Grossmann, Ph.D. thesis,
genes which can mutate to allelic conditions Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany,

TABLE 4. Carbon catabolite repression, hexokinase activity, and growth behavior of wild-type, hex), cat),
and cat3 mutants and hex) cat) and hex) cat3 recombinants
Sp act after growth on YEP 4% glucose' Growth on
Mutant or Glucose
recombinant Fructose-1,6- Isocitrate Maltase Invertase Malate Hexokinase Glycerol Maltose and
bisphosphatase lyase dehydrogenase maltose
Wild type 0.9 4.1 2.8 7.2 172 722 + + +
hex) 1.2 3.7 285 1,112 1,502 326 + + +
cat) 0.5 1.9 1.0 8.2 131 691 _ _ +
cat3 0.2 2.8 2.4 9.0 155 701 _ _ +
hex) cat) 1.1 2.3 337 1,030 1,280 293 - _ +
hex) cat3 2.1 3.7 403 987 1,321 370 +
Specific activity is expressed as nanomoles of substrate converted per minute per milligram of protein.

1981). In contrast to invertase, maltase is under alcohol dehydrogenase. These constitutive mu-
a more complex regulatory surveillance. CAT) tations were caused by the insertion of Ty
and CAT3 affect the synthesis of this enzyme to elements (2). The tye mutant alleles had addi-
some extent, whereas CCR2 and CCR3 have no tional pleiotropic effects on the synthesis of
effect on it (4). several enzymes which are subject to carbon
The most stringent control is exerted on the catabolite repression. However, these effects of
enzymes of the glyoxylate shunt and gluconeo- the various tye mutant alleles were not as pro-
genesis. These two sets of enzymes are also the nounced as those of the genes CAT) and CAT3
most sensitive to repression by all fermentable or CCR2 and CCR3.
sugars, even galactose (K.-D. Entian, Ph.D. In conclusion it is not possible yet to describe
thesis, Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt, an entire genetic control mechanism involved in
Germany, 1978). Consequently, catabolite re- catabolite repression and derepression in yeasts.
pression can be divided into two major seg- A patient cataloging of genes involved in various
ments. The completely repressible sector is rep- aspects of this central regulatory system is re-
resented by gluconeogenic enzymes and quired with genes being identified in many dif-
glyoxylate cycle enzymes, which also take part ferent approaches.
in gluconeogenesis (25). These enzymes are
under strict derepression control of genes CAT), ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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