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Identicaltion review text

Text review is a text that contains reviews, evaluations, reviews or reviews of a

thing. This can be in the form of books, films, music, videos, e.

*social function

Text review aims to review or assess a work. The goal is to find out and inform
the quality, strengths and weaknesses of a work.

*generic structures

General description of a work or object to be reviewed.

- Evaluation
Contains a more detailed evaluation or description of a work. And this
evaluation is based on facts.

- Interpretation
Contains your personal opinion regarding the work or object that is

Contains the conclusions of all evaluations including personal evaluations
regarding a matter. Contains conclusions about the quality of a work that is reviewed.

Language structure
1) using the present tense
2) use adjectives like: -bad
3) using long and complex clauses
4) use metaphors in the review

Description narrative text

Narrative text is a type of text that tells a series of chonologically related
events that are interconneded.
This narrative text is imaginative or unreall or in the from a narrative

Puspose/function of narrative text

Is to entertain the readers who read narrative texts

Generic structure of narrative text

This is at the beginning of narrative text paragraph usually contains the
introduction of characters and the setting involved in the content of background story
is the setting of place and time
This section Will begin to enter into paragraph that tell about the beginning of
the problem of an event.
In complicantion there Will also be a climax which Will be the main highlight
of the stroy.
This section contains the ending of the stroy or the conclusion of the stroy that
describes the story Will end with sad ending or happy ending.

Language Feature Of
Narrative text
Because narrative tense tells the past story so tense used is past tense that verb
Example:Andi went to school yesterday

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