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Hà Tấn Thọ -20110405

Nguyễn Thanh Sang-20110393

Project Name: GameHub: Diverse Mobile Gaming Platform
Platform: Android Studio, Unity Engine
Language: Java, C#
Reason for project name:
"GameHub: Diverse Mobile Gaming Platform" is a good choice as it can
reflect the key strengths and goals of the project.
Diversity Integration: The name "GameHub" refers to a platform or hub
for various games. This reflects the main goal of project, which is to provide a
place for users to experience a variety of offline games.
Engaging and Interesting: This name sounds engaging and interesting,
which can attract initial attention from users. This is important to generate
initial interest in your product.
Scalability: "GameHub" is not limiting in terms of development. You can
add many new games and additional features over time, helping your product to
constantly improve and expand.
Reflecting the Goal: The name "GameHub" can reflect the goal of
project, which is to create a centralized hub for offline games, making it easy
for players to explore and experience multiple games on their mobile devices.
Project Reason:
The project "GameHub: Diverse Gaming Platform on Mobile" was chosen for
several compelling reasons. Firstly, the gaming industry is rapidly growing and
becoming a significant part of both the economy and entertainment. Creating a
diverse platform for mobile games aligns with the industry's development
trends. Secondly, as an individual with a personal passion for gaming, this
project presents an exciting and personally meaningful endeavor. Moreover, the
approach of integrating multiple genres of games onto a single platform offers
users the convenience of exploring and experiencing a wide variety of games
effortlessly. This not only provides value to gamers but also simplifies their
mobile experience by eliminating the need to download and manage multiple
individual apps. Additionally, the project offers an opportunity to explore the
mobile gaming market, including studying player preferences and potential
business opportunities. From a technical standpoint, building a diverse platform
poses interesting challenges, such as developing user interfaces, integrating
different gaming systems, and managing data efficiently. Lastly, it presents an
opportunity to incorporate emerging technologies like artificial
intelligence,making the product even more enticing and innovative.

Project Description: GameHub - A Diverse Gaming Platform on Mobile

Project Goal:
The project "GameHub" aims to create a versatile and engaging mobile gaming
platform that brings together a wide array of offline games in one convenient
application. This platform is designed to cater to the diverse preferences of
mobile gamers, offering a seamless and immersive gaming experience.
Key Features:
-Access to Diverse Games: Allow users to access and play a variety of offline
- Game Discovery and Search: Provide a user-friendly interface for easy game
discovery and exploration by genre, difficulty, or personal preference.
- History and Progress Tracking: Track users' gaming history and progress
across different games.
- User Profile Building: Allow users to create and manage personal profiles,
including storing information about favorite games, achievements, and
Social Media Integration: Enable sharing of game results, achievements, and
experiences on various social media platforms.
- AI Support: Use artificial intelligence to create customized gaming
experiences based on player preferences.
- Continuous Updates and Expansion: Provide regular updates and the ability
to expand the platform by adding new games and additional features.

Project Scope:
- The initial phase of development focuses on integrating a curated selection
of games into the platform.
- Subsequent phases will involve expanding the app by adding new games
and additional features.
Project Objectives:
- Create a diverse and user-friendly gaming platform for mobile users.
- Simplify the gaming experience by offering multiple games within a single
- Foster social interaction and sharing among gamers.
- Ensure the security and privacy of user accounts and data.
- Marketing and Business Development Plans:
- Develop a marketing strategy to attract users to the platform.
- Explore various business opportunities, including potential revenue streams
through advertisements and partnerships.

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