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1. Be aware of your thoughts and focus on the here and now.
2. Stop overthinking you’re only creating problems that aren’t exist.
3. Don’t waste your time to overthink instead put more energy on what you
want to do.
1. It doesn't matter how hard you hit, what matters is how hard you can get
hit and keep going.
2. The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for
3. Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got.
1. To cry is waste of time. Yeah, but there’s a time that our heart is so heavy so
we need to cry it to feel good and let it be okay.
2. We can’t avoid breakdown because we are human.
3. Keep going what you’re going through right now and think positive that you
can do it.

1. We have a uniqueness in our own.
2. Don’t compare yourself to anyone because you can only be a better version
of yourself.
3. Don’t compare be unique.
1. Invest in our education is the best investments we can make to our self.
2. Think before you speak. Read before you think.
3. If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.

1. It feels good to earn for your hard work rather than begging.
2. No one give it to you, you’re the one can help yourself.
3. We need to put on effort to get what we deserve.

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