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Psychological Bulletin

1980, Vol. 88, No. 1, 82-108

Aftereffects of Stress on Human Performance and

Social Behavior: A Review of Research and Theory
Sheldon Cohen
University of Oregon

A review of experimental and correlational studies of the aftereffects of stress

on performance suggests that these effects occur as a consequence of a wide
range of unpredictable, uncontrollable stressors including noise, electric shock,
bureaucratic stress, arbitrary discrimination, density, and cold pressor. More-
over, these effects are not limited to a restricted range of stressful situations
that involve a lack of predictability and controllability over a distracting stim-
ulus, but they can also be induced by increased task demand. Interventions that
increase personal control and/or stressor predictability are effective in reducing
poststressor effects. There is also evidence for poststimulation effects on social
behavior that generally involve an insensitivity toward others following stressor
exposure, Studies of exposure to environmental stressors in naturalistic settings
report effects similar to those found in laboratory settings. Several theories (e.g.,
psychic cost, learned helplessness, arousal) are examined in light of existing
evidence. Although some theories receive more support than others, it is sug-
gested that the reliability and the generality of poststimulation effects occur in
part because of a multiplicity of causes.

The notion that continued exposure to a Persky, Korchin, & Grinker, 1955; Dubos,
stressor may produce effects that appear 1965; Milgram, 1970; Wohlwill, 1966) make
only after stimulation is terminated has been similar points in regard to poststressor effects
central to the stress literature for a number on behavior. In the words of Dubos, "Al-
of years. This assertion is derived principally though man is highly adaptable and can
from an adaptive-cost hypothesis which sug- therefore achieve adjustments to extremely
gests that although humans can often adapt undesirable conditions, such adjustments
to extreme conditions, there are cumulative often have . . . indirect effects that are del-
costs of adaptation. An early form of this eterious" (1968, p. 139).
hypothesis, which emphasized the biological The early empirical work on the afteref-
costs of the adaptive process, was proposed fects of stress focused on stressor effects on
by Selye (19S6). He asserted that after pro- physical and psychological health. For ex-
longed exposure to a stressor, one's adaptive ample, there are a number of studies on the
reserves are drained, resistance breaks down, cumulative effects of disease, malnutrition,
and exhaustion sets in. Others (Basowitz, and toxic chemicals on normal bodily func-
tions (see Dubos, 196S). There is also an
extensive research literature on the associa-
Preparation of this article was supported by Na- tion between subjects' reports of recent life
tional Science Foundation Grant BNS 77-08576 and
by National Institute of Environmental Health Sci- changes and subsequent changes in somatic
ences Grant 1 R01 ES01764-01. and psychological health (cf. Dohrenwend &
The author is indebted to Gary Evans, David Dohrenwend, 1974).
Krantz, and Myron Rothbart for comments on an It was only recently, however, that the
earlier draft.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Sheldon first experimental studies of the postexposure
Cohen, Department of Psychology, University of effects of stressors on behavior were reported
Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403. (Glass & Singer, 1972). The major emphasis

Copyright 1980 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0033-2909/80/8801-0082500.75


of Glass and Singer's research program was search review is divided into five major sec-
on determining whether the cognitive context tions. The first section examines studies that
of a stressor mediated performance on tasks have attempted to determine whether there are
administered immediately after stressor ter- effects of unpredictable, uncontrollable stress
mination. Based on earlier research which on performance following stressor termina-
demonstrated that the ability (or perceived tion. The second and third sections examine
ability) to predict or escape an aversive event those studies that attempt to ameliorate post-
reduced both the aversive quality of the stim- stimulation effects by providing subjects with
ulus (e.g., Corah & Boffa, 1970; Pervin, a predictable version of the stressor and/or
1963) and the resultant physiological re- with control over the stressor. The fourth
sponse (e.g., Champion, 1950; Corah & section describes studies of the poststimula-
Boffa, 1970; Stotland & Blumenthal, 1964), tion effects of stress on social behavior, and
they hypothesized that performance follow- the fifth section reviews naturalistic studies
ing stress exposure may be similarly medi- of stress aftereffects. Finally, the theory re-
ated by stressor predictability and perceived view examines each of eight alternative ex-
control over stressor termination. planations for poststress effects on perform-
Glass and Singer's (1972) early work was ance and social behavior in light of existing
strongly influenced by the adaptive-cost hy- data and reevaluates the adaptive-cost hy-
pothesis. Specifically, they suggested that del- pothesis.
eterious effects on performance following ex-
posure to unpredictable, uncontrollable stress- Research Review
ors should occur because the substantial effort Aftereffects of Unpredictable and
required to adapt to these aversive events Uncontrollable Stressors
would leave one less able to cope with sub- Studies reviewed in this section compare
sequent demands and frustrations. Since pre-
performance after exposure to an unpre-
dictable and controllable stressors were dictable, uncontrollable stressor with per-
viewed as considerably less aversive, adapta- formance in an experimental control condition
tion to these stressors would presumably re- in which there was either a less intense form
quire less effort and therefore would be less of the stressor or no stressor exposure. A
likely to impair poststimulation performance. number of these studies also included condi-
At the completion of their research program, tions in which the stressor was predictable
Glass and Singer concluded that exposure to
and/or controllable. These conditions are not
unpredictable, uncontrollable stressors pro- discussed here but are presented in later sec-
duces poststimulation deficits in performance tions.
on a number of tasks and that the ability to Noise. Glass and Singer (1972) reported
predict and/or control the stressor ameliorates five studies that examined poststimulation
these effects. However, they also concluded effects after exposure to unpredictable, un-
that the adaptive process is not responsible controllable noise (pp. 47, SO, 52, 55, 80).
for these poststress performance deficits. Their studies typically involved approximately
Since the publication of the Glass and 25 minutes of exposure to 108-110-dB (A)
Singer (1972) book there have been over 30 random-intermittent bursts of a broadband
published studies on the poststimulation ef- conglomerate noise made up of a number of
fects of stressors on performance and social fairly typical urban sounds. During noise
behavior. Moreover, a number of cognitive exposure, the subject worked on simple cog-
and motivational explanations for the after- nitive tasks. Autonomic response was moni-
effects of stress have been offered and in some tored during stressor exposure. Immediately
cases tested. This article reviews the existing after the noise exposure period, one or more
laboratory and field research on the afteref- of three measures were administered to the
fects of stress on performance and interper- subject: the Feather (1961) tolerance for
sonal behavior and outlines a number of frustration task (studies reported in Glass &
possible explanations for these effects. The re- Singer, 1972, pp. 47, 52, 55), a proofreading

task (Glass & Singer, 1972, pp. 47, SO, 52, fects of unpredictable high-intensity noise on
55, 80), and the Stroop (193S) Color-Word human performance. Thus Rotton, Olszew-
task (Glass & Singer, 1972, p. 80). ski, Charleton, and Soler (1978) reported
The Feather measure requires a subject to less tolerance for frustration among subjects
work on two soluble and two insoluble line exposed to 80-dB (A) random-intermittent
puzzles for IS minutes. The subject can only bursts of conglomerate noise than among
work on one puzzle at a time and cannot re- subjects working in quiet. Likewise, Gardner
turn to a puzzle after moving on to the next. (1978) found that subjects exposed to ran-
The puzzles are presented so that the first dom-intermittent bursts of conglomerate noise
and third are insoluble and the second and at 100 dB (A) provided poorer poststimula-
fourth are soluble. The criterion measure tion performance on a proofreading task than
(amount of tolerance for frustration) is the did subjects not exposed to noise. Percival
number of trials—puzzle cards—or amount of and Loeb (in press, Experiment 1) found less
time spent on insoluble puzzles. The proof- tolerance for frustration among subjects ex-
reading task involves correcting misspellings, posed to random-intermittent, 95-dB (A), con-
grammatical mistakes, incorrect punctuation, glomerate noise than among subjects ex-
transpositions, and typographical errors. Each posed to a continuous, soft (46-dB) broad-
subject is usually given between 8 and IS band sound. Percival and Loeb did not,
minutes (although nothing is said about however, find poststimulation effects on proof-
time), and the quality of performance is reading performance.
measured as the percentage of errors not Studies of the impact of variable con-
found of the total number of errors that tinuous noise, when there are unpredictable
could have been detected at the point the sub- components of the noise (e.g., aperiodic
ject was told to stop. In the Stroop task, task bursts of static or office noise), also report
stimuli are the names of four colors (green, poststimulation effects. Thus Wohlwill, Nasar,
red, orange, and blue), each of which is Dejoy, and Foruzani (1976) found less tol-
printed in one of the other three colors. For erance for frustration among subjects exposed
example, the word green may be printed in to 30 minutes of continuous 80-85-dB (A)
red, orange, or blue. The four color words are conglomerate noise than among subjects
presented randomly over a series of trials, working in quiet. Sherrod, Hage, Halpern,
and the subject is asked to name the color in and Moore (1977) found similar effects for
which the word is printed. A control version 18 minutes of continuous exposure to 94-dB
of the task, in which subjects are required to (A) conglomerate noise. Finally, Rotton et
name the colors of sets of asterisks or zeros, al. (1978) found that those exposed to IS
is also administered to each subject. Stroop minutes of meaningful speech (two lectures
interference scores (on accuracy and speed) on phobias) at 80 dB (A) had less tolerance
are obtained by subtracting a subject's score for frustration following stimulus termination
on the control stimuli from the subject's than did a no-speech (quiet) control group.
Stroop score. Attempts by Harris (Note 1) to replicate
Poststimulation deficits in performance oc-
the poststimulation effects of unpredictable
curred in all five of the studies and on all
three of the tasks. Except for a lack of effect noise were less fruitful. Harris reported three
on the proofreading task in one study (p. studies, one in which he used noise [8S-10S
80), the effects were totally reliable. More- dB (A)] from an automobile horn and two
over, Glass and Singer (1972, p. 47; see also, in which he used a conglomerate noise of
Glass, Singer, & Friedman, 1969, Experiment similar intensity. All three of the studies
1) reported poststimulation effects follow- included both fixed and random-intermittent
ing exposure to 56-dB random noise as well noise conditions and a quiet control group.
as to the more intense 108-dB bursts. Harris failed to find postnoise performance
There have been a number of successful at- decrements on either proofreading (Experi-
tempts at replicating the poststimulation ef- ments 1 and 2) or a serial search task (Ex-

periment 3). It should be noted, however, a proofreading or an insoluble anagrams task.

that the average level of proofreading per- Since the anagrams task was affected by task
formance for his subjects was very low in all load during noise (discussed later), it ap-
conditions, which suggests a floor effect. pears that this task was sensitive to a post-
A failure to replicate the postnoise effect stimulation effect but that the noise failed to
was also reported by Frankenhaeuser and produce the effect.
Lundberg (1974). After exposure to 40 min- Although the Glass and Singer (1972)
utes of aperiodic bursts of 65-85-dB (A) work suggests that poststimulation effects oc-
conglomerate noise, subjects did not show less cur only following unpredictable noise, two
(or more) tolerance for frustration than after studies reported similar deficits following ex-
working on a task without noise or after re- posure to high-intensity, steady-state (no un-
laxing. The tolerance for frustration score in predictable components) continuous noise.
this study was the time that a subject was Thus Hartley (1973) found deterioration of
willing to spend on an insoluble task after performance on a five-choice reaction time
an obligatory period of 80 minutes on that task following a 20-minute exposure to 100-
task. It is likely that because of the long dB (A) continuous broadband noise, as op-
period of required work, this measure is con- posed to exposure to the same noise at 70 dB.
siderably less sensitive than the Feather mea- Broadbent (1979) similarly exposed subjects
sure, which has no obligatory work period. to a broadband continuous noise of either 55
Two studies reported by Moran and Loeb or 85 dB (C). The interference score on the
(1977) similarly failed to find a noise after- Stroop Color-Word task was not affected by
effect. Participants were exposed to record- the sound level of the previous noise ex-
ings of aircraft overflights [peaking at 90- posure. However, after noise, but not after
105 dB (A)] that were either continuous or quiet, subjects named patches of colored inks
random-intermittent. A quiet experimental relatively faster than they read color names
control group was also included. There were printed in black. Since both the Broadbent
no effects of the noise (continuous or random- and the Hartley studies were primarily con-
intermittent) on either the tolerance for frus- cerned with variations in sound level (there
tration or the proofreading task. The authors were no no-noise control groups), the effects
pointed out, however, that it is possible that they reported may depend on variations in
neither of the noise conditions in these two intensity rather than on stimulus predictabil-
studies was actually unpredictable, since air- ity (cf. Broadbent, 1977). This argument
craft noise peaks were always signaled by receives inferential support from Broadbent's
onset of the overflight noise. This explanation (1979) failure to find effects of the high-
is supported by later work from Loeb's lab- versus low-intensity sound on Stroop inter-
oratory (Percival & Loeb, in press, Experi- ference, which has been reliably affected in
ment 2) in which decreased persistence on those studies that compared an unpredictable
the tolerance for frustration task was found noise condition to a quiet control group.
to occur after exposure to random-intermit- As is apparent from Table 1, nearly all of
tent bursts of conglomerate noise and after the studies that used steady-state continuous
exposure to random-intermittent bursts of air- and variable continuous noise found post-
craft noise peaks (eliminating the gradual stimulation deficits in performance. As men-
onsets and offsets) but not following exposure tioned previously, it is possible that the ef-
to recorded normal aircraft flyovers (which fect of steady-state continuous noise depends
include gradual onsets and offsets). There on variations in intensity, whereas that of
were no effects of any of the noise exposure variable continuous noise depends on varia-
manipulations on poststimulation proofread- tions in predictability. As is apparent from
ing performance. Table 2, results of studies of random-inter-
Dejoy (Note 2) failed to find poststimu- mittent exposure are less consistent. Possible
lation effects of either random or fixed-inter- reasons for the failure of a number of these
mittent 85-dB (A) print shop noise on either studies to replicate the Glass and Singer

Table 1
Nature of Noise Stimulus and Aftereffect Measures in Studies That Used Continuous Noise

Performance aftereffects Duration Mode of

Study Description of noise measure of noise Sound level delivery

Broadbent (1979) Broadband, steady Stroop interference 20 min. 85 dB (C) Speakers

Color naming/reading CO
names of colors" wH
Hartley (1973) Broadband, steady Five-choice reaction time" 40 min. 100 dB (A) Speakers t-1
state O
Rotton, Olszewski, Charleton, & Meaningful speech Tolerance for frustration" 15 min. 80 dB (A) Earphones O
Soler (1978)
Sherrod, Hage, Halpern, & Conglomerate (with Tolerance for frustration" 18 min. 94 dB (A) Speakers O
Moore (1977) aperiodic bursts K
of electronic Z
Wohlwill, Nasar, Dejoy, & Conglomerate (with Tolerance for frustration" 30 min 80-85 dB (A) Speakers
Foruzani (1976) aperiodic bursts
of office noise)
Moran & Loeb (1977) Aircraft sounds Tolerance for frustration, 14.34 min. 90-105 dB (A) Not reported
Experiments 1 and 2 proofreading peaks
The noise described was associated with a deficit in performance on that aftereffect task.

(1972) work (particularly, Frankenhaeuser tasks. Those subjects who had been working
& Lundberg, 1974; Moran & Loeb, 1977; in high density (small room) showed less
Harris, Note 1) have been presented earlier tolerance for frustration than did their low-
and are noted in Table 2. There appear to be density (large room) counterparts. There
no consistent differences between those in- were no differences on the proofreading task.
termittent noise studies that found aftereffects Similar postcrowding deficits on the
and those that failed to find aftereffects on Feather tolerance for frustration task are re-
the number of noise bursts, duration of noise ported by Evans (1979) with mixed-sex
exposure, percentage of the total period that groups of 10 persons and by Nicosia, Hyman,
they were exposed to noise, sound level, and Karlin, Epstein, and Aiello (in press) for
whether the noise was delivered through ear- both male and female groups with 4 persons.
phones or speakers. The latter study, however, failed to find any
In sum, the data on poststimulation effects poststimulation effects of high density on a
of noise on performance are consistent for visual search task and a problem-solving task.
variable continuous and steady-state con- In a final study, Aiello, DeRisi, Epstein, and
tinuous noise and mixed for intermittent Karlin (1977) reported that following 30
exposure. The relative reliability of the post- minutes of sitting in a room with 3 other sub-
stimulation effect following continuous as op- jects, female undergraduates who were
posed to intermittent sound may be attribut- crowded (small room) scored lower on two
able to the greater exposure time (noise on) measures of creativity than did their un-
in continuous noise studies. Nevertheless, if crowded (large room) counterparts. In sum,
we confine ourselves to those studies that all four of the existing studies of the after-
used clearly unpredictable noise and reason- effects of spatial density reported poststimu-
ably sensitive aftereffects measures, even the lation effects.
intermittent literature provides considerable There are two studies of the poststimula-
support for the reliability of the postnoise tion effects of social density. The first was
effect. conducted by Saegert, Mackintosh, and West
Crowding. Those who study the effects of (1975, Experiment 2) in a railroad station in
crowding on human behavior have found it midtown Manhattan. Male and female sub-
useful to distinguish between two kinds of jects were asked to do a number of tasks dur-
density—social density and spatial density ing a crowded or uncrowded time of day.
(cf. Loo, 1973). Social density is manipulated After task completion, the subject was
by varying the number of people occupying brought to a quiet secluded place and ad-
a fixed quantity of space, and spatial density ministered the Stroop Color-Word task.
is manipulated by varying the available space Whereas females who had been exposed to
but keeping the number of people constant. high levels of density performed more poorly
Since there is evidence that the effects of on the Stroop than did their low-density
density are to some degree dependent on this counterparts, males performed better after
distinction (e.g., Baum & Koman, 1976), high- than after low-density exposure. Al-
the following review of the effects of high though other studies have found interactions
levels of density on poststimulation perform- between density and gender on a number of
ance will similarly distinguish between these dependent measures (see Sundstrom, 1978,
two kinds of density. for a review), the relationship between one's
In an early study of the aftereffects of gender and whether one experiences stress in
spatial density, Sherrod (1974) had groups a particular high-density setting is still un-
of eight female high school students perform clear. As a consequence, we do not know
a number of tasks in either a large or a small whether it is the males or the females who
room. After 1 hour of exposure, subjects were are experiencing stress in this situation, and
moved into a large reception area. Each stu- thus it is impossible to determine whether
dent, at her own desk, was administered the these data indicate a poststress effect.
tolerance for frustration and proofreading In a study by Dooley (1978), groups of
Table 2
Nature of Noise Stimulus and Aftereffect Measures in Studies That Used Random-Intermittent Noise oo

Description aftereffects No. of Duration Percentage Mode of
Study of noise measure bursts of noise of time on Sound level delivery Comments

Gardner (1978) Conglomerate Proofreading" 24 3.6 min. 15 100 dB (A) Earphones

Glass & Singer (1972) Conglomerate Tolerance for 23-25 3.6-5 min. 15-20 55 and 108 Speakers
(pp. 47, 50, 52, frustration" dB (A)
55, 80) Proof readin g" •b
Percival & Loeb
(in press)
Experiment 1 Conglomerate Tolerance for 24 3.6 min. 15 95 dB (A) Speakers
Experiment 2' Aircraft Tolerance for 16 7.13 min. 29 95 dB (A) Speakers
overflights frustration"
Aircraft Proofreading K
peaks O
White noise o
Conglomerate O
noise o
Rotton, Olszewski, Conglomerate Tolerance for 60 9 min. 60 80 min. Earphones aB
Charleton, & Soler frustration" z

Dejoy (Note 2) Printing Proofreading 60 10 min. 33 85 dB (A) Speakers

shop noise frustration
Frankenhaeuser Conglomerate Tolerance for 20 40 min. 50 65-85 dB (A) Speakers Insensitivity of
& Lundberg (1974) frustration measure of frustra-
tion tolerance
Harris (Note 1)
Experiment 1 Auto horn Proofreading 30 3.8 min. 12.5 85-105 dB (A) Not reported Possible floor effect
Experiment 2 Conglomerate Proofreading 30 3.8 min. 12.5 85-105 dB (A) Not reported on proofreading in
Experiment 3 Conglomerate Serial search 30 3.8 min. 12.5 85-105 dB (A) Not reported Exponents 1 and 2
Moran & Loeb (1977) Aircraft Tolerance for 14 4.6 min. 29 90-105 dB (A) Not reported Aircraft noise peaks
Experiments 1 and 2 overflights frustration were always signaled
by the onset of
overflight noise

' The noise described was associated with a deficit in performance on that aftereffect task.
' A proofreading effect was found in all but one study (Glass & Singer, 1972, p. 80).
Decreased tolerance for frustration occurred following aircraft overflight peaks and conglomerate noise but not following aircraft overflights and white noise.

either three or nine male undergraduates per- ton et al. (1978) found that the expectation
formed a simulated marketing task in a small that one would be required to recall a speech,
room. In an experimental control group, a even though one was never actually required
single subject performed the same task alone. to do so, resulted in lower tolerance for frus-
After task completion subjects were moved tration following task completion than for
to individual cubicles in which they were those not expecting a recall test. Dejoy (Note
administered a proofreading task. Results 2), however, found no differences in tolerance
indicated that the poststimulation effects in for frustration (insoluble anagrams task) or
this study were mediated by individual dif- proofreading following performance of a high-
ferences in personal space needs. Both high- versus a low-load coding task.
and low-density conditions (as opposed to Other social and nonsodal stressors. Glass
the alone condition) had a negative impact and Singer (1972) also reported that post-
on the proofreading quality of subjects with stimulation deficits in performance occur fol-
far (need more) personal space but not on lowing electric shock, a frustrating experi-
those with close (need less) personal space. ence with a bureaucracy, and an experience
It appears that the mere presence of others of arbitrary or sex discrimination. In the
in the small room, rather than the manipu- electric shock study (Glass & Singer, 1972,
lated level of high density, acted as the p. 110) those subjects exposed to unpredict-
stressor in this study. Moreover, those sub- able and uncontrollable shock performed
jects who were most likely to experience more poorly on both the Stroop and proof-
stress when involved in close interactions reading tasks following exposure. A later
with others (i.e., those with far personal study (Glass et al., 1973), found similar post-
space) showed aftereffects. Those less likely stimulation effects of electric shock on the
to experience stress (i.e., those with close Stroop. Experiences of bureaucratic harass-
personal space) did not show the effects. In ment (Glass & Singer, 1972, p. 124) simi-
sum, there is evidence for a postdensity effect larly resulted in poorer proofreading for the
in cases in which the close presence of others harassed than for the nonharassed groups
is likely to be experienced as stressing. after the experience had ended, and the study
Task load. Three studies have indicated of the effects of discrimination in the amount
that subjects who experience a high task load of pay received for participating in the ex-
perform more poorly following task comple- periment (p. 132) found that those who ex-
tion than those assigned a low task load. Thus perienced discrimination performed more
Cohen and Spacapan (1978, Experiment 1) poorly on the Stroop following the experi-
found in a four-choice reaction time experi- ence than those who did not experience dis-
ment that those required to respond to 100 crimination.
lights per minute had less tolerance for frus- Conclusions. The previously cited studies
tration following task completion than those provide evidence for both the reliability and
responding to SO lights per minute. There generality of the poststimulation effect of
were, however, no effects of task load on stress on performance. These effects have
proofreading performance. (This experiment appeared in the vast majority of studies, and
controlled for subjects' perceptions of suc- these studies have used a wide range of
cess-failure and thus is not explicable in stressors. The data suggest that the effect is
those terms.) Hartley (1973) reports that most likely to occur when the stressor is
those required to perform a serial reaction clearly unpredictable and when a sensitive
time task for the first 20 minutes of the ex- aftereffects measure is used. Moreover, fac-
periment performed more poorly on the tors that might mediate the stressfulness of
same task in the last 20 minutes than those the situation (e.g., subject gender and need
who read during the initial stage of the study. for personal space in the social density
(This effect may, of course, be attributable studies) are important determinants of
to boredom on the part of those required to whether a particular manipulation will pro-
perform the same task twice.) Similarly, Rot- duce an aftereffect. The most reliable mea-

sures appear to be those used by Glass and termination. The effect of unpredictable noise
Singer (1972), although the proofreading on proofreading was, however, not replicated.
task has proved less reliable (e.g., Cohen & Predictability was manipulated in two other
Spacapan, 1978; Glass & Singer, 1972, p. 80; studies that were primarily designed to assess
Sherrod, 1974) than the Feather and Stroop the effect of inhibiting adaptation on post-
tasks. The inconsistency of the proofreading stimulation effects. (See the section on Adap-
measure may be attributable to the large tive-Cost Hypothesis under Theory Review.)
variation among subjects' literary skills that The first study was the only one in which
often results in substantial error variance on Glass and Singer (1972, p. 141) reported a
proofreading scores. Although other measures clear reversal of the predictability effect. For
have only been used in individual studies, subjects working on difficult math problems
poststimulation effects have been obtained on during exposure, higher frustration tolerance
a serial reaction time task (Hartley, 1973) and better proofreading occurred in the ran-
and a creativity task (Aiello et al., 1977). dom-intermittent condition than in the fixed-
Aftereffects measures that have failed include intermittent condition. This was not true for
visual search tasks (Nicosia et al., in press; those working on simple problems. The sec-
Harris, Note 1) and a problem-solving task ond study (Glass & Singer, 1972, p. 147) re-
(Nicosia et al., in press). Since in all of the sulted in the usual predictability effect with
Glass and Singer studies and replications, those who were exposed to random-intermit-
the poststimulation tasks were administered tent noise, whether the interburst intervals
shortly after stressor termination, there are were 51 sec or 96 sec, performing more poorly
no data on the time course of the effect. on the proofreading task than those who were
exposed to fixed-intermittent bursts.
Predictable Versus Unpredictable Stressors Gardner (1978, Study 1, Table 1) simi-
larly presented subjects with fixed or random-
Glass and Singer reported five studies that intermittent conglomerate noise of 100 dB.
compared the poststimulation effects of pre- A proofreading task performed after noise
dictable versus unpredictable noise. The exposure was performed more poorly by those
first two studies (Glass et al., 1969, Experi- exposed to unpredictable than by those ex-
ment 1; see also, Glass & Singer, 1972, pp. posed to predictable noise. Likewise, Percival
47, 52) compared fixed versus random-in- and Loeb (in press) reported that subjects
termittent exposure to a broadband conglom- exposed to 24 minutes of 9S-dB random-in-
erate noise made up of a number of fairly termittent conglomerate noise showed less
typical urban sounds. In both of these studies, tolerance for frustration following exposure
those exposed to unpredictable noise per- than either those exposed to equivalently in-
formed more poorly than did the predictable tense fixed-intermittent sound or those ex-
noise group on both the tolerance for frustra- posed to a soft (46-dB) broadband sound.
tion and proofreading tasks. There was no dif- Studies by Harris (Note 1), Moran and Loeb
ference between poststimulation performance (1977), and Dejoy (Note 2) described earlier
of the predictable noise group and a no-noise also manipulated the predictability of the
control group. The first study also indicated noise. As mentioned earlier, none of these
that predictability of the noise was a more investigations indicated aftereffects of either
important determinant of poststimulation ef- predictable or unpredictable sound.
fects than was the intensity (56 vs. 108 dB) In sum, the role of predictability in pro-
of the sound. In a third study (Glass & ducing stress aftereffects has not received
Singer, 1972, p. 55) predictability was manip- considerable attention since the publication
ulated by the use of signaled (by a light) of the Glass and Singer book. Existing evi-
versus unsignaled (light occurrence is ran- dence does, however, suggest that aftereffects
dom) noise bursts. Again, those exposed to are more likely to occur following exposure
unpredictable noise were less persistent on to the unpredictable rather than a predictable
insoluble puzzles administered after noise stressor.

Controllable Versus Uncontrollable Stressors formed consent, the effect was replicable
when informed consent was not required. Un-
Glass and Singer (1972) reported a num-
fortunately, those who received the informed
ber of studies which indicated that the after-
consent were not only given the perception
effects of stress occur following uncontrollable
of control over termination of the stressor
but not controllable stressors. First, there
(i.e., they could leave at will) but also were
were two identical studies (pp. 64, 65) that
making an explicit choice (to the extent of
used 108-dB aperiodic noise in which half of
signing their names) to participate in the
the subjects were instructed how to terminate
study prior to noise exposure. Thus, it is
the noise by pressing a button (perceived con-
unclear whether the ameliorative effects of
trol). In fact, the perceived control subjects
informed consent in this study are attribut-
did not actually terminate the noise. In both
able to increased control or to increased
studies, following noise exposure, those pro-
choice and commitment.
vided with perceptions of control over stim-
ulus termination had more tolerance for Perceived control over the termination of
frustration and performed better on the proof- the stressor was also examined in the previ-
reading task than did their counterparts with- ously described study of spatial density by
out perceptions of control. Sherrod (1974). Besides the high-density
In a third study, Glass and Singer (1972, (small room) and low-density (large room)
p. 69; see also, Glass, Reim, & Singer, 1971) conditions, an additional condition was in-
tested the proposition that indirect control cluded in which subjects were assigned to a
high-density setting but were told that they
(i.e., having access to another person who
could leave the room and work in a larger
could terminate the noise) would be similar
to having direct control over noise termina- room if they so desired (density with per-
ceived control). As in the noise studies, the
tion. Their hypothesis was confirmed. Fol-
perceived control subjects did not actually
lowing exposure to the 108-dB conglomerate
use this option. The high-density group
noise, those with indirect control performed
better than those lacking the perception that showed the least persistence on the insoluble
they (or their partner) could control the puzzles, followed by an intermediate level of
persistence by those high-density subjects
termination of the noise. In a final study,
with perceived control, and finally, the most
Glass and Singer (1972, p. 74) found that
persistence was shown by the low-density
knowing that someone else was able to ter-
group. As mentioned earlier, there were no
minate the noise (for themselves) during the
effects on the proofreading task.
experiment but that one's own exposure could
not be terminated (relative deprivation) did The previously described studies all pro-
not increase poststimulation effects. How- vided subjects with the perceived abilit3' to
ever, as in previous studies, a proofreading terminate the stressor, but in all cases sub-
task administered after stimulus termination jects did not actually perform any coping
was performed more poorly by those lacking responses. That is, they knew they could
perceived control than by those with control. terminate the stressor but did nothing about
A replication of the aftereffects of noise it. A slightly different form of control was
that used a slightly different operation of offered to subjects in a study of the after-
perceived control is reported by Gardner effects of electric shock reported by Glass et
(1978). An inability to replicate Glass and al. (1973). During an initial trial block, all
Singer when using an informed consent form of the subjects received a series of 10 6-sec
that explicitly informed the subject that he shocks and were required to press a reaction
or she could leave the experiment without time key at the onset of each shock. During
loss of pay led Gardner to use the informed a second block of trials, the perceived con-
consent form as a way of manipulating con- trol group was told that they could decrease
trol. Gardner reported that although it was the duration of each shock (from 6 to 3 sec)
impossible to replicate the aftereffects of un- by maintaining a fast reaction time to the
predictable, uncontrollable noise with in- onset of the shock. For half of these sub-

jects, all shocks were halved (perceived con- ture (Gatchel, Paulus, & Maples, 197S;
trol with reduction), and for the remaining Gatchel & Proctor, 1976). Both of these
subjects none of the shocks were halved (per- studies included an experimental control
ceived control without reduction). Two ex- group in which subjects were instructed to
perimental control groups received shocks of merely sit and passively listen to loud tones
either 3 sec (no perceived control with re- (no success or failure). This condition is
duction) or 6 sec (no perceived control with- similar to an unpredictable, uncontrollable
out reduction) but were given no indication stressor condition in the aftereffects para-
that shock duration was related to their be- digm and thus would be expected to result
havior. Thus in this case, subjects with con- in poststimulation deficits in performance.
trol were actually implementing that control Although a learned helplessness group, who
by attempting to maintain fast reaction time. thought they could escape the noise but ac-
Performance on the Stroop, administered tually could not, showed poststimulation defi-
after the two blocks of shock trials were com- cits on an anagram task, the group who pas-
pleted, indicated that subjects who were told sively listened to the tones did not show
that they could control the duration of the deficits. The noise dose in these experiments,
shock and ostensibly succeeded in doing so however, was small in comparison with previ-
(perceived control with reduction) performed ously cited noise studies.1
better on the Stroop than both of the no-per- The research discussed previously has been
ceived-control groups and better than the limited to studies that provided control over
group given the expectancy that control was the termination of a stressor. A study of the
possible who actually failed to control (per- aftereffects of noise by Sherrod et al. (1977)
ceived control without reduction). extended this work by investigating the rela-
A number of studies of the learned help- tive contribution of control over initiation of
lessness phenomenon have also examined the the stressor as well as over termination. Sub-
effects of implemented control over a stressor jects with initiation control were allowed to
on poststress performance. Compared with choose whether they would be exposed to
those with the ability to escape or avoid loud noise. The experimenter stressed, however,
noise, those lacking control subsequently per- that for the purposes of the study, he would
formed more poorly on anagrams (Gatchel, prefer that they turn the noise on (they all
McKinney, & Koebernick, 1977; Hiroto & did). Subjects without initiation control were
Seligman, 197S), a concealed figures test given no such choice. Termination control
(Krantz & Stone, 1978), and a proofreading was provided in the same way as in the Glass
task (Krantz & Stone, 1978). In contrast to and Singer studies. Following noise exposure
the previously described studies, subjects in the Feather task was administered. Sherrod
the unavoidable, unescapable stress condi-
and his colleagues reported that the least
tions in these studies experienced failure as
well as stress. (The unavoidable stress con-
ditions in these studies are similar to the 1
At the beginning of both of these studies, the
perceived control no-reduction condition in subject, after hearing a sample tone, was offered
the study by Glass et al., 1973, described the opportunity to withdraw from the experiment.
As we outline later in this article, such a choice, by
previously.) The fact that control and suc- providing a form of control over the situation, is
cess-failure are confounded in these studies likely to ameliorate any poststimulation effects (cf.
makes it difficult to assess whether the mech- Sherrod et al., 1977). If we assume that the learned
anisms involved are the same as in the other helplessness effect in these studies was a response to
failure and not to a lack of control, it is possible
aftereffects work (cf. Cohen, Rothbart, & that the ability to choose whether to participate in
Phillips, 1976; Griffith, 1977). the study ameliorated control-related effects for the
Two recent studies of helplessness induced passive listening group but did not affect the learned
by exposure to uncontrollable bursts of noise helplessness (failure) group. Admittedly, however,
these studies constitute an additional failure to
(tones) provide data that are inconsistent replicate postnoise effects, and this post hoc explana-
with those reported in the aftereffects litera- tion must be viewed as only tentative.

tolerance for frustration was shown by those periment 2) similarly manipulated informa-
who lacked any kind of control over the tion about the stress experience and choice of
noise, intermediate tolerance was shown by hand to be placed in the cold water. In this
those with initiation control, termination case, however, those who were allowed to
control caused an even greater increase in choose the hand to be used could also elect
tolerance, and combined control (both initia- to remove their hand from the cold water if
tion and termination) caused the greatest in- they chose to do so. The proofreading mea-
crease. Thus although initiation control was sure was administered following stressor ex-
not as effective as termination control, in- posure. Subjects with choice of hand and
creasing overall perceptions of control by perceived control over stressor termination
combining initiation and termination was the (high choice) were more accurate proof-
most effective intervention. readers than those given neither choice nor
In a field study of the stress involved in the perception of control (low choice). Also
donating blood, Mills and Krantz (1979, Ex- under low-choice conditions, providing in-
periment 1) investigated the roles of provid- formation led to improved performance,
ing information about a threatening event whereas under high-choice conditions, pro-
and of providing choices about that event in viding information made little difference.
mediating poststress response. Information It appears that in this case combining two
and choice were both conceptualized as forms forms of control did not further decrease
of personal control because they presumably poststress effects. It should be pointed out,
allow one to alter or affect their outcomes. however, that the high-choice condition it-
In this study, blood donors were offered or self involved two forms of control (hand
not offered a choice of which arm blood would choice and immersion time in cold water)
be drawn from. This manipulation offers some Thus, it might be more accurate to conclude
control over the procedure but not directly that the addition of a third form of control
over either the initiation or termination of did not decrease poststress effects.
the stressor. Also, although all donors received In a final study, Dejoy (Note 2) com-
some information prior to the procedure, in pared posttask performance of subjects who
half of the cases (high information) this in- had some control over a difficult coding task
formation dealt with the details of the pro- (self-paced) with the performance of sub-
cedure and the sensations the donor might jects who lacked task control (experimenter
expect, whereas in the remaining cases (low paced). The two conditions were yoked (av-
information) the information was limited to a erage stimulus exposure time of self-paced
general description of the Red Cross blood subject used for experimenter-paced subject)
donor program. The Stroop Color-Word test to equate conditions on time on task. Ex-
was administered during the donor recovery perimenter-paced subjects performed more
period. There were no differences between poorly on an insoluble anagrams task (toler-
conditions in Stroop performance. However, ance for frustration) administered immedi-
the authors pointed out that the nursing in- ately following completion of the coding task
terventions during the procedure and the re- than did self-paced subjects. There were no
freshments given to donors following the effects on the proofreading task.
procedure precluded an adequate assessment Conclusions. The data are almost unani-
of aftereffects in this setting. In addition, mous in supporting the role of both perceived
the time that elapsed between the stress ex- and implemented control over termination of
perience and the aftereffects measure was a stressor in ameliorating stress aftereffects.
long in comparison with previously discussed In some cases those groups with control per-
studies in which the aftereffects measures formed as if they were not exposed to a
were administered either immediately or after stressor (e.g., Gardner, 1978; Glass et al.,
a short respite. 1973), whereas in others (e.g., Sherrod et al.,
A laboratory study of cold stress by the 1977) control provided some improvement in
same authors (Mills & Krantz, 1979, Ex- poststress task performance but did not com-

pletely ameliorate the effect. The single study Aftereffects on Social Behavior
of initiation control similarly suggests a less-
ening in poststress performance deficits. Ini- Recent studies on the poststimulation ef-
tiation control does not, however, appear to fects of uncontrollable stress on social be-
be as effective as termination control. There havior have extended the scope of the original
is also some mixed evidence that providing aftereffects research. For example, two studies
subjects with choice over an aspect of the have reported decreased poststimulation help-
stress situation and/or with information ing after exposure to unpredictable, uncon-
about the procedure and expected sensations trollable stress. In an experiment by Sherrod
similarly lessens the poststimulation impact and Downs (1974), subjects performed a
of the stressor. task while listening to either a recording of
a soothing simulated seashore or a stressing
Is providing someone with more than one
recording of dixieland jazz plus a male
kind of control a more powerful intervention
voice reading nonrelevant prose. In a third
than providing them with a single mode of
condition subjects listened to the stressing
control? The combination of initiation and
tape but were told that they could terminate
termination control does prove to be more
the distracting stimulus if they wished (per-
effective than either of these modes alone
ceived control). After the completion of the
(Sherrod et al., 1977). However, the com-
20-minute experiment, subjects left the lab-
bination of two kinds of choice and one kind
oratory and were confronted by a second ex-
of information control does not seem to be
perimenter who asked for voluntary help in
more effective than either of these modes
pretesting some experimental materials. Sub-
alone (Mills & Krantz, 1979). It could be
jects who listened only to soothing seashore
that combined modes of control do help to
sounds volunteered the most times, followed
reduce poststress performance deficits until
by subjects who listened to the stressing tape
one reaches levels equivalent to performance
but who had perceived control, followed fi-
following no-stress conditions (as in the Sher-
nally by stress-without-control subjects. Thus,
rod et al., 1977, study), but additional con-
exposure to uncontrollable stress decreased
trol is unimportant if that level is already
poststimulation helping with the addition of
reached (as in Mills & Krantz, 1979).
control over the termination of the noise
The research clearly demonstrates that partially ameliorating these effects.
providing one with increased control over a Similar results were found in a stud}' of
stressor or over a stress setting decreases def- :he aftereffects of density and task load con-
icits in poststimulation performance. None ducted in a large shopping center (Cohen
of the reviewed studies, however, have in- & Spacapan, 1978, Experiment 2). Subjects
vestigated whether increased control over a were required to perform high- or low-infor-
setting is beneficial when there is no stressor mation rate shopping tasks during periods
present. (This assumes that the demanding in which the shopping center was crowded
coding task used in the Dejoy, Note 2, study or uncrowded. After completing their task,
was experienced as a stressor.) That is, since subjects (on their way to meet the experi-
none of these studies included a condition menter) entered a deserted corridor in which
that provided control over a nonstressing they encountered a woman who feigned
setting (e.g., perceived ability to leave if dropping a contact lens. Those subjects who
the experiment is not fun or choice of task or performed high-load tasks and/or were
task order on a simple task), it is unclear crowded helped less often and for less time
whether there is an interaction between stress than their low-task-load, uncrowded counter-
and control or a main effect for control. Since parts.
there is some evidence that perceived control Increased aggressive behavior following ex-
over a simple task setting may improve per- posure to uncontrollable stress was reported
formance in that setting (Perlmuter & Monty, by Donnerstein and Wilson (1976). In their
1977), an overall rather than stress-specific experiment, subjects completed a math task
effect of control does seem possible. under either quiet, high-intensity noise or

high-intensity noise with perceived control the magnitude of the correlation between
over the termination of the noise. Following noise and auditory discrimination. Additional
noise exposure, half of the subjects were analyses ruled out social class variables and
angered (by the person they would later ag- hearing losses as possible explanations. A
gress against) and half of the subjects were study of children attending school in the air
not angered. Angered (but not nonangered) corridor of a busy metropolitan airport
subjects with no control revealed an increase (Cohen, Evans, Krantz, & Stokols, 1980)
in aggression, whereas the level of aggression indicated that children living and attending
of perceived-control subjects was no different school in the air corridor were poorer on both
than that of no-noise subjects. a simple and a difficult puzzle-solving task
Three studies described earlier also used and were more likely to give up on the task
poststress measures of social behavior. Thus than their quiet neighborhood counterparts.
Rotton et al. (1978) found that both loud Again, there were controls for social class
speech and the combination of conglomerate and for hearing damage. Unlike the apart-
noise and a taxing task reduced one's ability ment noise study, this study did not find that
to differentiate among people occupying dif- children from noisy environments (schools)
ferent roles. Epstein and Karlin (1975) re- had poorer verbal abilities.
ported that groups of men who were crowded A study of 4-|- to 6^-year-old children from
were less cohesive and more competitive fol- homes described by their parents as either
lowing the stress experience. Women, how- noisy or quiet similarly suggests poorer post-
ever, were more cohesive and less competitive stimulation task performance on the part of
following the crowded versus noncrowded ex- children from noisier homes (Heft, 1979).
perience. Finally, Dooley (1978) failed to The children performed a simple matching
find any relationship among social density, (visual search) task and then were admin-
volunteering for a future experiment, or rat- istered a recall test for some of the incidental
ing of attractiveness of same-sex persons. stimuli in that task. Children from noisy
Overall, it appears that exposure to un- homes performed more poorly on both the
predictable and uncontrollable stress is fol- matching and incidental memory tasks than
lowed by a decreased sensitivity to others. those from quieter homes. Performance on a
This includes a decrease in helping, a decrease second matching task indicated similar deficits
in the recognition of individual differences, for children from noisy as opposed to quiet
and an increase in aggression. homes. Analyses controlled for age, preschool
experience, and income level of parents. It
Naturalistic-Correlational Studies of should be noted, however, that self-reports of
Aftereffects noise level do not usually correlate highly
with objective noise measures (cf. Kryter,
A number of recent studies have investi-
1970) and thus limit the generality of these
gated the impact of living and/or working in
a stressful environment on task performance
and social behavior outside of the stressing Two naturalistic investigations of crowd-
environment. For example, several investi- ing also suggest effects that occur outside of
gators have examined the effects of prolonged the stressing environment. Baum and Valins
exposure to community noise on the perform- (1977) reported a number of studies of the
ance of elementary school children. In one behavior of dormitory residents who, be-
study, Cohen, Glass, and Singer (1973) tested cause of dormitory design, were exposed to
children living in apartment buildings built prolonged and repeated personal encounters
on bridges spanning a busy expressway. When with large numbers of other residents (long-
tested in a quiet setting, children who lived corridor residents) versus those whose forced
in noisier apartments showed greater impair- encounters included a comparatively small
ment of auditory discrimination and reading number of others (short-corridor and suite
ability than did those who lived in quieter residents). Under controlled conditions out-
apartments. The length of residence increased side of the dormitory, those who had a large

number of personal encounters showed less mediated by cognitions other than control,
group consensus after a discussion, sat fur- and we may often unintentionally invoke
ther away from, spent less time looking at, such cognitions in our laboratories. For ex-
and initiated fewer conversations with a ample, Cohen (in press) has outlined a num-
stranger (confederate), used a withdrawal ber of situational characteristics of labora-
strategy more often in a prisoner's dilemma tory settings that may affect the meaning of
game, and were less likely to assert them- the potential stressor for the subject and
selves by asking questions in an ambiguous consequently, whether it will produce stress-
situation. related responses. Among others, these fac-
Two studies reported by Rodin (1976) tors include (a) whether the participants in
similarly suggest aftereffects of residential the study are aware that the exposure to the
density. In the first study 6-9-year-old chil- aversive stimulus will last for only a short
dren from high-density apartments of a low- period (cf. Altman, 1975), (b) the salience
income housing project were less likely than of the implied contract between the experi-
children from less dense homes from the same menter and the subject that suggests no harm
project to control (choose) their own out- will come to the subject during the experi-
comes. In a second study, eighth-grade chil- mental procedure, (c) whether the subject
dren from high-density apartments were chose to participate in the study and whether
more adversely affected by a learned help- an informed consent slip was signed.
lessness pretreatment—insoluble puzzles— Averill (1973) has pointed out that the
than were their low-density counterparts. stress-reducing properties of a personal con-
These effects persisted even after statistical trol intervention similarly depend on the
control for social class and race were used. meaning of the control response for the indi-
The studies discussed previously suggest vidual. Thus telling a subject that pressing a
that prolonged exposure to a stressor is as- button will terminate a loud noise may or
sociated with a number of poststimulation ef- may not suggest that he or she has control
fects on performance and social behavior. over the termination of the stressor. One al-
Although it is likely that some of these ef- ternative interpretation of this intervention
fects are specific to the stressor (e.g., the might be that the stressor must be pretty
tendency of those who are forced into con- dangerous if the experimenter needs to pro-
stant contact with others to avoid strangers vide an escape mechanism.
in the Baum and Valins work), a number of
the studies indicate a more general helpless- Theory Review
nesslike effect (Baum & Valins, 1977; Cohen Adaptive-Cost Hypothesis
et al., 1980; Rodin, 1976). It is impor- Glass and Singer's (1972) working hy-
tant to emphasize that these studies are all pothesis was that the process of adaptation
correlational and thus do not allow causal in- requires cognitive work. This work included
ference. searching for appropriate coping responses
and/or attempting to redefine the stimulus.
The Meaning oj the Stressor and the Meaning Moreover, they assumed that the work re-
of the Control Manipulation quired to adapt to unpredictable and uncon-
Although the data on the effects of uncon- trollable stressors was substantially greater
trollable stressors on poststimulation per- than that required to adapt to predictable
formance and social behavior is reasonably and controllable stimulation. According to
consistent, there have been a number of pub- Glass and Singer, the adaptive-cost hypothesis
lished and unpublished 2 failures to replicate predicts that poorer performance on afteref-
these effects. These inconsistencies are prob- fects tasks should vary directly with degree
ably inevitable given the complexity of the
situation being presented to a subject. First, 2
Unpublished research conducted in my own
it is likely that our responses to loud noise laboratory, (See, also, Baddeley, Note 3; Evans,
and to other potentially stressing stimuli are Note 4; Stokols, Note S.)

of adaptation, since a greater degree of adap- and Singer (1972) data do not provide sup-
tation implies a greater amount of adaptive port for the adaptive-cost hypothesis, neither
effort. Presumably, increased adaptive effort do they provide convincing evidence to
would deplete one's available psychic energies justify its rejection. Unfortunately, none of
and would thus result in deficits on subse- the more recent studies have attempted direct
quent demanding tasks. tests of this explanation.
Glass and Singer (1972) presented two
arguments that led them to discard this hy- Information Overload
pothesis. First, they assumed that decrements An alternative form of a psychic cost hy-
in galvanic skin response (GSR) to noise and pothesis was recently proposed by Cohen
shock are valid indices of the cognitive effort (1978). He argued that unpredictable, un-
involved in adaptation. This follows from trollable stressors, because they are poten-
their assumption that the greater the adapta- tially threatening, substantially increase de-
tion, the greater the amount of adaptive ef- mands on attentional capacity. This increased
fort. There were no significant correlations demand might occur because individuals are
between aftereffects scores and indices of required to continually monitor potentially
GSR adaptation for subjects in various con-
threatening stimuli to evaluate their adap-
ditions. Thus there was no evidence for dif- tive significance and to decide on appropriate
ferential cognitive work. Second, they as- coping responses (cf. Lazarus, 1966). In-
sumed that a situation in which one was ex-
creased demand may also occur because of
posed to unpredictable stress but in which effort required in tuning out or inhibiting
adaptation was inhibited would not result in response to the distracting stimulus. Cohen
poststimulation effects. This should be true, further suggested that an individual's atten-
since a lack of adaptation implies a lesser tional capacity is not fixed but shrinks when
degree of adaptive effort. They were success- there are prolonged demands. This shrinkage
ful in inhibiting physiological adaptation in or cognitive fatigue presumably increases
two studies (pp. 141-153) but found post-
with both the attentional load of an activity
stimulation effects even in the conditions in and the duration of an activity. Thus pro-
which subjects did not physiologically adapt.
longed exposure to an environmental stressor
They thus concluded that "it is not the adap-
and/or to a high information rate task should
tive process that causes adverse aftereffects" result in cognitive fatigue—an insufficient
(p. 1S3). reserve of attention to perform demanding
Although the authors describe the effort tasks.
of adaptation as a cognitive process of search- What are the implications of the cognitive
ing for appropriate coping strategies and of fatigue hypothesis for the performance of on-
redefining the stimulus, they take physio- going and subsequent tasks? Task duration
logical evidence based on one index of au- under experimental conditions is usually lim-
tonomic response as the measure of adapta- ited to between 20 minutes and an hour. Al-
tion. Existing knowledge concerning the rela- though this may be sufficient to cause a sig-
tionship between cognition under stress and nificant decay in available capacity, it may
corresponding physiological fluctuations is not affect performance on an ongoing task
equivocal at best (cf. Kahneman, 1973). that by that point is well practiced and re-
Moreover, it is likely that those subjects who quires little effort. Subsequent tasks, however,
were prevented from physiologically adapting that demand considerable attention on the
worked just as hard (if not harder) to cope part of the subject would be sensitive to fluc-
with and redefine the stressor. In other words, tuations in available processing capacity. Thus
it is possible that a significant amount of ef- we would expect depletions in attentional ca-
fort may be expended even if adaptation does pacity resulting from prolonged task and en-
not occur. Thus, aftereffects may occur be- vironmental demand to be manifest in deficits
cause of the adaptive process even when on difficult tasks administered immediately
adaptation fails. In sum, although the Glass after termination of the principal task.

Three recent studies (mentioned earlier) Cohen also suggested that posttask (or
have provided direct support for the cogni- poststress) attentional deficits can have det-
tive fatigue hypothesis. All three suggested rimental effects on interpersonal behavior.
that those experiencing a high task load per- He argued that lacking adequate attention
form more poorly on subsequent tasks than reserves, an individual sets priorities for use
those experiencing lower task loads. For ex- of his or her attention. The most common
ample, Hartley (1973) reported that both strategy is to focus available attention on in-
increased task load and increased noise re- puts most relevant to one's own goals, neglect-
sult in poorer performance on a subsequent ing other cues, social and nonsocial alike (cf.
serial reaction time task performed in quiet. Milgram, 1970). Important social cues that
Moreover, there is an additive effect of task are often neglected when attention is re-
load and noise on poststimulation perform- stricted include those that carry information
ance. Rotton et al. (1978) similarly reported concerning the moods and subtly expressed
that deficits on the Feather tolerance for needs of others. The neglect of such cues re-
frustration task increase with both task load sults in a lowered probability of helping an-
of a previous task and the addition of noise other, expressing sympathy for another, or
to that task. Again, there is an additive effect reacting appropriately to another's needs.
when these conditions are combined. In a Other proposed social consequences of atten-
final study, Cohen and Spacapan (1978, Ex- tional focusing following high attentional de-
periment 1) reported that deficits on the tol- mand include oversimplification and distor-
erance for frustration task (but not on the tion in the perception and evaluation of com-
proofreading task) increased as task demand munications and persons.
and task duration of a previously performed Evidence for the contention that conditions
task increased. Moreover, self-reports of men- leading to cognitive fatigue will result in less
tal fatigue similarly increased with both task sensitivity to others comes from a number of
load and task duration. Thus subjects' self- recent studies. In a study conducted in a
perceptions were consistent with both the field setting (Cohen & Spacapan, 1978, Ex-
predictions of the cognitive fatigue hypothesis perment 2), after performing a high-load
and the data from the tolerance for frustra- shopping task, subjects were less likely to
tion task. help a woman search for a contact lens
A study reported by Wohlwill et al. (1976) than their counterparts who performed a low-
is not, however, consistent with the cognitive load task. Similarly, subjects who had been
fatigue hypothesis. They reported that sub- crowded were less likely to help than those
jects who listened to noise but did not per- who had not been crowded. Again, there is an
form a concurrent task showed the same additive effect in the high task load, high-
aftereffects as those who worked on a task density condition. Rotton et al. (1978) re-
while listening to noise. Since performing a ported increased difficulty in differentiating
task under noise should demand greater at- between people who occupy different roles
tentional capacity than merely being exposed following both increased task load and noise
to the noise, the cognitive fatigue hypothesis exposure. Thus it appears that poststimula-
would suggest that the noise plus task con- tion task deficits and insensitivity to social
dition would show a greater magnitude of cues can be induced by manipulation of task
aftereffects. Interpretation of this study is load as well as by unpredictable stress. Previ-
difficult, however, since the no-task subjects ously cited studies on poststress aggression
were given instructions that may have led (Donnerstein & Wilson, 1976) and poststress
them to assume that they were expected to helping (Sherrod & Downs, 1974) can be simi-
process (possibly remember) task stimuli. larly viewed from this perspective.
Unfortunately, the investigators did not ad-
minister any self-report measures of cognitive Learned Helplessness Theory
fatigue or ask subjects how they perceived Glass and Singer (1972; see, also, Selig-
the experimental situation. man, 197S) suggested that aftereffect deficits

are attributable to learned helplessness. They escapable or unescapable noise. However,

argued that subjects who are unable to pre- since controllability and success-failure are
dict and control a stressor learn that their also confounded in these studies, it is un-
reinforcements are independent of their re- clear whether they are appropriate analogs
sponses, which results in motivational decre- of the aftereffects paradigm.
ments that are manifested in poorer perform- The strongest source of support for the
ance on poststimulation tasks. Such an learned helplessness interpretation comes from
interpretation requires at least two assump- the naturalistic studies of stress aftereffects.
tions: (a) Learned helplessness can be in- Work in crowded college dormitories (Baum
duced when performance on the experimental & Valins, 1977), in high-density low-income
task (task performed during stressor ex- housing (Rodin, 1976), and in schools lo-
posure) is not instrumental in escaping or cated in the air corridor of a busy urban
avoiding the aversive stimulus; and (b) help- airport (Cohen et al., 1980) all suggested
lessness will generalize to a wide range of that those living under environmental stress
cognitive tasks, including tasks that do not show behavioral manifestations of helpless-
require a direct problem-solving strategy. ness.
(Test tasks used in learned helplessness Although the above data lend support to
studies usually require subjects to initiate re- the helplessness hypothesis, there are recent
sponses in a trial-and-error fashion; cf. Wort- data that call the helplessness interpretation
man & Brehm, 1975.) into question. Seligman (197S) argued that
Evidence relevant to this last assumption a major consequence of experience with un-
has been reported by Cohen et al. (1976). controllable events is motivational—under-
These authors found that task impairment on mining the motivation to initiate voluntary
the Glass and Singer aftereffects tasks can be responses that control other events. One mani-
replicated when a more standard learned festation of the motivational deficit is that
helplessness pretreatment is used. Employ- "helplessness retards the initiation of aggres-
ing a pretreatment used by Roth and her sive as well as defensive responses" (Selig-
colleagues (e.g., Roth & Bootzin, 1974) in man, 1975, p. 33). A study by Donnerstein
previous studies, Cohen et al. found that sub- and Wilson (1976), however, indicated that
jects who received noncontingent reinforce- after stimulation is terminated subjects who
ment showed deficits on the tolerance for lack control over noise are more (not less)
frustration and the Stroop color word task likely than subjects with perceived control
similar to the deficits found by Glass and over the noise to shock a person who angers
Singer for subjects exposed to uncontrollable them.
noise. Further support for the helplessness The helplessness interpretation is especially
explanation is provided by a study by Glass compelling because it provides an obvious
and Singer (1972) in which subjects who explanation for poststimulation effects on the
were told that solving experimental puzzles extremely reliable Feather task. That is, less
would terminate the noise, but who actually persistence on a difficult task is characteristic
received insoluble puzzles, took more time to of helplessness. It is, however, difficult to ex-
solve a final puzzle that was soluble than plain why increased task load would lead to
those subjects who had been working on helplessness, especially when success feedback
soluble puzzles and perceived that they were is held constant across conditions (Cohen
shortening noise exposure (p. 89). Both of & Spacapan, 1978, Experiment 1), Moreover,
these studies confounded controllability and helplessness is accompanied by a relatively
success-failure. (Cohen et al. did attempt to negative affective state (Gatchel et al., 1975;
minimize this effect by yoking the contingent Miller & Seligman, 197S; Pittman & Pittman,
and noncontingent groups on number of rein- 1979; Seligman, 1975). Yet aftereffect studies
forcements and number of trials.) As men- generally reported no differences between
tioned earlier, a number of learned helpless- conditions in reported affect following stressor
ness studies involved the administration of exposure (e.g., Cohen & Spacapan, 1978;

Glass & Singer, 1972; Mills & Krantz, 1979, when available attention falls below that re-
Experiment 2; Pennebaker, Burnam, Schaef- quired to process task-relevant cues. Thus,
fer, & Harper, 1977; Wohlwill et al., 1976). continued reduction in attentional span will
In addition, the overall mood tone of sub- improve and then impair performance.
jects in all conditions is sometimes positive It follows that the optimal level of arousal
(e.g., Cohen & Spacapan, 1978; Wohlwill et (and thus attentional focus) varies with the
al., 1976). complexity (number of cues required) of the
task. Optimal levels of arousal for complex
Arousal Theory tasks are lower than those for simple tasks.
Thus high levels of arousal, like those that
A number of investigators have mentioned
are presumably elicited by laboratory stress
the possible role of arousal in producing after-
manipulations, are usually assumed to have
effects (e.g., Evans, 1978; Glass & Singer,
detrimental effects on complex tasks but not
1972; Poulton, 1978). The most popular
on simple tasks. Assuming that the standard
form of this theory assumes that those ex-
aftereffects measures are complex tasks and
posed to uncontrollable and unpredictable
that subjects are experiencing a high level of
stressors show higher levels of arousal im-
arousal following stressor termination, arousal
mediately following exposure than those ex-
theory would account for poststimulation def-
posed to predictable and/or controllable
icits in task performance. However, it is un-
stressors. How would increased arousal af-
clear whether the standard aftereffects tasks
fect poststimulation task performance and
can be considered complex and/or whether
social behavior? It is generally believed that
they generally show performance deteriora-
there is an optimal level of arousal for per-
tion under heightened levels of arousal. For
formance of a particular task (cf. Poulton,
example, existing data show that Stroop per-
1970). Performance increases with increments
formance often improves under arousal-in-
in arousal up to that optimal point and de-
ducing conditions. (See the review in Broad-
creases as the arousal level increases above
bent, 1971.) This improvement is attributed
that point (the classic inverted U curve).
to an arousal-elicited focusing of attention on
This proposed relationship between arousal
appropriate task cues (colors) and to a con-
and task performance is often attributed to
sequent dropping out of competing cues
a narrowing of attention that occurs under
(words). As an aftereffects task, Stroop per-
conditions designed to induce arousal (Easter-
formance suffered following exposure to un-
brook, 1959). The first inputs to be reduced
predictable and uncontrollable stress. More-
(dropped out) are those that are irrelevant
over, the proofreading task could be classified
or only partially relevant to task performance.
as a simple rather than a complex task, since
As arousal increases, attention is further re-
it involves processing of only a restricted
stricted and task relevant cues are also ne-
range of cues (cf. Easterbrook, 19S9). Thus
glected. In some tasks, proficiency demands
we might also expect improved performance
the use of a wide range of cues (e.g., dual-
on proofreading under heightened arousal.
task performance or single tasks that require
the integration of information from many To further confuse the situation, Poulton
sources). Any narrowing of attention is likely (1978) has argued that postnoise effects on
task performance are due to the level of
to adversely affect performance of such tasks
arousal falling below normal following ex-
because remaining attention would likely be
posure. If we assume that the standard after-
less than that required to process task-rele-
vant cues. In other tasks, proficiency de- effects tasks are simple, this approach would
similarly provide an explanation for post-
mands the use of only a restricted range of
cues. Such tasks improve with moderate re- stimulation effects, since optimal levels of
ductions in attentional span (improvement arousal for simple tasks are presumed to be
in performance occurs only to the extent that high and any decrease in arousal would cause
reducing competing cues facilitates a par- a decrease in performance.
ticular task) but are detrimentally affected Insensitivity to social cues can also be ex-

plained by the arousal model if we assume and Singer (1972) used three phasic mea-
that levels of arousal are increased following sures of arousal in their research: Palmar
exposure to unpredictable, uncontrollable skin resistance, vasoconstriction of blood ves-
stress. Increases in arousal level are said to sels in the fingertip, and an electromyo-
be associated with a focusing of attention on graphic (muscle tension) measure. They re-
cues most relevant to task performance ported that subjects habituate on all three
(Easterbrook, 1959; Kahneman, 1973). As autonomic channels, irrespective of the un-
suggested in our earlier discussion of Cohen's predictability and perceived controllability
(1978) attentional model, attentional focus- of the noise. That is, by the end of the ex-
ing could lead to an insensitivity to others' posure period, there is no difference among
needs. experimental groups in the levels of reaction
The omnipresent problem in making arousal to stressor stimuli obtained. A similar lack of
theory interpretations is the elusiveness of differences between conditions in phasic re-
the arousal concept. Although a detailed de- sponse was reported in two studies of per-
scription of this problem is beyond the scope ceived control over the termination of noise
of this article, it is important to point out by Pennebaker et al. (1977). This lack of
that it is unclear how an investigator is to differences, however, is inconsistent with
determine a subject's level of arousal. Some some earlier research which suggested that
argue for behavioral (subjects behave "as there are significant reductions in electro-
they should" when aroused) and self-report dermal response, in conditions in which the
measures (cf. Poulton, 1970), and many in- subject can control or predict the onset and/
vestigators use physiological measures— or offset of stressor stimuli (e.g., Champion,
usually measures of autonomic response. Un- 1950; Corah & Boffa, 1970; Geer, Davison,
fortunately, behavioral, physiological and & Gatchel, 1970).
self-report measures of arousal do not con- It is, however, more generally acceptable to
sistently correlate with one another (cf. Poul- use tonic rather than phasic response as a
ton, 1970). Moreover, it is generally accepted measure of a general level of arousal (cf.
that there is no unitary form of physiological Glass & Singer, 1972). The only study that
arousal (cf. Lacey, 1967) and that individual compared tonic response after exposure to
physiological measures do not correlate with predictable or unpredictable noise (Weidner
one another. (See the review by Sternbach, & Matthews, 1978) found that subjects ex-
1966.) Nevertheless, many investigations of posed to noise as compared with quiet had
arousal under stress in laboratory situations
use only one or two measures and assume that
they reflect a general level of arousal. Thus The exception to this is evidence that during the
the first point to be made is that the existing initial stage of an anagram test, administered after
data on the relationship between poststress noise exposure, students exposed to inescapable
noise (learned helplessness condition) had a lower
arousal level and performance are suspect, skin conductance level (SCL) than did those ex-
since we are not sure what arousal is or how posed to escapable noise (Gatchel & Proctor, 1976;
it is to be measured and since we are sure Gatchel et al., 1977). An experimental control group
that the way it has been measured in the past in which subjects merely listened to loud tones
is inadequate. (equivalent to the Glass and Singer no-control con-
dition) showed the lowest SCL. There were, how-
Do those exposed to unpredictable and un- ever, no differences between conditions on skin con-
controllable stressors show different levels of ductance response in either study. Moreover, the
physiological arousal than those exposed to earlier study (Gatchel & Proctor, 1976) found no
differences among escape, experimental control, and
predictable and/or controllable stressors after
no-escape (helplessness) conditions following noise
the stressor is removed? There are little exist- for either spontaneous skin conductance fluctuations
ing data on physiological response after ex- or heart rate. As suggested earlier, these studies did
posure is terminated, but there are consid- not find postnoise behavioral aftereffects in the ex-
perimental control condition that was similar to the
erable data on relative levels of arousal at no-perceived-control condition in the Glass and
or near the end of the stress session.3 Glass Singer studies.

elevated hand temperature and blood pres- on self-reports of frustration, tension, and
sure but that subjects exposed to predictable alertness. The previously described study by
versus unpredictable noise showed no differ- Sherrod and his colleagues (1977) also found
ence. Glass and Singer also reported that that neither initiation nor termination control
there were no differences between various ex- affected self-reports of stressfulness.
perimental conditions in their studies in the In sum, there is little evidence for differ-
level of skin conductance during stressor ex- ential levels of arousal following an unpre-
posure, and a later study of control over dictable, uncontrollable stressor, as opposed
electric shock (Glass et al., 1973) similarly to predictable and/or controllable stressor.
indicated no difference between conditions in Moreover, it is also unclear whether such
tonic conductance. Some earlier studies, how- differences in arousal level would have con-
ever, suggested that those with control over sistently negative effects on the standard
termination of a stressor do show lower tonic aftereffects tasks.
levels during stressor exposure (e.g., Geer et
al., 1970), although the evidence is mixed Frustration-Mood Hypothesis
(e.g., Glass et al., 1973; see, also, review by
Averill, 1973). A simple explanation for the aftereffects of
stress is that exposure to unpredictable, un-
Comparisons of tonic arousal levels under controllable stressors causes frustration, an-
stress and no-stress conditions (no manipula- noyance, and irritation, which results in a
tions of control or predictability) have, how-
less motivated performance on poststress
ever, suggested differences at or near the end
tasks and in a lower likelihood of being
of the stress session (e.g., Aiello, Epstein,
sensitive to the needs of others. There is evi-
& Karlin, 197S; Evans, 1979), but only
dence that those who experience a negative
mixed support for differences comes from
mood state are less likely to help another (cf.
the studies that assessed arousal after the Isen, 1970; Moore, Underwood, & Rosenhan,
stressor was removed (Frankenhaeuser &
1973) and that frustration often results in
Lundberg, 1974; Rotton et al., 1978; Weid-
aggression and other negative interpersonal
ner & Matthews, 1978). Thus it appears that behaviors (e.g., Berkowitz, 1969). Evidence
there is little evidence for differential levels
that those exposed to unpredictable, uncon-
of physiological response following stressor
trollable stressors experience negative mood
termination. However, as we have suggested, states following stress termination is, how-
"the fact that one autonomic measure fails to
ever, equivocal.
reveal expected differences does not neces- The study that comes closest to testing the
sarily rule out the existence of arousal differ-
frustration-mood hypothesis is Donnerstein
ences" (Glass & Singer, 1972, p. 146).
and Wilson's (1976) investigation of post-
Self-report measures of stress also provide stress aggression. Consistent with the frustra-
only meager evidence for differential levels tion-mood hypothesis, those subjects who
of arousal among the various experimental were exposed to noise without perceived con-
conditions. Although Glass and Singer (1972) trol (and thus who were presumably frus-
reported a study in which one self-report trated) and who were also angered (addi-
measure suggested greater stress for those in tional frustration) administered more shock
the unpredictable, uncontrollable stress con- to a confederate than either subjects with
ditions, as opposed to those exposed to pre- perceived control over the termination of the
dictable and/or controllable stress (p. 66), noise or those who were not angered. A num-
for the most part these measures covary with ber of other studies, however, do not indicate
the presence or absence of the stressor but any differences in poststress annoyance and
not with the presence or absence of control irritation between those with and those with-
or predictability. Several later studies (Mills out perceived control (Glass & Singer, 1972;
& Krantz, 1979, Experiment 2; Pennebaker Pennebaker et al., 1977; Sherrod et al., 1977).
et al., 1977) similarly reported no differences Moreover, even studies that compared un-
between those with and those without control predictable, uncontrollable stressors to no-

stress experimental control conditions often had been crowded were less cohesive and
indicated that there were no reliable differ- more competitive than uncrowded men and
ences in reported mood between conditions in which women who had been crowded were
(e.g., Cohen & Spacapan, 1978; Franken- more cohesive and less competitive than un-
haeuser & Lundberg, 1974; Wohlwill et al., crowded women. Baum and Valins (1977)
1976) and that the overall mood of subjects studies of dormitory design similarly sug-
in all conditions was positive following the gested the persistence of a coping response.
experimental session (e.g., Cohen & Spa- Those subjects from dormitories with a high
capan, 1978; Wohlwill et al., 1976). These level of forced interaction made more active
studies, however, typically include only one attempts to avoid the possibility of contact
or two global items about the "stressfulness" with a stranger outside of the dormitory
or "enjoyableness" of the experiment and than those from dormitories with lower levels
thus may not provide a sensitive measure of of interaction, Thus, an avoidance response
mood. As summarized earlier (in the section that presumably developed as an attempt to
on Arousal Theory), there is also little evi- cope with dormitory life seemed to persist
dence for the differential levels of arousal even outside of the dormitory setting.
that one might expect to be correlated with A persistent coping strategy as a response
increased frustration and mood shifts. In to prolonged exposure to noise was proposed
sum, although a frustration-mood hypothesis by Deutsch (1964). She suggested that chil-
is compelling because of its simplicity, there dren reared in a noisy environment eventually
are few data which suggest that significant become inattentive to acoustic cues; that is,
differences in mood or arousal actually exist they learn to "tune out" sound, In tuning
following the various experimental conditions. out his or her noisy environment, a child is
not likely to distinguish between speech-
Persistent Coping Strategies relevant and speech-irrelevant sounds. Thus
he or she will lack experience with appropri-
It is possible that those exposed to unpre- ate speech cues and will generally show an
dictable, uncontrollable stressors use coping inability to recognize relevant sounds and
strategies during stressor exposure and main- their referents. The inability to discriminate
tain these strategies even after the stressor sound is presumed to account, in part, for
is terminated. Although a particular strategy subsequent problems in learning to read. A
may be adjustive during exposure, it may or child who cannot readily discriminate basic
may not prove to be adaptive after exposure speech sounds faces a difficult task in learn-
termination. This persistence may be due to
ing to associate these sounds with their ap-
overlearning of a coping response (cf. Rodin propriate signs.
& Baum, 1978). This approach suggests that
A study described earlier by Cohen et al.
the coping response is under stimulus control
but is not voluntary. For example, one may (1973) found some evidence for this hy-
pothesis by establishing that children who
cope with crowding by withdrawing and per-
sist in withdrawing from strangers even when spent their earlier years living in an intensely
noisy environment were unable to develop
not crowded.
The laboratory study of spatial density by adequate auditory discrimination ability and
Epstein and Karlin (1975) provided evi- unable to acquire basic reading skills. There
dence for the persistence of a coping strategy was, however, no direct measure in this study
of the tuning out strategy. One strong al-
that is used during stress exposure. They re-
ported that single-sex groups of women and ternative hypothesis is that the traffic noise
men differed in their reaction to crowding made it difficult for the children to hear their
stress. Consistent with cultural norms, women parents (speech was masked) and conse-
tended to share their distress with each other, quently to learn auditory discriminations. A
whereas men tended to hide their distress. later study by Heft (1979), however, does
These norms of sharing and hiding persisted provide evidence for the use of a tuning out
into the poststress session in which men who strategy on the part of children living in

noisy environments. If children exposed to Stroop tasks. Sherrod et al. (1977), however,
noise tune out their acoustic environment, reported that allowing subjects to choose
they should be less affected by an auditory whether they would be exposed to noise did
distractor than are children from quieter en- partially ameliorate poststimulation deficits
vironments. Heft found that the performance in performance. On the other hand, although
of children from homes described by parents the choice manipulation in the Glass and
as noisy was less strongly affected by the Singer study affected a subject's willingness
presence of an auditory distractor than was to participate in a future experiment, Sher-
the performance of those from homes de- rod et al. reported that willingness to par-
scribed as quiet. Unfortunately, children from ticipate in a future study was unaffected by
noisy homes performed more poorly under manipulations of initiation and termination
quiet conditions than those from quiet homes, control. Thus the evidence relevant to this
which suggests that the lack of a distraction hypothesis is at best mixed.
effect might be attributable to a base per- Although these theories provide an ex-
formance level that could not get much worse planation for the ameliorative effects of con-
under any condition (floor effect). trol, they do not explain why poststimulation
In sum, evidence from laboratory and nat- effects occur in the unpredictable, uncon-
uralistic research suggests that persistent trollable stressor conditions. Moreover, it is
coping strategies are responsible for at least difficult to apply this interpretation to studies
some poststimulation effects. Although the in which subjects have control over an aspect
data previously described are limited to situa- of the situation but not directly over the
tions in which the coping strategy is one that stressor (e.g., choice of hand to be immersed
develops as a response to a particular stressor in cold water, Mills & Krantz, 1979) and
(e.g., withdrawal as a response to crowding), studies in which the subject actively copes
it is possible that general strategies that are or implements control (e.g., Glass et al.,
used to cope with a wide range of stressors 1973).
persist after stressor termination (cf. Mil-
gram, 1970). For example, the strategy of Artifacts of the Experimental Situation
focusing one's attention on the essential as-
pects of a task during exposure (e.g., Hockey, Most of the laboratory aftereffects research
1970; Wachtel, 1968) may persist even after has been done with both the exposure task
exposure is terminated. This could account and aftereffects tasks conducted in the same
for the decrements in performance on com- laboratory setting and with the same experi-
plex tasks reported in the aftereffects litera- menter. One likely explanation for these ef-
ture. fects is that subjects exposed to the more
aversive stress—that which is unpredictable
and uncontrollable—develop a negative at-
Dissonance and Self-Perception
titude about both the experimenter and the
In their early effort to explain aftereffects, experimental setting. Once deciding that he
Glass and Singer (1972) alluded to cogni- or she does not like either the experimenter
tive dissonance (Festinger, 19S7) and self- or experiments in general, a subject does not
perception analyses (Bern, 1967). Briefly, work as hard on subsequent tasks. Glass and
these analyses suggest that since subjects Singer (1972) attempted to determine the
with perceived control choose to be exposed subjects' attitudes about the experimenter by
to the noise for little incentive, they judge having them fill out an evaluation form fol-
it less stressing and therefore do not show lowing the experimental session. The form
aftereffects. However, when Glass and Singer was presented in a way that guaranteed the
(1972, p. 106) turned to a classical dis- subjects anonymity and suggested that nega-
sonance manipulation'—allowing or not allow- tive evaluations would not be held against
ing subjects to choose whether they would be the experimenter. Although there were large
exposed to noise—they were unable to pro- mean differences (subjects with perceived
duce aftereffects on the proofreading or control liked the experimenter more than

those without control), these differences did and in interpersonal response following short-
not reach statistical significance. Sherrod et term exposure.
al. (1977) also reported no differences be- 5. There is increasing evidence that vari-
tween those with and those without control in ous forms of control have ameliorative effects
either liking the experimenter or enjoying similar to those of perceived control over the
the experiment. Later studies that both sepa- termination of the stressor. These include
rated the aftereffects task from the stress termination control in which one actually
situation (e.g., Cohen & Spacapan, 1978; performs a coping response (implemented
Sherrod & Downs, 1974) and assessed the control) as well as initiation, choice, and in-
effects of a naturalistically occurring stressor formation control. Moreover, some evidence
(e.g., Baum & Valins, 1977; Cohen et al., suggests that combining more than one mode
1980; Rodin, 1976) are not subject to the of control will further improve poststimula-
artifactual explanation. tion performance. This improvement, how-
ever, seems to reach asymptote at the per-
Discussion formance level reached by the no-stress con-
trol condition.
What Do We Know?
We have documented a wide range of stress
The following is a list of the most striking aftereffects. Although it would be parsimoni-
contributions from the studies reviewed in ous to suggest that after further investiga-
this article: tion of the problem, the mechanism respon-
1. The poststimulation effects of unpre- sible for these effects will be isolated, the
dictable, uncontrollable stress on perform- assumption of a unitary explanation for such
ance have been replicated in a myriad of dif- a wide range of behaviors may be unreason-
ferent laboratories and with a variety of sub- able. It is likely that the reliability and gen-
ject populations. They occur as a consequence erality of poststimulation effects occurs in
of a wide range of stressors including noise, part because of a multiplicity of causes. Thus
electric shock, density, and cold pressor. the eventual goal of research in this area
Moreover, interventions that increase con- should be to determine the specific conditions
trol and/or predictability are effective in re- that elicit each of a number of cognitive or
ducing these effects. The bulk of the labora- motivational mechanisms and to determine
tory work, however, has used a limited num- specific kinds of tasks and behaviors affected
ber of aftereffects tasks whose common by each.
characteristics are not clear. The research reviewed in this article does
2. The aftereffects of stress can also be not provide evidence from which to accept
induced by high attentional demands. Thus or reject the adaptive-cost hypothesis from
these effects are not limited to a restricted which this literature was spawned. However,
range of stressful situations that involve a many of the proposed explanations for
lack of predictability and control over a dis- stressor aftereffects are, in fact, forms of that
tracting and/or intense stimulus. hypothesis. They suggest that poststimula-
3. There are poststimulation effects on tion effects are either directly or indirectly
social behavior as well as on performance. caused by the process of coping with stress.
These effects generally involve an insensi- The mechanisms proposed included cognitive
tivity toward others following stress exposure. fatigue that results from the coping effort,
4. Poststimulation effects of environmen- feelings of helplessness that result from a
tal stressors occur following prolonged ex- failure to cope, and the overlearning of a cop-
posure in naturalistic settings. These studies ing response. Thus 10 years of intensive re-
generally suggest that these effects are medi- search has led to the recognition of the costs
ated by helplessness. It is, however, unclear of adapting to stress, and although this work
whether the mechanisms involved in produc- has answered few specific theoretical ques-
ing these effects are the same as those re- tions, it has provided us with an apprecia-
sponsible for deficits in task performance tion of the impact of the adaptive process.

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