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D Number: 620149310

Name: Jordan Reid

Course code: FOUN1019

Title: Critical Reading and Writing in the Disciplines

Instructor’s Name: Miss Tereka Brown

Date: October 18, 2021

Assignment Description: Reflect on who represents a role model for you.

‘What is a role model’ they said, to me a role model is a person who inspire others to do better,

endure the hard ships of life and to shot for the top?

From a very young age, when YouTube was the pinnacle of entertainment. I found a youtuber,

that goes by the name p2. He was just starting out as a youtuber with little or few subscribers.

His goal was to have a million subscribers in one or two years. On the path to achieve such

greatness, he stumbles over hug obstacle, over and over again. He pushed forward no matter the

complications. Years past and now he is making millions off YouTube from the same goals he

set from the start of his career, living the life we all wanted, driving luxurious cars etc.

Seeing this fueled my drive to never stop, no matter what challenges I might face. He taught me

that hard work and perseverance can bring you a long way..

However, there were some times when I doubted myself and felt like giving up, for example; not

getting the exam grade I wanted. Thinking back on my role model, he inspires me to keep on

going no matter how bad situation seems. So, I pull through and look where I am now.

To me this role model is the most ideal and forever will be , as at this moment he is still climbing

the ladder of success even as we speak.

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