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Date: AUGUST 2,2021

Course /yr: EDU 571 A-COE-05

PHINMA COC Vision , Mission Goals and Values: A Reflection

Area Statements What does it means to me? How do I feel?

VISION To be the most As a future Educator I feel motivated and my

accessible institute of graduate from Phinma COC desire of being a teacher
learning in Northern institute it is a great Honor is growing. I may think
Mindanao that to be called an accessible before that ill take this
provides an education teacher that will help every course just to have a
that makes the lives of students to understand and degree but along the
our students and their to absorb the Education that journey as a BEED student
families better. they deserved to be learned. my goals changed and it is
To have the privilege to changed into dream and I
teach those children that want it to be in reality
needs education without very soon. My perspective
thinking about rewards but changed totally when I
solely in loving service of transferred to COC and im
being a Teacher. glad that im slowly seeing
myself changing gradually
every day.
MISSION To create As a future Educator to be I feel blessed that despite
opportunities for the enrolled in this institution is with all my craziness in
youth of Northern a blessing. It slowly open the past God gave me the
Mindanao, from all walks doors of opportunities like chance to attend class and
of life, to obtain an there’s always a room for show to me how
education that leads to improvement, changes of important education is.
work that improves their lifestyle, realization of how That im not the only one
families' standard of life and time is precious that who suffer in life and
living. there are people who suffer there is a solution of
more than my suffering that everything. Because of
To equip/enable turned out into my those eye opening
all of our students with the motivation in attending experience it opens my
general and professional school. That even life is too eyes to appreciate life, too
competencies and hard to handle they still be thankful for everything
attitudes that will allow strive to achieve their despite of having not
them to succeed in their dreams so what is my excuse enough but yet its enough
professional choices. not to finish this course?. TO to him. With this lessons
be socialized with other in life I experience I will
students and collaborate share this to my students
To be an active
with them because journey and future friends and
citizen serving the needs
of being a student is not people that life is
of Northern Mindanao by
hard if you have helping wonderful. It teaches us
producing leaders
hands to run to. So im glad the best lesson in life and
equipped with the
that COC awakens and for this I will apply my
appropriate technical and
changed my perspective of learnings in my journey of
managerial skills and right
life. being Education Student
values, who fuel
that everything will fall
development and who are
into one piece just trust
committed to serving
have faith in God and he
will do the rest.
Goals Develop and maintain The goal of the institute is to I feel hopeful that those
top-notch faculty and deans give the best product of each goals is easier to achieve if
who mentor learners to course students graduated. me myself is already
succeed in life’s undertakings To be successful in their manifest those things
career path carrying the already. For that there will
Build a community that knowledge the school instill be no hindrance not to be
provides an accepting to them. By being diverse to proud of being a COC
environment geared towards any situation. To be a great product and I must be
leader in every aspect in life. proud of how life changed
student formation and Professionally goal oriented after the institute raised
academic excellence person. And lastly show the best aspects as a
fairness of every walks in life professional in the future.
Promote professional of every person they meet
development and with their career journey.

Make education accessible

to students from all walks of
Core Integrity, Teamwork, With these Core Values I feel blessed because
Values Commitment, Openness, imposed by the institution it Phinma made me
Competence, will create the best product experience and realized
Professionalism, Patriotism of future professionals in any things that to have
field of work. Integrity with your work
Commitment, teamwork,
openness, professionalism
and patriotism will
follows. Neither of those
mentioned above.
Because if you have those
Values and applies it in
the real world things
might be hard to face but
remembering those values
will gave you the answers.

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