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Servicenow Training Roadmap

 Day 1 (Understanding of Fields and Table structure)

a. Creating custom table
b. Creating fields (Most commonly used)
c. Creating Auto Numbering for Number field
d. Working with field Dictionary
e. Working with Reference Qualifiers (A reference field stores a link (reference) to a
field on another table, making the records/fields in the referenced table available to
the form containing the reference field.)
 Day 2
a. Understanding Dictionary Overrides(Allow a field in a child table to have a diff value
with same field in a parent)
b. Dependent Fields(A choice or reference field can be declared dependent on another
field on the same table)
c. Form Designer/Form Layout()
d. List editor/Filters
e. Understanding table relations (Parent/Child relation)
f. Understanding table schema
 Day 3 (Configuration of Users Roles and Groups)
a. Creating New Users
b. Creating New Groups
c. Add users to Groups
d. Role creation Assignment
e. Delegates
 Day 4 (Learning core UI Configurations)
a. Creating UI Actions
b. Creating UI polices (client side logic which dynamically change the behavior of
information on a form . its help as make a field read only and hidden)

c. Data Polices ( apply rules such as mandatory and read only all data enter through
web services and import set)

d. Creating Client Scripts

 Day 5 (Backend configuration)

Creating Business rules (In Service Now, a business rule is a server-side script that
automates processes by defining conditions and action.)

a. Understanding Assignment Rules (Understanding Assignment Rules in ServiceNow

involves setting up automated workflows that assign specific tasks or incidents to
the right users or groups based on predefined criteria.)

b. Rules Working with State Transitions (In ServiceNow, rules working with state
transitions are business logic rules that define the actions and conditions for
changing the state of records (e.g., incidents, tasks) within the system.)
c. Working with Script Includes
 Day 6 (Working with Scripting APIs)
a. Using the Server Side API (Glide Record)

b. Using Client Side API (Glide Form) (Glide side scripting is a API that provides the
methods to customize the form )
c. Script Editor
d. Dot walking concept in scripts (dot walking allow direct access to the field and the
field values on referenced record in conditions filters , and scripting)

e. Working on the User Methods (Glide User) (We can use the glide user API to access
or get the information about the current user and the current user role.)

 Day 7 (Scripting APIs cont..)

f. Using System API (Glide System) ( Object to access system level information,
provides number of methods and run on sever side)

g. Using Glide Aggregate API (Glide Aggregate is used to count the records and Open
Fix script) (Max, COUNT,SUM,AVG)

h. Using Glide Ajax (Glide Ajax in ServiceNow is a powerful server-side scripting API
that allows you to make asynchronous server calls from client-side scripts)
(Its actually allow the execution of server side code from client side)(sysparm_name)

i. Background Scripts( It is used to execute the server side code )

j. Fix Scripts (A fix script is server-side JavaScript code that you run after an application
is installed or upgraded.)

k. Using g_scratchpad object (is used to pass information to server side to client side
such as when the client requires information which is not available on the form)
Glide form
Glide reord
l. Script Includes (Client/Server callable)
 Day 8 (Working with Incidents)
a. Incident management (Restoration of services as quickly as possible and ensuring
the best service quality and availability within agreed service levels)
b. Incident Logging
c. Major Incidents (Major Incident is unplanned interruption to an IT service which
affects a business or organization. Should be resolve as soon as possible. )
d. Escalation and Notifications
 Day 9 (Understanding the Change Process)
a. Change Request Management
b. Change Approval Workflows(change approval policy are designed to configure
change approvals when and by whom change requests need to be approved.)
c. Change Scheduling
d. Change Types
e. Change Tasks
f. Change conflict calendar
 Day 10 (Problem Management)
a. Root Cause Analysis
b. Known Error Database
c. Problem Resolution Workflows
d. Problem Prioritization
e. Problem Closure and Review
f. Integration with Incident Management
 Day 11 (Knowledge Management)
a. Knowledge Base Creation
b. Knowledge Article Versioning
c. Article Approval Workflow
d. Article Search and Retrieval
e. Article Rating and Feedback

 Day 12 (Knowledge Management Cont..)

a. Integration with Incident and Problem Management
b. Integration with Service Catalog
c. Knowledge Integration with Virtual Agent
d. Knowledge Article Lifecycle Management

 Day 13 (Understanding Data Import Set & Transform mapping)

a. Importing data into a table
b. Create Data sources (file/rest/jdbc etc.)
c. Creating Transform maps
d. Writing Transform Scripts
e. Schedule Imports
 Day 14 (Understanding different types of Service Catalog)
a. Understanding Service Requests
b. Understanding of Variable Set
c. Field Attributes
d. Creating Catalog Items
e. Record Produces
 Day 15 (Service Catalog Cont..)
a. Create record producers from tables
b. Mapping the record producers variables with table fields
c. Order guides
d. Debugging and trouble shooting
 Day 16 (Configuring OOB and Custom Workflows)
a. Understanding the Workflows
b. Workflow Activities
c. Workflow States
d. Workflow Scripts
e. Workflow Scratchpad variables
f. Debugging and trouble shooting in workflow
 Day 17 (Utilization of Flows)
a. Understanding the Flows
b. Flow Triggers
c. Flow Actions
d. Flow Conditions
e. Sub flows
f. Data Pills
g. Flow Context
 Day 18 (Using flows with Integration Hub)
a. Understanding the flow execution
b. Integration Hub
c. Spokes
d. Connectors
e. Data mappings
 Day 19 (Configuring and triggering different types of Notifications)
a. Working with Notifications
b. In/Outbound Email Actions
c. Trigger Emails on Events
d. Email Servers (SMTP/POP)
e. Email Logs
f. Defining a Template
 Day 20 (Applying Data Security using ACLs)
a. Creating security rules
b. CRUD Operations
c. ACL execution flow
d. Table level ACLs
e. Row Level ACLs
f. Field/Column level ACLs
g. ACL scripts
 Day 21 (Creating Report and Dashboards)
a. Understanding the Reports
b. Managing Reports with widgets
c. Aggregate and Grouping
d. Schedule Reports
e. Creating Dashboards
f. Performance Analytics
 Day 22-23 (Developing Service Portal and Portal Pages)
a. Working with Service Portal
b. Understanding Portal Components (Pages,Widgets,Instances)
c. Page Designer
d. Widget Editor
e. Understanding Anatomy of Service Portal
f. Understanding Angular Directives
g. Theming a Portal
h. Adding SEO information to a page
i. Employee Service Centre (ESC)
 Day 24-25 (Different Methods of Integrations)
a. Rest Messages
b. JSON Parsing
c. SOAP Integration
d. Scripted Rest Api
e. Integration Hub
 Day 26 (Working with Update Sets)
a. Understanding update sets (The concept)
b. Capture changes
c. Scoped Applications
d. Comparison and Merge
e. Migration and Promotion
f. Preview and Verification
g. Remote Instance
h. Batch update sets
 Day 27 (Authentication Methods)
a. Creating OAuth Profiles
b. Application registries
c. Local Database Authentication
d. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
e. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
 Day 28 (Authentication methods cont..)
a. Auth 2.0 Authentication
b. JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication
c. Certificate-based Authentication
d. External Authentication Providers (SSO)
e. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
 Day 29 (Trouble Shooting and Debugging)
a. Debugging
b. Script Debugging
c. Security Rules Debugging
d. Working with system properties
e. Development best practices
f. Alternative Solutions
 Day 30-31 (Managing Security Operations)
a. (SecOps)Understanding the working
b. Security Incident Response
c. Threat Intelligence Management
d. Vulnerability Response
e. Security Operations Analytics
f. Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)
 Day 32-33 (HR operations with HRSD)
a. Understanding HRSD (Human Resources Service Delivery)
b. Case Management
c. Case Templates and Workflows
d. On-boarding and Off-boarding
e. HR Metrics and Analytics
f. Integration with HR Systems
 Day 34 (Customer Service Management CSM)
a. Security Operations in ServiceNow
b. Case Management
c. Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management
d. CSM Workspace
e. Reporting and Analytics
 Day 35 (Working with Service Level Agreements SLA)
a. Definition and Management
b. Service Level Objectives (SLOs)
c. Escalation and Notifications
d. SLA Dashboards and Reporting
e. Integration with Incident and Problem Management
f. SLA Lifecycle Management
 Day 36 (IT Business Management/SPM)
a. Understanding Strategic Portfolio Management
b. Project Portfolio Management (PPM)
c. Demand Management
d. Agile Development
 Day 37 (ITBM Cont..)
a. Application Portfolio Management (APM)
b. Business Planning Portal
c. Release Management
d. Time Card Management
 Day 38 (Working with Human Resources Service Delivery)
a. HR Case Management
b. Lifecycle Events
c. HR Integrations
d. HR Performance Analytics
 Day 39 (HRSD Cont..)
a. Employee Document Management
b. On boarding and Off boarding
c. HR Case management Lifecycle
d. HR Bulk Case Creation
 Day 40 (IT Operation Management)
a. Understanding the Operations Management in ServiceNow (ITOM)
b. Discovery Schedules
c. Credentials & Connections
d. Types of Discovery
 Day 41 (Discovery Cont..)
a. Configuring Mid Servers
b. Configuring Probes and Sensors
c. Service Mapping
d. Events/Alerts
 Day 42 (Asset Management And CMDB)
a. Understanding the CMDB
b. CMDB Relationship
c. Hardware Asset Management (HAM)
d. Software Asset Management (SAM)
e. Health Log Analytics
 Day 43 (CMDB Cont..)
a. CMDB Workspace
b. Service Graph Connectors
c. Data acquisition
d. Visualization and reporting
 Day 44 (Event Management)
a. Understanding the Events
b. Event Queue
c. Event Registry
d. Event collector
e. Event Rules
 Day 45 (Front end support with Snow chat bot and Virtual Agent)
a. Snow Virtual Agent
b. Virtual Agent Workflow
c. NLU Processing
d. Intent Recognition
e. Task Automation
f. Working with live agent
 Day 46 (Working in Agent Workspace)
a. Understanding the Workspaces
b. Configuring Agent Workspace
c. Single-pane view
d. Agent Assist
e. Omni-channel communication
f. Major incident identification
 Day 47 (CSM Workspace)
a. Activity stream
b. Agent assist
c. Agent Chat for Customer Service Management
d. Email Composer and Email Viewer
e. Case action status
 Day 48 (Other Workspaces)
a. HR Service Delivery Workspace
b. IT Operations Management Workspace
c. Security Operations Workspace
 Day 49 (Understanding Automation/Orchestration)
a. Orchestration
b. Schedule Jobs
c. Schedule Script Execution
 Day 50 (Understanding and working with Application Studio)
a. Low-Code Development
b. Drag-and-Drop Interface
c. Application Templates
d. Integration Capabilities
e. Automated Testing and Debugging
 Day 51 (Testing with Automated Testing Framework ATF)
a. Test Suites
b. Test Case Management
c. Assertions
d. Test Execution
 Day 52 (Testing with Automated Testing Framework ATF Cont..)
a. Test Reports
b. Test Data Management
c. Test Environment Configuration
d. Test Automation Integration
e. Test Coverage Analysis
 Day 53 (Fundamentals of Instance Management)
a. Upgrading a Snow Instance
b. Best Practices for upgradation
c. Cloning an Instance
d. Best practices for cloning
e. Working with Now Mobile Application
 Day 54 (Working with Branding and Banners)
a. UI Macros
b. Banners
c. Theme Editor
d. Working with Style Sheets
e. Responsive Design
 Day 55 (Usage of AI in ServiceNow)
a. Intelligent Routing and Assignment
b. Predictive Analytics
c. Automated Service Request Fulfilment
d. Sentiment Analysis
e. Intelligent Insights and Dashboards
f. Machine Learning for Knowledge Management

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