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Universidad Nacional Autónoma

de México

Facultad de Estudios Superiores


Materia: CL Semi-Intensivo 1
Grupo: 18ABP01
Profesor: Frankz Marroquin Palacios
Alumno: Méndez Reyes Andrea
Fecha: 29/Agosto/2023
Foreign policy of Mexico
Foreign policy is the mechanism national governments use to guide their diplomatic
interactions and relationships with other countries. A state’s foreign policy reflects its
values and goals, and helps drive its political and economic aims in the global arena.
Many foreign policies also have a strong focus on national and international security, and
will help determine how a country interacts with international organisations, such as the
United Nations, and citizens of other countries. A nation’s foreign policy typically works in
tandem with its domestic policy, which is another form of public policy that focuses on
matters at home. Together, the two policies complement one another and work to
strengthen the country’s position both within and outside its borders.

The principles of Mexican foreign policy are respect for international law and the judicial
equality of states, respect for the sovereignty and independence of nations, non-
intervention in the domestic affairs of other countries, the peaceful resolution of conflicts,
and the promotion of collective security through participation in international

When we talk about relations with Latin America, Europe, or Asia, of participation in
international or regional organisms, of the definition co concepts such as sovereignty,
nation, principles, interests, of negotiation on topics such as security, trade, investment or
immigration, the obliged reference of Mexico’s international relations has always been,
and is, with the United States.

Mexico has played a minor role in international affairs through most of its history. Since
the mid-nineteenth century, Mexican foreign policy has focused primarily on the United
States, its northern neighbour, largest trading partner, and the most powerful actor in
hemispheric and world affairs.

The level of attention to the relation with the US has always been really high; on the
contrary, the relations with other countries, regions, and international organisms are
varied, inconsistent and selective, for which one cannot really talk about general policies
towards Latin America, Europe, Asia, or regional or global organizations.
There is a lack of an explicit and sustained will to project Mexico’s power at regional and
global level; even in its natural area of influence, Central and Latin America, the Mexican
participation has been limited and selective in time and space. Given its limited relative
power in front of other world powers, the participation of Mexico in multilateral
organizations tend to have a legal nature, trying to defend the value of international law
over the power and use of force in the international system (asymmetry of power vis a vis


• Fecha de consulta: 28 de Agosto

de 2023
ican%20foreign,promotion%20of%20collective%20security%20through Fecha de
consulta: 28 de Agosto de 2023
appliquee/espace_etudiant/universite_ete/schiavon_j_mexique.pdf Fecha de
consulta: 28 de Agosto de 2023

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