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Project Description (the hook)

Use your lead and let your dog take you for a walk around the park as you try to gather as many treats
as possible while avoiding obstacles along the way that might slow you down or break your lead and
lose your dog.
Game Mechanics
● Player character moves slowly (not attached to dog), in 8 directions (arrow keys)
● Lead attached to the dog which drags the player forward and only control left and right
● Detach lead to come to an immediate stop
● The longer the lead is attached the faster the dog runs
● Lead can take damage from obstacles and break causing a game over
● Lead can be repaired to avoid further damage
● Obstacles that can negatively affect your speed, final score or controls
● Collectibles that can positively affect your speed and final score
● Destructible crates that may contain collectibles
● Timed or permanent switches that you can attach your lead to and make ramps appear,
doors open or special power ups appear
● Level timer that counts down after which the level ends
● Score counter that keeps track of your collectibles
Winning conditions
● Long Term: Collect as many collectibles as possible within the time limit
● Short Term: Timer reaches 0 and you are still attached to your dog
Losing conditions
● Run into too many rocks and your lead snaps and you lose your dog

Gameplay Loop
Good collision
Powerup (repair the lead)
Bone (+1 point)
Bacon (+5 points)

Coffee (boost speed for 60 seconds)
Squirrel (boost speed for 120 seconds)

Bad collision
Rock (Damage lead)
Poop (-1 point)
Person (make controls more less sensitive)
Mud (slow down player)
Neutral collision
Switch (make objects appear or disappear once stood on)
Ramp (provide extra height to jump off and reach things)
Breakable crate (contain collectible objects and switches)
Time to take your dog out for a walk in the park but the park looks a bit different today and your dog is
very excited to explore and run around.
Art Style
● Cute round dogs
● Colourful
● Stylistic 3D
● Third person behind the player camera
Music and Sounds
See - Audio Asset List

Level example
See Level Design Document
Useful materials
Asset list
● Graphics - Art
○ Characters
■ Dogs
■ Player character
■ People in the park
■ Squirrels
○ Levels
■ Park Environment
● Trees x3
● Bushes x2
● Gates
● Ramps
○ Collectibles
■ Bone
■ Coffee
■ Squirrel
■ Elastic band
■ Bacon
○ Obstacles
■ Breakable crate
■ Dog poo
■ Rocks
○ UI
■ Main menu background
● Start button
● Sound up button
● Sound down button
● Mute button
■ Start level menu
● Controls explanation
● Start level button
■ Level Complete menu
● Retry button
● Next level button
■ Game Over menu
● Restart button
● Quit to menu button
■ Pause menu
● Continue
● Sound up button
● Sound down button
● Mute button
● Quit to menu button
■ Level UI
● Time counter
● Current points
● Graphics - Animation
○ Dog running
○ Dog idle
● Audio
○ (See audio list here)

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