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Bill Mascull
Busi ness �
Vocabularv. in
Elementary Use

Bill Mascull CAMBRIDGE

Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Siio Paulo

Cambridge Umversity Press

The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK

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© Cambridge University Press 2006

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First published 2006

Printed in Italy by Printer Trento Sri

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library

ISBN-13 973-0--521--60621-9 Student's Book

ISBN-10 0--521--60621--7 Srudent's Book

Produced by Kamae Design

Cover design by Dale Tomlinson
Illustrations by Clinton Banbury, Phil Gamer and Kamae Design

INTRODUCTION G 0 Types of work 22

A Jobs and work
C I work \vid1 ...
0 Talking about language 8
IJ \Nork a n d numbers 24
A Grammar words used in this hook
B Understanding notes in this book A How many employees are there?
C Understanding instructions in chis book B Sites

fJ!IL e a r n i n g vocabulary 10 (m Getting t o work 26

A Word combinations A Ways of getting to work
B Learn words in families B Commuting
C Pictures and diagrams
Who's the boss? 28
0 Using a dictionary 12 A Managers and employees

A What dictionaries do I need? B ll,fanaging departments
B What information docs a dictionary give?
C How should 1 Lise my dictionary? Getting to the top 30
A Getting to the top 1
B Getting to the rop 2
U'JSkills 32
B N u m b e r s a n d years 14
A Are. you good with computers?
A Zero to ninety-nine B Skills
B Larger numbers C Skilled and unskilled workers
C Years

flJ/J;Ordering numbers, parts

m Ouafifications and training 34
A Qualitica tions
of numbers 16 B Training
A Ordering numbers
B Decimals, fractions and percentages

WORK BJNumbers and time 36

A Talking about the time
mJJobs 18 B Start and finish times
A Your job C Morning, afternoon, evening and night

flJ Timetables
B Other jobs
C Dream jobs 38

0 Places, departments and

A Timcra bles
B Talking about travel rimes

industries 20
A Places Days a n d dates 40
B Departments
A 1vfonths and seasons
C Industries
B Days and dates
C Public holidays

Business Vocabulary in Use (elementary) 3


m T�lephoning 1: starting and

78 m Presentations 1: getting

A Starting informal calls A Preparation

B Starting formal calls B Introduction
C Ending calls
l'.I) Presentations 2 : t h e main 94
(D T e l e p h o n i n g 2: spelling and 80 part
A Sections
A 'lclephone alphabet B Slides and handout.s
B Spelling C Ending and questions

Im P r e s e n t a t i o n s 3 : c h a r t s a n d
C Numbers
Telephoning 3 : checking 82 graphs
A Pie charts
A Showing understanding B Craphs and bar charts

B Checking and confirming information

BJT e l e p h o n i n g 4 : m e s s a g e s
Presentations 4 : site tours 98
84 A Company sires
A Useful expressions B Introduction to the tour
B Leaving a message C Guided tour


Emails, f a x e s a n d l e t t e r s 1: 86 DJM e e t i n g s 1: o r g a n i z i n g a 100
business writing meeting
A \Xfays of communicating A Word combinations with 'meeting'
B Formal and informal B Agendas
C Beginnings C Apologies and minutes
D Endings
rE) M e e t i n g s
III Emails, f a x e s a n d l e t t e r s 2 : 102
2 : chairing a
88 meeting
the message A Chairing
A Starting the message B Interrupting and stopping interruptions

OJM e e t i n g s 3 : o p i n i o n s a n d
B future action
C Enclosures and attachments 104
m Emails, f a x e s a n d l e t t e r s 3 :
A Opinions, agreeing and disagreeing
B Suggesting and explaining
A Email hmgL1age
B Informal emails Pronunciation o f t h e a l p h a b e t '106
C Beginnings and endings
Verbs 107
Answer key 1'\4
Index 134

Business Vocabulary in Use (elementary) 5

' ---- --

i 1 Talking about language

Grammar words used in this book

singular one person or thing
plural more than one person or thing executives, offices
adjective describes a person or thing friendly, heavy
副词 adverb describes a verb: how something is done usually, often
介词 preposition used before a noun or pronoun in, on, with, for
动词 verh something that a person or thing does - work, make
often an action
base form the first form of the verb, used with 'to' to make
动词不定式 (= infinitive) it's eas-y to make a mistake.
second form the verb form that you use to talk about She went to school in
(= past simple) the past Liverpool.
过去分词 third form the verb form that you use in the present J've learnt a lot in this iob.
(= past participle) perfect tense, and in passives It was developed by IBM.
question a sc:t of words to ask for information \Y/here does she work?
answer a reply to a question She works in an office.
短语 phrase a group of words, not a complete sentence an interesting job
sentence a complete idea. ln writing, it starts with , e is very good with
ca ita etter an ends \Vith a . computers.
expression ' a word or group of words used in a I'll put you through.
表达 special situation
To learn more about verbs, see pages 107-113.

Understanding notes in this book

元音 vowels = the letters a, e, i, o, and u AmE = American English
wow-wo consonants = all other letters formal = for public or official use
辅音 BrE = British English informal = not official; used with friends or colleagues

Understanding instructions in this book

Complete the table. = Fill in the spaces in the table with information. (For example,
exercise 27.1)
Complete the sentences. = Write the missing words. (For example, exercise 5 .1)
Match the two parts of the sentences. = Join the two parts to make a whole sentence.
(For example, exercise 18.2)
True or false? = ls this right or wrong? (For example, exercise 9.1)
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. = Choose the right word to use in the
sentence. (for example, exercise 24.2)
Look at A/B/C opposite to help you. = Look at section A/B/C to find the information that
you need to do the exercise. (For example, exercise 4.3)
Put the sentences into the correct order. = Say which sentence is first, which is second, etc.
(ror example, exercise 43.3)

8 Business Vocabulary in Use (elementary)

1 .1 Write the grammar words in A opposite in your language.

1.2 Look at B opposite. Write the instructions in your ovm language.

1.3 Write the words in the box in the correct column in the table.

big expensive helpful job learn long

lose money old salary sales sell

Noun Verb Adjective

job salary money lose learn big expensive
sales helpful long old

1. 4 Arc these phrases, sentences, or questions? Look ,lt A opposite to help you.
Do you get the train to work? question
2 on the bus phrase
3 He went to school in London. sentence
4 good with computers phrase
5 I'm an architect. sentence
6 a part-time job phrase

1.5 True or false? Look at A opposite to help you.

1 The plural of 'office' is 'offices'. true
2 'was' and 'were' are the past forms of 'be'. true
3 'on' is a preposition. true
4 'cheap' is an adverb. false
5 'sometimes' is an adverb. true
6 'Can we meet on Monday? ' is a phrase. false

l .6 Follow these instructions.

Complete the sentence.
I live .............. Paris.
2 Complete the table. Look at page 112 to help you.

become became
come came

3 Match the two parts of the sentences. Look at A opposite to help you.
I A noun is a word c a that describes a verb.
2 An adverb is a word a b that describes a person or thing.
3 An adjective is a word b c for a person or a thing.
4 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. Look at A, Band C opposite to help you.
1 base (base/second) form is the infinitive of the verb.
The .....................
2 second(first/second) form of the verb to talk about the past.
You use the ........................
3 plural (si.ngu\ar/plural) when you talk about more than one person or thing.
You use the .......................
4 sentence(question/sentence) is a set of words used to ask for information.
A ........................
5 phrase (phrase/expression) is a set of ·words that is not a complete sentence.
A ........................

Business Vocabulary in Use (elementary) 9

currency dollars
research and development marketing training

2 1





an adjective


She got a job as cleaner. I did a few jobs around the house. It's my job to water the
make a bad / good job of something


a noun

We do a lot of business with China. He runs a small decorating business.

be none of someone's business, mind your own business.
Eighteen fourteen
Eighteen seventy
Nineteen oh one
Nineteen twenty six
Nineteen forty-four
Nineteen ninety-two
a photographer
an architect
a doctor / a nurse

b e a

f c d

What does he do
What do they do

What does she do

7 .1 Match the t\VO parts of what people say about their jobs. Look at A opposite to help you.
I work '.n the production department. a I'm the boss!
2 I work m New York. b I make tckv1s10ns.
3 I work in a college. c I sell machines.
4 I work at head office. d I teach French.
5 I work in the sales department. e I love big cities!

7 .2 Complete the sentences with 'in', 'at' or 'on'. Look at B opposite to help you.
l work ........................ a shop.
2 I don't work ........................ a construction site.
3 I don't work ....................... home because I want to be with people all the time!
4 She works ........................ a factory.
5 He works ........................ the finance department.
on a farm.
6 They work .......................
at "In" is used to refer to being inside a
7 One day, I want to work ........................ head office. l want to be the boss!
place or within a period of time. For
Complete the questions. Look at A and B opposite to help you. example, "She is in the room" or "We'll
7 .3
meet in an hour."
do you work in
1 Which department .......................................................................................... ?
I work in the training department. "On" is used to indicate that something
2 Which department ..........does she work in
. ................................................................................ ? is touching or resting upon a surface.
She works in the marketing department. For instance, "The book is on the table"
or "The painting is hanging on the wall."
3 Which department ............ does
. ...... . he work in
.................................................................. .
He works in the production department.
"At" is used to specify a location or a
do you work
4 Where ..................................................................... ? particular point in time. For example,
I work at home. "I'm at the park" or "Let's meet at 3 PM."
do they work.
5 Where .......................................... ................
They work on an oil rig. Remember, these prepositions can have
nuanced uses and there are exceptions,
7.4 but this should give you a basic
Complete each sentence with an industry. Look at C opposite to help you.
I work for Alcatel. I'm in .................................... . understanding of their differences.
2 She ·works for Shell. She's in ................................... .
education .
3 He's a teacher. He's in ....................................
tourism .
4 They're tour guides. They're in ....................................
5 We write advertisements. We're in ........................ .
construction. the creation of an abstract entity.
6 He builds houses. He's in ....................................

over ..f-o 11ou 'J

Where do you work?
Talk about people you know - where do they work?

Business Vocabulary in Use (elementary) 21

an amount of money paid regularly by the government or a private company
to a person who does not work any more because they are too old or have become ill.

-not or no longer needed or useful.

-no longer employed because there is no more work available.
customers overtime

part time temporary

contract full time




an area of ground on which a town, building.

How many
exact figure
how many
There are
Are there
there is
hours a week
on average

head office

I work for ATR manufacturing. Our head office is in Mexico City. There are about 15,000 employees. We have 10
sites altogether in Mexico-2 offices, 7 branches & 1 warehouse.
travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis.

to start doing a job or a piece of work:

never gets
doesn't get
goes reads

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