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Name: John Nathan C.

Badon Grade & Section: 12 STEAM-I


Instructions: Write down at least 10 characteristics about you for

each quadrant.


Known to self and others Known to others but not to self
1. I have straight hair. 1. People’s first impression of me is usually
2. I do well in academics. that I am intimidating.
3. I am thin. 2. My friends see me as someone they can
4. I am shy. have deep conversations with.
5. I am always on my phone. 3. Although I think I am only doing the bare
6. I like k-pop. minimum, people tend to think I exerted a lot
7. I am confident in myself. of effort.
8. I am a swiftie. 4. People are afraid to approach me first.
9. I like Lesserafim. 5. My friends think that I have low self-esteem
10. I dislike sports. because apparently, I whine a lot about stuff
that I can easily do.
6. I do not think I am admirable but from time
to time, I have received several confessions
from people who say that they admire my
7. Some people think that I am nice only when
they get to know me for a long time.
8. My friends say I have a lot of ghosting
9. My online friends say that my voice does
not match my personality nor face.
10. My mom thinks I look really good in lighter
colors, but my closet is mostly composed of
darker colors.
Known to self but not others Unknown to self and others
1. I dislike obnoxious people. 1. My mother has always seen potential in me
2. I love drawing, although I’m not good at it. that I had the skills that would make a good
3. I have never been in a relationship. engineer.
4. My number 1 coping mechanism is to 2. I see myself dying quite young.
blame other people. 3. I think I have some potential in the arts
5. I try to display an altruistic personality to aspect had I not been too discouraged.
hide the fact that I just want compliments. 4. My father thinks that I could’ve been a good
6. Noisy people annoy me a bit too much. chess player if I did not stop playing.
7. I dislike Silliman water. 5. Just recently, my mother reminded me that I
8. Some of my classmates get on my nerves. used to have really bad nightmares when I
9. The amount of times I fake laugh just to was a kid.
relate to other people’s conversations is 6. Although it’s not my forte, with the proper
uncountable. training and immense determination, I see
10. There’s a lot of empathy inside of me but I potential in my voice acting skills.
am not the best in manifesting it through 7. As I took some tests, I discovered that
actions. cooking may be a good career that I can take
in the future.
8. After several tests, I have gotten an INFJ,
as my MBTI, but since we grow every day and
develop our mindsets, there is a high
likelihood that I could be an INTJ.
9. I’ve been singing a lot in the showers lately
and I feel like if I improved my vocals, I could
be a really good singer.
10. After reflecting on what I could have
forgotten about myself, I then remember that I
used to have a lot of weird sleeping habits,
such as peeing almost every night and talking
to myself.

1. What are the biggest surprises to you regarding the blind spots?
- I had no idea that people actually thought of me as intimidating at first because I
usually ensure that everyone’s impression of me during the first time we meet is

2. Which adjectives may be helpful to you since you now know

others' perceptions and observations?
- Intimidating, Emotional, and Admirable.

3. What Hidden adjectives would you like to show more often to

your team members? What would be the first step you could
take to move in this direction?
- The hidden adjective I would like to show more often is to be empathetic. The
first step I would take is to start being more open about myself and to stop
concealing my emotions just because I feel like people would find it cringey when
you are there to be emotionally supportive to them.

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