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NAME: ______________________________ GROUP: 2620854 - GESTION INTEGRAL


Employee relations and performance management

1._____________relations include everything a 2. ________________ does to create a
positive working 3. ________________ and facilitate positive employee
4._______________. This can consist of participating in conversations about employee 5.
_____________ like compensation, working 6. ___________, and dispute resolution. In HR
7. ____________, you must be a company culture ambassador. You may work with 8.
____________ to develop an 9._____________ structure and culture that supports the
company's strategic10. ____________ . You’ll also act as a liaison between employees and
11. ____________ to ensure that appropriate communications exist 12. ___________ all
parties. Employee relations have a direct influence on employee satisfaction and 13.
____________. Therefore, many companies today invest more resources to improve
employee relations and keep their workplaces healthy.

7 Reasons Why Employee Relations Are Important Companies with good employee
relationships enjoy many 14. __________. In general, it is easier for them to engage,
motivate,15. ____________ and keep their employees.
Here are just a few benefits of building a positive employee relations 16____________.
Employee engagement: Here are a few tips to improve employee communications to 17
_________ better employee engagement include:
Share, review and 18 ___________ employee expectations. Encourage open
communication to identify 19. __________ and issues.. Don’t neglect consistent 20.
_____________ and recognition.Encourage discussion and sharing of 21. ____________.
Employee satisfaction: It is often related to employee satisfaction. 22. _________
engaged employees are less satisfied. Poor employee relations can be one of the23.
__________ causes for that.
Employee productivity: Companies with well-24. __________employee relations enjoy
higher productivity, revenues, and profits. If your employees 25. __________ exactly
what their goals are and if you give them constant 26. ___________ on their work, they
will work 27. ___________ towards achieving their goals.
Employee retention: The cost of an employee 28. ____________ is significant. Therefore,
many employees try to 29. _________that expense. Employees who feel like they don’t
know what is going on in the company 30. __________ frustrated and isolated. As a result,
they feel 31. ___________ and often consider new job opportunities.
Employee advocacy: In order to 32. _________ employee advocacy, employers have to
be ready to improve employee relations. They need to keep employees in the loop and 33.
____________ important content.
Employee experience: Similar to employee satisfaction, good employee experience is one
of the 34. __________ proofs of healthy 35. __________ culture.
Employee empowerment: It 36. _________ giving employees 37. ___________ and
autonomy to manage their own work and make decisions to achieve their own 38.

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