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Distinguish between
Biometry (biometric) and Biometrical genetics (quantitative genetics)
Qualitative and Quantitative character

Ans. Biometry (biometric) and Biometrical genetics

(quantitative genetics) are two related but distinct fields of study in
plant genetics and breeding.

Biometry (biometric)
Biometry, also known as biostatistics, is the application of statistical
methods to biological data. It involves the collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data from experiments or observations of living
organisms. Biometry is used to make predictions about the
behaviour and outcomes of biological processes, such as growth
rates, disease susceptibility, and yield potential. It is an important
tool for plant breeding, as it helps breeders to evaluate the
performance of different varieties and select those with desirable

Biometrical genetics (quantitative genetics)

Biometrical genetics (quantitative genetics), on the other hand, is a
subfield of genetics that deals with the inheritance of traits that are
controlled by multiple genes and influenced by environmental
factors. These traits are often referred to as quantitative traits, and
they include characteristics such as yield, height, and disease
resistance. Biometrical genetics aims to understand the genetic basis
of these traits and how they are affected by environmental factors. It
uses statistical methods to analyse data on the variation of these
traits within and between populations and to estimate the
contribution of genetic and environmental factors to this variation.
In summary, while both biometry and biometrical genetics use
statistical methods to analyse biological data, biometry is concerned
with the analysis of data in general, while biometrical genetics
specifically focuses on the inheritance and variation of quantitative
traits in plants.

Distinguish between
b). Qualitative and Quantitative character

In plant genetics and breeding, the terms "qualitative character" and

"quantitative character" describe different traits that plants can
exhibit. Here's how they differ:

1. Qualitative characters are traits that exhibit clear-cut

differences or categories, and they are usually controlled by a
single gene or a small number of genes. Examples of qualitative
characteristics in plants include flower colour, seed coat
texture, and leaf shape. These traits are relatively easy to
observe and classify, and they often follow Mendelian
inheritance patterns.
2. Quantitative characters are traits that exhibit a continuous
variation, and they are usually controlled by many genes and
environmental factors. Examples of quantitative characteristics
in plants include plant height, yield, and disease resistance.
These traits are more difficult to observe and quantify, and
their inheritance patterns are often more complex than those
of qualitative characters.

In summary, qualitative characters in plant genetics and breeding

are traits that have distinct categories or classes, and they are
controlled by a small number of genes, whereas quantitative
characters are traits that exhibit continuous variation and are
influenced by multiple genes and environmental factors.

Q2). Explain the role of the Environment in quantitative inheritance.

In plant genetics and breeding, quantitative inheritance refers to the
inheritance of traits that are influenced by multiple genes and
environmental factors. These traits exhibit a continuous variation,
such as plant height or yield, and are often subject to the effects of
the environment.

The environment plays a significant role in quantitative inheritance in

plants because it can affect the expression of these traits. For
example, a plant's yield may be influenced by a combination of
genetic factors, such as the number of grains per ear and the length
of the ear, as well as environmental factors such as temperature,
rainfall, and soil nutrients. Environmental factors can also interact
with genetic factors, leading to different levels of trait expression in
different environments.
To study the role of the environment in quantitative inheritance in
plants, researchers use techniques such as field trials, which involve
growing plants under different environmental conditions to assess
their performance. They may also use statistical methods to estimate
the heritability of a trait, which reflects the proportion of the
variation in the trait that is due to genetic factors.

In summary, the environment plays a crucial role in quantitative

inheritance in plants, as it can influence the expression of traits that
are controlled by multiple genes and environmental factors.
Understanding these environmental effects is essential for plant
breeders to develop cultivars that perform well across different

3. Outline the usefulness of biometrical techniques to the plant breeders.

Biometrical techniques, also known as quantitative genetic
methods, are essential tools for plant breeders in plant
genetics and breeding. Here are some of the ways in which
biometrical techniques can be useful for plant breeders:
1. Estimation of heritability: Biometrical techniques can be used
to estimate the heritability of a trait, which reflects the
proportion of the variation in the trait that is due to genetic
factors. This information is crucial for plant breeders to
determine the potential of a trait to respond to selection.

2. Prediction of breeding values: Biometrical techniques can be

used to predict the breeding value of plants based on their
genetic information. Breeding values are estimates of the
genetic potential of a plant to transmit favorable traits to its
offspring. This information is useful for plant breeders to select
the best parents for breeding programs.

3. Analysis of genetic correlations: Biometrical techniques can be

used to analyze the genetic correlations between different
traits. Genetic correlations reflect the degree to which the
genetic factors that influence one trait also affect another trait.
This information is useful for plant breeders to determine the
potential trade-offs between different traits and to design
breeding programs that target multiple traits simultaneously.

4. Selection index: Biometrical techniques can be used to develop

selection indices that combine information from multiple traits
to select the best individuals for breeding programs. Selection
indices allow plant breeders to consider the relative
importance of different traits and to balance the potential gains
and trade-offs between them.

In summary, biometrical techniques are essential tools for plant

breeders in plant genetics and breeding, providing them with
valuable information to estimate heritability, predict breeding
values, analyze genetic correlations, and develop selection indices for
breeding programs.

Q4). Define genetic variance, and state describes its divisions according
to Fisher 1918

Genetic variance refers to the variation in a trait that is due to
genetic factors. In plant genetics and breeding, genetic variance is an
important concept because it reflects the potential of a trait to
respond to selection and to be passed on to future generations.

According to the pioneering work of British statistician and geneticist

Ronald A. Fisher in 1918, genetic variance can be divided into three
main components:

1. Additive variance: Additive variance refers to the variation in a

trait that is due to the effects of individual genes that
contribute to the trait. These genes have independent effects
on the trait, and their effects are additive, meaning that the
total effect of multiple genes on the trait can be calculated by
summing their individual effects. Additive variance is important
in plant breeding because it reflects the potential for gradual
improvement of a trait over multiple generations of selection.

2. Dominance variance: Dominance variance refers to the variation in a

trait that is due to the interaction between different alleles at the same
locus. Dominant alleles have a greater effect on the trait than recessive
alleles, and the interaction between dominant and recessive alleles can
lead to non-additive effects on the trait. Dominance variance is
important in plant breeding because it can affect the response to
selection and the effectiveness of different breeding strategies.

3. Epistatic variance: Epistatic variance refers to the variation in a trait that

is due to the interaction between different genes at different loci.
Epistatic interactions can lead to non-additive effects on the trait, and
they can also affect the response to selection and the effectiveness of
different breeding strategies. Epistatic variance is often difficult to
estimate and is less well-understood than additive and dominance

In summary, genetic variance in plant genetics and breeding can be

divided into three main components: additive variance, dominance
variance, and epistatic variance. Understanding these components is
essential for plant breeders to design effective breeding programs
and to select the best individuals for future generations.

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