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ENG – A2 – DELIVERY TASK 13 to 15

1. It is allowed to be late to class, but after 15 minutes the student can only sit and
listen but not participate in the class.
2. You can use your cellphone during the class, but only for needed consults and for
attending important calls.
3. You are allowed to bring the book in digital form if you prefer.
4. During the scheduling of the classes, you are allowed to take one private class for
each unit. (In case of doubts or particular consults)

Dear Mr. Romero,
I have changed to another school so I had to buy new books. I needed one that is almost
impossible to find and at the school fair it was too expensive. I found out its cost on internet
and it was cheaper, the problem was that I couldn’t verify if it was the correct one. I
decided to buy it online, and it wasn’t the correct version. A friend told me I should have
bought it at the school. What should I have done?
Thank you.

a. They asked not to talk about the trip
b. She said he should forget about the grades and start thinking about himself.
c. Tom said he had seen that movie and he doesn’t recommend it.
d. He told us he was moving on Friday.
e. The boss told them that they must be on time for the meeting.
f. Mama assured she would pass the next driving test.
g. She asked Manuel if he could visit her mother on weekend.

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