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Thuy Duong’s Lesson Plan

 The objectives for each part are clearly defined and mentioned
 Warm up and Leading with games
 Pronunciation part is illustrated with video.
 GIF, video had better short, clearly illustrate target vocabulary/ phrases
 Teaching vocabulary steps: set a scene  show picture  pronunciation  spelling 
Check CCQs. All of these steps must be written down in the lesson plan.
 The lesson plan should be well-prepared Speaking part with Teacher’s suggestion or sample
answers. Therefore, even weak SS can also follow and practice with other. In the lesson plan,
some more details like Expected answers from Ss (both weak and good Ss) and Teacher’s
suggestion should be included. These ideas should be on Powerpoint slides, too.
 In teaching Grammar process, this teaching approach should be followed MEANING
FIRST-FORM LATER. This grammar point (will/’ill) had better be taught, not reviewed.
The teaching steps should be clearer.
 After correcting the answers in Grammar part, Ss should practice using this grammar point
in real context (personalize)
 CCQs to check students’ understanding are very important.
 ICQs and CCQs had better be included in the lesson plan as well.

Some other advice:

 Teacher uses CCQs to check understanding, minimize using Vietnamese.
 Present subject matter clearly and systematically
 Students can apply the target language in real situations.
 Proper feedback and error correction are always needed.
 Check ICQs and CCQs.
 Interaction between T-Ss, Ss-Ss
 Pair work and groups are indispensable.
 Objectives of the lesson (In-put and out-put) must be clear
 When teaching grammar, teacher should follow PPP or ESA teaching method and “Meaning
first- Form later”
 Learning activities should be organized in various forms such as individuals, pairs and
groups to suit the aims of the activities and to increase STT.
 ICQs and CCQs should be used more in the lessons.
 Some activities should be organized in the form of competitions between teams to create an
atmosphere of excitement for students.
 Games and fun activities should be used alternately during the lesson.
=Teacher rewrite another lesson plan based on the information which has been mentioned

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