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G4 Business English




Beginner Intermediate Advanced

Certified by Finland
Education agency

Globish English Course copyright © 2018

G4: Intermediate

Course Outline

G4 Business English
Interactions With Customers PICTURE
Lesson 1 Preparing for Customer Conversations
Lesson 2 Greeting Customers
Lesson 3 Understanding Customer’s Needs
Lesson 4 Making a Sale
Lesson 5 Handling Customer Complaints
Lesson 6 Review and Practice

Dealing With Work Issues

Lesson 7 Handling a Missing Order
Lesson 8 Handling Faulty Goods
Lesson 9 Getting to Speak to the Authority
Lesson 10 Giving Ultimatums
Lesson 11 Setting Deadlines
Lesson 12 Review and Practice

Lesson 13 Introduction to a Presentation
Lesson 14 Delivering the Main Idea
Lesson 15 Moving On to the Next Point
Lesson 16 Concluding the Presentation
Lesson 17 Dealing with Questions
Lesson 18 Review and Practice

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G4: Intermediate

Course Outline

G4 Business English
Written Communication PICTURE
Lesson 19 Formal Email
Lesson 20 Informal Email
Lesson 21 Texting
Lesson 22 Agenda
Lesson 23 Abbreviations & Acronyms
Lesson 24 Review and Practice

Social Situations
Lesson 25 Invitations
Lesson 26 Socializing with Your Colleagues
Lesson 27 Formal Business Dinner
Lesson 28 Entertaining Clients
Lesson 29 Accepting and Declining Invitations
Lesson 30 Review and Practice

At an Event
Lesson 31 Presenting Your Company
Lesson 32 Talking About Product and Service
Lesson 33 Starting a Conversation
Lesson 34 Asking for Information
Lesson 35 Acquiring Business Contacts
Lesson 36 Review and Practice

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Lesson 1
Preparing for Customer Conversations
Vocabulary-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both coach
and student must take turns interacting in the
role play dialogue. Coaches should encourage
students to use vocabulary in the role play to form
new sentences that they could apply in their
workplace or life.

Role Play

A sales manager is reviewing important points with a salesperson about customer


Sales Manager: Let’s talk about the important things that you must focus on when
interacting with a customer.

First, the tone of your voice is very important. You must sound confident but at the
same time polite and caring.

Second, you must understand the customer’s needs and interests based on their
demographics. For example, product A might be more suitable for a customer who is
under 20 years old but product B might be a better fit for a customer who is over 50
years old. This is very important because you have to show the customer that our
company provides different options that cater to their specific needs.

Third, it is important that you don’t rush the conversation. The customer will think
that you’re only trying to make sales. Take your time answering questions the
customer may have. Also, remember to make eye contact with them to show that
you are really listening.

Overall, you must give the customer assurance that you are someone who can be
trusted. Everything that you do or say represents our company so it is important that
you treat all customers with the highest respect. Do you have any questions about
what we just talked about?

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Let’s talk about this short speech

● What should the salesperson’s tone sound like when talking to a customer?
● Why is it important for the salesperson to understand the customers’ special
needs based on their demographics?

G4 Business English
● Why is it important for the salesperson to take the conversation slowly with
the customer?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.


Synonyms of:

a. Rush
i. hurry, push
b. Cater
i. provide for, serve
c. Polite
i. respectful, well-mannered, courteous
d. Purpose
i. reason, aim, objective

Antonyms of:

a. Rush
ii. delay, take it slow
b. Polite
ii. impolite, rude, offensive
c. Confidence
ii. Shyness, timidity, fear


1. In your opinion, how should a salesperson properly communicate with a

2. Have you ever communicated with a rude salesperson? What were you trying
to buy? Do you know why he/she was rude?
3. In your opinion, how should a salesperson deal with a rude customer?

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a. Tone (n): the way your voice sounds which can show how you are thinking or
feeling. E.g. Remember to speak in a calm tone when dealing with angry

G4 Business English

b. Demographic (n): a particular group of people in a society. These groups can

be divided based on age, gender, ethnicity, etc. E.g. Most of our customers are in
the 25-39 demographic.

c. Eye contact (n): When you have ‘eye contact’ with someone, you look them
directly into the eyes. E.g. Make sure to have eye contact with your customers
when they are talking so that they know you are listening. In some cultures, it is
considered rude to have direct eye contact with the elders.

d. Purpose (n): the reason for something. E.g. The purpose of this meeting is to
discuss our plans for the next product.

e. Cater (v): to provide or satisfy someone’s desires/needs. E.g. In our restaurant,

we cater our food to our customers’ tastes.

f. Polite (adj): describes someone who has good manners and is not rude to
other people. E.g. In most cultures, it is considered polite to chew with your mouth
closed while eating.

g. Confidence (n): to feel sure about something. E.g. Make sure to have confidence
when speaking with customers.

h. Assurance (n): If you give someone ‘assurance’ that something is true or will
happen, you make a promise to that person. E.g. Customers want assurance that
our product is worth the value of the money that they’re spending.

Video yourself speaking English at
least 1x/ week. Listen to your tone
and pronunciation. Focus on improving
your intonation and enunciation.

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Lesson 2
Greeting Customers
Phonology-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both coach
and student must take turns interacting in the rolePICTURE
play dialogue. Coaches should encourage students to
use vocabulary in the role play to form new sentences
that they could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play
(Customer walks into the clothing store)

Salesperson: Good morning ma’am. Can I help you with anything today?

Customer: Yes, I am looking for a dress that I can wear to a wedding as a guest.

Salesperson: Is there a particular style that you’re looking for?

Customer: A long dress in a light colour.

Salesperson: Sure. If I may ask, do you have a price range?

Customer: Anything under 10.000.000 Vietnam dong is fine.

Salesperson: Perfect. Well, we just recently launched a new line of high quality
long dresses that are just a little over 10.000.000 Vietnam dong, if you’re
interested. However, if you would like to save money, we also have a few older
dresses that are 30% off.

Customer: (Selects two dresses from the new arrival section) Wow! This red dress is
absolutely beautiful. It really stands out, but isn’t this light pink dress also cute?
Which dress do you think will fit me better? I need your professional advice.

Salesperson: Why don’t you try them on? I think that I need to see you wear them
in order to give you better advice.

Customer: Good idea.

Salesperson: Let me show you the way to our changing rooms.

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Let’s talk about the role play

● What kind of product is the customer looking for?

● What is the customer’s price range?
● Why does the customer need the salesperson’s professional advice?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss

G4 Business English
them with your coach.


Stressed Syllables

a. proFESsional
b. REcently
c. INterest
d. QUAlity

Please read the following sentences in the correct rising/ falling intonation.

Rising intonation: when the tone of the sentence goes up.

Falling intonation: when the tone of the sentence goes down.

a. Questions with ‘where,’ ‘when,’ ‘what,’ ‘which,’ ‘why,’ ‘who’, ‘who’, ‘whose’,
‘whom’, and ‘how’ end with falling intonation. :
i. Where did you go for your vacation?

b. If the question is a yes/no question, it has a rising intonation: These questions

mostly start with ‘am’, ‘is’, ’are’, ‘was’, ‘were’, ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘did’, ‘has’, ‘have’, ‘can’,
‘could’, ‘may’, ‘shall’, ‘should’, ‘would’, and ‘will’.
i. Is there a particular style that you’re looking for?

c. Sometimes, when you ask a question, you already have some idea of the
answer. You’re asking a question to check something, or to confirm that your
idea is right. In this case, the question has a rising tone: For example:
i. This red dress is absolutely beautiful. It really stands out, but isn’t this
light pink dress also cute?
ii. It seems like you were a bit tired yesterday, weren’t you?

d. However, some questions may be asked with both a rising and falling
intonation depending on the emotions that are being conveyed. A falling tone
can express sadness or sarcasm. A rising tone can convey annoyance,
excitement, or anger. Read these questions with your coach to discuss how
intonations can change meaning.
i. Can I help you?
ii. Really? Is that what you thought?

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a. What is a proper way to greet customers when they enter the store?
b. Why do you think that some customers don’t like it when salespeople try to
help them out?

G4 Business English
c. What are the price ranges of your company’s products/services?
d. Has your company launched a new product/service recently? If not, is your
company planning to launch a new product/service anytime soon? Please tell
your coach more about your company’s new products/services.


a. Professional (adj): describes someone who gets paid for their work that
requires special training. E.g. I’ve always wanted to become a professional soccer

b. Recently (adv): not long ago. E.g. We’ve just recently bought a new house so we
don’t have much money right now.

c. Launch (v): If a company ‘launched’ a new product, they make it available for
customers to buy. E.g. Apple usually launches their new iPhone around August.

d. Stand out (v): If something ‘stands out,’ from others, it looks better, more
special, or more important. E.g. Our products are made with organic materials,
which makes our company stand out from others.

e. Price range (n): the highest and lowest price of something. E.g. The price range
of iPhones are usually between 28.000.000 Vietnam dong and 33.000.000
Vietnam dong.

f. Interest (n): If you have an ‘interest in’ something you want to learn or hear
more about it. E.g. Do you have an interest in looking at our new clothing arrivals?

g. Save money (phrase): If you want to ‘save money,’ you don’t want to spend a
lot of money because you are trying to add more money into our bank

h. I’m all ears (phrase): If you say ‘I’m all ears,’ it means that you have someone’s
full attention. E.g. Tell me what’s wrong. I’m all ears.

i. Try something on (phrase): to put some clothes on to see if you like it or not.
E.g. Would I be able to try something on in the changing room?

j. Quality (n): the standard of how good or bad something is. E.g. LV and Prada
design high-quality purses.

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Lesson 3
Understanding Customer’s Needs
Contrastive Analysis-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie
or real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation
and intonation in order to show expression.
Both coach and student must take turns
interacting in the role play dialogue. Coaches
should encourage students to use vocabulary in
the role play to form new sentences that they
could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play

Salesperson: Good afternoon, sir! How may I assist you today?

Customer: I’m interested in your Internet packages, preferably something that is


Salesperson: Sure. We have three different speeds that are available: 24 mbps, 30
mbps, and 50 mbps. If I may ask, what do you usually use the Internet for?

Customer: Playing games

Salesperson: Then I think that the 50mbps will be a good fit for your needs.

Customer: How much does that cost?

Salesperson: It’s currently at 1.200.000 Vietnam dong per month.

Customer: That’s a little too pricey for me.

Salesperson: You could go for 30 mbps but you are most likely going to experience
lagging when you game.

Customer: Yeah, I know. I bought Wi- Fi that was 30mbps before and it was way too

Salesperson: Would you like to check out our package deals? You might get a better
value for what you’re paying.

Customer: Sure.


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Salesperson: So we have the Internet, phone, and TV package deal that only costs
300.000 Vietnam dong per month. The special features include our highest speed
Internet (50 mbps), all TV channels, and two phone sim cards with unlimited data
every month. All you have to pay is a 500.000 Vietnam dong fee up front for our
installation services.

G4 Business English
Customer: That does sound like a better deal than the Internet alone. I just have to
convince my wife to watch more football with me.

Salesperson: You definitely should!

Customer: Well, thank you for your help today. If you don’t mind, I’m going to check
out other stores to compare the prices before I make the final decision.

Salesperson: Of course. If you have any more questions for us, please feel free to call
the business number on my name card. Our website can be quite confusing and

Customer: All right! Thank you.

Let’s talk about the role play

● What does the customer need the Internet for?

● What features are included in the package deal?
● How much does the customer have to pay up front for the package deal?
● Did the customer end up buying the package deal? Why or why not?

Contrastive Analysis

Compare and Contrast

1. Bought vs. Brought

a. Bought (v): this is the past tense of ‘buy.’ E.g. I just bought a new house
b. Brought (v): this is the past tense of ‘bring,’ which means to take
something/someone somewhere with you. E.g. Her parents were
surprised when she brought her new boyfriend to the family dinner.


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Fill in the blanks
bought/ brought

1. She realized that she did not have a lot of money left in her bank account
after she _______ the new MacBook.

G4 Business English
2. I wasn’t very satisfied with your product when I _______ it last time.
3. Tom was very happy that he _______ his dog to Saigon from America for the
4. The children were very excited when Santa Claus _______ them gifts for


1. Please describe the characteristics of a good salesperson.

2. Compare a product you like with another product but of a different brand.
How are they similar or different? What are the special features of your
preferred product in comparison to the other product? What are the special
features? Which brand is more affordable? Which brand is a better fit for
you? Why?


a. Particular (adj): describes something specific that you are talking about. E.g.
A: Is there a particular type of camera that you’re looking for? B: Yes, I’m looking for
a video camera.

b. Vague (adj): describes something that is not clear and hard to understand.
E.g. Can you give me more details about the product? The description on this
brochure seems quite vague.

c. Up front (phrase): If a customer makes a payment ‘up front,’ he/she pays the
seller some money before receiving a product or service. E.g. Some hotels
require customers to make certain up-front fees when booking a room.

d. Convince (v): to give someone good reasons to do something. E.g. The

salesperson is convincing the customer to buy the product.

e. Compare (v): If you compare A with B, you find the differences and
similarities between them. E.g. I would like to compare your product’s prices with
another store’s product prices before making a decision.

f. Features (n): the special and interesting parts of something. E.g. We have a lot
of special features in this telephone service package. For example, you can watch
free football wherever you go.

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g. Check out this service/ product (phrase): to find out more information about
a service/ product. E.g. You should check out our new computer model. It has a lot
of special features in it!

h. Good fit (phrase): If something is a ‘good fit,’ it is suitable and meets your

needs. E.g. I’m not sure if this car is a good fit for me. It seems a little too big.

G4 Business English
i. Similar (adj): If A is similar to B, then both are alike or are almost the same.
E.g. The weather in Canada is similar to the weather in the UK.

j. Value (n): how much money a product is worth. E.g. Apple products have a high

k. Affordable (adj): describes a product/service that is not too expensive, and

customers have enough money to buy it. E.g. Luxury cars such as BMW or
Mercedes Benz are not affordable to many people.


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Lesson 4
Making a Sale
Inductive Grammar-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns interacting
in the role play dialogue. Coaches should
encourage students to use vocabulary in the role
play to form new sentences that they could apply
in their workplace or life.

Role Play
Salesperson: Good evening, ma’am. How can I help you today?

Customer: I’m interested in buying a MacBook Air. How much does it cost?

Salesperson: It depends on the storage. The 128GB is worth 999 US Dollars and the
256GB is worth 1199 US Dollars. If you don’t use a lot of storage, the 128GB one
could easily fulfil your needs.

Customer: I see.

Salesperson: I also should let you know that they’re probably going to be out of
stock soon due to high demand and limited supply.

Customer: What are your payment options?

Salesperson: You could make a full payment all at once and get a 10% discount or
you could pay in monthly instalments with your credit card.

Customer: I’ll go with the monthly instalments.

Salesperson: Absolutely. Will this be for the 128GB or the 256GB?

Customer: 128GB, please.

Salesperson: Of course. Now, if, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with the
product, you will be able to receive a full refund if you return it without any damages
within 14 days of your purchase date.

Customer: And would that be a cash refund?

Salesperson: No. Since you’re paying with credit, you will receive the refund through
your credit. 14

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Let’s talk about the role play

● What kind of product is the customer looking for?

● According to the salesperson, why are the Macbooks going to be out of stock
● According to the salesperson, what types of payment options are there?

G4 Business English
What payment option did the customer choose?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Grammar Lesson: Adverbs vs. Adjectives


1. Words that describe nouns.

2. Examples from the role play of sentences with adjectives. Discuss with your
coach which nouns the adjectives are describing.
a. He is a professional singer.
b. She is a beautiful woman.
c. The product has an affordable price.
d. “… due to high demands and limited supply. ”
e. I’ll go with the monthly instalments.


1. Words that describe verbs

2. Most adverbs (though not all) end in -ly. For example:
b. Beautifully, Angrily, Nicely
3. Examples of sentences from the role play with adverbs. Discuss with your
coach which verbs the adverbs are describing:
b. She sings beautifully.
c. The customer complained angrily.
d. The kids behaved well.
e. The 128GB one could easily fulfil your needs.

Grammar Practice: Adverbs vs. Adjectives

Please fill in the words in brackets (.....) as adjective or adverb

1. He _______ reads a book. (quick)

2. This is an _______ product. (expensive)
3. Please drive _______. (careful)
4. You can _______ book a room online on our website. (easy)
5. Please take this class _______ . (serious) Watch out! Look carefully and see what
the word in the bracket is describing; ‘take’ or ‘class’?

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1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making payments in
2. How does the company that you’re working for stand out from other

G4 Business English
3. What products are often out of stock at the company that you’re working
for? Why are these particular products out of stock often?


a. Worth (adj): If a product is ‘worth’ _______ Vietnam dong, it means that the
product costs/ has a value of_______ Baht. E.g. This house is worth at least 10
million Vietnam dong.

b. Fulfil (v): lf you ‘fulfil’ something such as a promise, dream, or hope, you
successfully do what you said you would do. E.g. After he graduated, all his
wishes for his studies were fulfilled.

c. Payment options (n): the different ways that you can pay for something.
Examples of payment options include: credit card, cash, debit card, etc.

d. Instalment (n): paying something in ‘instalments,’ means paying small sums of

money every month over a period of time, rather than paying the whole
amount at once. There is usually an interest when things are paid in
instalments. E.g. The mortgage for her house comes in 10 monthly installments
with a 3% interest rate.

e. Limited Supply (n): when there aren’t a lot of supplies. E.g. Companies usually
raise the prices of their products when there is a limited supply for a high demand.

f. Out of stock (phrase): If products are ‘out of stock,’ it means they are not
available for customers to purchase, because the products have already been
bought by other customers. E.g. Our products are currently out of stock due to its
popularity. However, they’ll be back in stock next month.

g. Cash refund (n): the money that is returned to the customer in the form of
cash. E.g. If you return the product within 14 days with no damages, you’ll receive
a cash refund.


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Lesson 5
Handling Customer Complaints
Role Play-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both coach
and student must take turns interacting in the
role play dialogue. Coaches should encourage
students to use vocabulary in the role play to form
new sentences that they could apply in their
workplace or life.

Role Play
Role Play 1 - You receive a call from a customer whose product was damaged
during shipping

Customer Service Representative: Company X, customer service department, may I

please have your order number?

Customer: Yes. It’s 89233

Customer Service Representative: Thank you for that information. Ms. Chen, right?

Customer: Yes.

Customer Service Representative: How can I help you today?

Customer: I just received my product and it seems like it has been damaged by poor
shipment handling so I’d like to request a full refund.

Customer Service Representative: Of course, ma’am. I apologize for the

inconvenience. Are you sure that you would like a full refund? We could re-ship a
new product with no extra cost.

Customer: No, thank you. Your company has simply failed to meet my expectations.

Customer Service Rep: I understand. Now, if you’d like to receive a full refund, you
have to put our product back into the package. Our delivery man will come pick it up
on the next business day. What time would work best for you?

Customer: 4:00pm.

Customer Service Representative: All right. I just updated that information in our
system. Again, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. I would like to offer you a
50% OFF discount coupon for your next purchase with us. 17

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Let’s talk about the role play

● What was the customer complaining about?

● What did the customer service representative offer the customer at the end
of this phone call?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss

G4 Business English
them with your coach.

Role Play 2- Learning how to deal with angry customers

Phuong: I received a phone call from a very angry customer yesterday who
complained about our Internet services. I explained to her that the Internet was
slower than usual because of the storm. However, she wouldn’t stop shouting
offensive words and the situation got out of control. Do you have any advice for
handling these types of situations?

John: That is a tough one. Does the customer have our highest speed package?

Phuong: Yes.

John: If I were you, I would sincerely apologize and offer the customer a discount for
her next purchase. It is crucial that you do not take the customers’ complaints
personally. Sometimes customers are angry about something else in their lives, and
they just need to take it out on someone and you just happen to be the unlucky
person on that day.

Let’s talk about the role play

● According to Phuong, what was the customer angry about?

● According to John, how should Phuong handle the situation?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

If you don’t work in customer service, that’s
okay! This lesson teaches phone etiquette,
which means how to be polite on the
phone. Whether you’re an employee or
employer, phone etiquette is crucial in
presenting yourself professionally.


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Now it’s your turn to Role Play
Scenario 1 - You receive a call about a customer complaint.

a. Student: You are a customer service representative. Your customer bought a

new purse online and is dissatisfied with the quality of the purse. You ask for

G4 Business English
the customer’s order number so you can check the information. You realize
that your customer ordered the real leather purse but your company has
mistakenly delivered the faux leather purse. You apologize and offer the
customer a solution (be creative!).
Remember to use this lesson’s vocabulary, including ‘I apologize…’.

a. Coach: You are dissatisfied with the leather purse you bought. When you
were buying the purse online, the description stated that the purse is made
with real leather but when you received your bag, you realize that it is made
with faux leather. You ask them to compensate you for this mistake.

Scenario 2 - You make a call to complain about the service.

1. Student: You are a customer who just ordered earphones online a month ago
but you haven’t received your product. You are very angry that you haven’t
received your product and you complain about it. You demand a full refund.

1. Coach: You are a customer service representative who deals with the
customer complaint. You ask for the customer’s order number so you can
check the information online. You found out that there has been a problem
with shipping, which is causing the delay. You help the customer process a full
refund and offer a discount code for the customer’s next purchase.

1. Have you had experience handling customer complaints? Please describe
your experience.
2. In your opinion, what is the proper way to deal with angry customers?
3. Why is it important for a customer representative to not take customer
complaints personally?
4. Have you ever complained about a product/service to a company? How did
the company handle your complaint? Do you think they did a good job? Why
or why not?

I apologize vs. I’m sorry

a. I apologize (phrase): You say this when you take full responsibility for the
mistake/wrongdoing. E.g. I apologize for being late.

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b. I’m sorry (phrase):
i. You say this when you feel bad for someone because of the mistake/
wrongdoing done by someone else. You say ‘I’m sorry’ when it’s not your
fault. E.g. I’m sorry to hear that your boyfriend broke up with you.
ii. You also say ‘I’m sorry’ to someone who has a close friend/family

G4 Business English
member who has just passed away. E.g. I’m sorry for your loss.

When dealing with clients, it is better to use ‘I apologize’ because it is more

formal and shows that you take responsibility.

1. Sincerely (Adv): If you say or feel something ‘sincerely,’ you really mean it or
feel it in an honest way. E.g. I sincerely apologize for the damaged product.

2. Fail to meet someone’s expectations (phrase): it means that something does

not meet someone’s desires/requirements. E.g. I’d like to return this product
because it has failed to meet my expectations.

3. Lash out at someone (phrase): to suddenly be aggressive and say bad things to
someone. E.g. The customer started lashing out at the salesperson when he didn’t
allow the customer to return the product.

4. Take something personally (phrase): If you take a customer’s anger personally,

you think that they are directly attacking you even if they are just angry about
something else and not you. E.g. She took customers’ complaints personally and
decided to resign.

5. Offensive (adj): If you say something ‘offensive,’ you say something that is rude
and not nice. E.g. Don’t take a customer’s complaints personally even if they are

6. Take it out on someone (phrase): to complain about your anger to someone

else. E.g. Please don’t waste your time taking it out on me. I’m not your boss.

7. Out of control (phrase): no longer possible to manage. E.g. I had to ask security to
take the customer out of the store because his anger was getting out of control.


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Lesson 6
Review and Practice
Review Lesson

G4 Business English

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Why is a salesperson’s tone important when he/she interacts with customers?

2. What does it mean when a company ‘stands out’ from others? In your opinion,
what restaurant in Vietnam stands out from other restaurants?
3. Can you think of a few antonyms for the word affordable? (The antonyms of
affordable weren’t included in the lesson so be creative!)
4. What does it mean when a product is ‘out of stock’? In your opinion, what
should a company do in order to make sure that their products are not ‘out of
5. What does it mean to ‘take it out on someone’?


1. Please match the words on the left with their corresponding antonyms on the
right side.

A. Rush 1. Timidity
B. Polite 2. Delay
C. Confidence 3. Rude

1. Discuss with your coach about your favourite company. What kind of
products does the company sell? What makes their products stand out from
other companies?


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3. Fill in the blanks: bought/brought
a. They no longer have a lot of savings after they _______ a car.
b. John was a good student. He always _______ his homework to school.
c. The manager wasn’t very happy when Tim _______ his crying baby to

G4 Business English
d. She loved the necklace that he _______ her.

3. Please identify the adverbs in this paragraph:

“The angry customer angrily complains to the customer service

representative about the poorly designed product. The customer service
representative patiently deals with the client by sincerely apologizing to him.
The customer service representative kindly offers a discount to the customer
as an apology.”

3. Discuss with your coach the differences between ‘I apologize’ and ‘I’m sorry.’

Bravo! You’ve now completed 6 lessons.
While reviews are good for practice,
speaking English every week is the key to
improving your speaking skills so don’t stop
speaking English!


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Lesson 7
Handling a Missing Order
Vocabulary-Based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie
or real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation
and intonation in order to show expression. PICTURE
Both coach and student must take turns
interacting in the role play dialogue. Coaches
should encourage students to use vocabulary in
the role play to form new sentences that they
could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play
Manager X works for Company X and Manager Y works for Company Y.

Manager X: (Phone rings) Company X. How can I help you?

Manager Y: Hi, this is Mr. Y calling from Company Y. May I speak to Mr. X?

Manager X: This is he.

Manager Y: Mr. X, Company Y has ordered goods from you two months ago and we
still haven’t received them. We were expecting them to be delivered to our
warehouse a week ago so I would like to find out whether you have abandoned our

Manager X: I sincerely apologize for your inconvenience. Let me check our computer
system to update you on the current status of your orders. (Checks the computer

Manager Y: Thank you.

Manager X: It looks like our semi has broken down in the middle of the road but the
driver has failed to notify our company of the delay. We’ll have another semi pick up
your orders and deliver them to you by the end of tomorrow.

Manager Y: I have to say that I disapprove of your delivery services. Your

unprofessional services are hindering our company’s productivity.

Manager X: I understand, sir, and I truly apologize. Please let your boss know that this
won’t happen again. I would also like to offer you a discount for your current order.


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Let’s talk about the role play

● Why is manager Y disappointed in Company X?

● Why hasn’t Company Y received their order from Company X?
● How does Manager X try to make the situation better?
● Do you think that Manager X handled the situation well? Why or why not?

G4 Business English
● What new words and phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.


Synonyms of:

a. Expect (v)
i. anticipate, assume, hope
b. Update (v)
i. bring up to date, inform, notify
c. Deliver (v)
i. transport, bring, send

Antonyms of:

a. Abandon (v)
ii. continue, keep, retain
b. Disapprove (v)
ii. approve, accept, agree


1. Have you ever ordered a product online and it wasn’t delivered on time? How
did you deal with the situation?
2. What are some actions that a company does that makes you disapprove of
3. Have you (or your colleagues) ever come up with a plan at work but had to
abandon it? Why did you have to abandon the plan? Did you come up with a
new plan?


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a. Let someone know (phrase): to tell someone about something. E.g. Please let
your manager know that I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

G4 Business English
b. Expect (v): If you ‘expect’ a person to do something, you believe that it is the
person’s responsibility to do that thing. E.g. We were expecting our order to be
delivered two days ago but they still haven’t arrived yet.

c. Current status (n): the progress of something at the moment. In other words,
what is going on with something right now. E.g. Could you please check the
current status of our orders?

d. Hinder (v): to slow down a progress and make it more difficult. E.g. The
breakdown of the truck hinders the products to be delivered on time.

e. Goods (n): are physical, tangible products that are made to be sold. E.g.
Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

f. Deliver (v): to take/bring something from point A to point B. E.g. The delivery
man delivered our pizza an hour late.

g. Update (v): to tell someone about the current status of a situation. ‘Update’
can also be a noun. E.g. Could you please update us about the current status of
our orders?/ I’ll send you an email about the updates of our project.

h. Abandon (v): If you ‘abandon’ an activity or piece of work, you stop doing it
before it is finished. E.g. The CEO has abandoned the plan to launch a new
product because of poor financial management.

i. Disapprove (v): If you ‘disapprove of’ something or someone, you feel or

show that you do not like them and you are not pleased with them. E.g. I
disapprove of your poor services.


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Lesson 8
Handling Faulty Goods
Phonology-Based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both coach
and student must take turns interacting in the role
play dialogue. Coaches should encourage students to
use vocabulary in the role play to form new sentences
that they could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play
Customer Service Rep: (Phone rings) Company X, customer support, how can I help
you today?

Customer: Hello. I recently ordered a computer from your website but the screen is
broken. Would I be able to get a replacement?

Customer Service Rep: I’m sorry to hear that. When did you place the order?

Customer: Last month.

Customer Service Rep: I’m afraid that since you’ve passed the 14-day mark, we are
unable to provide a replacement for free. However, we can fix it and put it right back
for you at no cost because of the 1-year warranty.

Customer: Could you send someone to fix it at my office?

Customer Service Rep: Unfortunately, you would have to take your computer to our
repair store to have it fixed.

Customer: I see. Don’t you think that your company should change the policies to
make it more convenient for customers?

Customer Service Rep: I am sorry, ma’am. You will have to bring your receipt and
proof of identification to the store. Our technicians will take a look at your faulty
screen and review with you the steps that they must take in order to fix it. Once
they’ve put you in the picture, they’ll give you an estimate of how long it’ll take them
to fix your broken screen.

Customer: I see. Thank you for that information.

Customer Service Rep: Of course. Is there anything else that I can help you with
today? 26

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Customer: No, that is all.

Customer Service Rep: All right. Thank you so much for choosing us. Please feel free
to give us a call back anytime if you have any more questions. Have a nice day!

Let’s talk about the role play

● What is the purpose of the customer’s call?

G4 Business English
● Why can’t the customer get a replacement for the computer screen?
● What must the customer do in order to get the screen fixed?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Stressed Syllables

a. FAULty
b. rePLACEment
c. unFORtunately
d. rePAIR

Please read the following sentences in the correct rising/ falling intonation.

Rising intonation: when the tone of the sentence goes up.

Falling intonation: when the tone of the sentence goes down.

a. Questions with ‘where,’ ‘when,’ ‘what,’ ‘which,’ ‘why,’ ‘who’, ‘whose’, ‘whom’, and
‘how’ end with falling intonation.
i. When did you place the order?

b. Simple sentences that state facts and opinions end with falling intonation. For
i. Make sure to bring your receipt and proof of identification to the store.
ii. Thank you so much for choosing our company.

c. If a sentence has a dependent clause before the comma (,) and an independent
clause after the comma (,) the first part is read with rising intonation and the
second part is read with falling intonation.
i. Once they’ve put you in the picture (dependent clause), they’ll give you
an estimate of how long it’ll take them to fix your broken screen
(independent clause).
ii. Dependent clauses are parts of sentences that cannot stand alone. As
you can see, ‘once they’ve put you in the picture’ is NOT a full sentence.
Dependent clauses must always be paired with independent clauses for
the sentence to be complete.

d. Questions that have yes/no answers end with with rising intonation. These
questions mostly start with ‘am’, ‘is’, ’are’, ‘was’, ‘were’, ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘did’, ‘has’,
‘have’, ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘shall’, ‘should’, ‘would’, and ‘will’. For example: 27

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i. Would I be able to get a replacement?
ii. Would you be able to send someone to fix it at my office?

f. Questions that are asked to make suggestions end with a falling intonation.
However, the same question may be read with a rising intonation if the
purpose is to criticize.
i. Don’t you think that your company should change their policies to

G4 Business English
make it more convenient for customers?

1. How does the company that you work for handle faulty goods?
2. How often does your company review its progress?


a. Faulty (adj): describes objects that has something wrong with it and is not
working properly. E.g. Many companies sell their faulty goods at an outlet for a
much lower price.

b. Replacement (n): If object A is a replacement of Object B, this means that

object A takes the place of object B because you are no longer using object B.
E.g. We must find a replacement for the damaged goods.

c. Unfortunately (adv): You use ‘unfortunately’ when you are about to say
something that is sad or disappointing. E.g. Unfortunately, most of the goods
have been damaged through the shipping process so we have to find a replacement
for all of them.

d. Fix (v): to repair something that is broken to make it work again. E.g. I need a
professional to help fix my broken computer.

e. Send someone (phrase): to order someone to do something for you. E.g. I’ll
send someone to deliver these boxes to you.

f. Repair (v): similar meaning as ‘fix.’

g. Put right (phrase): If you ‘put something right,’ you correct something that was
wrong or that was causing problems. E.g. We found out what has gone wrong and
we are going to put it right.

h. Review (v): If you ‘review’ a situation or system, you look at it carefully to see
what is wrong or how could be improved. E.g. We reviewed our monthly sales
report in the meeting.

i. To put someone in the picture (phrase): to give someone information that is

needed to understand something. E.g. I’ll put you in the picture as soon as a final
decision has been made.

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Lesson 9
Getting to Speak to the Authority
Contrastive Analysis-Based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie
or real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns PICTURE
interacting in the role play dialogue. Coaches
should encourage students to use vocabulary in
the role play to form new sentences that they
could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play
Customer Service Rep: (Phone rings) Company X, customer support, how can I help
you today?

Customer: Hi. There is an issue with my bill. I’ve cancelled my Internet services with
your company several months ago but I’m still being charged every month.

Customer Service Rep: I truly apologize for that matter. Let me check our computer
system to see what’s going on. Could you please provide the account number for
your Internet?

Customer: 12345

Customer Service Rep: (Checks the computer). Our system shows that you are still
using our services. Do you remember when you cancelled your services with us?

Customer: That is impossible. I don’t even have your Internet router at my home
right now. How could I still be using your services? Please let me speak to whoever’s
in charge of this.

Customer Service Rep: I’m afraid that my supervisor is in an important meeting right

Customer: You guys really have me over the barrel. I didn’t even give my assent for
you to charge my bank account and now I can’t even speak to your supervisor?

Customer Service Rep: I truly apologize for that. I’ll cancel your services in the
computer system right now.

Customer: Okay, but the amount of money that your company owes me is estimated
at 10.000.000 Vietnam dong. Please let me speak to your supervisor’s manager.

Customer Service Rep: Let me get him for you right away. 29

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Let’s talk about the role play

● What is the customer calling about?

● Why can’t the customer talk to the supervisor?
● How did the customer service rep handle the situation? Do you think the
customer service representative handled the situation well? How could the

G4 Business English
customer service rep have handled the situation better?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Contrastive Analysis

Compare and Contrast

a. Assent vs. Ascent

i. Assent (n): If someone gives their ‘assent to’ something that has been
suggested, they formally agree to it. E.g. The CEO gave his assent to the
new plan.
ii. Ascent (n): the act of climbing and moving upwards. E.g. The ascent of
mountains made the running race very challenging.

b. Estimate vs. Intimate

i. Estimate (v): to make an educated guess by making calculations. E.g. The

real estate agent estimated the price of our house to be around 1 billion
Vietnam dong.
ii. Intimate (adj): If you are ‘intimate’ with someone, you have a close
relationship with him/her. E.g. They’re in an intimate relationship.

Fill in the blanks


1. I did not want to be in any _______ relationships during college because I

wanted to focus on my studies.
2. The computer programmer _______(s) that the bitcoin value is going to drop
3. My legs were really tired after I walked on the _______ to the top of the
4. Without her parent’s _______, the boyfriend won’t be able to ask the girlfriend
to marry him.

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1. Do you have a manager/supervisor whom you report to? What do you report
to your manager/supervisor? Does your manager/supervisor run a tight ship

G4 Business English
or are they quite relaxed?
2. What are some issues that your company is facing right now? What are some
issues that your company might face in the future?
3. Have you ever been in a situation where you were over the barrel? What
happened? How did you deal with the situation?


a. Manager (n): a person who is in charge of setting goals for a team and making
sure that team members are doing their jobs.

b. Supervisor (n): a person who is a leader in making sure that others are doing
their work correctly.

c. Person in charge (phrase): a person that has control or is responsible for

someone or something.

d. Matter (n): a task, situation, or event that you have to deal with. E.g. We must
discuss about this matter in the meeting tomorrow.

e. Issue (n): the most important part/ cause of a situation or discussion. E.g. One
of the biggest issues that China faces is overpopulation.

f. Run a tight ship (phrase): to have a good and strict control over management.
E.g. Our new office manager runs a really tight ship.

g. Over a barrel (phrase): be in a helpless position where you have no control

over anything. E.g. During the negotiations, the other party had us over the barrel.

h. Assent (v): If someone gives their ‘assent to’ something that has been
suggested, they formally agree to it. E.g. The CEO gave his assent to the new

i. Estimate (v): to make an educated guess by making calculations. E.g. The real
estate agent estimated the price of our house to be around 10 million Baht.


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Lesson 10
Giving Ultimatums
Inductive Grammar-Based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both coach
and student must take turns interacting in the PICTURE
role play dialogue. Coaches should encourage
students to use vocabulary in the role play to form
new sentences that they could apply in their
workplace or life.

Role Play
Senior HR Manager: How do you think the interview went with Tom, the candidate
for our marketing manager position?

Recruiting Manager: I think it went well. What about you?

Senior HR Manager: I think the same. I am impressed with his ideas for proposals
and the figures that he presented to us. I assume that you’re going to email him the
confirmation to accept the job offer?

Recruiting Manager: I’m not so sure. Even though Tom is a strong candidate, I still
think that we should promote Jerry, who has been working as a marketing executive
in our company for the past seven years.

Senior HR Manager: I agree that Jerry is a very hardworking employee, but I feel
that Tom has better skills to take the marketing manager position.

Recruiting Manager: If we don’t promote Jerry anytime soon, he will most likely
resign and we could lose a very good employee.

Senior HR Manager: I’m afraid that I must put my foot down and hire Tom. His skills
and knowledge will be very beneficial to our team and that is my final decision.

Recruiting Manager: I understand. I will email him the job offer by the end of today.

Let’s talk about the role play

● Why does the Senior HR Manager want to hire Tom for the marketing
manager position?
● Why does the Recruiting Manager want to promote Jerry for the marketing
manager position?

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● What was the final decision?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play?

Grammar Lesson: Adverbs of Time

G4 Business English
What are adverbs of time? Remember that adverbs are words that describe verbs.

Adverbs of Time, specifically, describes 1) when, 2) how long, 3) or how often a verb

1. Adverbs that tell us when are usually placed at the end of the sentence.
a. Examples (The adverbs are describing the verbs in blue)
i. I called you yesterday.
ii. I’m going to visit my grandmother tomorrow.
iii. He had a meeting today.
iv. My manager will give you a call later.
v. I must leave now.
vi. John saw that movie last week/year.
vii. I’m going to Japan next week/year.

2. Adverbs that tell us for how long are usually placed at the end of the sentence.
b. Examples (The adverbs are describing the verbs in blue)
ii. I was in the meeting for three hours.
iii. He is going to study abroad for a year.
iv. She was fixing the house for three hours/ days/ weeks/ months/
v. I haven’t seen you since Monday/ yesterday/ last week/ last
month/ the last summer/ last year/ 1pm/ 2010.

3. Adverbs that tell us how often.

b. Some adverbs tell us ‘how often”, and are placed before the verb that it is
describing, while others are placed at the end of the sentence.
c. Examples (The adverbs are describing the verbs in blue)

Adverbs that are placed at the end of the

Adverbs that are placed before the verb

● You must always fasten your seat ● He exercises every day.

belt. ● He visits her every
● I often eat vegetarian food. day/week/month/year.
● They sometimes/occasionally watch ● I’ve seen this movie ten times.
● He rarely exercises.
● He never smiles.


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Grammar Practice: Adverbs of Time

Please read the following paragraph and answer the questions in full sentences using
adverbs of time

G4 Business English
Tom is a very diligent businessman and a successful CEO. He founded his
start-up just only five years ago and now it’s one of the top companies in his
country. Not only is he hard-working in his professional life, but he is also the
very same in his personal life. He wakes up at 5 AM every day to exercise
because he thinks that health is one of the most important aspects of life. He
also cooks breakfast for his family every morning because he loves his wife
and two daughters. His daughter plays on the soccer team and he has never
missed any of her games. Tom is also very caring in the company. He often
bakes healthy cakes and makes coffee for his employees. Everybody just
loves Tom.

1. When was Tom’s start-up founded?

2. What does Tom do every day?
3. What does Tom do every morning?
4. What has Tom never missed?
5. What does Tom often do for his employees?


1. What is something that you have to do every day at work?

2. What is something that you have to do every day in your personal life?
3. What is something that you never do at work?
4. What is something that you do annually?


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a. By date/time (phrase): If you say that you need something by a certain date/
time, that date/ time becomes a deadline. E.g. My boss told me that he wants

G4 Business English
my repot by next Thursday at 10:00am.

b. Assume (v): to think that something is true even without evidence. E.g. I
always assumed that you would turn in your projects on time.

c. Receive (v): to get something from someone. E.g. I received your letters in the
mail yesterday.

d. Confirmation (n): the act of making sure that something is true. E.g. I’ll send
you an email for the confirmation of your order.

e. Figures (n): information that is expressed in numbers. E.g. Our figures show
that our profits have decreased this month.

f. Final (adj): the ‘last’ of something. E.g. I’m giving you a final warning./That is my
final decision.

g. Proposal (n): a formal plan or idea that is suggested for people to think
about and decide upon. E.g. The board members did not accept the CEO’s
proposal to open a new office.

h. Put your foot down (phrase): To tell someone strongly that they must do
something or that they must stop doing something. E.g. The employees were
complaining about the salary but the employers had to put their feet down
because of the decline in economy.


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Lesson 11
Setting Deadlines
Role Play-Based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns interacting PICTURE
in the role play dialogue. Coaches should
encourage students to use vocabulary in the role
play to form new sentences that they could apply
in their workplace or life.

Role Play

Role Play 1: Reminding the client to make the deposit by next week to confirm
their orders

Client: (Phone rings). Hello?

Salesperson: Hello, may I speak to Mrs. Poppins?

Client: This is she.

Salesperson: Hi, I am James, your salesperson from Company X. How are you doing?

Client: Just fine. And yourself?

Salesperson: I’m doing great! Thank you for asking. So, the main reason I’m calling is
to remind you that you must make your deposit by tomorrow at the latest in order
for me to finalize your order. This is our company requirement.

Client: Right! Thank you for the reminder. Please expect to receive my payment by

Salesperson: Perfect. Thank you.

Let’s talk about the role play

● What is the purpose of the salesperson’s call?

● When is the client going to make the deposit?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.


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Role Play 2: Reminding the colleague of a deadline

Manager: Hey Laura, how’s your project coming along?

Colleague: Not so well. I’m running behind schedule.

Manager: I see. I know that you’re stressed out, but please understand that this

G4 Business English
specific project is urgent for this month. I must demand you to finish it within the

Colleague: I understand. I am trying my best.

Manager: Would you mind if I assign another team member to help you out with the

Colleague: Not at all. That would be very helpful.

Manager: Great. Please feel free to ask me if you need any more help. I know that
you’ve already been working very hard, so keep up the good work!

Let’s talk about the role play

● How is Laura doing with the project?

● How is the manager going to help Laura with the project?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Now it’s your turn to Role Play

Scenario 1- Reminding a client of a deadline

a. Student: You work at a company that provides Internet, TV, and phone services.
You call a customer to remind him/her that the deadline for their bill payment
has passed. You politely demand them to make a deposit as soon as possible or
else you would have to cancel their services. You explain to them that they have
to make the payment by tonight at the latest in order to keep their services.
b. Coach: You completely forgot about paying for your Internet, TV, and phone
services. You ask the worker if you could make the payment through the phone.

Scenario 2 - Reminding a colleague of a deadline

a. Student: You are the marketing manager. You explain to your employee that it is
impossible to extend the deadline because your marketing team is scheduled to
meet with the TV company that will broadcast/show your advertisement. You
emphasize that this project is urgent and that you expect your employee to
complete it by the specific deadline or there would be negative consequences.
b. Coach: You are a creative designer on the marketing team. You are running
behind schedule in creating an advertisement so you ask your manager to
extend the deadline. 37

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1. How would you handle a situation if you’re running behind schedule and you
might miss the deadline?
2. Have you ever missed a deadline before? What happened after that?

G4 Business English
3. What do you expect from a good manager?


a. Requirements (n): things that you must have/ expectations that you have to
meet for something. E.g. The minimum requirement that you need for this job is a
bachelor’s degree.

b. Deposit (n): a sum of money that you agree to pay when you buy something.
E.g. Make sure to make the deposit for your tuition before your courses begin.

c. Expect (v): If you ‘expect’ a person to do something, you believe that it is the
person’s responsibility to do that thing. E.g. We were expecting our order to be
delivered two days ago but they still haven’t arrived yet.

d. At the latest (phrase): no later than a specified time. E.g. She should be here by
10:00 am at the latest.

e. Urgent (adj): If something is ‘urgent,’ you have to deal with it/ take care of it as
soon as possible. E.g. There is an urgent need for food and water for the families
who lost their homes in the earthquake.

f. Demand (v): a firm/strong request for something. E.g. I must demand you to make
a deposit as soon as possible or else we must cancel your services.

g. Specific (adj): describes something particular that you are talking about. E.g.
You must tell the doctor your specific symptoms so that he/she could do an accurate

h. Deadline (n): the time and date where a particular task must be finished. E.g.
Please turn in your reports before the deadline.


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Lesson 12
Review and Practice
Review Lesson

G4 Business English


Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Have you ever ordered something online? If so, have you abandoned your cart
before? Why did you abandon your cart?
2. How often do you buy a new replacement for your car? What about your
phone? Computer? When is a good time to buy a new replacement for these
things? Why?
3. In your opinion, what is the biggest issue that Vietnam is facing right now?
4. Have you ever had to ‘put your foot down’ in a situation even when others
disagreed with you? What happened? If you don’t have this experience, give
an example of when someone had to ‘put his/her foot down’ in a situation.
5. What are some things that you expect from your coach when learning


1. Give your coach an update about your work in the office last week. What did
you do? Did you complete any projects? Was it stressful? Did you solve any

2. Discuss ways that a company can handle faulty goods.


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3. Fill in the blanks (assent / ascent / estimate / intimate)
a. This trail has a steep _______.
b. First, all co-founders must _______ before making a business decision.
c. The weather tomorrow is _______ to be much colder than today.

G4 Business English
d. After years of knowing each other, they became very _______.

3. Please answer the following questions in complete sentences using the

adverbs of time
b. When was the last time you went on a holiday? How long were you on
holiday for?
c. How often do you exercise? How often do you cook?
d. What is something that you do every weekend?

3. What are the educational and work experience requirements for your current
job? (For example, a university degree, experience, etc.)


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Lesson 13
Introduction to a Presentation
Vocabulary-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both coach
and student must take turns interacting in the PICTURE
role play dialogue. Coaches should encourage
students to use vocabulary in the role play to form
new sentences that they could apply in their
workplace or life.

Role Play

Please have the student read the following sample about the introduction to a

Presenter: Good morning, everyone! I’d like to begin by thanking all of you for
attending the meeting. Today, I am going to present our annual sales report. Here is
an overview of my presentation (shows the ‘overview’ slide on the PowerPoint). First,
I’m going to talk about our monthly sales report. Second, our annual sales report
and finally, I’m going to talk about our company goals for next year. I want to make
sure that all of you are up-to-date with our company’s performance. My main
objective for today is for us to come up with short-term and long-term strategies to
increase our profit. Please keep in mind that all of you have already worked very
hard this year so there’s no need to worry. I’d also appreciate it if all of you could
save your questions until the end of this presentation where I will give you plenty
of time to ask questions. Again, thank you for this opportunity for me to present to
all of you today.

Let’s talk about this introduction to a presentation

● What three things is the presenter going to present about?

● What are the two main objectives of the presentation?
● When would the presenter like the audience to ask their questions?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the introduction? Please
discuss them with your coach.


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Synonyms of:

a. Attend

G4 Business English
i. be at, be present, show up
b. Present (verb)
i. make a presentation, perform, give a speech
c. Overview
i. table of contents, outline, agenda

Antonyms of:

a. Keep in mind
ii. forget, to not think about, neglect
b. Plenty
ii. few, a little, not a lot

1. Have you ever conducted a meeting? How did you start the meeting?
2. How does your boss start the meeting?
3. Have you ever given a presentation at work? What did you present on? How
was it?
4. Do you think that there are plenty of job opportunities in Vietnam? Why or
why not?

a. Attend (v): If you ‘attend’ a meeting or any event, you are in it. E.g. There are
twenty people who will be attending the meeting tomorrow.

b. Opportunity (n): a chance do to something that you want to do. E.g. There are
many opportunities to work in Saigon.

c. up-to-date (adj): describes something that is new and has the most recent
information. E.g. In the meeting, the manager made sure that all employees were
up-to-date with the company’s financial state.

d. Present (v): to give a speech/ presentation about something. E.g. Today, I am

going to present our monthly sales report.


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e. Objective (n): the purpose and goal of something. E.g. The objective of Lesson
49 is for the student to learn how to start a presentation.

f. Overview (n): A brief explanation of what you are going to talk about in the
presentation. The overview is like the table of contents.E.g. Here is an overview
of my presentation. First, I’m going to talk about our monthly sales report. Second,

G4 Business English
our annual sales report and lastly, the company goals for next year.

g. Plenty (quantifier): When there is ‘plenty of’ something, there is a lot of it.
E.g. We have plenty of time at the end of this presentation for you to ask questions.

h. Make sure (phrase): If you ‘make sure’ that something is done, you take
action/ make confirmation that it is done. E.g. Please make sure to write your
questions down so that you can ask them at the end of the presentation.

i. Keep in mind (phrase): to remember and think about something carefully.

E.g. Please keep in mind the time when you are presenting.

j. To begin by (phrase): You say this to communicate how you’d like to start a
presentation. E.g. I’d like to begin by welcoming our new employee.

k. To save ‘something’ until later (phrase): You say this when you want to do
something later. E.g. I would appreciate if all of you save your questions until the
end of my presentation.

The best way to improve your vocabulary and
sentence structure is simply memorizing
sentences! Memorizing sentences will help you
remember the vocabulary within context. This
means that you will remember how this vocabulary
is utilized in real life. Write down sentences from
the role-play that you think would be helpful
for your work.


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Lesson 14
Delivering the Main Idea
Phonology-Based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both coach
and student must take turns interacting in the role
play dialogue. Coaches should encourage students to
use vocabulary in the role play to form new sentences
that they could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play
Coach, please help the student focus on emphasizing the CAPITALIZED words and
speaking in the appropriate rising and falling intonation.

Presenter: Let’s now FOCUS on our monthly sales report (clicks to the PowerPoint
slide for the monthly sales report). As you can see on this slide, our quantitative figures
INDICATE that our profits have DECREASED this month. While this may seem
discouraging, we shouldn’t be too quick to make negative assumptions. If we take a
closer look at our QUALITATIVE data, it shows that our customer satisfaction has
IMPROVED. Why do you think that even though our customer satisfaction has
improved, our profits have decreased?

Audience: I’m not quite sure, but I think it’s POSSIBLE that our company has trouble
retaining new customers while our existing customers continue to enjoy our
products and services.

Presenter: THANK YOU for your input. That is an ACCURATE assumption. Our
company hasn’t been strategic in marketing to new customers and maintaining them.
For this reason, I’d like all of you to think about points that explain why our current
marketing strategies are weak. This will be your assignment for the next meeting
where we will discuss about developing new marketing strategies.

Let’s talk about this sample about delivering the main idea

● What does the quantitative data show about the company’s sales?
● What do the qualitative figures show about the monthly sales report?
● According to the presenter and audience, what is the main problem that the
company is facing?
● What new words or phrases did you learn? Please discuss them with your
coach. 44

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Common phrases used for emphasizing points

1. I’d like to highlight/underline the important points of this topic.

2. Let’s take a closer look at…
3. I’d like us to focus on…
4. I’d like us to think about…

G4 Business English
5. I’d like to point out that…
💡Tip: Did you know that focusing on
intonation and pronunciation helps
you memorize new vocabulary
Pronunciation better? If you try to say the word
correctly, it will help you remember the
Stressed Syllables word better.

a. atTENtion
b. asSUMPtion
c. QUAlitative

Please read the following sentences in the correct rising/ falling intonation.

Rising intonation: when the tone of the sentence goes up.

Falling intonation: when the tone of the sentence goes down.

a. Questions with ‘where,’ ‘when,’ ‘what,’ ‘which,’ ‘why,’ ‘who’, ‘whose’, ‘whom’, and
‘how’ end with falling intonation.
b. Why do you think that even though our customer satisfaction has
improved, our profits have decreased?

b. Simple sentences that state facts and opinions end with falling intonation.
However, whenever there is a comma in a sentence, it is usually read with a
rising tone to indicate that there is more to be said as read in the first
example of this section. For example:
b. For this reason, I’d like all of you to think about points that explain why
our current marketing strategies are weak.
c. Our company hasn’t been strategic in marketing to new customers
and maintaining them.
d. This will be your assignment for the next meeting where we will
discuss about developing new marketing strategies.

c. Questions that are asked to check something or to confirm if an idea is right

is asked with a rising intonation.
b. However, our existing customers continue to enjoy our products and
services. Is that correct?


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1. How does your company utilize quantitative data?

G4 Business English
2. An example of qualitative data is doing a survey and asking employees about
their opinions and thoughts on a certain topic. Can you give another example
of qualitative data?
3. How do you stay up to date with your company’s news?
4. Why do you think that we make assumptions of others the first time we meet
them? Do you think it’s good to make assumptions of others without knowing
them personally?


a. Figures (n): something that is expressed in numbers. E.g. Our company figure
show that our profits have increased this month.

b. Point (n): specific information on a topic. E.g. Now that we’ve talked about
subject A, I’d like to move on to the next point./ I’d like all of you to remember the
three most important points of this presentation.

c. Qualitative (adj): ‘Qualitative’ data/ research is information about the quality,

how good or bad something is, or the thoughts and opinions of others. It can
also include traits of something like color, type, etc.

d. Quantitative (adj): ‘Quantitative’ data is information that can be measured in


e. Assumption (n): If you make an ‘assumption that’ something is true, you think
that it is true even though you do not have good evidence. The verb of
assumption is ‘assume’. E.g. Don’t make an assumption that our company is going
to fail just because our profits have been low this month.


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Lesson 15
Moving on to the Next Point
Contrastive Analysis-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie
or real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns PICTURE
interacting in the role play dialogue. Coaches
should encourage students to use vocabulary in
the role play to form new sentences that they
could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play

Student, please read the following sample about moving on to the next point in a
presentation. (This presentation is continued from lesson 14).

Presenter: Now that we’ve talked about our monthly sales report, let’s move on to our
annual sales report. (clicks to the PowerPoint slide for the annual sales report). Even
though our profit this month has decreased, our annual profit has increased from last
year, and I will elaborate on this increase on the next slide (clicks to the next slide). As
you can see from this diagram, we did a monthly analysis on our customers’ behaviors
every month. Whenever we target new customers, they buy our products once, but
they don’t come back to buy more of it. We are still unsure of what the new customers
don’t like in particular about our products. This is why we plan to do a survey on the
new customers so that we can find out if we need to improve or add any features to our
existing products.

Let’s talk about this sample about moving on to the next point in a presentation

● What is the topic after the monthly sales report?

● How are the company’s annual profits this year?
● Why is the presenter planning to do a survey for the new customers?
● What new words or phrases did you learn? Please discuss them with your coach.

Common phrases used when moving on to the next topic in a presentation

● Let’s now turn our attention from…(current topic) to… (next topic)
● I’d now like to move on from…(current topic) to… (next topic)
● Now that we’ve talked about…(current topic) let’s move on to…(next topic)
● I’d now like to digress from…(current topic) so we can move onto… (next topic)

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Common phrases used when you want to talk more about a topic and go into more

● I’d like to elaborate on… (topic)

● I’d like to expand on… (topic)

G4 Business English
Contrastive Analysis

Can you tell the differences?

a. Elaborate on(phrasal verb): to explain something in more detail. E.g. Let me

elaborate on our company’s performance by showing you some figures.

b. Clarify (v): to explain something again and make it clear because the
information was confusing to the listener. E.g. Let me explain this again in order
to clarify your confusion.

c. Expand on (phrasal verb): to give more information about something. E.g. I will
expand on this topic next week.

Fill in the blanks

(elaborate on / clarify / expand on)

1. I am quite confused about the information. Could you please _______ what you
just said? Thank you.
2. Because there is a lot to cover for this topic, I’m going to present the first part
today and ______ the rest of the topic tomorrow.
3. Could you _______ the topic by providing some examples?


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1. Practice moving from Topic A to Topic B in a presentation. Remember to use

‘the common phrases used when moving on to the next topic in a presentation.’
E.g. Topic A: dogs, Topic B: cats I’d now like to digress from our discussion about dogs

G4 Business English
so we can move onto cats.
a. Topic A: Company’s revenue, Topic B: Company’s profits
b. Topic A: employee productivity, Topic B: Company’s overall performance
c. Topic A: New marketing strategy, Topic B: Conversion results
2. What behaviours in particular are considered rude in a Vietnamese
workplace? (E.g. pointing at others, speaking loudly, etc.)

a. In particular (adj): You use ‘particular’ when you are talking about a specific
thing. E.g. A- Is there anything you want to eat in particular? B- Not really. I can eat

b. Survey (n): If you do a ‘survey,’ you find out more about something by asking
your target group a series of questions. E.g. We must conduct a market survey in
order to understand our customers better.

c. Feature (n): the special and important parts of a product that makes it different
and better than other products. E.g. Our new product has a lot more features than
the old product.

d. Analysis (n): the process of carefully studying something that uses qualitative
and quantitative strategies. E.g. The financial report is an analysis of our company’s

e. Elaborate (v): to explain something in more detail. E.g. Let me elaborate on our
company’s performance by showing you some figures.


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Lesson 16
Concluding the Presentation
Inductive Grammar-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns interacting
in the role play dialogue. Coaches should PICTURE
encourage students to use vocabulary in the role
play to form new sentences that they could apply
in their workplace or life.

Role Play

Student, please read the following sample about concluding the presentation (This
presentation is continued from lesson 15).

Presenter: In conclusion, even though our profits have decreased this month, our
annual profits have increased from last year. The main issue that our company is
facing is our inability to maintain new customers. For this reason, we plan to develop
a survey to find out about our new customers’ likes and dislikes concerning our
products. Our marketing department is planning to come up with a new marketing
strategy to target the right customers. Our main goal is to expand our customer
base in order to increase profits for next year. This concludes my presentation for
today. I would like to thank you all again for listening to my presentation. I am now
happy to answer any questions that you might have.

💡Tip: Using discourse markers is an

effective way to organize your speech.
Discourse markers are short words or phrases
that help connect ideas. Examples of
discourse markers are: in conclusion, for
this reason, in order to, due to, etc. Ask your
coach for commonly used discourse markers.


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Let’s talk about this conclusion to the presentation

● What is the issue that the company is facing?

● What is the company’s main goal right now?
● Do you think that the presenter concluded the presentation well? Why or why

G4 Business English
not? If not, in your opinion, how can the presenter improve this conclusion?
● What new words or phrases did you learn? Please discuss them with your

Common phrases used for concluding a presentation

1. To summarize the points…

2. To conclude, I would say that…
3. In conclusion, it is clear that…
4. Well, that’s about it for now. We’ve covered… (state your main points here).

Grammar Lesson: Phrasal Verbs

What are phrasal verbs? They are phrases that act as verbs.

What is the format of phrasal verbs? Verb + preposition/adverb

Examples of phrasal verbs

1. Move on to….

2. Make sure...

3. Deal with…

4. Expand on…: to provide more information for the rest of the topic

5. Elaborate on: to provide more details by going deeper into a topic

6. Look forward to: to want something to happen in the future because you are
excited about it. E.g. I look forward to meeting with our new business partners next

7. Look over: to check/examine. E.g. Let’s look over our figures for this month.

8. Set up: to arrange/organize. E.g. We’ll set up another meeting next month to
discuss about our sales performance.

9. Come up: If something ‘comes up’ in a conversation or meeting, it is mentioned

and discussed. E.g. I’ll ask more questions about Topic A if it comes up in the

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Grammar Practice: Phrasal Verbs
Please fill in the blanks with the most suitable phrasal verb.

1. Now that I’ve covered our weekly sales reports, I’m going to _______ our
monthly sales report.

G4 Business English
2. Let me _______ the topic by giving you more details and showing you a graph.
3. Make sure to _______ the report before you turn it in to your boss.
4. Our company _______ opening our first international branch in Japan next
5. My manager is going to _______ a meeting with me to discuss about my work.


1. How do you usually conclude a presentation?

2. What do you look forward to next week?
3. Please make sentences for each phrasal verb below:
a. Make sure
b. Set up
c. Come up
d. Deal with


a. Bullet points (phrase): a list of important items that is usually marked by a

symbol like the ones shown below.

a. Hesitate (v): when you are unsure about doing/saying something. E.g. Please
do not hesitate to ask questions.

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Lesson 17
Dealing with Questions
Role Play-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie
or real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns
interacting in the role play dialogue. Coaches
should encourage students to use vocabulary in
the role play to form new sentences that they
could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play
Role Play 1: Dealing with questions that you can answer right away (These role plays
are continued from the same presentation from Lessons 13-16).

Audience 1: Should we be concerned that our profits have decreased this month?

Presenter: Thank you for your question. To get back to what I said earlier, even
though our profits this month have decreased, our annual profits have increased
overall. Our qualitative data also shows that our existing customers’ satisfaction has
increased. For these reasons, I encourage all of you to consider the wider
perspective and focus on our strengths.

Audience 2: Could you please clarify the issue that our company is facing?

Presenter: Of course. As I’ve mentioned in the presentation, our new customers tend
to buy our products once but they don’t repurchase it. In order to find the solution to
this problem, we are going to send a survey to these customers and develop a new
marketing strategy. I will expand on our plans for marketing a bit more in our
meeting next week.

Role Play 2: Dealing with questions that you cannot answer right away

Audience 3: Do you think that we are unable to keep our new customers because we
are targeting the wrong customers?

Presenter: That is a reasonable assumption. However, that requires a deeper

analysis so I wouldn’t be able to give you an accurate answer at this moment.

Audience 4: Is it possible that our competitors are making similar products that are
better than ours?

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Presenter: That is a good question. However, I can’t give you an answer on that right
now. The marketing department is having a meeting to discuss this issue very soon.
Please let me get back to you on that if anything comes up.

Let’s talk about Role Play 1 & 2

G4 Business English
● Why could the presenter answer audience 1’s question?
● Why couldn’t the presenter answer audience 3’s question?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Now it’s your turn to Role Play

Scenario 1- Dealing with questions that you can answer right away

a. Student: Please do a short presentation about Vietnam. Use these questions as

a guide for your presentation.
i. Why should people travel to Vietnam?
ii. What are the top three things to eat in Vietnam?
iii. What are the top three places for sightseeing in Vietnam?
iv. What is the Vietnamese culture like?
b. Coach: Ask students question that he/she can answer.

Scenario 2- Dealing with questions that you cannot answer right away

a. Student: You just did a presentation on Topic A with Section 1, Section 2, and
Section 3. Your coach is one of your audiences. 1) Your coach asks a question
about section 1 that you can’t answer because it requires more research. 2)
Your coach then asks a question about Section 2 that you can’t answer because
you are going to expand on Section 2 in the next meeting. Please use the phrase
‘let me get back to you on that’ for your part.
b. Coach: Try to make up and ask the presenter general questions about Section 1
and Section 2.


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1. Why is it important to look at the wider perspective of a situation sometimes?

2. How is your job performance analysed at work?
3. Discuss the knowledge, skills, and experiences that are required for your job

G4 Business English


a. To get back to what one said earlier... (phrase): You say this when someone’s
question relates to what you already talked about in the presentation.

b. Wider perspective (phrase): If you look at a situation with a ‘wider

perspective,’ you focus on the bigger picture and not the small parts. E.g. Don’t
be discouraged by our low profits this month. We have to look at this situation from a
wider perspective.

c. Expand on (phrase): to give more information about something. E.g. I will

expand on this topic next week.

d. A bit more (phrase): a little more. E.g. Can you give me a bit more information
about the topic?

e. Require (v): If something is ‘required,’ you need it because it is necessary.

E.g. Everyone is required to have a passport when they travel abroad.

f. Analysis (n): the process of carefully studying something that uses qualitative
and quantitative strategies. E.g. The financial report is an analysis of our company’s

g. Come up: If something ‘comes up’ in a conversation or meeting, it is mentioned

and discussed. E.g. I’ll ask more questions about topic A if it comes up in the

h. Let me get back to you on that (phrase): You say this when you will answer
someone’s questions later because you don’t know the answer right now.
E.g. I am unable to answer this right now as it requires more research, but let me get
back to you on that.


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Lesson 18
Review and Practice
Review Lesson

G4 Business English


Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What does ‘keep in mind’ mean? What are some things to ‘keep in mind’ when
giving a presentation? (E.g. speaking in a confident tone, summarize topics, etc).
2. What are the differences between qualitative data and quantitative data?
3. In your opinion, why is it important to use figures in presentations?
4. Why do some people hesitate when deciding to accept job offers?
5. When is it appropriate to say this: ‘Let me get back to you on that’?


1. Discuss the differences between the objectives and the overview of a

presentation. Then, explain why each of them are necessary and important in
the introduction of a presentation.

2. List the common phrases that are used when emphasizing points in a

3. Fill in the blanks: elaborate on / clarify / expand on

a. Let me _______ the topic by showing you the graph.
b. Sorry, could you please _______ your previous point?
c. I will _______ this slide in the upcoming slides.


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4. Compose a sentence/question for each phrasal verb below
a. Look over
b. Elaborate on
c. Set up

G4 Business English
4. Your coach is currently unemployed because he/she just quit her job due to
stress. Your coach is worried that he/she won’t be able to find a new job and
will face financial problems. Please give your coach some advice so that
he/she can have a wider perspective of this situation.


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Lesson 19
Formal Email
Vocabulary-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Students are encouraged
to write down sentences that PICTURE
might be useful when writing
emails for work.

Formal Email Samples

Email 1

Dear Mr. John Smith,

On behalf of the Human Resources Department, I am pleased to inform you that you
have been promoted to Assistant Director in the Marketing Department. Your
official start date is August 13th, 2020. From now on, you will report to Mr. Simmons,
the Director of the Marketing Department. Please refer to the attached documents
regarding the terms and salary for the Assistant Director Position.

We’d like to thank you for your hard work and we look forward to continuing working
with you. Please email us your decision to accept or reject the promotion as soon as
possible. We strongly hope that you will accept this offer. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, congratulations on your promotion! We look forward to hearing from you


Best regards,

Mr. Nam Nguyen

Human Resources Manager
The Human Resources Department


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Email 2 - Reply

Dear Mr. Nam Nguyen,

In reference to your last email, I’d like to inform you of my decision to formally accept
the promotion to Assistant Director. It is an honor to have this opportunity to work

G4 Business English
with the Director and the Marketing Department. Please know that I will continue to
work hard and grow in this company.

Again, thank you for this opportunity. I really appreciate it.

John Smith

Let’s talk about these formal emails

● What is the first email about?

● What are the attached documents in the first email about?
● What is the second email about?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the emails? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Common Phrases for Formal Email Writing

1. Formal ways to start an email

a. Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. (name)
b. To Whom it May Concern - Say this when you do not know the
recipient’s name.

2. Formal opening/introduction sentences for an email

a. I am writing to you regarding/with regards to…
b. I am writing to inform you that…
c. (positive) I am pleased to…
d. (negative) I regret to inform you that…., unfortunately.

3. Formal ways to reply to an email in the opening line

a. I am writing in reference to your last email.
b. I am writing with regards to your previous email.

4. Formal ways to inform the recipient about the attached files in the email
a. Please find the attached documents in this email at your convenience
b. Please refer to the attached documents for further information
c. Attached are the documents for…


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5. Formal ways to close an email if the email was positive
a. I look forward to seeing you again
b. I look forward to hearing from you soon
c. Best Regards
d. Sincerely
6. Formal ways to close an email if the email was negative

G4 Business English
a. Please accept our apologies for...
i. any inconvenience caused
ii. the delay
b. Thank you for your understanding/ patience.
7. Formal ways to close an email by offering more communication if needed
a. If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact
b. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me.
c. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


1. The job offer

b. Student: You are the HR manager and you are writing an email to
inform a candidate of a job offer. Please write a short email. Remember
to use the common phrases in this lesson.
c. Coach: You are the candidate. Write a short response to accept the job
offer. After that, have the student write a short response to reject the
job offer as a candidate.
2. The promotion
b. Student: You are the HR manager and you are writing an email to
inform your employee of a promotion. You thank the employee for
his/her hard work and look forward to working with the employee.
c. Coach: You are the employee. Write a short response to accept the


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Lesson 20
Informal Email
Phonology-based Lesson

G4 Business English

Role Play

Email 1

Hi John!

I would like to inform you that our team meeting tomorrow has been moved from
3:00pm to 4:00pm. My client made some last-minute changes so I’ll have to meet
with him at 3:00pm tomorrow. Please let me know if you need me to reschedule the
meeting for another day. I apologize for the short notice and any inconvenience that I
may cause. Thank you for understanding.


Email 2 - Reply

Hi Joe!

Thank you for updating me about the new meeting time. I understand that your
clients are very important to you and our company. I hope that your meeting with the
client goes well. The new team meeting time works for me. I’ll see you tomorrow at



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Let’s talk about these informal emails

● Why does Joe need to change the meeting time?

● How does Joe apologize in the email?
● What is John’s response to Joe’s email?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the emails? Please discuss

G4 Business English
them with your coach.

Common Phrases for Informal Email Writing

1. Informal ways to start an email

a. Hello/Hey/Hi (name)

2. Informal opening/introduction sentences for an email

a. For reminders: This is just an email to remind you that…
b. I’m just writing to
i. let you know that…
ii. thank you for…
iii. remind you that…

3. Informal ways to reply to an email in the opening line

a. Following up on our talk on the phone (you say this when you are
responding to the latest phone call you had with the recipient of the
i. Here is the additional information that you asked
ii. Here is my response.

4. Informal ways to inform the recipient about the attached files in the email
a. Attached are the documents/files about/of…

5. Informal ways to close an email if the email was positive

a. I look forward to seeing you again
b. I hope to hear from you soon!
c. Best wishes/regards

6. Informal ways to close an email if the email was negative

a. Again, I apologize for
i. the delay
ii. the inconvenience
b. Please know that I am very sorry for…

7. Informal ways to close an email by offering more communication if needed

a. Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any more questions.
b. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions!


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Stressed Syllables
a. reGARD

G4 Business English
b. reQUESt
c. atTACH
d. FOllowing


1. The project
a. Student: You write to your colleague about scheduling a time to work
on your new project for the company. You attached your schedule in
the email for your colleague to know when you are free to work on the
b. Coach: You are the colleague. Write a short response to your
colleague by letting the student know that you are free on
Wednesdays at 4:00pm and Fridays at 5:00pm.
2. The party
a. Student: You write to remind our colleague that the surprise party for
your manager is tomorrow night at 8:00pm. You ask your colleague to
bring some drinks.
b. Coach: You are the colleague. Write a short response to your
colleague regarding the party.


a. Notice (n): an announcement in advance. E.g. I apologize that I had to

reschedule the meeting on such short notice.


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Lesson 21
Contrastive Analysis-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns interacting
in the role play dialogue. Coaches should
encourage students to use vocabulary in the role
play to form new sentences that they could apply
in their workplace or life.

Role Play

Kevin and Jamie are colleagues. They talk about Kevin’s texts with their boss. (Please
refer to the sample text messages above for the role play)

Jamie: What’s on your schedule for today?

Kevin: I have to pick our new boss up from the airport and take him to the hotel.
Would you like to come with me to greet and welcome Mr. Jay, our new expat from
Singapore? I also plan to take him out to dinner tonight.

Jamie: I’d like to join you but I’ll have to double check my schedule.

Kevin: Okay. I’ll just check in with you before I leave the office for the airport. Is that
okay with you?

Jamie: Sounds like a plan! 64

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Let’s talk about the role play

● Can you guess what the texts are saying?

● What does Kevin have to do today?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

G4 Business English
Common abbreviations that are used in texting

1. ARR: arrive- this means to get somewhere

2. FLT: flight- this means an airplane travel
3. CU: see you
4. RGDS: regards- you say ‘regards’ at the end of a text to mean ‘best wishes
and greetings.’
5. THX: thanks
6. MSG: message
7. PLS: please
8. ASAP: as soon as possible- this means to do something as quickly as possible
with no delay.
9. APT: airport
10. OTW/OMW: On the way/On my way
11. BTW: By the way

Contrastive Analysis

Can you tell the differences?

a. take ‘someone’ out (phrase): to go somewhere with someone and pay for
them. E.g. Our boss took us out to dinner.

b. Go through (phrasal verb): If you ‘go through’ a report or document, you

quickly read it from the beginning to the end to check it. E.g. Make sure to go
through the report at least once before you turn it in to your boss.

c. Get over (phrasal verb): If you ‘get over’ a problem or difficulty, you overcome
it and solve it. E.g. This is a difficult challenge to get over.


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Fill in the blanks

take ‘someone’ out/ go through/ get over

1. I would advise you to _______ your presentation many times so that you can

G4 Business English
_______ your fear of forgetting what to say during the presentation.
2. I plan to _______ my wife _______ to a nice restaurant for our anniversary.
3. The team learned to _______ their problems with better communication.


1. Try to guess what these messages are saying:

a. I have important news! PLS CALL ASAP. THX
b. FLT ZX334 delayed. Will ARR at 5:00pm. CU. RGDS, Jane
2. How do you usually communicate with your boss and colleagues?
3. Discuss with your coach the advantages and disadvantages of texting.


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Lesson 22
Inductive Grammar-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns interacting PICTURE
in the role play dialogue. Coaches should
encourage students to use vocabulary in the role
play to form new sentences that they could apply
in their workplace or life.

Role Play

Student, please read the following sample for opening a meeting.

Leader: Good morning, everyone! Thank you all for coming today. Before we begin,
let’s give a warm welcome to our new employee, Jane, who just joined our team last
week (Everyone claps). Now that all of you are here, we should get going because we
have a lot to cover today.

According to our agenda, we have three items that ought to be discussed in this
meeting. First, we are going to review the financial report for this year. Second, we
are going to discuss about our budget for next year, and lastly, we are going to
discuss about our CEO’s retirement because it’s happening soon. If we have any time
left, we’ll discuss about AOB after we’ve completed our agenda.

Just for a quick reminder: all the contents of our meeting are being recorded in the
minutes, which will be available to all of you by tomorrow morning. Does anyone
have any questions before we move on to our first item on the agenda?

Let’s talk about this sample for opening a meeting

● What does the leader do before he/she starts the meeting?

● What items are on the agenda of the meeting?
● Where are the contents of the meeting being recorded?
● What new words or phrases did you learn? Please discuss them with your


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Grammar Lesson: Should vs. Ought to

Should + verb Ought to + verb

G4 Business English
Should is used to express your Ought to is used to express actions
personal opinion for an advice, that are necessary because it’s a
suggestion, or duty. rule/policy/law/schedule but NOT
because of a personal opinion.

Examples Examples
● You should come visit me in ● Students ought to follow the
America! school’s policies.
● You should try the Vietnamese ● According to the STOP sign on
restaurant in Vincom Center the road, they ought to stop
● You should start exercising here.
more. ● Employees ought to be on time
to work.

Grammar Practice: Should vs. Ought to

Please fill in the blanks with ‘should’ or ‘ought to’

1. In my opinion, you _______ go to Nha Trang for your holiday. The beaches there
are absolutely beautiful!
2. You _______ buy your girlfriend some flowers for valentine’s day.
3. According to my boss’s orders, I _______ turn in this report by tomorrow.
4. I think that we _______ talk about the items on our agenda first before we move
on to AOB.
5. All citizens _______ obey their country’s laws and policies or else they’ll be
6. In Vietnamese culture, everyone _______ respect the elders.
7. I think that we _______ cut our costs for this month because our budget is low.
What are your opinions?


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1. Let’s talk about workplace etiquette according to the Vietnamese Culture.

What are some things that employees and employers ought to do or ought
not to do?

G4 Business English
2. In your opinion, what should foreigners do in order to learn more about the
Vietnamese culture?
3. Do you think that everyone should have a personal budget every month?
Why or why not? Do you set a monthly budget for yourself? How has that
helped you?


a. Agenda (n): a list of things (items) that has to be discussed about in a meeting.
E.g. We have a lot on our agenda today so let’s not waste any time.

b. Minutes (n): the written or recorded documentation about what happened

during the meeting. Minutes are used to inform attendees and

c. Review (n): to go through something to make sure that everything is correct.

E.g. We need to review our financial report for this month.

d. Budget (n): the limited amount of money that you can spend per week/
month/ year.

e. Cover (v): to discuss about and go over a topic/ subject. E.g. We have a lot to
cover today so we really should begin.

f. Separate (adj): If A is separated from B, they are two different things that are
not together. E.g. He has two bank accounts because he wants to separate his
business account from his personal account.

g. Take hours (phrase): If something ‘takes hours,’ it means that it takes a very
long time.

h. AOB (Any Other Business): things that are separated from the agenda but
AOB is something people want to talk about after they are done with the
agenda. E.g. Now that we’re done with the agenda, let’s move on to any other


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Lesson 23
Abbreviations & Acronyms
Role Play-based Lesson

G4 Business English

Role Play
Role Play 1 - An online chat with your colleague about our schedule today

Colleague 1: Hi! How’s it going?

Colleague 2: It’s going fine. Busy as usual, esp now that it’s the end of the month. I
have a meeting with a B2B customer at approx. 3:00pm. WBU?

Colleague 1: I have to finish a report cos the deadline is tomorrow. BTW, wanna grab
dinner with me at 7:00pm tonight?

Colleague 2: Yeah! That sounds good. Lemme get back to work, or else I’m gonna get
into trouble.

Colleague 1: ok. TTYL

Let’s talk about the role play

● What’s on Colleague 2’s schedule today?

● What do you think ‘TTYL’ stands for?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Role Play 2 - An online chat with your colleague confirming the meeting and time of

Colleague 1: Hey! How are you?

Colleague 2: I’m good. U?

Colleague 1: Not too bad. Do you have a minute?

Colleague 2: Yes. 70

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Colleague 1: I need to cfm the ETA of the new expat. Could you check in Google
Calendar for me?

Colleague 2: 4:00pm.

Colleague 1: Thanks. BTW, will you come with me to pick him up?

G4 Business English
Colleague 2: I can’t. I have a meeting at 3:00pm.

Colleague 1: I see. Thanks for helping!

Colleague 2: Np.

Let’s talk about the role play

● What is the ETA for the new expat’s arrival?

● Why can’t Colleague 2 go with Colleague 1 to pick up the new expat?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Now it’s your turn to Role Play

Scenario 1- a chat with your colleague about your schedule today

a. Colleague 1 (student): You are asking your colleague about his/her schedule
today because you would like to get dinner together. You have a B2B meeting
from 4:00pm to 5:00pm today. Please try to use these words or phrases for your
part: approximately, talk to you later.
b. Colleague 2 (coach): You have a finance meeting from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
today. You ask if your colleague wants to meet after six.

Scenario 2- a chat with your colleague confirming the meeting and time of arrival

a. Colleague 1 (student): You are on the phone with your colleague about
his/her ETA tomorrow. Your colleague is flying back to Vietnam from a
business meeting in Japan. You plan to pick your colleague up at the airport.
You ask if your colleague is going to make it to the meeting tomorrow at
6:00pm because it is an important meeting in the sales department. Please try
to use these words or phrases: by the way, ETA, confirm & department.
b. Colleague 2 (coach): Your flight lands at 4:00pm so you are able to make the

1. Does your company sell to B2B or B2C customers? In your opinion, is it more
difficult to sell to B2B or B2C customers? Why?
2. What departments are there in your company? What department do you
work in?

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3. Discuss with your coach about the situations that are appropriate for using
abbreviations. For example, is it appropriate to use abbreviations when you
are emailing a business partner for the first time? Why or why not? What
other situations are appropriate/ inappropriate for the use of abbreviations?
4. Please compose 3 sentences using ‘especially.’

G4 Business English

a. Approx (adv): or ‘approximately,’ means around. E.g. I’ll arrive at

approximately/ around 3:00pm.

b. B2B customer (phrase): ‘business to business’ customers. If your company

sells products/services to another company, then you are a B2B company.

c. Esp (adv): or ‘especially’. E.g. I love all kinds of Vietnamese food esp Pho.

d. WBU (question): short for ‘what about you’? You ask this when you want to
find out about someone’s opinion on a topic you just talked about.

e. TTYL (phrase): acronym for ‘talk to you later.’

f. BTW (phrase): acronym for ‘by the way.’ You say this when you want to add
something to what you just said. E.g. By the way, would you like to get dinner
with me tonight?

g. ETA (phrase): acronym for ‘estimated time of arrival,’ is the approximate time
that you are going to arrive somewhere. E.g. A- What is your ETA? B- Around 4.

h. Cos (slang): short for ‘because’

i. Gonna: contraction of ‘going to’.

j. Wanna: contraction of ‘want to’

k. Lemme: contraction of ‘let me’

l. Np: abbreviation of ‘no problem’.

m. Cfm (v): abbreviation for ‘confirm’ means to make sure that something is true
or correct. E.g. Can you call the office to confirm our appointment for tomorrow?

n. Dept (n): is ‘department.’ The common departments in a company include:

Accounting and Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Purchasing,
Production, etc.

o. Abbreviation (n): a shortened form of a word or phrase. E.g. Abbr.

(abbreviation), contr. (contraction), etc.

p. Acronym (n): an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words
and pronounced as a word. E.g. NASA, USA, RIP, etc. 72

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Lesson 24
Review and Practice
Review Lesson

G4 Business English


Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. How to formally greet someone in an email if you do not know his/her name?

2. What are some ways to offer more communication in an email?

3. What does each abbreviation stand for?

a. ARR
b. FLT
c. CU
f. APT

4. What is the difference between an agenda and AOB?

5. What does each word stand for? And what is the meaning of each word?
a. Approx
b. Esp
c. Wanna
d. ETA
e. Gonna


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1. You need to send your CV and cover letter to a company that you are
applying to. Please write a short formal email to the company. Please try to
use the following words or phrases for the email:

G4 Business English
a. To Whom it May Concern
b. Attached are my CV and cover letter
c. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact
d. Thank you for this opportunity
e. Best regards

1. You need to send an informal email to notify your colleague about a change of
time for the meeting tomorrow. You postponed the meeting from 4:00pm to
5:00pm. Please try to use the following words or phrases for the email:
b. I’m writing to let you know that…
c. I apologize for…
d. inconvenience
e. Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions…

1. Fill in the blanks and form the correct tense: take ‘someone’ out / go through
/ get over
c. He’s _______(-ing) me _______ for a fancy dinner tonight!
d. The best way to _______ your anxiety is to practice a lot by ___(-ing)____
the notes before taking the exam.
e. It’s difficult to _______ a heartbreak but time will help and heal.
f. Please _______ the report before submitting.

1. Please fill in the blanks with ‘should’ or ‘ought to’

d. Do you think I _______ meet more people?
e. People _______ follow the law in society.
f. I _______ do a good job in order to be promoted.
g. You _______ keep in touch with your friends and family.
h. We definitely _______ catch up after not meeting for such a long time.

1. Discuss with your coach about activities that usually take hours (E.g. getting
your driver’s license renewed, waiting in line at the airport, etc).


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Lesson 25
Vocabulary-based Lesson

G4 Business English

Role Play

Manager: Hi everyone! I’m wondering when all of you are free for dinner next week.
It’ll be my treat.

Employee 1: That sounds great but you really don’t need to treat us.

Manager: Don’t worry about it. I would like to thank each of you for going the extra
mile. I understand that this was a stressful month but I am very pleased with
everyone’s performance.

Employee 1: Thank you! We tried our best. Where are you planning to take us to?

Manager: I was thinking about making reservations at the Italian place downtown. I
heard that they’re famous for their pastas. They also have vegetarian options for
those of you who do not eat meat.

Employee 2: I love Italian food.

Manager: Great! Could all of you please let me know which night would work best?

Employee 1: I’m fine with any night.

Employee 2: So am I.

Employee 3: I can do any night except for Tuesday.

Manager: How about we do dinner on Wednesday at 7:00pm?

Employee 1: That sounds good to us!

Manager: Perfect! I look forward to our dinner party.


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Let’s talk about the role play

● Why is the manager taking his employees out to dinner?

● Where is the manager planning on making reservations?
● When are they having dinner together next week?

G4 Business English
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.


Synonyms of:
a. Wonder (verb)
i. To be curious, question
b. It’s my treat
i. It’s on me, I will pay
c. Unfortunately
i. Sadly, unluckily, regretfully

Antonyms of:
a. Wonder (verb)
ii. ignore, don’t care
b. Unfortunately
ii. thankfully, fortunately, luckily
c. Vegetarian
ii. carnivore, omnivore


1. Discuss about the different ways that a manager could encourage employee
engagement at work.
2. How often does your manager treat his/her employees? OR How often do you
treat your employees and colleagues?
3. Do you often ‘go the extra mile’ for your career? What do you do?
4. List all the things that downtown Saigon is famous for.


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a. Wonder (v): to think if something is possible because you are interested in it

OR to simply be curious. E.g. I wonder if you’re free next week?/ I wonder what
she’s doing.

G4 Business English
b. Unfortunately (adv): You say ‘unfortunately’ to express your regret or
disappointment to something. E.g. Unfortunately, Jane is unable to join us in our
meeting today due to family emergencies.

c. Employee engagement (phrase): a strategy where a company encourages all

employees to work together as a team and share their inputs to work towards
the company’s goals and mission.

d. Downtown (adj): places that are near the centre of a city. E.g. Places near
District 1 are considered downtown Saigon.

e. Reservation (n): If you make a ‘reservation,’ you arrange for something like a
table in a restaurant or a room in a hotel to be kept for you. In other words,
you book something in advance. E.g. I’d like to make a reservation for three

f. Famous for (phrase): If someone/something is ‘famous for’ something, many

people know them because of a particular/special thing. E.g. Vietnam is famous
for tourism.

g. Treat (n): the act of buying something for someone. E.g. Let’s get dinner tonight.
It’s my treat.

h. Vegetarian: (n) a person who does not eat meat or fish., (adj) when food does
not contain meat or animal products. E.g. She has been vegetarian for 2 years
now./ Pizza margherita is vegetarian.

i. How about… (phrase): You say this when you want to suggest something. E.g.
How about we eat at a sushi restaurant tonight?

j. Go the extra mile (phrase): to do more than what you’re required to do. E.g.
My boss always goes the extra mile to treat his employees every week to make them
feel special.

k. To be pleased (phrase): If you ‘are pleased,’ you are happy and satisfied with
something. E.g. The manager is pleased with everyone’s productivity this month.

l. Look forward to (phrase): If you ‘look forward to’ an event, you want it to
happen because you are a little excited about it. E.g. I look forward to meeting
with the new employee tomorrow.


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Lesson 26
Socializing with Your Colleagues
Phonology-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie
or real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns PICTURE
interacting in the role play dialogue. Coaches
should encourage students to use vocabulary in
the role play to form new sentences that they
could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play
Jack and Ray are having a conversation during dinner.

Jack: Tell me about your trip to California. I want to know everything!

Ray: It was so fun. I went to Hollywood and the Yellowstone National Park for some
sightseeing and I went shopping in LA. I recommend you to take a trip there.

Jack: That sounds amazing. I’ve always wanted to go to the Yellowstone National
Park. How was the cuisine there?

Ray: There were a lot of Mexican food and I loved it!

Jack: Would you say that Mexican food is better than American food?

Ray: I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind on this one. What about you?

Jack: If I had to choose, I would choose tacos over burgers.

Ray: Fair enough.

Jack: Did anything funny or unusual happen during your trip?

Ray: Kind of. I was driving down the road and I saw someone doing this (as shown in
the picture). I was tempted to stop but I was afraid because he could be dangerous. I
later learned that it is common for people to hitchhike in California.


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Jack: That’s interesting!

Ray: Yeah. It was probably the most interesting situation that I faced during my trip.

Jack: (waves to the waiter) Waiter! Could we have the bill please? (takes out wallet)

Ray: Please! You can’t pay for me again. Let me get this one.

G4 Business English
Jack: How about we split the bill?

Ray: Fair enough.

Let’s talk about the role play

● What did Ray do in California?
● Does Jack like Mexican or American food more?
● What unusual situation happened during Ray’s trip?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play?

Stressed Syllables

a. recomMEND
b. unUsual
c. SIGHTseeing
d. HITCHhike

Spoken English does not only convey meaning by the words themselves, but also by
the intonation the speaker puts on those words. Intonation means the stress the
speaker uses for specific words. That is, the words the speaker emphasizes.
Intonation is also sometimes called pitch. You can also express emotions through
intonation by emphasizing certain words in a sentence. Please read the following
sentences, using pitch to convey emotions in the red words. Discuss with your coach how
changing the pitch convey different emotions for each sentence.

Jack: Tell me about your trip to California. I want to know everything!

Ray: It was so fun!
Ray: Please! You can’t pay for me again. Let me get this one.
Jack: How about we split the bill?

1. Let’s talk about the differences between the American and Vietnamese
culture. What are some things that might seem normal in America but
unusual in Vietnam and vice versa? (You can talk about anything such as
weather, food, cultural behaviours, etc).
2. Compare and contrast Vietnamese cuisine with your coach’s country’s
3. Have you ever hitchhiked before? Would you ever hitchhike? Is hitchhiking
normal in Vietnam ? Why or why not?
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a. to make up one’s mind (phrase): to decide on something. E.g. I made up my

mind to quit my job because it is too stressful.

G4 Business English
b. Recommend (v): to suggest something because you think that it is good. E.g.
I recommend you to check out Takashimaya. It is a very beautiful mall in
downtown Saigon.

c. Fair enough (phrase): You say this when you accept what the person has
said because you think that it’s reasonable.

d. A la carte (phrase): If you order something ‘a la carte’ on the menu, you

order the dish without the set.

e. Could we have the bill please? (question): You ask this when you are ready
to pay for your food at the restaurant because you are finished eating.

f. Split (v): to divide something into parts. E.g. Please let us split the bill for
tonight. You don’t have to treat me!

g. Tempted (adj): If you are ‘tempted to’ do something, you want to do it

because you are interested by it. E.g. I am very tempted to order more food but
I shouldn’t… because I’ll gain weight.

h. To go on a trip (phrase): To go somewhere for leisure or on vacation/holiday.

E.g. It is my dream to go on a trip to Iceland one day.

i. Unusual (adj): describes something that is not normal/usual because it does

not happen very often or you do not see it often. E.g. It is unusual for Saigon to
have cold weather.

j. Sightseeing (n): the activity of traveling to famous places to look, enjoy, and
take pictures. E.g. I would recommend you to go sightseeing at the Independence
Palace in Ho Chi Minh City .

k. Cuisine (n): food that is special to a particular place/country. E.g. Vietnamese

cuisines are usually sweet, sour, and spicy.

l. Face (v): If you ‘face’ challenges/problems, you have to deal with them. E.g.
My family faced a lot of financial problems as I was growing up.

m. Hitchhike (v/n): When you ‘hitchhike,’ you ask cars that are passing you to
give you a free ride. E.g. I lost my wallet during my trip so I had to hitchhike.


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Lesson 27
Formal Business Dinner
Contrastive Analysis-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie
or real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns PICTURE
interacting in the role play dialogue. Coaches
should encourage students to use vocabulary in
the role play to form new sentences that they
could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play

The manager and the business guest are waiting for the waiter to get the bill.

Manager: How did you like your salmon?

Business Guest: It was delicious, thank you. How was your pasta?

Manager: wonderful. (Waiter comes with the bill and the business guest takes out his
wallet). Sir, please let me settle this. You are our guest!

Business Guest: Thank you. I appreciate your hospitality.

Manager: It is my pleasure. I would like to thank you for striking a deal with our
company. I’m glad that we see eye to eye on our business goals.

Business Guest: Likewise. I look forward to doing business with your company.
(Shakes hand)

Manager: Well! It was a delight to have dinner with you. I suppose that you must be
quite tired from your long flight yesterday so I’ll have the driver take you home to
get some rest. Is that alright with you?

Business Guest: Yes, thank you. I’d appreciate that.

Manager: Please feel free to call me if you need help with anything.


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Let’s talk about the role play

● How does the manager take care of the business guest?

● The manager says, ‘I’m glad that we see eye to eye on our business goals.’ Can
you guess what this means?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss

G4 Business English
them with your coach.

Contrastive Analysis

Can you tell the differences?

a. Hospitality vs. Hostility

i. Hospitality (n): the act of being friendly and doing special things in
order to make your guests feel welcomed. E.g. Thank you for your
hospitality. I really appreciate it.
ii. Hostility (n): unfriendly behaviour and hatred towards others. E.g.
America had hostility towards Russia during the Cold War.

b. To see eye to eye vs. An eye for an eye

i. To see eye to eye (phrase): to agree with each other. E.g. I don’t see eye
to eye with you regarding the terms of this contract
ii. An eye for an eye (phrase): You say ‘an eye for an eye’ to refer to the
idea that people should be punished according to the bad things
they’ve done. E.g. If you hit me, I’ll hit you back./ If you hate me, I’ll hate you

Fill in the blanks

1. (hospitality/hostility)
a. The husband and wife expressed a lot of _______ when they were talking
to the lawyer about getting divorced.
b. The HR manager provided _______ to the new expats by taking them on
a tour around the city and treating them a nice dinner.

2. (see eye to eye/an eye for an eye)

a. Both companies _______ on the negotiations so they decided to
i. become business partners.
b. Sometimes the idea of _______ is not the best way to deal with
i. problems.


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1. How does your company provide hospitality to guests? Why is it important to

provide hospitality to guests?

G4 Business English
2. How do you deal with the situation when you do not see eye to eye with your
3. Discuss about the things that you appreciate about your job.

a. Suppose (v): If you ‘suppose that’ something is true, you believe that it is
probably true because of the information that you know. E.g. I suppose that you
must be really tired from your long flight from Canada.

b. Hospitality (n): the act of being friendly and doing special things in order to
make your guests feel welcome. E.g. Thank you for your hospitality. I really
appreciate it.

c. Appreciate (v): to be thankful/grateful for something that someone has done

for you.

d. How did you like your (food/drink)? (phrase): You ask this when you want to
know if the person liked his/her food or drink.

e. See eye to eye on something (phrase): to agree with each other. E.g. I don’t see
eye to eye with you regarding the terms of this contract.

f. Strike a deal (phrase): to come to an agreement. E.g. I’m glad that we are able to
strike a deal after weeks of negotiations.

g. Delight (n): great pleasure and enjoyment. The adjective of ‘delight’ is

‘delightful.’ E.g. It is such a delight to meet you. It’s delightful to meet you.

h. You’re our guest! Please let me settle this (phrase): You say this when you
stop your guests for trying to pay the bill at the restaurant because you want
to treat them.


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Lesson 28
Entertaining Clients
Inductive Grammar-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns interacting PICTURE
in the role play dialogue. Coaches should
encourage students to use vocabulary in the role
play to form new sentences that they could apply
in their workplace or life.

Role Play

Colleague: Hi John! I noticed that you’ve been drinking alone. May I join you?

John: Of course.

Colleague: So, how’s it going?

John: It’s going alright, I guess. And you?

Colleague: Just a little hectic.

John: Tell me about it. I’ve been working overtime almost every day.

Colleague: What’s the deal with that?

John: Well, our department is still having trouble finding a new manager. In the
meantime, I have to oversee and take care of additional responsibilities. What about
you? Why has your workload increased?

Colleague: It’s a high season for us, especially now that it’s almost the end of the
year, I have to prepare lot of financial reports.

John: I understand.

Colleague: How are you enjoying Vietnam? This is your first time here, right?

John: Yes. I like Vietnam! I love the food here but I’m still not used to the crowd.
There are always so many people everywhere in Saigon.

Colleague: Yes, there are definitely a lot of people living in Saigon.

John: Everyone is incredibly nice and genuine though.


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Colleague: I’m glad that you like Vietnamese people. What about Ohio? What is it like

John: There are definitely less people in Ohio. The weather there is also much colder.

Colleague: Do you miss it?

G4 Business English
John: A little, but I look forward to learning more about Vietnam and its culture.

Let’s talk about the role play

● Why has John been working overtime almost every day?

● What is John not used to about Vietnam?
● Where is John from?
● How is John’s home country different from Vietnam?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.
Grammar Practice: Comparatives

What are comparatives? Adjectives that we use to compare two people or two things.

1. I am tall but my big sister is taller.
2. Taiwan is cold but Canada is colder.

Here is a list of common adjectives and their comparatives

Regular Adjective Regular Comparative

Angry Angrier

Cold Colder

Early Earlier

Happy Happier

Busy Busier

New Newer

Late Later

Quick Quicker

Beautiful More beautiful

Important More important


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Irregular Adjective Irregular Comparative

Bad Worse

Good Better

Far Farther / Further

G4 Business English
Many/Much More

Little Less

Rules for forming comparatives (yes, you have to remember these!):

1. ADD ‘R’ to adjectives with one syllable ending in a quiet ‘e’

a. Nice → Nicer
2. DOUBLE THE CONSONANT AND ADD ‘ER’ to adjectives ending in 1
consonant, 1 vowel and 1 consonant (short pronunciation).
a. Big → Bigger
3. ADD ‘ER’ to adjectives that do not end with double consonants or double
vowels + consonant:
a. High → Higher
b. Cheap → Cheaper
4. CHANGE THE ‘Y’ TO ‘IER’ for adjectives ending in y
a. Happy → Happier
5. ADD ‘MORE + ADJECTIVE’ to adjectives that has more than 2 syllables and
does not end with ‘y’ at the end.
a. Exciting → more exciting

Tip: The best way is to read more to increase your vocabulary so that you wouldn’t have to
memorize the rules.

Fill in the blanks

1. 90/100 is a good score but 96/100 is a _______ (good) score.

2. Lucy is _______(old) than Jasmine.
3. The living expense in America is _______ (expensive) than Vietnam. (Hint: Refer
to Rule 5)
4. My current job is _______ (busy) than my last job because I have more
5. I have to wake up _______ (early) than my husband because my office is _______
(far) away from our house. (Hint: ‘far’ is an irregular adjective).
6. The economy this year is _______ (bad) than last year.
7. Compared to five years ago, there are a lot _______ (many) Chinese tourists in
8. You seem _______ (happy) than the last time I saw you.

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1. Compare the following pairs of things. Make sure to use comparatives:
a. Weather in Vietnam vs. Weather in Japan
b. Vietnamese food vs. Japanese food
c. Vietnamese employees vs. American Employees

G4 Business English
d. High school vs. University
2. Discuss with your coach about your responsibilities at work. Do you have a
heavy workload? What time of the month/year does your workload usually
increase? Why?

a. Notice (v): If you ‘notice’ something, you see it through observation. E.g. I
notice that you often get off work late. Do you have to work overtime every day?

b. Workload (n): the amount of work that you have to do. E.g. My company
always give me a heavy workload.

c. Hectic (adj): describes a situation that is very busy and involves a lot of
rushed activity. E.g. Lately, it has been quite hectic at our start-up because our
customers have been expanding and we don’t have enough employees.

d. Season (n): You use ‘season’ to refer to a particular period every year when a
particular activity or event takes place. E.g. I can’t wait for the Durian season
because I love to eat Durian!

e. Take care of (phrase): to deal with/handle a situation. E.g. Let me take care of
this situation. Don’t worry about it.

f. What’s the deal with…? (question): You ask this when you want to find out
what’s going on with something. However, it may seem kind of rude to ask
this question so it is safer to ask ‘What’s going on with…?’

g. Crowd (n): a large group of people. E.g. There is always a large crowd in our
stores when we have our annual sales and discounts.

h. Incredibly + adj (adv): You use ‘incredibly’ to emphasize someone/something

that amazes you because it is so wonderful and great. E.g. She is incredibly
smart and talented.

i. Oversee (v): to lead, manage, and take responsibility for a job or an activity.
E.g. As a regional manager, I oversee all employees within my region.

j. Genuine (adj): describes things/ people who are truthful, honest, and not
fake. E.g. He is a genuine person. /I like to buy bags that are genuine leather.

k. Tell me about it (phrase): You say this when you agree with the challenge/
difficulty that someone else is facing.

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Lesson 29
Accepting and Declining Invitations
Role Play-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a
movie or real-life situation. Focus on
pronunciation and intonation in order to
show expression. Both coach and student PICTURE
must take turns interacting in the role play
dialogue. Coaches should encourage students
to use vocabulary in the role play to form new
sentences that they could apply in their
workplace or life.

Role Play
Role Play 1- Accepting an invitation

Laura: Hey Rachel! How are you doing?

Rachel: I’m doing well. And yourself?

Laura: Just fine. I was wondering if you’d like to come to my birthday party this

Rachel: That’d be lovely. Thank you for inviting me.

Laura: Of course!

Rachel: Would you like me to bring anything?

Laura: You don’t have to. I’ll prepare plenty of food for everyone.

Rachel: I’ll still bring some drinks and snacks for everyone to share. Is that okay with

Laura: Of course! I’m sure that everyone will appreciate that.

Let’s talk about the role play

● What kind of party is Laura having?

● What will Rachel bring to the party?
● What new words and phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.


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Role Play 2- Declining an invitation

Jerry: Tom!

Tom: Hey Jerry! What’s up?

Jerry: Would you like to come over to my house to watch the World Cup Finals

G4 Business English
tonight? Winston and Nick are also coming.

Tom: I would love to come but I have to pick up my parents from the airport tonight,

Jerry: I see. Well, please say hello to your parents for me!

Tom: I will. Thank you for inviting me, by the way.

Jerry: Of course. I hope that you’ll make it to my next invite on another occasion!

Tom: I will, hopefully!

Let’s talk about the role play

● What did Jerry invite Tom to?

● Why did Tom decline the invite?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Now it’s your turn to Role Play

Scenario 1- Accepting an invitation

a. Colleague 1: You are having a house party this Saturday for your birthday
from 8:00pm- 10:00pm. You invite your colleague and ask him/her to bring
b. Colleague 2: You accept the invite and ask if you need to bring any

Scenario 2- Declining an invitation

a. Colleague 1: You are having a BBQ cookout at your house this Sunday. You
invite your colleague.
b. Colleague 2: You already have plans with your family on Sunday. You politely
decline the invite.


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1. In your opinion, what are special occasions that require a party?

2. Do you like going to parties? Why or why not?

G4 Business English
3. What do you usually bring to parties?
4. What is the party culture like in Vietnam? Do people usually party? When do
they usually have parties?


a. Lovely (adj): describes something that gives you pleasure and happiness -
delightful/ pleasant. E.g. Your daughter is lovely./What a lovely house!

b. Invite (v): If you ‘invite’ someone to a party or a meal, you ask them to come to
it. E.g. Thank you for inviting me to your dinner party but I’m busy.

c. Bring (v): to take someone/something to a place. E.g. Please bring your friends to
the party!/ Don’t forget to bring your passport when you are travelling abroad.

d. Would love to (phrase): You say this when you want to accept an invitation.
E.g. A- Would you like to come to my party tonight? B- I would love to!/B- I would
love to but I’m busy tonight.

e. Hopefully (adv): You say ‘hopefully’ when talking about something that you
hope will happen. E.g. A- I hope that it doesn’t rain tomorrow. B- Yeah, hopefully.

f. On another occasion (phrase): means ‘next time on a special/important


g. Confirm (v): means to make sure that something is true or correct. E.g. Can you
call the office to confirm our appointment for tomorrow?

h. Department (n): The common sections in a company include: Accounting and

Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Purchasing, Production, etc.


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Lesson 30
Review and Practice
Review Lesson

G4 Business English


Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the difference between the phrases ‘to be pleased’ and ‘look forward
2. What do you say to the waiter/waitress when you are ready to pay for your
food at the restaurant?
3. You took your guest out to dinner tonight. Your guest is about to pay the bill.
What do you say? How would you handle the situation?
4. In your opinion, are people genuine on social media? Why or why not?
5. How do you deal with a hectic situation?


1. Give an example of a situation where someone goes the extra mile.

2. Discuss with your coach about popular sightseeing places in Vietnam


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3. Fill in the blanks
a. (hospitality / hostility)
i. The husband and wife expressed a lot of _______ when they
were talking to the lawyer about getting divorced.
ii. The HR manager provided _______ to the new expats by taking
them on a tour around the city and treating them a nice dinner.

G4 Business English
b. (see eye to eye / an eye for an eye)
i. The two employees _______ on the marketing strategy.
ii. ________ is when you believe that one should be punished for a

4. Please write the correct comparative for each adjective

Adjective Comparative











5. Discuss the ways that you can politely decline an invitation


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Lesson 31
Presenting about Your Company
Vocabulary-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both coach
and student must take turns interacting in the role PICTURE
play dialogue. Coaches should encourage students to
use vocabulary in the role play to form new sentences
that they could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play

Justin is an HR Assistant at the job fair explaining to Selena about Company A. Selena
is a recent PhD graduate.

Justin: Hello! My name is Justin and I am the HR Assistant at Company A. Are you
interested in learning more about our company?

Selena: Yes, of course. I’m Selena, by the way (shakes hands with Justin).

Justin: It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Selena: Likewise.

Justin: Let me begin by telling you about our company’s history. Company A was
founded in the year 2000. Our very first office was established in San Francisco, but
as you should already know, we now have branches worldwide. Are you familiar with
our products?

Selena: I am! To my knowledge, your main business produces makeup products that
only use natural and organic ingredients.

Justin: That’s right. All of our products are also free from animal-testing. And
currently, our headquarters are looking to employ new chemists. Are you looking for
any job positions in particular or are you just finding out information in general?

Selena: Actually, I just graduated with a PhD in Chemistry and I am very interested in
your job opening.

Justin: Well, that’s perfect! Do you have your CV with you?


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Selena: Yes I do! (Hands her CV to Justin)

Justin: And here is my business card with my email on it (hands Selena his business
card). Please email me your cover letter so the HR team can review your
application as soon as possible.

G4 Business English
Let’s talk about these formal emails

● When was Company A founded? Where was their first office established?
● What is Company A’s main business?
● What do we know about Company A’s products from the role play?
● Who is Company A looking to employ?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.


Synonyms of:
a. Information
i. info, facts, knowledge, details
b. Worldwide
i. international, global, multinational
c. In particular
i. specifically, particularly, precise

Antonyms of:
a. Worldwide
ii. local, national
b. Particular
ii. general, not specific, overall
c. Headquarters
ii. branch, department, division


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1. Student, briefly present your company to your coach. Use these following
questions as a guide to your short presentation
a. What is your company’s main businesses?

G4 Business English
b. Where are your company’s headquarters?
c. Is your company national or multinational?
d. Are there any factors in particular that make your company stand
out from other companies?
2. Coach, ask your student more questions about the company that he/she
works for


a. Information (n): facts and details about something. E.g. Could you please give
me more information about your company?

b. Worldwide (adv/adj): describes something that happens throughout the

world/ internationally. E.g. Harry Potter books are sold worldwide.

c. Main business (phrase): The main activity of your company that brings you
the most income. E.g. Our main business is selling books to customers.

d. In particular (phrase): You say ‘in particular’ when you are talking about
something specific. E.g. He doesn’t need to eat anything in particular, he can eat

e. In general (phrase): describes something that is not focused on the details

because it is focused on a wider perspective. E.g. Vietnamese people are very
polite in general.

f. Currently (adv): describes something that is happening now. E.g. My

daughter is currently studying abroad in America.

g. Employ (v): to hire someone and pay them to do a job. E.g. The start-up is
looking to employ younger employees.

h. Headquarters (n): The main office of a company where the board members,
CEO, and administration work.

i. Familiar with (phrase): If you are ‘familiar with’ something, you know it and
understand it well. E.g. Are you familiar with our company’s products and


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Lesson 32
Talking About Your Product and Service
Phonology-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns interacting PICTURE
in the role play dialogue. Coaches should
encourage students to use vocabulary in the role
play to form new sentences that they could apply
in their workplace or life.

Role Play

The CEO is talking about Company A’s products and services with a potential
business partner.

CEO: Our company mainly produces electronic devices that use AI. We offer a wide
product range that includes cameras, videos, and drones.

Potential business partner: Aren’t you afraid that the camera industry is going to
decline since everyone is using their smartphones to take pictures nowadays?

CEO: That is a fear, yes, but we are approaching this situation from a different
perspective. We believe that social media is going to set the bar for marketing in the
next few years. Many people need to use cameras to take good pictures for social
media ads and our solution is to provide the most up-to-date cameras for this need.

Potential business partner: I see.

CEO: And we strongly believe that using AI technology to develop our products is a
great benefit for our customers, because they will always have the most advanced
software and technology.

Let’s talk about the role play

● What kind of products does Company A produce?

● According to the CEO, why is Company A producing cameras even though many
people are using their smartphones to take pictures nowadays?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

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Stressed Syllables

a. INdustry

G4 Business English
b. soLUtion
c. BEnefit
d. apPROAch

Please read the following sentences in the correct rising/falling intonation.

Rising intonation: when the tone of the sentence goes up.

Falling intonation: when the tone of the sentence goes down.

a. Questions with ‘where,’ ‘when,’ ‘what,’ ‘which,’ ‘why,’ ‘who’, ‘whose’, ‘whom’, and
‘how’ end with falling intonation. However, there were none in this role play.

b. Simple sentences that state facts and opinions end with falling intonation. For
i. Our company mainly produces electronic devices that use AI.
ii. Many people need to use cameras to take good pictures for social
media ads.
iii. We strongly believe that using AI technology to develop our products is
a great benefit for our customers.

c. Questions that have yes/no answers end with with rising intonation. These
questions mostly start with ‘am’, ‘is’, ’are’, ‘was’, ‘were’, ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘did’, ‘has’,
‘have’, ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘shall’, ‘should’, ‘would’, and ‘will’. For example:
i. Aren’t you afraid that the camera industry is going to decline because
everyone is using their smartphones to take pictures nowadays?


1. What kind of industry is your company in?

2. Discuss with your coach about your company’s product range. What are the
special characteristics about each product?
3. What kind of customers does your company market to?
4. When is your company going to launch the next product? What is the next
product going to be like?


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a. Offer (v/n): to provide something and give options to others./To provide

something. E.g. Apple offers a wide selection of iPhones with different sizes and
storages./She got the job offer after passing the interview.

G4 Business English
b. Produce (v): to make. E.g. Our company mainly produces rubber shoes.

c. Product range (phrase): the different designs and features of the same
product for customers to select. E.g. Apple has a wide product range of laptops:
there are MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and MacBook.

d. Provide (v): to give and supply something to someone. E.g. More information
about our products is provided on our company’s website.

e. Benefit (n): the advantages (good things) of something. E.g. Exercising every
day has a lot of benefits to your health.

f. Decline (v/n): to become less strong./A decrease in strength, number, etc. E.g.
The economy is declining./The decline in economy is causing people to lose their

g. Industry (n): all the people and activities that are involved in making a
product or providing a particular service. E.g. Our company is in the car

h. Set the bar (phrase): to set a high standard. E.g. Apple really sets the bar for
innovative technology./ Facebook sets the bar for social media.

i. Launch (v): If a company ‘launches’ a new product, it makes it officially

available for the public to buy. E.g. Apple will launch their new iPhone in August.

j. Solution (n): the answer to a problem. E.g. We need to find a solution to this
problem ASAP.

k. Approach (n): Your ‘approach’ to a task, problem, or situation is the way you
deal with it. E.g. We use different approaches to increase our customers’


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Lesson 33
Starting a Conversation
Contrastive Analysis-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie
or real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns PICTURE
interacting in the role play dialogue. Coaches
should encourage students to use vocabulary in
the role play to form new sentences that they
could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play
Sam and Janet are having a conversation during a coffee break at a conference.

Sam: How are you enjoying the conference?

Janet: I’m enjoying it very much. I’m especially impressed by Speaker 2, who
presented ways to encourage employee engagement. What about you?

Sam: I agree with you. Speaker 2 was alright. Although, I’m disappointed that
Speaker 2 did not provide more information on her PowerPoint slides. I couldn’t
understand her well because she spoke too fast sometimes.

Janet: I could send you my notes if you’d like.

Sam: I would appreciate that. Thank you. Are there any sessions on the programs
that you look forward to?

Janet: Yes. I look forward to Speaker 4’s presentation. I heard that she is a successful
CEO with high standards, so I’d like to learn about what she has to say.

Sam: Sounds like we can both learn something from her.

Janet: Definitely. Also, since you had trouble keeping up with the speakers, I would
advise you to record the presentations on your phone.

Sam: That’s a good idea. Thank you.

Let’s talk about the role play

● Which Speaker is Janet impressed by? What did the Speaker present about?
● Why was Sam disappointed in Speaker 2?
● What did Janet advise Sam (towards the end of the role play)?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach. 99

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Contrastive Analysis
Can you tell the differences?

1. Advise vs. Advice

a. Advise (v): to recommend/suggest someone to do something—to give

G4 Business English
someone advice. E.g. Because he has diabetes, the doctor advised him to
exercise every day.
b. Advice (n): recommendation or helpful knowledge that you give
someone. E.g. I always ask my parents for advice.

2. Alright vs. All right

a. Both words describe something that is okay because it meets your
standards. E.g. I think that the speaker was alright. The only difference is
that ‘alright’ is used in informal writing and ‘all right’ is used in formal

Fill in the blanks

1. (advise/advice)
b. My mentor _______ (past tense) me to work for a few years and save
money before travelling abroad to study Masters.
c. My grandparents gave me some _______ about marriage.

2. (alright/all right)
b. Are you _______?
c. A- Are you coming to the store with me? B- _______, I’ll go with you.
d. The new employee’s work performance is quite _______.


a. What kind of big conferences do you attend? Do you like to attend

conferences? Why or why not?
b. Are there any particular speakers that you like? Tell your coach about these
c. Who is your role model? How are you impressed by him/her?
d. Please read the following sentences with ‘although.’
i. Although he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam.
ii. We enjoyed our trip although it rained every day.
iii. Although she failed the exam, she still didn’t give up.
e. Please complete the following sentences. Be creative!
i. Although the speaker seemed shy, …
ii. Although we lost the game, …
iii. Although she has a very busy schedule, …

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a. How are you enjoying the conference? (question): You ask this when you
want to know what the other person thinks about the conference so far.

G4 Business English
b. Speaker (n): The main person who presents in a conference.

c. Impressed by (phrase): If you are ‘impressed by’ something/someone, you

feel inspired because they are very good at something. E.g. I am very impressed
by his speech. It was very inspiring.

d. Disappointed (phrase): If you are ‘disappointed in’ something, you are not
satisfied because the thing is not as good as you hoped. E.g. I am disappointed
in your customer service.

e. Standard (n): an acceptable level of quality. E.g. Cheap products have low
standards/Our company sets a high standard for customer satisfaction.

f. Program (n): a schedule for a series of events that is going to happen. E.g.
According to the programme of the conference, there is a presentation at 3:00 pm
and 5:00pm.

g. Employee engagement (phrase): a strategy where a company encourages all

employees to work together as a team and share their inputs to work
towards the company’s goals and mission.

h. Although (conjunction): You use ‘although’ when you are about to say
something that contrasts/is the opposite to what you just said. E.g. Although I
am disappointed with your products, I am impressed by the quality of your
customer service.

i. Advise (v): to recommend/suggest someone to do something—to give

someone advice. E.g. Because he has diabetes, the doctor advised him to exercise
every day.

j. Alright (adj): describes something that is okay because it meets your

standards. You can also say ‘alright’ to mean that you are doing okay. E.g. I
think that the speaker was alright.


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Lesson 34
Asking for Information
Inductive Grammar-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both
coach and student must take turns interacting PICTURE
in the role play dialogue. Coaches should
encourage students to use vocabulary in the role
play to form new sentences that they could apply
in their workplace or life.

Role Play
Manager A from Company A is at a company exhibition looking for a company to
supply packaging for Company A’s products. Manager A is talking to Manager B from
Company B that provides packaging for products.

Manager B: Good afternoon, sir! Would you like to find out more about our
packaging services?

Manager A: Yes, I am certainly interested.

Manager B: Great. So, Company B specializes in designing packaging for frozen

foods. We occasionally do packaging for beverages if clients are interested. What
does your company produce?

Manager A: We produce frozen foods and we are currently looking for a company to
package our products.

Manager B: You’ve come to the right place. Our company has been providing
high-value packaging services to our B2B clients for over twenty years. Our prices
are competitive and the quality of our products will not disappoint you.

Manager A: Do you have fixed shipping rates/ fees?

Manager B: It actually depends on the size of your order. The lowest order
requirement is 300 units.

Manager A: I see.

Manager B: Why don’t we exchange business cards? Let’s set up a meeting to discuss
further details.

Manager A: Sounds good. 102

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Let’s talk about the role play

● What does Company B specialize in?

● What does Company A produce?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss

G4 Business English
them with your coach.

Grammar Practice: Superlatives

What are superlatives? Adjectives that we use to compare three or more things.

1. I am tall. My big sister is taller. My mom is the tallest.
2. Taiwan is cold. Japan is colder. Canada is the coldest.

Here’s a list of common adjectives & their comparatives & superlatives

Regular Adjective Regular Comparative Regular Superlative

Angry Angrier Angriest

Cold Colder Coldest

Early Earlier Earliest

Happy Happier Happiest

Busy Busier Busiest

New Newer Newest

Late Later Latest

Quick Quicker Quickest

Beautiful More beautiful The most beautiful

Important More important The most important


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Irregular Irregular
Irregular Adjective
Comparative Superlative

Bad Worse Worst

Good Better Best

G4 Business English
Far Farther/Further Farthest

Many More Most

Little Less Least

Rules for forming comparatives (yes, you have to remember these!):

a. ADD ‘ST’ to adjectives with one syllable ending in a silent ‘e’
i. Nice → Nicest
b. DOUBLE THE CONSONANT AND ADD ‘EST’ to adjectives ending in
1 consonant, 1 vowel and 1 consonant (short pronunciation).
i. Big → Biggest
c. ADD ‘EST’ to adjectives ending in double consonants or double vowels
+ consonant:
i. High → Highest
ii. Cheap → Cheapest
d. CHANGE THE ‘Y’ TO ‘IEST’ for adjectives that end with ‘y’
i. Happy → Happiest
e. ADD ‘MOST + ADJECTIVE’ to adjectives that has more than 2
syllables and does not end with ‘y’ at the end.
i. Exciting → the most exciting

Tip: The best way is to read more to increase your vocabulary so that you wouldn’t have to
memorize the rules.

Fill in the blanks

Please change each adjective in the brackets (.....) into the correct superlative.

1. Mount Fuji is the _______ (high) mountain in Japan.

2. My mom is the _______ (good) cook in the world.
3. How much does your _______ (cheap) design cost?
4. A: How long will the shipping take? B: The _______ (long) time it’ll take is no
more than 1 week.
5. December is the _______ (cold) month of the year in my country.
6. He bought her the _______ (expensive) ring in the store. (Hint: Refer to Rule 5)
7. He won the academic price because he got the _______ (high) score on the

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1. Let’s talk about your company’s product’s packaging. How many types of
packaging do you have? What does the packaging look like? Who designs the

G4 Business English
2. Let’s talk about your workplace. What is the greatest challenge that you face
in your workplace? Who is the most hard-working employee at your
workplace? What is the best thing about working at your company?
(Remember to use superlatives in your answer).
3. Let’s talk about Vietnam. In your opinion, what is the best thing about
Vietnam? What is the worst thing about Vietnam?


a. look for (phrase): If you ‘look for’ something, you try to find it. E.g. I’m looking
for a company that produces silk for clothing.

b. Actually (adv): you say ‘actually’ to correct an incorrect statement. E.g. A- Are
you from Vietnam? B- I’m actually from Taiwan.

c. High-value (adj): describes something that has good quality & standard. E.g.
Our products are expensive because they are high value.

d. Specialize (v): If you ‘specialize’ in something, you have a lot of skills and
knowledge about it. E.g. Our company specializes in seafood. John specializes in
chemical engineering.

e. Shipping (n): the transportation of products. E.g. The shipping is going to take
about 3 days.

f. Fee (n): the money that you have to pay for something. E.g. How much are the
shipping fees?

g. Design (v): to create something with detail. E.g. Our company designs packaging
for our customers’ products.

h. Packaging (n): the plastic/ paper/ box that covers the product that a company
is selling.

i. Currently (adv): describes something that is happening now. E.g. My daughter

is currently studying abroad in America.


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Lesson 35
Acquiring Business Contacts
Role Play-based Lesson

G4 Business English
💡Tip: Read the role play as if you’re in a movie or
real-life situation. Focus on pronunciation and
intonation in order to show expression. Both coach
and student must take turns interacting in the role PICTURE
play dialogue. Coaches should encourage students to
use vocabulary in the role play to form new sentences
that they could apply in their workplace or life.

Role Play

Role Play 1- Getting a business card from a potential client

Potential Client: Thank you for explaining to me about your products and services.
However, I am also considering my alternatives, so I won’t be able to make the final
decision anytime soon.

Salesperson: I understand. Thank you for stopping by our booth. Would you mind me
asking for your business card?

Potential Client: Not at all. (Hands his/her business card to the salesperson)

Salesperson: Here is mine. (Hands his/her business card to the potential client)
Anyways, there’s no obligation here. If you are not satisfied with your alternatives,
please feel free to call us directly. We are willing to negotiate in order to offer the
best deal for you.

Let’s talk about the role play

● Why can’t the potential client make a final decision right now?
● How does the salesperson deal with the client?
● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Role Play 2- Getting contacts from a prospect client who is already interested in
our product

Client: I am definitely interested in your products and services. How can we get in
touch with each other to discuss about the contract?

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Salesperson: I don’t have my business card with me right now, but you may reach
me directly through my cell. Here’s my number. (they exchange numbers).

Client: Thank you.

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Salesperson: I will email you my team’s availability for next week so that we can
start the processes for onboarding.

Interested Client: Alright. I’ll be looking forward to your email!

Let’s talk about the role play

● What is the salesperson going to email the interested client about?

● What new words or phrases did you learn from the role play? Please discuss
them with your coach.

Now it’s your turn to Role Play

Scenario 1- A chat with your colleague about your schedule today

a. Manager: You work for a B2B company that supplies rubber to other
companies. You meet a potential client at an exhibition. The client who works
for a company that sells shoes is looking for a new rubber supplier. You
suggest that the client take your business card just in case they’re interested
in doing business with you in the future. Please try to use these words and
phrases for your part: there’s no obligation here, we might be able to offer you a
better deal than your alternatives, currently, you never know.
b. Potential Client: You are interested in the rubber company. You exchange
business cards with the manager. You tell the manager that you are still doing
research about your alternatives. Please try to use these words and phrases for
your part: alternatives, business card.

Scenario 2

a. Salesperson: You are at a company fair and you see a client who is interested
in your products and services. Your company sells English-Learning Language
programs. You ask to exchange business cards with your client so that you
can discuss the deal with them.
b. Client: You are interested in the company’s products and services. You forgot
to bring your business card so you ask the salesperson to call you directly
through your personal telephone.


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1. Do you have a business card? Who do you usually give your business card to?
2. Please complete the following sentences. Be creative!
a. Teachers have an obligation to…

G4 Business English
b. Parents have an obligation to…
c. Managers have an obligation to…
d. Employees have an obligation to…
e. The government has an obligation to…
3. What kind of product/service does your company offer? Do other companies
offer similar products and services? How does your product/service stand out
from other companies?


a. Obligation (n): your duty and responsibility to do something. E.g. When bosses
set a deadline, employees should have the obligation to respect it.

b. Alternatives (n): other options. E.g. I might consider my alternatives before

deciding to buy your product.

c. Explain (v): to give details and information about something so that others can
understand it.

d. Be able to (phrase): If you ‘are able to’ do something, you can do it. E.g. I might
be able to give you a bigger discount if you sign a longer contract with us.

e. Currently (adv): describes something that is happening now. E.g. My daughter

is currently studying abroad in America.

f. You never know (phrase): you can never be sure about what’s going to happen
in the future. E.g. Why don’t I give you my business card? You never know if you
need to contact me in the future.

g. Onboard (noun): to do all the necessary steps to make a new client familiar
and satisfied with a company’s products and services. E.g. A company should
take their onboarding process seriously for long-term growth.

h. Business card (n): a small card that has someone’s business contact
information such as job position, business address, and company telephone.

i. Directly (adv): If you call Person A ‘directly,’ Person A (and nobody else) picks
up the phone. E.g. You can reach me directly through my phone number.


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Lesson 36
Review and Practice
Review Lesson

G4 Business English

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the difference between ‘in particular’ and ‘in general’?

2. Why do you think that Facebook sets the bar for social media?
3. What is the difference between disappointed and impressed?
4. How can you use although in a sentence? Please make at least two sentences
with although.
5. What does your company specialize in? What do you specialize in?


1. Please match each word with its corresponding synonyms:

A. Information 1. International
B. Worldwide 2. Specific
C. In particular 3. Details

1. Pick any company in Vietnam to talk about.

a. What kind of products and services do they offer?
b. What are the benefits of their products and services?
c. What is their product range?


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3. Please fill in the blanks with: advise/advice
a. The best _______ my mentor gave me is to never give up.
b. Could you please _______ me on how to continue?

4. Please fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative.

G4 Business English
Adjective Comparative Superlative












5. Let’s talk about alternatives.

b. What are some alternatives to iPhone?
c. If a customer does not like your company’s products, what are their
d. If someone is allergic to milk, what are some alternatives?


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