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Connectives exercise – year 8

A. Identify the effect of each connective:

1. they gave her the job even though she had no prior experience. ………………………
2. she was the youngest child and consequently spoilt. ………………………..
3. First of all, we want to buy our own home. ………………..
4. in the making of domestic policy, furthermore, he is often at sea. ……………………….
5. you treat the matter lightly, whereas I myself was never more serious. ……………………..
6. Sara and her friends stay up late, this causes them to miss their classes in the morning.
7. In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.
8. The interior minister said he would still support them, as long as they didn't break the rules.
9. A further point is that people with degrees have many more opportunities. …………………
10. Continue straight ahead at this point and the path eventually joins an access lane.

B. Choose the correct connecting phrase from the list above:

even though however in order to no sooner not only not only

only if under no circumstances

1. …………….are larger cars more expensive, but they also cost a lot to maintain.
2. Milk from our factory is tested regularly ………………….give our customers the best possible
3. ……………………..had we moved in than our neighbours started complaining about the dog.
4. All countries voted in favour of the plan, …………………..France.
5. ……………………..we knew who the murderer was, we enjoyed most of the film.
6. …………………….must this door be left open.
7. I should punish you for disobeying………………..,I am prepared to give you another chance.
8. ………………..we book today will we get a 50% discount.
C. Identify the type of sentence:

1. how well she sings! ………………

2. what is your name ? ………………
3. She is a successful writer. …………………
4. Go at once. ……………….
5. Bring me that file. …………………..
6. How ridiculous is this!. …………………..
7. I have lost my way. ………………….

D. Fill in the blanks with suitable sentence openers.

1. …………………….. , he slammed the door.

2. ………………….., the car spun around.
3. …………………., the storm started.
4. …………………, they were tired, the birds sang.

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