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1st slide

- An ideology that unites the people of a nation.
- Emphasizes loyalty, devotion, and unity.

2nd slide

* Nationalism aims to gain and maintain a nation’s sovereignty.

3rd slide

* Nationalism is the belief that a nation should have its own

state. The ideology of nationalism claims that a nation is not
complete without territory. {relation to the concept of nation,
state and nation-state} It also says that the geopolitical
situation is unjust, or unfair, if a nation does not have, or is not
allowed to have, its own territory.
4th slide

Topic 4 Human Rights Denied to Filipinos

- The Spanish people have had access to various
constitutions and other human rights since the introduction of
the Spanish Constitution of 1812 and other constitutions in
subsequent years (except freedom of religion).
- The Filipinos were denied of basic human rights such as
freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of

Topic 6 Maladministration of Justice

- The courts of justice in the Philippines during Rizal’s time
were notoriously corrupt.
- Justice was costly, partial and slow. Poor Filipinos had no
access to the courts because they could not afford the heavy
expenses of litigation.
- Jose Rizal and his family were victims of Spanish Injustice.

Topic 8 Frailocracy
- is also called as a government of friars.
- During the Spanish colonization, the power given to the
friars was immense. They saw this as a benefit and developed
their own nefarious strategies to coerce individuals into
subjecting them to cruel treatment. They had complete control
over both religion and education, and they were able to achieve
political influence, which increased their wealth.
- Rizal denounce the friars as the enemies of liberal
reforms and modern progress in the Philippines.
3 Questions for quiz
1. It is also known as the government of friars. Frailocracy
2. Claims that a nation is not complete without territory.
3. Based on the report, give one human right that the Filipinos
were denied of.

P.s di kasama sa ppt yung mga highlighted <3

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