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Affective Responses
to Acute Exercise
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Toward a Psychobiological
Dose-Response Model
Panteleimon Ekkekakis, PhD, FACSM
Edmund D. Acevedo, PhD, FACSM

T he study of the affective responses that

accompany single bouts of exercise has been
a prominent research direction within exercise
The Intensity-Affect
psychology for approximately 35 years. Based on
hundreds of studies conducted during this period, The relationship between the intensity of exercise
the main conclusion is that participation in a bout and affective responses is important for two main
of exercise produces a so-called "feel-better" effect, reasons. One is its theoretical interest. Although
which in most cases is defined operationally as a the body and its activation are recognized as
decrease in state anxiety, an increase in perceived having an important role in most major theories
vigor, or a general improvement in various mood of emotion, the nature and the extent of this role
states. As described in a recent literature review, are and have been a hotly debated issue. Since
"Both survey and experimental research ... pro- exercise provides a way to precisely regulate the
vide support for the well publicized statement degree of bodily activation, it could potentially
that 'exercise makes you feel good~ (Fox, 1999, p. serve as a useful investigative platform in delineat-
413, italics in the original). This is the same senti- ing the role of such activation in the generation
ment found in exercise psychology textbooks and of affective responses. The second reason is the
touted in most media reports. It is now time to practical significance of the dose-response rela-
focus on other, finer points of the complex rela- tionship for the maintenance of exercise adher-
tionship between exercise and affect. In the last ence and the prevention of dropout, two major
10 or so years, the focal issue has been the shape public health concerns. Approximately 40% of
of the dose-response relationship between the the adults in the United States aged 18 years and
intensity of exercise and the nature of the affec, older report no regular physical activity (United
tive response. States Department of Health and Human Services

92 Ekkekakis and Acevedo

[USDHHSJ, 2000); two-thirds do not meet the of ~xercise and affective responses is the time-
current physical actiYity recommendations of 30 honored inverted-U model. According to this idea,
min of daily moderat~~tivity(Jones et aI., 1998); moderatelyvigorous exercise provides the optimal
and only 15% participate in activities of sufficient stimulus for positive affective change, whereas
intensity, duration, and frequency to improve lOW-intensity exercise is insufficient to produce
or maintain cardiorespiratory fitness (USDHHS, significant changes in affect and high-intensity
1996). Moreover, of those who make the decision exercise is either ineffective or experienced as
to start an exercise program, approximately 50% aversive (Kirkcaldy & Shephard, 1990; Ojanen,
drop out within the first few months (Dishman & 1994). However, it is becoming increasingly obvi-
Buckworth, 1996). The intensity of exercise might ous that the inverted U has some serious limita-
be one of the reasons contributing to this problem, tions impeding further progress and thus cannot
as several studies have shown an inverse relation serve as the basis for future research.
between intensity and adherence (Lee et aI., 1996; First and foremost, the model does not appear
Perri et aI., 2002). Likewise, a meta-analysis of to be consistent with emerging data. For example,
interventions for increasing exercise participation it has been found that low-intensity and short-
showed that interventions are more effective when duration exercise can produce transient but sig-
the intensity of physical activity is lower (I.e., 50% nificant positive changes (Ekkekakis et aI., 2000;
of maximal capacity or less) rather than higher Saklofske, Blomme, & Kelly, 1992; Thayer, 1987);
(Dishman & Buckworth, 1996). It seems reasonable that high-intensity exercise, such as an incremen-
to suggest that the negative relationship between tal exercise protocol to volitional exhaustion, in
the intensity of exercise and adherence is partly addition to negative changes such as increases in
mediated byalfect. Higher intensity might entail fatigue, may also lead to some positive changes
less pleasant or more unpleasant alfect; and this such as improvements in self-esteem (pronk,
may, in turn, lead to reduced adherence and Crouse, & Rohack, 1995); and that, during mod-
increased risk of dropout, as people, in the long erate-intensity exercise, some individuals may
run, generally choose what makes them feel good respond positively whereas others may respond
and avoid what makes them feel bad. negatively (Van Landuyt et aI., 2000). Second, the
In thiS chapter, we first present and critique inverted-U model is descriptive, not mechanis-
a conceptual formulation, named the inverted U, tic. As such, it cannot provide any insights into
that has served as a popular model of the dose- the psychobiological processes underlying the
response relationship for many years. Second, observed responses. And, third, the model is
we identify a number of critical conceptual and nomothetiC, making no provisions for patterns of
methodological problems in the previous dose- interindividual variability in affective responses
response literature that might have contributed to the same intensity of exercise. It is clear that
to inconsistent findings. Third, we review some not all individuals respond in the same way to the
recently conducted dose-response studies that same exercise stimulus (GaUvin & Brawley, 1993;
were based on a new research platform and Van Landuyt et aI., 2000).
have produced the first evidence of a reliable
dose-response pattern. Fourth, we sketch a new
theoretical framework for the dose-response Previous Dose-Response
relationship, named the dual-mode model. Fifth,
based on neuroanatomical and neurophysiological Findings and Weaknesses
data, we propose a possible neural basis for the in the Literature
dual-mode model. Sixth, we present some practi-
cal implications of the new theoretical formulation In total, the relationship between the intensity of
and suggest directions for future investigations. exercise and affective responses has been exam-
ined in approximately 55 studies. Of these, 31, con-
ducted until 1998, were reviewed by Ekkekakis and
The Inverted U Petruzzello (1999). These studies could be divided
into two groups. One group contained 26 studies
As a Dose-Response Model that examined affective changes from before the
and Its Limitations exercise to various time points after. Of these, the
majority (14 of the 26 or 54%) did not show reli-
The closest thing to a conceptual model of the able evidence of a dose-response effect. The other
dose-response relationship between the intensity group contained studies that examined affective
Affective Responses to Acute Exettise 93

responses during the exercise bouts. In these stud- tive respQnses that are likely to occur in different
ies, there was a consistent dose-response pattern, individuals' under different conditions across the
with higher intensities beinnssociated with less range of exercise intensities are impossible to
positive or more negative affective responses (e.g., predict at this stage. Therefore, in the context of
Acevedo, Rinehardt, & Kraemer, 1994; Hardy & dose-response studies, it would be advantageous
RejeskI, 1989; Parfitt & Eston, 1995; Parfitt, Eston, to assess affective responses from a broad perspec-
& Connolly, 1996; Parfitt, Markland, & Holmes, tive, one that could capture all major variants of
1994). Similar findings, distinguishing between affective experience. Of course, because it would
assessments from before to after exercise and be impractical to ask participants whether they do
assessments during exercise, have also emerged or do not feel every affective state represented in
from the studies conducted since 1998. the English vocabulary, this approach would have
The Ekkekakis and Petruzzello (1999) review to involve a compromIse; some degree of specific-
also described some of the limitations In previous ity must be sacrificed in exchange for breadth of
studies that might have obscured the identifica- scope. This can be accomplished by dimensional
tion of dose-response effects. The first limitation is models of affect. According to the conceptual basis
apparent from the aforementioned findings of the of dimensional models, affective states are system-
review and pertains to the timing of affect assess- atically interrelated, such that their similarities
ments. In the majority of the studies, affect was and differences can be modeled parsimonIously
assessed from before to after exercise, presumably along as few as two basic dimensions. The dimen-
based on the assumption that any changes that sional model with the longest history in affective
take place in the interim would be linear. However, psychology and the most extensive research base
it is clear that thiS is not the case. The studies that is the circumplex (Russell, 1980). In the circumplex
have examined responses during the exercise bout model, the global affective space is defined by the
have shown that, depending on the intensity, the orthogonal and bipolar dimensions of affective
trajectory of change could be nonlinear. Specifi- valence (ranging from displeasure to pleasure)
cally, when the intensity is high enough to induce and perceived activation (ranging from low to
a negative change, the decline follows a quadratic high). Given its breadth of scope, parsimony, bal-
trend during exercise (even when the workload is ance, and domaIn-generai nature, the circumplex
continuously adjusted to keep the rate of oxygen model can be used as a template of affective space
consumption stable) and is followed by a rapid upon which the responses to various intensities of
rebound once the exercise bout is terminated (e.g., exercise can be mapped and compared (Ekkekakis
Acevedo et aI., 1996). Given this pattern, the failure & Petruzzello, 2002a).
to find consistent dose-response effects in stud- The third problem is the standardization of
ies that used before-to-after assessments is not exercise intensity. In the first wave of dose-
surprising, since dose-response differences that response studies, participants exercised at the
might have appeared during exercise had likely same level of heart rate or against the same level
dissipated by the time the postexercise assess- of resistance. The failure of this approach to take
ment took place (in many cases, after a cool-down into account individual fitness levels soon became
or a period of recovery). apparent, so the norm in most subsequent studies
The second problem pertains to the assessment was to use percentages of measured or estimated
of affective responses. In most dose-response maximal exercise capacity (maximal heart rate or
studies, researchers used multi-item self-report oxygen uptake). Even this approach, however, is
measures of state anxiety or mood states (see problematic for at least two reasons. First, the
Ekkekakis & Petruzzello, 2000, for a review). This, levels of intensity were essentially selected on
however, was not based on evidence that these an arbitrary basis (I.e., there was no conceptual
are the only affective variables relevant to exercise reason for selecting, for example, 40%, 60%, and
across various intensities. Instead, it was based on 80% as opposed to 30%, 50%, and 70%). Second,
the fact that standardized self-report measures of percentages of maximal capacity fail to take into
state anxiety and mood states, appropriate for use account differences in the underlying metabolic
with nonclinical samples, were commonly avail- processes, namely the contribution of aerobic and
able and becoming popular at the time that this anaerobic metabolism. This is a problem identified
line of research got under way (I.e., in the early in exercise physiology in the 1950s (Wells, Balke,
1970s). Thus, in essence, the outcome variables & Van Fossan, 1957) and one that has resurfaced
were dictated by the available measures rather numerous times since then (e.g., Katch et aI.,
than the other way around. In actuality, the affec- 1978). At 75% of maximal oxygen uptake, for
94 Ekkekakis and Acevedo

example, it is possible that one individual uses recen! ,years and has provided the first reliable
almost entirely aerobic~QUrces whereas another evidence of a dose-response relationship between
requires substantial anaerobic supplementation. the intensity of exercise and affective responses.
Given the rather profoundventilatory, cardiovas- The main finding, which has now been replicated
cular, and endocrine changes that occur as the by at least three independent laboratories, is that
organism transitions to anaerobic supplementa- the point of transition from aerobic metabolism to
tion, it cannot be argued that a percentage of anaerobic supplementation, operationally defined
maximal capacity, such as 70%, can provide an as either the gas exchange threshold or the lactate
effective method of standardizing the intensity of threshold, seems to be the turning point toward
exercise across individuals. The solution is to take a decline in affective valence (reduced pleasure
the underlying metabolic processes into account and, ultimately, increased displeasure) during
by seleCting intensities in relation to a transition exercise.
marker, such as the lactate or the gas exchange Bixby, Spalding, and Hatfield (2001) compared
ventilatory threshold (Wells, Balke, & Van Fossan, the effects of two exercise intensities, one cor-
1957). responding to the gas exchange threshold and
The fourth problem stems from the phenom- one corresponding to 75% of the gas exchange
enon of interindividual variability in affective threshold, among 27 university students. Affect
responses. Statistical analyses of change in was assessed not only before and after exercise,
dose-response studies were conducted at the but also during exercise. Specifically, the Positive
level of group aggregates, and thus individual dif- and Negative Affect Schedule (pANAS; Watson,
ferences were treated as error. However, individual Clark, & Tellegen, 1988) was administered imme-
differences could have considerable psychological diately before exercise, at the 20th minute of a 30
significance. For example, they could be accounted min bout on the cycle ergometer, and at the 20th
for by relevant traits or situational appraisals. minute of a 30 min recovery period. Furthermore,
Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that, a visual analog scale of affective valence (plea-
perhaps unlike most other affect-inducing stimuli, sure-displeasure) was administered three times
exercise can have a bidirectional impact on affect, at baseline, three times during exercise (min 10,
producing pleasure or displeasure. Therefore, in 20, 30), and three times during recovery (min 10,
the context of exercise, individual differences 20, 30). The results showed that the lower-inten-
may manifest themselves not only in the form of sity exercise led to an improvement, whereas
quantitative differences in the extent to which an the higher intensity led to a decline in affective
individual feels better or worse, but also in the valence during exercise. However, there were no
form of qualitatively different responses to the significant differences between the two conditions
same stimulus (such as changes toward pleasure after exercise, as there was a rapid "rebound" in
or displeasure). In fact, in a study involving a 30 min affective valence in the higher-intensity condition
bout of moderate-intensity (60% of estimated maxi- as soon as the exercise bout ended.
mal aerobic capacity) stationary cycling, 44.4% of Hall, Ekkekakis, and Petruzzello (2002) reported
the participants reported gradual improvements in the results of a study examining ratings of affec-
affective valence during the bout, whereas 41.3% tive valence, using the Feeling Scale (FS; Hardy &
reported gradual declines (Van Landuyt et al., Rejeski, 1989), obtained at I min intervals during
2000). As a result of theSe divergent patterns, the an incremental treadmill test to volitional exhaus-
average rating across the entire sample appeared tion. The FS is an II-point, single-item, bipolar
unchanged. Clearly, however, this conclusion measure of pleasure-displeasure, ranging from
would have misrepresented the actual responses. -5 to +5, and anchors at zero ("Neutral") and all
Therefore, the examination of patterns of change odd integers, from "Very Good" (+5) to "Very Bad"
at the individual level, in addition to the traditional (-5). The participants were 30 university students.
aggregate-level analyses, is necessary. To standardize the intensity of the activity despite
variable test durations until the point of exhaus-
tion, the first 2 min, the 4 min surrounding the gas
The "Next Generation" of exchange threshold (the minute before, the minute
Dose-Response Studies of, and the 2 min follOWing it), and the last 2 min
were retained for further analysis. The results
A series of studies addressing most of the limi- showed that it was only once the participants
tations of previous research has appeared in exceeded the gas exchange threshold that signifi-
Affective Responses to Acute Exercise 95

cant and nearly homogeneous declines in affective 10% of m<\Jdmal aerobic capacity above the onset
valence occurred. Consisteot~th the results of of blood lactate accumulation (by convention, a
Bixby, Spalding, and Hatfi~!L(2001), there was concentration of 4 mM lactate per liter of blood)
a significant improvement in the affective state among 11 distance runners. Each run lasted for
within just the first minute of a cool-down walk. 5 min. The FS declined significantly and became
Ekkekakis, Hall, and Petruzzello (2004) repli- negative only when the intensity exceeded the
cated this finding using two different treadmill pro- onset of blood lactate accumulation.
tocols, with 30 participants in each, to eliminate Collectively, these studies provide considerable
the possibility that the decline in affective valence support to the idea that the transition to anaerobic
that was initiated with the gas exchange threshold supplementation represents an important event
was protocol specific. They used a data reduction from an adaptational standpoint and, as such,
method similar to that used by Hall, Ekkekakis, is accompanied by a strong signal to conscious
and Petruzzello (2002). Consistent with the pre- awareness in the form of a decline in affective
vious results, trend analyses demonstrated that valence. Ekkekakis, Hall, and Petruzzello (2004)
during both protocols, the only 3-polnt segments and Acevedo and colleagues (2003) expressed the
for which the quadratic declining trends in self- view that perhaps this affective change, since it is
ratings of affective valence were significant were apparently perceptible and salient, could be used
those initiated with the minute at which the gas by exercisers as a guide in regulating their exercise
exchange threshold occurred. intensity. Importantly, a considerable literature
Ekkekakis, Hall, and Petruzzello (2001) extended suggests that an intensity at or just below the
this line of research by examining affective aerobic-anaerobic transition is effective in improv-
responses to constant-speed treadmill exercise, ing fitness and maintaining health (see Ekkekakis,
as opposed to the incremental protocols used in Hall, & Petruzzello, 2004, for a review).
the two previous studies. Thirty volunteers ran On the basis of this idea, Und, Joens-Matre,
on a treadmill for 15 min at three intensities (on and Ekkekakis (2005) examined the intensity that
separate days, in random order): 20% of maximal a sample of 23 middle-aged, healthy, but seden-
aerobic capacity,'below, at, and 10% above their tary women self-selected when they were asked
gas exchange threshold. The changes in self-rat- to exercise on a treadmill for 20 min. On average,
ings of affective valence during exercise were not at the 15th and the 20th minute of the exercise
statistically significant for the conditions below session, their treadmill speed, oxygen uptake,
and at the level of the gas exchange threshold. rating of perceived exertion, and rating of affec-
Only the responses during the run above the gas tive valence were not different from the values
exchange threshold showed a significant quadratic corresponding to their gas exchange threshold
declining trend. Eighty percent of the participants as identified from a previous graded treadmill
(24 of the 30) in this condition reported declines test. This suggests that, even intuitively, without
in affective valence by an average of3.1 7 units on being taught to do so, exercisers might use the
the ll-point FS. It is important to point out that aerobic-anaerobic transition as a guide in reguiat-
the differences in treadmill speed between the ing their intensity. Stated differently, it is possible
conditions at and 10% above the gas exchange that exercisers tend to choose an intensity that
threshold were very small (typically less than one- is not high enough to induce unpleasant affective
half mile per hour) and so were the differences in responses. In fact, ratings of affective valence
heart rate (10 bpm difference from condition to remained positive and stable throughout the ses-
condition at the end of the runs). Yet the significant sion at self-selected intensity, Lind, Joens-Matre,
differences in the pattern of affective responses and Ekkekakis (2005), however, found that, beyond
underscore the importance of exceeding the gas the average trend, individuals within the group
exchange threshold. Also consistent with previ- selected intensities that were from as low as 60%
ous studies (Bixby, Spalding, & Hatfield, 2001; to as high as 160% of the oxygen uptake corre-
Hall, Ekkekakis, & Petruzzello, 2002), there were sponding to the gas exchange threshold. It could
no differences between the three conditions after be argued, then, that this is where the challenge
a cool-down, since affective valence showed a very for future research lies; namely, in developing an
rapid rebound as soon as the runs stopped. understanding for the sources of this variability
Acevedo and colleagues (2003) examined the FS and appropriate intervention methods for teaching
responses to three running intensities, one 10% of both the overestimators and the underestimators
maximal aerobic capacity below, one at, and one to select intensities that are effective, safe, and
96 Ekkekakis and Acevedo

likely to elicit positive (or, at least, nonnegative) ven1jlation (Wasserman, 1978). Finally, the transi-
affective responses. __ tion to anaerobic supplementation is accompanied
by the recruitment of low-efficiency fast-twitch
muscle fibers (Helal, Guezennec, & Goubel, 1987;
The Dual·Mode Theory Nagata et aI., 1981; Shinohara & Moritani, 1992),
thus increasing the oxygen cost of work and dis-
From the data reviewed so far, it seems clear that rupting coordination patterns.
the aerobic--anaerobic transition acts as a turning Overall, these conditions begin to pose a chal-
point, beyond which affective valence begins to lenge to the maintenance of homeostasis. Damasio
decline. It is interesting to ponder why this would (1995) has written that "certain configurations of
be the case. The answer perhaps lies in the adap- body state" (p. 21), such as during a heart
tational significance of this event. attack, induce an innate, preorganized affective
Although exercise performed within the aerobic response. We would argue that the aforementioned
range can be continued for a long period of time, physiologicai adjustments that occur beyond the
exercise that significantly exceeds the point of aerobic--anaerobic transition constitute a quintes-
transition from aerobic metabolism to anaerobic sential example of such a 'configuration of body
supplementation precludes the maintenance of a state." Given the possible implications of this con-
physiological steady state, induces fatigue, and dition for adaptation and survival, it would make
creates the need to stop the activity. Activity that good sense if this 'configuration of body state"
requires a substantial anaerobic contribution induced a pronounced negative affective response.
increasingly depends on a relatively limited res- In fact, studies have shown that as exercise inten-
ervoir of metabolic resources (Le., the adenosine sity increases, the negative correlations between
triphosphate and creatine phosphate pool in the affective valence and various indices of metabolic
muscles and anaerobic glycolysis) compared to strain (heart rate, ventilation, respiratory rate,
the resources aVailable to aerobic metabolism (I.e., oxygen consumption, blood lactate) increase in
muscle and liver glycogen, free fatty acids from adi- magnitude (Acevedo, Rinehardt, & Kraemer, 1994;
pose tissue, and, to a lesser degree, body proteins) Hardy & Rt':jeski, 1989).
Furthermore, beyond the aerobic--anaerobic tran- Importantly, Acevedo and colleagues (2003)
sition, a multitude of physiological adjustments reported that, although aifective valence shows
takes place, drastically transforming the internal no significant relationships with physiological
environment. Primarily, there is a rapid accumula- variables below or at the onset of blood lactate
tion of lactate and hydrogen ions dissociated from accumulation, valence was significantly related in
lactic aCid. This, in turn, has been linked to sev- a negative direction to both heart rate and venti-
eral processes that contribute to fatigue, including lation when the intensity exceeded the onset of
the accelerated breakdown of creatine phosphate blood lactate accumulation. Ekkekakis (2003, see
(McCann, Molle, & Caton, 1995), the gradual inhi- p. 232) has also reviewed evidence showing that
bition of glycolysis and glycogenolysis (Spriet et during exercise performed at an intensity exceed-
aI., 1989), the inhibition of lipolysis (Boyd et aI., ing the gas exchange threshold, but not below,
1974), and the interference with the calcium trig- physiological variables (respiratory exchange
gering of muscle contractions (Favero et aI., 1995). ratio, percentage of peak heart rate) accounted
In addition, lactic acidosis stimulates the release for significant portions of the variance in affective
of catecholamines (Goldsmith et aI., 1990), and valence. Collectively, these findings suggest that,
thus the lactate threshold has been found to occur once exercise intensity exceeds the level of transi-
in close proximity to a catecholamine threshold tion from aerobic metabolism to anaerobic supple-
(Urhausen et aI., 1994; Weltman et aI., 1994). In mentation, affective valence is strongly related to
tum, catecholamines have widespread effects that physiological indices of metabolic strain.
further push the organism toward its functional Besides physiological variables, affective
limits, including a breakpoint in the relationship responses to exercise have also been shown to
between the double product (the product of heart have significant relationships with cognitive vari-
rate and systolic blood pressure) and work rate ables. Of these, self-efficacy has been studied most
(Rileyet aI., 1997; Tanaka et aI.. 1997). Moreover, extensively. Although the strength of the relation-
to compensate for metabolic acidosis, above the ship between self-efficacy and affective responses
point of transition to anaerobic supplementation appears to differ as a function of exercise intensity,
there is an increase in the frequency and depth of the pattern is still not entirely clear. On the basis
Affective Responses to Acute Exercise 97

of the idea that the role of self~fficacy as a media- assumpti9ris (see Ekkekakis, Hall, & Petruzzello,
tor of affective responses is. grengthened in the 2005, for a'more detailed discussion and refer-
face of chaflenging stimuli, ryIcAuley and Courneya ences). (a) Physical activity has been an essential
(1992) first proposed that the association between component of the conditions that shaped human
physicaf sell~fficacy and affect should become evolution; (b) affective responses are manifes-
stronger when exercise intensity reaches a level tations of evolved psychological mechanisms,
where bodily cues become unequivocafly aversive selected for their ability to promote health and
(tentatively specified as above 70% of maximal well-being or to solve recurrent adaptationaJ
heart rate). At such an intensity level, a highly problems, with pleasure signifying utility and
efficacious person is expected to exhibit more displeasure signifying danger (Cabanac, 1971,
positive affect compared to a less self~fficacious 1979; also see chapter 6); (c) affective responses,
one. More recently, McAuley and colleagues (2000) including those that originate in the body, depend
extended the earlier hypothesis of McAuley and on a hierarchically organized system involving
Courneya (1992) by proposing that "at high intensi- multiple layers of control, from oligosynaptic,
ties, physiologicaf cues ... override cognitive pro- subcortical, and evolutionarily primitive path-
cessing" (p. 312). Therefore, cognitive influences ways at the bottom and polysynaptic, evolution-
on affective responses are theorized to become arily recent, cortical pathways at the top; and
stronger when the intensity of exercise presents (d) evolutionarily primitive functions show less
a substantiaf but not overwhelming chaflenge. interindividual variation, whereas functions that
Conversely, the influence of cognitive factors are evolutionarily recent show larger variability,
should be relatively weaker when the chaflenge as they are mostly shaped by individual develop-
posed by the exercise stimulus is either triviaf or mental histories.
overwhelming. The studies conducted since then Based on these core assumptions, the dual-
have produced conflicting results (Blanchard et mode theory (Ekkekakis, 2003) posits that affec-
af., 2002; McAuley et aI., 2000; Tate, Petruzzello, tive responses to exercise are the products of the
& Lox, 1995; Treasure & Newbery, 1998). continuous interplay between two general factors,
Although the inconsistencies could be' partly namely (a) relevant cognitive processes originat-
due to differences in the age and physicaf con- ing, primarily in the frontal cortex and involving
dition of the participants and the measures of such processes as appraisals of the meaning of
affect, it is afso possible that they are due to the exercise, goals, self-perceptions including self-
arbitrarily selected levels of exercise intensity. efficacy, attributions,and considerations of the
Ekkekakis (2003) examined the results of a series social context of exercise; and (b) interoceptive
of unpublished studies in which the intensity of cues from a variety of receptors stimulated by
exercise was determined in relation to the gas exercise-induced physiological changes, which
exchange threshold. These studies showed that reach the affective centers of the brain via oli-
sell~fficacy was significantly related to affective gosynaptic subcortical pathways. The relative
responses when the intensity was proximal to the salience of these two factors is hypothesized
gas exchange threshold but not when it was sig- to shift systematically as a function of exercise
nificantly below or above it. In multiple regression intensity. Specifically, cognitive factors should be
analyses, in which both self~fficacy and physi- dominant at intensities proximal to the aerobic-
ologicaf variables were entered as predictors of anaerobic transition, whereas interoceptive cues
affective valence, self~fficacy accounted for the should gain salience when the intensity exceeds
majority of the variance near the gas exchange the aerobic-anaerobic transition and approaches
threshold, whereas physiological variables were an individuaf's maximal exercise capacity (see
dominant when the intensity was higher and figure 7.1). The model, therefore, is consistent
approached maximal capacity. with extant findings showing that (a) the negative
On the basis of these data, Ekkekakis (2003, relationship between affective valence and physi-
2005; Ekkekakis, Hall, & Petruzzello, 2005) formu- olOgical variables becomes increasingly stronger
lated a new conceptuaf model of exercise-induced as the intensity of exercise increases and (b) the
affective responses, named the dual-mode theory. positive relationship between affective valence
A central thesis underpinning this conceptual and self~ffjcacy appears to be strongest when
model is that physical activity must be consid- the intensity approximates the aerobic-anaero-
ered from an adaptational perspective. Thus, the bic transition but is weakened when the intensity
dual-mode theory is based on the following core approaches maximal levels.
Affective Responses to Acute Exerdse 99

2001), blood pressure elevations (Harper et at, of articul'lirtociceptors in arthritic joints, angina
2000) and drops (Henders~~t al., 2004), and pectoris resulting from myocardial ischemia, or
induced dyspnea and "air_hunger" sensations ischemic pain in leg muscles due to intermittent
(Brannan et a!., 200 I; Evans et a!., 2002; Liotti claudication.
et al., 2001). However, most of the relevant evi- All of these bits of information about the
dence comes from animal studies. A study in rats condition of the body are collected by primary
showed that glucose utilization was increased in a1ferent neurons that exist in virtually all tissues
response to exercise by 56% in the central nucleus, (also see chapter 2). Some of these, situated at
33% in the lateral nucleus. and 18% in the medial strategic locations, also perform specialized func-
nucleus of the amygdala (Vissing, Andersen, & tions, such as monitoring arterial pressure, the
Diemer, 1996). This was not a surprising finding. tension of respiratory gases, and changes in pH.
Anatomical studies had already established that Exercise appears to engage mainly two types of
the amygdala receives alferent connections from primary alferent neurons, both of small diameter
various brain regions known to be involved in car- and therefore having relatively slow conducting
diovascular, respiratory, and endocrine regulation velocities, the thinly myelinated Ali (or Group III)
during exercise, Including the hypothalamus and and the unmyelinated C (or Group lV). The major-
the ventrolateral medulla (Aggleton, Burton, & ity of Ali neurons are activated by deformations in
Passingham, 1980; Cechetto, Ciriello, & Calaresu, contracting muscles and are, therefore, considered
1983; Ciriello, Schultz, & Roder, 1994; Ottersen, mechanoreceptors, whereas the majority of Cneu-
1980; Roder & Ciriello, 1993, 1995; Turner & rons are activated by metabolic changes and are
Herkenham, 1991; Volz et al., 1990; Zardetto-Smith therefore considered chemo- or metaboreceptors
&Gray, 1995). Moreover, physiological studies had (Kaufman & Forster, 1996; Mense, 1996).
shown that neurons in the amygdala respond to Consistent with the notion that the intero-
spontaneous increases in blood pressure (Ben-Ari ceptive system is highly sensitive to variations
et al., 1973), stimulation of baro- and chemorecep- in the intensity of stimulation, primary alferent
tors (Cechetto & Calaresu, 1984, 1985; Knuepfer neurons have different threshold properties and
et al., 1995; Schutze et a!., 1987), and stimulation consequently respond to different levels of stimu-
of the carotid sinus and aortic depressor nerves lation (Cervero, 1994; Cervero &Janig, 1992). One
(Cechetto & Calaresu, 1983). Furthermore, dis- type is characterized by a low threshold and is
charges in amygdala neurons exhibit timing rela- therefore activated by innocuous intensities of
tionships with the cardiac and respiratory cycles stimulation. These receptors, which In the case
(Frysinger & Harper, 1989; Frysinger, Zhang, of exercise-associated stimuli have been char-
& Harper, 1988). The amygdala had also been acterized as ergoreceptors, carry information
shown to receive extensive somatosensory input necessary for basic regulatory adjustments and
(Romanski et a!., 1993; Uwano et aL, 1995) and to might be involved in relaying nonnoxious sensa-
be involved in the processing of noxious somato- tions. A second type of primary alferent neuron
sensory stimuli (Bernard &Besson, 1990; Bernard, is characterized by a high threshold and is used
Bester, &Besson, 1996; Bernard, Huang, &Besson, to encode intensity by responding only to stimuli
1990, 1992; Bernard, Peschanski, & Besson, 1989; in the noxious range. These neurons are therefore
Romanski et al., 1993). . characterized as nociceptors. Finally, a third type,
From the perspective of the dual-mode theory, called the "silent nociceptor," exhibits no response
the key question is how the exercise-induced under normal circumstances but shows a large
interoceptive cues reach the amygdala. Are there response in cases of prolonged stimulation involv-
both subcortical and cortical routes, and is the ing the high-threshold neurons. Such cases may
intensity of stimulation important in determining include acute tissue hypoxia or inflammation. The
which pathway is involved? As noted in the previ- different thresholds of the three receptor types
ous section, exercise generates a great variety of ensure that the intensity of stimulation, and
interoceptive signals, such as increases in heart therefore the extent of any deviations of physi-
rate and blood pressure, tissue ischemia, acidosis ological parameters from the normal range, will be
(drops in pH), increased concentration of protons properly and reliably encoded as this information
(H') dissociated from lactic acid, breathlessness enters the central nervous system.
associated with hypoxia or hypercapnia, and Ali and C alferents enter the spinal cord mainly
muscle pain. In patient populations, exercise can through the dorsal horn and synapse with spinal
generate additional signals, such as stimulation neurons in several laminae but primarily with
Affeaive Responses to Acute Exercise 101

liseconds more rapidly than the "high road" can life thceatening deviations do not OCCur or
make the difference betwe~!!..."the qUick and the can be rapidly corrected. (p. 141)
dead" (p. 163).
LeDoux's Interpretation-of the functional sig- Another difference between the structures
nificance of the "low road" as an alternative non- of the systems that process exteroceptive and
cognitive pathway for the elicitation of affective interoceptive stimuli is also very important.
responses, which questions the long-held belief Unlike what happens with the singular thala-
in social-cognitive psychology that cognitive moamygdala pathway that functions as the "low
appraisal is a prerequisite for such responses, has road" in LeDoux's model, interoceptive stimuli
met with criticism. Emotion theorists have argued are forwarded to the amygdala by a multitude of
that LeDoux's model essentially begs the invoca- subcortical routes, or several "low roads" (see
tion of a homunculus at the subcortical level. Clore figure 7.2b). Specifically, interoceptive informa-
and Ortony (2000), for example, noted that, for tion can reach the amygdala via the thalamus
the amygdala to be activated via the "low road" (Ottersen & Ben-Arl, 1979; Turner & Herkenham
when a snake is seen on the ground, as LeDoux 1991), the nucleus of the solitary tract (Ottersen:
had suggested, some recognition and evaluation 1981; Ricardo & Koh, 1978; Zardetto-Smith & Gray,
of the adaptational significance of the snake must 1990), the parabrachial nucleus (Bernard, Alden,
take place. However, by most definitions, these & Besson, 1993; Bernard, Peschanski, & Besson,
functions constitute cognitive processing. 1989; Ma & Peschanski, 1988; Ottersen, 1981),
Here, we use LeDoux's basic idea of a system the perlaqueductal gray (Rizvi et al., 1991), and
that involves both a cortically mediated and a a direct spinal projection (Burstein & Potrebic,
noncortical1y mediated route for the activation 1993; Cliffer, Burstein, & Giesler, 1991; Giesler,
of the amygdala and, therefore, both a cognitively Katter, & Dado, 1994; Menetrey & de Pommery,
mediated and a noncognitively mediated mode 1991). Furthermore, as noted earlier, the amygdala
of eliciting affective responses. However, our also receives projections from other subcortical
model differs from LeDoux's in an important way areas involved in cardiovascular, respiratory, and
that avoids the homunculus problem. Although endocrine regulation, including the ventrolateral
LeDoux's model pertained to exteroceptive medulla and the hypothalamus. -
stimuli, such as auditory and visual cues, which A remaining important issue pertains to the
must undergo some-even rudimentary-recog- presence of appropriate intensity-sensitive gating
nition and interpretation before they can acquire mechanisms that would permit the activation of the
adaptational significance, most ofthe adaptational amygdala through the aforementioned subcortical
significance of interoceptive stimuli, such as those pathways once the intensity of exercise exceeds
induced by exercise, is already encoded in their the level of the aerobic-anaerobic transition and
intensity. This fundamental property (intensity) the barrage of interoceptive stimuli from through-
can be "interpreted" by as basic and simple a out the body intensifies (see the summary of the
mechanism as a neural gate that allows only peripheral physiological changes that accompany
impulses exceeding a certain threshold to flow the aerobic-anaerobic transition in the previous
through. From an evolutionary perspective, the section). Based on what is presently known, such
intensity of interoceptive stimulation has critical gating can occur at least at the following four
survival value (Schneirla, 1959), and consequently points. First, the sensory thalamus is the primary
"responses to stimulus intensity are highly con- gate that can control information flow to both the
served throughout the neuraxis" (Coghill et al., cortex and the amygdala (McCormick & Bal, 1994).
1999, p. 1940). According to Damasio (1999), Second, the nucleus of the solitary tract, a major
recipient of interoceptive information from the
The range of possible states of the intemal spinal cord and a major source of projections to
milieu and of the viscera is tightly limited. the amygdala, has been proposed to serve a gating
This limitation is built into the organism function for various modalities of interoceptive
specifications since the range of states that is afferents (Mifflin, Spyer, & Withington-Wray, 1988b;
compatible with life is small. The pennissible Toney & Mifflin, 2000; Zhang & Mifflin, 2000). Its
range is indeed so small and the need to inhibitory effect is, at least in part, under the
respect its limits so absolute for survival control of GABA-ergic (gamma-aminobutyric
that organisms spring forth equipped with an acid) projections from the central nucleus of the
automatic regulation system to ensure that amygdala (Saha, Batten, & Henderson, 2000) and
102 Ekkekakis and Acevedo

the hypothalamus (Jordan. Mifflin, &Spyer. 1988; oj the primary afferents to the higher levels
Mifllin, Spyer, & Withington"-Wray, 1988a). Third, of the brain,
the parabrachial nucleus~a recipient of interocep- b. interoceptive information reaches the amyg-
tive information from the spinal cord and nucleus dala (and other areas involved in affective
of the solitary tract and also a major source of responses) via both cortical and subcortical
projections to the amygdala, has been postulated routes, and
to serve as a modulator of this information, under
c. appropriate gating mechanisms exist at
the influence of input from the periaqueductal gray
critical locations that could permit the flow
(Krout, Jansen, & Loewy, 1998). Fourth, the lateral
of interoceptive cues either to the cortical
nucleus of the amygdala, the entry point of most
or to the subcortical routes depending on
sensory input to the amygdala, can also function
their intensity.
as a gating mechanism, regulating information flow
through the rest of the amygdaloid complex (Lang Therefore, as the dual-mode theory postulates,
and Pare, 1998; Pare et al., 2003; Royer, Martina, once the level of the aerobic-anaerobic transition
& Pare, 1999). is exceeded and a multitude of peripheral phYSi-
Theoretically, these gates make It possible for ological cues initiate a positively accelerated
interoceptive impulses to be directed toward the response, it seems reasonable to suggest that the
cortex or directly toward the amygdala, depending flow of this information to the amygdala will be
on their intensity. Preliminary data are consistent primarily via the previously described subcorti-
with this scenario. Imaging studies in humans have cal pathways. Following the rationale of LeDoux's
shown that, In general. "as the stimulus rating (1986, 1989, 1994, 1996) model, this would sug-
increases in intensity, an Increasing number of gest that, when the intensity of exercise exceeds
brain regions become active" (Derbyshire et al., the level of the aerobic-anaerobic transition, the
1997, p. 438). This suggests that certain inten- role of cortically mediated cognitive influences
sity-sensitive gating mechanIsms must exist that on alfective responses would be attenuated and
permit the flow of information to additional areas these responses would more directly reflect the
as the intensity rises. Specifically regarding .the perturbed physiological condition of the body.
amygdala, an Imaging study in humans involving
thermal stimuli ranging from innocuous to painful
showed that the amygdala is activated once a pain- Conclusions
ful threshold is exceeded and that, thereafter, addi-
tional increases in stimulus intensity are reflected The follOWing conclusions can be drawn from the
by linear increases in amygdala activation (Born- data summarized in this chapter. First, contrary
hovd et al., 2002). In rats, somatosensory stimula- to the widely popularized view that exercise, in
tion using an air puff resulted in a mean latency general, makes people feel better, substantial
of 61 msec for the response of the lateral nucleus evidence indicates that the relationship between
of the amygdala (Uwano et al., 1995), whereas the exercise and affective responses is complex, with
mean value using an electric foot shock was only affective responses, under certain conditions,
17 msec (Romanski et al., 1993). This difference being negative rather than positive. In fact, the
suggests that the two stimuli reached the lateral positive affective responses are limited to (a)
nucleus through different pathways, with the more during and after low-intensity and self-paced
innocuous one likely having followed the longer exercise and (b) recovery from vigorous exer-
and, therefore, slower thalamocorticoamygdala cise. In contrast, exercise intensity that exceeds
route and the more intense one likely having the level of the aerobic-anaeroblc transition (or
reached the target via one or more of the shorter the level of intensity associated with the onset of
and faster subcortical routes. other symptoms, such as muscular, skeletal, or
In summary, there appears to be enough evi- cardiorespiratory) is associated with declines in
dence to consider the dual-mode theory plausible affective valence.
at the neural level. The data we reviewed indicate Second, a midrange intensity (Le., not "too
that low," not "too high") is not necessarily the optimal
stimulus for positive affective change. It is only the
a. the intensity of interoceptive information is recovery from such activity that brings about uni-
a feature of paramount adaptational impor- fied positive responses. During exercise performed
tance that is well preserved from the level at a midrange intensity, there appears to be great
Affective Responses to Acute Exercise 103

interindivldual variability, with some individuals is the abandonment of the exclusive focus on the
experiencing positive and-others experiencing positive affective responses to exercise. It should
negative changes in affectiyayalence. be clear that the affective responses to exercise
Third, the patterns of interindivldual variabil- can be complex and multifaceted and, therefore,
ity in affective responses appear to be systematic driven by a variety of underlying mechanisms.
and dependent on the intensity of exercise. Spe- Future basic studies should seek to replicate
cifically, homogeneity emerges during exercise and thus establish the reliability of the recent
of low intensity (below the aerobic-anaerobic dose-response findings reviewed here. That the
transition), when most responses are positive, aerobic-anaerobic transition is the turning point
and during exercise of high intensity (above toward a decline in affective valence has now been
the aerobic-anaerobic transition), when most found in three different laboratories (Acevedo et
responses are negative. On the other hand, vari- aI., 2003; Bixby, Spalding, & Hatfield, 2001; Hall,
ability emerges during activity performed near the Ekkekalds, & Petruzzello, 2002) and replicated in
level of the aerobic-anaerobic transition. one (Ekkekalds, Hall, & Petruzzello, 2001, 2004).
Fourth, the influence of cognitive factors (e.g., That there are systematic intensity..<Jependent
self-efficacy) on affective responses to exercise changes in the patterns of interindivldual variation
appears to be modulated by the intensity of exer- in affective valence responses has been examined
cise and is gradually reduced once the intensity in only one laboratory (Ekkekalds, Hall, & Petruz-
exceeds the level of the aerobic-anaerobic transi- zello, 2005). Although several laboratories have
tion (or symptom onset). Conversely, the influence found that the magnitude of the negative relation-
of peripheral physiological cues, such as those ship between affective valence and physiological
associated with respiration and blood lactate con- variables increases as the intensity of exercise
centration (or symptom-related nociception), is increases (e.g., Acevedo, Rinehardt, & Kraemer,
gradually increased and becomes dominant as the 1994; Ekkekakis, 2003; Hardy & Rejeski, 1989),
intensity exceeds the level of the aerobic-anaercr the relationship of affective valence with cogni-
bic transition (or symptom onset). tive variables across different levels of exercise
This last point has significant Implications for intensity remains unclear (Blanchard et aI., 2002;
interventions aimed at helping exercisers cope McAUley & Coumeya, 1992; McAuley et al., 2000;
with the unpleasant sensations particularly during Tate, Petruzzello, & Lox, 1995; Treasure & New-
the critical early stages of exercise involvement. bery, 1998). As noted earlier, this is possibly due
Based on the dUal-mode theory, the ellectiveness to the fact that dillerent laboratories have defined
of some of the popular cognitive technIques for exercise intensity in different ways, using arbi-
coping with such sensations might be limited to trarily selected percentages of maximal capacity.
intensities below or near the aerobic-anaerobic Preliminary evidence indicates that clarity might
transition (or symptom onset). Such techniques be established once the intensity is defined in
include attentional dissociation (Le., "turn your relation to the level of the aerobic-anaerobic
attention away from your body"), cognitive transition (Ekkekakis, 2003). What other cogni-
restructuring (Le., "think of these unpleasant tive variables, besides self-elficacy, are related to
symptoms as something pOSitive, as signs of affective responses during exercise is also a ques-
improvement"), and bolstering one's sense of tion that warrants attention. In general, as basic
physical self-efficacy (i.e., "believe that you can research on the dose-response relationship moves
do it"). Insistence on the part of an exercise leader forward, it is necessary to consider the method-
on these techniques, when the intensity exceeds a ological issues that were outlined here (also see
critical level that renders them ineffective, might Ekkeka1ds & Petruzzello, 1999, 2000).
lead to persistent negative affective responses to Additional steps are also clearly needed in
exercise, frustration, reduction of Intrinsic motiva- deciphering the neural underpinnings of the affec-
tion for exercise, and eventually dropout. tive responses to various intensities of exercise.
The putative model we presented here appears
reasonable based on the extant evidence but
Directions remains speculative. Given the current technical
for Future Investigation diffiCUlty with testing the model in a human brain
imaging study, priority should be given to animal
From the standpOint of basic research, perhaps the research. As noted. only one known study (Vissing,
most important condition for substantial progress Andersen, & Diemer, 1996) has directly examined
104 Ekkekakis and Acevedo

the acute response of the amygdala to exercise. Finillly, the long-term goal should be to exam-
This appears to be the unfortunate consequence ine the intensity-affect-adherence hypothesized
of the fact that most neur.aanatomical and neuro- causal chain in its entirety. There are presently no
physiological studies of exercise responses focus studies that have manipulated exercise intensity,
on cardiovascular and respiratory regulation and examined the impact of these manipulations on
thus rarely venture into areas beyond the brain- adherence and dropout, and tested the media-
stem. It is also important to reiterate that, although tional role of affective responses. This is clearly
here we focused on the amygdala, the role of other a significant void. To repeat our statement in the
areas, including the insula, the cingulate, the pre- introduction, in the long run, people generally
frontal cortex. and the nucleus accurnbens, should choose to do what makes them feel good and
be investigated as well. avoid what makes them feel bad. Therefore, it
From the standpoint of practical applications, is possible that improving our understanding of
the data and conceptual model presented here the relationship between exercise intensity and
raise some interesting possibilities for future affective responses might be one of the keys to
applied research. First, there is the possibility of solving the critical public health problem of physi-
using the significant decline in affective valence cal inactivity.
that accompanies the transition to anaerobic
metabolism as a practical aid in self-monitoring
and self-regulating exercise intensity (Acevedo References
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